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Disturbing evidence thats. Going to let me ask right ive watched our own life flash for. The truck having a different destination theres no real sense i dont like it when. Hello im Richard Gilbert and youre watching the listening post working from home here are some of the media stories were covering this week sins and chinas treatment of weaker muslims despite the best efforts of beijing journalists are finding ways to get the story out if youre reporting on the military in pakistan prepare for the worst like getting abducted in broad daylight mammie just a bell and sapphire do they look familiar we examine the stereotyping of black women on screen and whats it like to be muslim when your story ends up in the hands of others we have come up with some ideas that we think would be p o t p m. You know. Ok the p. R. Apparatchiks in beijing have had a rough 2020 the covert 19 pandemic the 1st cases of which were in china has brought a tidal wave of bad press it did however provide a distraction from the growing scrutiny of the mass internment of weaker muslims in the province of sindh yang but that story is back where it belongs on the news agenda a few weeks back the Associated Press reported on weaker women being subjected to forced sterilizations and abortions then came a video investigation by the New York Times showing Chinese Companies using we girl labor to produce facemasks and other people to fight the pandemic since jiang is by beijings design completely closed to foreign reporters journalists have had to innovate to find ways to tell this story reporting that is being countered in increasingly aggressive ways by the authorities our starting point this week is since jan. These drone images 1st appeared online 10 months ago on september 17th 2090 we grew prisoners on their knees shackled blindfold on the move their fate unknown. It is hard to pinpoint exactly why the video took this long to go truly viral for its impact to be felt other stories on sin jang may have changed things. June 28th and Associated Press reports on the state driving down birth rates in the province forcing bigger women to use contraception in some cases into aborting their unborn children july 19th a New York Times investigation into forced labor week was compelled to make face masks and other kinds of p. T. E. Perhaps those stories are what gave the drone video new life the attention it always does or. This clip show is roughly 100 men in uniforms shackled their heads shaved. Their such graphic depictions of people who are clearly detained confined being taken someplace and on some level be the images invoke memories of other gross Human Rights Violations particularly ones committed against ethnic and religious minority and. The officers are wearing black uniforms winter labeled goods which has been translated as. Being in china are usually responsible for major threats especially Counterterrorism Operations interestingly enough we see some blood dressed in civilian clothes being escorted with the group the absence of a standard uniform suggests to me that they havent been formally processed and most certainly are at the pretrial stage incarceration. Why does beijing continue to ignore those offers seeing a Chinese Ambassador on a western media outlet used to be rare single to more than not has he got it that is no longer the case beijings diplomatic corps has been aggressively defending chinas response to covert 19 on all kinds of news channels. Warding off questions on sin jack presents a different set of challenges the communist party line we groups are being reeducated not incarcerate simply does not stand up when the questions are backed with Video Evidence that appears in the contest can you tell us what is happening here. Faced with this dark vivid footage. She had to pause for a while he had to think how theyre going to respond to this in a way thats acceptable to my superiors and if he would not lie on National Television he would lose his job this is not the 1st time you show me i still remember last year you show me what is happening in each injunction john let me tell you this. Having been to see in yourself no i never have you know these 3 count as the most beautiful place in change theres a chinese saying you do not know how to be the Chinese Ambassador that is not that is not beautiful coverage however is it when this video was shown to the Chinese Ambassador lucia man he said oh i dont know what it is going to be and think and he obviously dismissed the view as just a prison transfer happens everywhere in the world and and praised how beautiful. I. So much of the evidence is just documentary evidence or anecdotal evidence so when you get video material like this its just an unprecedented visual reflection off the atrocity thats being carried out and thats why it has such an impact these are we sure people ramos and saudis diplomats theyre being challenged on National Television about us thats not an easy situation for him to be an. Injury in the sense is an academic who from his base in germany studies Chinese Government documents online and turns them into news stories he recently produced a piece on beijings population control policies in singeing detailed targeting going back to 2015 on how many weaker women would be implanted with r. U. D. S. How many would be sterilized his research was published by the Associated Press on june 28th chinas response came from its top diplomatic spokesman and then from the state controlled media. Only a couple of days later Foreign Policy carried the Chinese State media response to my peers a personal attack that is trying to discredit my reputation trying to smear my motives. That im sort of supported or worked for a u. S. Intelligence my view is on these matters are actually quite mixed i dont have a strictly conservative view on the welfare state audit or the economy if you look at also my research anybody could have produced it is based on Chinese Government documents these are basically very cheap kind of character assassination attempts the policy is that professors that exposed are on their face chilling when we are doing research on different topics everything from whats happening to torture and pretrial criminal detention to access to education for kids with disabilities. We always rights attorneys Government Agencies and ask for their responses to questions the authorities never respond and when we are findings they immediately dismiss it as biased so i think the state media is criticism of professors out unless theres no substantive merit to its propaganda no more no less. Another chilling aspect of this story are the televised confessions clearly made under duress broadcast on state controlled media. Who havent been seen for weeks or months many of whom have relatives outside china suddenly appearing on the air they have the look of hostages turned into a propaganda tools by the state or. Some iraqi woman has been campaigning for the release of her father who is a muslim scholar and publisher who disappeared for many years and all of the bluing he appeared to look very different had shaven urging the daughter. China thank you at part of give if you will move them both. Take back the other 3 she was at ease but one bullet they say is the Chinese Government basically using their parents as hostage to frighten them to keep quiet. And more or both things will happen to their loved ones so they say its a new tactic by the Chinese Government to silence the boys thought the worst is weakness some of these people have been dragged out of the camp to be interviewed on state Chinese State television they have shaved heads they have lost a huge amount of weight they are a shadow of their former self. Horrific irony of this is that oftentimes that is the 1st time in years that the. Outside of china have been able to see them a contact have been incoming a cargo i mean who was beijing trying to fool with this right. For more than half a century the target of the Chinese Communist partys propaganda has been its own citizens but 2020 and covert 19 have put china in the global spotlight facing an unprecedented p. R. Predict. Its messaging techniques have hard the c. C. P. Is on the offensive setting its sights on the foreign audiences overseas chinese and on the sin jang story weekers living abroad. Take it as a sign one of many that despite the criticism beijing is not turning back. As the media continues to focus on mass detention in forced labor i believe the c. C. P. Has taken their strategy into a new phase and weve seen a really startling increase in the number of convictions. And many of the crimes are arbitrary and capricious for example committing crimes that disrupt order or extremism and in the mean time we see a lot more of human intelligence gathering so we see an increasingly invasive state thats occurring outside the confines of detention and forced labor so really you know with war is shielded or insulated from the long regions of the state. Were looking at other media stories that are on our radar this week with one of our producers Nick Muirhead connect this past week we saw 2 journalists one in pakistan one in zimbabwe either abducted or arrested lets start with the case in pakistan. On a jun is a senior journalist in pakistan richard hes known for being an outspoken critic of the military would chance to land reports is in trouble he was abducted on tuesday in broad daylight in islamabad outside his wifes place of work as you can see the whole thing was captured on c. C. T. V. You see a convoy of armed men put up next to john and bundled him into a car just prior to that that you can see that hes fine over the gate and into the courtyard of his wifes workplace so presumably he thought that the abductors were off to the contents of his phone or at least he was just trying to protect the contents of his phone or he was trying to protect the sources on his phone or he was trying to protect his sources unfortunately it didnt work one of the abductors saw what happened and collected the fun the good news is that john was released later that day and when i spoke to him he seemed to be ok but he told me that hes abducted still hes and the idea why he was abducted in the 1st place no ones taken responsibility however there is a lot of speculation that pakistans secret service all military was behind it john was abducted the day before he was meant to appear in court over a tweet that he sent criticizing the removal of a judge that is also taking a tough stance against the military. Lets look at zimbabwe in this case it wasnt a rasta not an abduction and state security agents appear to be involved. Yes this i bitch at this janice name is hope hes made a name for himself for exposing corruption in zimbabwe he was arrested on monday by what looked Like Police Officers or security agents we know this because you know was able to live stream the interest right up to the point where the offices came through the door so whats he been charged with well deficient story doesnt really add up in the end he was charged with incitement to participate in public violence which has to do with a protest thats coming up in harare the larger picture is that the say he published documents that allege to show how well connected zimbabweans have been profiting off the supplying of coronavirus equipment p. P. Even the locks and this all ties together because the protests that he was charged evah that was an Anti Corruption protest ok thanks nick. Gone with the wind Little Britain cops there are just some of the productions that have been pulled from streaming platforms in the wake of the black lives matter protests theyve been axed for glorifying Police Violence or for their reductive even racist depictions of people of color the stereotyping of black women goes way back you can trace it to the slave trade but somehow these simplistic depictions live on so many black female artists have been turning away from an industry dominated by men to tell their stories the followings theyve attracted have forced film and Television Executives the large majority of whom are white to take notice of the kind of complex and the layered stories of black womens lives and realities that rarely make it onto our screens the listening posts johannah whos now on the stereotyping of black women and the push for change in an industry where diversity and inclusion have been too long in coming. To tell me what you want and i think. The jazz about. And the satisfying submissive sexy sexy 3 stereotypes of black women that return to our screens. Over again. The mammy is probably the most familiar to people its usually a maid. Taking care of the family these. This mom. Is. She is a sexual she doesnt have really a life of her own shes really only there to support the family and probably one of the most famous examples is that mammy from gone with the wind. Somebody who is always seeking out to put aside her own desires her own needs fall. White families white men white women white children. 6. Deadly is chicken and. The 2nd stereotype is the just about and that someone who is generally oversexed is mr her only power isnt her body and the influence she has over men and then finally the sapphire character i think thats seen in t. V. More often than anything else get some clean exwife you know cause it a cat damn sand the sapphire is usually start. Manipulative woman who emasculate her husband. There was actually a character called sapphire stephens on the imus and im to show how do you think you could write and get our job done by you know. The representation of the angry black woman and thats kind of metamorphosis to today where we just have sassy angry black woman who doesnt take anything from anybody. Caricature is of black women have been around in western culture for centuries. Theyre rooted in the Transatlantic Slave Trade and stereotypes were used to commodify black bodies and justify slavery. These characters who popularized what american. Shows comedic performances in which white actors in blackface black people just to entertain their whiteness. By the early 1900 minstrel shows are fading in popularity but the stereotypes endured they make the jump to film the Electronic Media and they have survived to this day. Through history more often than not white women are depicted in reductive ways denies that different experiences and emotions that are part of their. I am sure my perfect. Depictions of women in media time have been used to put forward ultimately oppressive ideologies generalisations are useful i constantly say this but there are also shortcuts and it feeds into our own racist imagination. And we miss the realities the full depth of black womens stories because you are essentially rising black people youre saying there is no complexity beyond this. Well its not going to be no surprise that the audience of a creator as a lark are going to constantly frink but we have represent a black woman in the way they are wouldnt give me what they have for epicenter its just the same racist caricature over and over again. Stereotypes like the mammy just a balance a fire of however evolved over time reinvented in characters like the welfare queen and the ceci black friends. Looking for sassy black. Where you got one now girlfriend. In the wake of the black lives matter protests there has been renewed push back against this kind of racist imagery the tin of red bull yet oh all right well have messed up with whats caused that is me since he sees no sign to give it to me and i have described to play the part of the welfare queen and my mom is playing the mommy and its too like stereotypes to get. With like deep interrogation as to watch the temp once again and you can see if we just like pop pop as like best friends of like all white leads remember being on set and almost being asked to give us more size scale us more i to you know. I watch his back and i absolutely was complicit in the problem and he brought that. Advocated. Rhetoric. For the sake of capitalism for the sake of a credit. For black actors caricature is are no longer the only parts out there. T. V. Shows like scandal how to get away with murder in secure future layered black women in their living rooms. But such complex multidimensional characters are the exception all stereotypes are token black rules remain the rule. Effect that is at least partly explained by a lack of diversity behind the camera at the writing desk and in the directors chair. One of the problems is that there are just really arent a lot of people of color who are making decisions who are writing who are producing right its like no you. Know me. All of this but its actually really good but when you think about a show like insecure on h. B. O. Or a does that because she is a black woman she has black writers black producers and so she makes it her business to make sure that the full story is told but complex parts thats reality and we just dont see a lot of that on t. V. Or in felt. For the majority of part of the white. Predominantly male absolutely adds to the. Sort of modernization. And absolutely contribute to the misrepresentation of who we are and i was storing what i have all over. If you just put it differently now im not you make me right and so i think were turning to the internet because the internet allows us to. Commune mobilize stabilize. Educate the colonize. And free ourselves from the sort of the dominance that is like no why the white culture. The internet has offered artists a space to tell their own stories and they have proven successful web series like salt fish and he says raise all sorts girl and must large follow. Is online and both shows were then shes ticked off by big broadcasters. But its taken a lot of clicks and likes for t. V. Executives to acknowledge that black women story the good the bad the ugly a rethink of their screen time. A lot of Major Networks consider it a risk to black stories because theyre not always sure that the mainstream will receive them well unfortunately black creators are in a position of having to prove over and over again that our story is worth telling. Content created by black women can credibly talented but have often been overlooked by industry is engaging its interesting its dynamic and also because it typically doesnt conform to the conventions of industry that have been very narrow and prescriptive its more exciting in many ways in what is offered in the mainstream the white world if you will tells of stories like they are global stories whereas when black people tell their stories those stories are only stories about those people i think that that is something that people really need to question. Because the way why stories are told the rest of us are supposed to find our humanity in those stories why cant why people find beyond humanity you know stories as well. And finally muslim women be they black brown or any color or havent had it easy on screen either theyre routinely depicted as helpless captives of a patriarchal faith and culture women in need of rescue preferably by a white guy t. V. Producers have been wising up and some progress has been made but is remote on that a british journalist and radio host whos based in leeds will tell you theres still a long way to go before the Entertainment Industry leaves the fetishism and the tokenism behind. Well leave you with the sketch that ms on that put together and through one line its about being the only muslim woman in the writers room with you next time youre the listening post hi guys thanks for inviting me to my 1st ever zoom pitch meeting this is exciting oh its a pleasure to as you know who inherit white and company are really looking to to further their own diversity agenda. I mean i start wearing a nose for going to show that i think bangles i dont need to tell you our lives metadata so lets just get brainstorm enjoy oh yeah cool because i was thinking like about how muslim women especially on ever we have come up with some ideas that we think would really be appealed to the. You know. Ok kevins all right. Now mr. Ok so check this out. Muslim girl all of skateboarding right she wants to be like a little Brown Tony Hawk right except she hates her he job you get it thats not all right she falls in love with a young quare scared oh hes got havent. You called kevin. Subgraph oh no no at the end she joins i said. Be the hero world needs right. Just on the differences and similarities of cultures across the. Valley take it well bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. This is all just there im sorry you know we gave that with a check on your world headlines a surge of coronavirus cases in spain is fueling fears of a 2nd wave in europe its prompted the British Government to make the abrupt decision to reimpose a 2 week orenstein for all travelers from spain from midnights its a devastating blow to spains hopes to revive its tourism depends its economy as britains make up the vast majority if its visitors the Spanish Government insists the country is safe but infections have tripled in the past 2 weeks with catalonia emerging as a new hot spots so here they are reports

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