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The country inclusive for everyone. And help is on the way the british developed trying thats taking a heavy load of aid to isolated areas. Of a number of confirmed coronavirus cases around the world is now more than 10000000 and there are warnings that time is running out to get the pandemic under control in the west affected country the United States several states are reporting record numbers of new infections the spikes are mainly concentrated in southern and western states mostly controlled by republicans even as Vice President mike pence claim to the country is flattening of more than 2500000 and factions have now been recorded across the us india has also announced its highest ever daily jump with nearly. In 2000 cases confirmed on sunday that takes the countrys total to nearly 530000 china says its launched a mass coronavirus testing scheme in beijing aiming at screening all 3000000. 00 people in the Education System tests have already begun for University Students and teaches well our correspondent Patty Culhane is in maryland just outside washington d. C. Patty it does seem that each day brings new wreck or its just how bad is it getting over there. It is getting incredibly bad in the vast majority of the country i just want to show you this one a map just to give you a sense of how bad things are in so much of the country despite what the Vice President says this is a map of when its safe to reopen when you meet the criteria as the Health Officials say the go ahead you can start having some limited Economic Activity if you look at the map pretty much the entire country is red which says it is not safe to reopen but this is exactly what Health Officials said was going to happen a few weeks ago we saw mostly republican governors say its more important to open up the economy and they really focused on getting businesses back up and running we saw people especially young people just pour into bars and restaurants no masks no social distancing and because of the time of this virus people who were exposed then are now getting sick so how bad is it well according to Health Experts theres been a 65 percent increase in cases in the nation over the last 2 weeks and were seeing it in some really big cities in Houston Texas of major American City there i see you intensive care beds are almost at 100 percent if that continues that means theyre going to have to make the decision as to which patients get lifesaving treatment and which ones die were seeing testing being overwhelmed in florida texas and arizona weve seen lines of cars that stretch for kilometer after kilometer and people are actually being turned away because theyre running out of tests so the bottom line here in the United States is it is bad it is out of control and its not going to get any better anytime soon because of the way this virus behaves and patty we have been talking over the last few hours about just how politicized mosque wearing has become in the u. S. And i see mike pence has just arrived at his event in dallas and he is wearing a mask today how is the administrations response to this pandemic. Well 1st i want to tell you what the president spent today doing because hes really stepped away from any involvement in the pandemic coverage democrat spawns as it rages across the country he began his day by tweeting out a video showing his supporters yelling white power and now hes at his golf course in virginia golfing with senator Lindsey Graham we believe the Vice President though is trying to take the lead trying to defend his actions and hes saying he just said in an interview that the president has worn masks theres literally no evidence that that is in fact the case the president said he wore a mask once but weve never weve never seen the president wear a mask and his supporters have taken this to mean they should not wear a mask especially when it comes to republicans who watch conservative media there was a very fascinating study it was on independents in this country which make up about a 3rd of the country and it looked at what theyre watching on television of those who watch liberal or a mix of Television News a lot of them 92 percent of them are Wearing Masks but if you look at those who are watching conservative media that if system lee downplayed this virus just about half are Wearing Masks in public and weve seen a lot of republican governors say they couldnt possibly mandate the use of masks when youre in public because it goes against the you their freedoms and theyre in some cases even told local officials theyre not allowed to put mass orders in place and experts say until this country starts Wearing Masks across the board the virus is going to continue to spread especially if you walk around a lot of cities you just dont see any masks. And therefore its just outside washington d. C. Thank you very much patty. I spoke to mark especially hes the chief medical officer at the association and state and territory Health Officials and he says the latest cases are likely to be concentrated within the younger population. What were saying is significant increases in cases we think its mostly now among younger adults as many of the states have started to open people who have been caught up inside or are ready to get out and were seeing a lot more activity not just on the streets which would be ok but also in bars and in indoor settings where people are congregating and these are the things that put people at the highest risk to transmit and catch the virus so i think its its this impatience to come out and get back out into society. That has maybe moved a little bit too fast it makes a great deal of sense to wear masks right now its probably our strongest intervention and people want the ability to get back out into society to get back to their jobs and a mask is a ticket to be able to do that the more we learn about mass the more we learn that theyre very very effective at containing germs the problem with masks is im only protected if youre wearing a mask its a little bit of a give and take i protect you you protect me and so thats the challenge really Everybody Needs to wear a mask so that we can all feel good that we have that protection im not sure what the backlash has been about masks in the past i do know now that we are starting to see republican governors urge their populace to wear masks and even in some places begin to put those kinds of regulations back into place i hope thats the thing that will make the difference we need we need our leaders to be very vocal on this issue weve got to get people to start taking Wearing Masks more seriously. Now venezuelans who fled an economic collapse have begun returning home as neighboring colombia restricts Economic Activity to prevent the spread of credit 19 that decision has left many migrants without money to pay rent or even buy food but heading home is also a challenge for many as trees about expense. Was one of the millions of venezuelans who left the country in recent years she was living in england bia right at the border with venezuela but when the colombian government imposed a lockdown she decided to return home because she couldnt find work the trip she says was one of the most difficult in her life yet. They kept us in a station for 4 days with more than 500 people there was lots of security and there was medical attention but it was filled with people i thought we were all going to get sick. From there they were taken to a school where they spend 8 days until they were put on a bus towards 30 kilometers away from the onus will end capital. The world where for 30 hours we were given no food or anything and all the time we were being stopped by Security Forces they wouldnt let us open the windows of the bus and i was trying to grab them when i arrived i had to spend another 2 weeks in quarantine. Is just one of the thousands of venezuelans who have returned but authorities are not making the trip easy for them even though the government has repatriated people using you many tarion flights there are thousands more trying to get back in by land but border officials are allowing only 300 people a day 3 times a week. 1000 infections have been on the rise in the past weeks whos in a major challenge to venezuelas Health Care System which some say is on the verge of collapsing resident evil amado accuses migrants of being used by colombias president even to spread the disease and her computer low weve proven the buses were contaminated so that venezuelans would come back sick and this is by the orders of iran in this way there is under siege and were trying to take care of our border and oh people i know i know. But human Rights Groups say thats not the case and abuses against returning migrants have put thousands of people at risk down there. And weve seen margarets being called biological weapons carriers of the virus and they are paying a price for leaving the us while theyre not given food or sort theyre in overcrowded places and shouldnt be treated like. Him if he can a lawn says the ordeal to return was worth it shes now back with her 2 year old son the challenge now is to survive in a nation where economic difficulties have become the norm. And. To some other news now in malawi his Opposition Leader has been sworn in as president marking a historic result in african politics the other is to cuero won the Election Rerun with just under 59 percent of the voters but the 65 year old faces many challenges reports. Malawis new leader spent time talking about Good Governance and uniting the nation in his inaugural speech the former intercoastal preacha city no said people didnt want him as their president his swearing in came after months of protests against last years disputed election that left the country to be divided the new president asked malawians to give them a chance to earn their trust with your help. We were restore a new generation of faith. In the possibility of having our government that serve. Not a government that room. Big government bodies spiers. Not a government body europeans. A government that listens not a government that shouts. A government that fights for you im not against. That what me trying to work with this political rivals support is a former president. Whos criticised a president ial run saying when i was in a True Commission going to see any c. Made a mistake these are perhaps the worst elections of howard in the history of malawi and we believe any scene needs to ensure that it upholds the principles of hobby and quality elections in milan or otherwise researching a very very bad precedent for future elections in my. Career is promising to tackle corruption public and create much needed jobs in one of the poorest countries in the world most of my lovelies budget comes from funding and the greatest challenge now is how do we set things right how do we remove malawi. And this is a task that is huge great promises were made by the politicians and now it is up to them to achieve those promises or else pay the price at the next elections. Is the 1st time in africa a Court Ordered election has led to victory for an opposition candidate over the decades the continent has sometimes had a turbulent history with democracy some leaders a stage and others for much longer than the mandate required people are closely watching shakira whos promising a new start for malawians but can he deliver. Algis are. Still ahead on out as they are seeking refuge again by thousands have fled their homes in Myanmars Rakhine state. Where oh yes i was and no time to be silent protest in colombia after the killing of my mother and hang tight. However just since a fairly heavy rain in the south of japan this cloud went through the next development is further back on the chinese and then you know sichuan but its likely to edge its way just dolls of shanghai then towards the Korean Peninsula eventually of course that will go further eastwards the building end of it doesnt look particularly where we have recently seen some flooding as nasty stuff even in Sichuan Province and this potentially more of that to come i think the next belt will be a little bit further south than the last one and it extends up towards japan so split but japan will get more rain from this up as far as her car and thats where most of the action is that and this line of fried pride here which suggests anywhere weather for vietnam cross the sas chancy maybe towards the philippines thats taken most of the energy that was fierce so there are all. Sort of ways and eastward towards west papua yes a few incidents demolition certainly in Southern Thailand but not as many as there were asked for monsoon rains the monsoons never reached pakistan but the rain has really followed the proper persistent rain is down the Western Ghats and once again east and northeast and india. Indonesia is home to my just largest remaining rainforests the local tribes accuse Big Companies of land grabs lord and human rights abuses one of the best a guy on aljazeera. Every generation has a higher purpose. Our 1st date. The in the the in. Hello again youre watching out of there thats the mind of our top stories this hour more than 10000000 people across the world have now contract at the coronavirus the u. S. Health secretary is warning that the window is closing for effective action of the 5 states recorded daily highs and new infections on such a day. That the rest aquaria has been sworn in as malawis new president after he defeated incumbent piece in newsweek and a historic rerun its the 1st time in africa that a Court Awarded for it has led to victory for the opposition candidate and. Now thousands of people in Myanmars Rakhine state facing the prospect of military raids have fled their homes the u. N. Says measures are needed to save civilian lives villages were ordered to leave as the army prepared to launch an operation against the ark an army thats a rebel Group Seeking more autonomy for Ethnic Rakhine but ists wont be ordered to evacuate has since been called off after the u. K. Astray the u. S. And canada all called for an end to the socalled Clearance Operations refugees and humanitarian groups say the operations are a cover for military crackdowns the military had used that term clearance operation back in 2017 when they targeted the range of Muslim Minority that led to accusations of genocide or 2 when is the executive director of the Burma Human Rights Network and he says despite officials assurances raids are still taking place. What were hearing is it is just you know the show that they call off it is not true they have still conducting some operations a lot of operation on the ground and i contacted myself my team also contacted a lot of people on the ground there saying that they have been hearing the shelling than hiring and firing and they are so many few location civilians have been detained to interrogate and bear in mind the interrogation. Torturing so they are facing torture because the rock and i think the kind of police but they are still because they are supporting. An economy konami so they try to create fear and pressuring the population to give them the information where they are about and in the meantime as. We reported within 48 hours for civilian has been killed and there are several injured and also there are a couple of villages there some houses have been turned on by the shelling by the military activity and also we are also learning that. 111 month old baby was killed a few days ago so the military operation is continuing no matter how International Community is crying and talking about to stop this so this military operation is clearly breaching. You know. Provision measure the International Criminal court of justice has you know ordered them to stop all kind of activities that theyre going to suffer in your community in so theyre feeling breaching this or that. Now police in hong kong have arrested at least 53 people during protests against chinas planned National Security or scuffles broke out following a relatively peaceful rally offices used pepper spray to disperse demonstrators who were blocking roads and comes as chinas top legislative body begins a 3 day meeting its expected to enact a new law that targets a version terrorism and foreign interference in the city a millions of people in poland voting to choose a president in elections that were delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic conservative incumbent and judah is seeking a 2nd term and there are 10 other candidates but due to its closest challenger is warsaw as liberal pro european union. Has called ski poles predict that theyll likely face each other in a runoff next month while wojciech is the editor in chief of the political magazine best grad insight he says the president s become a polarizing figure out during this pandemic. Hes basically right this not so much disappointed but he could not reach beyond that circle will see a forest after todays result but it seems that the high opinion polls that result that hes likely to achieve is exactly the result of slowing just the Government Party so that means he was not able to grow old in the base so far and its unlikely that in the 2nd round he would grow there debase and secure his election in a clear way thats why there is had to had to read neck to neck raise his popularity has been limited to its most wanted by unpopular controversial decisions where he was signing off on deals on the illegal acts of the government that are so controversial and indeed paula rising for most of the society in problem but importantly had a 10th of may he was nearly secure he had a nearly secured advantage and it was ready to win but the election and the voting did not take place because of the point that. People are also voting in fronts and a 2nd round of municipal elections than the fast round was held back in march 1st as i said to choose men as being a simple countenance the election is seen by many of our as a test of president emmanuel microns reform policies and talks about that is that a polling station in paris for us with more on todays turnout. We know that local time here in france a very turnout was 50 percent so that is a very low and but it was in the 1st round and i think that was to be expected to a certain degree because many people are still very worried about the coronavirus pandemic restrictions have been eased enough now in france that people can actually go out and vote with people Wearing Masks inside this mandatory social distancing also bigotry in the polling station but i think of course that 19 going to put a lot of people off voting its also were also here going into the summer break the traditional summer break here and from so many people simply weigh in the fact that the 1st round took place so many months back means that a lot of people simply lost interest or people are still very very sick of course thousands of for thousands of mazen councillors across from the villages towns and cities in paris to where the 3 the 3 candidates in the race all the cumberland a socialist who has been in power for the last 6 years and i hope that she will continue to do so shes been running on environmental platforms pushing things like cutting calls inclusion in the city putting in more bike lanes. Person who came 2nd in the 1st round is where she did actually shes a conservative candidate a former Justice Minister whos running on a platform of security and trying to clean up the city and trailing in 3rd place in the 1st round was. Former Health Minister she really seems to struggle to make her mark in these elections so far. Now the u. S. House speaker has criticized donald trump for failing to confront russia over reports that its taliban fighters to target american troops in afghanistan nancy pelosi accuses the president of siding with russias made up that im a pretty. This is as bad as it gets and yet the president will not confront the russians on this or denies being brutes whether reasserting not his Administration Knows and our allies who were so over i was who will work with us in afghanistan have been briefed and accept this report just as ive said to the president for kim all roads lead to putin he will not they will i dont know what the russians have on the president politically personally financially or whatever it is but he wants to ignore he want to bring them back into the g 8 despite the annexation of crimea and the invasion of ukraine and now the rolling 2 stones are threatening to sue President Trump for playing their music at his political rallies the you remember trying to use the song you cant always get what you want since his 2016 campaign despite orders to stop the band accuses trump of violating licensing agreement. Well theres been a surge in violence against women and colombia since it went into coronavirus lockdown and now the killing of a woman and her daughter has sparked protests in the capital and the sound around here to reports from bachata. Violence against women is nothing new in colombia but a spate of recent cases has people reeling. Despite a coronavirus lockdown dispur testers took to the streets saying they came to turn their backs and women being attacked and killed at a pace that depended seems to have made worse. Crime rates have fallen in the country during the quarantine violence against women has increased by a planned 6 percent were being killed more for being women than the coronavirus we are sick and tired we all fear getting the virus but we cant accept this violence anymore. Activists say at least 315 women have been killed. Since the beginning of the year at least a 110. 00 of these murders are femicide with the victims killed because of their gender its the entire structure of society thats just signed and our lives and well being to crush us its like having a knee constantly on our necks its time to take the new way protesters are blocking intersections different intersections neighborhood in the south that were just last week a woman was killed together with her 4 year old child allegedly by our partner even if she had reported many times to the tory so professors are saying that some disruption is needed to bring more attention to what is happening and pressure out tory these. Protesters scuffled with the police when they tried to tag the walls of this military barracks. Many your furious after 7 soldiers confessed on thursday of the rape of a 13 year old indigenous Child Congress passed a new law allowing for life sentences in cases of rape against minors which many here consider useless when few of those responsible are punished at all. Its ridiculous that the state focuses on this kind of action when we have 85 percent impunity in Sexual Violence cases its evident they dont understand where the problem lies is just a bandaid over an open window and. The womens right movement is relatively new in colombia but its growing as is the attention of the general public to crimes against women in the cries studio torie keyes to do more to protect him and listen to them. When the president of honduras says the outbreak there is growing more complicated when Orlando Hernandez spoke from hospital where hes being treated for the virus. It is good as it is young the situation is obviously getting more complicated every day it is more saturated important resources are needed in unity like strength this is a war between life and death in which we can only win if we manage to maximize the precautionary measures while getting an eventual vaccine or treatment to isolated communities will be one of the big challenges of this pandemic and its just one way that a drone being trialled in the u. K. Could be used in the future john hall reports from the isle of wight. High above the soul and off englands south coast and unmanned drone hurries pathology samples across the water to a hospital on the isle of wight its 4 times faster than a conventional ferry crossing at a fraction of the cost and enormous benefit to remote and island communities and their stuff is delivered either by boat which is really slow or by manned aircraft which is really expensive and so i can see a commercial operation in areas like that where there are poor logistics links where a really cheap platform such as this can reliably deliver things and can fly at night can fly and for can fly in paul whether the ground operated drone system was developed at the university of southampton with the aim of distributing humanitarian aid its been given special permission to fly in britain skies to assist with the governments covert 19 response in fact i like to think of it as a sort of a landrover of the sky a similar sort of needs in that its very robust very tough very easy to repair. Twin engines so its capable of flying on a single engine therefore very reliable the Successful Use of Drone Technology to transport medical supplies from the mainland here to St Marys Hospital on the isle of wight is a breakthrough for island communities everywhere but think of the wider humanitarian possibilities the ability to deliver lifesaving supplies to isolated communities by air efficiently at times of Natural Disaster or war or pandemic. Its easier just to be to reach the places which where im not reachable before. And you can evan from london just remotely piloted from riches in bangladesh fison post i think we really have a lot of charities like Doctors Without Borders already make extensive use of drones for filming and mapping hard to reach areas but the animal of one trial with the ability to carry a 100 kilogram payload over a distance of a 1000 kilometers is the most significant advance in autonomous drone flights yet gentle aljazeera on the isle of wight. Hello again this is al jazeera and these are the headlines more than 10000000 people across the wilds have now contracted the corona virus the u. S. Health secretary has warned that time is running out for effective action to 5 states record a daily highs new infections on facet but the window is closing we have to act and people as individuals have to act responsibly we need to social distance we need to wear fit our face coverings if were in settings where we cant social distance particularly in these hot zones lazarus has been through one in malawis new president after he defeated incumbent peter mares rica and a historic rerun and the 1st time in africa that a Court Ordered fires has led to a victory for the opposition candidate. With your help we will restore a new generation has faith. In the possibility of the have been our government that serve. Not our government our room. A government that is fired. Not a government that if youre a. Big government that listens that a government that shall. The government but fights for you. Against. Thousands of people in Myanmars Rakhine state have been forced to flee their homes as the army prepared to launch an operation against separatists the un says measures are needed to save civilian lives police in hong kong have arrested at least 53. 00 people during protests against chinas planned National Security law it comes as chinas top legislative body begins a 3 day meeting its expected to enact the new law that targets subversion terrorism and foreign interference in the city versus in poland to choosing a president and elections delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic conservative incumbent is taking a 2nd tab and people are also verging in fronts and a 2nd round of municipal elections theyre being seen as a test of president emmanuel reform policies well those are the headlines ill have more news for you here to what i want east stay with us. West papuan indonesia is home to i use of the largest remaining rainforest in nothing but Resource Companies paying as little as 5. 00 a week did for these ecological paradise through questionable land grabs and i mean this with id and they will get a little shock and also i have a genetic one i even found up on the. Indigenous tribes accusing south korean month hommel johnson of plundering west papuan for a piece of the 300000000. 00 in revenue this is pure fantasy that is not the case at all 1018 investigates allegations of fraud and human rights abuses did land deals worth billions of dollars and

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