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A corona virus and that he might get tested again so a bit of a nonstatement a but he has been seen throughout the course of the pandemic greeting supporters attending rallies being reluctant to wear a mask so im sure that many people would be keen to know whether or not he did at some point test positive for the virus even though that he said that he didnt people would like to know i think if hes going to do that again right now as brazil continues to reach these grim milestones reentering that that number that number again just shy of 55000 deaths nationwide since the start of the pandemic brazil continues to see an upsurge in contagion and what were hearing from Health Experts is that one of the biggest concerns is that now that the virus is leaving the limits of brazils major cities its now entering into more rural areas more remote areas where its becoming quite a bit of a logistical nightmare for Health Care Professionals to reach people Iraqi Security forces have raided a headquarters belonging to an iran backed Militia Group the raid happened south of baghdad rockets have been seized in up to 20 members of could type has been detained the u. S. Is accused that group of firing rockets at base is hosting its troops in iraq and there are some other faulty is in baghdad and gave this someday to a short time ago. Rakes progress place conducted by iraqs Counterterrorism Forces a few hours ago parting one of the bases of a carpet in buckets and from my sources i understand the objective of the raid was to create a create a rocket attack on Baghdad Airport as well as the green zone and of course this comes after weve seen several such rocket attacks in the course of the past few weeks now what appears to have happened is that the Counterterrorism Services then went on to arrest several members of the type of follow the numbers vary between between 13 and 14 according to mine formation again storage tank has exploded on the outskirts of tehran videos on twitter showed a bright red lights flare on the horizon east of the capital residents reported hearing a loud bang the ministry of defense is 5 quickly put out the fire and that there were no casualties. France and germany and italy of called on forces in libya to stop fighting the outside parties to end their involvement to get talks back on track earlier turkey said any cease fire would depend on war highly evolved on forces withdrawing from 2 key regions surface and turkey supports the un backs government of National Accord g n a recently pushed back hostiles forces from the capital tripoli the fight against krone viruses there to a partnership between 2 unlikely nations israel and the United Arab Emirates Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the 2 will Work Together in research and technology he says the agreement was reached after months of negotiations the us doesnt have formal diplomatic relations with israel. The u. S. House of representatives has passed a sweeping reform bill brought by the democrats the legislation would reduce Legal Protections for offices and make it easier to prosecute police and also ban chokeholds when ill be said the Republican Controlled Senate where its likely to be rejected. Pakistans National Carrier has grounded more than a 3rd of its pilots thats 150. 00 employees after it was discovered that they cheated to get their licenses this was revealed during an investigation into a crash in may which killed 97 people. The news continues here on aljazeera after witness to stay with us. Check check check check since. I was must have been 16 and i remember like waking up at 3 am and seeing a light outside and got up and i looked outside and there were 2 men on the telephone pole and they were doing something on the wires and rely its shining on them it was really strange to see it at 3 am so i freaked out i went across the hall to my moms room and i will karate and her and i was like love and there are these 2 guys outside on the wire and theyre putting something theyre installing something at 3 am and they wish to call the police i was really upset and disturbed the mom was like. You know its ok calm down the side of pigtails probably just see f. B. I. Go back to sleep. Just you know dont dont dont run and you are ok so long. Can you tell me about that time you have to be i came to the door and im 99. Well. I guess you just have her and your dad passed away. And some want him running someones year asking for you i went to the door i found already people inside my house by the door to 2 it was like 33 i think you will see a man. With a black suit i recognize them it was a real close you should leave her here for one hour when you talk about her one hour you know you dont know them how the decision question you dont answer there was in a little while and the end of the all the the cell go under thought their make you the make you the maker confused you said theyre just saying stuff. They would pick how does name is one it was my and my husbands friend how is your relation with that. Talk about him you know that what they call it they pretty like microphone or how the call it love bug exactly each morning. And look and then my table the next day i was a baby i did see it i have to check again i would just look said no and the kids had said mom stop there when they said no i think its also more that i couldnt see it how do you know other times money we were just being her little hands were really something out not excuse me because everyone in the community was seeing the came the came the came the k r i rarely go. And i can never. Reach you is a really tight knit neighborhood Everybody Knows everybody else are doing documentary i. Couldnt move that started in the ninetys till now so in the side of the army we need to do that in oregon it has been my children. I thought a lot of people in my neighborhood have stories about being watched but most of them are afraid to talk out loud about it especially when theres a camera around ok no worries i think if i want to talk to you know. We got some bread you know interview. Come this way if you think it an angel a little bit more but a bit more yeah right there and the damn car is always right there. Its like how you see in the movie as i post peeps a fan that are just sitting staked out from your house when you pass the van by like they pull up of most or have bags they act like theyre not in the car but we can see them you know. They would take on an aisle at the corner so they watch all the area. So what coder steps right next to go to the computer and going through it. Should do a movie due respect their home is in grave good. No spot on it. Was time he saw a car bomb it was before with me. Every time i went for the groceries i saw the car i would have top of the kid this other car and be kind of thought that the house was but to the somebody was looking into the house all the time you could. Feel like someone stressed invading your life you know. I have the feeling that there is a camera there is something watching you dont feel free you dont feel safe. But i remember how it felt to just know that im free my home this is my home its just starts at a house but to me. Its become to the point where i would call the labor cross the street of her support the learn to say this or that over the car like that. Its not your home its crazy do you think youre paranoid no the. No im not im not not i dont know i just think everything is its happening its going on and its its in real life its not an imagination is not paranoia be. Be. Rich you mosque leaders have been under surveillance for years indictments may be forthcoming. The f. B. I. Has had problems going into the mosque during the week they have people out on the corners doing countersurveillance its a very insular community. A decade old federal investigation. So since 93. 00 b. The. Federal authorities are investigating the Mosque Foundation in bridgeview and its leaders for possible involvement and terribly did move on to the house of worship one of the largest Islamic Centers in chicago has been under f. B. I. Surveillance for years. When we found this article it was one of the 1st confirmations for me at least that there was this surveillance that was going on for 911 you know nobody thought anyone was building bombs in the basement but what they did thing was that there was money being funneled through supposedly legitimate charities. 2 hamas 2 has for the most part almost all of these investigations and without any indictments and the ones that did result in indictments were for things like tax fraud so you were getting a lot of wall when you were trying to guess because obviously as a journalist you want to know ok well guessing these things well then why what is right why what is it based on and time and again the actual legal argument that was presented was to even discuss the reasons for doing what we are doing would violate National Security. Since august of 9099 ive been working to legally expose the very real forseeable middle eastern terrorist threats to american citizens at home and abroad. The successful investigation which was told me vulgar betrayal vu l. G. A. Our betrayal. To the 998. 00 seizure of 1400000. 00 of middle eastern terrorists funding. d the goals of this investigation include identifying organizations involved in the Money Laundering conspiracy and tax from. The lowest is here and these are the major muslim organizations in America Today so basically they thought all these mosques and charities for just one big front cover for terrorism. I mean with such justification for this. This is the order saying in june of 98. 00 were going to seize that assets of an organization and a person and one of the things they seize was the house i lived at so thats whats wanted out here. Syrias neighbor was the 1st american citizen ever designated a terrorist and we were neighbors living downstairs from him at the time. In a middle class suburb of Chicago Living in this house a man the u. S. Government calls a designated global terrorist his name Mohammad Salaam and b c news caught him purine out the window this weekend. That guy peering out the window of his own house. Thats how much. Hes publicly known as the 1st american citizen ever put on the terrorist watch list but i knew him best as im a dad my big hearted upstairs neighbor. Was a trusted man in our community when there was a humanitarian crisis in palestine in the ninetys our mosque sent him to the west bank with thousands of dollars in donations in the Israeli Occupied west bank today 2 american citizens of palestinian descent are being held without charge in any Israeli Military prison while the government here describes the 2 chicagoans as agents for the fundamentalist group hamas they have not been charged with a crime nor have they been allowed to see you know turney when he was arrested by the israelis accused of collecting money for terrorism our community took to the streets to protest his arrest. While in israeli the tension meant to us tortured and forced to sign a confession in hebrew a language he didnt speak. The information collected by israeli agents during interrogation was sent to f. B. I. Agents in chicago and became one of the foundations for the vulgar betrayal investigation so law a naturalized u. S. Citizen was convicted in israel but after 5 years in prison there he was allowed to return to the u. S. Despite protests from the lead f. B. I. Agent on the case who says so law remains a threat he and a number of others should have been arrested should be behind bars should have their citizenship stripped should have been defected from this country here you see the old saw about a shoulder. Yes to it that guilty verdict of being a chair restore going to say it didnt matter that abu ahmed was found not guilty in court it didnt matter that the government eventually removed his name from the terrorist watch list once youre labeled a terrorist that red paint never really comes off. Can you talk to me a little bit about the investigation that you worked on that the very large one the name of the state was called polgar betrayal there was a. Individual who was targeted that mohammad salada he was ultimately convicted of a very very minor offenses and i didnt try to tease that or you up thats right you left there 2000 yeah ok and do you think that this long investigation was justified. If there are had been crimes uncovered ah or crimes prosecuted that would have been justified. If the reason nothing ever came of the investigation because there was indeed nothing they are then i mean its not a matter be justified the f. B. I. Declines cases all the time of your stretch of squads because all the times are just out of evidence. But if youre i think your person would. Want to go deeper in that you are you trying to say you think the investigation you know was as a result of. Islamophobia or prejudice. Susan i do not think that certainly was not my world view certainly certainly is not. And had i ever thought that that was what was happening i would have not been part of it because that is not obviously who i am maybe not so obvious with his new idea of i mean even if its a bigger question here which it is or is are. Islamic for we are in this country of course the murders its really f. B. I. Well i cant see very much. Justice these are documents so i found a 1000 pages of declassified f. B. I. Documents. About an investigation they were doing in chicago in the ninetys called operation while going to try out one of the most interesting documents on june 9th 1008. 00 the assets of blink were 50 percent to warrants based on civil forfeiture complaint filed in the United States court rather than district of 09 so im june 9th 1908 we lived in that house that was seized by the f. B. I. So mama gotta tell your story well let us take shopping Something Like this when we came and we always saw this bunch of woman in men in suits or in the car with you i think yeah i was whats going on like i wasnt aware and i was just so your father was on the b. A and b i there were just 4 seemed dollars Something Like these are part of the breeding i was so what they are doing said the attic people over the. City out of the. Your father told me he said always thought of maybe would be. Without home life without a home in this so we have to think about having the and all the apartment of this and that which is documented in these f. B. I. Documents basically led to us living in this house. The. I want to find out everywhere that our name is on a list and theres a way to do that you can find a privacy waiver and i can submit it to the f. B. I. And tell them anywhere your names exist to release. If. You will think. It was. The real. Dear mr know a this is in response here remember racial progress basement mission or provided we conducted a search of the records system we were unable to identify main file records responsive to the for you know be linear acknowledgment of such records existence or nonexistence wouldnt of itself trigger harm to National Security be please be advised that unusual circumstances applied to the processing of your requests to be heard by is that their records were not in their expected location i could not be located after a reasonable search. Therefore we are closing your custom and strictly. To be exact how many different ways they have sent me rejection letters they dont have things that i know exist that i know where they are. The. Sort 2 days ago. I got a letter from the f. B. I. You know like these letters that weve been getting lately. Dearman spandau a this is in reference here freedom of information act requests on operation of all can be trailed the federal bureau of investigation has located approximately 33120 pages of records. 33120 pages of record. Just the amount of information you have to collect about people to get to 33000 is enormous and knowing like the end result knowing that these 33000 pages of records never resulted in convicting anyone of terrorism. Its shocking just the number i can imagine within the. Theres a Mosque Foundation bridge we have to see it see 1st thing that he was throwing his cigar go yeah wow what a shock and fear already know much enough when we get into the most how does you know talk a mosque your dad was eager to be thought of me when i can he was you know will continue on expecting about it a holistic ph the towel to theres no desire yet like it was a temporary thing yeah. I was having because i was close to the last and you know i have a lot of. Problems. In 1980 when my little brother and the 5th kid in our family was born my father decided that we should move to a bigger house and bridge view. While the new house was being built and my dad was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. And a few months after we moved in he was gone. I remember for weeks after he died my house was full of Family Friends and neighbors cooking and cleaning and keeping my mother company. At my fathers funeral hundreds of people from around chicago came to the mosque the community to make a donation in memory of my father to help pay off the remainder of our mortgage. In less than an hour the community donated more than 200000. 00. We paid off our home and 1000 years later were still here. Its really easy for me to talk about my family in my community but its a lot harder to talk about myself. I feel like i cant even begin to tell you who i am without getting into who i am not. I was 10 years old when i became aware that everyone looks at us like were all a bunch of terrorists. It started with cartoons all the bad guys in the movies had accents like my parents i had to diffuse but i got we kids were constantly bombarded with images of arabs and muslims as radical backwards violence villains. And so i became aware of how others see me and i learned how not to come off to people not a terrorist not an alien not a traitor. Dont talk too loud in arabic at the mall dont argue with your parents in public dont talk with an accent dont fail in school dont ever break the rules dont look an american. I am constantly juggling within me 2 conflicting gaze is how i see myself and how i see myself through the eyes of others through the eyes of the world that can use me. And fear. Hi my name is jerry im just calling back somebody from your office is just give me a call about my foyer across. The processing or. Be. Over 2 years. Can you can you send that to me in a letter because theyll never know. When the covert 19 undemocratic iran. A filmmaker cut the drift from his crew. Documenting life from the. Own goal of international sanctions. And intimate portrayal of isolation in one of the worlds least understood countries coronavirus. Iran people in power. As it breaks the early warning. Prevented many. Struggling to rebuild their lives details coverage finds it so cold in the middle of a deepening cold between china and the United States from around the world by the government close to bankruptcy many say such initiatives will not be enough to deal with what Prime Minister has warned could be a major food crisis. In a 2 part series. 0 observes the lives of 2 children. Over 20 years. Where insights into circumstances that chip lives. In a rapidly changing. 20 years of me starts with blood and land to produce stories on not just your own. Youre. Im convinced at the top stories on aljazeera the World Health Organization says europe is facing an upsurge in coronavirus cases as governments lift restrictions and latin America Brazil remains the worst hit nation its announced almost another 40000 cases and more than 1000. 00 deaths of the past 24 hours brazils president diables an arrow has said that he thinks he had the virus despite earlier testing negative Iraqi Security forces have raided a headquarters belonging to an iran backed Militia Group 10 rockets have been seized and at least 14 members of type hezbollah are detained the u. S. Is accused that group of firing rockets at base is hosting its troops in iraq on 0 samone a full team has more from baghdad. Took place conducted by iraqs Counterterrorism Forces a few hours ago parting one of the bases of a carpet in baghdad and from my sources i understand the objective of the raid was to create a create a rocket attack on Baghdad Airport as well as the green zone and of course this comes after weve seen several such rocket attacks in the course of the past few weeks. A gas storage tank has exploded on the outskirts of tehran videos on twitter showed a bright red light flare on the horizon east of the capital residents reported hearing a loud bang at the ministry of defense is firefighters quickly put out the fire and that there were no casualties france germany and italy have called on forces in libya to stop fighting and the outside parties to end their involvement to get talks back on track earlier turkey said any cease fire would depend on war highly for Hostile Forces withdrawing from 2 key regions certain and ill do for turkey supports the un backed government of National Accord jeanne a recently pushed back often forces from the capital tripoli the u. S. House of representatives has passed a Sweeping Police Reform bill brought by the democrats the legislation would reduce Legal Protections for offices and make it easier to prosecute police and banned chokeholds in theyll be sent to the Republican Controlled Senate or its likely to be rejected. Was the headlines more news here on aljazeera after witness took away. July on aljazeera in a controversial move israel is expected to unacceptable settlements in the occupied west bank how will the world react in a not so sweet a story chocolates heart of darkness expose the continued use of child labor on cocoa plantations president putin will try to stay in power beyond his final term with an attempt at changing russias constitution may have sound will host a special series of interviews get asked to tackling the big issues about time marking the 25th anniversary of the biggest war crime on european soil since world war 2 well witness a ceremony paying respect to the victims at the start then you say genocide. July on aljazeera. The. Department of justice basically confirmed that there are 500 files on individual people in these 33000 documents and that i cant have access to them unless i have people signed privacy waivers i want to join forces to get as many people as possible to sign privacy waivers so we can flood the courts with these waivers and say anywhere that you see such and such persons name we want their file and we want their name and redacted in the documents. So its a conversation. To approach Community Members who are not acts of war not in nests field who dont have a clear understanding of the house itself yeah f. B. I. Surveillance and repression yeah its going to be a hard conversation but then lets not forget that these visits the not stop now they have and they have. Well i was also out of there look i was visiting another prominent person in the community was visiting one organizing one and i would say about 2 months ago they knocked on your door that i thought my familys home yeah and they asked for you by name and they had pictures. And what did they ask you i mean they spoke to my mother but my mother knows what to do because i cant talk to you leave your card to your name because laura because the community believe it or not is ready to come on you know generation your consents who are ready to come out and say stop this terror stop of violations stop the state i mean correct me if im wrong but i dont know i feel like my e. G. Our age generation is stronger than our parents you know i think like weve been ready since they won but now like with sessions the pardon of justice trump in the white house you know what that has an impact on the Community Whether we like it or not and it is living in fear. So its a very sensitive topic but i think it could be done. In this. The lines to mean the f. B. I. Pretty information you know the surveillance numbers you and i need as many people as possible to sign privacy labor so if the f. B. I. Has a file and they will release it. Were going door to door trying to get people to say its for. Basically the f. B. I. Told us they have 500 individual records on people in our community. For the last year one of the biggest. Because the believer has a right to. Firing. Here this. Year yeah i think. I you know it really nervous no dont be nervous so i actually be really straightforward i think if it cant be good theyre just going to kind of say you know what im going to every minute were going to think you know and this is whats happened yeah theyll be nice to meet him and its good for him to kind of think you ok yeah that. Going on this is a less a letter for us it went down to the plaintive. One year ago my client who was a journalist submitted this boy request to the government asking for information which is very much in the public interest. This request was denied by the government one year later we dont have a document in hand. The f. B. I. Currently has Russian Investigation called me i dont think that our headline news. Headlines doesnt cut it for me as being more important than a request from a citizen for documents. Today my real interest is having the government compelled to a schedule to produce documents. Standard. 500 pages proffer phenomena. I dont think 500 pages promote thats going to be acceptable in this case for a 4 year requests thats been pending since september of last year absent something telling me i cannot do it im going to order processing at a faster rate than has occurred i dont think we need to discuss this more than have you back next week. Well google had detected government backed attackers trying to steal your password. I clicked on the learn more miss pop thought. Thats really frightening. Says all of it is hard suddenly becomes hard to communicate its interesting once youre under investigation its not that youre you stop talking to people because youre dont trust somebody because youre afraid that any. Medium of communication is being watched and so nothing is security on and so you keep to yourself i mean the idea that like you become alienated you cant talk to people about that is going on you cant get the help that you need because youre afraid. So one thing i did that was proactive other than freaking out why is i emailed Community Freedom of the press foundation hard when i took screenshots of all those things i was like. As this is legit because the u. R. L. Looks legit is it legit and if it is like what should i do and she responded this morning and she sent google has methods of detecting this type of attacks on peoples accounts and for some reason a lot of lives have been going out to people this past week. So i am going to my mothers house sleep over for the night. And. Then having to find a way to hide all my shit when a very leave the house because im afraid that someone might break into the house where it is watching me and still my heart drives well so every time i leave the house now how the stuff. We never. Hear back. Here because i. Wait. It out. Yes you get the house and repeat. No no thats your piece of grease. And she cannot see. What are you hearing about what happened down there that it was a b. S. Thing though. And i see to believe have 3 hosts who by a. Minute well have a terrific. Caboodle how they should and listen to him got this in the can and you can live warrants who are in town judgement so listen to me got a result from these now cindy ive said and do this and that its there its in charge who can set up the were not people we can fool you to who really buttes and everybody is in power we have how many times at the near the hound us of the rebellion banks i have been no doubt many 3 terms who needs a hand if they havent had a job to sell out the next day in the process and this was not a bank robbery that was a drill i dont want to hear the real thing you all play our legal clip because you. Suck up to us ya. Know i did not go ahead in the bucket in this need bob anything to get the company. Between. Why i thought. What happened when we shifted why have we got a new minimum safety chain to mean you dont ask him who are you what. Room on what i just took a picture im sending it to your whatsapp look at it look at it and tell me if that 10 i mean this picture is about maybe 12 years old. Only to be honest so i was saying to you now you robber right the f. B. I. Agent who started vulgar b. Trail really you. Read. About the stuff like wow i conquered you know like. Im all in that area. Im like im not sure. How i found it and yeah how did you i was curious how you found a spot on the street like wow. Thats it im honest i want to go on my. I thought i knew. Not just. Now on that street. I might like to know what i was like looking around like. I see this cause an obstacle or a tone that area wow. Yeah. Yeah i usually record all of my phone calls but if you opt out of that i dont have to do that. I dont want. Im ok ok i cannot record you. Can you move it back a little. Though. Its pretty good though we could see the whole walkway would see the cars yeah but the front door a little more of the front door we want to be able to see more about and the more of the front door it will just be the back a little more thats perfect we have nothing to do how i know youre a nanny what if your job and if i dont you know says my mother she called into my god you know she said you know i dont know which canyon jenny you know you are in if she did that when i called him did i scare her mom could that again or are you trying to yes i did say oh yeah is it your god why do you think yeah and he laughed yeah she took him out of your phone calls i was trying very hard to sound very cool calm and collected on the phone yeah and not scared but i was really shocked because i was super shook i was really i know i have no reason to be afraid but i was really afraid like why is he coming he knows where we live he knows who my mom is you know his or her face is he was he had been at such and the neighborhood that oh yeah my old Stomping Ground but then i think me so matter of fantasy and i was just stick of he was whats the purpose. Why hes here and slow havent answered any of them. Before the court is played to its motion the compelling expedited process in her request for an f. B. I. Records concerning the antiterrorism operation older material. Plaintive is informing the public of the f. B. I. As a legend profiling and surveillance of communities based on race religion and the city in particular the Arab American Community and bridgie of. Significant questions about privacy rights are implicated by the plaintiffs project. The court finds that the anticipated 5 year timeline for production is patently under reasonable and plaintive is entitled to expedited processing. The court orders the defendants to review 3500. 00 pages per month and give priority to the subfiles of individuals who plaintiffs provides privacy waivers. Im very happy. If our happy. For the 1st batch. It looks like in terms of redacting like they redacted as much as heavy handed getting and they are so silly neal its difficult but we think i think well be able to glean something out of. The. May. Be the this paper here says in 1989 the f. B. I. Field office in indianapolis opened an investigation in the sun trust and then closed it between this is really interesting i had no idea that there was an investigation on the same topic before polgar betrayal. And then questions and answers what were the tactics used and both of which are. Informants calling informants in the community sending f. B. I. Agents to peoples houses and places of work use of the british house or history of the i heard news came on it or phone calls and they monitored who youre sending it to. Chicago f. B. I. Field office said its our requests to like 20 some other half. I field offices asking them to get information on this person get information on this organization heres one from louisiana who like we cant find anything in the future that doesnt believe there is suppression evidence of a server should they get one from that or notice. In the future springfield requests that chicago articulate the reasonable belief that each person is engaged in criminal activity in support of International Terrorism were the things that they found the suspicious about us are actually the things that are most important characteristics of our community were very philanthropic and connected to each other. Really always sought the paranoia is in a fact of the investigative tactics that they used the way the to the investigation caused us to be paranoid but what if what if some of these things are reversed its not that this is the cause and thats the effect what if this was the purpose based on historically how the f. B. I. Has dealt with communities of color its not a stretch of the imagination to say that there are surveillance methods created paranoia but in fact they want to create paranoia within the Muslim Community shake the cage rattle the cage and see what comes out. And they thought there were terrorists there so that if they put enough heat and pressure on us they would come out the woodwork and they would catch them on a phone call or whatever when they did the what when you rattle the cage in our back and the criminals calling out what does that do to the people in the case you know. Everybody in this room knows exactly what were talking about when were talking about the increase in surveillance in the community increase in this presumption that the community is something of a threat that started from operation bulger trail in the ninetys and that inform not just methods of investigation but also legislation that was in acted post 911 checks and balances starts with people that minds are the courts and congress that check is that people as long as were here in the hiring and they say talking about it somehow makes us more of a target it is actually plays in city entire secrecy in the whole game as long as people are free to talk and there is no check against sr and we cannot be asleep any longer this is our country i want to raise my voice to be proud of who they are as arab as muslims as palestinians and as americans. Whether youre a citizen born here or a citizen of naturalized or an immigrant dont feel that your list of whos who this isnt a white man. Definitely understand the fears that our immigrant Community Uses come to this country with you know we want to invite them in to have a cup of tea or coffee and prove to them that were Great American citizens and i just want to say no sharper f. B. I. Its very simple do not buy from us thank you. A 20 minute drive from my moms house is the only pen optic con prison ever built in the us. The pan up to gone is designed to ensure that the prisoner is seen without ever seeing. And that the guards see everything without ever being seen. The prisoners feel like they are under such constant surveillance that they change their own behavior. Their paranoia becomes as effective a tool of control as actual surveillance they become silent docile alienated. I still dont know for a fact whether the f. B. I. Has ever stopped watching us and perhaps theres nothing that i can do about being watched maybe the only thing i can do is make sure that the government is not invisible that the systems of power are kept in check. Its in the act of looking back and talking out loud that weve become less an alienated less petrified by our paranoia. Perhaps the only way to disrupt surveillance is to make sure that those who do the watching are also being watched. Were. Waiting. Were. Hours later i get my group of young male rap days of the day. When an elite White Fraternity build a house next Door Community spirit is tested to its limits. We were exactly welcomed with open arms into the neighborhood hard to just bury the history of hate old south a witness documentary on aljazeera. Hello weve got some lively storms in the forecast across north america or over the next couple of days lots of clouds showing up on the satellite picture all in off the mountain states for the Northern Plains central parts of canada to seeing some very disturbed weather spilling out of manitoba easing over towards the sketch one as we go on through the next couple days and eventually well see that wet weather pushing across a good part of ontario so the midwest seeing some lively showers possibility of some thunder reactivity maybe the odd tornado as well big showers life the storms here down towards the south as well just around texas and arkansas for a time the west the weather will be up toward the northeastern corner pushing over towards new york state into were new england live the showers possibly some localized flooding coming in behind across the upper midwest some showers too just around that western side of canada when a step towards the south is drifting in from the gulf of mexico a southerly wind that will pull the sahara dust that weve been speaking about for the past few days out of the caribbean im pleased to say this is the same in havana in cuba and in date in the trade that weve had some very gray skies this is dust this isnt right and we have got showers in the forecast over the next couple of days that will clear the air. West papuan indonesia is home to just lodges from. The local tribes accuse Big Companies of land grabs florida and human rights abuses one o one he still best to go on aljazeera. U. S. Officials estimate 20000000 americans have been infected with corona virus 10 times higher than the confirmed cases. As an upsurge in europes infections cause its relaxed restrictions into question. Alone can but al this is al jazeera live from talk also coming up. Iraqi Security Forces raid a headquarters of an iran backed Militia Group. This bill hears the cry of those who have never been a nerd

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