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Hello and welcome again to rewind and fully back to. Since the launch of aljazeera english back in 2006 weve built up a library of Award Winning documentary s. And here on rewind weve been delving into the vault to pull out some of the best of them today were going back to 2007 to a poor South African neighborhood just outside cape town where music honor and tradition come together in an unusual annual competition. In recent years south africa has seen huge political upheaval and corruption scandals and cape town south africa 2nd largest city has been feeling the impact of Climate Change and struggling with drastic water shortages a decade ago south africa seemed to be moving towards a more inclusive post apartheid world yet in the poorest suburbs of cape town local communities still maintain their distinctive identities based in the cape flats the Muslim Community holds an annual singing competition for the silver fez jovi and in 2007 the witness series was there to film this contest which sheds a unique light on the diversity and inequalities of modern soph africa here is the silva phase. This is the story of a man with a dream but it plays out on the dark side. Till 965 or thereabouts most of the towns muslims lived in the city proper this book of accounts a language that helped create and many have roots that went back centuries but when a part of derived they were forced to move our church to the parents thats outside the city its a tough world too little money too many drugs and one of the highest murder rates on the planet but not as we shall see the place of hopelessness. This is a place called. Its in the middle of the cape flats and im staying here for the past 30 years Everybody Knows and it goes with c. Because of one thing only because of the use of. But i could go but they basically said yes in 2005 and 2 friends decided to enter and try to win the annual cape malaya choir competition an extravaganza that involves 50 rival teams to custom changes 5 different song forms and massive amounts of money it was an insanely optimistic move considering the competition they were facing. This is hardly bucks israel name is mohammed saying benjamin but he owns several businesses and visits mecca regularly so the 100 bucks of his. Living. 60. 66650. He calls his team the starlights and as far as hes concerned nobody can touch them yes theres a lot that doesnt like me in the come but he said he quoth because they both were for me this knows a good life only 1st place. Has been organizing choirs since he made his 1st fortune his funds are inexhaustible his dominance of type with a culture almost complete so it was a david and goliath situation really an underdog versus the establishment of us as haji bucks. Well you interest for us in the 5 in school. Music but im a person that can lead something very quickly this new a music is good. But always knew that i had something in me that i could actually do which incineration it can benefit other people too the cut you couldnt do it alone of course mr muhammad stoffel its much or rather how much to his friends receive it doesnt matter the plays are lazy little for me looking at the life with you is it enough. Its all that we fight to. Get through to live and we can they will stay away from me said i need somebody that i can to this. And i can just be anybody. To the quiet would he goes to the meetings and in the see that everything is in place i put up with. Really no way to feel like the chances are you can sing so good that he said to ask if youre seeing something that i missed that things look from the judges and the people he knew got their meaning. And. We different. The new team was called the continentals and this is the 3rd member of the trio that founded it one he darted plays guitar bass and banjo sings like an angel and dresses flash when hes in the money which wasnt the case until today im happy as a citizen this started. But my wife was the only but it was everybody was with them. On the advance and every day is close just for food you cant even come out depps of it on the. In case youre wondering im the watcher with the guitar im actually writes a crutch needed help and i was on it to be honest. We were always playing with different poison release it to me told. Him need it we are going to. Put on this script to do something. And hope by about it was big. When it was what i was away in a mean. As if. No one had a. Platform to endure for 5 oclock it was a show. They got me at the what im told if youre. Going to. The businessman love the show but have brought in on your tiny fraction of what the continentals need in months to come there will be more fundraising events karaoke from the like the progress is slower and some continental is a better name just a few of them since. I did this in the dead. Like you see that they put out that even at a cover that kills us pick it up and you know the cover and s. L. Of the its just so you 1 oclock one day. Donald of true and lives in a caravan whose parents guard him with his family hes just come out of prison and hes struggling to make ends meet sinjar says if so i think it is let go of it in a salable of it in the its so its to sort of you know you can see only for truth its nothing. In my heart my spine i have seen. Loads. Meanwhile on the far side of the tracks the starlets of burden are brighter than ever. You know i call eats like that this year because we are you know me me me just go smoke will be asleep i can never feel good. I. Have a champion in even bodies that ive gotten you to see what they see. And know. Now that. Approach just dont open your mouth and sing the 1st thing the simplest if you have the support of the states young one that the we are to be the at have the. The conscious neighborhood on the other hand drugs are everywhere and discipline can be a problem but what i saw tonight it was pretty disappointing so. We dont tell you guys no to do whatever you want to do that is up to you but those who would win the themes and we dont need people like to know how delighted with men there are men now to my know what county club if you speak any clumps or not. So if for half a day when the canola that you for non know he laughed at you he said. And the constitution but see what they can oversee it to thank those that you sent will take its course no mental with us that is trying to live we dont talk about it anymore the the little believe is coming out of the alchemy infinity so it is known through its kind of limits to see what we trying to do is get given away from the get into the fake to see since it. Is in disciplines so that it doesnt go into that only 90 percent of them is loaded with the confines. They d enjoyed in jail with one another just keep doing will keep finding that. In the 5. 00 the guys out of the box and the practice the fucking that up putting them out the fantasy of being. Back on the sunday distance he. Says. Sometimes he complains he does actually. Well thats not the sports but see thats why i love it thats why its really good. Because i mean really bad but i think that being in the. Past if you got it. That i dont see any theme and what the scene and times. And i need to go into. The scene and show you seem. Like im. Going. To. Tell. Lets. Close. My neighbors they could but then we have just 2 muslim families among the other families but we do speak its like a sculptor and he needs help and weve been playing that music hes actually that you split a thing for this. Entire summer and kept on the competition season is drawing near this is the silver says the holy grail the way things are going the consequences arent going to get anywhere near its missing knights in shining armor comes to their wrist i believe a thing. I just adored is a prosperous business man this was dreamed of has and so this is what you do yes. The whole discipline to get enough. To use my fingers want to get in the sack but we grew up in the lake why is interested in going to stock up on pink so we can get in the think tank and we just do it they can. Hold it together every day and everybody that working on the site as well saying this. Is the we needed some money to deposit the el sheik school the competition so i mean gave me a ticket to him to get it he just brings people to think you did what it takes to give it one yesterday or did like these that are look for details. And i took about 20 directions to the new city the way to faces will end of the dick says to them i felt so good yesterday. These guys will be dancing while we played this whole way kill thing more lively you know at least. Its new years eve and big things are bring on the goods not some. One showed us to think what all this is costing mr dog the truck suits are just the start of it hes also hired a string section brass band and enough buses to transport hundreds of people. The festivities begin with a tour of the tough neighborhoods where most continentals lived before moving to middle class after for mr dog his wife and 2 friends have prepared a feast for the multitude. Johnson from the continental samba supporters piled back into the busses and head for the city proper. According to legend all this goes back to the opposition of slavery and its unfair to fall on the stroke of midnight to those in bondage were set free and they flooded into the streets to celebrate ever since muslims are marching through krypton on that same night. That. The magic that. To let people know. That was the fun part of the proceedings in the new year the struggle for the self defense begins in deadly earnest this this is the distribution ive got to do from today on with and what you just seen the it is coming up on my pocket nobody elses pocket they must come on reading us they might as well as you back here at the end if im successful i can both go yeah. No really going both isnt the lover of. Clinton silver fizzes complicated you get points for singing points for dressing smart and then you hire an Army Sergeant to drill your team and you could judged on precision much of. The finely you could judge for your performance of a certain song a form that is unique to this culture. These sad old songs are haunted by a song that arrived on the cape and slave ships dishonest and sent off and so much merit to elements of western music the call them in the middle on streets over the. For her. 2 a little cookie and its got a 200 songs off of them i dont know because no records was kept of it its only the old people that actually knows the songs that need the lines and leak never ever say its not a from the late the will never that will stay or the floor as a mother was was. A souls would have been under the thing 5200 years it will need look a lot to teens in and lives with some of was the leaving of the state but as you live in even more and more and more then you come to see that old school you know all those local fuzz a little before and ill be whistling. They came to enjoy the shells buy c. D. s and learn songs they could into so they sang. God. Such a buxom concha claim to like each other but youd never guess it from the way the talk about one another most of those members with a stylus they will never be able to leave the starlets what evil box tells him to do if he tells him to load to jump in the fire i am sure they will jump in the by if this is a sport but these are the dumb gave this is their 1st year weve got absolutely nothing to lose. Es got something to lose but we continued to make wooden nothing to lose to the woods on the road they were to stop like they want to keep us they want to win if we think. Its only one life or was cut. And i can petition. All those off was getting. Attended in the movies again beat to it by seeing that other side i think. Thats of. Course ill be the food lover but you are unwilling to be known all that and im going to make all those other guys nervous too and i know what these guys get and what i think to do in those suits say youll see a different lens a day. For much of the dress rehearsal and shells what could be a bad omen the tender isnt exactly up to scratch the plot to make it across might not advice the money to be wasnt going to do you think somebody bought alchemy monday the month you have 10 points for the job i just move on to put it to mislead the. Public doesnt give. Us. A competition day day of destiny for the continental. This event is run and run very strictly by the quiet board they have a rule that says on side has come out from the competition we spent many a year begging for an exemption but no luck. In the end the continentals decided to perform for us outside the venue. The room. Will be so tough on your plan we were wrong about. According to the board when you look at the mission to do a video with. Us and on the bottom of the were going to think that. Was not a quote from one of the new thought it would be to know what you want to put up what you are going to make sure no we go outside may despite me walking we can its a night at the. Club. And if. I find i will record the continentals one of mine a trophy for dressing up of all things for the wrists they were crushed maybe they were doomed from the outset and maybe it didnt matter. Of course we wanted to do it what it was to be with. d the guys in the states lived in before. You. Can be disappointed about last night but everything in life will go. Just to see that deer stand on the save. Money get the thing. And as for the service as it went once again 200. 00 and his infant simple starlights was on. The stand all different kinds of people played together its just like the pilot flying into the sky and sand and. Does that moment the music takes you away. I. Think. I gave. It. A. Behavior. They want to do with the stylus they want to get lost they want to do with everything made them come if only one 1st place. Yes. The. It will but absolutely nothing to lose. Each got something to lose but we continue to live quiet and let into. The silver phase from the witness series in 2007 do check out the rewind page at aljazeera dot com for more films from the series thats it from us thanks to watch. In the off to mark of the 2011 quake and tsunami a remarkable more trade of a remote japanese village. That is later how has the community of miata been able to move on and rebuild their lives. Rewinds japan after the catastrophe. On aljazeera. Is on the cusp of a new chapter in its history. To the u. S. And the taliban signed an agreement to pave the way for the withdrawal of the national troops. High cost was paid to get to this point. Over the past few years the u. S. Has increasingly conducted its part of the wars in the sky. Was more bombs dropped last year than any other year in the past decade. But with that came a rise in civilian casualties. This is all accidents to happen mistakes do happen and that this is about owning all mistakes this is about things are innocent accountability in a largely unaccountable war the same ways we interviewed not receiving adult humans from the us left without closure. They told us that they so like what happened to their loved ones was a crime. And they want justice and answers something war too often denied. In a 2 part series. Observes the lives of 2 children. Over 20 years. Where insights into circumstances that shape lives. In a rapidly changing world. 20 years of. Continues with good morning grocery on how to 0. Absolutely despite the slim undertakers working here is just 7 days a week thats grown with a community my father purchased a black and blue smoke started to do the funeral in london and the family we saw stopped being part of indonesia and became Business Partners the stories we dont often hear told by the people who the gift is such a level. East and undertakers this is europe on aljazeera. Aljazeera. And you. Think this is aljazeera. Hello there im the star and this is the news hour live from coming up in the next 60 minutes new coronavirus cases discovered in melbourne as thousands of Public Housing residents are ordered to stay home. New restrictions are said to be in president israel but the Prime Minister warning the country is at the height of a new 1000. 00 offensive. A displaced Independence Day the u. S. President goes ahead with a speech despite health concerns

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