Considering early elections. This Technology Used him to or. Worst idea for people of color. Facing wrongful arrest we look at how the use of facial Recognition Software impacts black asian and native American People in the u. S. The police in hong kong have made their highest profile arrests so far under the new National Security law by detaining a newspaper owner jimmy like 6 others linked to his prodemocracy appel daily are in custody accused of colluding with Foreign Forces the Hong Kong Journalists Association says its a worrying development for Media Freedom sarah clarke reports. Police made the arrests on monday morning detaining jimmy lie at his home in counting the founder of the prodemocracy newspaper apple daily is well known for his criticism of Chinas Communist Party hes been arrested on suspicion of foreign collusion under the National Security law imposed by china last month this morning at around 945. 00 together with our colleagues on the criminal Investigation Department and military staff we got a warrant to conduct an operation to search for evidence i wasnt the only arrest on monday 2 of life sons were also arrested more than 200. 00 police raided apple dudleys headquarters detaining Senior Executives including the tabloids chief executive officer detective search computers and interviewed staff many are shocked and horrified including myself and i think this is send out a very very negative message and of course it must have a Chilling Effect on people who want to speak out and particularly on the news media so this is a very very Disturbing Development long the National Security legislation targets acts of subversion terrorism secession and collusion with Foreign Forces the maximum penalty is life in prison critics say the legislation is being used by chinas leaders to silence the opposition and crackdown on democracy in the semi autonomous region the Hong Kong Journalists Association says its a worrying development for Media Freedom it never happened before in hong kong in reason perhaps not that case weve seen that perhaps sent in for well cities and countries but but we never expect that that would have happened in hong kong. Happen causing direct and indirect threats through press freedom and journalists mondays arrests of the most high profile under the National Security law which was introduced just over a month the guy a number of countries have condemned the legislature. Including the United States United Kingdom astray and canada but the government here has defended the new deal stating its crucial to restore order to a city thats been plagued by months of protests sarah clarke al jazeera hong kong. Stephen vines is a political commentator and author based in hong kong he says there is a crackdown taking place on all levels of society you dont give that level of how the city children rate if you dont want to send a chilling signal to the rest of the media and in case there was any doubt at the Police Briefing after the initial raid but the police excluded media who they said not been cooperative with the police in the past weve never seen this in hong kong what normally a press conference is a press conference is open to the media this again is another new thing that happened today i think the message is very clear its we dont like dissident opinions the reporting of the news should be in line with the narrative that is expounded by poaching the space for criticism in hong kong thats narrow very considerably i mean the rest of the media is more or less under control so presumably they will continue to operate but at every level now in the schools in the university is in the media there is this crackdown going on and this is within just over a month since the National Security laws introduced its been an escalation of a clamp down at the speed that even the most pessimistic people didnt expect would happen. Chinas impose sanctions on 11 well known americans including senators marco rubio and ted cruz that reciprocates u. S. Action because of chinas crackdown on hong kong the u. S. Has frozen the American Assets of hong kongs chief executive kerry lamb as well as 10 senior chinese officials. But u. S. Court has received a summons against the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin solomon in relation to a former intelligence agents subtle job the court order also covers 13 other people including residents of the u. S. On jeopardy filed a lawsuit accusing Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin selma of sending a hit squad to kill him 2 years ago hes now in canada where the police and private security guards are reported to be giving him increased protection bruce finds a former u. S. Associate Deputy Attorney general he says the summons is an important step in this case the summons delivers the complaint to the various defendants that obligates them under our federal rules to answer within 20 days so it means that now the case is gearing up 20 days is not a long time. But i think having myself litigated many cases under the torture victim protection act that it signals that m. B. A. s will now vigorously lobby President Trump and secretary of state might come to issue whats called a letter of suggestion of immunity its rather an odd. Realm of law but they simply it asked the court to dismiss a case because it would interfere with the Foreign Relations of the United States in relations with a head of state or high level officials it is not required that a court accept a suggestion of immunity by the state department but the cases ive litigated theyve given great deference to it. But that means that november will be critical for saudi arabia. Under that doctrine President Biden could revoke any suggestion of immunity and reinstate the cakes but i can guarantee you right now saudi arabia and the crown prince are talking his head off with calm peo in trying to get me out of this conundrum. Lebanons cabinet is due to meet in the next hour or so to discuss possibly early elections anger at the government has been boiling over after an explosion in beirut last week there have been 2 days now of violent protests in the capital with more planned 158 people died in the blast 21 a still missing the army says theres little hope of finding any more survivors protesters say they want a complete overhaul of the political system 3 government ministers have responded to public pressure and then resigned the Justice Minister marie claude is the latest to go following the environment minister i mean us and the information minister a bell summit 9 m. P. U. Civil suit quits the palm and in the hammock that allowed this is the point of no return people are starving the economy has deteriorated the economic crisis is heightening our families children friends have just been left behind fear and disappointments lives within them in this fateful moments we cannot just sit behind we have to stand in dignity together as a nation i feel that i need to send an apology to the lebanese people because we failed to achieve their ambitions due to the difficulties. Live one of the hospitals in beirut looking after the injured in our correspondent zain a hoarders in a lets just start with politics so this meeting is shuttle to happen in the next. But in the intervening 60 minutes if they lose more cabinet ministers do they have to go anyway because if they lose so many there then in a position where they have no power at all any how. Yes if 7 ministers resign then the government collapses but it is becoming increasingly likely the Prime Minister has sandia is going to announce that his government has resigned the government under a lot of pressure at home and abroad now what happens next there are 2 options 2 ways forward really either the cabinet resigns remains in a caretaker capacity and the resignation is just to quell the anger in the streets and then we could see political paralysis in lebanon because the governing alliance cannot form a new government with the opposition because the opposition refuses is refusing that for the time being unless theres some sort of a deal so there could be political paralysis or there could be an International Deal International Sponsored deal that has been agreed by the different political factions in the country both in the governing alliance and the opposition just a few days ago the french president was here and he did make it very clear that france put a Political Initiative on the table and he gave the different Political Parties until september 1 to reach some sort of an agreement many sources have told us that what the french president is trying to do is create what is known in lebanon as a National Unity government a government that is made up of the different Political Parties from across the political spectrum now maybe they will be you know theyll have influence of the over the government but but that you will see new faces and possibly and most likely a Prime Minister who is seen closer to the west because right now the government is so isolated its not just a question of negligence incompetence theres also politics at play the government is seen to be pro iran and the opposition is the pro western camp so thats why many in the government side supporters of the government believe that the outside world the International Community is exploiting the situation or politicizing the situation but the bottom line is people are angry people are furious they. And change and the governing alliance is unable to bring about change its cash strapped and it doesnt have the support of the International Community there to National Community is helping the people giving them a virgin see relief but it will not bail out the government in order for that for them to kick start the economy so were at a crossroads were going to have to wait to see how the next hours and days pan out. Talking about the aftermath of the explosion last tuesday what sort of scenarios the Health Workers and medical staff there at that hospital encountering. Just just look around this was one of 3 hospitals that was destroyed and damaged during the blast you can see. Many many patients were were evacuated that night just moments after the blast already the Health Care Sector was collapsing before this massive explosion because of the dire economic crisis and financial crisis in the country in fact the government owed private hospitals and this is one of the private hospitals billions of dollars and thats why they were not able to cope and thats why they were laying off nurses they were laying off doctors and in recent weeks so now you have this and they need money they need money to be able to rebuild in fact the behind me was one of the sections where they used to treat their patients with the corona virus and theres an upsurge in the number of coronavirus cases in the country and thats why so many countries came in arrived with field hospitals in order to help. The Health Sector thousands of people were wounded so this one of the hospitals that had to be evacuated that night and weve been speaking to the management and they say we really need help or else we are not its not going to be business as usual ok zina well leave it there thank you very much in order reporting there from beirut. Still ahead here on aljazeera. Times irans intelligence we have the latest reaction to the president ial election the opposition says these 3. Attacks on safari the french president denounces the killing of heat workers. Had a defensible crowd across much of the north and the northeast of asia but also bringing with it of course a very heavy amount of rain across some areas this is a bundle of. This is john may the Tropical Storm is racing across the south china say but of course getting ever closer to a south korea now the ways of the picking up ahead of the arrival of that storm the ships being brought into harbor but of course also still dealing with the loss of a floodwater but just have a look at this because these cows have ended up on the roof of this building the floodwaters was so high this is the only place they have to go so theyre being lifted off one by one by a crane now this is a progress john may it is a false moving still its been moving at about 55 kilometers an hour so its racing across the Korean Peninsula and heading up towards the north of japan as you can see the good news with that is it doesnt want time to strengthen by fall and at the same time its not producing a huge amount of rain is getting cool and a frontal system across the region but then as you go through wednesday the rains once again very heavy through the central and western as of japan but a little bit of a break across the Korean Peninsula im all the way of scattered showers across much of japan plenty of rain though throughout much of india the monsoon has been very vigorous again in the last few days and as we go through cheeze day it Central States to the north whether rains will be heavy. History has called it the great war in the 1st episode conscription draws hundreds of thousands of arabs troops into both sides of the conflict their story is rarely told but had a huge impact on the course of the war world war through our open minds on aljazeera. Be the hero the world needs. Washing. Im back youre watching aljazeera im pissed off with your top stories Hong Kong Media tycoon jimmy law is being arrested on chinas new National Security law his company says hes being held on suspicion of colluding with foreign powers all the u. S. Court has issued a summons against the Saudi Crown Prince in relation to a former intelligence agent he sat on a chopper hes now in canada he felt a lawsuit accusing the crown Prince Mohammed bin cellmark sending a hit squad to kill him 2 years ago. Lebanons Justice Minister has become the 1st cabinet member to resign after widespread public anger over an explosion in beirut last week justice if you want to take over whole of the political system. In belarus one person was killed and dozens were injured in protests following the president ial election which the opposition claims was rigged 3000 people have been detained by the police early official results to show a landslide victory for the president Alexander Lukashenko that would extend his 26 years in power to a 6th term is lower but many. Was to protest the shouting the police to go away and then scenes of violence reflected across ballew says capt who was. Starting a few hours after porthos closed and continuing into the night opposition supporters came out in their thousands to contest the initial Election Results was. Right beneath block the entrance to a large square and fight stun grenades into the crowds and Police Trucks drove into protesters. Amulets is rushed to take the injured into hospital. Protesters have put up their. Its on to the main roads to prevent police cars from guessing that was. Earlier in the day that turns it set learned ticking off scott has come out of hiding to costs have that she had left her apartment on the eve of the election fearing a wrath at 1st a reluctant president ial candidate shed grown into the biggest hope many palin missions have for change to enough going election rallies attracted the largest crowds by lucifer in the decade i was the microphone was. Off the coast in his boots president Alexander Lukashenko called the Opposition Group yesterday but im not sure what youre still in the u. S. If youre going to go against our country or even in the smallest way try to plunge the country into chaos and stabilize it you will receive an Immediate Response from me for decades has enjoyed solid support in the former soviet country lately facing criticism for downplaying the covert 900 crisis and worsening economy criticism that is rapidly growing to the largest practiced 26 year rule or some of the most credible reports suggest it looks like a support the country may be well below 10 percent so i think there is a real shot that some some Security Officials say will not be willing to fire on protesters if thats something that looks shank that warders them to do and we all really hope and pray that he doesnt but even so potentially even go over to the side of the protesters. While the School Authorities may have been able to control the opposition using force this time people say and show theyre beyond the. Door about money and does the. Internet services are being cut to belarus so stop boston joins us on the phone from minsk step by the last time there was an election there were serious questions over. Irregularities shall we say to do with the voting process given months and given what we think weve been seeing on social media when it comes to the free and fairness of this election should we believe this result. I dont here in siler ruth believe this result and nobodys actually surprised that the crime was a question that claimed victory 8 after this election but theres quite some shock about the number the percentage that the government jazz the president has got more than 80 percent and that is according to many people here an absurd number of positions has really grown in the last couple of 8 people of all walks of life throughout society has been complaining about the Economic Situation and also the mishandling as they say all the president s to cope with 19 crisis we have seen large crowds larger than the seen in decades impellor was gathering to rally behind the opposition and now the Election Commission decides that the opposition day to atlanta to channel sky has 4 lashed and tends to stand so nobody is believing this and eventually to a lot of anger and frustration weve seen it pulling out on the streets not only in the capital minsk but also in many other cities around 8 the roots theres a lot of for brought straight people say were become great any longer were still were still tired of this also the fact that they feel that the school so shamelessly as they say its ideal for we see so theres definitely a lot of dissent here the opposition is calling for calm they say we have one precious showing off in large numbers to quote and also by showing that we are not afraid and also involved in different politics and the longer and they want the group thats all to fight these Election Results but another rally has been already or 2 might so digits not going to go it goes away sorry easily. Taken up sky is talking i see about a piece. Full handover of power because she clearly believes the vote went the other way given 3000 arrests detentions one day mass protests what are the chances that mr lucas shanku will listen to her exactly do you plan to bow out of course very very slim weve seen how police came out in full force last night until the Early Morning i was in the morning i dont have to look at all like theyre out there which is not backing off by the call by the opposition who urged your forward you. That the majority of the people are against them you ignore the will of the people they said this morning in a statement for a 4th that the key question is also where are the military 9 where are the high officials standing at the moment are they still backing the president or are they seeing that this is a do a bit of a movement to 18 or ok step will leave it there thank you very much that bus and correspondent there in minsk and on group has attacked a Shopping Center in the democratic republic of congo killing at least 19 people the army has been sent to respond in the troubled Northeastern Province of it tutti finances from the political and religious sects known as could deco slashed people with machetes more than 200000 congolese have fled attacks in the province since march the french president emanuel macro is denouncing what he calls a cowardly attack which killed 8 people in southern new jet 7 french aid workers and a local guide were touring a west African Wildlife reserve near the town of kookery when a gunman on motorbikes opened fire and the defense minister says its not known which group organized the attack. Is following the story for us from a butcher in neighboring nigeria. To liberia region in particular is known over the years as a hot spot of attacks by extremists and armed groups either within is year across the border in brooklyn a faso or mali. Dozens of people have been killed this year including Security Forces leisure Security Forces were being targeted by these fighters like we said no claim of responsibility yet but the bigger surprise is that after the last attack that killed dozens of Security Forces into libya region the government has sent in reinforcement to that region to deal with the rising cases of attacks by armed groups and fighters in that region of the surprises that the. Animal reserve is just 65 kilometers away from the capital niamey and a lot of military roadblocks and police roadblocks out on that highway a lot of people who are concerned that if this attack can come close to the capital of the army or the time when you is preparing for the president ial elections in 2021 then a lot of things could likely maybe likely happen during the Election Year and campaigning in across in asia. Australia has recorded its highest number of virus deaths in a single day all 19 fatalities were in the state of victoria which is at the center of a new wave of infections most are connected to care facilities for the elderly but the state capital melbourne also says it saw the lowest daily number of new cases since last month the Egyptian Government has extended the detention of the answers you know journalist michael to sane by 45 days hes already been held for more than 3 and a half years without trial after arriving there for a personal visit the United Nations and aljazeera have called for an end to these arbitrary detention and the tension on specified charges breaches egypts own penal code which sets the maximum pretrial detention at 620. 00 days. Now its been more than 2 months since the killing of george floyd at the hands of police in the United States and as the protests continue the message is no longer just about specific incidences of violence but about what demonstrate to say is systemic racism in policing one of the most obvious examples is the widespread use of facial Recognition Systems that have been proven to misidentify people of color and she have pretenses. When black lives matter activists take to the streets that clip theyre not protesting against a few bad apples in Police Departments but a system of policing thats wittingly or unwittingly targets people of color and they say needs to be completely overhauled the widespread use of facial Recognition Software by Police Forces apparently unconcerned by the technologies in accuracy is a clear example of this Robert Williams was interrogated having been arrested and taken into custody by Detroit Police the day before and it soon became clear he had been mis identified a look i said not us not me. He tells another paper always say i guess this not julian that. I picked that paper up and hold it and they said this is not me and i hope ya dont think all black people look alike and then he says the computer says you study after study including a federal government report last year has shown facial Recognition Software mis identifies black native american and asian faces 10. 00 to 100. 00 times more often than white faces understand this technology is. Worse i didnt find people are still using it. He gets it wrong 96 percent and theres also the fact they were using this technology for over a year and a half an. Implementation because the officers who interrogated williams mentioned a computer how to identify him we know in accurate facial Recognition Software and callous police work what to blame for his arrest but there are no nationwide records about how often people are wrongly arrested as a result of Recognition Software even though according to the American Civil Liberties union the software has been used hundreds of thousands of times by the f. B. I. For example we do know from. The detroit Police Forces records that this software proven to be unreliable in identifying africanamericans is overwhelmingly used on africanamericans facial Recognition Software has been used 70 times as of june 22nd by the department in 68 of those cases the photo was of a black person taken from social media or security cameras and. You know why dont you get arrested. Because. To have my girls out there and seen that that was you know their 1st interaction with the police and for that to be what it was and then to their dad like im always going to wonder now how much did this affect the Civil Liberties groups are calling for bans at the federal and local level of the use of such software in a cedar tree is. Recently emerged from bankruptcy there is no justifiable reason that you should still be in this. Technology when you meet. The polices use of technology that has been proven to misidentify black people is just another example of why so many have mobilized not to reform the police but to restructure policing entirely even when there are multiple empirical studies proving race discrimination in the software that is routinely used some Police Departments still reluctant to change sheppard hansie aljazeera. Youre watching aljazeera live from our headquarters here in doha your top stories Hong Kong Police have made the highest profile arrest to date so far under the new National Security law by detaining a newspaper owner jimmy law and 6 others linked to his prodemocracy apple daily are in custody accused of colluding with Foreign Forces at the Hong Kong Journalists Association says so worrying developments for Media Freedom sarah clarke has more on the arrests. We also believe quite high profile Senior Executives within the company that includes the c. F. O. The chief Financial Officer as well as the chief executive officer theyve also been detained as a result so the police have said the operation is. Continuing behind. Searching devices and talking to some of the staff here but we also expect more arrests to be made as the day goes on and more people to be taken into custody as a result of chinas imposed sanctions on 11 well known americans including senator marco rubio and ted cruz a reciprocal move against u. S. Sanctions because of chinas crackdown on hong kong the u. S. Has for us in the American Assets of hong kongs chief executive kerry lamb as well as 10 senior chinese officials. A u. S. Court has issued a summons against the Saudi Crown Prince in relation to a former intelligence agent. Hes now in canada he filed a lawsuit accusing me of sending a hit squad to kill him 2 years ago lebanons Justice Minister has become the 3rd cabinet member to resign after widespread public anger over an explosion in beirut last week protesters say they want a complete overhaul of the political system the lebanese cabinet is due to meet in the next half hour or so roughly to discuss possible early elections in belarus one persons being killed and dozens were hurt in protests following the president ial election which the opposition says was rigged 3000 people have been detained by the police earlier official results show a landslide victory for president. An armed group has attacked a Shopping Center in the sea killing at least 19 people the army has been sent to respond in the province of it turi fighters from the political and religious sect slashed people with machetes those are your headlines up next inside story i will see you very soon for the moment. Will the beirut explosions cause a humanitarian disaster the devastation leaves hundreds of thousands of lebanese homeless hungry and fending for themselves with no help from the government can aid organizations cope with the immense challenge this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im homage and levon on was in a dire state even before the enormous explosions which shattered beirut on tuesday many couldnt make ends meet as a 3rd of almost 7000000 lebanese dont have a job

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