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Enough anger is still growing on the streets protesters are out in force again. The opposition calls it a revote theres anger on the streets of balance following sundays president ial election. And the highest profile arrest yes the hong kongs controversial security nor media tycoon jimmy law is accused of colluding with Foreign Forces. And im sorry the homeless now have all the sport some of europes biggest teams gear up for the euro many tournament in germany which kicks off in less than an hour 7 games in just 12 days that will decide this seasons winners. Were begin this hour with developments in lebanon where the president has accepted the resignation. Of his Prime Ministers government sunday admit president michel al now after announcing his cabinet decision to step down on television the president has asked to stay on the caretaker capacity until a new cabinet is formed a resignation follows a violent protest after more than 200 people were killed in tuesdays explosion in the capital letter you look at this particular moment we have to go back to the people to fight with them against corruption we need to open the door to National Salvage National Rescue we need to be part of the people so i declare today the resignation of this government god bless Lebanon Lebanese Security Forces have fired tear gas to disperse crowds in beirut thousands are gathering on the streets following the governments resignation protesters have been calling for a complete overhaul of the political system u. N. Chief Antonio Guterres called for a credible investigation into the cause of the blast he spoke at a meeting to discuss the humanitarian crisis in beirut on sunday worldbeat is an International Organizations pledged nearly 300000000. 00 in aid it is important that the people in. The cause of the explosion and drink of the believe by the lebanese people. It is also important that the forms be. The best the needs of the lebanese people for the longer term. But its worth it is live for us in beirut hes been covering this bernard side the government has resigned but is staying on in a caretaker capacity how hard will it be to form a new god the what happens now. Well sunday i made reference there in his speech to the corruption of the political elite that has run this country to the last 30 for the last 304050 years an elite that controls the country through its proxies in parliament so an indication you get the extraordinary difficulty of affecting significant and consequential change here in lebanon we understand there are discussions going on about the formation of a new cabinet will stay on as caretaker and the rest of it though is remaining cabinet will be caretaker cabinet ministers but there are discussions taking place as to how a new cabinet might be for 2 names have surfaced as possible. Prime ministers the 1st one saad hariri that really is a question of out with a new and in with the old because he was only power in the end of january forced to resign after a banking crisis in the collapse of the Banking System of the countrys economy forced him to resign and his cabinet it was talk over from now another name thats appeared is now off he is more he preferred perhaps you can say by those wanting change here in lebanon he is a former diplomat and currently a judge on the International Court of justice or what the International Community wants and they have a lot of pressure that they can they have been putting on lebanon because they hold the Purse Strings that lebanon needs opening the International Community led by Emmanuel Macron the president. France says it wants some sort of cabin its a government of National Unity the problem is at the moment the opposition have previously refused to work with the Current Administration the Current Administration is dominated by hezbollah and its allies unless a way can be found of persuading the opposition to join in some sort of government of National Unity you might just get the same same Administration Just with just faces and then a day we had to abort our last live cross to you there was a bit of tear gas being being thrown around. Is that the kind of happening across the city or is that just localized whats the situation on the streets. There was we were Near Parliament and there has been the have been confrontations that the last few nights it is calm now the Security Forces a push those protesters back its a been a receive a scene repeat of the last 23 united its localized really just to this part of lebanon where the administrative heart of the country is but it is it simpler mattick of the really enormous frustration and anger felt by many lebanese people here who see themselves held hostage many people will say by a political system that they have no escape from there were hopes that there would be the Prime Minister would be able to persuade parliament to have an election it doesnt look like were going to get that were going to get a new cabinet instead so enormous frustration on the streets most people of course still the pro there have been protests but most people still trying to. Put their lives back together after after tuesdays explosion 300000 people left homeless if you still got a standing home you probably had your glass blown out so theyre trying to rebuild their homes are trying to feed themselves and people need to work a consequence of this administration on the explosion on the economy is estimated to be a 25 percent drop in g. D. P. Here in lebanon really catastrophic thank you for that day there bird smith a constable at mits in beirut. Christian salumi of the United Nations in new york says the International Community is concerned about lebanons ability to pull through this. This was a chance for the humanitarian affairs chief to brief members states on the situation on the ground in lebanon and the International Response so far secretary general antonio terrace called it a huge catastrophe coming on the heels of the socioeconomic problems the coven pandemic and now this explosion and while he was calling on Member States to continue their support for lebanon he also sounded the theme of the need for a credible investigation and the need for government reforms that kind of underlie was underlying everything that he and really most of the speakers were saying so far the International Community has pledged 300000000. 00 to support lebannon but humanitarian chief mark lowcock says that billions will be needed to fully bring lebanon back from the brink and theres concern that money given by the International Community would not go directly to the people but would end up propping up this government which has had so many problems in the words of secretary general good terrace he said the anger on the streets is palpable and it has to be heard so that was really the message coming out of the briefing today it was echoed by other u. N. Officials David Beasley of the World Food Program he also said that without International Support lebanons food situation he would run out of food in 2 and a half weeks so the u. N. Is dealing with those immediate needs food and medical in particular 3 hospitals were destroyed in that blaze so that is a big issue right now for lebanon as well but long term we heard time and again about this need for reform coming not only from u. N. Officials but Member States who spoke as well like jordan in egypt and other neighbors in the region who are very concerned about lebanons ability to come back from this or i may corey is a journalism professor at American University of beirut 10 senior. Hello at the Harvard Kennedy school he joins us now by skype from boston thank you for your time what do you make of this resignation and the government staying on in the caretaker role is this a step in the direction of substantive change or are we just going to see more of this thing. It would not normally be more of the same because this is going on for years but this is a different moment this is really a historic turning point i believe in the modern political governance of lebanon and its just the beginning its going to take months or perhaps more than a year or 2 to play itself out what happened was they tried the ruling power elite the oligarchic secretary and group of men who have ruled the country with an iron fist and driven it into the ground for many years tried to put in the house and the. Government as a way to throw some. Symbolic gestures to the protesters who have been on the streets since last october and it are a totally failed the government has not only itself discredited itself it has discredited the whole system it has brought down the credibility of the presidency the Parliament Even hezbollah and other groups that people had not criticize too much in the past so theres a new. d moment of political contest station in lebanon and the moment started literally last october but it reached a new peak last tuesday with this with this explosion in the port and people would tell you it doesnt matter if theres a government or no government has there really hasnt been a government for many years in lebanon look at how the country has essentially collapsed economically and politically and socially and environmentally and out of this a bomb that the government knew about for the last. Explosive material that the government knew about for the last 6 years and did nothing about it so the question is will there be a serious negotiation now between the established political elite which is almost totally discredited except for hezbollah which is the Strongest Party in that group and its the one that has propped up all the other ones that it isnt downs and the. Blocks in. The other leaders there were in government because the hezbollah power essentially gave their consent and supported them in parliament will there be negotiations now with the protesters will they create a mechanism to clarify their demands or demands are very clear they want a transitional emergency government to handle Economic Stabilization address the needs of poor people come up with a new electoral law thats nonsectarian elect a new parliament elect a new president address the corruption issue and hold accountable all those people who have stolen they claim the 10s of billions of dollars over the last 1020 years those demands are very clear all across the board from the processors what they havent done is create a mechanism to force the government to meet them either halfway or more than half way in sudan the protesters did that another in a transitional process the protestors in sudan with the military and addressing these issues together which is kind of fascinating will lebanon go through something similar well have to wait and see but this is a different moment than the traditional one government goes in another government comes and thats not going to happen i dont think ok you sort of ask the question now there and having you can answer it do you think that the political elite will be able to or politicians will be able to appoint a new government who will engage with protesters who will hold elections who will put in place a transitional emergency government do you think that will happen. Thats going to depend on the negotiations the Power Dynamics between the protesters they masses of lebanese who support the protesters and we know this from credible polling in lebanon that says Something Like 70 percent of the population supports the uprising that started last october they want all of these political officials who run the country for the last 20 years they want them all out the whole system has failed and the explosion on tuesday was the culminating dramatic affirmation of that and even when the explosion happened the government was nowhere to be seen hardly anybody said anything they didnt do any cleanup it was unbelievable and theyre waiting for other people to come and give the money so i think there will be a new pattern of Political Engagement between essentially there are centrally i believe to now main forces in lebanon one is hezbollah and its very close allies what has violet is the key one and the other one is the protest movement or the revolution as they call themselves. And these are all kinds of people but they do represent the majority of the population they will have to agree on whether the Transitional Government that comes in is a serious reformist government clean people efficient people that can get the support of the International Community to do a quick deal with the i. M. F. Its amazing that her son jobs government has had 4 and a half months and has done 00 with the i. M. F. Is even more worse than 0 scale united the i. M. F. So that the i. M. F. And public ridicule is lebanon essentially saying look if you guys want to make money want us to help you better get serious and and give us some real credible financial figures so a Transitional Government has to do 3 or 4 critically important and urgent things at once my suspicion is that there is going to be a hybrid government. It is going to be formed that has enough emergency powers. Defined now really to address a few Critical Issues like everything in the country so for instance along deal with National Defense and stuff like that so i think there will be a hybrid form of transitional governance in lebanon coming up and it has to be done quickly they cant wait 678 months as they used to do in the past the can play the games that the Political Party leaders used to play all the time the 70 percent of the lebanese or so or poverty stricken very few people have jobs anymore the economy has completely ground to a halt the people cant get their money in the bank theres no electricity i mean this is and now and its a founders of our own homes thank you so much for having me that every times thank you so much your time ironically there its endless professor at American University of beirut thank you. Plenty more ahead on the news hour including. France protests at the highest level after the killing of a group of humanitarian workers in. One of the latest on efforts to clean up an oil spill along the coast of more ships. And indians most prolific test ball hits back claims about his future details coming up in sports. The russian protesters are back out on the streets a nice after 3000 were arrested there angry at the reelection of longtime leader Alexander Lukashenko who has been handed a 6th term hes promised to crack down on anybody disputing the result france germany and the u. K. Are urging restraint steadfast and reports from mint sq. Explosions rocking the russian capital a few hours after polls have closed a position supporters have come out in thousands to protest the initial Election Results riot police is blocking the entrance to a large square. And this firing stun grenades into the crowd. A police truck drives into protesters. Ambulances are rushing in to take the injured to Hospital Police through the grenades into the crowd and the lack of well was broken into 2 parts it was. Oh and. Take you and go with you. Here tonight i want some changes in my country. You know im tired of that. Must be canceled because you see so would miss that and i want to live in a free country and my children to live in a free country i want them to have a future i want to live here and work here not be forced to leave the country my granddaughter 16 years old and asked me where shall i go. Thats just put up barricades on the main roads to prevent police cars of getting near them the fire anger here on the streets of. Thousands of people have come out to protest what they call free elections. Here to spread out what is clear not only here but on the other side of the police like the way out for their thousands. And theyre not waiting for him to live. Any longer earlier in the day their candidates for planetary kind of guy had come out of hiding to cast her vote she had left her apartment on the eve of the elections fearing arrest at 1st and reluctant president ial candidate she has grown into the biggest hope of many belorussians have for change the kind of election rallies attracted the largest crowds bellows has seen in decades after casting his vote president aleksander look at shankar called the opposition weak for decades hes enjoyed solid support in the former soviet country lately hes faced criticism for downplaying the covert 19 crisis and worsening economy. Criticism that has rapidly grown into the largest threat to his 26 years rule well before the authorities may have managed to control the opposition by using force this time around people say and show that they are beyond fear step fast and aljazeera minsk. And is a visiting Senior Research fellow at Kings College london and a member of the russia and Eurasia Research group she joins us by skype from moscow thanks for your time the crackdown and the election itself even has drawn some scathing criticism from european nations how is looking to respond Going Forward how do you see this playing out well everything is possible now. All is and the opposition what was it and on how much by last theyre prepared translation and how much. Cash out if theyre prepared to sustain it is very open is that going to change is determined to pull down the protests are they out willing to use also the arnold want to has 8 question. Well that ukrainian president you know what each hour will go all the way through and the answer when that opposition is that i have to look at really having People Killed in a large now but as a price done in terms of european leaders yes they express their concerns and. Language the bottom line is not the angle or to really use force are threaten the use of those bet a little what they can to look for is seeing maddest mobile units. To that the German Foreign minister said that after sanctions were lifted on belarus the e. U. Should review whether this can still be valid in the light of the past weeks and days i mean is there anything that you think european leaders might do to try and pressure. Well we can of course are not barriers are sanctions credit lines are shared and libelling been under sanctions or. Are. Not of regime change why even are willing to use serious concessions. Thinks that it can. All out and. Wonder what is your relationship with moscow and how moscow would react we still are not sure. Thanks so much for analysis there. Vivre a visiting Senior Research fellow at Kings College london. U. S. Secretary of state my pompei oh says hes deeply troubled by the arrest of Hong Kong Media tycoon jimmy like hes been detained under the Controversial National security law imposed by beijing 6 others linked to his prodemocracy apple daily newspaper have also been arrested accused of colluding with Foreign Forces Hong Kong Journalists Association says its a worrying development for Media Freedom so part reports. Police made the arrests on monday morning detaining jimmy lie at his home in counting the founder of the prodemocracy newspaper apple daily is well known for his criticism of Chinas Communist Party hes been arrested on suspicion of foreign collusion under the National Security law imposed by china last month this morning at around 945. 00 together with our colleagues on the criminal Investigation Department and military staff we got a warrant to conduct an operation to search for evidence i wasnt the only arrest on monday 2 of life sons were also arrested more than 200. 00 police raided apple dudleys headquarters detaining Senior Executives including the tabloids chief executive officer detective search computers and interviewed staff many are shocked and horrified including myself and i think this is send out a very very negative message and of course it must have a Chilling Effect on people who want to speak out and particularly on the news media so this is a very very disturbing the ballot long the National Security legislation targets acts of subversion terrorism secession and collusion with Foreign Forces the maximum penalty is life in prison critics say the legislation is being used by chinas leaders to silence the opposition and crackdown on democracy in the semi autonomous region the Hong Kong Journalists Association says its a worrying development for Media Freedom it never happened before in hong kong in reason perhaps that that case weve seen there perhaps sent in for it well cities and countries but but we never expect that that would have happened in hong kong. Happen causing direct and indirect threats through press freedom and journalists mondays arrests of the most high profile under the National Security law which was introduced just over a month the guy a number of countries have condemned the legislature. Including the United States United Kingdom astray and canada but the government here has defended the new york state its crucial to restore order to a city thats been plagued by months of protests sirrah clark aljazeera hong kong. And Hong Kong Police have made several other arrests prodemocracy activists agnes chiles one of 10 people detained charles a fellow activist nathan law tweeted that shes being held under the new National Security law he says hes still trying to get information on her wrist adding it was a horrible day. China has imposed sanctions on 11 well known american centering said it is marco rubio and ted cruz that reciprocates u. S. Action because of chinas crackdown in hong kong the u. S. Has frozen the American Assets of a hong kongs chief executive kerry learn as well as 10 senior chinese officials are in greece at least 8 people have died in flash flooding water engulfed the 2nd largest city. Its estimated as many as 3000 homes have been damaged back reports the. Storm battered greeces eastern coastline over the weekend causing 2 rivers on the island every year to burst their banks. Surrounding homes were flooded roads filled with. Among the dead an 8 month old baby that died after floodwaters engulfed the ground full of apartment the parents were unharmed. A man or woman in their eightys were found unconscious in separate houses and pronounced dead in a hospital. Search efforts are continuing for several others reported missing locals say they did what they could to escape the deluge. But we have been in the mud since 6 in the morning there was nothing i could do i climbed up onto the table to save myself i was alone. Dozens of people have been evacuated from affected areas and rescue workers used helicopters and trying to still lift some stranded residents to safety. The region is a popular holiday destination for athenians businesses hit hard by coronavirus now face a costly cleanup. Aljazeera. Greece says turkeys plan for exploratory drilling in the Eastern Mediterranean sea is an illegal action that threatens peace and security a turkish navy survey vessel is to work at a disputed area between cyprus and greece for the next 2 weeks as a deal between greece and egypt on drilling rights for oil and gas reserves the turks say the agreement is aimed at keeping them out. There as johns are up listens following the situation closely from the greek capital athens he says the potential for escalation trying the countries is increasing this is the 2nd round. Greek and turkish navy ships. In the a. J. And the east and retraining in 3 weeks at the moment though the turkish side has gone a step further 3 weeks ago even though there was an announcement that the Seismic Survey ship all trace was going to. Distributed area of water in the Eastern Mediterranean which falls within greeces exclusive Economic Zone but which turkey dispute turkey has a similar agreement signed last october with libya that cuts across the same body of water. Egypt and greece on the one hand and turkey and libya on the other dispute each others agreements but the greeks spoke into out their agreement has been drafted in accordance with International Law the United Nations law of the sea which turkey is not a signatory to and has serious disagreements with so the moment we have a situation for the 2nd time in 3 weeks where the greek navy is monitoring the on a trace and the turkish rickets accompanying it from various distances. The last time this happened greek frigates and turkish triggers were 3 tenths of a noticable mile away from each other that means about 550 you extract only quotes and if that is happening again. If one of those monitoring distances is that close that you can imagine provides plenty of opportunity for hostility that could quickly escalate. Still ahead on aljazeera. Democracy or a well look at why many are questioning the credibility of egypts senate election. A Washington Court issues a summons against sounds Conference Call those claims you want to hit squads to kill an intelligence agent in canada. And in sports professional surface return to the waves for the 1st time since the dawn of our fall down coming up a little later the. Follow them all hot and dry weather across much of the middle east also more cloud across the south oman down across into yemen and we have of course seen 1. 00 to 2. 00 showers even off but the situation across into sana in yemen is no also a good one of course weve had now about 2 weeks of rain showers all in all some very heavy and this is the damage that rain has done this is the. Listed buildings in santa ana cool some of those date back to the 11th century but more rain in the full cost a light to those showers but of course adding to the floodwaters already in place the winds are strong coming through a rock down across much of the south funneling that sand and that dust down into castle 43 the high and by wednesday about 40 degrees the winds a stronger say not a pleasant day really is a say we. Will be blowing and touches about 45. 00 in a queue ways then down into africa Central Regions plenty of activity particularly in uganda for the next couple of days some heavy downpours there one or 2 showers along coastal areas of the towns and head out into mozambique and all the while was saying of the system worked its way into southern portions of south africa fady windy conditions and the rain tends to be dying off over the next few days. A day of showers for the 2 days of sunshine. A story of financial scandal with billions lost in the United Arab Emirates i have never seen a story like this where 2 Companies Similar to in history involving the same group of people have failed at the same time but where did the money go is the 1000000. 00 question aljazeera world investigates the dramatic story of the rise and fall of an indian tycoon to be our shetty and the missing millions on aljazeera. Progress. Or a serious mistake. Intelligence is slowly invading every aspect of our lives. But very few of us really understand its capabilities for better or worse. In a new documentary aljazeera explores the impact of they are accessing vast amounts of our personal data for data on aljazeera. The world. Your charges there are a reminder of our top stories this hour lebanons president has accepted the resignation of his Prime Ministers government met president michel around after announcing his cabinets decision the president has asked the amp stay on in a caretaker capacity until a new cabinet is formed. Lebanese Security Forces are firing tear gas to disperse crowds of beirut gathering in reaction to the governments resignation been calling for conflict overhaul of the political system. Protesters are back on the streets and bellicose thousands of people were arrested not before protests against president alexander look shakos election victory the opposition disputes the results germany france the u. K. Are expressing their concern its. Gyptian to heading to the polls on tuesday to vote for a new the revived senate the 300 member parliamentary body is returning after being scrapped in 2014 but as a man can reports critics fear the process will be anything but democratic. 60000000 egyptians are eligible to vote and have a say in who represents them in the newly reconstituted senate votes will be counted from both citizens home and abroad the 1st Upper Chamber to 6 years follows the introduction of the new constitution. The old constitution was suspended in 2014 when president Mohammed Morsi was deposed and replaced by military chief sisi who took the 2 spot the new senate has 300 men 100 directly appointed by sisi critics say its another power grab the government says a senate seat gives minorities a voice. The last election in egypt was 2 years ago when president sisi won reelection with 97 percent of the vote the exact same margin is secured in 2000 he faced only one of the challenges in 2000 814. 00 International Human rights organizations criticize the election Human Rights Watch said it was neither free nor fair. Egypts Election Commission declared ccs victory met the highest International Standards of integrity and transparency various human Rights Groups also criticized last years constitutional changes that concentrating power into. Egypts government says the center election proves to the world and egyptians that the country is a fully functioning democracy. As. Well timothy call us is a nonresident fellow of the terrier institute for middle east policy he joins us by scott from boston thanks for the time what will the senate mean for egypt in reality is this says critics say a power grab. I think its less of a power grab and more of an expansion of Patronage Networks through award loyalists to the regime. I dont think that the senate as an institution is going to be of great consequence. Previously the upper house was also a great consequence. I think that its really much more about. Another set of rewards d or perks that can be assigned to people who have been supportive of the regime either financially or in their service perhaps in the cabinet. Things like that but i mean the reality is the regime already controls the legislative branch quite thoroughly and so and the new body is actually even more under the president s control than the legislature in terms of formal power because he appoints a 3rd of its members but regardless of how many people he appoints his control over that both brett and both the chamber its its pretty indisputable is this then i mean you mentioned there its about patronage that what it said rewarding those loyalists is it also an attempt to sort of give the the no call the legitimacy the look of all of being a fully functioning democracy. I honestly think that the Egyptian Government has moved beyond trying to do that in the way that theyve conducted the past several boats has been transparently undemocratic they continue to arrest opposition figures they continue were us journalists they publicly have been forcing people to vote in previous votes such as the constitutional referendum referendum amend the constitution. So i mean the reality is that on the anyone takes the vote seriously inside or outside egypt i would also add that in some ways these transparently undemocratic elections are also a way for the regime to transfer to communicate to the public that they can do whatever they like and that they have this power and that the International Community is frankly im concerned or unwilling to use the Political Capital necessary to apply any sort of meaningful pressure so its really more of a show of force as opposed to any sort of serious attempt to promote this idea that egypt is functioning in a democratic fashion thank you for analysis timothy called us there a resident fellow at the institute for middle east policy. Well you just government has extended the detention of aljazeera journalist model hussein by 45. 00 days hes already been held for more than 3 and a half years without trial arriving for a personal visit the United Nations and al jazeera have called for an end to his detention his attention on unspecified charges breaches egypts penal code which sets the maximum pretrial detention at 620. 00 days a bomb blast and the pakistans but not just on province has killed 6 people and injured at least 50 now this explosion targeted a vehicle from anti drugs forces in the city of chum up near the border with afghanistan as being no claim of responsibility. The number of indian tea plantation workers killed in a landslide has risen to 49 search teams are still looking for more than 20 people missing since friday the landslide struck as workers were sleeping a red weather alert had been issued for Idukki District in kerala state where more monsoon rain is expected and an armed group has attacked a Shopping Center in the democratic republic of congo killing at least 19 people the army has been sent in to respond in the troubled Northeastern Province of it to fighters from the political and religious sect known as co d. Co attacks people with machetes more than 200000 people have fled attacks in the province since march prosecutors in france are launching an investigation into what by calling the terrorist murder of 7 french aid workers in the share they in their local guides were attacks during a tour of the west african draft reserve near the town of koori on sunday this years defense minister says gunmen on motorcycles opened fire its not load who was behind the attack on that interests is following the story for us from a neighboring nigeria. To liberia region in particular is known over the years as a hot spot of attacks by extremists and armed groups either within across the border in brooklyn or faso or mali. Dozens of people have been killed this year including Security Forces leave your Security Forces were being targeted by these fighters like we said no claim of responsibility yet but the Biggest Surprise is that after the last attack that killed dozens of Security Forces into libya region the government has sent in reinforcement to that region to deal with the rising cases of attacks by the groups and fighters in that region of the surprises that the. Animal reserve is just 65 kilometers away from the capital niamey and a lot of military roadblocks and police roadblocks out on that highway a lot of people who are concerned that if this attack can come close to the capital of the army or the time when it is preparing for the president ial elections in 2021 then a lot of things could likely maybe likely happen during the Election Year in campaigning in across me share on the border with nigeria the border with turkey a fossil on the border with money and u. S. Court has issued a summons against the Saudi Crown Prince in relation to form a intelligence agent but hes filed a lawsuit accusing mohamed bin samana of sending a hit squad to kill him 2 years ago is now in canada where police and private security guards are reported to be giving him increased protection asama bin job 8 has more. The Saudi Crown Prince is again implicated in allegations of a hit squad sent to murder a dissident former saudi intelligence agents are the jobbery is accusing mohamed bin salon of trying to have him killed in canada 2 years ago government and private security has been stepped up in toronto real job resorted to be in hiding he was advisor to the previous crown prince and the saudi government has attempted to have him extradited several times a job reason launched a lawsuit in the u. S. Which says an elite team called the tiger scored tried to enter canada in october 28th in canada reportedly denied entry to bin salmonds person mercenaries. A u. S. Court has issued a summons to the sound the oil to acknowledge the Legal Proceedings against him the summons delivers the complaint to the various defendants that obligates them under our federal rules to answer within 20 days so it means that now the case is gearing up 20 days is not a long time. But i think having myself litigated many cases under the torture victims protection act that it signals that m. B. A. s will now the gristly lobby President Trump and secretary of state like pump a 0 issue whats called a letter of suggestion of immunity the alleged tiger squad attempt is reminiscent of what happened to some of the journalist tim i have also in 2018 International Investigators including the cia concluded been solomon was involved in the murder of the Washington Post columnist in istanbul gobby says the murder attempt on him was within 2 weeks of which obvious killing and he has implicated the same saudis named in the operation so i wouldnt have thought he was but if very famous person will be close to him because of genoa those model of scottish cycle who is used to be they dont know if his personal courts and the few others who will probably have the same names and because of. Unto all of the persons on our residents will be United States and that will be. Dangerous for him the u. S. President has stood by his middle eastern ally despite the cias conclusions before senators have written to the state department about the persecution of a job recently members in saudi arabia. The department responded by calling the job a valued partner to the u. S. Government and requests have been made to the saudi government about the whereabouts of all jobbies son and daughter the saudi government hasnt issued a response this isnt c. It is becoming difficult for trump to continue defending the next in line saudi king you can see that come away said. Bad behavior that effect now lets take it from the american side like you can see this just and more than that political more than america against the soul of the routine so that congress is more. Active when it comes to issues with insights on the right of job he says interpol rejected saudi elegans of corruption as being politically motivated prosecutors suspect the saudis will ignore the summons but Court Cases Involving yet more murder allegations dont bode well for the successor to the saudi throne some of the government there the official number of corona virus infections in the u. S. Has now passed 5000000 but theres concern that the true figure could be much Higher Health officials are urging the use of face masks and social distancing this was the scene in south dakota over the weekend around 400000 people gathered for a 10 day motorcycle rally in the city of sturgis. Where the u. S. City of chicago is ordering people coming from chronic virus hotspots to quarantine for 14 days unlike many parts of the country it has succeeded in flattening the curve and getting out by come to control 100 has more. Im standing in illinois and those boats behind me are in wisconsin normally thats a frontier people dont pay a lot of attention to unless youre talking about football rivalries but wisconsin has a relatively high rate of coronavirus cases in illinois has a relatively low rate so now wisconsin is one of the more than 20 states from which one must quarantine if you go to chicago so if you cross that border and you come back down the coast about an hour to chicago you have to spend 14 days in quarantine and for many people on both sides of this front here thats a nuisance its a good idea if it can help. Bring the number of cases down. If youve been kind of quarantined with family i dont think you should be you know have to quarantine yourself just doesnt make a lot of sense as the 3rd largest city in the u. S. Chicago attracts a lot of business and tourism travelers and it is in forcing its quarantine unlike new york city which actually has some quarantine checks at the city limits chicagos using social media so if you come on the citys radar either through Contact Tracing say or perhaps by testing positive the city will look through your social media and if theres a recent picture say from disney world in florida you will be fined the fine start at one to 500 a day and its 7000. 00. A gas explosion in the United States killed at least one person and. 3 people are critically injured in hospital. Contact with another person trapped under the rubble. A volunteers a helping clean up an oil spill which is promoting terrorist beaches and coral reefs all that a 1000 tons of fuel has leaked from a japanese ball carrier which ran aground 2 weeks ago cracks a widening of the how that would fare they walk a show is in danger of breaking up and rough seas and so i reports. Conservationists in more issues are calling it an ecological disaster the wost in the countrys history from above the scale of the spillage is obvious. To a casual read on to a roof a couple of kilometers offshore from the town of maple 2 weeks ago but its only in recent days that it started seeping more oil into the shallow waters of the indian ocean are under 1000 tons of fuel has so far spilled the japanese caria had around 4000 tonnes on board the ships operators have apologized and vowed to help clean up the mess. Some more efficient are blaming the government for its slow response to what it calls and environmentalists state of emergency government was acting on the advice of the company on their experts to draw without taking the best interest of the people and the best interests of of what should be done to protect our country our. Potential it was a potential. And negligence. Thousands of volunteers have come to help all booms made from sugar cane leaves are being billed to stop further spoiling the beaches. Are the volunteers and government workers are pumping the remaining fuel off the stricken ship to prevent further pollution. In the air no muss mauritians are coming embers to help us make the oil booms this booms are taken by volunteer boats the boat men of marquis book have voluntarily put their boats at our disposal to go and place this all booms at sea thanks to this the booms are managing to retain the oil spilled from waukesha. May bald has a marine path with coral reefs mangrove forests and other endangered species as well as several tourist beaches the area safety now depends on the many help is working to make sure that the oil doesnt spread father catherine saw all jazeera still ahead on aljazeera and sports golfs newest major title winner makes his 1st mistake just like time. Turn up the forecast and i. Can while were just minutes away from the European League many terminal kicking off in germany 7 games in just 12 days will decide the seasons winners and to milan faced a buyer leverkusen in the quarter finals and knock out matches that have replaced 2 legged ties because of the disruption caused by the covert 19 all of the fixtures are being played behind closed doors. While danish team ethic open hagen are the outsiders and their call to find old Manchester United only going to social is aiming to win his 1st trophy as united manager his form in a region team mate still saw back in is in charge of copenhagen when the beetle luck we may be in the united. Fire on all cylinders we need to be perfect defensively really give that one or 2 or 3 chances we get during a game like this turn to a cup when i play so much as he is expected to leave eventis in the coming days to join David Beckhams m. L. S. Side and to miami he tested 33 year old matilda had a successful 3 year stint in turn where he won the syria title 3 times along with one caught by the talia but when he previously teamed with David Beckham when the 2 played for. England fast bowler James Anderson has denied rumors that hes about to retire from test cricket he 38 year old is his countrys all time leading wicket take a test with 5 and the ninetys out but theres been speculation about his future after whats been an underpass summer for him he took just one wicket in englands win over pakistan in the 1st test and has just 6 dismissals in his last 3 games in a longer form. Of all. If people in the work. We had an opportunity to reach i will be taking up my hands like. You know when they are im still hungry played a game and i just want you not. Gracious maybe. The one that game. Was. About. Thats really. The engine permit it has received their approval home the Indian Government to go ahead in the u. A. E. This year the competition has been moved because of the koran a Virus Outbreak which has hit in the heart the country has recorded more than 2000000 cases the pandemic has already caused the term and to be delayed it was meant to begin in march it will now happen between september 19th and november 10th across the by abu dhabi and charger. Well golf that looks to have a new superstar in the making in that in only his 2nd appearance as a major championship call in america has a won the u. S. P. G. A. Championship it was the 1st major to have been played since call of us sat down the sport for almost 3 months and it was just the reports. Call in more a car was 1st mistake came long after his final shot of the plate the 23 year old american only turned pro last year but he already has his hands on his 1st major trophy at the u. S. P. G. A. Championship. Its amazing its been a life all obviously as a little kid kind of watching everyone grow up all these professionals and this is what ive always wanted to do. Or cause achievement all the greater for the quality of his rivals in San Francisco former world number one Dustin Johnson running close. Paul casey 2 decades more a car was seen near emerged as his biggest threat casey posted a round of 66. But it still wasnt enough. Mark karr was born after tiger woods became a professional that was. Hes leading a wave of new talent intent on upsetting the old order. Los angeles born to a japanese father and chinese mother mark karr has the game and now the profile to become a global star. His final round of 64 saw him finish on 13 under par and take the title by 2 strokes. You know i feel very comfortable in this spot and when i woke up today i was like you know this is meant to be this is this is where i feel very comfortable this is where want to be. And im not scared from it i think if i was scared from it the last few holes a little bit a little different but you want to be in this position i mean the glorious shots collins hit coming down in the holes at 16 to make eagle i mean you just have to tip your cap. When he pops up on to or. Not that long ago i mean we those guys who were paying attention like myself knew that this was Something Special and hes proved it today. A College Student 15 months ago or cowell already looks to be a class apart. And he richardson aljazeera. And evan tom will surfing champion kelly slater says hes frustrated that his sport has effectively been shut down by corn a biased say that has just hosted a Charity Event at a manmade this ranch in california the venue is more than 100 kilometers away from the ocean the World Surf League it was forced to cancel this years championship its hoped professional surfing events always start in november. I think it makes sense that we get back out there you have seized getting out there and then they got the fights going on crowds. Serving time no brainer the issue for us for the tours that we cant travel you know we cant get people when youve got a quarantine if youre even allowed in the country basically americans are a lot anywhere and we screw that up. And thats as well for me i will have more for you later on but for now its back to camp thanks but ana. I meant that for me in the team here and on half the sneers will be back from london with more of the days news. And. I joined al jazeera as part of the launch team in 2006 protesters have called for a 1000000 man march in the time ive covered wars revolutions elections im going to treat poorest from the favelas of caracas so the battlefields around also i would job is to get to the truth and empower people through knowledge once welcome now fear. And dividing a nation. Aljazeera explores germanys long Term Economic strategy of pursuing immigrants from the arab world i feel more john among the syrian. The much money does a richer get those people who dont think its been dull its one german and im not the new germans on aljazeera. Rewind returns with a new series. And brand new dates on the backs down to 0 documentary. Needs. To. Remind continues with the last try secret army of the cia since 975 they live in the same way that the and sisters did living in the forest in the jungle and it seems like theyre abandoned by everybody on alan. 0. We understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter what you see al jazeera will bring you the needs and Current Affairs that matter to you. Aljazeera. Lebanons Prime Minister and government resigned over the boat ports explosion but people are still furious with a political system thats failed the country. Although i Maryam Namazie and london youre watching aljazeera also coming up serious concerns over press freedom in hong kong

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