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Breaking ground on stirring controversy indias Prime Minister lays the foundation of a hindu temple on the ruins of a 16th century mosque plus. Im lawrence lee in the northwest of england at the height of the tourism season some hoteliers a warning that the livelihoods of being put to rest because some visitors are failing to follow basic guidelines to control the spread of the virus and i. V. To stem it with their sport or f. L. Nobel confirms he will not defend his u. S. Open title later this month because of coronavirus feels. Its almost exactly 24 hours since that huge explosion ripped through the port of beirut causing extensive damage across the lebanese capital the destruction has been so widespread that song according. A catastrophe is a live picture of the scene right now where theres been a recovery operation underway we know that at least 113 people have been killed and more than 4000 injured and nearly 300000 people have lost their homes lebanons president has promised a fast and transparent investigation and the cabinet has agreed to put a number of ports officials under house arrest when investigators look into the chain of events that led to tuesdays explosions aljazeera is. In beirut begins our coverage. The people of this disaster stricken city are starting to assess and comprehend the extent of the damage of a blast that was far more destructive than any explosion lebanon has ever seen just before sunset on tuesday highly explosive material stored at a warehouse at beirut port caused the blast sending shock waves across the city now in ruins. Almost every building has been damaged many are dead thousands are injured and hundreds are missing rescue workers worked through the night and into the morning as people and bodies were feared trapped underneath the rubble telling them what. My husband is an employee at the Electricity Company he survived but his colleagues didnt they only nonmoving their bodies from under the rubble this is a country already reeling from a dire economic crisis where 50 percent of the population live below the poverty line the state is close to bankruptcy and the cost of damage is estimated at 3000000000. 00 the damage spread several kilometers more than 300000 people are now displaced its people are not in a position to cope with this disaster. And the. Material losses are sad but its nothing compared to those who lost their lives this is my taxi its my livelihood and im still paying for it. Everyone has a story of survival or tragedy the damage spread several kilometers many are blaming those in power for the catastrophe. This was lebanons hiroshima we trusted them with our money our souls our lives and they betrayed us why are they still in power they should all resign we only have god their day will come. Authorities are appealing for help from the International Community the state is close to bankruptcy. Its like a big earthquake hit lebanon by roots this will cost billions of dollars to restore the economy will get even worse because businesses have been hit entirely in order for it to relaunch a nice new investments we will not despair some countries have started to send much needed medical supplies the Health Care System was already close to collapse hospitals have been laying off staff in recent months because of the financial crisis. Especially manky we are an afflicted hospital there is no hospital as you can see hospital is closed and now we wait for our directors in order to receive instructions because we want to start the recovery workers cannot get in also as you can see because its unsafe the ceiling is falling down it is a critical situation. Lebanons leaders are promising an investigation to determine who was responsible for storing Ammonium Nitrate without Safety Measures at the port for years and. We are determined to investigate and reveal what happened as soon as possible and bring those responsible to justice and punish them accordingly we will transparently announce the results of these investigations but those who hold power are being blamed for negligence incompetence and corruption people are in shock but anger is also growing at a Political Class many blame for mismanagement and being responsible for running the economy into the ground months of protests calling for a new leadership have been met by a militarized state and demands by the International Community to fight corruption. And especially at beirut airport in order to be eligible for Financial Aid have gone unheard what many call a manmade disaster is the latest crisis to hit a country already on its knees so much has been lost when there was already so little. And so it is with us. So 24 hours on since this explosion i know youve had very little sleep in the last 36 hours reporting almost constantly on events until going to people about their experiences how would you before we talk about the latest developments how would you describe the mood in the city right now you mentioned in your report a growing sense of anger. Yes anger shock families still awaiting and so according to the Health Minister dozens remain missing the Search Operations continue trying to find bodies or or even survivors trapped underneath the rubble either at beirut ports or in other buildings across the city so dozens of families really dont know the fate of their loved ones and that we saw many shop owners there in despair theres a sense of desperation theres a who is going to bail us out who is going to help us we dont have money to fix our shops this was our only source of livelihood like we mentioned the economy you know theres a theres a deep crisis here a workforce 32 percent of the workforce is unemployed 50 percent of the population live below the poverty line so they are wondering who is going to provide them help 300000 people are now homeless some are lucky enough to have relatives in other areas in the country but others are started to gather their belongings put them in suitcases and we watched some of them do that and and head to churches or mosques to find shelter so the mood is one of desperation shock people cannot understand what happened that was a massive explosion and this is a country that has seen its share of violence but nothing to what people really witnessed yesterday zain what are we to make then of this cabinet agreement to place the number of pools officials on the house arrest after the explosion. Yes the government deciding that the officials responsible for storing and guarding beirut ports since 2014 they will be placed under house arrest pending the outcome of vesta geisha ins officials are saying or are promising that the outcome of investigations will be revealed within the next 5 days theyre saying its going to be transparent but will this you know be enough for a very skeptical lebanese population many in the opposition are calling for the need for independent International Investigators to to look into the the cause of the blast because many is state institutions are run by Political Parties and they have appointed their men their loyalists to positions and these people are loyal to parties and not the state so many feel that there will be some sort of a cover up many are not you know you tell them this accident and they say no no no this was not an accident this is a criminal act against the people of lebannon so you have that sense of anger in the streets now will it translate to something its hard to say weve seen months of protest since october but they havent achieved the their goals and the goal is a new leadership those in power are clinging on to power and they control all the different state institutions as well as the security agencies which is there is in the heart of reporting live from the scene of that explosion in lebanons capital beirut say that many thanks indeed governments around the world have been sending off of assistance to lebanon francaise the 2 at craft are being sent with aid and resources including firefighters and medical staff frances president and the new mccrone is due to travel to beirut on thursday germany also says its ready to send a team of search and rescue experts lets go live now to well when i was a serious tone a cane is that forest greece among the other countries also going to send aid one of this is the e. U. Doing for lebanon right now dominic. At least 8 e. U. Countries individually have made offers of assistance to the lebanese authorities following the disaster in beirut and those offers range from Logistical Support to food aid to specialist teams who will go to help the rescuers there at a european level of paneuropean level the e. U. Has activated its Civil Protection mechanism which effectively allows it almost instantaneously to send more than 100. 00 specialized rescue workers dog teams that sort of thing to beirut to help the authorities there thats something that they can do relatively quickly and indeed greece the Czech Republic and the netherlands will be spearheading vattel amount of the assistance being offered to the lebanese authorities but theres also the European Union also offering the assistance of its Satellite Program satellite platforms to the lebanese authorities allowed them to look at satellite imagery of the disaster sites to help them use that to coordinate logistical operations and that sort of thing and of course every country around the e. U. Has been expressing its sympathies to the lebanese people its condolences to all those who have been caught up in this disaster that took place in beirut deserves thought it came live in beirut stomach many thanks indeed well there are questions now about why such large amounts of explosive material was stored in the very heart of the city ahead of beirut supporters told the lebanese media that the material have been stored in a warehouse based on an earlier court order is as the letters were sent urging their removal for 6 years for those letters went unanswered. Well 100 is a lebanese politician who resigned from parliament in protest soon after the explosion hes demanding an International Inquiry is on the line now from beirut good to have you with us. What form should this investigation take who should conduct its. Where did. We learn that the Security Council moves or be. Meeting on the ben and next monday i think on the agenda should be the creation of the connection with the Quality Committee because the judicial system independent and somebody on you program said it didnt go that everybody has been appointed by the party to see the power and therefore are no more the judge is a burden to read to carry on and just a geisha on this and he be studious explosion where you have too many see what hes going from. To negligence you to the lebanese authorities and the lesion on stalking much went to pieces of money only trade in the heart of a. Heart to heart who is one of the. Of the Eastern Mediterranean shores so i think that. This International Community should be phoned i insist on it myself just to give a signal i dont think it would change many things but i want to give a segment by designing parliament and by us or so that the high court for judging president s and to. Get the phones off. And judges. I think carries on this quietly on the turn and lack of transparency of religion. Something that people ought to do it is just never the city so used to wards reza civilly or invasions never have we witnessed such a catastrophe id just terrifies an International Committee of judges lawyers experts led by the un youre suggesting yes yes ok so this would really to be the expression of need to mention community. Maybe over the votes of the Security Council. China and russia. So that we can really carry on transparent and. Quietly why is the people of lebanon what we are living. Conditions for monsters with the government not to represent them and to still be. Every every day insulted in the streets but i forecast very huge popular explosion if youre frightened of the mob all. Attack spurgeon youve got dealt with. Digital and with experience you sir are a very well known longstanding lebanese politician why did you feel that you had no option but to resign following yesterdays explosion because nobody wants to hear anything now we have. To ship closer to to the fact of 2 parties has brought along one side and the party of the president down on the other is and always to provide christian cover or christian come. Regular. Doing whatever he wants and external policies of clementon sport that hes really from the whole world where the western or eastern or out up does this mean though that your political career is over or are you still prefer. To fight for a new level. And take part in perhaps democracy if if lebanon changes now there is a there is a fight for democracy we had for glory democracy but it didnt it didnt. Function at one time we had to from the french mandate who were the 1st parliament to be out upward. And the. Press have the whole area but i think we have to regain our right to democracy that should not be along with the previous system of which i was part of but. Im not that an age where im looking for new. Year but certainly i will fight for typically. And just to ensure to our children and grandchildren a Better Future than the bankruptcy of a failed state that was reached by the present president government thank you for your time really appreciated my 100 out of that lebanese politics you think. This is the news from other series still to come on the Program Sri Lanka votes in palm tree elections which could give more power to the islands post powerful political family. In flash floods course more hardship and devastation for people in parts of central yemen. But in sports a happy return for the Miami Marlins after that corona Virus Outbreak all the details coming up a little later with people. U. N. Experts are calling on the International Community to step in if india doesnt address the deteriorating human rights situation in indian administered kashmir its been a year now since new delhi stripped the region of its autonomy a coronavirus lockdown is being enforced more strictly by the military style protesters from gathering on the anniversary several local politicians journalists and activists have been detained for months at high speed 4 g. Internet Services Remain banned since last year the protests were held in the capital of pakistan administered kashmir kashmir suffer about they were in solidarity with the people of indian administered kashmir they were also demonstrations in islamabad. Was that. All good faith that day walked article 5070 of the constitution stripping the. Bog down in india have 40 wall go what they. Did get it dirty. That did. Something that brought china entered the fray because. Now the Prime Minister had. To issue a new political map off by get on. Me. And that had to be their day and their gardens read. Un resolution the pakistani Prime Minister brushed aside any notion of a military solution but said that he will continue to remind the United Nations again and again about its promises they made to the people of push me to hold a pledge to stay and to decide their future the pakistanis of course have also been warning the International Community of the potential for conflict in this region something that could escalate beyond a conventional war and the pakistani Prime Minister say that the International Community must pay heed it must be understood that there are 11. 00 outstanding resolutions on the issue of kashmir however did little really to solve this issue according to the Pakistani Foreign minister the International Community was taking its economic interests beyond the political and human rights issues also important to note that there have been frequent skirmishes along the line of control that separate indian and pakistani administered kashmir and this had the potential of becoming a larger conflict by the india the unilateral move id also prompted other neighbors to become nervous nepal had already announced that showed their disputed region that it said india is holding that territory and after all the situation remaining ready tense as you can see there are huge protests outside parliament a show of solidarity with the people of kashmir. And while people in administered kashmir remain on the long term politicians from new delhi including Prime Minister Narendra Modi in another town to lay the foundation of a controversial hindu temple im serious elizabeth for on im reports now from new delhi. Its quiet because there has been a lot done in place to stop the spread of the virus and on monday the Indian Government said that there would be a curfew on tuesday and wednesday the possibility of protests to mock the one Year Anniversary of. Tommy being they went back on the case he. Spoken to and. Regardless of whether its called a. People day very much feel like the restrictions the. Opposition to what happened a year ago. Who had been planning to meet today to find a political solution to being an. Outside their homes while on the roads and in fact the only activity. Is members of the b j p government have foisted an indian flag. Now the government hasnt said anything about it but promised and that is in the town of. The construction of the hindu temple things whether its the revoking of. A building this temple at indias most controversial contested when they just saw it had been longstanding promises of the hindu nationalist government despite the fact that political and religious gatherings on to allow the Prime Minister was joined by the countrys most prominent and the best in this leaders in 175 people who were invited and attended the event and here is why the building of this temple is so important not just to be j. P. To its supporters but many all of the 1000000000 of indias hindus. Promised in that in the morty prays before an idea of the hindu god ahead of construction starting on a temple and the date hes on a its a moment many of indias nearly 1000000000 hindus have waited decades for. This will be the symbol. It will be symbolic of the united strength of hundreds of millions. But division of the side has led to some of the worst religious violence in indias history and security has been heightened. In 1902 thousands of hindus from around the country came to the town and destroyed the 16th century babi mosque and 22 others 18 of the muslims living in the town were killed including relatives of. And muhammad had. Lost everything in the violence my sawmill is here we have thousands of dollars worth of wood they set everything on fire they killed my husband and brother in law. The koran in our mosque and started stomping on the pages we tried collecting the pages. Getting. Started attacking people. The religious violence spread beyond muhammad childs father and 2 of more than 2000 people who were killed around the country leading members of the hindu nationalist bought at the edge on the party are on trial for conspiring to destroy the mosque the b j p had long promised to build a temple it was 1st elected to govern the country in the general election following the mosques destruction. Then. That is where the destruction really created a new. Force. That force. In the country. After the legal battles of the sides on a ship the Supreme Court ruled last year that it belongs to him now 30 years after he joined the campaign for a temple Prime Minister and that in for more he is inaugurating its construction and is a purana al jazeera you daddy. Voting is ended in sri lankas twice delayed parliamentary polls it was the 1st country in south asia to hold a vote during the pandemic in march president s go to buy a rajapaksa dissolve the 225. 00 Member Parliament 6 months ahead of shuttle and cold snap elections the counting process will be different this time though as the elfin under reports now from colombo. The polling has ended and now its for the ballot boxes carried in vehicles like this to come into counting centers around the country outside one of columbus largest counting centers the Royal College and over the next couple of hours basically back in the ballot boxes from throughout the district will be being brought here into the counting centers now for the 1st time the election authorities in this country given the coronavirus challengers have decided not to start counting on election day everything will get locked in overnight and the counting proper will start on thursday morning now by far and large from what were hearing from observers the Election Officials them serves things went pretty smoothly on election day overall assessment these election day proceedings are fine but. They have a 1000000 resoled problems with the preelection campaign and these include basically regulation of Campaign Financing 5 regulation on social media the use of social media in campaigning according to observers these are some of the key issues that need work obviously basically candidates and parties will be waiting to hear the results but they will have to wait overnight until those numbers are tabulated before they see the future direction of sri lanka. Or whether or. When we come back. To the coronavirus plus. Im seeing human in santiago chile the country that is now commemorating years of tragedy mining accident turned into a miracle. In the end. Thats for peace right there. Hello there mostly how to drive cause across much of the middle east but north every way you can see where the cloud is the far west of saudi and down across in the southwest of yemen this rain has been coming in with this has been fairly consistent over the last several days and quite heavy at times so not surprisingly this is to the east of sanaa the capital and you can just see how wise for these folks waters of the have been some deadly flash floods at least 17 people have actually died down there is the more rain in the forecast on thursday not quite as heavy but even so it is props are not needed at all at this stage to the north of there the winds are fairly brisk coming from the north coming through iraq the temperatures are high the wind of course picking up the sound and as we go through thursday and also on into friday if anything the winds a little stronger and that sound and could be a little bit thicker to pushing further to the south 42 is a high in doha and you nations who got this massive rain here this could well push towards northern im on in the next few days its moving away gradually from southern sections of pakistan says something well keep a very close eye on me well down into africa Central Regions usual showers and thunderstorms and fairly unsettled longer coastal areas of south africa had chosen for several days particularly into Port Elizabeth by find it begins to clear the shot was working their way further up towards the north of south africa so finally somebody on sunday sunny skies imported lizabeth. From. The leader of the profile of the us to me but we shall rest in 2017 people in power investigated why Trinidad And Tobago became a ripe recruiting grounds for i salute. You for feeling so theres no need for almost 2020 we returned to uncover the fate of those who left their homelands to join conflicts in iraq and syria or caribbean to caliph it on just. The us is always of interest to people all around the world this has been going on for a number of those with tear gas being used to push the fight back. To the reporter story from an International Perspective to try to blame your local audience why its important how did it impact their life at the height of the storm the water would go high it would you know by hey this is an important part of the world people Pay Attention to what was going here and now does it is very good at bringing the news to the world from here. To move. Forward. Hello again good to be with us adrian filling in here in doha with the news hour from aljazeera the headline beiruts has declared a state of emergency following tuesdays devastating explosion at least 113 people were killed lebanons competences agreed to place several port officials on the house arrest in connection with the blasts and governments around the world have been sending offers of assistance to lebanon france russia count on germany of all offer to help that includes aid medical teams and search and rescue experts. For more on developments in beirut lets bring in robbie koori whos a journalism professor at the American University of beirut a senior fellow at Harvard Kennedy school he joins us now via skype from boston rami good to have you with us. Before we talk about about the latest develop such as want to get your thoughts having spoken to you so often from beirut on what happened yesterday. This is a development that is a massive humanitarian tragedy some our major urban catastrophe and it is the culmination of political incompetence and cruelty and indifference and corruption that permeates most of the modern arab world not every other countries like the us but i would say 2 thirds of them at least suffer the same kind of problems of top heavy. Autocratic. Unfit governments and weve seen it now with protests all over the arab world are 2 thirds of the our countrys about nonstop protests since 2010 a whole decade of civilian. Populist uprisings and so thats the context in which we have to see this this is incredibly dramatic because of the size of the blast the the wreckage of the half of the city and all of the terrible human suffering thats 33. 300000 apparently 530000 i think homeless a huge numbers of human suffering figures but this is common across the region there are 60000000 arabs who need aid to stay alive theres Something Like 25000000 arab refugees and displaced people so its a regional problem and it is dramatic because of the explosion the 2nd part is that this really demands that the people in lebanon and the whole region respond in a different way to stop these kind of governments from allowing these kinds of things to happen and the city is obviously still in the state of shock at the moment although anger is building do you do you think that that anger is going to boil over were going to see people back out onto the streets again. Well you know if and only see them back because theyve never left the streets theyve been on the streets been in lebanon for the last year almost and we just came over to boston recently im going back next week to beirut theyve never left the streets theyve always been there but they cant figure out how do you dislodge an autocratic sectarian oligarchic elite that has been there for years and years and years and built up deep roots of client list networks and its not easy to get them out of office so youll see some of that but more importantly youre going to see organize political movements now whether to contest elections of professional unions of local governments of National Governments rewrite electoral laws but most importantly i think we may see people moving on a front that that ive written about and i think is critically important which is the massive aid thats going to come into lebanon should not be dispersed only by the lebanese government the people will not accept this theyll be worried that will be stolen or misdirected or delayed or whatever so maybe a new mechanism will come about that people already are talking about in beirut to have Civil Society People University professors humanitarian charitable societies religious groups and some government officials will have a clean record working together to disperse the aid and oversee it in other words this could be the fulcrum around which the arab people who have desperately tried for 10 years to bring about reforms this could be the fulcrum around which reform starts to happen when the message is finally sent to the governments that they cannot keep getting money from abroad and wasting it or stealing it or misappropriating it and i hope people like the president micro whos in lebanon today and others and the u. N. And the world bank and everybody comes online with this some of those those vested interests though a very very powerful i mean how can this happen peacefully. Well this is the whole challenge that people are trying to figure out you had a lot of vested interests that were powerful and were thrown out like the shah of iran or marcos in the philippines or the whole soviet empire they were all very powerful and they were finally thrown out when they ran into the Irresistible Force of the will of their people and the arab people have been clearly expressing their desire for just clean Good Government and they havent figured out how to do it the tunisians the trans transited transitioned and the sudanese are in the midst of the exciting experiment of shared government between the military and the civilians of lebanon now has to recommend the lebanon take this opportunity to use the aid funds coming in to start this transition to be in a credible message to the government that that the world and the citizens of lebanon simply do not trust their government with billions of dollars of aid money or wheat or. Fuel oil and so theres a huge amount of work going on among Civil Society among activists among professionals among proto old Political Parties now theyve been working on this for you a free few years and for a few months most recently how to make that transition how to force the government to share or leave power and its not easy and its not easy with a big group like hezbollah of course which was stronger than the government when it comes to military force and for International Support from the people who supported so it is a massive challenge but this is what the lebanese are going to i think choke on once the humanitarian tragedy is addressed always could totally professor many thanks indeed rami khouri there in boston flash floods of hit several provinces in yemen at least 20 people have been killed including children the regions of maria and her job east and west of the capital sanaa a some of the worst affected 2 weeks of heavy rains have left thousands of people homeless to serious writing on the home that reports. Tarantula rains filled up this dam in the yemeni region of moderate forcing it to overflow. Since it was rebuilt in the 1980 s. There are growing fears it could collapse nearby refugee camps have been damaged the rains have also downed power lines and destroyed crops. There is a lot of damage many farms and properties were hit by the floods many displaced people were directly affected by. The floods have killed or injured dozens the u. N. Estimates more than 10000 people who were displaced have been operated once again i am as an acknowledgement of my family is under siege from the water the floods are separating me from them and my homes that are in danger because the surface is being eroded around them. Around 200 kilometers away in a province the floods damaged more than 5000 tents is trying to salvage what he can but. I was in chiffon district when i came back and saw my home destroyed i looked for my children they went to another tent ive been collecting some belongings like food for our Household Appliances but its covered in water. Heavy rain started 2 weeks ago battering several provinces. That the in the capital sanaa floodwaters swept through parts of the city last week damaging shops and markets residents watched on as cars drifted away and there are going to argue. That some try to rescue those caught up in the current. Around 24000000 yemenis are in need of assistance many live without basic necessities food water sanitation or safe shelter. Why i dont know but i came from her im sick an import condition with a broken leg ive been hunting cats here for a year no one can help you. Medicine is in short supply and aid groups overstretched nearly 6 years of fighting between the who tease and yemens internationally recognized government has left the country in ruins its also battling the Worlds Largest cholera outbreak and now coronavirus the government has called for International Support but with more rain expected yemenis can only wait until help arrives while trying to rebuild whatever they can for him hard. Its exactly 10 years since 33 miners were trapped in a copper and gold mine explosion in chile as atacama does this the rescue effort was watched by millions around the world alas in america as a new man who covered the story at the time looks at whats happened to the mine a since i was the spectacular rescue of 33 chilean miners trapped nearly 70 days 700 meters underground. And brought to the surface against all the odds in a capsule termism rise the world. A 1000000000 people watched the scenes live on television. The miners became global celebrities with all expenses paid trips from jerusalem to disney world. It was even a hollywood movie. But there was no fairy tale and 10 years on edison pena wishes it had never happened. He was one of the medias favorite because of his passion for elvis president. And now he lives in a Coastal Industrial town far from the at the comma desert on a meager state pension like many of the others he says he couldnt get work again because of who he was to be able to tell me it took me a while but i finally understood that they dont want one of the 33 miners who might become a leader or cause trouble or whatever thats what the Company Executives must think if the sun still has nightmares of 59 year old wholesale hill that is the miner who wrote the famous note saying that the 33 were still alive today he cant walk without crutches because of his advanced diabetes and. Everyone thought we had been left with a lot of fame and money but its not like that will have as a very small peach and. The binders who want to proclaim heroes at home and abroad feel cast aside many living with less now than what they had. For but one thing is the same the president who staked his reputation and millions of dollars of taxpayers money to try to get the miners out and then bask in the glory of the rescue is now back in to this president ial palace but today civil stamping at us seems to feel that his death to the miners is paid. The state is appealing a court ruling to compensate each miner with a 1000000. 00 could negligence that led to the mining accident and then theres the issue of the movie and book rights. City or. Where they were coaxed into signing very complex contracts that they of course did not understand that handed over rights of their story to others a lawsuit for fraud and other crimes against the lawyers who snared them is still in process. 10 years after the accident that marked their lives forever the 33 miners are certainly remembering their miraculous survival but for every some binya as for most the promise of a better 2nd chance at life has now faded to see in human aljazeera santiago afghanistans Health Minister says that as many as 10000000 people may have been infected with the coronavirus announcement comes after a nationwide blood survey testing for the virus hall for the cases were found among adults nearly 50 percent of the children who tested positive did not show symptoms more than 1200 afghans have died since the start of the pandemic palestines president is extending the state of emergency is the virus continues to spread across the occupied territories the government has eased some restrictions but social gatherings are still banned and lockdowns will be imposed on weekends only. British tourists who are choosing to stay in the u. K. This summer rather than travel abroad a card of the spotlight for all the wrong reasons complaints have been growing about large gatherings of visitors who refused to obey the social distancing rules i was there as lawrence lee reports from the northwest of england. Jackies entire reputation and her livelihood depend on her ability to promise to keep her rooms clean and free from coffee 19 once people have checked out she fills the room with ozone and ultraviolet lights to kill any germ hiding anywhere and then just to be extra sure they go in and disinfect everything in these times there is no alternative but it was on this reassuring well hope so yes i mean i think that people are desperate to get away they want to convey that right this straight. They just need to know that where theyre going is exceptionally clean and that its safe for them to go into those regions this was the Lake District just 2 months ago virtually deserted during lockdown the Tourism Industry on its knees but look at it now its always a magnet but especially now that british tourists have been told they might have to quarantine for 2 weeks if they want to go abroad businesses here need them but they also need them to behave properly these few weeks before the schools go back in september are absolutely critical for the Tourism Industry in places like this much of which is still family run but of course the great irony of the virus is that the same people on whom they rely to stay financially or floats are the very people who could shut them down if the virus gets in. This is what isnt supposed to happen large groups ignoring the rules this pub has already been forced to refuse entry to young people particularly who appear not to care about the risks they take 1920 year olds who are going to get in and they say they live in the same house units you separate them you might as well get one table or 6 but then more join them or join and when they end up becoming a larger group a group of whats a 1015 yeah. Or 4 to move up to 10 some on the way on especially on a saturday night just when they tend to come out and just explain so were not going to bother you book if you dont follow the rules we have to do we have to follow the rules so they have to fill holes this is whats supposed to happen wait to turn into the table becomes free put up with minor inconvenience for the greater good but it isnt these people the Tourism Industry has worried about there are a few people who have clearly have less regard the would be ideal for distancing which is sad because the last thing we want is to to put any of our paypal here at risk going to visit is at risk and certainly if we do have any businesses that need to close or operator to further reduce capacity it puts them at risk as well its happening all over the u. K. Not least where the hot weather is driving people to the beach look at the difference between the south coast of england and the cost in spain confuse rules and public indifference a putting at risk the health and livelihoods of the people making sure tourists have a nice Summer Holiday it hardly seems a fair deal largely aljazeera in the english Lake District. Still to come here on the u. Sa a push for more diversity in the Global Fashion industry. Months long anti racism protests in the u. S. And well hear from tiger woods as he goes for a 16th major title thats coming up in the small the pizza. Parlor again theres a growing push for more diversity in the fashion industry and off this years wave of antiracism black lives massive protests some of the industry say that now is the time to make the change how does. Reports. The reality is sometimes that cheers. Is a fashion house based in new york and miami the word of 2 college classmates who want to offer men more than the usual black tuxedoes their Business Plan dont wait for the end history to welcome them with open arms you know want to be going to step in and were going to break these walls out weve got to make sure we do it at an elite level well and with your excellence. Is responding to a very real problem in fashion its lack of diversity beyond the runway black models designers and business professionals have long complained theyre under represented in the Business Survey say they make up less than 10 percent of the workforce. It doesnt matter what they saw and i dont you know madam a. I dont know that. It was a precedent. No. Bridges Little People this isnt the 1st time brands have been accused of being myopic companies such as prada and gucci faced backlash for selling clothes with offensive imagery in 2019 that helps a lot of fashion designers of america unveiled an initiative to address the industrys problems with hiring and promoting black designers see f. T. s goals improved mentoring business Networking Education and leadership training. Some brands like dior have embraced diversity but others have yet to move beyond a social media. Day and in the wake of the killing of george floyd and of global protest against racism industry veteran say the time is now for action everyone is bad. And the only connection between your peers who look like you. Find value in your next and now. Deliberate sanchez is optimistic but hes not waiting around we want to make sure that the same goals are applied every quarter want to make sure that these business is getting filled and these options so schooling are available to us pushing fashion to make good on its promises to change with the times roslyn jordan aljazeera time to support his peter thank you so much u. S. Open tennis champion rafael nadal has confirmed he wont defend these title at this years tournament the spaniard has pulled out of the event which begins at the end of august citing concerns of the coronavirus pandemic this years competition will be staged without fans and will be the 1st grand slam since the main draw at flushing meadows in 1990 to not feature either an adult or Roger Federer who is recovering from knee surgery at all says he feels safer at home at this stage. My personal feeling my hearts. Have long rattles. Without knowing exactly what can happen. At all in that situation. And wait for it or. One team that knows the dangers of coronavirus wellies Major League Baseballs Miami Marlins having had 18 players test positive a couple of weeks ago they were finally cleared to play again with replacements on tuesday although the game against Baltimore Orioles was delayed by 40 minutes as the final test results came in the way it was worth it as the marlins shut out the orioles winning for nothing. Over in oakland the athletics beat the Texas Rangers 51 but the rangers had the catch of the day look at this infield the great bird who had the night off and was relaxing in the empty stands made it look easy he caught the ball in these hats off to teammate todd frazier its a towards the dugout. Over in the n. B. A. Bubble in florida the Brooklyn Nets pulled off one of the biggest upsets in years they were the underdogs going into the game with the eastern conference leading movie box and up against reigning in v. P. Compote but the nets were not going down easy rookie donta who got into a scrap with n. T. T. Combo and that fired up brooklyn to say lou wont have a road lead with 26 points as the nets edged the bucs 119160. And then incredible final moments in the phoenix suns game with the Los Angeles Clippers given booker capped a game high 35 points with a buzzer beating baskets to shock the clippers the suns winning 117100 15. Similar to the n. B. A. The n. H. L. Stanley cup playoffs are taking place in 2 separate bubbles both of them in canada and on tuesday in toronto the new York Islanders were up against the floor and the panthers jordan schooling twice the new york because they won the game full to the islanders taking a 2 nothing lead in this best of 5 preliminary playoff game 3 is should yield for late on wednesday. Elsewhere the Vancouver Canucks the fees of the Minnesota Wild for 3. 00 and a game in edmonton j. T. Miller and boho vets with a goal and in assisting each full vancouver that means the series is now tied at 11. The worlds top golfers are putting their final preparations together for the delayed 1st major of the season the p. G. A. Championship tees off on thursday brooks kept the tournament of the 2 time defending champion but 15 time major champion tiger woods is also in this weeks field he has only played once since goals return from the coronavirus i hate this but the 4 time p. G. A. Champion remains confident of his chances of victory. Thats the new world we live in and were just have to get used to it as far as the focus part of it i havent had a problem with that those 4 rounds i was i was pretty into it. Its different and you know most the times when you go from green to t. People yelling or trying to touch it thats you know that part is different as far as energy while im competing in playing now and thats thats the same up im pretty intense when i play and pretty into what im doing. Pakistans cricketers have recovered from a couple of early losses against england on the opening day of the 1st test in manchester they won the toss and chose to back but found themselves of 43 for 2 before barbarism and shaun mustard stepped up by the remains unbeaten having made a half century but raina stopped play with pakistan now 121. 00 foot to. Manchester united manager early going to believes winning the Europa League can be the 1st step back as hes team tried to britain to their former glory is yet to win a trophy since taking over at old trafford united lead 5 no going into the 2nd leg of the last 16 time with a scale of austria on wednesday the final stages of the seasons competition of being played in germany over single legs because of the coronavirus. For me personally when i won my 1st trophy as a player it made me more hungry because you saw the highs of it so how much it meant for everyone and as a coach i wonder that i won the league 1st time with mold in that was the 1st time for the club in 100 year history and since then weve won it 4 times in about 8 or 9 years so it was a big change for the club for me for this team as well i think if we can get our hands on the trophy its a big big step forward elsewhere if see copenhagen looking to overturn a 10 deficit against champions. Shakhtar donetsk a 21. 00 up against the spook and into a tough they did not get to play a 1st leg because of the coronavirus their match will be a Single League fixture. Thats all the sports news more later Adrian Peterson a thanks dude thats it for the news hour but ill be back in just a few moments on the days top stories sigurd. Jump into the street and julian on Global Community this generation will have to create its own democracy with social media on and on line be part of the debate let me put some you. When no topic is off the table is taking on all the systemic violence that people have suffered not only now but for decades we are going to need to transform lives the way he gets it business if were going to adapt to climate breakout this street on out is there another Early Morning another ceremony to bid health well. 29000 cuban doctors and nurses working in 59 countries around the world as confirmed cases of corona virus increase so just a month for cuban medics medical services at the on its main export western commentators assume cuba sends doctors mainly to expand influence experts on the on his Health System draw a different conclusion youre making a big stock of why youre willing to go. Because there are other people the people that is sick and dying and not just and right people shouldnt be dying when there are people who can help them. Stories of life. And and spiration. A series of documentaries from around the wild. That celebrate the human spirit. Against the arts. 1 aljazeera selects hunted. The. Lebanons cabinet decided to put some officials on the house arrest after the massive explosion which flattened beirut and beirut ports and killed 135 people. In the blast course nearly 3000000000. 00 worth of damage has made nearly 300000. 00 people homeless

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