Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20240712

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Already some progress in the u. S. Effort to develop a vaccine but numbers of infections from the virus continue to spike across the country. And mourning the conscience of Congress Civil rights leader john lewis lies in state in the u. S. Can. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned hezbollah its playing with fire Israeli Army Says it confronted an infiltration attempt launched by the Lebanese Armed group in the border region of farms hezbollah denies that engage in any confrontation the United Nations is urging both sides to show restraint aljazeera is how to force that reports of smoke plumes over southern lebanon after what the Israeli Military referred to as a security incident it said a cell of hezbollah fighters trying to infiltrate israeli controlled territory Israeli Soldiers tracked them and repelled them with machine gun tank and artillery fire in tel aviv where theyd rushed for security assessments israels julian Prime Minister and defense minister put on a rare show of unity government. A cell of hezbollah terrorists crossed into israel in an attempt to harm Israeli Soldiers i. D. F. Soldiers and officers acted professionally and accurately and prevented a severe incident that could have cost human lives. Israels Prime Minister made an explicit reference to the war of 2006 in warning hezbollahs leader Hassan Nasrallah that israels armed forces stood ready to respond further because bullet solution of darts hizbollah mr understand it is playing with fire it made a big mistake when its assessed israels nation to defend itself and lebanon paid a price any attack against us will be met with great force i urge him not to repeat this mistake and we do not live unknown. Israel has been on heightened alert cincinnati strike last week in syria attributed to israel killed a hezbollah fighter there has been has vowed to avenge any such deaths in southern lebanon the aftermath of the israeli artillery barrage hezbollah denied having carried out any operation saying israelis fired into lebanon out of confusion and panic and if statement was read out on the hezbollah affiliated elman our t. V. Then. It was all one sided and it was by an enemy that is afraid terrified and worried our response to the martyrdom of our brother ali kamil most and who died in the Zionist Attack in the damascus airport region is definitely coming and theres scientists should be whiting for the punishment of their crimes last year a similar set of circumstances led to a hezbollah attack on an Israeli Military post and a limited israeli response it was over within hours both sides seemingly keen to avoid an escalation that motivation has only intensified since with a surging pandemic in israel and an economic crisis in lebanon but for now at least hezbollah is saying that this round isnt over are a force that aljazeera wester islam was in a has been that lebanons border with israel she says the situation seems to have calmed down some now. The Lebanese Armed Group Hezbollah has denied that it carried out any operation it is saying the incident was one sided and it is blaming what it calls an israeli an anxious israeli army so a very different narrative from what the israeli army is reporting they are saying that a group of hezbollah fighters tried to infiltrate the shebaa farms is very hard for us to independently confirm what happened but a Lebanese Security sources tell us at the time that some incidents some kind of incident happened whether it was an attack or an attempt to infiltrate the recognizance mission that source could not confirm now cautious calm prevails along the border israeli planes continue to fly over lebanese airspace you can hear israeli drones in the skies the tensions have deescalated but definitely the tense atmosphere along this border is likely to continue over the past few days there were fears of the possibility of a hezbollah retaliation retaliation for the killing of one of its fighters in what was believed to be an israeli air strike in syria and thats why israel really beefed up its forces along the border and took extra security measures now some analysts say that this is part of hezbollahs psychological warfare to keep this israeli army on its toes but many will say that you know both sides have no intention really or do not want an all out conflict because both sides really have a lot of domestic problems hezbollah knows that if it if it sparks an all out war with israel it will cause a domestic domestic backlash it will be blamed for dragging lebanon into war at a time that the politicians have really run the economy into the into the ground and and hezbollah and along with its allies now hold political power they control the government they control the parliament so right now its that its not in their interest really to see an all out confrontation but there is no doubt this border remains volatile especially since israel evolves to continue to keep up the pressure on iran and groups that iran backs like hezbollah particularly in neighboring syria. 2 iraqi protesters have been killed in renewed antigovernment protests Security Forces fired tear gas and live ammunition to disperse crowds in baghdad thats after the funerals of the 2 were killed in demonstrations late on sunday in the 1st protest as a died since the new Prime Minister moustapha alhadi me took power in may he says his government shouldnt be held responsible for mistakes made by previous leaders. They said. Its not just ask a 2 month old government to pay the corruption and looting the left by the previous administration. Youth protests yes they are legitimate right Security Forces dont have the permission to far a single bullet out of the protesters. We have opened an investigation into the circumstances of what happened to her square i requested that all facts be made available within 72 hours to military bases housing u. S. Led Coalition Forces have been hit by rockets in iraq on monday night toci camp north of baghdad was hit by 3 strikes and spike a camp was also rocked by explosions no casualties have been reported and no glaber no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. Spains Prime Minister is appealing to the u. K. To reverse its decision to quarantine travelers in the country for 2 weeks infections are soaring and. Says the u. K. s move isnt justified barcelonas in more than a 1000 new cases each day prompting fears it could become a new epicenter for the epidemic mater herrera reports. Spains sunny beaches mask a worsening Health Crisis infection rates have soared in recent days with more than a 1000 new cases a day in catalonia 80 percent of those cases are here in the regional capital buffalo no its feared the c. T. s now the epicenter of a 2nd wave of corona virus. Based on this being a sharp rise in cases among people who have been gathering in larger numbers the regional leader urged them to stop partying or risk another total lockdown. If we continue with the current pace of social life the only thing that we will accomplish is to worsen the situation we need to responsibly be responsible in our social interactions catalonia already has a stricter messes than in the rest of spain. And the tory people have been advised not to leave their homes unless its strictly necessary and gatherings of people are completely bangs bars in restrooms normally bream with live are now struggling to stay afloat. 150 countries have now imposed restrictions on travel to spain on saturday the u. K. Suddenly ordered people coming from the country to quarantine for 2 weeks british tourists make up more than a 20 percent of all foreign visitors talks are on the way to drop restrictions on british travelers from spain. The Spanish Government is also trying to convince countries that other parts of spain are safe to visit. But a fellow nights a race against time to bring the infection rate under control if theres no improvement within 10 days the regional governments warned of aggressive tactics to control the spread might at that rate oh ill just see it out but. Now the world health story the race to find a vaccine to beat the coronavirus is heating up with u. S. President donald trump announcing that American Made one has now entered phase 3 Clinical Trials thats the final hurdle before it can be approved its being tested on 30000. 00 volunteers and trump believes it could be ready for widespread use by the end of the year we will achieve a victory over the virus by unleashing americas scientific genius which is what it is im therefore proud to announce that this morning the Moderna Vaccine has officially entered phase 3 already and thats phase 3 Clinical Trials the final stage before approval is never been anything like this in terms of speed nothing even close a 2nd vaccine is likely to enter phase 3 in a matter of days under operation warp speed weve shaved years off of the time that it takes to develop a vaccine in some cases many years. Castro joins us live now from maryland heidi so President Trump that touting his operation warp speed to produce millions of code 9000 vaccines by the end of the what more is he been saying. Right that is the goal here and really this is the biggest and final stage trial that weve seen across the globe as you were saying 30000 volunteers and all will be given 2 shots and these are shots of l a by the u. S. Government in partnership with a private company mcgurn and those volunteers will be testing whether of course this is effective against preventing the infection of covert and whether or not these vaccines are safe and right on the heels of this are at least 2 other vaccine candidates that will be approaching the same milestone in months if not just weeks so certainly that is the last hurdle before government approval and we heard from the Vice President mike pence who is saying that even though the government has not approved of a vaccine yet the manufacturing process the Distribution Network those are all red also simultaneously being worked on so that if one of these vaccine candidates or perhaps more than one does receive final approval it will rapidly according to the thinking of a government will be rapidly deployable to Many Americans right to hide your caster there in maryland heidi thank you now the World Health Organization is warning that imposing bans on International Travel due to cope with 19 is unsustainable and that government should be doing more to reduce the spread of the virus within their own borders mike ryan is encouraging wider measures not just travel restrictions. I was advised that travel measures should be used in conjunction with with other measures to by themselves travel trouble measures are not effective in dealing with in dealing with the movement of disease in the same way that hand washing alone or mask wearing alone or any of the Public Health interventions alone is not is not effective it is going to be almost impossible for for individual countries to keep their border shut for the foreseeable future economies have to open 0 people have to work trade has to resume. Lots more still to come here in aljazeera including. Were all part of the revolution and are here to so its called saddams government to sworn in civilian governors and women are taking a central role reaction from khartoum. New coronavirus churches are now is consumed bob way but critics say its an excuse to stifle and to government protest more in the streets. Hello there are going to see quite a few thunderstorms developing across the south in the southeast United States in the coming days meanwhile of course it really has been about hurricane hanna which made landfall into the southwest of texas and that was a case of just really caring up the damage was has been very widespread particularly in his to to kill a southwest portion of the state at the same time of course theres also some flooding across some areas you can see here the roads are under water but the worst of that certainly has gone meanwhile across into Southern California it is dry it is windy and this particular father county this actually began on saturday afternoon is still not very well contained you can see the cop of the terrain the firefighters the ham to work with there and conditions will stay warm and certainly dry over the next few days but elsewhere to say we are going to see quite a scotching the thunderstorms across the Central Plains and again across the southeast that will continue on into wednesday those rains working away crashed east was because some of these storms could develop into severe storms always with the threat of tornadoes that we had down into Central America plenty of activity here but again really its been around the Northern Areas of mexico this again all coming from what was hurricane hanna you can see the flooding that took place theres more rain in the 4 calls on cheese day as we head through wednesday it should begin to improve across the north. For. What is the price of luxury. An Undercover Team travels deep into the illegal cocoa plantations of the ivory coast Simple Solutions are very hard to find for something as complicated as the child labor culture chocolates hearts of darkness and count as unpaid child labor as working in a 100000000000 dollar industry well over a huff of the countrys cocoa produces live below the poverty line. On aljazeera. We want to hold a lot. Welcome back a good recap of our top stories here on aljazeera israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says hezbollah is playing with fire hes accuse the Lebanese Armed group of launching an infiltration attempt at the border denies the claims. To iraq in protest as have been killed in renewed antigovernment protests there the 1st protesters to die since the new Prime Minister start our harmony took power in may. And spains Prime Minister is appealing to the u. K. To reverse its decision to quarantine travellers in the country for 2 weeks infections are soaring in parts of spain barcelona saying more than a 1000 new cases every day. Now the casket of a civil rights pioneer and longtime u. S. Representative john lewis has arrived at the Capitol Rotunda after a procession through washington d. C. These are live pictures now coming to us here from the capitol the georgia congressman is the 1st black lawmaker to lie in state at the rotunda its one of the highest american on is for Public Service monday is the 3rd of 6 days of the morals for the congressman who died on july 17th aged 80 after a battle with pancreatic cancer between then and now john lewis became a titan of the Civil Rights Movement and then the conscience of the congress here in Congress John was busy reviewed and beloved on both sides of the aisle on both sides of the capitol he paid a price in harassment and beatings from a bus station in south carolina. Parrish bridge john lewis lived and worked with urgency because the task was urgent. Well were joined now by tommy boyd congressman lewis his former legislative director and tommy joins us from washington d. C. Tommy lets 1st reflect if we can on some of the work you did with john lewis i read that some years ago he tossed you with getting enough bipartisan support to build a national africanamerican museum and what was it like working with him on such an important legacy project. Yes it was very you know rewarding you know really there are several lessons that i learned working with consulates on the Smithsonian National museum of africanamerican history and culture. But what it was like is you know just to see cars and things its just systems its really its resilience it really is determination it introduced the legislation over 15 years its just coming back you know introducing it in one hour to council is its list of director in 2001 no its really his determination is this it lets me introduce legislation in we work with him strategically create a Bipartisan Commission coalition republican and Democrat Members and then once we create that coalition really that was the cooking with gas were able to really with the legislation or im not suppose that lets lets talk if we can tell me about some of the events of the day the House Speaker nancy pelosi said today that john lewis focused on how to inspire the next generation to join the fight for justice how did john inspire you and what impact has he had on the work that you are doing today. Yes i am well an example is the day we get even about black lives matter plaza which. In this one its lessons they went before he passed away and he just really energized you know by young people. But im the president has been the torch for me but stupidly i am currently working on Health Disparities where as you know its very important people in the color pantene it here in the United States and the way its just proportionately impacting africanamericans or learning from John Thompson lewis is just to really stay persisted in sort of addressing help sperry find the saying clean water clean air Climate Change you know in addition to Voting Rights in you really encouraging folks to get out and look and dont miss recently said that he hoped that america was headed towards greater change this this racial reckoning thats sweeping the country what do you think johns legacy will be tommy i mean what does john lewis leave for all of us you know the question just has a little as least a roadmap really a path to study in terms of you know how he took Public Service. Committed to Public Service and how he was able to really embody nonviolence there not the Nonviolence Movement the Civil Rights Movement the protests the syrians i mean really what you see that even with the black last matter across the not only not states across the country you really see a lot of the same techniques we use that carson who is practice you know doing the Civil Rights Movement to ultimately to the Voting Rights act so even leaves better to look. Guys were present gay activists time aboard great to get your thoughts thank you for talking to al jazeera thank you thank you. Now a group of Brazilian Health care workers is asking the International Criminal court to investigate president Jacques Bolton are was government for crimes against humanity a document claiming to represent more than a 1000000 medical staff in brazil has been submitted to the hague based court it accuses the government of being criminally negligent in its management of a covert 900 pandemic brazil has the 2nd highest number of virus related deaths in the world in the nation has now recorded more than 100000 coronavirus cases the red cross is warning that this situation could spiral out of control. People to continue taking precautions that been more than a 1000 new infections a day for the past 2 weeks despite this large scale restrictions are being lifted in much of indonesia. Zimbabwe has suspended most Parliamentary Business out the 2 politicians tested positive for corona virus meanwhile police of tighten the requirements for passing through roadblocks to stop the spread of the virus but critics say its actually a way to restrict Movement Ahead of government protests has more now from the capital harare. Ever since the police introduced a nationwide Lockdown People have had to go through several Police Checkpoints to get into the city center when they reach the checkpoints the police are the way theyre going and theyre going to were going to show a little from them floyd listening saying these later some of them have been fortune thats why stricter measures had been put in place which means now that this has had the name of the employer the way you work what time you start work and when you finish if youre a nurse a secretes gottwald doctor you have to do a uniform and show your work id if youre a farmer taking a project to the markets you have to have a litter from the head of the village these are a lot of. Pride but its really one issue we think even the kiss is those people weve. Even moved out of reach they can trust the eagles love being with the jumping theyre just crossing the falls off police in the morning then we do. Government Officials Say these measures are necessary and will be strictly enforced because the number of call the 19 infections are rising they say thats not going to do with detaining freedom of expression and the right to Peaceful Assembly you can do that includes applying these 3 measures and we have the degree to use this is. Listens to groups with despite. The. Vital skids. We. Did. Think that no one. In a very. Well raised. Carriage be able to participate in that demonstration. Allegations and they currently. Kenya has extended a curfew for another month in a bid to curb the spread of the corona virus that had been set to expire early august the government stopped short of reinstating a full lockdown despite a surgeon infections sunday saw a recording crease with 960 new cases kenya has reported around 800000 since the outbreak began a nearly 300 people died malis president has appointed a 6 person cabinet with a mission to form a unity government he was responding to an appeal from west African Leaders who are also called for fresh elections following a disputed vote political tensions been simmering in the country in recent weeks with protesters demanding the resignation of the president Abraham Boubacar kater they accuse him of corruption mismanaging the economy and failing to contain groups ukraine says pro russian separatists are broken a ceasefire just hours after it came into effect ukrainian soldiers say their positions came under attack but they didnt return fire all fighting was supposed to stop in the regions the ceasefire deal was backed by ukrainian president vladimir selenski and Russias Vladimir Putin more than 13000 people have been killed in fighting and Eastern Ukraine thats raged since 2014. Suicide attacks in Northern Syria have killed a child and injured more than a dozen other people the child died in a bombing in the rebel held area of africa while 3 people were wounded 12 others were hurt in a separate attack in a city in italy and russia and turkey who back opposing sides in the conflict of and patrolling the area since a cease fire agreement in march. Thurman strangers in yemen are rallying to denounce the u. A. E. Backed Southern Transitional council theres anger over the United Arab Emirates support for separatists in the region the protest was a show of support for the internationally recognized government led by president robert months were hardly a Transitional Council held a rally last week claiming it exclusive representation of south. Sudan has replaced the military governors of its 18 states with civilians including women for the 1st time as aljazeera as he the moment reports from khartoum it comes at a time where civilians are losing their lives in parts of the country due to the growing violence. Taking oath of Office Nearly a year after the signing of a power sharing agreement that stipulates that their appointment and after months of protests so dance Transitional Governments who are in a team used a 1000000000 governors there are plays governors appointed by former president i want to be she before he was removed from office in april last year the appointees include 2 female governors the 1st woman to hold the post in sudans history. We are set on implementing the vision and the slogan of the revolution which is freedom peace and justice we are aware that there are challenges that together with the people of our states will tackle them we are all part of the revolution and are here to serve its goals. The appointments come as the country faces several challenges the violence in the rest the Western Region of darfur has led to the deaths of more than 100 people in the past 10 days including 60 people who were killed by an identified attackers in west bar 4 on saturday and sunday there are sit ins in various parts of the region demanding better security and issues that will pose a challenge to the governors of the 5 to 4 states that make up the region therefore also has more than 1500000 people displaced due to the war which started in 2003 and has yet to and. Weve been in camps for years and despite the new Transitional Government we have not seen change when i try to go out of the displacement camps back to my farm there are always armed men preventing me we dont have access to our lands anymore because of the insecurity. In the east of the country there have been ethnic clashes resulting in loss of life so full truth facts have been find over the past years but the people in there are marginalized and want a proper representation a slowing economy with an inflation rate of nearly 140 percent has hit some states harder than others while severe fuel shortages triggered protests in many areas appointed governor that is one of the main steps of the democratic transition and one of the main demands of protest the appointment of a new government but a rejection to the governors appointed in their region often citing gender or ethnicity some analysts blame it on a lack of transparency in the selection process. That governors repacked based on their political affiliations which gives the impression that the positions are merit based so people who now see this wonder why its based on Political Parties and tribes or a certain clan because it appears as though its a cake and Everyone Wants a piece of it the other thing is that some have little experience in civil posts so getting their states to believe in them may be difficult many challenges lie ahead for sudans new governors but for now they represent the completion of one of the requirements of the crown and the hopes of many for a stable country morgan aljazeera. To south africa now where 43 suspects of appeared in court accused of killing 5 people in jail going to tack on a church the hearing was previously delayed because of the coronavirus more than 200 members of the church were held hostage for hours on july 11th just west of johannesburg a standoff may have been motivated by a feud between church members. Qatars expressed interest in hosting the olympic and Paralympic Games as early as 2032 the gulf States Olympic Committee says it submitted a formal request to join a nonbinding dialogue with the games governing body its hosted several Major International events including last years world athletics championship and it will stage the football world cup in 2022. All the news of course on our website there it is on your screen the address al jazeera. For a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says hezbollah is playing with fire hes accuse the Lebanese Armed group of launching an infiltration attempt at the border has blocked denies the claims United Nations is urging restraint from both sides. Hizbollah must understand that it is playing with fire it made a big mistake when its assessed israels determination to defend itself and lebanon paid a price i urge him not to repeat that mistake any attack against us will be met with great force. To iraqi protesters have been killed in renewed antigovernment protests Security Forces fired tear gas and live ammunition to disperse crowds in the capital bangkok. For the 1st protesters who died since the new Prime Minister to me to power in may 2 military bases housing u. S. Led Coalition Forces have been hit by rockets in iraq on monday night thats north of baghdad was hit by 3 strikes the spike a camp was also rocked by explosions spains Prime Minister is appealing to the u. K. To reverse its decision to quarantine travelers in the country for 2 weeks infections are soaring in parts of spain but better sanchez says the u. K. s move isnt justified barcelona seeing more than a 1000 new cases every day. U. S. President donald trump says that American Made vaccine has now entered phase 3 Clinical Trials the final hurdle before it can be approved infection rates are surging across the u. S. With record numbers in florida texas california a group of Brazilian Health care workers are asking the International Criminal court to investigate president Jacques Bolton i was government for crimes against humanity a document claiming to represent more than a 1000000 medical staff in brazil has been submitted to the hague based court was ill has the 2nd highest number of virus related deaths in the world and the casket of civil rights pioneer and longtime u. S. Representative john lewis has arrived at the Capitol Rotunda after a perception through washington d. C. The georgia congressman is the 1st black nor maker to lie in state at the rotunda as one of the highest american for Public Service. That was the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after people in power trump versus california pop one statement thats a lot. On the counting the cost this week rich countries a corner of the market for covert 19. 00 vaccines but what does that mean for the worlds poll well look at the coronavirus treatments all thought for low income nations and check out the real price of developing drugs counting the cost on aljazeera. California is progressive stance on issues from Climate Change to immigration has long come to apply to mines political opposition to president dont trump in return he portrays the state as dominated by liberal elites absent touch with the u. S. Heartland so what does this picture roger logical battle reveal about the choices facing americans in the coming president ial election earlier this year the 1st of 2 special reports bobs house went to find them

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