Transcripts For ALJAZ Justice 20240712

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Have already exceeded the highest 80 tallies reported by any european country so far the total number infected in florida is now nearing 270000 with more than 4000 people having died almost 135000 people have died across the United States mike hanna is in washington d. C. Well there is an absolute crush from hospitals within florida in particular counties in particular in Miami Dade County for example the intensive care units are now at 100 percent capacity they are unable to accept any further patients so this is a picture being repeated in various parts of the state as this massive surge in corona virus infections continues now a startling statistic is that the doubling of the testing in florida it has doubled from 25250000 per day but the real statistic in all of this is that a month ago only 5. 2 percent of those tested were proving positive in the last week that figure has risen to nearly 20 percent now this makes a lie out of president s trumps plame that these increase in cases is a consequence of increased testing it is not these figures show very clearly that what is happening is that there is a Community Spread of the disease but that it is absolutely victory upwards and florida being a very very unfortunate post a person in terms of how to mishandle the kind demick right at the beginning then to reopen under pressure from President Trump and now trying to deal with the consequences of what is a massive spread within the state. South africas president has reimposing some restrictions after records fike in the current virus cases there more than 13000. 00 new cases were reported on sunday present so around the post says 500. 00 people are being infected every hour authorities will bring back a nighttime curfew and a limit of movement between provinces and also impose rules on the sale of alcohol weve now decided that the sale the dispensing and the distribution of uncle whole will be suspended with immediate effect there is. No clear evidence that the resumption of uncle. As resulted in substantial pressure being put on hospitals including trauma and i. C. U. Units therefore as an additional measure to reduce the pressure on hospitals a kid few will be put in place between the hours of 9 pm and 4 am but were also following Political Developments in poland exit polls theyre giving the president andre due to a marginal lead in the countrys closely for a run off with 50. 4 percent of the vote poll seen as a battle for the future direction of the country due to is a conservative and his off against socially liberal also mayor afile cross who is predicted to have predicted to receive 49. 6 percent of the vote so its very close the post is largely ceremonial but the president does have power a veto over various laws and so the result could have major consequences for relations with the e. U. And the aid agencies say that lives will be lost as a result of the u. N. Security Council Decision that cuts another vital lifeline for more than a 1000000 displaced syrians after days of deadlock russia forced members to compromise allowing only one Border Crossing to remain open for aid i dont make it much harder to get humanitarian supplies to the 1300000 people in the northwest of syria. Those are the headlines just this is the program coming up next i will see you later. This is the story of the biggest undercover sting in the history of africa and the extraordinary man who carried you off as and i thought well you know. I come across some of the most trusted people in the land allegedly took bribes and betrayed their public duty even if its one giant. Justice justice is the most dangerous commodity on earth. And theres a real mayo unless it is africas most famous undercover reporter for 20 years hes been a marsh crusader against corruption a few weeks ago be unbowed his most all day shares operation yet. This is the biggest stand out in the history of. The most 200 people were caught up in the judicial scandal sending shock waves through the legal system there should be put new mindset which is im not going to succumb to such appalling acts of corruption not only because i might be caught but because its appallingly she and the saga frightens to bring down many powerful figures by shining a light on corruption sometimes take us back to justice back and i think a nurse has provided us back for their own edifice to blow up. An ass era mayor and nasa is gone as best known but at least recognizable journalist. Hes been under cover for nearly 20 years he never identifies himself on camera preferring to shoot his face wear wigs and hide under a hat 2 months ago new started to leak about his latest and most important investigation so far. Aljazeera has been recalled in what happened. And this is targets for the judges and officials who run the countrys courts from humble magistrates to powerful High Court Justices. He set out to show that justice was for sale but even. He was surprised at how deep the apparent corruption went and how hard it would be to expose very much as its Early September and the nasa is brief in an old friend who runs a gun a newspaper group. At the end of the investigation. Weve got 34 judges. 34 s. And 100 l 462 to shasta petty or particularly on his own. And thats sad as it is that some of the judges i did as who hold in high esteem. For example jet jets nasa. Issue. Is caught on tape taken bribes cool so you can imagine that implications are huge for the country was a gentler sam is one of gone as most senior judges sitting in the high court and dealing with the most important cases. When an ass is on the cover team came across him he was trying for men. They were accused of stealing over a 150000. 00 from Garners National oil company. To get access to a judge like this they 1st had to winnow rees clark in this case a man called gabriel. The well played the middleman. You want me best about jeds. Of course as you can see we give him his share not match what he takes it. And s. Wanted to find out whether they could pay to get one of the accused off the bone to the clark worked he got i mean to see the judge. The amount of money needed to tim seen in a judges light this is no small a nurse says that this judge wanted around free 1000. 00 more than a months salary for a High Court Justice who spoke to him where the kids were given their narration and they who demanded that their money be given to him so thats what you can see here is the man that has been given to you and your brother and have to 8000 c. D. s and over but the judge wants to make sure he gets a further amount he offers to meet the defendant in person to sort out the paperwork. After the money is finally handed over the lucky gift. And im praying his 3 hole accuse will get long sentences as the Oil Companies state owned its the people of ghana weve just lost out is this kind of corruption which provides ferds how ground for campaigning journalist like crazy pratt the Award Winning newspaper editor crushing our folks with your list of the facts everything 1st of all in your most resources are being taken out of the state court 1st no more sources are being taken out of private coffers and so all of that ended up with the law to be in theres corruption in the award d of courtyards it means that the contractors are going to do is surely job you know if it goes corruption you know in the admission of studios in is that the quality of students who are going to end up wasnt juniors as all would be defective. With huge Natural Resources including oil gone as should be one of africas powerhouse economies but its not. A point not lost on ghanas most influential citizen corruption does not all lead to stopped. Development it deprives the poor of services. And not only does it deprive the poor of services and the corrupt get away with it and there are no sanctions here created in a society that kabir rotten to the cause. After 2 years under cover and nasa needs tiger i Investigative Team went public in september the decision would provoke huge controversy Death Threats and they sometimes uncomfortable spotlight on their own methods. Among the 1st to hear what had been going on was gone as president john muhammad. Mr president. Has a problem on our hands. What is the problem the judiciary. Then he bowed down his head. Taped thank. Wow so how many. 34. A nurse also briefed gone as most senior judge the chief justice to gino would. d d say as how long is this meeting went well finished talking about maybe coming up next. Whether for 12 hours. Just a few days later the chief justice suspended 22. 00 junior judges and began impeachment proceedings against 12 more senior ones and thus was told by the president his evidence would be vital but he was warned hed be in for a tough time in x. To me and i prepared to subject myself to that scrutiny and that says that because its not going to go on for them i said mr president. I cant put my life on the evidence i have. No consent for the fire as an undercover journalist and nasa has been laneys life on the line for nearly 20 years i am going undercover to find out who is behind this illegal business and how they are getting away with it. Initially a newspaper journalist is undercover techniques made him a television natural whats needed is government regulation and therefore spent to protect our children environment and our future. Investigate corruption of times no subject was off limits. And this was singled out for his Campaign Journalism by the us president when he came to go now in 2009 today ill focus on or areas that are critical to the future of africa and the entire developing world. Democracy Opportunity Health and the peaceful resolution of conflict we see that spirit in courageous journalists like us all remain on us risked his life to report the truth and if we do stories that often invest import and attention like this vest to keep the wrecks placing too Human Trafficking the chinese mafia sex fame dealing with kates exploit and kates i mean if you do that kind of story that has International Impact im not surprised a u. S. President will recognize that. Unless these forensic techniques fervor by qualifying as a lawyer it was was standing in the new and he began to focus on the hidden problem of judicial corruption if you look at records look at the granting 17 initiative reports to look at the u. S. Department of state to report a flow but only to report. Always side. They can dish out. As having issues and telling us off option. I felt embarrassed as an undercover journalist that. We only left it at the realm of speculation and that will cool flash as substyles to those issues. And not spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a network of undercover agents i mean to bribe judges in Court Officials in every region of gone on cases they would hardly included family disputes fraud Armed Robbery and great in fact any case up to and including murder. And 1st the judges seem to resist the chance of extra funds for their fair sex and its all selfish there was no results coming. In or body was taken that all hours i spoke to my team it was almost like i recall one team member telling i was what you did there was an op in there why did you say we should static. And i felt embarrassed worse still 12 of the judges the investigators from tiger why approach to turn down the bribes and some of them even threaten to report the journalist to the police for attempted bribery could it be that gone as judges were more honest in bruma suggested. Perhaps not unless his team slowly realized what was wrong they needed to spend longer hanging around cool and to their faces became familiar something we were just tagging along with relatives and now theyre saying anything about where thats at any of the court and we always said at the place that i did this i love you when he raises his head so as soon as you do that beautiful visit. They didnt look at your face and think that ok this guy is funny and i call. Inter milan nov and gone and that is investigators went to see if they could influence the outcome of a rape case it was an appeal here in the 29 year old defendant wanted to reverse a conviction for raping an underaged go unless his team went to plead for the young man. This is the job for the city always a work of respect that High Court Judge come at it and all their original fault but rather than lead us to his house that morning and the letter and as you can see does have. The defendant is appealing because he claims the girl was actually 16 at the time and the judge and so g a bush shouldnt be meeting like this but he appears willing to listen and he suggests that the girls father should come to cool to say she wasnt really underaged there. When. In my. Years. As a white male. Coming here he. They judged as helping us so that they guy can walk free. So we took the money. And we handed it over to the judges anxious nobody should know that he accepted the cash i think. And he said oh. Ok. This is it was a job well and this is his claque was not part of the incident. This was a day of judgment and not he would look very good that day and he indeed he freed this guy this was after we had paid 2000 and as it is to him when therefore decided to go back to him. And this is team take a traditional gift bags of yams and more cash. I think and see here is he collecting the money that we were giving him. The convicted rapist was freed from a 10 year sentence with hard labor to return home to the gills neighborhood as a result of a mass is intervention. Not everybody agrees with an ass his methods not even some from his own Journalistic Community journalists are not support just. To be up to us intelligent no not really substantially different from other causes some other 5 agents and so on we investigate but our metals are also different you know not a home unless a real and not us doing and so they were just like above where the site has been this an Interest Group and saw where the men thought a lot journalistic but an ass is unashamed about his methods and believes the ends justify the means my journalism is a product of the society look i have signed america and europe through a start we have a chance is strong citizens who would get up and im sure that theyll follow up and put those bad guys behind bass. Here in the hall up in it is also. In the 1st week of september news of an ass is sting operation against the nations judges has begun leaking out the justice suspect 22. 00 judges and magistrates are current judges the worst of. The responses overwhelmingly positive newspapers are full of it t. V. And radio talk shows cant get enough of either they. Were treated to. A few people are very unhappy a direct threat and that is life has been made when a crowd Radio Station and a says hes not worried well i have gone through it over the years and i just know. I mean why would you threaten someone without mentioning your name as a coward thats how i think them to be and like i said my point has always been that its a diversion i act and this might make light of the threat but hes been persuaded to accept 24 hour Police Protection and sent his wife and family abroad hes gone. Inside the car with him. No nor have security secured. Somebody doesnt want me to see it as shooting and that it will be a sniper. Is your gun me. And has prepared an official petition to the chief justice to discipline the judges we cool accepting cash and hes on his way to testify to the Judicial Council committee here in against the way with judges he can give evidence knowing that he has immunity from prosecution for bribing judges is normally a serious criminal offense but the attorney general is declared a nasa whistleblower which means hes protected from the consequences. It took 2 years for iness team to collect 500 hours of undercover footage. Showing almost 180. 00 judges and officials accepting cash and other kids it was an epic. Film and it is of cut the material down into a blockbuster a 3 hour documentary which in the us wants to show it to as many people as possible. Hes a range the series of free screenings at a crass Conference Center. Is tied to a suitably epic ghana in the eyes of god. Its a move that will upset his opponents and spark a legal battle. John in the book gray is one of a number of lawyers acting for the judges named in shamed in the film he opposes the screening in gonna. Take him money in order to be in for oil in his in his work he probably will go to jail as well but in britain where you will have. Not by going to some cinema house and showing by going to a court of competent jurisdiction and making out your case. Hes trying to or mosque you know corruption and my fees i was in a society thats commendable. But it depends on the extent to which you take this. In the process you are trampling on the rights of other given. That its the day before the screening is jus tickets of already been issued to leading politicians lawyers clergy and foreign diplomats giving just. One of the nurses friends a comedian called funny face is doing an impromptu performance at a cross big Shopping Mall is drumming up publicity for the film on here were just giving away 5 an effort to get 4 people to come watch our nods undercover video of the judicial corruption free to get fit and come and watch how people are taking money to people yes wicked people are. Not happy children 3. Dollars one. What. Is the crowd scrambling for the tickets what they dont know is that the film may not be showing off during. A campaign to stop it is gathering pace. Lawyers acting for the judges who feature in the documentary a trying to get last minute junction. And nasa has our 4 people only saw it one of them brings in from geneva. Oh i. Am fine say. That this is their selfrighteous call. Thank you so much. Look. It up i got on. Your work. Well. Thank you thank you. Wow. That was cool fianna. My composition with him give me a lot of coverage it does mean that. A nurse is smuggled into the Conference Center where the screening these jude the following day. Lawyers for the judges are making a last ditch attempt to stop the show and are trying to track him down with a great. Coincidentally this is the same hallway years before president obama had singled him out for his work. We see that spirit are registered over the white outs. Rest just like. The screen the maybe in gruden out to nasa is hoping he will still be a National Hero at this time tomorrow. The coronavirus may have false us to change the format of head to head for the time being but that wont stop me doing robust interviews with challenging direct questions in a u. S. Election year ill be seeking accountability from both sides of the political spectrum on whos to blame for the horrific coronavirus desktop on how to fix the Us Health Care system and whether the war of words with china is entering a new and dangerous phase join me made the awesome 1st special series of head to head on aljazeera. In the u. S. Civil war brought slavery to an end or did it there is a strong possibility that the very thrilled that youre eating could have been a proxy or table by and as slaves in that its all right here in the land of the free how is the news of Foreign Workers tricked into emigrating and trapped by on scrupulous property is going to change slaves because of slavery and 21st century evil on aljazeera growing go up in harsh and unforgiving circumstances children learn to play dangerous games existed there are studies that destroy the house and take worn down by frustration and broken promises young men living under the constant threat of imprisonment they took me to the jeep and blindfolded me but time for them to regain control of their lives is when the boys returned to prison live inside and out. On aljazeera. Hello im Maryam Namazie in london quit look at the headlines now the World Health Organization has reported more than 230000 coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours the highest single daily increase since the outbreak began the surge is coming mainly from the United States but also brazil india and south africa the hardest hit countries globally the death toll has been steady around 5000. 00 people dying each day but in the worlds worst affected country infections and fatalities are both rising and florida is the epicenter a major epicenter in the u. S. With a surge in infections that already exceeding the highest a tallies reported by any european country so far the total number infected in florida is now nearing 270000 almost 135000 people have died across the United States mike hanna has more on the story from washington a startling statistic is that the doubling of the testing in florida it has doubled from 25250000 per day but the real statistic in all of this is that a month ago only 5. 2 percent of those tested were proving positive in the last week that figure has risen to nearly 20 percent now this makes a lie out of president s trumps plame but these increase in cases is a consequence of increased testing it is not these figures show very clearly that what is happening is that there is a Community Spread elsewhere in south africa the president has reimposing some restrictions after a record spike in corona virus cases or the 13000 new cases were reported on sunday fortys will bring back a nighttime curfew and impose but a ban on the sale of alcohol. Exit polls have given polands president under a marginal lead in the countrys closely fought runoff with 50. 4 percent of the vote the poll seen as a battle for the future direction of the country conservative is up against socially liberal walsall mayor rafael ski is predicted to receive 49. 6 percent of the vote. And aid agencies say lives will be lost as a result of the u. N. Security Council Decision that cuts another vital lifeline for more than a 1000000 displaced syrians after days of deadlock russia forced members to compromise allowing only one Border Crossing to remain open for aid thatll make it much harder to get supplies to people in northwest syria. I mean back to the news hour in about 25 minutes time. The health of humanity is at stake a Global Pandemic requires a global response. W. H. O. Is the guardian of Global Health delivering lifesaving tools supplies and training to help the worlds most found people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and a vaccine working with scientists and Health Workers to learn all we can about the virus keeping you up to date with whats happening on the ground in the ward and in the land advocating for everyone to have access to essential Health Services now more than ever the world needs w. H. O. Making a healthy a world for you. For everyone. Unless i remain or unless his controversial documentary is going ahead even though the judges hes name in the trying to get it stopped. I would like what were all. About the place is now ready we have put it up so please stand outside that will be with you thousands of people have been given free tickets to see the on the cover and cake which features fergie for judges filmed allegedly accepting gripes people from all walks of life following a long queue at the profile for an awful glimpse of baby. Police convoy and schools and ses call because hes received several Death Threats. And thats his car has hit rush hour traffic. And hes carrying the only copy of the film. Blue is acting for the judges found to get their british against the mass but the screen in this still in doubt because now theyre trying to arrange young this Conference Center instead got my head out on the right there without the police preventing and that makes me a couple. Because of fears for his safety and this is meant to be going through the side that decides to go through the front despite his unusual clothing few people seem to have spotted the creator of tonights film its being talked about and people are trying to describe how the whole thing took place but were going to be given an opportunity to see what it is like yet so im very excited before i mean i laced up all corruption games before sold it out the guy in the prop i just breaks it was there so we can see for ourselves whats really goes on here are there most of. Those follow pablo must follow your head seen shave to disgrace before. Our bench in the League Office for shula to just bullshit give them all on a very rude shock no doubt this is the biggest scandal in the history of alcohol to. Minors. The most interesting. Time i have in life is the only keep all gun of state to finish on 3. 80 she and she. Is no obvious. Some of. Them do. Their plan only. If we have the perception of it is hard core evidence to prove that the judicial system is corrupt where are we going as a country without the serious problem of johns and it some people be thinking that is only for 2 but democrats in this country get a leading member of the government whos seen the film gives an ass is techniques it clean bill of health care thing there are those who would argue on issues of whether this was a sting operation or whether he said people are people or the instigator people also saying by giving money to get this was bribing them probably maybe clear the view of the case but he was doing this what the liberals the dutch ambassador also believes and that is sting is just a fine. I just said devastating and shocking what we saw today. Putting. Blame on this edition. And. Shortly after this the complex is stormed by thousands of people we want to see the 2nd showing. In all 6000 people will see these 3 screens. And thats the screen pass this the people that saw this queue to watch scandal of the century. Convinced. That they wrote out of the window and they saw that in the wrong and then their girlfriends and i had not given that its such a crowd before and it was massive. They just simply threw out their records saying that it was a matter of Public Interest and that he felt that the public had a right to know. And then there were people who had gone on to attack me. Thinking that i didnt have any evidence or i didnt have enough evidence after watching it. Had changed because now they were convinced that there is really an issue. Not surprisingly the judges and their advisors remain unconvinced especially by some of the methods which have been employed some of the ones obscene amount. When rob walker telling the morning of 530 when hes not properly dressed and you sneak into his best sitting room and you stop and gauging him in some conversation and out of gun yawning hospitality and respect he answers questions and then you put money on his table and you will go away and youre going publicised in a way to god he is corrupt i dont think i would argue weve got access to his favorite this except for manasses film shows one of these investigators made in the judges cool club at a guest house. He came across this quote clown he believed in the power of only one can see heart and instant sex the investigator known as one of n. S. A. Spy scales like to talk tough free walk happened to the cancer cell he kept on telling me he was going to help me see the cat and here i was trying to have i think me. He wasnt taking me to do it as not by their families not to do it. Ok so elevating them with him while out in the. I guess what if. One of michael. And i thought no. Weve got. This mornings papers of also picked up on this by scale story sex for justice caught busted in the mans video is interesting. Newspapers as of filtering and feeding on the substantive stories so here was this called. One of our spies girls and he demanded that he wanted sex before you could take us to judge. Street. Well the details are there the facts day who proposes that if you go to who tell it is that clark himself would that nobody forces in a would you wanted what. The judge in these headlines has been leading the fight back against the nast. Peta dairy a very senior judge whos filmed during the trial of a man charged with possessing more than 50 classes of kind of base the undercover expose a shines a light on the shadowy world of the Court Official nearly 150. 00 of whom top in the saga. This is just as there is one of the judges who have really tormented me in this investigation hes filed a mini mini suit trying to stop me. This is a mail hes affixed to just barry and we met him and then we had a great conversations with him about how he wanted to influence this is there earmark or to case he took a share of the money as you can see and then set up a good meeting between us and just if there. Axed for a lot of mindful just as there is and he said that normally this 10000 class when youre dealing with the likes of this is very because hes a big jackets for mayor and then takes us to the house of justice day this is just as day and this is me up but yes me are giving the money to him just as there is a very quick meeting because mayor do you want anything to be discussed there was a follow up meeting and a more unconventional bribe and this was the growth that we went in to give him on that fateful day. One of his investigators even doing the deal rodrigo. He was ordered to do called me more than took down the conversation we 1st had the judges fix our mayor who has been handling the deal. And. Victims not told. You on your product are replies this one. You know it in. Order frankly im a lawyer or so they had just realized now that hes been ripped off by his crack. System and then he put it. On he seems to. Be investigated i want to know whether the bribe will get the accused off. To go into therapy you know that. Little shock in this force aquatic case. And because of the money you set him free. Across central cool complex is where the judges and their lawyers get to fully explain their actions most days in the us is required to attend to and where you choose will be to which one hes given evidence in disguise even though some of his opponents object. And theres also believes that the media are using the opportunity to work out what he really looks like. So today hes asking 2 of his colleagues to dress up in order to deceive them. To hearings of taken another unusual twist their assets have been freely finding interest one judge even claimed hed been dealing not with a nice but with a girl. But just said that while i entered there and i sat with him and i gave him that the money he collected suddenly i disappeared from his chair. And when he walked out he saw a white sheep or goats etc because the fence but hey this is africa. Some of the judges have not made it to the hearings its because theyve gone off sick judge quest is one of these. And this is running with show the full extent of the power that go on as judges of a coup cases no matter how serious they are or how long they last did. This case resulted from an Armed Robbery in 2007 at this picture or station the terror of finite time it has never been forgotten by the victim or favors of the other 2nd when the little guy came to want to buy for. An attack and officialdom ordered christmas book i would be pissed at the fossil record and quality goes. Overboard like what this little girl after did everything that the commander clearly the one who put this one is lets just let this please press my 1st. Vent all the girls start crying or which one is that we all missed awkward or cold most of all crying. It took 8 years for the attacker to face justice he came up before judge quest earlier this year. Its a very populated hearing. And he sat on many crimean i case in fact i have been in prison i would been before christ before and that is crack so the mix of point term imation 10000 by 2 know these people. So one limit in real for then he said it took or they dish on this quest because. We have this and that they discuss. We have almost. Lost. Its house and senate and. Its contract on these men from. Take it from the investigator hands over about a 1000. 00 in the local currency but its only at 20000000. 00 i published on the. College years for. What i was. Told to. Go to. A good wholesome. Prize and everyone seemed. To be whole for a lot of them. And this is investigated makes me team but he still hasnt come with the full balance we have for example do we will it on its going to. Get there me now its. Real he smiles and says. Judge if he is to be get an increase in the end noise because once again hes not getting the full amount. Of tomorrow night. Testimony cost him. More has come. Back and just as quick. Again. And this is a 6000 feet away passing to him and hes taking that minute hes looking at it and then he will ask how much is it and would tell you. How much. The final payment was made on the same day that the day. Judge freebee accused in fact the deal held down the start of the days cool Proceedings Court process is usually begin from integrity to man on this day was that into 11 am quest or still not here because we had delayed him was he came to take them back today is the day hes going to really do the job the bed or 2 of them to do and lo and behold. He then decided to give that he basically read korea for langes and that was it a case that had dragged on for 5 would be is justice quest and even releasing 1st on the robber what do you think about that just taking a birds eye think grammars should be realistic british realistic i will work to the court order to be worth a quarter or for 5 pounds and there are several obvious obvious was are more of us werent aware mox. Busy because theyre lonely i dont know the. Newly qualified graduates are cool to the bar in gone this is a joyful occasion but masses expose as also cost a major cloud over the proceedings. The saga is not impressed the chief justice. You are graduating to turn over in a legal history well more than ever the perception of the public on the process is largely negative. Allegations of bribery and corruption in the judiciary and of the Legal Profession in general at all time high and closer to those possibly at all times and. The chief justice is firm message to the Young Lawyers is one that is resonate in around the well. When you have had to for charges who are caught on tape. With the evidence they may have taken bribes is an indication that there is some and hopelessly wrong with her system. You cannot afford to have a tradition in a country like canada that is not reliable that has car dependent the people have no confidence in. The results of this should be that those who have been proved to be corrupt should be dealt with extracted from the system and there should be Going Forward safeguards put in place and a new mindset which is im not going to succumb to such appalling acts of corruption not only because i might be caught but because its appalling. The legal investigation has not gone entirely an ass is why 7 of the senior judges were suspended in early october but one Lower Court Judges no longer being in best the gated because of issues with some of the evidence their own why did concerns 2 letter last is expose a has backfired on the criminal Justice System the real disaster of this investigation is the damage to the confidence in the judicial system and there are already members of the public going on to social media and saying i had a case before that judge and the results was an extremely odd one i wasnt happy with the result and inevitably theyre going to be thinking about what they can do to have that case retried. Unless expose has also caused concern by allowing some convicted criminals to go free and its already has been said that it is extremely reckless to release criminal suspects into society in order to prove the point of this investigation and one will have to leave it to society to be the ultimate judge on that. Nevertheless and last believes that his expose of the judicial system can only benefit his country. Difficult or a section of the field that. My purpose is to bring down the country i believe in bringing down sections of the dishonest ones only a dog has to build a new fork out of office and the senate it is his flag or the beautiful flag of ghana along. Unless wanted his film shown bright across the country but in early october lawyers for the judges was a major screening stopped outside the capital. Some of the judges now want to see him prosecuted for contempt of court for showing the film in the 1st place they are step out to damage their balls interest damage reports in not in accordance with the law and we are asking the law to call you to order it is left to the lot of us id rather than you should be locked up in the search for vengeance started already one judges of the high court go to court and file contempt for c. D. s and i suspect a lot more cases were brought against him gone as politicians have so far remained largely silent in europe the president of ghana face questions about the scandal in his only public response to the events so far gone a president john meagher harm are said that analysis work was a reflection of institutional weakness that we need to work on to make sure we have stronger institutions he also had a more positive message saying the suspensions of judges showed the rebuffs ness of the system pointing out that there were at least 10 judges whose integrity was intact who threaten to call the police. Judges and Court Officials featured in this film were approached for comment but they were unable to participate until Legal Proceedings are over. And the us knows that his life will never be easy as have made and a lot of enemies and if you want. I know the secrets of my success is that after very long predict. The people will come off the media at night i only want to tell where my we can assess. The number of unless is enemies is bound to increase hes already started work on a fresh series of corruption investigations. And theyll be relying on some of the simpler things in his life to given the strength to continue. I do reggae because it inspires me while im getting on to you know work. In times of troubles you can rely on it and the inspiration that it comes out with. Less is powerful supporters a broad belief that hes expose is a game changer for africa and beyond. Sometimes take a spark chess has spark. And i think a nasa has provided that spark for the whole edifice to blow up for people to wake up and say no more sumpin us to be done. Were looking at some rather wet and windy weather for southeastern parts of australia over the next couple days its a fair amount of clout there just affecting that eastern side of the country and as this cold front comes through our blue line here and will bring some very heavy rain if that eastern side of New South Wales says well the wettest weather will be into the fall southeast of New South Wales just about a. C. T some very heavy rain could see as much as many 5200 millimeters of rain on this system which will make its way away from the coast as we go on through cheese day but still a few showers in play then temperatures in sydney strand 60 degrees celsius a similar temperature for melbourne below dry here i was the western side of alls well we see some wet weather just sliding across the southern parts of the way for a time meanwhile for these eylandt itll be on the gray side but it should be dry temperatures right around 11 celsius were looking at some dry weather now making its way into q one places a bit a fair amount of cloud just moving out to the yellow sea into the Korean Peninsula and that will draw some very heavy rain into the western side of honshu as we go on through monday should be somewhat dry will there will still be some unwelcome showers which regression suite their way across q shoot. For. Capturing a moment in time. Snapshots of the lives. Of the stories one is people are pretty calm and there is no check against this tent provided a glimpse into someone else is what you are pursuing in the dream more of your life inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers. Witness on aljazeera. 0. 0 i Maryam Namazie this is the news hour live from london coming up in the next 60 minutes global corona virus infections hit a new daily high while in the United States florida reports a record 15000 new cases in one day. The storm is up for months. South africas president brings back a curfew and a ban on alcohol sales as cove in 1000 hospitalizations

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