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And head back to their villages. We begin with new developments in the global Aviation Industrys efforts to survive curing the pandemic more than 40 Major Airlines have been forced to ground their entire fleet many have suspended over 90 percent of their flights australias Largest Airline quantas has today announced 6000. 00 jobs are to be cut in a bid to lower costs as it fights to stay in operation across in the us air travel is still down more than 92 percent as compared to this time last year even though some flights have resumed since april germanys love turn sir the 2nd biggest in europe has signed a deal to secure a 10000000000. 00 government rescue package dominic cain has more now from berlin. Remember that this deal needs still to be approved by the shareholders of loved ones and the devils in the detail that because in order for the shareholders to approve this deal they have in effect to accept the dilution of the power of the shares that they own and that has proved to be a Sticking Point for some quarters amongst the shall hold is from the German Government perspective yet theyll be acquiring 20 percent of the stock of tons of the shares that is and the economy minister a key ally of Angela Merkel to the page from the Christian Democratic Union said this is the best deal because it will safeguard 100000 jobs clearly has been very badly affected during the pandemic but as i say this is got to get the approval of the shareholders theyve been in a digital a Virtual Meeting there for several hours were expecting the federal finance minister of the social democrats to make some sort of statement after we know the outcome of the result of the shareholders vote the other hurdle of this deal has happened to get over today has been approval by the European Commission by the e. U. Institutions because in the government acquiring such a large stake of lufthansa the state aid rules which apply across the European Union have to be a hit to the European Commission has said well this deal does it here but of course as i say the big caffie at here is will the shareholders indorse this deal. Well as we mentioned australias Largest Airlines quantas is laying off thousands of staff as a try to survive the Global Pandemic the airline says it doesnt expect the nations borders to open up at least for tourists for the coming year is nicolas cage. Right now qantas is meant to be celebrating its 100th anniversary instead its dealing with the biggest cross in its history the Australian National airline has fired 6000 staff and another 15000 workers will stay on leave the moments this crisis are still here was very very hard and the impact will be felt for a long time particularly im sorry to say the impact on our people. With borders closed and flights grounded quantas says the ongoing collapsing global air travel left it no choice but to cut 20 percent of its workforce its a huge setback for the Aviation Industry 100. 00 planes will be grounded for at least a year with a stroller as International Borders predicted to remain closed for tourists potentially into next year to be not english this next Financial Year july next year we may start seeing some International Services and that will on against a 50 Percent Union groups have strongly criticized the cuts quantas officials hope to save 10000000000. 00 over 3 years a lot of my dramatic restructuring and change the culture because its i see a lot better job enough to see the opportunities that this will bring that will survive and flourish into the future the losses come after his trial his 2nd Largest Airline virgin was placed into whats called voluntary administration in april after it failed to repay billions in d. H. And is happening while unemployment levels are rising because of the pandemic qantass decision is a signal that the pain from this Global Health crisis wont be over any time soon nicola gage aljazeera camera david lee amount is a consulting editor at Flight Global he says Airline Bosses have to make tough decisions we are in a situation that the industry has never faced before its a medical emergency and airlines dont expect to have to deal with things like this. They do know that they have. A domestic market and Australian Domestic flying market which probably will recover and is already beginning to recover now of course australias population is only about 25000000. 00 so its not as big as the usa where the domestic market is already recovering quite well australia doesnt think its going to open its borders d nonessential travel is for a year and that cuts now the whole point is International Division and incidentally it looks as if theyre opening up or very very soon will open up Australia New Zealand services so that you know thats something. Lines like wants us to do but no the main factor here is the artificial closure of the borders for for you know medical reasons too to stop the spread of co bit the measure under which is being assisted is a temporary measure which is surely kovi age related its not a measure which would be a you would normally have allowed pakistan interNational Airlines has grounded one 3rd of their pilots 150. 00 people after an investigation found the cittie to get their licenses the inquiry found that out of a total of 860. 00 pilots in the country 262. 00 had someone else sit their exams and another 82. 00 were either under qualified or forge their certificate the people who cheated were discovered after an investigation into a plane crash in may which killed 97 people that crash was caused by human error come on hyder reports now from islamabad. While you. Are reading gate of the National Airline league 11 of the pride of the country did gain many. Were overly. Political and in conflict in the league the organization i just radiate the. Dropping job was coming in for a nanny game or overjoyed to run out there we did were discovered dead the pilot had you regain share the same thing happening in dire straits did you mention and so do will be given preventive measure and dont really need to be in when you need your p. C. To ensure their safety and all the regulations for your and of god this is where you really go it really important to be ready to come in does something or not because even in the bar theyve been really worried and no action and been big in your life now and the government to see where did they will face this. 3 Police Officers in pakistan have been fired after footage circulated showing them torturing a man theres been widespread outrage over a video showing them stripping torture to kala who criticize them because parked on the wall province government has also fired a local police chief thousands of people rather than pasha to condemn the incident and call for those involved to be prosecuted. India has seen a Record Number of new corona virus infections again with almost 17000 reported infections in the past 24 hours. Nearly a half a 1000000 cases and almost 15000. 00 people have died the government is planning to test people at home in worst affected areas in delhi over the next 5 days so don has written to the United Nations Security Council about his concerns surrounding ethiopia filling a reservoir on the blue nile before an agreement has been made him morgan is in khartoum. For that has sent a letter to the u. N. Security council over a mind saying that it does not accept if youd be unilaterally filling the grant is a pattern of them reservoir without reaching a deal now this is not the 1st letter the 1st letter was sent this month due to the same issue because there was no deal between c. F. C. s sudan and egypt but a lot has happened since that 1st letter was sent and this letter weve seen ministers from the 3 countries meeting virtually to try to iron out their differences weve seen them trying to make a deal so that if you if you start filling in stamp with a deal in which all 3 sides say is necessary but weve also seen things go back to where they were when when the talks started that is no deal between the 3 sides and if youre saying it will fill a stamp and early july so sudan has repeatedly stated that its going to try to bring the 3 sides its taken the file from the from the hands of the ministers of the 3 countries to the Prime Ministers of the 3 countries to try to resolve the outstanding issues now they say all the technical issues have been resolved issues such as how long it should take to fill the dam how much water should be released but what is left is the legal issues and that is the crucial part because if the legal issues are not sorted there is no binding agreement so anything that they have agreed including the technical issues is not binding if it doesnt have to commit to it and that is a concern that is coming from for then in egypt and so that has also stated that its concerned about the safety of the researchers them thats in Blue Nile State the 1st dam that is in the sudanese territory on the blue nile and its about 100 kilometers away from the ground if youve been renaissance dance a lot of concerns about what will happen to that dam. The president of lebanon is warning there is an atmosphere of civil war in the country shallow was addressing a National Dialogue on the long going economic crisis for the opposition boy cause at that meeting people in lebanon back on the streets as of wednesday night they say they are fed up with rising unemployment widespread poverty and sectarian tensions lebanons economy has lost more than 70 percent of its value since october of the curve in 1000 measures a worsening the situation is in a holder reports from beirut president called for the socalled National Gathering he invited former Prime Ministers former president s the heads of the different Political Parties and he wanted really to reduce the sectarian and political tensions as well as and the political impasse but the opposition boycotted the session you talk to anybody in the opposition and theyll say we do not want to give legitimacy or credibility to the Ruling Alliance we do not want to be responsible for any decisions they take so really there is the political impasse but at the same time there is this on the streets people on the streets do not want the Ruling Alliance and they dont want the opposition either because both these groups governed lebannon for decades and they run the economy into the ground theyre blaming them for corruption or waste in the Public Sector and that is why the economy is so dire and this protest that particular is about the detention of activists there accusing the authorities of silencing dissent of because since friday theyve taken in the authorities have taken in at least 25. 00 activists for questioning simply for posting on social media a criticism against an official. Still to come here on aljazeera consolidating his power russians take part in a referendum that could see president putin stay in office for another 10 years. Sacrificing the environment in order to recover senegals fishing industry because the cost of an economic slowdown. We have flood warnings in force apart says central southern and eastern china at the moment the my by from the se still rains continuing to bring some heavy downpours across many parts of china to go on through the next couple of days out west the weather will slide across into japan raining outside for the mountains dry brights the skies there for tokyo humid 30 degrees celsius on friday from about cloud right back into Central China and yeah im afraid you will still see some pulses of heavy rain from time to time that peps up a little more as we go through saturday not just a little further north which pushes right back into southern parts of q shoe pushing across a good part accused 3 saturday chances for showers there into honshu and certainly some showers there looking likely into whole qaida pretty showers meanwhile across Southeast Asia wetter than it should be into indonesia over towards popping new guinea because some live downpours coming in here over the next couple days you see those yellow shadings on at shiloh thats where you can see the heaviest the liveliest of those a thunderous showers smain while Thunder Showers continue across a good part of india with the monsoon rains wettest weather up towards the fall northeast actually and we could see as much as 200 millimeters of right by saturday. From london is one of the most important cities in the world. Decisions made here have an impact right around the globe and so here at aljazeera we will show you the true impact of those decisions on people then how it affects their everyday that. We are free to put them on air and to really gauge the stories because we know there are audience is interested not just in the mainstream news but also the more hidden stories from parts of the world that often go under reported. Were watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this half hour australias biggest Airline Quantas is cutting 6000. 00 staff to reduce costs during the pandemic it comes as germanys lufthansa the 2nd largest carrier in europe has signed a deal to secure a 10000000000. 00 government rescue package. Pakistan interNational Airlines has grounded more than a 3rd of their pilots 150. 00 people after an investigation which found the cittie to get their licenses the people who cheated were discovered after an investigation into a plane crash in may which killed 97 people the crash was caused by human error. Or process in lebanon today as the government tried to defuse mounting sectarian tensions whilst also dealing with a failing economy the president michel aoun has called for unity and dialogue. Russians are heading to the polls in a weeklong vote thats expected to pave the way for the president Vladimir Putin to remain in charge until 2036 referendum will be the nations biggest constitutional over whole since the end of the soviet union and there are reports employees of the states are being pressured to vote in favor Charlie Rangel reports. During the day in a dish to work for a russian state funded institution to have free time is now spent protesting against the states latest attempt to preserve putins power for another 2 terms with the opposition demonstrations band stickers the only way to voice their anger at being told by her employers exactly where and when to vote. I think it wasnt our managements initiative they received the orders from above and it must have been done to make sure people dont participate in exit polls and there are no election observers to make sure no one could observe the voting and to make it more difficult on cover regularities she is up against a vost machine the kremlin launched a widespread Advertising Campaign appealing to pensioners parents and patriots the 200. 00 amendments to the constitution include promises on Pensions Health care and the minimum wage as well as allowing the current president to seek reelection after his final term ends in 2024 and guaranteeing immunity to former president s but a yes or no vote on the entire package is the only option available. Andre was part of the working Group Brought together by president putin to draft the proposed reforms review east of the laws and meet there the current president has already been elected to the higher state post several times there is no reset the wrist just a special provision in the text of the constitution that allows the current president to run for the next president ial election this provision largely guarantees that the states policy will not be radically changed after 2024 but the vote is largely symbolic the changes have already been passed by russias Parliament Still critics say putin wants the people to give his plan the veneer of a ditch in the sea put in wants to be supported by people as addictive through the system situation for any kind of different dictatorships such a direct direct line direct connection between the autocrat and the people simply personal source social logical poll. There are fears the nationwide vote could increase the spread of coronavirus in a country that is still recording over 7000. 00 new infections a day a ban on Public Events led to the arrest of hundreds of protesters even one person with a placard is considered a contravention but the ban does not apply to any event organized by the kremlin that the need for urgency on this vote is unclear charlie. An advisor to the European Unions top court says hungary is breaking even more by sending back Illegal Migrants and denying them asylum procedures the European Commission had sued hungary last year accusing it of unlawful detention of migrants Prime Minister viktor orban has been at odds with most e. U. Leaders over his anti refugee and anti immigrant policies. The korean war broke out 70 years ago its never officially ended. The ceremony took place in cheer one in south korea the region did change hands several times as the site of several battles of after the armistice it was split between the neighboring countries. In bangladesh nearly 13 percent of the population have lost their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic tens of thousands are being forced to leave the capital many have simply run out of money or they have no other choice but to return to their home villages turn be a child he reports now from dhaka. Its estimated 50000 bangladeshs have left the capital since the coronavirus pandemic began many have returned to their rural homes where there originally came from are a farmer lived most of his life in dhaka now hes heartbroken and even embarrassed that he has no job and has to go live with his parents in korea graham village with his wife and only child pleasure but this has. Been several months since i lost my job due to the pandemic i was hoping things would get better but im losing hope that anything will improve soon ive applied for a lot of different jobs but i cant manage any longer im almost finished my savings. Homes too late signs can be seen all across the city some workers who have kept their jobs by agreeing to pay cuts have decided to send their families back to the villages Train Services have resumed in bangladesh after a prolonged lockdown pandemic and many people are taking advantage and living in the capital city to live with their families in village charm fatima couplings husband used to run a trick shop in the city but the lack of sales force him to close the shop absalom by law that. We used to live in dhaka to make a Better Living but now because of coronavirus our business is down which is why relieving the city for now because we cant afford our expenses any longer. A joint survey by some of the leading Nongovernment Organization here say the pandemic financially threatens nearly a 100000000 of the 165000000 bangladeshis. And theyre. All. There who would wish to see. The government has so far and around 12000000000. 00 worth of stimulus packages to help bangladesh and withstand the cold 19 shock but experts one that unless businesses fully reopen soon most will continue to feel the financial pinch tunbridge chaudhry. Dhaka bangladesh a court in jerusalem has denied a request by a Greek Orthodox church to block the transfer of its property the court ruled that Israeli Jewish settler group cohen in a valid contract to buy the property brings to an end a 16 year old long legal battle that challenge the sale the properties in the old city area of occupied east jerusalem. Amnesty international is condemning trip advisor for featuring listings in the eagle israeli settlements built on occupied Palestinian Land the rights group calls the practice shameful and says promoting attractions on occupied land means profiting from war crimes its urgent trip advisor to remove the listings israel says it will push forward with plans to annex parts of the occupied west bank as early as next week. Syrians living in the opposition held northwest to switching currencies because the value of their pound is plummeting many are now using the turkish lira as their economy continues to be hit by a number of setbacks and of course one who has more for us from istanbul. Open for business in the last stronghold of Syrian Rebels but its a struggle for bank staff in the Northwestern Province suffered let they are worn out through to the 9 year long civil war and the value of the syrian pound has hit rock bottom adding to their problems if the financial crisis in neighboring lebanon there were an important source of foreign currency but lebanon has its own financial crisis as the government appeal so the International Monetary fund for a bailout in another blow to syrias although they hammered economy new u. S. Sanctions have been imposed the scissor act targets anyone linked to president Bashar Al Assad who had losses in opposition held that the socalled salvation government which is linked to the higher talk were all samphire to a group started paying salaries in turkish lira last month low denomination turkish iraq is in place for commercial trades and money exchange. Some of us out of the collapse of the syrian pound the stabilizes the prices in opposition held areas civilians are suffering inflation is high the turkish lira is more stable and the Exchange Rate is not that hard. Areas under control of the Syrian National army which is backed by the Turkish Military thought to trading in iraq earlier this year but it is still not a full switch to the turkish karen feet a place in of let. The macarthur the. Steep decline of the syrian pound paralyze trade and commerce in the liberated areas most of the markets shops bakeries stopped working we want to limit dealing in the syrian pound in case the regime economy collapses were on the safe side one extreme to say there is huge demand for the. Farmers in if there are among those who suffer they instead of the karen finney and i would be as we said 200. 00 or 300. 00 kilos of grain in the syrian currency and immediately by us if you keep the syrian pound its hard to value the next day. Here in Democratic Forces backed by the us have already pledged to stick to the National Currency given the tension between turkeys government and the kurdish not the group its not expected to play for fear in pound with turkish lira pouring their own into syrias opposition held areas is being seen by some as no more than seeking a turkish lira zone there but it is another sign of turkeys influence after turkish troops were sent into Northern Syria last year causing International Concern and other concern is the fragility of the turkish lira which has suffered a major loss in value against the u. S. Dollar but for long suffering syrians and let under attacks from syrian and russian airstrikes spending their means they are able to maintain some purchasing power seen on kosovo also is here a stumble. The 2nd largest break on record is over after nearly 2 years and more than 2000 broke out in the eastern democratic republic of congo in 2018 efforts to tackle the virus were hampered by rebel groups operating near the border with you candy. China has agreed to delay repayments of debts to cash strapped african countries such as senegal struggling in the face of the corona virus pandemic meanwhile government which is more than a 1000000000. 00 in debt to beijing has given Chinese Companies deep sea fishing licenses and that has drawn condemnation from fisherman and environmentalist and say the waters are already over fish necklace hark is in. Their back tired and hungry after weeks at sea and loading their meager catch in west africas biggest artists a little fishing port deep in the ocean they say are unmarked vessels carrying tons of fish describes it as a stolen treasure catch you can only dream of. But. They will but if you dont know the ocean isnt like it used to be there arent many fish in there were too many boats and soon agrees waters depleting fish stocks. Fishing union accuses the government of favoring chinese vessels instead of protecting local fishermen with the help of senegalese authorities chinese vessels have been allowed to change their flag. In order to fish the countrys territorial waters. Is a vessel that sailed all the way from china to the western coast of africa. The export to china and to the. Company but chinese run so we can ship in senegal theres no problem. China relies on senegalese fish to feed its population of 1400000000 people indebted senegal need chinese money the most who have no agreement with the Chinese Government there are some chinese Fishing Vessels but why arent you asking me questions about the european vessels why stigmatise the chinese they have their interest and we have ours and they are an important partner to senegal and it was. Sending billions of dollars to china with the economy stalling because of the current Virus Outbreak people are going hungry president has been calling for african debt to be canceled in order to deal with what the u. N. Describes as a looming food crisis china agreed to delay debt repayments most of the vessels in the port of the car are chinese and this crew is getting ready to sail out at sea out of sight in senegalese territorial waters are deep sea trawlers fishing illegally and destroying the environment. Greenpeace describes these chinese Fishing Vessels as floating factories they are no match defies boat scientists predict that within a decade Ocean Ecosystems will collapse because of rising temperatures and overfishing despite this threat it seems for now the chinese are here to stay Nicholas Hawk aljazeera the car the eiffel tower in paris one of the worlds most famous landmarks is finally welcoming people again after as long as closer since the 2nd world war. Has been shot since march when france imposed its coronavirus lockdown elevators were off limits for interest we have to use the stairs to the 2nd level. This is al jazeera these are your top stories australias Largest Airline qantas is cutting 6000 staff to reduce costs joining the coronavirus pandemic it comes as germanys the 2nd largest carrier in europe signed a deal today to secure a 10000000000. 00 government rescue package meanwhile says they will keep 15000. 00 workers on leave for months this crisis is still hit those ferry ferrety are and the impact will be felt for a long time particularly im sorry to say the impact on our people it is very clear that International Travel is likely to be stalled for some considerable time i. R. T. The peak body for the Airline Industry says it will take more than train years for Global Travel to return to 2 tables now 19 levels pakistan interNational Airlines has grounded more than one 3rd of its pilots 150 people in all after an investigation was found they cheated to get their pilots licenses the people who cheated were discovered after an investigation into a plane crash in may which killed 97 people. 3 policemen in pakistan have been fired after footage circulated showing them torturing a man has been widespread outrage over a video showing them strip and torture or to color who criticize the park to a province government has also fired a local police chief. More protests in lebanon today as the government tried to defuse mounting sectarian tensions whilst also dealing with a failing economy the president has called for unity and dialogue. Russians are voting on constitutional changes that could allow the president meeting with putin to stay in power for longer if the proposals are approved mr putin would be able to run for another 2 terms as president his current shuttle to end in 2024 but the changes could see him remaining in office right up until 2036 up next its the stream that adrian is here with the 15 g. News hour ill see you from 10 g. Tomorrow until then. A Global Pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. I am fairly ok here or in the street and the question today how could or should cover 1000 huge change to rage that we didnt business we will be unpacking the Global Economy in 25 minutes or less im going to be 18 and i think im just the people to help mysterious hello that grace introduce yourself to our audience. Hi fi me so im grace blakely im a writer achebe magazine and i last year released a book called stolen how to save the world from financialization i

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