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In the city of chengdu after its all that close in a worsening diplomatic dispute. Thank you very much for joining us at least one person has been killed during antigovernment protests in iraqs capital baghdad is the 1st fatality touring demonstration since Prime Minister. To me was sworn into office 2 months ago testers are over corruption unemployment and Poor Public Services iraq has seen months of andras as it struggles with an economic crisis and political instability simona 14 is in baghdad with more. What appears to have happened last night based on our conversations with a few protesters in Baghdads Tahrir square is that a group of protesters gathered in Tahrir Square to march in direction of another nearby square which is when Security Forces and the cording to the protesters playing clothed officials opened fire using live ammunition and bird charts to wardes these demonstrators at least one person was killed though a 2nd may have died later on in the hospital according to iraqs human rights commissions and dozens of people were killed now this is quite significant because 1st of all there has been a law in the protests since the coronavirus pandemic erupted and also since the protests generally subsided earlier this year we really havent seen many people gather in Tahrir Square and have only been a few dozen protesters were camped out who have persisted but over the past few days we have seen a surge in demonstrations once again take place not just here in baghdad but also in the southern provinces people largely driven by the lack of Services Poor the electricity just as the country is going through an unprecedented heat wave just last week are you registered 54 degrees which is the highest temperature ever recorded in a bucket out and this has pushed many people to the streets once again asking for basic things such as electricity and services but have also been spurred on by recently adopted austerity measures which have really made it difficult for many people to to get by under daily in their daily lives. The un says more than 60 people are reported to have been killed in an attack on a village in west off or hundreds of armed men targeted much stary village on saturday burning homes to the ground saddams Prime Minister abdullah ham docs say a Security Forces will be deployed to protect farmers returning to their fields for the 1st time any is. From the americas to Europe South Asia and australia countries around the world are facing a rise in corona virus infections more than 16000000 people have now been diagnosed since the pandemic began 4300000 are in latin america which the World Health Organization has designated the new epicenter most are in brazil and mexico and argentina. Is in colombia another latin American Country where the number of infections is causing concern. According to the paramedic Health Organization the pandemic across the region is throwing no signs of slowing down but experts there are particularly worried the 5 countries brazil and mexico of course but also colombia where we are argentina to and to a lesser extent also chile were things of eased up a bit of course brazil remains the main hot spot this week theyve been reporting more than 50000 cases for 4 days in a row however the government said that this sundays the number of confirmed cases has gone down to a little over 24000 well see what happens in the coming days but the worry there is that even if they brought under control the main hotspots the 1st hot spots at the beginning of the outbreak new ones have since appeared in particular in the south and center west of the country that had fared much better so a lot of warre there now in countries like colombia where we are tina the reopening of the economy as meant a big big increase in cases so we are in a critical phase of the pandemic right now the same as happened in mexico that has seen a resurgence in hospitalizations despite the government thought they had already passed the peak of the pandemic the us meanwhile is recording up to 70000 new infections a day california has the most followed by florida thats overtaken new york by the same still has the highest number of deaths said 32000 australia has just seen its highest daily rise in infections a day after reporting is worse and best of all most of the 522 new cases are in the state of victoria thats struggling to contain a resurgence is being partly blamed on people going to work despite being infected. As it stands right now we are seeing too many people for whatever reason attending work with symptoms that just cannot continue otherwise those restrictions will be in place for longer than i should be and or im sorry sorry will say more people die or particularly. There are very there the ultimate consequence if people are going to work sick is the people who become infected and therefore people will die india has the furred highest number of confirmed cases in the world and has recorded about another 50000. 00 on sunday Prime Minister Narendra Modi says people need to be more hits a nice well dismayed face professor of emerging Infectious Diseases at the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine she says what were seeing is a predictable result of mistakes made by governments. It is not really a surprise some countries just opened too quickly others are just starting to see the epidemic growing and so so we see a different picture but it distill the transmission intensity is still highest in a small number of countries kindly let in america has taken over even the us south African Forces also seeing a repertory surgeons and we know also see you know a resurgence of cases in countries that were quite successful beginning like or like australia initially you know the virus is spreading mainly in old care homes in care homes in old age homes within hospitals but now were seeing a shift in the epidemic and its affecting more younger people it is understandable you know after months of look down the young people want to be out again they want to party they want to be together but unfortunately were not it time and we just cannot do this and and we really need the young people to understand the need to keep on doing social distancing to really protect those that are highest risk for severe disease outcomes in other world news dozens of Rohingya Refugees fear drowned while trying to swim to malaysian shores have been found alive the coast guard says they were hiding in bushes on a small island all have been detained as malaysia does not recognize Refugee Status when 700000 more hang f. N. M. Are after a military crackdown in 2017 also naming in camps in bangladesh francois is in kuala lumpur she says malaysia is beginning to take action on illegal migrants. 26. 00 of them were found hiding in bushes on an island just off blank our we are island in the northwest of Peninsular Malaysia and they were found late on sunday now in addition to the 26. 00 people who were found there was also another man who was rescued by fisherman at sea now Authorities Say they have detained all 27. 00 of them and 28. 00 including the man who made it to shore on saturday night now a senior coast guard official told Reuters News Agency that these people nearly 30 of them are believed to have been smuggled into the country on a smaller boat and he believes that they likely traveled to malaysia on a bigger ship from bangladesh the ship could carry about hundreds of other writing refugees down these men have now these people have now been detained incudes men women and children theyve been detained in addition Authorities Say theyve also arrested 2 other rohingya who are suspected of being involved in the trafficking or people smuggling of this group of people into malaysia now malaysia as a country does not recognize refugees so it means that those who make it here dont have any legal status they cant work they cant send their children to school but malaysia is still considered a favorite destination a sort of safe haven because its a muslim majority country and the mainly muslim or hindu feel safe here despite not having any legal status but im slowly changing and last months malaysian authorities detained nearly 270 rohingya ringa refugees they were found to have entered the country the boat was damaged malaysia in the past has sent rangar refugees back out to sea but already say they couldnt do so because this boat was damaged now the Prime Minister has said malaysia is no longer able to accept any more refugees its already struggling to cope with an economy thats been battered by the pandemic. China says it has taken possession of a close u. S. Consulate in the city of chengdu the American Flag was lowered and chinese officials covered up signs outside the building staff at the u. S. Consulate were given a 3 day warning to vacate the shutdown was ordered by beijing in response to the closure of its consulate in the u. S. City of houston the 2 countries accuse each other of espionage theyre also in dispute over trade and the pandemic to do with. Being demanding the closure of the u. S. Consulate general in chengdu and taking over the premises is chinas legitimate and necessary response to the unjustified u. S. Act of closing chinas consul general in houston and breaking into the compound what china has done conforms to International Law the basic norms of International Relations and customary diplomatic practices the Current Situation in china u. S. Relations is not what china wants to see and the u. S. Is responsible for all of this we once again urge the u. S. To immediately retract its wrong decision and create necessary conditions to bring the bilateral relationship back on track algiers katrina you is right outside the close u. S. Consulate in chengdu. This is the u. S. Consulate here in tunku city or at least it was its been recently vacated any signal any sign representing the u. S. Has been covered or taken down security is still very high but weve had notice from north beijing and the u. S. Consulate that its been closed and this morning shortly after the monday morning local time that it was vacated we had chinese authorities and through the front gate we also saw a team of people wearing hazmat suits presumably with disinfection gear entering this location now the reason beijing says that this quantity that was targeted was because it stopped holding to they were involved in activities inconsistent with that capacity but we also know because of its location here in southwest china that this country that acted as a key listening to things happening in egypt that and. Beijing has made it very clear that they close just as whats happened to the chinese consulate in texas now this whole incident has gone on a lot of interest here in china people have been standing in the street all day watching whats happening theres also let up some nationalistic and to u. S. Sentiment with some people posting what hostile messages online but at the same time weve had the other side people weve spoken to have told us that theyre quite saddened and feel dismay about what is happening and they feel that its quite a shame that things have really reached the point that they have but overall people here in china people here in Sichuan Province where we are have recognized that this is really a key event thats happening 12 years ago there was a massive earthquake that took place here and. Realize what you see and what has happened there now seeing. It coming up soon on aljazeera find out why protesters are gathering in manila ahead of the president s state of the nation address and remembering the korean war zone korea commemorates promise to this day despite walkie relations with its northern neighbor. We got more lovely hot sunshine across southern parts of here but a very different story further north more cloud piling in through the northwest areas of low pressure still affecting the British Isles were going to see more heavy rain coming through here a 30 disappointing day then as we go through monday a little chance for the cricket taking place out traffic in the north of england that west the weather will gradually move across the north sea towards norway as we go on through the day but this is going to stay pretty wet and breezy at the same time for the south well not bad in paris 31. 00 celsius here lots of sunshine into central and southern parts in the hate remains very much in place in spain 40 celsius there in madrid once again fish showers save its will cease to side if youre at least will retreat a little further east which is we go on through choose day 27 celsius there in moscow warm sunshine here 24 celsius in paris a cooling off a little but notice 21 in london a better day it warm up as we go on through the week a touch 30 degrees celsius in london by the end of the way 35 celsius in the sunshine there for madrid or woman sunshine across northern parts of africa these showers continue to rot across Central Africa with more heavy rain right through the west. Well goodness its impossible. For a 3rd. Person or to the knowledge of. Documentaries from around the world about those who wont give up their fight for justice. Aljazeera selects justice. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera live from doha a recap of our top stories at least one person has been killed during protests against corruption and unemployment in iraqs capital baghdad is the 1st death during demonstrations since Prime Minister Mustafa Kadhimiya was sworn in 2 months ago at least 26. 00 were hanger refugees feared drowned while trying to swim to malaysian shores have been found alive the coast guard says they were hiding in bushes on us more island and detained in asia doesnt recognize the status of refugees. And a quarter of the worlds 16000000 coronavirus cases are now in latin america as infections rise in brazil colombia and argentina but there are concerns the numbers could be in much higher than official ones. Hundreds of people are protesting in the philippines ahead of a planned state of the nation address by president rodrigo tatay theyve gathered outside a university in manila because demonstrations outside congress a band to target is expected to outline his plans for the next year hes been accused of mishandling the response to the coronavirus and then make and criticize over new antiterrorism laws and into gun is in manila and has more on why people are protesting. The president s state of the nation speech is a rare event when the president is actually and all of his achievements are made closer to the public but over the past few years specially this year it has been increasingly overshadowed and mired by protests comes at a very precarious time this is one of the last state of the nation address of the president is supposed to step down in 2022 it comes as the biggest Media Network in the country has been shut down forcibly shut down by congress that did not renew its franchise a draconian according to activists anti terror law has taken into effect and just a few days ago when for example local journalists in the southern philippines received Death Threats and another independent online use site north of manila has been raided by police so you know here at this point what theyre saying basically it remains to be seen what the president is saying but they are not very confident that the things that these going to be saying that she needs are real achievements that effect change on the ordinary people the philippines is still struggling to deal with the pandemic sauza as of new cases every day an economy currently in recession and an unknown future for students because according to the government there will be no face to face session or classes in the coming months so at this point you know the president supposed to speak in the coming hours were hearing the kind of state of the nation our situation in numerated by activists here they say if they were to give the president a mark it would be a passing one. U. S. Federal agents have again used tear gas against protesters in a city of portland in oregon it was in response to protesters launching fireworks at a federal courthouse the agents were assigned to protect the demonstrations against racism and Police Brutality they have entered the 9th week but people are also angry about the presence of federal agents in the city both state and local officials have called for their withdrawal. He marched alongside Martin Luther king and campaigned for social justice right up until his death nearly 2 weeks ago now the body of former u. S. Congressman john lewis is charging through several states for the nation to say goodbye harding has more. A homecoming for an American Hero the body of civil rights icon john Lewis Crossing the Edmund Pettus bridge in his home state of alabama it was on this bridge in 1965 during a civil rights march by hundreds of activists that a Police Officer fractured to school on a day that became known as bloody sunday the attack on him drew National Attention to the struggle for racial equality now this city is the final leg of the selma to montgomery Voting Rights trail and his coffin has retraced that journey. Lewis was a Senior Member of the Congressional Black Caucus in a man known as the conscience of the congress he said his activism was anchored in a belief that good trouble could change the world john never gave hope his optimism is what he can in all of us were all in with that optimism cant you hear him find a way to get in the way. Of. Necessary. Lewis was arrested at least 45. 00 times throughout his political career and he kept returning to this bridge for the last 2 decades he led an annual march across it to highlight the struggle for Racial Justice on the 50th anniversary of bloody sunday in 2015 he made the trip with the nations 1st black president barack obama. Came from a humble beginning all faith and respect. So that my brother. This is not. Just food for. The Memorial Service in troy alabama is the 1st in a week of tributes and services for the former congressman on monday he will lie in state in the rotunda of the u. S. Capitol since his death theres a renewed push to rename the Edmund Pettus bridge in honor of john lewis. Aljazeera and 800 thousands of evangelical christian protesters have joined a macho against a new criminal code they say is immoral many are angry that discrimination on the grounds of Sexual Orientation has been made a criminal offense they say that goes against conservative family values the new code also legalizes abortion and you know as the age of consent to 15 is soon to come into force into this. Chopper storm hanna is sweeping through parts of northern mexico heavy rain has cost severe flooding in the city of monterrey submerged streets and making it difficult for emergency crews to reach some areas made landfall in the u. S. State of texas on saturday. For the west sydney Pacific Ocean the u. S. State of hawaii has now the missed a direct hit by hurricane douglas but forecasters say it could still affect some of the states smaller islands. Germany says russia will remain outside the g 7 until it does more to help end the conflict in Ukraine Foreign minister heikal mosse rejected a proposal from the u. S. President to allow russia back into the club of wealthy nations russia was suspended from what was the g. 82014 after it onix ukraines crimea peninsula a move denounced by many governments. And russias president says new Nuclear Weapons are on the way for his countrys navy during a parade in St Petersburg Dragomir Putin also said a hypersonic Cruise Missile and underwater nuclear drones are in their final stages of testing so negative reports. On the new evil river a show of Russian Naval might 200 vessels on display a more than 4000 troops standing to attention for the countrys top brass to have promises of more investment from warships to Nuclear Submarines the same petersburgs ceremony showcase the military but denies ation that bloody near putin has made his highest priority since the annexation of crimea and 2014 the president using the occasion to announce dozens of new warships are on the way. Were doing as. The capability of our navy grows constantly this year it will receive 40 vessels of different classes several days ago 3 main Russian Shipyards started the construction of 6 more vessels for the far seas unique advantages and the increase of combat capabilities of the fleet will be achieved by introducing the cutting edge of Digital Technology Hypersonic Missile strike systems. President putin has said he doesnt want an arms race but the newly touted weapons that have yet to be deployed would be among development of its current capability but this is a country that is struggling financially its oil and gas dependent economy has been stagnating for years this years pandemic has caused a Major Economic crisis a boost to the navy may mean Financial Sacrifices youre not fighting a new war if youre not trying to 2nd syria its lasting much that the russia maybe can do is shows the fright and that. And of course it works on villages so thats more or less ok and then later the admiral starts right now admirals month later and they want more in the budget but they have a form of their well let me the russian finance minister. And the russian thank general so believe that this is an offer and you just. Bushs message may be aimed at international rivals or to push morale at home whether he can transform the energy of these displays to tangible results for the navy will be the true test of strength sunny i am all aljazeera. South korea is marking the anniversary of the armistice that ended the korean war 67 years ago more than 3000000 people were killed in the conflict though it ended a formal peace treaty has never been signed rob mcbride is in seoul of course 22. 00 nations came to the defense of south korea led by the United States under the united nations. It was hoped that a number of those veterans would have made the journey here to south korea thats not possible of course because of the coronavirus but we have had a number of south korean veterans here obviously all taking very extra precautions and socially distancing because they are very Vulnerable Group a lot of these guys are well into their eightys and ninetys now but this was the commemoration of the end of the war which famously of course is only ever been stopped because of this armistice and it was hoped especially with all of the summit diplomacy of recent years that we may well have seen by this very important averse 3 year and actual Peace Agreement being in place well that that we know now is not the case if anything relations have soured but this event obviously comes in the 70th anniversary of the start of the korean war now its a very important event here was the number of events commemorated that last month interestingly in north korea that is to some what some extent glossed over because of course the north invaded the south although the history books give a very different story but it is this event the end of the war which is very much more commemorated in the north because this is billed as the fatherland overcoming the invaders from outside. I think it is are empty countless concerts and festivals though canceled the pandemic has been devastating for artists and performers and why some governments have stepped in to support them american performers are asking for more help give it a listen to reports from neil for better or worse the u. S. Is slowly reopening its economy restaurants parks and even pools have been opening their doors but for some industries there is still no light at the end of the tunnel the health risks of the covert 1000 virus keeping the curtain firmly closed on theaters cinemas and music venues which means no work for millions in the arts and Entertainment Industry people like carson elrod an actor whos been relying on the extra federal unemployment payments to make ends meet when Something Like this happens and everything shuts down and theres nothing to hustle for and theres nothing even look for it takes a situation thats already preparing and it makes it. I dont know any other way to describe it but just terrifying im challenging you guys today to become our heroes thats where the be in arts Hero Campaign comes in a grassroots lobbying effort for arts and entertainment workers its members are imploring u. S. Senators not just to extend the extra unemployment payments before they are set to expire on july 31st but also to come up with a stimulus package to save struggling institutions across the country its not only the biggest theaters like here on broadway that have remained closed but also the smaller independent theaters as well as music venues everyone from actors to actresses to the millions of people behind the scenes many facing financial ruin be an arts Hero Campaign organizers point to the 50000000000. 00 bailout given to the u. S. Airline companies. Far more than the 75000000. 00 so far given to arts and entertainment thats despite arts and entertainment they say being worth more to the u. S. Economy we are instrumental and a cornerstone to the United States organizers say they dont want preferential treatment from the government just proportional to help prevent a tragic ending for millions in the industry gabriels andro aljazeera new york. Hello again im fully back to bow with the headlines on aljazeera at least one person has been killed during protests against corruption and unemployment in iraqs capital baghdad its a further death during demonstrations since Prime Minister to me was stolen in 2 months ago. Dozens of rowing a refugee drowned while trying to swim to malaysian shores have been found alive the coast guard says they were hiding in bushes on a small island and detained malaysia doesnt recognize a satis of refugees for an smi has more from kuala lumpur 26. 00 of them were found hiding in bushes on an island just off Langkawi Island in the north west of Peninsular Malaysia and they were found late on sunday now in addition to the 26. 00 people who were found there was also another man who was rescued by a fisherman at sea now Authorities Say they have detained all 27. 00 of them and 28. 00 including the man who made it to shore on saturday night now and a female coast guard official told wantons news agency that these people nearly 30 of them are believed to have been smuggled into the country on a smaller boat the u. N. Says more than 60 people are reported to have been killed in an attack on a village in west off or hundreds of armed men targeted much serry village on saturday burning homes to the ground so dance Prime Minister abdullah says joint Security Forces will be deployed to protect farmers returning to their fields for the 1st time in the is a quarter of the worlds 16000000. 00 coronavirus cases and now in latin america as infections rise in brazil colombia and argentina but their concern is the numbers could be much higher than official once u. S. Federal agents have again use tear gas against protesters in the city of portland in oregon it was in response to protesters launching fireworks at a federal courthouse the agents were assigned to protect the demonstrations against racism and Police Brutality they have entered the 9th we got people also angry about the presence of federal agents in the city those are the headlines coming up next its select stay with us. Talk to old is there a we know this is the government not to take the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues we listen i still think that air travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories the motto on home to 0. Almost. 40. 140 so you all very very hard wired you are smart armor and bone 100 minute film im a walk it will be in the heart of downtown no want she says a suspect grabbed the obvious or his baton and started beating him with a new understanding this is the a new

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