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U. N. Security Council Meets to discuss the increasingly bitter dispute about ethiopias grand dream extends down. Below thank you for joining us pressure is mounting on u. S. President donald trump over allegations that russia paid that the taliban to target u. S. Soldiers in afghanistan the white house has invited 8 members of congress for a briefing on the intelligence reports trying says the Intelligence Briefings revealed by the New York Times never reached him because the agencies they didnt think that they were credible House Speaker nancy pelosi says trumps the nyos shows that it wants to ignore any allegation against russia and its president Vladimir Putin the Washington Post meanwhile has reported that several american soldiers are believed to have died because of the Russian Program at a press conference the White House Press secretary reiterated the trumpet not being briefed on the alleged russian bounties there is no consensus within the Intelligence Community on these allegations and. In effect there are dissenting opinions from some in the Intelligence Community with regards to the veracity of whats being reported in the veracity of the underlying allegations continue to be evaluated. Glenn karl is a former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for transnational threats with the cia he says the information would have been conveyed to the president spent my career doing this and i know how things are funneled up the chain of command or what kind of things are in something of this importance would absolutely be briefed to the white house now did a cia officer sit down and speak directly to the president say x. Y. And z. Possibly not most likely yes but would the information have been conveyed to the top of the chain of command which is the president certainly the people that mcinerney the press woman for the president cites are all or trump appointees and i dont take at face value what this. Saying in the u. S. The Supreme Court there has struck down a louisiana law that places restrictions on doctors who perform abortions the surprise the citizen to the fan the procedure and abortion rights comes after fierce opposition from conservative justices the vote was 5 to 4 with chief Justice John Roberts voting with the courts a 4 member liberal wing its the 1st the big Abortion Case since trump appointed 2 new justices shifting the court to the right and the abortion activists staged a protest outside the Supreme Court mike hanna has more now from washington on the significance of this ruling. Well it has a massive impact on a century the louisiana law made ensure that doctors would have to have visiting rights to a local hospital in effect what it meant is that all the clinics that were helping women would have to shut down in effect it would then undercut the decades long right of women to choose which is entrenched in u. S. Constitutional law so this is basically thrown that out of court it has preserved the basis of womans right to choose within law now that a number of significant matters about this firstly that the swing voter has a 54 decision was made by the chief Justice John Roberts now very significantly 4 years ago there was a virtually identical case before the Supreme Court roberts voted in favor of that case in other words that the physician should have visited writes he reversed his decision in this case giving that pliable majority for one very important reason that he believed he had to follow the precedent of a decision taken by the court before what this means is that in the future when you have got such a cunt department divided case the chief justice is going to go with precedent very significant the World Health Organization has warned the crown of our spend they make us far from under control and the worst is yet to come its sending a team to china next week to investigate the origins of the disease which are still are. We on one this to be over we all want to get on with our lives but the hard reality is this is not even close to being over although many countries have made some progress globally the pundit is actually speeding up. The u. N. Security council is meeting virtually to discuss if a o. P. s controversial 4000000000. 00 hydroelectric dam on the blue nile river if they appear began construction of the grantor in a sense than 9 years ago and as expect at the start filling it next month so that in the egypt to which is almost entirely dependent on the nile for its fresh Water Supplies are deeply concerned and want the un to intervene at the us tried to broker a deal this year but if he appeared that not attend the signing ceremony accusing the trumpet ministration of siding with egypt thank you like any one where rosemarie de carlo the of the secretary general for political and Peace Building Affairs is addressing a Virtual Meeting of the Security Council on that dispute over the grand opening renascence them lets listen in and the republic of the sudan the construction of the grand ethiopian renaissance dam a major hydro power project located on the blue nile in ethiopia has been its fungal go move region began in april 2011 through the generation of hydro electricity the gird will significantly boost ethiopias Energy Sources allowing it to increase electrification exhilarate industrialization and export excess electricity to the region recognizing the need for cooperation on the gird to fully realize its benefits and mitigate potential negative effects on the downstream countries the blue nile riparian countries have undertaken several commendable initiatives over the past decades these include the establishment of an International Panel of experts and 2012 to examine the Design Construction plans of the gird a follow up Tripartite National committee in 2014 and the 2015 declaration of principles on the gird. The declaration takes note of the rising demand on the trans boundary Water Resources of egypt ethiopia and sudan the 3 countries committed to several principles including cooperation equitable and reasonable utilization security and the peaceful settlement of disputes in 2800. 00 the 3 countries formed a National Independent Research Study group which was to discuss the filling and operation of the gird trilateral discussions at the ministry a level as well as among heads of state at taken place over the last 2 years and have been assisted by the United States and the world bank since 2019 a draft text was discussed but the 3 riparian states were not able to Reach Agreement on the text presented in february 2027 dan therefore under the leadership of Prime Minister dr abdullah 100 took the initiative earlier this month to seek to narrow the differences on this issue we understand that 90 percent of the technical issues have already been settled following the inconclusive negotiations in february the 3 countries agreed to appoint observers to the talks including the republic of south africa the United States and the European Union their representatives have been observers to the recent meetings on 26 june south africa as the chair of African Union convened euro of the African Union heads of state president sisi Prime Minister avi and Prime Minister honda attended the session and agreed to an annual end process aimed to resolve standing issues the parties will meet over the next 2 weeks for this purpose i commend the parties for their determination to negotiate an agreement and applaud the African Unions effort to facilitate a process to this end. The remaining differences are technical and legal in nature they include the binding nature of an agreement the dispute resolution mechanism and the management of water flow through droughts mr president while the United Nations has not participated in the negotiations heard the secretary general is fully seized of this matter i reiterate the secretary general statement of 19 may urging the parties to peacefully resolve all of standing differences these differences can be overcome and an agreement can be reached should all the parties show the necessary political will to compromise in line with the spirit of cooperation highlighted in the 2015 declaration of principles the United Nations stands ready to assist through technical an expert support as appropriate and as requested by the 3 countries this includes any support that may require be required by the a led process transponder eat more of cooperation is a key element in the implementation of the Sustainable Development goals i would like to emphasize that Climate Change combined with projected demographic growth and Socio Economic changes will increase Water Management challenges worldwide not only for blue nile referring countries. Mr president cooperation is not is there are some game it is the key to a successful collective effort to reduce poverty and increase growth thus delivering on the Development Potential of the region we firmly hope that egypt ethiopia and sudan or persevered with efforts to achieve an agreement on the gird that is beneficial to all thank you mr president. So weve just been listening to rosemary the carlow the u. N. And the secretary general for political and Peace Building Affairs of the special u. N. Security council Virtual Meeting to discuss the ground the ethiopian or nascent then as we were hearing there from rosemary the carlow the 3 countries involved d. C. Opiah so than and egypt have not been able to come to some kind of agreement i believe were going to be listening now to the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. A kelly craft lets listen as a facilitator an observer of the negotiations on an agreement for the filling and operation of gird over the last several months the United States understands and appreciates the importance of the nile river to the history stay and futures of egypt ethiopia and sudan we have seen 1st hand how the nile is deeply intertwined with the National Identities of egypt ethiopia in sudan and how its future is a paramount importance to the livelihoods and the well being of their peoples i know 1st hand as President Trump has prioritized the guard within our cabinet occur poses a unique opportunity for this part of africa where precipitation brought deserve education and Economic Development have befallen generations of people an agreement on a guard has the potential to transform a region that is home to over 250000000 people expanding Economic Opportunities to trounce boundary cooperation and regional integration increased Food Security improved Energy Access and expanded Agricultural Products are just a few of the transformational benefits that the government can afford the region. The considerable work by egypt ethiopia and sudan over the last several months show it is possible to reach a balanced and equitable agreement that takes into account the interest of the 3 countries if there is a commitment a mug all to do so we commence the government of sudan and Prime Minister have Docks Administration for ongoing efforts to encourage this process and bring the parties together including through hosting talks are earlier this month the United States takes note of the recent efforts at the African Union to facilitate additional discussions among the 3 countries on the gird we had knowledge of the efforts of South African president ramos up to bring this issue before of the African Union bureau we recognize that this issue is before the council because time is short and the window to achieving such an agreement may be rapidly closing we encourage all countries to build on their substantial progress and part of. And the compromises that lead to that progress and further call on all countries to refrain from making any statements or taking any actions that would undermine the goodwill necessary to achieve an agreement we strongly believe that with constructive dialogue and cooperation a solution is within reach and we reaffirm our commitment to remain engaged with the 3 countries until they conclude a final agreement we look forward to receiving further reports on this very important issue thank you. Just not because of comes easy listening there to kelly craft is the Us Ambassador to the un the us has also played a key role in trying to mediate between the 3 countries over the grand paper in a sense than we do now to listen to the South African ambassador to the un jerry gene and that is because south africa is currently chair of the assembly of the African Union and the African Union is also mediating a crucial role in trying to find some kind of agreement between the 3 nations involved lets listen to the South African ambassador where the last few weeks you can solicit received letters from each of the 3 countries dealing detail in the perspective on the ground if you can the message that. What is no doubt hear from the lead. And the interests of this is not that the narrative it is an extremely important results for the african continent specifically for the 3 countries its a pia as the region of the. Suit and where the queen who really is of the way and blue nile takes place and egypt where the nile flew in a bit you didnt see. That many. Countries lets round it to the nile basin mr president there even is not only a source of development but survival for the riparian states and this is shared not sort of is all this is illusion that the corporation or his utilization that was the russian will get it is you know im going for almost a decade. I didnt expect it to us in the new era of the follow up man and not only for the 4 pia but potentially then toss up region of the african continent it would be that big as had the lid to them on the african continent and were deaf or be celebrated as a symbol of a much needed to follow up meant at not become a source. And is likely to meet with the president is really concerned discussion today is taking place and i joined i quote peace and security enough it is a terrible mission that they issue of what effect of can contain and although it is a Development Time that the Patient Protection of the African Union it is a republic of south africa without a doubt about polls couldnt ve interviewed you of the bureau of the air you assembly on going to cities june credited and inviting the leaders of all Different Countries to participate and the discussions developed tending to gab a bit o. Was he presented by the president of the republic of the congo of egypt kenya and mother and another Prime Minister of ethiopia. The countrys can say and the chairperson of the air you Commission Mr fucking were invited to participate in that meeting the meeting was characterized by a positive and constructive spirit that clearly showed it willingness of order parties to find a mutually acceptable like a demand on or else than the issues pertaining to cat importantly mr president the butyl of the African Union. Assembly recognized the petition to get into a. Project but ive been called in it and theyre committed to process a city that i thought again a. We welcome that had taken by the 3 parties egypt filipina as done at the bureau miti to free from making any statement or taking any action that may jeopardize our complicate the lead courses aimed at finding an acceptable solution or nor a standing about us while noting that most of the issues in the tub parted the wishes in between. Have already been resolved the bureau or they assumed the agreed to men to the top and to committees dealing with gatt issues. With the participation of observance 5 additional expect mr president have already begun to defy by the you support that committee the observer us with the south africa in his capacity as the chairperson of the a new member of the bureau of the a you and expects of the commission a committee will address on a standard technical and legal issues and we have peace then is the report that chappell some of the Beautiful Run we. Had a moment the president the beauty of the assembly of that we can union and the participating heads of state and government. It getting there to an appearance they agreed to do you couldnt be in 2 weeks because you dont report on the outcome of that was she of those they knew. They could and if you look at the end of night since there is a press that the bureau of the African Union assembly and participating heads of state and government and observers coincided that countries have to request that night vision through the concert just to take note of the development and the fact that African Union is fully. With this matter if. You can continue it is therefore important that is your concept and respect that i think can union and ill continue and efforts and provide space for the parties to the agreed upon mechanism in the last Bureau Meeting to find a solution that would show a peaceful and prosperous future for these 3 made by lee and this is the countries in the african continent i thank you mr president. And there was jerry the South African. To the un just to remind viewers tuning in now that were watching a Virtual Meeting of the un Security Council that are discussing ethiopias efforts to build a 4000000000. 00 hydroelectric dam on the blue nile river called the ground if you can run a sense james bases are diplomatic editor joins us now from the u. N. Headquarters in new york and again james just to remind the viewers this very much causing a lot of friction between ethiopia sudan and egypt about what is one of the most precious resources in that area in the world really water but theyve been talking about it for more than 9 years or just about so tell us a little bit about why the u. N. Is meeting right now. Theyve actually been discussing the idea for decades and its been this long running saw this long running regional tension over this issue the problem is now that potentially as it gets very close to ethiopia starting to fill the 1st stage of filling the dam without an agreement on how much is going to fill it by with the other concerned countries that is becoming more than just a regional issue its becoming a major crisis with International Repercussions that certainly is the view of egypt because its egypt that pushed this issue it pushed its ally the u. S. To ask the Security Council to address the issue interesting there to hear from the South African ambassador urging the Security Council to give the African Union space weve seen the African Union have talks on this issue over the weekend and the African Union always has the position that there should be African Solutions to african problems so basically saying to the Security Council they should butt out on this issue and i have to say that many members of the Security Council will agree on this they dont believe some of them that this is an issue of International Peace and security and they dont think theres any really obvious simple solution to this other than the 3 countries sitting down face to face and being prepared to make concessions because there is no were all of these countries are going to get what they want its clearly a very serious issue though for the 3 countries concerned particularly for egypt that relies so much on the waters from the nile and for ethiopia that wants that electricity particularly from this dam and has spent some 5000000000. 00 building the dam so want to see very speedy returns james bears im sure will be discussed on this later on in the next few hours for the moment thank you lets go live to him but morgan now shares instead and capital khartoum i dont know if you could hear james there but a much saying that you know for egypt its effect of the existential issue ethiopia needs this for Development Explain to us where so that means in all of this. Well sudan has repeatedly stated that it is not a mediator between the 2 countries its very much as stakeholder its very concerned about the impact of the dam on the sudanese them specifically which is about 100 kilometers away from if you can grant if you can renounce them its also concerned about the water levels and the impact that would have on the ugly cultural projects most of them which lie on the banks of the nile saw lots of issues at stake here for saddam just like it is for egypt now the sudanese seem to be strongly believing that diplomacy is the way weve seen since may and june the few the Prime Minister dr abdullah one dog pushing for the 3 sides to to meet together and eventually the 3 sides coming together virtually to try to reach a deal before talks collapsed and has been referred to the Prime Minister is now weve seen also on friday the African Union bringing together the 3 sides as well as other other sites for other countries from the African Union to try to get if you appear to halt any plans to fill the day until a deal is reached because they say that they are concerned about the implications it will have on the region should if you can fill the dam without reaching a deal now sudans minister of irrigation and Water Resources to do this morning that there should be African Solutions to african problems and that deal is possible within the 2 weeks but if you can seems to be very keen on filling the dam in 2 weeks regardless of whether a deal is reached or not now it all comes down to the political will of the 3 sides and how much they can achieve in the coming few days before if youre start feeling its them there are more again with the latest on that story from sudans capital khartoum here but for the more moment thank you and we are keeping an eye out on the u. N. Security council a Virtual Meeting still taking place were also waiting to hear from the representatives of the 3 Key Countries in this and that of course is ethiopia so that as we were hearing and crucially egypt will cross back to the security. So meeting when the representatives from those countries start speaking. But before china is being accused of forcing sterilization abortions and Birth Control on hundreds of thousands of we go women to slash birth rates an investigation by the Associated Press is found evidence of a 4 Year Campaign in North Western provinces experts say its a form of demographic genocide against the weaker as many of who are muslim catrina you in beijing says china has been ounce the allegations but it has been encouraging women from the han ethnic majority to have more children. Han women actually around the country have been encouraged to have a 2nd child because of worryingly lower birth rates across china now we also know that. People who are members of the week of community have been strongly encourage not to marry other week but into the hand majority analysts say that this is another long term policy to dilute the population the weaker population does appear that that would be working we know in 1949 according to official figures 90 percent of the population will weaken as in 2018 only 47 percent were weak as now Chinas Foreign Ministry today on monday responded to this report essentially calling the Associated Press report fake news it has always maintained that its policies in a National Security issue was designed to prevent terrorism and extremism and separatism that there in response to very violent knife and bomb attacks in recent decades but as we heard just then many human Rights Groups disagree saying that many of these measures are based on race and religion and not only do they say that up to 1000000 people are held in these detention camps which the government by the way calls for occasional Training Centers they say that many of these policies are designed to also erode the muslim wego religion and culture as well as put them under very strict almost suffocating levels of surveillance. At least 32 people have died after 2 ferries collided on a river in the bangladeshi capital dhaka one ferry carrying about 100 passengers capsized when it was struck by a larger boat which then left the sea 3 children are among the bodies recovered ferry accidents are common in bangladesh with hundreds dying each year because of overcrowding and poor safety standards. Callous a quick look now at the top stories on aljazeera pressure is mounting on us President Donald Trump over allegations that russia paid the taliban to target u. S. Soldiers in afghanistan the white house has invited 8 members of congress for a briefing on the intelligence reports trying says the Intelligence Briefings never reached him because the agencies didnt think that they were credible the u. S. Supreme court has struck down a louisiana law that places restrictions on doctors who perform abortions the surprise decision to defend the procedure on abortion rights comes after fierce opposition from conservative justices the vote was 5 to 4 with chief Justice John Roberts voting with the courts 4 member liberal wing the World Health Organization has warned the coronavirus pandemic is far from under control and the worst is yet to come its sending a team to china next week to investigate the origins of the disease which are still unknown we only won this to be over we all want to get on with our lives but the heart of reality is this is not even close to being over although many countries have made some progress globally the pundit is actually speeding up. The u. N. Security council is meeting virtually to discuss controversial 4000000000. 00 hydroelectric dam on the blue nile river it began construction construction of the grand renascence than 9 years ago and this expect at the start filling it next month so that and egypt oppose the project and want to the u. N. To intervene those are the top stories of the stream is next that looking at the coronavirus and the children and ill have more news for you in half an hour thanks for watching. Ok youre watching this train today were going to be looking at coronavirus and children and what did you see seems to impact children in a different way from the. Adults who we are packing about 19 and kids earlier i spoke to tell me and today even my 6 and 7 year old nephews in london and i asked them what would you like to ask our expert panel its a listen. Why dont we able to play for our friends a game. Why do you not get so you know want to night

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