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Covert 90. I dont sleep well. Ask the worried about. And despair for renters millions are facing eviction in the u. S. After coronavirus safeguards come to an end. With. The coronavirus pandemic gets underway as the worlds greatest players compete at the p. G. A. Championship. Lebanon is appealing for International Help after it was left devastated by a huge explosion a humanitarian crisis is developing 2 days after the blast shredded the heart of its capital beirut it destroyed the citys ports and more than half the countrys food supply comes through there its thought medical equipment was among the items lost in the explosion. A number of countries have already sent help including food fuel mobile hospitals and medics among them france is president emanuel macron has arrived in beirut. Today to produce to support the people without conditions but france has been warning for many months and years that the conditions here demand Reform Energy Public Markets to fight against corruption and if reforms are not made in lebanon will continue to suffer. But the information that officials knew volatile material was stored at the port for years is fueling more resentment against an already unpopular government some port officials are under house arrest lets go live to zain a hard shes standing by for us in beirut and say no we earlier saw people behind you angry with authorities there for not working fast enough trying to get on to the blast site saying their relatives were very is there a lot of anger over the rescue and recovery efforts. Well yes like you mentioned we were outside a report which is not very far from where we are and we saw families theyve been waiting since monday night for use about their loved ones dozens of people remain missing many of them employees out to beirut who are at the site of those massive explosions they were telling us its not enough that these the authorities were that diligent enough to keep highly explosive material at the ports but the search operation is just so slow but we managed to talk to red cross workers in the Lebanese Army and theyre telling us that that the struction its just very very difficult because lebanon does not have the equipment and now rescue teams from abroad are coming to help in the search operation but there is little hope that they are going to find more people alive over 100 people dead thousands injured many of them still in Critical Condition one woman said i dont know if ill ever see my husband again he was a daily wage earner barely earning 2 dollars a day and now she has nobody left to help her feed her 3 children so there is anger at a government that has not stepped in at a time of crisis and this anger like you mentioned is not new 11 on as in the midst of an antiestablishment protest movement which has tried for months to unseat the Political Class that has been ruling this country for decades then the french president has arrived hes the 1st foreign official to visit since the blast happened was he offering. What france is offering unconditional support to help those in need to help this country cope with this disaster but at the same time france we have to say you know france is a former colonial power 11 on its wheels influence in lebanon and france may have stepped in over the years to try to help this country out of the crisis but what the french president maybe we can just walk to show you the devastation and the destruction of this neighborhood which is very very close to the port that the french president. Visit just less than 2 weeks since his foreign minister was here and his foreign minister told the lebanese politicians youre not going to get billions of dollars in an age to be able to kick start the economy unless you carry out reforms unless you fix corruption in the state institutions including beirut ports at the International Community long talked about the need for reforms at bayview courts where theres a lot of tax evasion and the corruption is is endemic so mccrone said is that reiterate that conditions laid by the International Community no bailouts without reforms being carried out but at the same time making it very very clear the International Community will step in to help the lebanese people cope with this disaster a country that was already collapsing before the massive blast that you can just see behind me the state the state is not here it is the people who are cleaning up it is the people who are helping each other meeting each other and giving each other water. Yes we can see that i mean saying to the government i mean its under enormous pressure isnt it to be seen to be responding appropriately we know that port officials are somewhat officials are on house arrest but what is whats the state of the rest of the investigation. Well the government is promising a transparent and swift investigation they set up a committee and they said that the results of the investigation will be made public you know in a matter of days but very few people really have faith in a government that they believe is controlled by Political Parties who hold sway over state institutions the state is so weak that political powers are stronger than the state so they believe that there will be some sort of cover up and thats why there have been calls for an International Investigation they want International Investigators involved to find out who is responsible for placing this highly explosive material at bay reports which which is. Believed to be behind the cause of the explosions so public anger against the ruling class only. Only growing one man here told us that you know when when when the dust settles were going to be back on the streets but its what can they do when theyre up against a militarized state who still has supporters people who continue to benefit from the support from supporting the political powers who are stronger than the lebanese state. Bringing us the very latest from the blast site in beirut thanks very much they are. Account has been set up to help find people still missing it has more than 100000 followers the profile locate victims beirut has been sharing pictures of missing people provided by friends and family has helped the families identify a number of victims Receiving Hospital treatment who are unable to speak. As routine as a beirut resident her father works at the port but is amongst those missing and she joins us now via skype im so sorry to hear that your father is missing tell me how did you find out about but thank you for having me. So we can have the last in the house saturday. Was very bad we turned on the t. V. To see what happened and we saw that it was in the port so we started going baghdad everybody was quite exhausted. Already. Know what we didnt get the connection we couldnt. Nobody told us anything about him and didnt now we dont know anything about him and we think hes trapped underneath that opens of the bin so you dont think that hes been taken to hospital youve managed to check all the hospitals in beirut. Yes on tuesday we checked all of the hospitals we were divided into groups our families. Started searching the hospital is if somebody said they saw him or they think hes the man who started going corning and then now and nobody can give us anything about what is the search and rescue efforts at the site where you believe your father is trapped what do you know about that going on than actually do you know officially. Told us anything its only us we went there and they call them a school and we only know how it is that that got us the Civil Defense and hes our enemy searching for them. They get in big wind that we call them that my father is. They are 7 were at the. Top we think they are trapped actually and we call that the big where they all out and. Do they morning we got a new look and you would see that they thought that they are digging my that its ok so youre waiting for news right now you know. Why do you think all this happened tatyana i dont know why all this fuss when i think its much bigger than me or any citizen he i think its something with the government mean for some Political Party we dont have you know but i do think that my dad and his crew were innocent they do not deserve this they did not do this mess that that in all of their families all they look is gone and some people dont have a house now and people out on the streets we dont deserve this we have a graphic system and i think it should be we deserve better than this. We very much hope that you will be hearing some good news today thank you very much for taking the time to speak to us here on out is there. But lets take a look at how far reaching the damage is in beirut the explosion began at the industrial port thats where the government says 2700. 00 tons of Ammonium Nitrate was stored it happened not far from these busy commercial district theres widespread damage to buildings some reduced to rubble an upscale shopping district in downtown streets a layered was shattered glass as area was heavily redeveloped by the former Prime Minister rafik hariri off to the civil war beyond that the residential area of fear shockwave broke apartment buildings there damaging peoples homes even more and further out as one of beiruts main hospitals which was damaged in the hours after the blast it treated more than 500 people. Lets bring in. The from from birmingham in the u. K. Shes a lecturer in political geography and the author of war and the city urban geopolitics in lebanon thank you very much for joining us or just a little earlier in our live cross with our correspondents on the waterfront we saw pictures of the destruction of some of those Old Buildings there what is the extent of the devastation. Thank you for having me i think the location of the more it helps us understand the butler is events so this is a puritan is inside if it is center of a capital city when you realize mostly on imports so 7969. 00 all of the trade floor of lebanon or to beirut so. Origin expansions or is expanding its area right in front of a heavily populated neighborhood especially with our integrated Container Terminal and its a poor its no use looking at it right in between 2 kinds of neighborhoods still on the one hand you had to reconstruct this to the center of the one you just mentioned redevelop by the Company Owned by her it is the it area is a company that is critical to our morning to meet 2000000000 dollars as of a couple of years ago and its a space where there are a lot of investment thats going on in during the past 30 years to good theyve looked back on them out of International Investment of Market Investments and also through to leave the reputation of the city back from where it was you or interest in terms of of elation of urban culture and. You also have on the other side of the work. And the surrounding you to church and to solidarity you have not only yes if you have a host of other smaller neighborhoods money trail couldnt you know and the source of conflict i wish and these are much more mixed use neighborhoods and also mixed into a kind of social social economic. And this is where the damage is most widespread you have not only offices like for example you would have in the town and you would have also a resident probably read and his richness its shops and restaurants and cafes because it is mixed use and is dense. Because and his neighborhoods are the personal injury and immature damage has been much more deeper and quite right here and so its not uncommon in this neighborhood. Who through difficult work to actually why did a few traditional buildings Still Standing and you can say that what a civil war did not manage to ravage indias surrounding neighborhoods well this determination has. So this is just a situation so so how then does beirut go about rebuilding is no stranger to rebuilding its city as you mentioned from the civil war but now its a country on its knees did the economy is in ruins how does it go about rehabilitating. There is obviously a hostile well rehearsed manner a narrative zone between getting itself and you know the phoenix reason for it from the ashes but you really really need to start questioning how much traction this narrative as now as you mentioned the country was. Going through and hes going through an overlapping series of crises from college from financial breakdown public projects and so on. I think that before us. Whether it be a good career construct itself we need to summon up the conundrum which is about our more kind of political reconstruction we need to sort of the conundrum of what to our morning to 2000 tons of Ammonium Nitrate doing in side a city center of a capital city. So we need to understand who ordered our actors who want to look at decision to store does material there are and how was a decision taken and so the fact that you have a court free zone in florida which is which is basically giving us an emerging picture of a total lack of transparency and accountability how can it you have a freezer that is not the excess of the nocturnes are inside the city center of a cd losing battle so much of their ears are stuck and disconnect needs solving any needs solving not by leaving it to the new one is a lot now but by involving the International Community in trying to result is if you and i knew why we got to the bottom of that then we will start our understand how to reconstruct ok that sorry many thanks for joining us there from birmingham and you for having me. Well bring you more from lebanon later in this news hour and theres plenty more still ahead including. A somber tone in japan remembering the worlds 1st atomic bombing 75 years ago and this time there are extra precautions. Find out why a canadian pastore has been sent to prison in miramar for holding a religious gathering. And the defending n. B. A. Champions continue their winning streak peter will have all the action in sports. Counting is underway enshrined his parliamentary election which was delayed twice because of covert 19 the shoreline peoples front party led by rajapaksa brothers who serve as president and Prime Minister is expected to win a majority of south asias 1st major vote during the pandemic which would force a delay of over 4 months. Just joins us now live from colombo without any exit polls during this counting how do we get indicators of where the vote went. Generally laura what happens with sri lanka is the whole sort of mechanism of exit polls arent conducted here so what we do have as early indicators is at counting centers like the one that i am standing in front of here in the Colombo District each counting room essentially has representatives of Political Parties of independent candidates and each of them on a selected basis are given permits to sit in observe the count and usually each of those rooms when the count is completed theres a formal result sheet thats posted up outside and those representatives tend to give out that message who did what garnered what number of words and this is very much the kind of early indicators that we start hearing from within the counting centers of what we the paul has gone now so far we have been receiving some of the early results the official results the 1st of all to be counted obviously the ballot these are votes that are cast a couple of weeks before the election but by government essentially employees who are in stations that they cant go into their formal sort of polling station so the cost their votes or those of the 1st votes to be counted we have been hearing in the last hour and a half or so the results of individual sort of postal votes in particular areas and lot of them the indicators that were getting so far from some of these results from the south the p. P. Thats the party of the rajapaksa seems to be well ahead laura ok well help in a moment thanks very much well come back to you as we get more idea of yesterdays vote thanks very much rajiv which is seen there is a former m. P. And state minister and joins us via skype from korea were in sri lanka thanks very much for being with us through just heard from our correspondent yes p. P. Appears already to be well out in front all those the indications anyway what do you see the outcome being. Well i dont think there was ever any doubt that the s. L. It being the thats the party of the raj boxers would win a majority i think the only question is would they get a 2 thirds majority which would enable them to use the constitution quite interesting i think theyre going to be in tool for the electorate that have voted that the results have come out but thats far from the southern goal district and in that town as one would expect in the urban area its been said that b. P. Had one but with only just under 60 percent whereas d in a more rural later they got over 72. 00 and i suspect thats a fact and it was seen throughout that rule of 3 lanka will vote overwhelmingly for their side of the probably giving it a 2 thirds majority if you want to come to the Rural Electrification but of course our system is such that you would by district as it is still uncertain with it wouldnt do the majority ok so this is the much impact as looking to cement their political standing is that president doesnt buy one through event the 19th constitutional amendment what does he want more power for. One i dont really know of this lead but i think everyone is agreed that the 19th amendment of the 2. I managed to get someone who voted for it but i do have the distinction of being proposed 20 amendments to it which was shouted down because you know people are not looking at the principles i think its sensually you now have a di asking and the Supreme Court actually said you couldnt have a diety that didnt didnt let the president must be the leader of the country and the un be that some of the running to become a singer whos been smashed in this election the servant tried to smuggle in provisions to make him the equivalent of the of the president which led to chaos and i think the 5 years from 2015 to 2000 and of 2019 was such a mess you can see exactly why this is the hes doing so well i think you really understand it so you can jump in there because they are not a concern then is franklins not concerned by the extent of the rajapaksa power present Prime Minister another by the chamomile mahinda son all in government. Yes i mean i think that could present a problem but i think the electorate decided that thats a lesser problem than allowing either under the coming up or the people who surrounded him and allowed to corruption under d him to come back into power i do know that one of the president s brothers said the sort of indulgence that mind the roger thought so sure you know my father was a great leader in terms of getting rid of the old city and stealing the standard of the terrorism to contradict but he did tend to give in a lot to people who were simply unworthy and you know one of his brothers who is not contesting but is seen as one of the strong men in politics said he didnt think the present president would be so industrious that having been said i think both go to our best president dont mind rajapakse as Prime Minister will i think they will Work Together well because you know they respect each other ok but there will be people around i thought that will try to create tension that is something that both of them must avoid ok. Thanks very much for joining us from your expertise on the same strength in politics. Thank you. Now survivors of the worlds 1st atomic bomb have been marking 75 years since it was dropped on hiroshima around 140000 people were killed after u. S. Forces attacks japan in the final stages of world war 2 pride reports. A poignant commemoration of the moment 75 years ago when the world entered the atomic age and the whole city was destroyed with the numbers of the socalled hit the original survivors of the attack declining each year this is likely to be the last major round of bursaries they will attend in large numbers special precautions in place to protect them from the coronavirus that hiroshima as mayor referred to as a new threat facing the world accompanied by a worrying increase in nationalism. We must never allow this painful pass to repeat he felt that the most rejects selfcentered nationalism and unite against all threats i take 15 in the morning local time a single atomic bomb code named little boy exploded 2000 feet above the center of the city killing tens of thousands of people instantly with tens of thousands more dying in the months and years that followed many from radiation related illnesses michiko could die was a child when the bomb was dropped. With the pandemic innovative ways have been found for her and other survivors to share their stories with the present generation. And there is a sense that we dont have much longer to live im now 82 i dont know when i wont be able to speak so in some form we need to preserve our stories that 3 days after hiroshima nagasaki was attacked with a 2nd bomb another round of verse or e. With more survivors to market and in both cities both among the generation who endured the attacks and also the generations that came after them theres a strong piece called true that really focused on abolishing Nuclear Weapons the experience of being the only country to be attacked with Nuclear Weapons help shape modern japan. By urging action from each country japan will take the lead in the International Communitys efforts towards the realisation of a World Without Nuclear Weapons its a goal still far from being realized but one held still is strongly in the 2 cities that have suffered most from such weapons rob Mcbride Al Jazeera north korea is preparing for flooding and landslides often days of heavy rain agricultural areas areas are amongst the west hit state media released this video showing people repairing damage to their farms of south korea have also been flooded after 44. 00 consecutive days of rain some highways have been closed and the 16 people have died and around 1600. 00 are homeless. Well so now for all the weather and his jenny jenny is there any was spuyten flight for the Korean Peninsula not really not for the next few days or in fact some of the heaviest rain weve seen over the last week or so but you can see quite clearly on the satellite is this massive cloud here and you can see this next line here which of course is on its way towards the east but its not just there of course we continuing to see problems across into china this is in northern china there was some particularly heavy downpours and actually caused a road to collapse and as the road collapsed that actually explosion a gas pipe exploded as all that happened of course was some flooding as well no reports of any injuries thankfully but there is more rain across this entire area again northern china on this rain working its way studly across the Korean Peninsula beginning to push into honshu as well but there really isnt any rest because in fact on saturday the rain if anything could be heavier and by the time we go through friday and saturday we could see another 400. 00 millimeters of rain in south korea and of course that will cause fresh flooding or even just you know exacerbate the problem already on the ground and then of course we had across to india now this is good state we havent had pictures coming out of here for a while but the last couple of days weve had some torrential amounts of rain and again theres more in the forecast although the very heavy rain will be eventually moving away from good drop it people have to be rescued of course from their homes because the flood waters were so deep now as we go through friday there is more rain again down this western side of India Maharashtra again the next couple days we could see over half a meter of rain in maharashtra but in actual fact is pakistan next thats where were going to see the very heavy rain this really dark blue area this area of low pressure is moving away gradually from pakistan and then of course guess where heads next to heads to northern mon so laura we might actually have some rain in a Northern Ireland for the weekend that could. Be nice for the region with well maybe not but cause flooding that this is a problem of ok all right well keep an eye on it jenny thanks very much. Phil ahead on aljazeera how a surgeon crime is compounding the. People already struggling to cope with coronavirus in argentina. And the battle to qualify for the stanley cup playoffs is heating up he told me here with all of the action in sport. 150000000. 00 trees disappear every year into the clothing that we all wear from uk cycling to save the forests the famous yellow dress fade from blue jeans. To conserving the worlds twinning wetlands free of aids worlds global bird migration. Right where we are the basic discovered a treasure trove it is one of the most special low clouds and the place for ice ecosystems elaborate on aljazeera. Breaks everybody on this planet matters everybody has our when people need to be heard and the story needs to be told here Human Development has moved right to the edge of the forest with exclusive interviews and indepth reports it is a disease going to affect anyone any age ill just be around has teams on the ground this is the Main Business nobodys money any person here to bring you move when you documentaries and life needs. Hello again youre watching aljazeera has a reminder of our top stories this hour food is a big concern in lebanon in the wake of the explosion that destroyed beirut port the economy minister says lebanon will need International Help to help International Aid to help cope with the financial fallout from tuesdays blast at least 137 people were killed and more than 5000 injured. While france is among the countries sending aid and emergency workers and its president has arrived in beirut and has met president michel aoun and is calling for action against government corruption. And vote counting is underway in sri lankas twice delayed parliamentary election peoples front party led by the rajapaksa brothers who serve as president and Prime Minister is expected to win a majority. Twitter has temporarily restricted president Donald Trumps Campaign Team from tweeting it was in response to a video of hoax news interview with trump where he made false claims about 19. Links to the tweet now arrive at this page for the post violated its rules on cave in 1000 misinformation and the owner must remove it before they can tweet again the campaign appears to have complied facebook from move the same video from present trumps main page it was the 1st Time Facebook has removed one of trumps videos rob pegoraro is a freelance tech writer and he believes the pandemic is playing a part in changing facebooks approach. There are 257000 americans dead from this disease thats part of it i think also facebook this story glee over the last few years weve seen the do not want to upset to new people around the president to the extent where a very pro trumpet inaccurate news source like right art does not get banned does not get what gets a privilege spot in the face that missed out on their mobile app. And they have gotten a lot of criticism including from what if this were complete. Because tried not to go spence to the president and his support it is a business ties or is dont want to be in a place. I would assume that having a site overrun with conspiracy theories would not make it. I dont think this is going to draw to draw too many way from facebook the complaints people have about it i was just reading both here but the live stream are so special the number one complaint described as not is facebook mean to conservatives are not it is definitely true that some of the same people in that house many hearing who cusack her of and the other executives of being biased against republican voices will have another talking point even though actual evidence of that bias i havent seen it trump seems to have done very well using facebook as a megaphone he certainly has an immensely large audience. Now beirut is a city that has built been built up around its port its the 1st time in modern history that its now without a port its considered an economic lifeline because more than 60 percent of lebanons imports pass through here the destructors silos also store 85 percent of the nations wheat as less than a months worth of grain left or thirtys are looking for alternate ports to rely more heavily on those include the cities of tripoli side on and Tire Operations in each of those a much smaller raising concerns over the internet the intake of imports exports can be effectively distributed. Speak now to patrick madine in beirut hes the president of the lebanese institute for Market Studies good to have you with us so 60 percent of lebanons imports come through this beirut port so whats the impact of its closure. So indeed. Its a big impact there are going to be lies heavily on trade that were doing is a small country we import mostly all our needs who are in medications and thats why we actually need to create imports now the port of beirut the full capacity is that same 1000000. 00 there is. Why the port of tripoli is 300000 containers however given the crisis the economic recession that lebanon is going through the port of beirut was actually having a 30 percent so the total bill was actually running at 300000 and they know why the board of people who was basically in the trillion and they were doing like 70 can did the right so you can shift everything to do we believe if the economy does not grow if you stay in every session now if you expect one day to pick up and and regain the growth you would really need to fix the political be too quickly right and the speed here is very crucial. Of course now a lot of International Aid is going to be arriving in terms of materials in terms of food in terms of medicines how is that going to get into the country. I had a lot of aid is being channeled through the airport right by my airplanes now of course this is much more expensive and i dont know if the air would have enough to do to get all of this and i think that we can transfer most of the shipments through the port of tripoli and i mean the port of to put it is good enough theres this like 50 meter people have been the want to be rude we do have and knew the port of tripoli which is that says that he put economics on that can be used to shift the freeze on all of the sport of being 1. 00 to 3. 00 point lead so those quick fixes can be done if the government moves swiftly quickly and with the support of private companies about to go the government or not will be able to do anything however and more importantly i think that the port of beirut should be quickly given or contracted to a private company so that they can fix it manage it and around it i think that the debate his government does not have any arms to rebuild the port of beirut and it would be a gap thats too few built without its sport i think the only way would be to have a private company take the board and it operate the loan format for example or a bit look at it thats a format where they believe mention the income getting out of it and then the company the government can tax and thats the only way to build up what we call it if you leave it to the government it would be the government 30 years before getting something running ok that technology and we have to leave that that many thanks for taking time to join us there from barrett thank you. A top Infectious Disease expert in the u. S. Insists the countrys regulators are not cussing corners on vaccine safety and to separate interviews on wednesday doctor and say found he said he does not believe the white house has tried to pressure the food and drug administration. I mean obviously theyve expressed a nice the sooner the better but i havent seen any pressure to do something that is out of line with the regulatory yeah we have assurances and ive discussed this with the regulatory authorities that they promise that they are not going to let Political Considerations interfere with a regulatory decision because weve spoken explicitly about that because the subject obviously comes up and the people in charge of the regulatory process is sure is that safety and efficacy is going to be the prime consideration. Millions of people who want their homes in the u. S. Are facing eviction help crying a virus crisis is coming to an end and i got reports from miami. Even as unemployment rates remain at historic highs the coronavirus pandemic shows no signs of slowing with so many out of work in the midst of a Health Crisis the specter of massive victims is now real temporary moratoriums meant to prevent renters losing their homes have been lifted in 30 states and millions of facing a harsh reality for the landlord here has started an addiction process like that when my mom lost her child and her father. 19 pandemic and completely scared and frightened because i dont want to become homeless i doubt why my family be split in half tell it at home by shelter over the last few months is job losses of grown so too have the lines that food banks that massive loss of income and increasing desperation not only affects renters but landlords to somebody who own just one property in their service. To pay their bills and they have duplex and they make that one happen the other without parental. Care not pay their bills this is absolutely the time to be a journalist and provide additional federal leave to people whove been laid off in washington negotiations between the Democratic Party and the republicans continue over a new Relief Program some Unemployment Benefits officially ended last month with no new plans in place that combined with an end to protection from addiction could have a devastating effect housing experts say without action the u. S. Could witness a tsunami of addictions that may affect tens of millions of people without homes many are forced to live with relatives or in shelters increasing their risk of contracting covert 19 the court system is overwhelmed hearing addiction cases as a safety net designed to protect the most vulnerable seems to be straining according to the Data Companies to distance 40 percent of americans and now at risk of a vixen for some its already happened is heartbreaking. Data loss Everything Else no money no not. At all sleep well ask the worried about stuff that by some estimates 40000000 people could lose their impact in poverty rates homelessness and the wider economy and they go across 0 Miami Florida a number of corona virus infections in africa is nearing 1000000 with more than half in south africa the countrys death toll stands at almost 10000 south africas a population of 58000000 and the 5th highest number of cases globally africas centers for Disease Control and prevention says the low rate of testing on the constant is a concern. Wait a minute joins us now from johannesburg is a rather grim milestone that the constants there is about to reach 1000000 cases for media. Well that is certainly concerning but i think also in the greater picture given that they are 18000000 cases of coronavirus globally africa reaching that a milestone does raise a number of questions with that number at 1000000 specifically there is concern around the number of tests being conducted and if records been kept are accurate in a country like south africa so far at least 3100000 tests have been conducted and so i do think when people look at south africa there is some confidence to some extent around how the government is handling the pandemic in this country in particular but if you look at the neighbors they are a number of concerns one is a bar where were so far there are about 8000. 00 cases of the coronavirus recorder but people say that that is likely to be much higher because of the limited Testing Capacity in whats one hour so far there are about 800 or just over 800 cases of corona virus being recorded and that country has again replaced its capital cover only and its surrounding areas under lockdown really wanting to prevent any type of growth in numbers trying to make sure that the pandemic of that infections in that country is kept under control as far as possible and in other countries like namibia theres talk of also opening borders where people entering the maybe i wouldnt have to undergo a quarantine so countries across the continent depending on where you are a lot of the different policies dealing with the pandemic and just how it will be tackled and on the other extreme a country like tanzania where basically the government has approached the pandemic as if it doesnt really exist or has downplayed the threat that it poses the last figures released weeks ago puts the number of infections there at about 509. 00 and that countries come under. This isnt from the w. H. O. Around while its handling the pandemic and if those numbers in fact are accurate one of the points of interest i think in south africa also is that they are ongoing trials around a vaccine we understand that a vaccine could be ready by mid 2021 but given the economic status of many countries around africa they of course are questions around of ford ability as well as access weve heard pharmaceutical companies talk about releasing the vaccine once its ready at a cost price so that its affordable thats especially when countries are at the height of the pandemic and perhaps later on introducing a low price to allow for accessibility but at the moment given that the numbers continue to rise weve seen an 11 percent increase in the last week alone there are of course questions been raised around the testing and if the numbers are accurate and of course those would then determine just how the pandemic is tackled in africa specifically. Thanks very much. Astray as Prime Minister warns unemployment could reach 10 percent as the country deals with the economic fallout of the pandemic the 2nd biggest city of melbourne is under a 6 week lockdown after a surge in cases personnel have been deployed to help in force isolation orders the state of victoria reported 471 new infections in the past 24 hours. Many in argentina are struggling to get by after 4 months of quarantine and an economic crisis the situation has been worsened by a rise in crime poverty and hunger straight up her report from one of our. Security personnel on the ground in one of sightings their target is a Drug Trafficking ring involved in armed robberies. The operation is money toward by the provinces security minister said. He sell a 10 coronel in the army a surgeon and a lawyer he says the only way of stopping when a site is going out of control is to be on the ground every day. We are companied him on one of more than 40 Security Operations that take place every day in this province of 12000000 people a provincial when i say it is the province of borno state is going through pandemic his original virus but we already had other intimate problems like in security its getting deeper and we need to approach it with all sorts of policies. The rate is not an easy one members of the group try to escape and shots are fired this is great heard one side is very aware of high poverty rate and work insecurity has been on the rise and major challenge for the government is keeping the situation in this part of the country under control. The police searched the homes of the suspects for drugs and guns children are terrified. Poverty has been on the rise in recent years but is the pandemic began the situation has deteriorated even further the government has increased cash and food handouts but it seems much more needs to be done. Better he says the situation can be compared to the 2001 crisis when argentina defaulted on its sovereign debt. Even though looting and riots are under control for now inequality has been on the rice. In it on the mental the crime were seeing now is younger people involved in criminal activities people with no criminal background its more disorganized the crisis that is coming its worse than 2001 because its deeper and sharper but were trying to control it. For people are detained on drugs confiscated but with more security personnel on the ground human rights activists say abuse has increased. Were seeing cases of abuse all around the country with Different Levels of violence abuse from the police and provincial and federal forces this is not new but it reaffirms that these are not isolated cases and there is a structural problem. Argentina struggling to contain the spread of 19 and hes coping with an economic crisis the challenge is to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control once again. A leader from n. G. O. S governing party the b j p has been shot dead in indian administered kashmir such as a candidate who was killed by a gunman in a in a village in district another leader from the party was injured an attack in the same area on wednesday of course and man maher has delivered his verdict on a canadian pastor charged with violating a ban on large gatherings david law was charged in april over a religious event in yang gone a law was put in place and mid march to combat the spread of covert 19. China has launched a new satellites that uses senses to form High Resolution images of the earths surface it took off into orbits from the job in the north west of the country china says the satellite will mainly be used for city planning and disaster prevention and relief and it will help in its make up belt and Road Initiative that aims to create a trade link with many countries. So i head to head on the aljazeera news hour the worlds top tennis player returns our indigenous race to promote tennis in the community thats coming up with pizza and sports. Its time now for the sport and theres peter lorre thing is iraq should go 1st to majors since the coronavirus lockdown tees off later with the p. G. A. Championship in San Francisco brooks kepcher is the defending champion and he is aiming for a 3rd successive victory Justin Thomas rory mcilroy and tiger woods all former winners to the tournament is being played at harding park a public golf course that fell on hard times and at one stage was used as a car park before being renovated its the 2nd year the p. G. A. Has held a major and a municipal course. I think gulf still got a fair bit to go to to be as inclusive and as accessible as it as it needs to be but i think bringing the biggest tournaments in the world to public courses. Is a step in the right direction i mean were always going to go to private courses because some of the private courses are you know some of the best in the world and it is important to let the public see us on golf courses that theyve played before that are accessible for them that arent too expensive to get on. And be a champions the Toronto Raptors were on the winning side at the leagues bubble at disneyworld in florida on wednesday toronto getting the base of the Orlando Magic 10999 freight van vliet contravening 21 points and 10 assists its a 7th straight win for the raptors although that record dates back to before the league took a coronavirus enforced break as for lambeau they remain in contention for the playoffs. Elsewhere the philadelphia 76. 00 is were aided by they start men joel embiid school 30 points and contribution 11 rebounds indeed helping the 0. 76 to a 17098. 00 when ever the Washington Wizards who have lost all full games since the restart to. Major League Baseball has tightened its coronavirus rules off of the outbreak of the Miami Marlins have introduced man to treat mask wearing in dugouts on the field of play after losing 101. 00 in the night before to the Atlanta Braves the throngs of blue jays turned things around to win 21. 00 on wednesday south korean picture for you you know gene was the star of the show for the blue jays he struck out 8 and gave up just one hit across 5 shutout innings. Its a case of advantage Montreal Canadiens in their stanley cup preliminary playoff series against the Pittsburgh Penguins it was game 3 on a wednesday in toronto one of 2 games designated as part of a bubble in which the n. H. L. Can complete its season after a coronavirus and falls break after falling 31. 00 behind you to preschool in the winter for montreal in a full 3 when they also lead the series 21. 00. Were just over a month away from the planned restart of the n. F. L. Season and the league has unveiled a new measure to help keep players safe ive been working on a mouse shield to go inside helmets sunglass manufacturers oatley has helped design the shield which it is hoped will limit transmission of covert 19 although some players are said they wont wear it and the teams had already agreed to undergo daily coronavirus tests heres another helmet causing a stir washington has unveiled a new design having scrapped a native american logo the team is yet to decide on its new name after dropping the old one last month as it was considered a racial slur the Portland Timbers have reached the m. L. S. Is back tournament final they defeated the Philadelphia Union 21 on wednesday at disney world the cross from a corner was converted by jeremy abel beasts that handed paul the lead in the 13th minute a lady was in fine form on the night for the busy 70th minute corner flicked on before Sebastian Blanco doubled the lead to one of the final score of the timbers move on to the final where they will play either Minnesota United or orlando city. And just united all through to the quarter finals of the Europa League theyre joined by italian say they are runners up into malayan who beat the tough 8 to no Romelu Lukaku and Christian Eriksen were on the scoresheet for into this match was played over a single leg because the teams were unable to play their 1st League Fixture in march because of the coronavirus. Another italian club aroma will play severe in the last 16 later but theyll do so under new management the city our club has just been sold to another american billionaire then friedkin has signed a deal to buy the club for 700000000. 00 from a group of u. S. Investors led by jim. Who bought the club 8 years ago womens tennis number one ash barty may have skipped the u. S. Open at the end of the month because of fears over coronavirus but the french open champion has been keeping busy body has been promoting tennis in indigenous communities in the far north of australia to 24 year old is the 1st indigenous australian since yvonne kohli to top the World Rankings she spent the last week working with Young Players in the community of the Tennis Australia announced this week and 80000. 00 fund for indigenous tennis over the next 3 years. It really does bring a smile on my face and i feel like for me it brings back so many of my favorite memories from when i was a child growing up how much tennis and how much tennis brought in joy to my life and happiness to my life its a its a massive stepping stone a massive stepping stone i think for us its its a pathway to young kids to see an opportunity not just in tennis but in education experiences in all of these Different Things and i think you know its incredible to see the pathways that are now available to Indigenous Youth and from there its opportunities where they can grow and develop as people anymore have a professional. Dutch cyclists to be a yacob certainly is in a serious but stable condition after a shocking crash on the tour of poland the 23 year old seen here winning on the spot in your last year collided with another dutch roy dillon. Right at the end of the 1st stage he crashed into the barriers and into a race official and has been put in a medically induced coma although tests have revealed he did not suffer brain or spinal injuries cyclings governing body the u. C. I. Strongly criticized in the vehicle and he has been disqualified from the race and is facing a further disciplinary actions tokyo officials are putting away their Olympic Rings from their home the game symbol which has been in the citys basins earlier this year has been hauled away on a barge for maintenance and will return next year the games which would have come to a close this sunday had been delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic. Its all the small things that are coming up again later laura thanks very much and dave thats it for me laura cottle for this news hour so rahman will be with you and just a moment bringing you all the latest in the days needs. One. A Global Pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. The u. S. Is called was open to the people who wrote the world this has been going on for a number of what you can be up to report from an International Perspective to try keep your mobile audience how this could impact your life this is an important part of the world and our leaders very good to bringing the news to the world from here covering daintiness see the war of words escalate between the u. S. And china ill challenge u. S. General Robert Spaulding and british diplomat and also kerry brown on whether the west is entering into a new cold war with china in a special edition of head to head you want to travel ban on china so much the muslim to quote stop proposal we need a strict vetting process is the tide finally turning against beijing we have a china centric world and then a world which is not china centric head to head on out his iraq. A port in ruin a city in mourning beirut confronts the impact of tuesdays poll blast with many people still missing. When youre watching aljazeera headquarters here in doha also coming up counting the vote in sri lankas parliamentary elections a poll that could cement the president s grip on power. Also twitter and facebook take down the post by President Donald Trump calling it false and harmful misinformation about covert 19

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