Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20240712

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3 already some progress in the u. S. Efforts to develop a vaccine but numbers of infections in the virus continue to spike across the country. And they got a nose for the job the dogs being trained to play a Critical Role in detecting cope at night. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned hezbollah are its playing with fire the Israeli Army Says it confronted on infiltration attempts launched by the Lebanese Armed group in the border region of farms hezbollah denies that engage in any confrontation the United Nations is edging both sides to show restraint aljazeera sorry force at reports. Smoke plumes over southern lebanon after what the Israeli Military referred to as a security incident it said a cell of hezbollah fighters trying to infiltrate israeli controlled territory is. The soldiers tracked them and repelled them with machine gun tank and artillery fire in tel aviv where theyd rushed for security assessments israels julian Prime Minister and defense minister put on a rare show of unity gone. A cell of hezbollah terrorists crossed into israel in an attempt to harm Israeli Soldiers i. D. F. Soldiers and officers acted professionally and accurately and prevented a severe incident that could have cost human lives. Israels Prime Minister made an explicit reference to the war of 2006 in warning hezbollahs leader Hassan Nasrallah that israels armed forces stood ready to respond further because bullet solution of darks hizbollah mr understand that it is playing with fire it made a big mistake when it assessed israels nation to defend itself and lebanon paid a price any attack against us will be met with great force i urge him not to repeat this mistake and we do not live unknown. Israel has been on heightened alert since an airstrike last week in syria attributed to israel killed a hezbollah fighter there as well or has vowed to avenge any such deaths in southern lebanon the aftermath of the israeli artillery barrage hezbollah denied having carried out any operation saying israelis fired into lebanon out of confusion and panic and that statement was read out on the hezbollah affiliated elman our t. V. Then. It was all one sided and it was by an enemy that is afraid terrified and worried our response to the martyrdom of our brother ali kamil most and who died in the Zionist Attack in the damascus airport region is definitely coming and theres scientists should be whiting for the punishment of their crimes last year a similar set of circumstances led to a hezbollah attack on an Israeli Military post and a limited israeli response it was over within hours both sides seemingly keen to avoid an escalation that motivation has only intensified since with a surging pandemic in israel and an economic crisis in lebanon but for now at least hezbollah is saying that this round isnt over are a force that aljazeera wester islam was anahata has been that lebanons border with israel she says the situation seems to have calmed down for now. The Lebanese Armed Group Hezbollah has denied that it carried out any operation it is saying the incident was one sided and it is blaming what it calls an israeli an anxious israeli army so a very different narrative from what the israeli army is reporting they are saying that a group of hezbollah fighters tried to infiltrate the shebaa farms is very hard for us to independently confirm what happened but a Lebanese Security sources tell us at the time that some incidents some kind of incident happened whether it was an attack or an attempt to infiltrate the Reconnaissance Mission that source could not confirm now cautious calm prevails along the border israeli planes continue to fly over lebanese airspace you can hear israeli drones in the skies the tensions have deescalated but definitely the tense atmosphere along this border is likely to continue over the past few days there were fears of the possibility of a hezbollah retaliation retaliation for the killing of one of its fighters in what was believed to be an israeli air strike in syria and thats why israel really beefed up its forces along the border and took extra security measures now some analysts say that this is part of hezbollahs psychological warfare to keep this israeli army on its toes but many will say that you know both sides have no intention really or do not want an all out conflict because both sides really have a lot of domestic problems hezbollah knows that if it if it sparks an all out war with israel it will cause a domestic domestic backlash it will be blamed for dragging lebanon into war at a time that the politicians have really run the economy into the into the ground and and hezbollah and along with its allies now hold political power they control the government they control the parliament so right now its they its not in their interest really to see an all out confrontation but there is no doubt this border remains volatile especially since israel evolves to continue to keep up the pressure on iran and groups that iran backs like hezbollah particularly in neighboring syria. 2 iraqi protesters have been killed in renewed antigovernment protests Security Forces fired tear gas on live ammunition to disperse crowds in baghdad thats after the funerals of the 2 who were killed in demonstrations late on sunday the 1st protesters to die since the new Prime Minister mustapha hard to meet to power in may he says his government shouldnt be held responsible for mistakes made by previous leaders. Its not just ask a 2 month old government to pay the corruption and looting the left by the previous administration. Was youth protests yesterday are legitimate right Security Forces dont have the permission to far a single bullet are other protesters and we have opened an investigation into the circumstances of what happened to her square i requested that all facts be made available within 72 hours. And 2 military bases housing u. S. Led Coalition Forces have been hit by rockets in iraq on monday night. North of baghdad was hit by 3 strikes and spike account was also rocked by explosions no casualties have been reported nor was any group claimed responsibility for the attacks spains Prime Minister is appealing to the u. K. To reverse its decision to quarantine travelers from the country for 2 weeks infections are soaring in certain areas but weather sanchez says the u. K. s move isnt justified barcelonas in more than a 1000 new cases every day prompting fears it could become a new epicenter for the epidemic bata herrera reports. Spains sunny beaches mask a worsening Health Crisis infection rates have soared in recent days with more than a 1000 new cases a day. 80 percent of those cases are here in the regional capital buffalo no its feared the c. T. s now the epicenter of a 2nd wave of corona virus. Based on this being a sharp rise in cases among people whove been guttering in larger numbers the regional leader urged them to stop partying all risk and other total lockdown. If we continue with the current pace of social life the only thing that we will accomplish is to worsen the situation we need to responsibly be responsible in our social interactions catalonia already has a strict to mess around in the rest of spain. And the tory people have been advised not to leave their homes unless its strictly necessary and gatherings of people are completely bans bars in restrooms normally bream with live are now struggling to stay afloat. 150 countries have now imposed restrictions on travel to spain on saturday the u. K. Suddenly ordered people coming from the country to quarantine for 2 weeks british tourists make up more than a 20 percent of all foreign visitors talks are on the way to drop restrictions on british travelers from eric and kind of realized the spanish governments also trying to convince countries other parts of spain are safe to visit. In buffalo nights a race against time to bring the infection rate under control if theres no improvement within 10 days the regional governments warned of aggressive tactics to control the spread of there at all odd to see it up but they are now. The World Health Organization is warning that imposing bans on International Travel due to covered 19 is unsustainable and that government should be doing more to reduce the spread of the virus within their own borders mike ryans encouraging wider measures not just travel restrictions. Is always advised that travel measures should be used in conjunction with other measures to buy themselves travel travel measures are not effective in dealing with dealing with the movement of disease in the same way that hand washing alone or mask wearing alone or any of the Public Health into angels alone is not effective it is going to be almost impossible for for individual countries to keep their border shut for the forseeable future economies have to open up people have to work trade has to resume. Well the race to find a vaccine to beat the coronavirus is heating up with u. S. President donald trump announcing an American Made one has now entered phase 3 Clinical Trials thats the final hurdle before it can be approved is being tested on 30000. 00 volunteers and trump believes it could be ready for widespread use by the end of the game. We will achieve a victory over the virus by unleashing americas scientific genius which is what it is im therefore proud to announce at this morning the modernity vaccine has officially entered phase 3 already and thats phase 3 Clinical Trials the final stage before approval is never been anything like this in terms of speed nothing even close a 2nd vaccine is likely to enter phase 3 in a matter of days under operation warp speed weve shaved years off of the time that it takes to develop a vaccine in some cases many years. But also to come here in aljazeera including mourning the conscience of Congress Civil rights icon john lewis lies in state in the u. S. Congress. When it had only the old part of the revolution and are here to serve its goals and sudans government are sworn in civilian governors and women are taking a central role well have reaction from congress for the house and its. Head are there some heavy rain in the forecast in japan over the next couple of days but also the Korean Peninsula will pick up a fair few heavy downpours the cloud of course trailing all way back into the southern areas of china if you choose a well see want to have you say what their way east was on towards shanghai as i say that the heaviest rain really across much of honshu now by wednesday that very heavy rain will move off towards the east so it will leave us. Still some showers some thunderstorms in the mix as well but generally its not as heavy that rain and sudden became much more scattered across Central China although you noticed on tools the coast we could see some heavier downfalls indonesia plenty of activity here born here picking up some heavy downpours in the next couple days the rains really very widespread throughout much of the philippines hole so some out to the north and the west some heavy downpours here and also the mill a peninsula by wednesday a little bit of a break financials the next couple days and also be mostly dry across java but some heavy downfalls again across into zone in the philippines and then tools India Bangladesh of course here has also picked up some very heavy rain of the last couple of weeks and this is what it looks like many homes under water many many people of course are cut off from those rains more in the fall calls on tuesday to rain elsewhere as well but really wednesday is the day the rains have again through new pool and all northwards towards b. Time. What is the price of luxury. An Undercover Team travels deep into the illegal cocoa plantations of the ivory coast Simple Solutions are very hard to find for something as complicated as the child labor chocolates heart of darkness and count as unpatrolled labor is working in a 100000000000. 00 industry well the heart of the countrys cocoa produces live below the poverty line. On aljazeera. Welcome back a quick recap of our top stories here this hour israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says hezbollah is playing with fire hes accuse the Lebanese Armed group of launching an infiltration attempt at the border denies the claim. To iraqi protest as have been killed in renewed antigovernment protests there the 1st protesters to die since the new Prime Minister the start of our heart and he took power in may. And spains Prime Minister is appealing to the u. K. To reverse its decision to quarantine travelers in the country for 2 weeks infections are soaring in parts of spain barcelona say more than a 1000 new cases every day. Now the casket of civil rights pioneer one long time u. S. Representative john lewis has arrived at the Capitol Rotunda after a procession through washington d. C. These are live pictures now from the capitol the georgia congressman is the 1st black lawmaker to lie in state at the rotunda one of the highest American Honors for Public Service mondays the 3rd of 6 days of the morals for the congressman who died on july 17th aged 80 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. Between then and now john lewis became a titan of the Civil Rights Movement and then the conscience of the congress here in Congress John was busy refigured and be loved on both sides of the aisle on both sides of the capitol he paid a price in harassment and beatings from a bus ration in South Carolina to the men perish bridge john lewis lived and worked with urgency because the task was urgent when only we spoke to congressman jim clyburn the majority whip in the u. S. House of representatives he shared details of his last conversation with john lewis and what he remember most about his friend and colleague. Well remember john has been one did not the only person who really internalize what mum luther king jr. Treats dogs i keep it here in my office as you can see above i did it in a likeness of mahatma gandhi. Kind big. Its such a tiny it none ballots and chain adopted that and thats what he talked many of us adopted as a tactic but judge john to internalize the whole notion and not gods and he made it his life and john to me was fundamentally. Just a good guy that who would lead and live in the scripture and believe in practicing what he preached his last public appearance. Was black ice met the past of. John. When we talked and said the last time he taught it was about the bible ive slept madam look she was very fearful. That sloganeering. In the cup but last met up like you did to us just to a nonviolent couldnt admit it and we were doing great work back in the sixes but he woke up one minute and there was a new headline not burn it better and that took over the movement and john felt that the slogans like defund the police would do the same thing to black last minute. That. Did to snick so he spoke out against that and i did as well and johnson was looting and burning it and not the way to go up man slogan to. Many give you a good headline but it will make good headway so thats what we were concerned about in the last conversation we had at. Malis president has appointed a 6 person cabinet with a mission to form a unity government he was responding to an appeal from west African Regional bloc echo as its calling for fresh elections following a disputed vote political tensions been simmering in mali in recent weeks the protesters demanding the resignation of the president over him boubacar kater the Un Security Council is endorsing the ecowas mediation planets urging all sides to continue dialogue towards forming a unity government our diplomatic editor james baker has most of the Security Council met in virtual closed session after eko wasit come up with its 4 point plan some on the council are skeptical whether that plan will solve mollies problems because it doesnt call for the resignation of president cater and that is the main demand of the opposition after the meeting the german ambassador the current president of the Security Council read out this statement to members of the Security Council expressed their strong. Efforts and took note of the recommendation towards extraordinary summit of. The members of the Security Council urged the mahdi army to act of youth recommendations. In order to resolve the tensions prior to writing its own long and to refrain from any action likely to. Further tensions and threaten the rule of law the u. N. Has about 15000 peacekeepers in mali their mission has been there for 7 years one permanent member of the Security Council the United States believes missions like this need to deliver results otherwise their future should be put under review. Palestinians in the west bank town of biro ses really settlers of vandalize and set fire to a mosque no one was injured in the overnight attack its the latest report of settler violence in the west bank into abraham has more from algeria. We can clearly see the aftermath of the attack that happened here in this small school in il be it a city near ramallah the anti palestinian graffiti written in hebrew as well as the burnt facilities the locals here believe that this attack was carried out by Israeli Settlers who resides in an illegal israeli settlement nearby called. The Palestinian Authority has Security Control over the serious so we didnt expect that the Israeli Settlers would have the audacity to come here into the end lifted they used highly flammable gel fuel and this substance isnt available to palestinians if we didnt put out the fire in time it could have been a disaster just this year 5 new illegal israeli outposts have been erected in different areas in the occupied west bank and over the years war and more illegal israeli settlements have been sprouting up in different areas in the west bank making palestinians more vulnerable to attack according to the United Nations theyve documented more than 90 settler related attacks this year in comparison with 113. 00 attacks last year they say that there is a fence of impunity because settlers continue with these attacks knowing that the majority of cases related to cause to succor violence and without an indictment. So they replaced the military governors of its 18 states with civilians including women for the 1st time as reports in the capital khartoum it comes at a time where civilians are losing their lives in parts of the country due to growing violence. Taking oath of Office Nearly a year after the signing of a power sharing agreement that stipulates that their appointment and after months of protests so dance Transitional Governments who are in 18 years to 1000000000 governors they were plays governors appointed by former president obama before he was removed from office in april last year the appointees include 2 female governors the 1st woman to hold the post office in sudans history for you know how. We are set on implementing the vision and the slogan of the revolution which is freedom peace and justice we are aware that there are challenges that together with the people of our states will tackle them we are all part of the revolution and are here to serve its goals the appointments come as the country faces several challenges violence in the rest the Western Region of darfur has led to the deaths of more than 100 people in the past 10 days including 60 people who were killed by an identified attackers in west bar 4 on saturday and sunday there are sit ins in various parts of the region demanding better security and issues that will pose a challenge to the governors of the 5 to 4 states that make up the region therefore also has more than 1500000 people displaced due to the war which started in 2003 and has yet to and. Weve been in camps for years and despite the new Transitional Government we have not seen change when i try to go out of the displacement camps back to my farm there are always armed men preventing we dont have access to our lands anymore because of the insecurity. In the east of the country there have been ethnic clashes resulting in loss of life so full truth facts have been find over the past years but the people in there are marginalized and want a proper representation a slowing economy with an inflation rate of nearly 140 percent has had some states harder than others while severe fuel shortages protests in many areas appointed governors is one of the main steps of the transition and one of the main demands of protesters the appointment of the new government but in the 18th a protection to the governors appointed in their region often citing their gender or ethnicity some analysts blame it on a lack of transparency in the selection process. That governors were picked based on their political affiliations which gives the impression that the positions are merit based so people who now see this wonder why its based on Political Parties and tribes or a certain clan because it appears as though its a cake and Everyone Wants a piece of it the other thing is that some have little experience in civil posts so getting their states to believe in them may be difficult many challenges lie ahead for sudans new governors but for now they represent the completion of one of the requirements of the transition and the hopes of many for a stable country morgan aljazeera how to. Know a group of Brazilian Health care workers is asking the International Criminal court to investigate president jab olds and i was government for crimes against humanity a document claiming to represent more than a 1000000 medical staff in brazil has been submitted to the hague based court it accuses the government of being criminally negligent mismanagement of the code 19 pandemic brazil has the 2nd highest number of virus related deaths in the world germany is introducing compulsory testing for travellers returning from high risk areas as fears rise that Summer Travel could spawn infections dominic cain has more from berlin. Theres clearly been growing concern at the ministerial level here in berlin but also among the states of germany about the potential for a 2nd wave of coronavirus in this country specifically brought here by passengers german citizens but also tourists coming here from high risk areas elsewhere in europe already 3 airports in germany have been staging Testing Centers with no obligation for passengers to use them but now the federal Health Minister yes and she says well they will now have to be obligatory all airports which receive passengers from high risk areas for the coronavirus will soon need to have obligatory testing the point here is that other leading conservative ministers in state level particularly mark is that of the Prime Minister of bulgaria has said he really fears the potential for certain areas of europe to be like super spreading hotspots a reminder that of course in the neighboring country austria there were places earlier during this pandemic which were like super spreading venue so mr server is afraid of a rising of several mini versions of that thats why he wants this in place now mr scran has agreed and very soon it will be obligatory for testing to take place for all passengers returning from high risk areas now a new simple and reportedly 95 percent accurate method of detection people would cope with 19 is expected to make its debut in chile police dogs are being trained to identify people who may be infected latin america editor allison human has more now from santiago. These 4 police dogs are professionals until now a specialist in finding missing people drugs or explosives but that was the past. 2 days training to become. Bio detector is capable of identifying carriers of code 19 even in the earliest stages of the disease. It better than an old photo of the dog sense of smells at least 50 times stronger than humans and investigations under way in the world indicate that they are able to identify particles of covert 19 and contribute affectively to the Early Detection of the virus. Commander a seville says the virus has no smell but that the infection generates metabolic changes to the body that dogs can smell in human sweat these 3 golden retrievers and one labrador would chosen not just because of their noses but also their looks for your cuddly in cute rather than threatening. Police say thats important to make people feel at ease when they see them walking with the dogs in train stations bus depots airports or other places with large crowds this is coffee in about 6 weeks he will be trained and able to sniff out 200. 00 and an hour who could be carriers of culvert 19 and his nose is far more accurate than the normal tests that were using now to identify coronavirus. The Police Canine school is working together with specialists to chiles Catholic University and the Veterinary School of paris colleagues in france england and finland have been testing and training dogs to identified called 9 team for months now canines are also known to be able to detect some forms of human cancer for example the per year book is now coming this system is highly economical and has a high impact apart from large crowds were thinking they can be at entrances to schools to contribute to what Everyone Wants to get back to class and back to normal or as close to it as soon as possible and. That means these dogs may be in high demand. Though this. Not likely to be a shortage of 4 legged pupils these Police Puppies stole the show and made headlines worldwide when they made their debut at chiles annual military parade 2 years ago if the program proves successful their dogs will soon be joining their older brothers and sisters on the frontlines of innovative efforts to reduce the spread of this deadly virus. You see in human aljazeera santiago. Time for a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says hezbollah is playing with fire hes accuse the Lebanese Armed group of launching an infiltration attempt at the border has billard denies the claims the United Nations is urging restraint from both sides because both of these with. Hizbollah must understand that it is playing with fire it made a big mistake when its assessed israels determination to defend itself and lebanon paid a price i urged him not to repeat that mistake any attack against us will be met with great force. To iraqi protesters have been killed in renewed antigovernment protests Security Forces fired tear gas and live on a mission to disperse crowds in baghdad. Where the 1st protesters to die since the new Prime Minister. Took power in may to military bases housing u. S. Led Coalition Forces have been hit by rockets in iraq on monday night north of baghdad was hit by 3 strikes and the spike a camp was also rocked by explosions spains Prime Ministers appealing to the u. K. To reverse its decision to quarantine travelers in the country for 2 weeks infections are soaring in parts of spain but there are sanchez says the u. K. s move isnt justified barcelonas in more than a 1000 new cases every day. A group of Brazilian Health care workers are asking the International Criminal court to investigate president jeb olson irans government for crimes against humanity a document claiming to represent more than a 1000000 medical staff in brazil has been submitted to the hague based coach of brazil as the 2nd highest number of violence related deaths in the world the Un Security Council has indorsed mediation efforts to end mollys crisis president abraham has appointed a 6 person cabinet the mission to form a unity government but the oppositions insisting the president steps down that when weeks of protests over alleged corruption and election irregularities and the caskets of civil rights pioneer and longtime u. S. Representative john lewis has arrived at the Capitol Rotunda after a procession through washington d. C. Live pictures here the congressman is the 1st black lawmaker to lie in state at the rotunda one of the highest american on as a Public Service. So those lead lines the news continues here on aljazeera after inside sort of them so much about. Honoring a champion of civil rights activism mourners in the u. S. Pay tribute to john lewis but all his body is laid to rest how will his legacy shape the black lives Matter Movement this is inside story. Hello there and welcome to the program im norah a lifetime civil rights leader in the u. S. Who inspired the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights act the last of the big 6 rights leaders led by Martin Luther king jr and hailed as the conscience of congress

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