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The u. S. Policing. Dozens of for him to refugees finally make it ashore in indonesia after a rescue Mission Launched by local fishermen. Thanks for joining us we begin in the United States thats where a texas has halted the phased easing of virus restrictions following a sharp rise in infections a record one day rising cases was reported right across the country on wednesday almost 37000 cases were confirmed thats the highest number since the start of the pandemic cases have been on a downward trajectory since late april but theyve roared back in recent weeks after restrictions were. The resurgence is concentrated largely in the south and west more than 2300000 americans have been infected and about 122000 have died. Well florida is one of the states experiencing a significant increase in cases after easing locked on restrictions where the 100000 and factions have been reported at the states governor is defending his reopening strategy and gallagher reports from miami. Some call this a reckless reopening others a much needed reboot of the economy floridas now shouted its own record with over 5000 new code 1000 cases reported in a single day state Officials Say increased testing is partly responsible for the alarming surge in a state where over 3000 people have lost their lives since reopening floridas seen younger people infected increased hospital admissions and less social distancing all of which doctors say shows a dangerous trend its truly an increase in the percent of people who are becoming infected with this virus and that serious and it will infect anybody any age any belief system any political. Viewpoint whatever the virus doesnt care about any of that it simply wants to get a one. Republican governor on dissenters has issued orders on social distancing and reducing occupancy at newly opened businesses but has refused to mandate the use of masks think we just got to trust people that you know given the opportunity to do to do the good things i take it make good decisions i think that that tends to work better then to mandate this mandate that here in Miami Dade County officials are taking a different approach now requiring masks to be worn in public at all times they say those rules are 0 tolerance the message here then is one of enforcement and not guidance although theres no talk of a 2nd shutdown other critics accuse the governor of manipulating data to make the case for reopening floridas economy one former employer. Now built her own coronavirus website after being fired by the Florida Department of health she says she was no longer willing to massage the data the state says she didnt listen to his superiors i dont need to be the person who manually gone in and change data to say hey this is the most trusted resource for information in this state and it says that its because it did. So now i do it again Officials Say younger people getting the virus means shorter hospital stays but in a state with a large Elderly Population florida is facing a potentially deadly resurgence of the corona virus and a gallacher aljazeera Miami Florida lets bring in alan fresh for his joining us from just outside the white house and the u. S. President alimentation that the reason cases are going up in parts of the u. S. Is because of increased testing. And hes tweeted that again just in the last couple of hours as he makes his way to wisconsin a place there is also seeing a surge in cases many people making the analogy that if you dont test for pregnancy then the number of pregnancies will fall thats how they think that Donald Trumps mind works that so theyre trying to say that its a ridiculous argument to make you remember that donald trump said that he ordered his staff to start slowing down on testing because they were getting too many cases the white house then said it was a joke that wasnt the case donald trump said he never jokes and then we had from the Administration Just on whedons day that they were going to essentially do away with federal testing in many areas no that has provoked a backlash particularly from the 2 senators down in texas who as you rightly point out are seeing a huge surge in the number of cases they say that perhaps the Administration Needs to rethink that at the moment donald trump hasnt made any comment on that but its the sort of thing he tends to back away from when he realizes theres a backlash that might actually impact republicans and so that may well be rethought laddie kudlow whos a Senior Adviser to the president particularly on the economy said just 24 hours ago there isnt going to be another shutdown but if you look at the states texas case is up california cases up arizona cases up new york the cases are down and thats why the governor there said that red states republican states had gambled with reopening the states too soon i know they were paying the price and allen now report from the governments own centers for Disease Control and prevention thats the c. D. C. Of course and says the number of americans infected may actually be much higher what are they basing that on. Well theyve been saying this for a little while but the putting more flesh on the bones theyre saying that theyre suggesting that a number of states are reporting possible cases and that means the undercoating could be somewhere in the region of 10 times less so were looking at about 2000000. 00 cases in the United States at the moment theyre saying there could be 20000000. 00 and they see 28. 00 states are doing this under code 26 of them have seen a surge in cases just in the last 48 hours or so the states that they talk about california texas florida and again new york but these see this means that the virus is around in the community and were seeing here just in washington d. C. In maryland and virginia the 2 states that are closest to the district that theyre talking about easing restrictions suddenly a number of states are looking again at that situation because they dont want to look like texas or florida where they push the opening to restart the economy and then suddenly find they have to start rolling things back because of another surge in cases a 2nd wave if you will all right alan fischer reporting from outside the white house allan thank you. Well speaking of a surge in cases india has seen a Record Number of new virus infections for a 2nd consecutive day with almost 17000 reported in just the last 24 hours the country now has over 473000 cases and almost 15000 people have died after contracting the disease the capital new delhi is causing a major concern and our fortys will carry out a home screening over the next 2 weeks the government predicts cases in the capital could expand to more than half a 1000000 by late july europe has seen an increase in weekly virus cases for the 1st time in months the World Health Organization says several countries are experiencing accelerated transmission of the virus which could have dire consequences. Last week europe saw him pretty weakly cases for the 1st time in months for 2 weeks i have spoken about it its over the surgeons as could grease it just measures in civil could push across europe these risks has no become a reality france and germany have announced increased funding for the w. H. O. In its fight against the coronavirus berlin has committed a record 560000000. 00 in donations and france will give additional funding for Research Center in new young boss month the us president said he was cutting ties with the agency because it was quote to china centric the World Health Organizations chief says its getting the financial and Political Support it needs or germanys lufthansa the 2nd Largest Airline in europe has secured a 10000000000 dollar government rescue package the airline had been on the verge of bankruptcy because of a drop in passenger demands caused by the coronavirus pandemic airlines shareholders voted to back the deal so itll mean the government takes a 20 percent stake as dominic cain reports from berlin Board Members of tons say that they d have been hemorrhaging a 1000000 euros an hour during the worst moments of the pandemic that has afflicted the world from their perspective this bailout is the thing that will keep them from bankruptcy they needed to persuade their shareholders that this was the way forward that the government plan was the way forward the government which will be taking a 20 percent stake in the shares of the Company Investing almost 10000000000. 00 to do that so its no surprise therefore that the news that 98 percent of the shareholders had endorsed this plan for the government to take that stake was greeted by the man behind it the finance minister social democrat all of shots. Does his per kid to the rescue package it takes a legitimate interest to text that is because that is very important to me this investment must not be to the detriment of the Public Service the government insists it will prevent a hostile takeover of love. And will send 2 people to the seats of the supervisory board. That has also pledged to renew its fleet to make it more efficient and environmentally friendly. The other hurdle they still have to get past was the e. U. Itself would this infringe impinge upon the state aid rules that apply across the or the institution across the continent the e. U. The European Commission has said no it does not which means on the face of it this deal can go forward but other airlines have expressed real issues about some of the elements associated with this deal saying they will try to prevent it but for now at least in germany there is a sigh of relief from ministers and perhaps from love tons but theyve been able to stave off the immediate threat of bankruptcy. The coronavirus pandemic continues to hit the Airline Industry hard so 40 Major Airlines including emirates and british budget flyer easyjet have temporarily grounded their entire fleets some borders have reopened recently but the number of people passing through airports has fallen 92 percent the International Air transport association believes airlines this year will lose 84000000000. 00 australias Largest Airline is laying off thousands of staff as it tries to survive the pandemic they call the gauge has more. But now qantas is meant to be celebrating its 100th anniversary instead its dealing with the biggest crisis in its history this truly International Airline has fired 6000 staff and another 15000 workers will stay on leave for months this crisis is still. Very very hard and the impact will be felt for a long time particularly im sorry to say the impact on our people with borders closed in flights grounded quanta says the ongoing collapsing global air travel left it no choice but to cut 20 percent of its workforce its a huge setback for the Aviation Industry 100. 00 planes will be grounded for at least a year with a stroller as International Borders predicted to remain closed for tourists potentially into next year to be not english this next Financial Year july next year we may start seeing some international services. On against a 50 Percent Union groups have strongly criticized the cuts quantas officials hope to save 10000000000. 00 over 3 years is a lot of my dramatic restructuring in china. Because its i see alliance or edge of enough to see the opportunities that it will bring that will survive and flourish into the future the losses come after his trial his 2nd Largest Airline virgin was placed into whats called voluntary administration in april after it failed to repay billions in d. H. And is happening while unemployment levels are rising because of the pandemic qantass decision is a signal that the pain from this Global Health crisis wont be over any time soon nicola gage aljazeera camera. Still to come on aljazeera sudan i ask the u. N. To help get a few kept back to the negotiating table before it presses ahead with its ground renaissance dam project russians begin voting in a referendum that promises major reforms but could it keep president putin in power until 2036 details in a moment. However still have plenty of heat across much of europe are signs of that heat wave breaking as we go through the next couple days thundery down polls i will roll through as you go through the next day or so and that will help those temperatures to not baghdads been uncomfortably warm and also humid of course were hanging on to the showers across the eastern parts of you some of the very heavy as well Czech Republic slovenia pushing up into parts of poland as we go on through friday aside to that say wetter weather the thundershowers which will gradually make their way across the western powers as we go on through friday france also seeing some heavy downpours too that will make its way further race was the low countries seeing some very heavy showers possibility some localized flooding here say there we go with the thundery downpours temperatures paid back to around 21 celsius in london for sas they are still warm humid and thundery over tools eastern past but 30 celsius to redraw the into ukraine and down across southern passes lots of sunshine pretty much everywhere lots of sunshine to across northern parts of africa we have got the usual showers just stay around the heart of africa rolling off the ethiopian harbors big downpours for a time into southern parts of nigeria maybe into a cameroon as well and those showers drift all the way across much of the west. But. If you are in beijing looking out the Pacific Ocean youd see American Warships when mess was that somehow time is aiming to replace america and around the world all the chinese are not that stupid these guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like a preparation for our 1st president George Washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china talk to on a jersey. Hello again the top stories on aljazeera texas has halted the phased easing of coronavirus restrictions following a sharp rise in infections a record one day rise in cases was reported across the country on wednesday with almost 37000 cases confirmed International Airlines continue to be hit hard by the pandemic germanys live tons of a signed a deal to secure a 10000000000. 00 government rescue package while australias qantas is laying off 6000. 00 employees. Pakistan International Airlines has grounded a 3rd if its pilots 150. 00 people that is after an investigation found they cheated to get their licenses the inquiry found that off the 860. 00 pilots in the country 2 162. 00 had other people set their exams for them and another 82. 00 were either under qualified or forged their sorts effect its the people who cheated were discovered after an investigation into a plane crash in may that killed 97 people the crash was caused by human error come on haidar has more from as im about speech well you get good. Day of the National Airline week 11 the pride of the country you came many other day. Of a road with a. Political endeavor in some big indeed has plagued the organization i just did radiate he will drop a job for coming in for a landing in game or 10 overjoyed run ok we did were discovered the pilot had a few beers regain share the same thing happened recently in dire straits that you mentioned and so did a really big get it given preventive measures that really need to be going on in the media would be just to ensure their Flight Safety and all the regulation for your and up close this in flight even though it will be it will be important to be ready the government does something or not because even in the box theyve been several inquiry the no action had been taken so all eyes now on the government to see where did a really great 50 each. The un back governments in libya has launched a new offensive against warlords have tied despite egypts president warning that he would send in his own military if the attack went through a ground advance accompanied by turkish airstrikes has been reported around the air base the airfield captured by hostages forces and 2017 is believed to host strategic russian made Defense Systems the u. S. House of representatives is debating a Sweeping Police Reform bill brought by the democrats the legislation would really reduce Legal Protections for officers and would make it easier to prosecute police it will also bound chokeholds and change the criteria for using lethal force on wednesday a republican bill and Police Reform was rejected democrats say didnt go far enough it follows nationwide protests calling for change after the death of george floyd last month. Exactly one month ago george floyd spoke his final words i cant breathe and change the course of history since then here if it day americans from every walk of life and corner of the country have been marching protesting and demanding that this moment of National Agony become one of National Action today with the georgia floyd just just in policing act the house is honoring his life and the lives of all killed by Police Brutality and pledging never again have a town seize on capitol hill with this update. It is expected to pass quite shortly now we would think but then its expected thats thats where it will end because the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has already said its a nonstarter its not going to be brought up for a debate or will vote in the senate they prefer the their own republican bill which wasnt really about mandating change but encouraging change in Police Forces and that was seen deemed unacceptable by both democrats and various civil Rights Groups so we have a stalemate in congress very unlikely unless theres an almost Public Opinion on the ground sort of public pressure to reintroduce some sort of measures in congress it seems very unlikely to be will move in the coming months before the election and to be almost anyway we were expecting change and reform to be occurring more to a state level of a municipal level and were already seeing that with chokeholds being banned in california and new york and some cities now diverting money that would have gone to the police force to do other measures to social services to deescalate tree measures so were all seeing change were just not likely to see it on the federal level it would seem the 2nd largest Ebola Outbreak on record is over after nearly 2 years and more than 2000 deaths the epidemic broke out in the eastern democratic republic of congo and 20 efforts to tackle the virus were hampered by rebel groups operating near the ugandan border so don has written to the Un Security Council about its concerns surrounding ethiopia filling a reservoir on the blue nile the ground renaissance dam has created tension between the countries with egypt which has the dam will impact on its own water supply have a morgan has more from hard to. Sudans ministry of irrigation and Water Resources sent a letter of the to do Un Security Council saying that the grant if you open renaissance dam reservoir should not be filled without a deal now this is not the 1st letter that sudan is sending to the Un Security Council it sent one in early june but a lot has happened since the 1st letter and the sending of the 2nd letter and many things yet still remain the same now lets look at the things that have moved since the 1st letter sudans Prime Minister abdullah has managed to bring the ministers of irrigation and Water Resources from the 3 countries so dan if youve been egypt to the negotiating table virtually to try to break the deadlock that has that was going on between the 3 countries but weve also seen if you and egypt sending letters to the u. N. Security council for is being if egypt saying that it doesnt want to feel free to fill the dam and the 2nd front if youre saying that it is feeling unfortunate that egypt feels the need to involve the Security Council but it will go ahead and fill the dam in july and now these are not the 1st round of talks between the 3 sides that has led to no deal there were several rounds of talks that were held here in the sudanese capital what assume all failing to produce results and eventually moving on to. The u. S. In early january and february also not producing any results now sudan has stated that it is concerned about the safety of the ground if you can run as on stem and the impact it would have on downstream countries the 1st being so down of course specifically. In Blue Nile State in the southern of southern eastern parts of the country nearly 100. 00 Rohingya Refugees including 30 children have been rescued by fishermen off the indonesian coast it was initially unclear if the group would be allowed to disobey ark locals took matters into their own hands and help the survivors to safety just a washington reports from jakarta. After enduring so much fear finally some kind of facing an uncertain future about whether or not they would be allowed to enter into the asia local people in this community carried the ring of refugees from this boat and into safety. The group had spent weeks possibly months at sea old and young all crammed together and sharing the same trauma local fisherman found them earlier this week in a sinking boat in the waters around the province of. The fisherman had tried to transport the group but their engine failed so they sent others to tow them to shore. As they approached the shore on wednesday it was already dark some thora hes had even considered moving back to see if it was a bit of what planning to fix the boat and will then give them all the just didnt will push them away from intonation territory guarded by the navy the local community and human Rights Groups disagree. Under international law. And risk people at risk of serious harm and refusing to risk. Traumatize. Dangerous waters are going to meet international for years risking their refugees have tried to reach indonesia and malaysia by boat fleeing atrocities in me among the into the asian governments says its policy has always been to work with other countries in the region to stop what it calls unsafe journeys and facilitate the voluntary repatriation offering of refugees the Indonesian Foreign minister says the government will take steps to stop both journeys like these. And theres an italian consideration if these. Matches. And this time we will conquer. In that region. Various make enemies of our. Natures as well as to then. To see journey. Trunk a country of. Just what that Emergency Assistance from the government entails is unclear but the community in a is already showing its compassion and willingness to help jessica washington aljazeera jakarta. Or russians are heading to the polls on a weeklong vote thats expected to pave the way for president Vladimir Putin to remain in charge until 2036 the referendum will be the nations biggest constitutional overhaul since the end of the soviet union and there are reports employees of the state are being pressured to votes in favor charlie until the reports during the day in a day for a russian state funded institution but have free time is now spent protesting against the states latest attempt to preserve putins power for another 2 terms with opposition demonstrations banned stickers the only way to voice her anger at being told by her employers exactly where and when to vote. I think it wasnt our managements initiative they received the orders from above and it must have been done to make sure people dont participate in exit polls and there are no election observers to make sure no one could observe the voting and to make it more difficult on cover regularities she is up against a vost machine the kremlin launched a widespread Advertising Campaign appealing to pensioners parents and patriots the 200. 00 amendments to the constitution include promises on Pensions Health care and the minimum wage as well as allowing the current president to seek reelection after his final term ends in 2024 and guaranteeing immunity to former president s but a yes or no vote on the entire package is the only option available. Was part of the working Group Brought together by president putin to draft the proposed reforms if you east of the lizard meat that the current president has already been elected to the highest state post several times there is no reset the wrist just a special provision in the text of the constitution that allows the current president to run for the next president ial election this provision largely guarantees that the states policy will not be radically changed after 2024 but the vote is largely symbolic the changes have already been passed by russias Parliament Still critics say putin wants the people to give his plan the veneer of a ditch in the sea put in wants to be supported by people as a dictator this is typical situation for any kind of different dictatorships such a direct direct line direct connection between the autocrat and the people simply personal so social logical paul. There are fears the nationwide vote could increase the spread of coronavirus in a country that is still recording over 7000. 00 new infections a day a ban on Public Events led to the arrest of hundreds of protesters even one person with a placard is considered a contravention but the ban does not apply to any event organized by the kremlin that the need for urgency on this vote is unclear charlie and. A joint bid from australia and new zealand has won the right to host the 2023 womens football world cup they be colombian a vote held by the sports governing body fifa it was a tense scene as australian players and officials waited for the announcement it will be the 1st time the tournaments wasnt hosur in the Southern Hemisphere and there will be 12 host cities with 7 in australia and 5 in new zealand. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera u. S. State of texas as whole to phased easing of virus restrictions following a sharp rise in infections a record one day rise in cases was reported across the country on wednesday almost 37000 cases were confirmed thats the highest number since the start of the pandemic more than 2300000 americans have been infected in about 122000 have died india has also seen a Record Number of new virus infections for a 2nd consecutive day with almost 17000 reported cases in the last 24 hours new delhi is a major concern the government predicts there could be more than half a 1000000 infections in the capital by late july and theres renewed concern in europe because of an increase in infection numbers last week. In peace weekly cases for the 1st time in months. For weeks i have spoken over the surgeons its good grease it just measures incivil could be because you took these risks has no become reality International Airlines continue to be hit hard by the pandemic germanys lufthansa has signed a deal to secure a 10000000000. 00 government rescue package their line had been on the brink of collapse because of a drop off in passenger demands and australias qantas is laying off 6000. 00 employees with another 15000 workers on and forced to leave for months. On International Airlines has grounded a 3rd of its pilots after an investigation found they cheated to get their licenses the inquiry found the 262. 00 pilots had other people sit their exams for them another 82 were either under qualified or forge their certificates and the 2nd largest Ebola Outbreak on record is over after nearly 2 years and more than 2000 deaths the epidemic broke out in the eastern democratic republic of congo in 2018 efforts to tackle the virus were hampered by rebel groups operating near the ugandan border the deadliest ebola epidemic in west africa killed 11300 people between 20132016 those are the headlines the stream is up next looking at how indias carola state is battling the virus. Anthony ok youre watching history now the Global Pandemic was announced at the end of january and since then the stream has done a number of shows most of them about challenges and missteps but not today todays a celebrates free story about the sullen state of carolina in india and we have to thank for that in a cool venue they told us in an Instagram Live session about the story here. So this is one topic sort of not in kilometers

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