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Coming up americas powerful National Rifle Association Gun lobby group is being sued from financial mismanagement. And another 1200000 americans filed for Unemployment Benefits the politicians are yet to reach a deal on extending an expired aid package. Now french president Emmanuel Macron has pledged support during his visit to lebanons capital 2 days after it was devastated by huge explosion a diet humanitarian situation is developing as International Relief teams arrive in the crisis hits se at least 138 people have now died 80 are still missing and more than 5000 have been injured our correspondents anahata begins our coverage from barriers. Search and rescue teams are still digging through the rubble at beirut port the site of massive explosions that damaged or destroyed much of the lebanese capital families are desperate for news about their loved ones dozens are missing there is pain and grief zainab fears she will never see her husband allie again. Theres a still are still i dont know where he is i havent heard from him since 6 pm monday i want to know if hes alive or dead. Rescue experts from abroad have started to arrive to help a country that wasnt prepared to cope with a disaster like this all of us are. Hoping to each other with. The fund more corpses theres still a lot of destruction we need to move the stock to building to find. Somebody. The blasts were felt kilometers away killing dozens and wounding thousands buildings homes shops all destroyed 300000 people displaced billions of dollars in damage investigations are focusing on possible negligence in storing tons of highly explosive material at the port officials have promised assistance and compensation to those affected by the explosions but driving around the city the state is noticeably absent in destroyed neighborhoods like this one it is the people who are helping each other they are cleaning the streets clearing the debris and distributing food and water to those in need public anger against the Political Class many believe is responsible for lebanons near economic collapse is not new decades of corruption in the glare triggered an antiestablishment Movement Last october weve been fortunate growing used to this day not being present for its citizens we dont have properly just city we dont have a proper garbage infrastructure we dont have proper water infrastructures and unfortunately the people have gotten used to it but its its a time for change its weve been asking for. For quite some time and i think this last year castro is going to make change for the country much better the priority now is to help the victims many are still in hospital in Critical Condition calls for accountability and justice are growing louder for now people are focused to rely on themselves i need money to rule. Myself nobodys baby. Can i leave everything and i didnt know how to be mean so this is why im here i want to. At least leave. The street. Some may call it resilience but for many this is about survival nearly half the population of 5000000 lebanese were below the poverty line before this disaster the situation has since got worse so. Beirut a crowd of protesters in beirut vented their anger at the government to the french president as he visited demonstrators surrounded him in one of the citys west hit areas told them he wasnt there to condone the government and that french aid will not fall into what he calls corrupt hands he also said he will push lebanese leaders to implement reforms. Its similar to how its my duty to help you as a people to bring you medicine to make sure you are fed and to help you reconstruct i can guarantee you that this will be transparent and i will guarantee you it will not go into corrupt hands but we do expect to hear again from the president very shortly bringing you that live here on aljazeera but now lets go to Bernard Smith who is on the ground for us in the lebanese capital beirut but and you on the streets there can you talk us through what youre seeing where you are. What weve seen all day. Of people young people armed with seasoned shovels and brushes out cleaning up and the cleaning up in a very dangerous environment many buildings really very weak now particularly older ones behind me people will. Working on the early days because what we havent seen around here is the army or the police or any sort of Government Services to do the cleaning up people have been left to themselves to do it and ive been working very hard throughout today and ive got warm person who is a local resident here diyala some a kid gala thanks very much thank you for speaking to us jewel building to shape a space when this is this is whats left of it all is what happened tonight. As you know the loss is facing our building so its those in happened and everything is broken we have lost unfortunately for very good people and i would have been think we are on the 7 flats that are living in this building so you might say our program have maybe nothing but life. We have tools to build the a shared i would and i completely destroyed but if you have age an event that would build in the event that total destruction we needed the 1st day of the bomb would be limiting the course and that 1130 at night with a Civil Defense no one came not from the army all the company supplied its the orders from any. Road ive come any government of of the state or governesses bodies to come and help us if youre telling me that theres this glass is hanging down and im going see as you see we been calling for 3 days for the government to come and help us to remove the glasses as you see they are almost at all shuttered and hanging by like a tiny piece of glass and anytime those glasses if theres a wind if we get the wind and weve been having a lot of wind this summer all this mess is going to fall down ive been going to have more injured people and more that when you ask for help when you watch the army when you ask the police will know about the smoking cigarettes guy made on the floor that they say this is not our job everybody you know as they say this is not our job what we did inside i would have. So its really about is a will not until handover that we replied out to all Good Neighbors that im good not to go down to the private plan but the bomb to land and the outside started looking for that thats. All over this country been through so much so many decades youve seen. Everything thats happened to lebanon in the last 3040 years how does this compare to Everything Else is this poor countrys been taught this is our program or on this earth which is. This is a nightmare because these things are only in movies i mean who does this to its own people this is the so that when people they dont even begin to even come and ask about like cockroaches as if we dont exist not if not all those young people are here to help everyone what would have been what would not happen to us i need to set of a not that not that 82 or not but 86 not that its not paid nothing is what weve seen today and i dont think anyone anywhere in the world and the past 20 years Something Like that happened this is a nightmare this is a nightmare i hope every politician in lebanon and everyone can learn you can learn and when insist on can only on the can walk they got the hang and i would and it would only stop and get on the only stop i mean can only look ok again normally up to see those does 3rd and president hang and all of them made it all about the home im really sorry but this is very emotional i think they im 7 still talking this is my 4th no not my forte spoke but what why do you have more than 2000 tons of explosive in the middle of the city why why please tell us what who cares know what happened the most important is why do you put such explosive in and it. Belongs to. If you see those posts. I understand its very very. Closely thank you very much. If you have to get used to it thank you very much for it thank you there are those jobless that people died in her building there are at least 149 people dead many many more missing 300000 opens the door open and smith there for us live on the streets of beirut and obviously a very very emotionally charged situation there in the lebanese capital we do apologize for any profanity on the air now moving on and at least 9 people have been killed in air strikes by the saudi u. A. E. Coalition and northeast yemen it happened in the al jawf region on thursday civilians including women and children are understood to be among the victims the saudi u. A. E. Coalition has been fighting yemens truth you rebels since 2015 now the attorneys general of new york and washington d. C. Are both suing to dissolve a powerful u. S. Gun rights lobby group they cuse the National Rifle association is leaders of exploiting the organization for personal gain new yorks attorney general that he said james says years of corruption and misspending has irreparably undermined its ability to operate as a Nonprofit Group that lawsuit could take years to play out and will leave the 148 year old n. R. A. Fighting for its survival now the number of americans filing for Unemployment Benefits dropped to 1200000 last week hiring picked up in may in june as states began lifting coronavirus restrictions after a record loss of 21000000 jobs in april more than 16000000 americans are now collecting Unemployment Benefits from this state but federal aid theres a package of federal aid of a 600. 00 a week in addition to that state benefits and it expired at the end of july now nearly a week later politicians have failed to reach a deal to extend this. Well political disputes have also meant that rental moratoriums that are backed by the u. S. Government have expired millions of americans who lost their jobs during this pandemic are now worried about becoming homeless and many of them are facing eviction and they got to go reports from miami. Even as unemployment rates remain at historic highs the coronavirus pandemic shows no signs of slowing with so many out of work in the midst of a Health Crisis the specter of massive victims is now real temporary moratorium is meant to prevent renters losing their homes have been lifted in 30 states and millions of facing a harsh reality the landlord here has started an addiction process like that when my mom lost her child and her fertile child. 19 pandemic and completely scared and frightened because i dont want to become homeless i doubt why my family be split in half left at home by shelter over the last few months is job losses of grown so too have the lines that food banks that massive loss of income and increasing desperation not only affects renters but landlords to somebody who own just one property in their service. To pay their bills and they have duplex and they make. The other without parental. Care not pay their bills this is absolutely to be addressed and provide additional federal leave to people whove been a lot of in washington negotiations between the Democratic Party and the republicans continue over a new Relief Program some Unemployment Benefits officially ended last month with no new plans in place that combined with an end to protection from addiction could have a devastating effect housing experts say without action the u. S. Could witness a tsunami of addictions that may affect tens of millions of people without homes many are forced to live with relatives or in shelters increasing their risk of contracting covert 19 the court system is overwhelmed hearing addiction cases as a safety net designed to protect the most vulnerable seems to be straining according to the Data Companies to distance 40. Of americans and now at risk of a vixen for some its already happened its heartbreaking. You know i lost my job of data loss Everything Else no money no not ok i dont sleep well last year worried about stuff that by some estimates 14000000 people could lose their homes impacting poverty rates homelessness and the wider economy and gallacher aljazeera Miami Florida all in the 2nd west affected country brazil more than 13 percent of people are now unemployed thats the highest level that in 3 years nearly 9000000 jobs were lost between april and june because of this pandemic and at least 13000000 people are now looking for work and south americas biggest economy. Still ahead here here on aljazeera early results from sri lankas parliamentary elections show the rajapaksa brothers are set to cement their grip on power. In japan remembers the wilds of fast atomic bombing 75 years ago and this time there are extra precautions. Hello there more heavy rain in the 4 calls across much of the north and northeast of asia plenty of a coming across in the last year as of course weve also seen rain across areas of china of this particular scene here this is the 2 renshaw rains that actually caused a road to collapse in is that happened a gas pipeline exploded he can see the damage that was done no reports of any injuries because also flooding in the area too there will be more flooding as well as we go through friday across the sections of china but particularly again across the Korean Peninsula this rain really is relentless friday on into saturday so some areas across south korea could pick up another 400. 00 millimeters of rain so this will indeed cause some flooding meanwhile much of Southern China is mostly clear and dry maybe just scattered showers and thunderstorms plenty of rain still in the fall called much of the south asia all of the rains of sonnys across some areas through Central Regions out towards the northeast bangladesh again seeing some fairly persistent and heavy downpours and then all of this rain on friday is heading across into pakistan that is where we expect to see the next area of flooding but also were watching this itll system here as it moves away from pakistan is heading across tools Northern Areas of among so the rain will push in that as we start the weekend. For. A Global Pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. Reason just on the differences and similarities of cultures across the one im certain im glad to have you take it well bring you the news and current of fast that matter to you. Hello again. Lets remind you of our top stories here this hour rescue and Recovery Missions are continuing and lebanons capital for people still missing after tuesdays huge explosion of course at least 149 people have now been killed more than 5000 injured and. The attorneys general of new york and washington d. C. All sewing to dissolve a powerful u. S. Gun rights lobby group big queues the National Rifle association to leaders of exploiting the organization for personal gain. And the number of americans filing for Unemployment Benefits dropped to 1200000. 00 last week thats the lowest weekly total since march the u. S. Labor market is trying to recover from the coronavirus pandemic. Now the president of better routes has warned that on rules arise protests will not be tolerated after sundays election Alexander Lukashenko is seeking a 6th term in Office Election officials have barred his 2 main rivals from taking part but a wave of protests over the weakening economy and the governments handling of this pandemic threatens new question for his 26 year steadfast and has all the details from the capital mints. Look at ike is facing unprecedented opposition and it seems that he is increasingly getting worried not only have lots of people being detained in the last couple of weeks also the last probably largest opposition rally planned for today worse than at the last minute but the 3 female opposition leaders who have combined forces to face with russia have said they have urged everyone all their supporters to come to this park where i am right now to attend a socalled education friends held by the government basically this is a way to avoid not up so they will arrive here in the next hour or so but also a lot of police here there are Police Trucks surrounding the park so it is a lot of fear of course that there will be a crackdown at this after rice rally as well also today because. Of the main opposition candidates. Was briefly detained as well but different than in previous elections it seems people are very much undeterred. Now mauritanias Prime Minister is old shakes india and his entire government has stepped down president mohamed old replace the lead it with a veteran Public Administration now shakes india did not give a reason for his resignation but he is under parliamentary investigation for corruption Zimbabwes High Court has dismissed an appeal by journalist hope for bail you know was arrested last month and charged with incitement ahead of antigovernment protests a magistrate had denied him and opposition politician jacob may prompting this appeal president amisom and god has been accused of cracking down on dissent as calls grow for his resignation. Now earlier results from sri lankas parliamentary elections suggest a big lead for the governing party the sri lankan peoples front thats led by the rajapaksa brothers who serve as president and Prime Minister is set to consolidate its power now this was south asias 1st major vote during this corona virus pandemic which had forced a delay of over 4 months our correspondent in el philanderers as monitoring all the latest results for us from colombo. What many people had expected the p. P. Or the party of the rajapakse galloping ahead in terms of the results released so far weve had final results for 2 of these countries 22 districts thats the goal and the martha districts board districts in the south of the country and these are overwhelmingly in favor of the p. P. 70 percent of the war going the way of that party and the 2nd essentially in the running the is b. G. That is the breakaway faction of the biggest Opposition Party the United National party they are we behind they have Something Like just one 4th of the votes polled by the p. P. So all indications from the early results that have been released so far showing that he is a p. P. Has brought in that massive victory it was aiming for thats the situation that weve gathered so far in terms of the official results that have come out so for. A surgeon coronavirus cases in the philippines has now made it the country with the most infections in east asia its prompted another lockdown in and around the capital manila affecting millions of people and also threatening to overwhelm hospitals the philippines still has less than half the number of deaths in indonesia but the number is expected to grow after the spike in cases. Well the rising number of covert 1000 cases in parts of africa is sparking concern from Public Health experts the continent is now approaching 1000000 cases and more than 21000 deaths south africa alone accounts for more than half of those infections and it also has the 5th highest number of cases globally now along with Egypt Nigeria ghana and algeria together those countries account for nearly 75 percent of infections across the continent the Africa Centers for Disease Control says the low rate of testing in the region remains a concern. Is in johannesburg with more on the situation in south africa in south africa also is that they are ongoing trials around a vaccine we understand that a vaccine could be ready by mid 2021 but given the economic status of many countries around africa they of course are questions around of portability as well as axes weve heard pharmaceutical companies talk about releasing the vaccine once its ready at a cost price so that its affordable thats especially when countries are at the height of the pentagon and perhaps later on introducing a low price to allow for excess ability but at the moment given that the numbers continue to rise weve seen an 11 percent increase in the last week alone there are of course questions been raised around the testing and if the numbers are accurate and of course those would then determine just how the pandemic is tackled in africa specifically. Now many in argentina are struggling to get by after 4 months of quarantine and an economic crisis the situation has been worsened by a rise in crime poverty and hunger as our correspondent tourism by reports from one is aries. Security personnel on the ground in winter sightings their target is a Drug Trafficking ring involved in armed robberies. The operation is money toward by the provinces security minister said. He sell a 10 coronel in the army a surgeon and a lawyer he says the only way of stopping when a site is going out of control is to be on the ground every day. We are kompany to him on one of more than 40 Security Operations that take place every day in this province of 12000000 people a provincial when i say it is the province of going to say it is going through a pandemic is the region is a virus but we already had other intimate problems like insecurity is getting deeper and we need to approach it with all sorts of policies. The raid is not an easy one members of the group try to escape and shots are fired this is great heard one side is very aware of high poverty rate and work insecurity has been on the rise and major challenge for the government is keeping the situation in this part of the country under control. The police searched the homes of the suspects for drugs and guns children are terrified. Poverty has been on the rise in recent years but says the pandemic began the situation has deteriorated even further the government has increased cash and food handouts but it seems much more needs to be done. Better he says the situation can be compared to the 2001 crisis when argentina defaulted on its sovereign debt. Even though looting and riots are under control for now inequality has been. The rice. In it on the mantle the crime were seeing now is younger people involved in criminal activities people with no criminal background its more disorganized the crisis that is coming its worse than 2001 because its deeper and sharper but were trying to control it. For people are detained on drugs confiscated but with more secure repression and on the ground human rights activists say abuse has increased and. Were seeing cases of abuse all around the country with Different Levels of violence abuse from the police and provincial and federal forces this is not new but it reaffirms that these are not isolated cases and there is a structural problem. Argentina struggling to contain the spread of covert 19 and hes coping with an economic crisis the challenge is to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control once again. One of scientists and north korea is preparing for flooding and landslides after days of heavy rain that agricultural areas are along the west state media released this video showing people repairing damage to their farms now parts of south korea have also been flooded after 44. 00 consecutive days of rain there some highways have been closed and at least 16 people have died around 1600. 00 are now homeless now survivors of the worlds a fast atomic bomb have been marking 75 years since it was dropped on hiroshima about a 140000 people were killed after u. S. Forces attacked japan in the final stages of world war 2 our correspondent brian reports. A poignant commemoration at the moment 75 years ago when the world entered the atomic age and the whole city was destroyed. With the numbers of the socalled hit the original survivors of the attack declining each year this is likely to be the last major round of verse or they will attend in large numbers special precautions in place to protect them from the coronavirus that hiroshimas mayor referred to as a new threat facing the world accompanied by a worrying increase in nationalism. We must never allow this painful pass to repeat he felt that if youve also say that i must reject selfcentered nationalism and unite against all threats. I take 15 in the morning local time a single atomic bomb code named little boy exploded 2000 feet above the center of the city killing tens of thousands of people instantly with tens of thousands more dying in the months and years that followed many from radiation related illnesses michiko could die was a child when the bomb was dropped with the pandemic innovative ways have been found for her and other survivors to share their stories with the present generation. And there is a sense that we dont have much longer to live im now 82 i dont know when i went be able to speak so in some form we need to preserve our stories that 3 days after hiroshima nagasaki was attacked with a 2nd bomb another round of verse or e. With more survivors to market and in both cities both among the generation who endured the attacks and also the generations that came after them there is a strong piece called true that really focused on abolishing Nuclear Weapons the experience of being the only country to be attacked with Nuclear Weapons help shape modern japan. By urging action from each country japan will take the lead in the international community. Efforts towards the realization of a World Without Nuclear Weapons its a goal still far from being realized but one held still is strongly in the 2 cities that have suffered most from such weapons but broad aljazeera. That this is out is there and these are the headlines rescue and Recovery Missions are continuing and lebanons capital for people still missing after tuesdays huge explosion at the port at least 149. 00 people have been killed more than 5000. 00 injured in beirut or french president among american has pledged his support during a visit to the lebanese capital angry crowds gathered on his tour of the city to vent their anger at the government. Its the hour its my duty to help you as a people to bring you medicine to make sure you are fed and to help you reconstruct i can guarantee you to be transparent and i will guarantee you it will not go into corrupt hands. 7 the attorneys general of new york and washington d. C. Are suing to dissolve a powerful u. S. Gun rights lobby group they care is the National Rifle Association Leaders of exploiting the organization for personal gain while the number of americans filing for Unemployment Benefits dropped to 1200000. 00 last week thats the lowest weekly total since launch the u. S. Labor market is trying to recover from the coronavirus pandemic now the 2nd worst affected country brazil more than 13 percent of people are now unemployed thats the highest level in 3 years 13000000 people are now looking for work and south americas biggest economy. Lets take you live now french president is in beirut as weve been saying 2 days after that explosion devastated large parts of the capital he is now speaking after pledging his support to those affected lets listen in to what he has to say. So. The voice level then you know if you need it and we experience an internet it. Will do and we have heard the languages in express day to day plus more than we speak to you so that the bloggers want to read. It but mine has been essentially when you have gone. The lebanese people the proud lebanese people you could not see. And if you dont suppose. There is any one thing which is important in times like that and that is show up. All our back to why we are here today its like any of this is the look of. A dairy queen. Youve been rather could form a company and that is people together. So they can monitor you know. That. Was never about me and even if i did but never forsake the lebanese. When you dont do this. We are united by. The fact. And. You could see the big time but only

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