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Jerusalem demonstrators keep up the pressure on israels Prime Minister to quit over his handling of the outbreak and corruption charges. We begin with a spike in the number of new corona virus infections in spain outbreaks of prompted the u. K. Government to make a last minute decision to reimpose the 2 weeks of quarantine for people who travel there and across the atlantic the u. S. Is experiencing record death tolls more on that in a moment but 1st some of the ago as a story from europe. A Welcome Break on a beach in catalonia after an unprecedented lockdown would be difficult for most people to resist but amid these relaxed scenes and uncomfortable question is being asked is this the start of a 2nd wave of the pandemic on saturday almost 1500 new cases were recorded in the region most of them in and around the city of barcelona many of the new cases are young people showing mild or no symptoms at all it prompted a swift shutdown of night clubs throughout the region as well as a curfew on bars and concern among other European Countries of further outbreaks the u. K. s government announced on saturday that a 14 day quarantine period would be introduced for travellers returning from spain and in france there were requests to avoid travels to the country altogether so he saw this show concerning the situation in catalonia which is displaying worsened indicators for infection there as you know those who are going to get is are deteriorating we strongly encourage french citizens to avoid going there until the Health Situation improves and. This is the high season for tourism and many working in the sector are already feeling the drastic impact of the pandemic in the thing to be able to be in all the years that i have been here this is catastrophic things were good for a time over the past weeks but not now even 2 weeks ago you saw more people out but not now there is nothing or nothing. All over the country towns and cities are once again closing up after a much awaited easing of restrictions the lack of proper track and trace system is prompting an increase in infections around the country it was hoped that the summer would deliver a pause in the pandemic but the contagious nature of the krona virus seems to once again trump optimism of a rest pite anytime soon. Will a coronavirus pandemic shows no signs of slowing down. Down in the us is recorded more than a 1000 deaths for the 4th straight day 74000 new infections are reported nationally on friday one of the highest single day totals since the outbreak began the state of florida remains one of the worst hit areas with more than 12000 cases detected in the past day top Infectious Disease expert dr anthony found she has worn state governments to rollback on reopening zz to cope with the in sections and across live now to hide it or castro in maryland heidi things just seem to be going from bad to worse in florida 12000 new infections in the last 24 hours that has been happening that. Thats right and a death toll that is rising as well with one person in florida dying of covert 19 every 10 minutes there and and this was one of the 1st states to reopen its governor rick to santas a strong supporter of President Trump still receiving praise in fact from the president for his response to the pandemic well many of the santas as critics said that he simply rushed to open florida in his attempt to rescue that states economy and doing so was playing with peoples lives and looking at these numbers out consistently day after day of those records being shattered in florida many would say that that experiment has failed in florida of course is not the only hot spot now there are many hot spots concentrated in the American South were also seeing rising numbers in california and louisiana and in texas the border region of texas and particularly feeling the effects of being under resourced in impoverished region to begin with with hospitals there now theyre going for resources to help you know the military has moved in some help there as well as refrigerated morgues to be parked behind hospitals so very grim figures and images that were seeing from around the country yeah heidi in terms of the Bigger Picture i mean this week the u. S. A possible 4000000 cases milestone as were saying over a 1000 deaths a day even President Trump conceded that things are only going to get worse before they get better so are we now looking at a 2nd away is the continuation of the 1st. I think most medical experts are saying this is still the 1st wave daryn because you know with the lack of a National Cord a good strategy states have been in socially left on their own to make their individual decisions how to combat this pandemic and what were seeing then is this 1st wave that is shifting in location started out in the in the northeast were seeing numbers that are much better in that region but now the sunbelt with those states like florida and texas that we talked about now those new hot spots and as far as the publics reception of the way that the president has responded to this well poll after poll shows that americans very much disapprove of how President Trump has handled the coronavirus pandemic and in fact he is trailing behind joe biden his democratic challenger in the upcoming president ial election in almost every poll some by double digits that driven by American Voters this in chapman in disapproval with the way President Trump has responded to this virus heidi thank you well lets bring in dr canio hes a senior can the collector of the university of Exeter Medical school he joins us now from both in the United Kingdom dr pantone were now seeing this warring resurgence of virus cases in countries like the usa and spain i mean some of the figures as heidi was just saying there are staggering i mean in terms of your experience do you think were now seeing the start of a global 2nd wave that Many Public Health officials are always food. I personally feel this is a continuation of the pandemic rather than a start of a new wave the the number of cases only went down because we went into a lockdown but when we went into lockdown the case numbers were down but never not 0 or they were not imperceptibly law and what happens when the virus is out there in circulation and then you start opening up things like night clubs socializing meeting in restaurants clubs bars clubs etc and pretending and this is the important bit and pretending that its all over let us resume because we need the economy to run unfortunately we get this huge number of new cases created we must accept that the virus is in say collation we must open the economy but we must be very very careful why are we not doing this baffles me and thats an important point to make because spain of course is a popular Tourist Destination its been under pressure to open up its economy quickly do you think theres a sense that countries like australia spain the usa and they are paying the price for opening up too soon without a doubt and i worry about the United States United Kingdom europe and the rest of the world there has been a pressure from the economy side to open up and i feel for example the United Kingdom opened up prematurely and i feel the health and the economy should run together which is we Work Together on how we open it safely rather than open it prematurely and unsafely and in countries like the usa and brazil where weve not seen clear robust Political Leadership on the pandemic many people are just not adhering to social distancing theyre still refusing to wear masks how much of an impact do you think that is having on the resurgence. Very much so because this pandemic and any pandemic of this nature needs good central leadership and succinct precise messages and it has been very unfortunate since january to see that the United States brazil other countries have always given mixed messages about the pandemic as if it was akin to flu and that it would go away its not going away we know a lot about the biology of it and we need to be very very cautious otherwise case numbers will go up and im very worried about the autumn months when we may get dual infection with influenza as well as a corona virus infection dr duncan ever did to get your force thank you for talking to ali sarah thank you. Not u. S. Federal agents sent to portland by President Trump again sighed tear gas at protest as a made arrests demonstrators have rallied every night for 8 weeks to modern racial equality and Police Reforms made as an oregon say the agency only making things worse reports. Federal agents again firing tear gas at black lives matter demonstrators in downtown portland. The protesters have spent weeks demanding racial equality in america while others are calling for Police Reforms and an end to brutality by officers the City Center Court house is the focus of the anger in portland. That anger increased when President Donald Trump ordered federal agents to be sent to the city to protect the port 18 arrests have been made this week fireworks were aimed at the building and several fires lit was the federal agents who responded with tear gas was like was there was organ state officials opposed federal Law Enforcement in portland they say federal agents in riot gear only making the situation worse. Than. The reverse of the. Guard from the protests across the u. S. Began in may after the Police Killing of unarmed black american george floyd. Trump has promised to back the police in stop the protests in a speech this week he said he will be sending hundreds of federal troops to cities all across america americans was hold their city leaders accountable they must insist that Community Officials fully support fully back and fully fund their local Police Departments there is simply no substitute for a Police Department that has the strong backing of city leaders. As well as the tear gas fired during the latest unrest important Peaceful Protesters released balloons and bubbles. More protests are expected the a hearty al jazeera. 2 armed groups are involved in a standoff in the u. S. City of louisville one group on black militias protesting against racism and Police Brutality officers over at the barricades to separate them from the far right group there are reports of injuries and it was accidentally discharged the city has seen protests stop the Police Shooting of a black woman Brianna Taylor she was killed in march by officers who read the home for drugs but found not. Hurricane hanna has made landfall on the Southern Coast of texas strong winds and rain have been lashing the coast with a category one system arriving on saturday just south of Corpus Christi and is the 1st hurricane of the season meanwhile hurricane douglas is heading towards the category 4 storm is expected to reach the Pacific Island on sunday meteorologists say it should weaken by then social distancing rules will be enforced in storm shelters i would like to remind everyone who is in quarantine that you should remain in quarantine to the extent possible if you need supplies please ask friends and others to provide and help you acquire them or as a last resort if you need to you can break quarantine to get those needed supplies. Time for a short break here now to say right when we come back the top im leaving china u. S. Diplomats depart their closed consulate in chengdu as relations deteriorate. Was god and its heating up in russia southeast as thousands issue a rare public challenge to president Vladimir Putin on that same with us. From. The southwest monsoon blows across the Desert Southwest has plenty of shaft i for our zone and that links up to a system which is producing in the Central Plains states otherwise its fairly quiet for though this is an obvious thing to look at well look at it in just a 2nd the real heat that was in the eastern seaboard is tempered a little bit with down to middle thirtys or below not quite as human as it was so these are the things to watch these big wandering storms in the ones that does feed into mexico and that brings us on to what is briefly hearken hangers makes landfall just a category one the problem after storm surge is the amount of rain which goes through texas and then this in keeps moving through sunday into northern mexico but tention for that right of what is really a desert is flash floods fairly obviously coming into the caribbean not quite a hurrican is a Tropical Storm called gonzales got across trend of debate of these are local times its position but it rapidly disappears having left its a trail of fairly heavy rain its quite a small storm not much bigger than trade on the combine to be honest but could cause briefly some damage the showers from venezuela come down through columbia as well into words ecuador and chile and then that frontal system is a bit of rain briefly in the south of brazil but the real winter is down south. For. A Global Pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. Be the hero world needs right. Washington. Welcome back a quick amount of our top stories here on aljazeera the u. K. s reimposing a 14 day quarantine on travelers returning from spain infections are tripled in the past 2 weeks with catalonia emerging as a new hotspot. The u. S. Recorded more than a 1000 coronavirus deaths for the 4th consecutive day florida california and texas are among the worst hit states and the u. S. City of portland has witnessed another bout of clashes between protesters and Law Enforcement agents demonstrators have rallied every night for 8 weeks demanding racial equality and collinsworth forms. China is accusing the u. S. Of sending Law Enforcement officials into its consulate in houston after it was forced to shut down and on the other side of the World Americans started leaving the u. S. Consulate in chengdu which china ordered closed in retaliation the diplomatic feud between the worlds biggest economies is escalating over a growing number of issues including the virus pandemic hong kong and allegations of spying as it was katrina you has more now from chengdu. In chengdu work has begun dismantling the u. S. Consulate thats founded in the southwestern chinese city in 1985 Chinese State media says stop have until monday morning to take 8 apprentices to beijing blames the u. S. For the escalating tensions and has accused the trumpet ministration of stirring up trouble and anti China Sentiment around the world theyve waited 2 days and were due this theyre trying to appear very measured and theyve also extended a number all branches over the last few days indicating that they were for talks rather than to this kind of unilateral action remember theyre doing this because they need to look like they are willing to defend themselves on the other side of the globe a group of men. Federal agents forced open a back door of the chinese consulate in houston workers left the building on friday after appearing to burn documents earlier in the week there are victualling ordered by american officials who say the consulate was a hub of chinese espionage and accusation beijing denies. Causing millions of jobs all across america for washington the list of issues is long the u. S. Has arrested for chinese scientists accusing them of working secretly for the chinese military. Special trade status with the u. S. Has been revoked after china imposed a new security rules and washington has imposed sanctions on chinese officials over the alleged persecution of ethnic muslims then theres the coronavirus President Trump has increasingly pointed to china as being responsible a tactic seen as shifting blame away from what critics say has been his own failed response to the pandemic and finally huawei the chinese telecoms giant accused of posing security threats now banned in the u. S. And britain. We are slipping it appears into a new cold war and its this strange combination that we have right now in our american politics which is the domestic political pressure combined with longstanding grievances and concerns between the United States and china once the u. S. Consulate here in town to close is there will be 4 main on chinas mainland but beijing says it wont hesitate to shutdown another should washington to retaliate against Chinese Missions in the u. S. Katrina you aljazeera. Brazils president says hes now tested negative for corona virus after spending weeks and kwanten with covert 19 rebels and already posted this photo on twitter showing him with a box of the antimalarial drug securicor in the fall of the u. S. President and touting its use although it hasnt proved effective in studies also has regularly downplayed the severity of the outbreak brazil has now reported more than 85000 coronavirus deaths and over 2000000 cases thats cause live now to run petit hes in bogota colombia alison preszler president both sonora says hes tested negative that will of course go down well with his support base but across brazil the picture remains pretty grim doesnt it. Yes there and youd expect to see them both an hour after getting sick and you can see there in the horrible numbers in brazil the more than 85000. 00 deaths in that country youd expect the president to show some. By and large he has being doing the opposite throughout this crisis and he seems that he will continue to do so now that he has recovered his 1st act on saturday after and seeing he was 19 free was to go in a more a cycle ride across the capital brasilia and to mingle with a number of supporters and also to continue to prove that they use this proven and my lariat drug has also asked the army there to mass produce it now while all this is happening. And i was even seeing some benefits from it hes been doing better in polls the last week that he had at the start of the pandemic but at the same time there are other people quite concerned in brazil so much so that for example and this is just one example this is the video the nato has already this cited that it will cancel for the 1st time its Traditional Party on the copacabana beach on december 31st elizondo. Hundreds of nicaraguans all stranded at the Border Crossing between costa rica and their home country authorities in the corral blocking them from entering a spot of measures to contain the spread of coronavirus the government says nicaraguans must show proof theyve taken a code 900 test in the last 72 hours or they will be let in. Poland is set to withdraw from a european treaty aimed at preventing violence against women thousands of women joined marches against the plan in cities across the country the Justice Minister says the treaty is harmful and violates parents rights for acquiring schools to teach children about gender president was reelected earlier this month following a campaign which he described l g b t right as an ideology more destructive of communism. In russia a wave of antigovernment protests by the arrest of a governor of into the 3rd week tens of thousands of demonstrators in the southeastern city of qatar off scot seeking justice for fergal whos been accused of murder they say the charges are politically motivated. Reports. These protests are a problem for president Vladimir Putin demonstrators in the city of confidence have marched every day for more than 2 weeks to mending the governor of the region sergei for go his release from prison the businessman turned politician was arrested on july the 9th and flown to moscow he is accused in the murder of business right last 15 years ago charges he denies. All of. This city and russias far east near the border with china is more than 6000 kilometers from moscow but now its turned into an unexpected hub of antigovernment protests. Because people i think people are marching out on the streets because they vote to elect the governor in the 2018 election has been taken away for gold supporters say the accusations are politically motivated out of a yellow weve had enough we elected the governor we want to be heard and decide our selves what to do with him bring him here for a fair and open trial and well decide whether to convict him or not sure which. Putin officially fired for go on monday and appointed of replacement. Fueling further mistrust in the region the president s United Russia Party isnt popular here the protests reflect anger of what many see as out of touch politicians imposing policies from moscow. The timing of the arrest is also raising questions earlier this month president putin oversaw a controversial vote potentially allowing him to remain in power for another 16 years critics say putin waited until hed won the vote before sacking the governor from the opposing liberal democratic party. Protests are relatively rare and putins tightly controlled russia and the coronavirus pandemic is further complicating the kremlins response its not the type of attention put in is looking for the protesters in the city of 600000 people say the marchers will continue until the governor is released. The young. Protesters have gathered outside the israeli Prime Ministers residence in west jerusalem calling for him to step down for weeks protests have been growing louder against women netanyahu over his handling of the pandemic and his corruption drive on thursday at least made dozens of arrests and theres more to tell and to disperse demonstrators are a force that is in the western or eastern he says the protests are intensifying. These are protests which have been going on for some weeks now but especially in the last 2 weeks or so weve seen 8 of these protests just here in west jerusalem there are also been protests across the country on several of these occasions tonight being no different several 100 outside the Prime Ministers sort of summer home or 2nd home north of tel aviv. A few 100 more in television and then its various road intersections across the country as well as for what theyre demanding world demands defer to some extent depending on which group youre talking about there are lots of different groups here from the the black flag socalled prodemocracy protesters who say that netanyahu is a threat to israeli democracy because of his Corruption Cases that the trial that he is currently facing which is due to start in earnest in terms of hearing witnesses and evidence in january there are also Small Business owners and selfemployed people out on the streets protesting against the lack of economic assistance as they see it as a result of the or rather the combat the the economic fallout of the pandemic there also theres lots of people in young israelis here in west jerusalem especially who are out protesting against a government which for many of them hasnt tackled the grown a virus pandemic properly that there was a lot of success being celebrated in the 1st wave but now were deep into the 2nd wave and there has been a pretty chaotic back and forth in terms of Decision Making in terms of restrictions being imposed and lifted then somewhat tweaked and reimposed and a lot of people are on the streets saying that this Prime Minister this government isnt focusing properly on the coronavirus pandemics. She has been named to his ears new Prime Minister the former interior minister now has one month to form a government and win a confidence vote in parliament if he fails to do so the new elections will have to be called the last Prime Minister. Resigned resigned earlier this month after coming under investigation for conflicts of interest in his Business Holdings kuwait has lifted a restriction on affordable nia the last area that was still under lockdown to contain the corona Virus Outbreak tight restrictions were imposed in may but since then measures have been eased in a series of phases the government hope to completely reopen the economy by september 2 waiters reported around 63000 cases and more than 400 deaths since the outbreak began. Norways Arctic Archipelago has recorded its highest ever temperature the moment of their reach 21. 7 degrees celsius on saturday thats 0. 4 degrees above the previous record set in 1989 the audience would normally be seeing temperatures between 5. 00 and 8. 00 degrees at this time of year Scientists Say Global Warming in the arctic is happening twice as fast compared to the rest of the world a bangladeshi migrant is facing deportation of the malaysia after criticizing the governments treatment of workers during the Coronavirus Crisis mohammad rashdan kabir was detained on saturday he was interviewed in aljazeera as one the one east documentary called locked up in malaysias lockdown aljazeera says his arrest is disturbing and reaffirms its support the freedom of expression as a fundamental human right without fear of being criminalized. A memorial for the late u. S. Congressman john lewis has been held in his home state of alabama lewis rhodes remembered for his role in politics and as a civil rights leader of the 6 days of ceremonies in line state in the u. S. Capitol before being buried in georgia. Regis philbin has died at the age of 88 the talk show and Game Show Host had a remarkable career of a 60 years on program such as live with regis and katie lee and the us version of who wants to be a millionaire he spent more time in front of a camera than anyone else in u. S. Television history 17000 hours thats according to the Guinness World records. To have a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera the u. K. s reimposing a 14 day quarantine on travelers returning from spain infections of crippled in the past 2 weeks with catalonia emerging as a new hot spot. For us is recorded more than a 1000 coronavirus deaths for the 4th consecutive day florida california and texas are among the worst states it. Has more now from maryland there are many hotspots concentrated in the American South were also seeing rising numbers in california and louisiana and in texas the border region of taxes and particularly feeling the effects of being an under resource an impoverished region to begin with with hospitals there now theyre going for resources to help you know the military has moved in some help there as well as refrigerated morgues to be parked behind hospitals so very grim figures and images that were seeing from around the Country Security forces are on high alert in the u. S. City of portland demonstrators have rallied every night for 8 weeks demanding racial equality and Police Reforms local leaders in oregon are criticizing federal agents for using excessive force. Arcane how has made landfall on the Southern Coast of texas strong winds and rain the been lashing the coast with the category one system arriving on saturday just south of Corpus Christi ana is the 1st hurricane of the season. China is accusing the u. S. Of sending Law Enforcement officials into its consulate in houston after it was forced to shut down and in china american staff on leaving the u. S. Consulate in chengdu which was closed in retaliation the diplomatic feud between the Worlds Largest economies is escalating of a growing number of issues including the coronavirus pandemic hong kong and allegations of spying protesters have gathered outside the israeli Prime Ministers residence in the west jerusalem calling for him to step down. For weeks protests have been growing louder against Benjamin Netanyahu over his handling of the pandemic and his corruption trial. Norways arctic article ago has recalled its highest ever temperature of the thermometer there reached 21. 7 degrees on saturday thats just above the previous record set in 1979 the allens would normally be seeing temperatures between 5. 00 and 8. 00 degrees at this time of year so those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after the bottom line statement on so much about. Counting the cost this week rich countries are cornering the market for covert 19. 00 vaccines but what does that mean for the worlds paul well look at the coronavirus 3 principal of low income nations and check out the real price of developing. Country in the cost. Hi im Steve Clemons and i have a question what will it take to get the United States back on line and back to normal lets get to the bottom line. Americans just like everyone else around the world are wondering about the months ahead should we let our kids go back to school face to face what are the risks how many more will lose their jobs or worse their lives will the stock market crash or most folks going to go back to their offices or their businesses or their colleges in other words will life go back to normal anytime soon and what will the quote unquote new normal even be meanwhile american states have been left to their own devices to deal with this virus in the absence of any code

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