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Democracy in hong kong emergency laws used to perspire elections for a year the plane laid on the pandemic. Zimbabwe sends out the military to enforce a ban on antigovernment protests and dozens of people around it up. Monies it has about off the coast of normandy french fishermen worry the breaks it will deny them access to water has destroyed the livelihoods. A once in a Century Health crisis thats how the head of the World Health Organization is now describing the coronavirus pandemic director general ted was good has told a meeting of its Emergency Committee that the effects will be felt for decades his comments were made as u. S. Health officials were facing congress over the response to the virus their countrys top Infectious Disease expert says that he is now hopeful the vaccine by early next year pandemic meanwhile has left the eurozone reeling from its largest economic drop on record despite the reduction affecting the entire block Member States remain divided on how to address the crisis and restrictions. Been reimposed in parts of Northern England after a rise in infections scotland has even warned its citizens not to travel to parts of the country unless absolutely necessary but my kind has been following thoughts of france whose testimony in washington d. C. Subcommittee is investigating the ministrations response to coronavirus what answers that theyve been getting. Indeed yes well as the bells behind me as they have to moon every day since the beginning of the pandemic the House Committee hearing is continuing basically the point of the hearing as outlined by the democratic chair was to formulate a National Strategy to combat the pandemic based on science as he put it rather than politics but it became very clear right from the beginning that politics was playing very much a part in terms of the Committee Hearing you heard immediately from the Republican House minority leader that President Trump had already proposed a National Plan stevens. Waving around reams of paper which did in fact appear to be recommendations or guidelines outlined by the c. D. C. And other organizations rather than by the president himself and then the chair of the committee put up a graph indicating the dramatic difference between the spread of the virus in europe and in the United States indicating the massive difference in terms of how great the rate of the spread of the virus has been within the United States rather than within europe immediately President Trump who was clearly watching the hearings in real time tweeted somebody please tell congressman cliburn who doesnt have a clue he added that the chart he put up indicating more cases for the u. S. And europe is because we do much more testing than other country in the world now this is not strictly correct per capita. However dr Antony Funnell tce the countrys leading Infectious Disease expert pointed out that the u. S. Had only shut down about 50 percent of its capacity whereas europe had shut down to 95 percent of its capacity he added to that a number of states within the United States had done very well in terms of applying mitigating measures but a number of states had not and many of the states reopening was done without clearly following guidelines that had been established by the countrys Health Authorities the end on a more positive note. Cautiously optimistic thats a safe and effective vaccine could be available in the relatively near future. Indeed yes and the word there very much. Cautious dr fox you spoke about the 3 separate to vaccine programs that i present and the way 3 separate trials going on a lot of collaboration between the 3 he said the sharing of data the sharing of results to try and get a vaccine as soon as possible and one of these platforms he said showed very very encouraging signs in its 1st 2 trials in terms of the. Humans and on animals its now going into the 3rd stage of its testing that will involve some 30000 people being tested but this is what doctors have to say. The response that was induced was really quite favorable and as ive said often and ill repeat it for the record now theres never a guarantee that youre going to get a safe and effective vaccine but from everything weve seen now in the animal data as well as the early human data we feel cautiously optimistic that we will have a vaccine by the end of this year and as we go into 2021. Dr pollack she emphasized that the basic tenants of combating this virus separate maned unchanged throughout the pandemic supported in this by the director of the centers for Disease Control its those simple things he says that can make that change wash your hands where a mosque avoid crowds do not go into crowded private places maintaining social distancing once again repeating a mantra that dr she and the other help experts are absolutely adamant can lower this dramatic curb in the United States my thanks very much for my kind of reporting there from washington d. C. Where the u. S. State of florida is reporting a rising number of cope with 19 deaths for a 4th straight day another 2 157. 00 people have died taking the total close to 7000. 00 the state had over 9000. 00 new cases on thursday florida as one of the worst hit states but its republican government refuses to impose widespread lockdowns the pandemic is there to devastate the impact on the euro zones economy has shrunk by more than 12 percent over the past 3 months thats the biggest drop on record for the bulk of 19 nations spain is the hardest hit its economy contracted by 18 and a half percent its a b. In portugal theyve also seen big downturns european leaders are trying to counter the effects with massive stimulus packages of both national and e. U. Level and that includes an 850000000000. 00 Recovery Fund economic said its a bit early for a settle down forests. They are terrible numbers i mean this has really crushed any. Reshape recovery which some people in the markets and some economists were kind of predicting so thats the at the window right now and much of the recovery really depends on governments now in the United States obviously you know that come to the end of one Stimulus Program which was it quickly to 3 trillion dollars and in your they have into it going to be to use in this new stimulus that you we just spoke about which is the 7 a 50000000000 euro and so that should help the economy in europe and base a lot of money shifting away from the u. S. Markets and going to once europe and that can be seen in the dollar euro. Comparison which shows that the dollar has formed by 6 percent in probably the last month or so so theres real theres theres real hope that europe will make a stronger recovery because its healthy response to the Health Crisis was a lot better than what the United States has done and the u. S. Now we has to step up and they have to come through with another stimulus package possibly one trillion to 2 trillion dollars to really help the u. S. Economy because u. S. Economy is really useful and helpful to the rest of the world because when it rises it lifts all other counties with it because it sucks in imports so if you take take a look at germany h. M. T. German exports are poor and priced 16 percent to the United States so. You can see that the United States who are really crucial to any kind of recovery your president will have the well on keeping the jobless numbers really low and thats because theyve had these for the on programs imprint in the process right now which are keeping about 26000000 people in jobs who might otherwise have been made on point so the stimulus its really important and consumer confidence. Restrictions have been reimpose in parts of Northern England because of a resurgence in infections small than 4000000 people who live in different homes are being asked not to meet others indoors and the restrictions in the areas where many muslims live coincide with the start of the holiday china has more from oldham near manchester where many muslims preparing to celebrate hed have been caught out by the new restrictions. Theres a delicate balance to be struck between reopening the economy while maintaining stable falling infection rates in the moment that balance tips in the other direction is the moment to put the brakes on a sea said in that moment it seems is now the Prime Minister warning that we cannot be complacent we have to act rapidly because what he had to sell our assessment is that we should now squeeze that brake pedal squeeze that brake pedal in order to keep the virus under control on saturday the 1st of august you remember we had hoped to reopen in england a number of the higher risk citizens that had remained closed and today im afraid were perspiring those changes for at least a fortnight i know that the steps that were taking will be a real blow to many people everyone obviously whose wedding plans have been disrupted or who cannot morrow celebrate ied in the way that they would wish and im really really sorry about that but we simply cant take the risk the new measures that have been introduced up here announced rather chaotically at 2 hours to midnight last night via twitter took everybody here by quite some surprise cause a lot of confusion a lot of disappointment as well because what they essentially mean is that household groups cart mix together in homes in single homes or even in private gardens. Hong kongs leader has invoked emergency laws to postpone septembers legislative election for one full year kerry cited the rise in coronavirus cases as the reason she said that no political consideration went into that decision the move comes just a day after the territory disqualified 12 prodemocracy candidates from the poll and one month ago beijing imposed a Controversial National security law on the territory which was seen as a move to quash to send so you cannot get picked thing the announcement i have to make today is the most difficult decision ive made in the past 7 months the Legislative Council general election is held every 4 years it is really a tough decision to delay it but we want to ensure fairness we want to ensure Public Safety and health whatever the law is the chairperson of the International Affairs committee of the Democratic Party and she says the government is acting in the interests of pro beijing Political Parties in hong kong. The government had appointed 4 medical doctors and professors as experts and yesterday one of the experts said they have not met with the administration for 3 weeks so if they make such an important decision on medical and Health Grounds how come the medical and Health Experts have not been consulted the Political Parties associated with a jane and their people have been saying for quite a number of weeks that they dont think the election should be held because they have frayed that it will loose because they know ben by last year we had a District Council election which is a local election and they lost it was a landslide complete landslide by the pen democrats so theyre afraid it will happen again in september we are inviting beijing to interfere again because we are unable to have to solve the problems that the government has created and so if the extended for one year where is the parliament with the Legislative Council in the coming 13 months will they only meet when they are summoned they actually can act as legislator the Afghan Government has freed more taliban prisoners to release current sites with a 3 day ceasefire jury. Both sides have signaled the peace talks could start when the holiday ends talks which is scheduled february delayed because of disagreement about christmas warps. The plenty more still to come here on the program looting caught up in libyas battle for tripoli why teenage president s recruited by a warlord have been released plus. Im katherine story im going to find marking if out and hang out with hundreds of thousands of world events on making that on your migration theyre not toys to see them other telling you why. Hello its time for yet more rain fairly heavy rain for the Korean Peninsula this is the time the year when you get the rains the season rains about fun also going to go with significant you get rain further north but this is where it tends to be persistent and repeatable is north korea but it also come as far south as seoul i think during both saturday and indeed sunday and then run east was another one develops to the west now if you take our eye further back theres not much developing over such one so the yangtze is looking as though it will start to decrease in its flood level and in japan as well apart from a few showers its looking a generally dry picture so the forecast for us all 3 days of overcast and wet weather flooding seems inevitable. In the South China Sea this revolution which may or may not into something that we can name is taking a lot of the more sure into it so its bringing the potential i think realization of wet weather in vietnam northern laos and probably mean bar as well and a line quite a lot of rain in the south of town and but anything south of that is a relatively dry looking picture the exception probably the philippines and sort of ways in west papua where we will see a fair spread is showers but the significant rain is going to be in this part of southeast asia. Every war makes a devastating impact of. Earthrise explore some of the efforts to recover what was lost from the syrian scientists safeguarding one of our most valuable resources these are important southpaws we have to make sure they are surviving to the refugees striving to coexist with nature ok so whats going on there simulating what happens when an elephant comes life to conflict on aljazeera. How to get you what amount of our top stories this hour and the head of the World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus pandemic a once in a Century Health crisis and says the effects will be felt for decades comes as a top Infectious Disease expert at the United States testifies before congress about the response to the outbreak. Lockdowns have been reimposed in parts of Northern England after a spike in infections elsewhere in the country the lifting of restrictions has been halted which the Prime Minister says is necessary to prevent another nation wide lockdown. Hong kongs lead to carry law has postponed septembers the streets of Council Election for a year shes been the pandemic opposition politician say the decision is politically motivated. Problem told an opposition spokeswoman or among dozens arrested in zimbabwe as police tried to put a stop 20 government protests opposition parties are calling for demonstrations on saturday against food and fuel shortages as well as 700 Percent Inflation as anger over corruption 2 with many targeting the ruling party online using the hash tag zanu p. F. Must go the government has banned the protests which president some months ago says constitutes an insurrection by the opposition or privilege most of and here he is a journalist in zimbabwe and he says the government managed to reinforce a message just inside we have seen in the past 2 days. With the police being deployed into neighborhoods and even today. Police have the deployment of police the city is based wildly clear. And so you find that the government took the intended demo since the last of the a lot of people today stayed in goes. The you only have it few pockets of political activity that went out to sure they have plotted a return with different methods but in terms of the generality of citizens who may have probably joined the forces they stayed indoors a lot of people stayed home. Exactly those warnings and weve been missing is that the government has been putting out in the past week there seems the intended that was because a lot of people then had to stay home and not death to go out. Rocket propelled grenades have been fired into a city in northeast nigeria killing at least 4 people the rockets were fired from the outskirts into my degree the Borno State Emergency Management Agency blame what they called terrorists to aiming to disrupt. Festivities. Their own Supreme Leader has lashed out at european powers saying they failed to salvage the 2050 nuclear deal in a televised speech that many accuse them of inflicting an economic play with what he called hollow promises the u. S. Pulled out of the deal in 2018 and reimpose sanctions. The 31st is british Prime Minister Boris Johnson selfimposed deadline to have the outline of a trade deal but no deal breaks it is still looming because britain and the e. U. Remain at loggerheads on various issues but he wants one comprehensive deal not just on trade a person sees that as an attempt to keep it tied more closely to europe than it once it is seeking a series of separate agreements the e. U. Insisted if the u. K. Wants her free access to the European Market it must commit to paying certain laws britain says those demands on reasonable fishing rights there are major Sticking Point british fisherman want full access to the e. U. Market in return e. U. Boats want to continue to fish in u. K. Waters british negotiators say that it is impossible. Or french fishermen are threatening to stop british freshmen from giving their couches into the shops and 2nd of all serious pressure brought the reports of normandy in northern france. Heading into the English Channel off the coast of normandy the picturesque cobber of poor aunt bessie receding into the distance the cloud has worked as a fisherman for 30 years hes passionate about his job but scared for his future because of breaks it he worries that if britain and the e. U. Fail to reach a deal by the end of the year french fishermen like him could be barred from fishing in waters off the u. K. Coast. Or were scared because u. K. Waters represent 40 to 60 percent of our revenue so for us it would be catastrophic its unimaginable for decades french fishermen have fished legally in waters off britain where fish are abundant british fishermen have the same rights off the french coast where they mainly gather shellfish drums father was a fisherman his brother runs a Seafood Restaurant fishing links generations being denied access to u. K. Waters would be particularly devastating to the fisherman from the normandy coast because so many of the boats like this one off family owned and run Small Businesses and that is why so many of the fishermen here say that they wont give up their livelihoods without a fight to curb record with the need to british export some 70 percent of their fish to the if we get to december 31st and they throws out of their waters then we will block our ports stop the ferries no british boats reach french soil a french and british fisherman have clashed before in 2018 around over scholarships flared up a sea his fishing representative says that the u. K. s reliance on the e. U. As an export market is a valuable bargaining card in breaks in negotiations but hes not necessarily a winning hand. With the e. U. Marquis. Needs fish it imports france imports 80 percent of the seafood it consumes so we need u. K. Fish so although we can pressure the British Press and tarps and border controls is not a long Term Solution because for a fisherman to live they need to fish. Ties between britain and france run deep on this coast where the d. Day landings took place in the 2nd world war the 2 countries were united against enemy powers few here want the fishing dispute to sour relations with an historic partner but unless britain and france can break the stalemate in the brigs it fishing dispute and reach a compromise that works for both sides frances fisherman say theyll be forced to use whatever tactics they can to battle for their survival natasha aljazeera put on best normandy. Vietnam has its 1st covered 19 related death as well as a record daily high of 45 new cases after being virus free for months vietnams Prime Minister is warning that outbreaks are possible nationwide the 1st fatality was a 70 year old man in denying more than 90 vietnamese is infected with the virus in the past week in the city are all connected to the same hospital. One of the natural wonders of the world is underway in africa that is the annual migration of hundreds of thousands of will be used for there are few tourists in their journey from tanzania to kenya with Catherine Sawyer reports from the mass time our game reserve the pandemic has already cost kenya 800000000. 00 in terms of revenues. Travelling from the serengeti in tanzania a hard world at least crosses the sunday a week into the maasai Mara Game Reserve in kenya and then next month nearly a 1000000 of this mom will be here this is one of nascars wonders of the world and on the back at least of many of us whats missing tourists because of call it 19 the must sign mara one of the top tourist destinations in the wilds is empty. Melton has been in the Tourism Industry for 3 decades he says has never seen anything like this for the last 4 months this is my 1st year it was last year i mean for sure theres no way. I mean not even i mean this in general i was already booked for July August September at this time of the high Season Hotels and lodges at the mara would normally be booked to capacity going through this is a twin but of more than 200 hotels only a few are open its a very big loss to us now because of the stuff lost their jobs at home and we have no idea when people will come back again to work the world the beasts come to kenya for pasture and to meet by october theyll be returning to tanzania this is part of the heart of world the best we saw crossing into kenya from tanzania and weve been told many others are on their way and people who know the masai mara well have also told us there right now would be among hundreds of other tourists eagerly waiting to witness this spectacular migration being here about ourselves is quite surreal government Officials Say the country has lost about 800000000. 00 in revenue and most of the 2000000. 00 employees in tourism have lost their jobs so there is now a big push to encourage kenyans and foreigners here to visit parks like the mara and coastal beaches we must prepare with us as government must develop some. Protocols with some of our traditional markets just to assure them of the safety of those closed. Assure them that as we know theyre tested before they come and when they come here as government we must have all these people. Kenya is preparing to reopen its airspace for International Travelers many communities are hoping this will mean more tourists but they also know with the threat of coronavirus it could take many months or even years for tourism here to fully recover catherine soy aljazeera. Southern kenya. Its the 3rd saudi arabia coinciding with the festival and theres unprecedented restrictions in mecca because of the coronavirus more than 2000000. 00 muslims who run the world normally make the pilgrimage this year pilgrims from abroad all but and only around a 1000 saudi nationals and Foreign Residents are allowed in libya dozens of captured teenage fighters have been released as part of an amnesty for the holiday they were among hundreds taken prisoner during hunting for have to failed battle to seize the capital tripoli 41 young men have been set free as margaret of war had reports now from. Celebrating their release of her son mohammed from prison in a city west of tripoli she came from the libyan coastal city of so broad to meet him. He had been detained along with other young fighters recruited by the warlords have to. Be ending up with his father and i never wanted him to join the forces but he did it behind our backs we will never allow that to happen again mohammed was among nearly 200. 00 pro have to fight from amman cities they were captured by Government Forces in western tripoli in april last year. Some of them were only 17 years old. Says he had just finished high school and received a month and a half of military training in surprise. Before he was sent to the frontline. I just need to live as a civilian and move on with my life i dont want to be part of any conflict i learned the lesson the hard way. The holiday of aid is an occasion for forgiveness in muslim countries government officials here say they release the fighters because they are prisoners are the victims themselves. We have taken the initiative to let them reunite with their families on this holy occasion we hope we can exchange the rest of the prisoners with their fighters who are kicked and have to as prisons the release of the prisoners was achieved through reconciliation between cities in western libya. Other approach after inmates from other parts of libya along with foreign mercenaries well a clear remain here in detention until the conflict is resolved nearly 350. 00 inmates including foreign nationals are kept here in this maximum security prison they were part of the feed the military campaign to take control of tripoli some of these teens say they were deceived into joining the conflict others say financial incentives drove them to risk their lives. As. This is the top stories the head of the World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus pandemic a once in a Century Health crisis and says the effects will be felt for decades it comes as the top Infectious Disease expert of the United States testifies before congress about the response to the outbreak the response that was induced was really quite favorable and as ive said often and ill repeat it for the record now theres never a guarantee that youre going to get a safe and effective vaccine but from everything weve seen now in the animal data as well as the early human data we feel cautiously optimistic that we will have a vaccine by the end of this year and as we go into 2021 the u. S. State of florida is reporting a rising number of covert 19 deaths for a 4th straight day another 257 people have died taking the total close to 7000 stated david 9000 new cases on thursday its republican governor refuses to impose widespread lockdowns britains Prime Minister Boris Johnson has postponed the easing of some lockdown measures as covert 1000 cases rise for the 1st time in months new restrictions have been implemented in parts of Northern England after a surge in factions that hong kongs lead to kerry lamb has proposed septembers Legislative Council election for a year and a major blow to the prodemocracy camp she described it as the hardest decision shes had to make in months and cited coronavirus as a reason but opposition politicians say the decision is politically motivated. A prominent author and opposition spokeswoman are among dozens arrested in zimbabwe as police try to put a stop to antigovernment protests opposition parties are calling for demonstrations on saturday against food and fuel shortages as well as a 700 Percent Inflation. The Afghan Government has freed more taliban prisoners their release coincides with a 3 day cease fire during. A both sides have signaled that peace talks could start when the holiday. All right up there with headlines we have more news here on out sara right off the earth rights. And conflicts one of the silent and forgotten casualties is often the environment. From the chemical contamination of soils and the collapse of water and Food Supplies to the habitat damage caused by displacement

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