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19 cases in the world. We start with sensational accusations against the u. S. President made by his former National Security advisor john bolton says donald trump asked foreign leaders including chinas president for help to get reelected in november just one of a number of accusations made in excerpts of boltons new book set to be released next week mike hanna reports from washington. The democrat controlled house of representatives impeach President Trump for his dealings with ukraine ruling that hed withheld aid to leverage information about his political opponent Joe Biden John Bolton refused an invitation to testify before the house but now alleges that this action was typical of President Trumps dealing with a number of countries and he criticizes the house for limiting its investigation to use crain had they taken the time to inquire more systematically about trumps behavior crosses entire Foreign Policy john bolton writes the impeachment outcome would have been different in published excerpts from his book bolton alleges that President Trump sort favors from foreign leaders like the one of turkey and in particular president xi of china bolton recounts President Trumps conversation when he met the chinese president in a soccer on the 29th of june last year trump then stunningly turned the conversation to the coming u. S. President ial election alluding to chinas economic capability and pleading with sheikh to ensure he did when he stressed the importance of farmers and increased chinese purchases of soybeans and wheat in the electoral outcome bolton continues i would print trumps exact words but the governments prepublication review process has decided otherwise despite boltons confirmation that the manuscript has been vetted by the National Security council the department of justice has asked a federal court to block publication 50 years ago the Supreme Court held that a similar attempt by the Nixon Administration to block publication of the pentagon papers amounted to censorship the widespread publication of passages from the book is likely to reinforce the federal court in applying precedent and rejecting the trumpet ministrations case next week its likely the public will be able to read the full account of a white house which practices in john boltons words obstruction of justice as a way of life. Mike aljazeera washington. Is a professor of Public Policy at George Mason University he says its too late for trying to contain the fallout from the revelations whatever that is going to happen its to me the book is already out there its not in stores yet but its been sent to Media Outlets like to be york times reviews have been published more reviews are coming its too late you cant kill a book like this my take on it is that its shocking its not anything dramatically new but what it really demonstrates is john boltons argument that donald trump is motivated primarily by his personal interest in everything right now that means his personal interest in getting reelected he seems to be putting his personal interest ahead of the National Interest or at least defining the National Interest and his personal political interest as one in the same that is a very damaging charge and its actually a scandalous charge some people would call it a treasonable charge but its a very strong charge part of it is trumps shocking unfamiliarity with some of the basic facts about International Affairs he wonders whether he asked that one point vote reports whether finland is actually a part of russia he doesnt know he seems to be surprised that Great Britain is a Nuclear Power he didnt seem to know that there are many occasions there where his lack of knowledge is really quite surprising he also does im embarrassing things like he presses people to deliver a gift an elton john musical cd of a song call rocket man he asks people to deliver that to the leader of north korea who he likes to call rocket man i mean the whole thing is a bit embarrassing. Bolton also says President Trump told chinas leaders paying that he approved of beijings repression of muslim weakest and other minorities while publicly condemning the mass detentions and earlier on wednesday trump signed into law an ax that calls for sanctions against chinese officials who are involved the United Nations says up to a 1000000 we have been detained in camps chinas government says the sentence provide Vocational Training beijing has reacted with anger the Chinese Foreign Ministry Says china will resolutely hit back can the u. S. Will bear the burden of all subsequent consequences. Joins us now live from beijing circuitry of the chinese are not happy about this. Not at all kim actually 4 different arms of chinas government have now released statements firing back at the u. S. For passing this bill or flipping the statement from chinas Foreign Ministry which says that the us is violating International War by passing this bill it says its an attack on chinas shinji on policy interference in its International Affairs that was a quite a lengthy strongly worded statement but the main gist was china was saying that its policies have nothing to do with human rights or discrimination or indeed religion but theyre solely a matter of National Security and that therefore the state has every right to pass these policies and to protect its people now. China has been long criticized for its treatment of muslim we goes in its northwestern junge province not only 1000000. 00 said to be in detention camps which china calls Vocational Training centers against their will the Chinese Government has also been accused of trying to really dismiss or downplay or eliminate the their religion and their culture via various policies now the Chinese Government has said if the u. S. Does not pull back from this bill it will suffer the consequences of via some Counter Measures though were not sure exactly yet what those might be certainly this fall does add to already tense relations between the u. S. And china governments disagree on a variety of issues now not just john but National Security law taiwan the handling of the corona Virus Outbreak and these are all topics that were discussed between the u. S. Secretary of state and his chinese counterpart young sure when they met earlier today during the meeting in Honolulu Hawaii they described that meeting as constructive but still weve had no real indication that relationship has been able to improve because of it thank you very true to you there live for us from beijing. On the mark is a Senior Research fellow at the center for time and globalization he says theres an element of duplicity in the white house response to china youll recognize that issues of oriel walls are a red line for any. Plane to take a look. At hong kong. And this is. Well used to play that off on us dollars because trying to cause us to do all the work for the full 7 school of. National Security Strategy was the us really naming plan in washington. That i think china has a little always wanted to talk a little plainer writing was exactly what we will or should. We were friends with a lever i think is also a very pragmatic in wanting to know why the wall meaning that i think this is war western media and ones over it and. The choice of things and. Is weve always said of the all situation you know that there are elements of truth that will spray some more black or trial i think you know its much more pragmatic the more interesting to watch all the movies that are being. A good beat down a couple that actually. All the thing is doing well in singles actually the right things the. Charles and so there is an element of i will see those in the certainly what i think they think what you ministration with think. What. Chinese authorities are set to review a draft of proposed National Security legislation for hong kong thats according to state media the downswing of the law and may lead to renewed protest in hong kong it comes as the g 7 Foreign Ministers called on beijing to reconsider the proposed law saying they have grave concerns the legislation would threaten hong kongs freedoms. Hong kong is a very important partner for our country with close economic relations and personal exchanges japans position is consistent this is important to maintain a free and open system under the one country 2 systems principle and to develop in a stable and democratic manner. And theres growing unease in hong kong about who will be the target of the new security law the legislation will criminalize separatism sedition and subversion or old crimes for which there is still no clear definition interim brown reports. You find it of a busy street up a narrow staircase where walls are 1st student with stickers advocating hong kong separatism and mocking chinas leaders the building is home to a bookstore specializing in literature sympathetic to hong kongs protest movement and that the only concedes makes him a potential target for chinas new security law something pops especially us there were folks there were tight toes on separatism on the hong kong dependence that we sell so these might be things that got us in trouble some time later he has reason to worry in 2015 another hong kong bookseller disappeared into chinese custody for 6 months following a visit to the mainland the clock is ticking for the imposition of a law that journalists say could severely restrict freedom of speech in shrines in the deal that britain. China did before the handover in 1997 so were concerned over many questions as to whether we can interview the parents advocate you know film people calling for an end to one porth party rule or criticising the government but beyond that were concerned that we wont get on to the top of these questions and that this law is going to be worded broadly applied in the same way that it is in the mainland to stifle dissent. Not so say chinas leaders they insist the new law will only target a minority of what are termed troublemakers who threaten chinas National Security. But in a sign of what may be to come 15 veteran prodemocracy figures have gone on trial accused of taking part in an Illegal Assembly they include albert ho who says hes prepared for jail i may have to risk my safety my liberty that is something im prepared for but i wont give it up the new security law could be in place by july the 1st the 23rd anniversary of hong kongs return to chinese rule the timing of this new law comes ahead of elections which are due in september critics say it creates the conditions for chinas leaders to disqualify candidates that they consider disloyal or a threat to National Security adrian brown al jazeera hong kong. So head on aljazeera why there are concerns that lebanons economic crisis could be made worse by u. S. News targeting syrias government. And hundreds of lawyers protests in malawi accusing the president of trying to crush the courts to stay in power are. Still very unsettled cross more central and southeastern areas of europe kind of catty can say but really amongst this kind of had some particularly heavy downpours hungary yes again just several days after flooding in one part of the country here we are again you can see just how deep it is these were here flash flood some very tranquil downpours the cause the flooding very dramatically meanwhile across areas of the u. K. The midlands to the north there. Been some dramatic thunderstorms in the last few hours but the best weather is if you had gone into spain Southern Cross the east into bounded on people back out on the beach now that could be a decent spains to go through thursday and it really is very unsettled some heavy rain pushing into western Northern Areas of france again fairly widespread across much of the u. K. With germany picking up some heavy downpours and again pushing towards the east so again hungry and east which is where we could see some heavy amounts of rain not by friday is perhaps not quite as widespread is pretty good across the east how much is all on the high side but still it will some very heavy rain particularly affecting poland on friday and also a fair amount of cloud around with a few more showers across the u. K. And really much lighter across areas of france when it comes to thomass of course it has been very warm up in scandinavia for the last couple of weeks it will stay warm for the next couple days and also and then eventually getting closer to the average for jude. Frank assessments tourism but the income stream is dead in the water whats been the result of the scene poaching quite significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal in Israeli Society indepth analysis of the days global headlines its time for new policy gives us a country i think not only to be seen to grady but its great to meet this debating team or we call continues inside story on aljazeera. Youre watching aljazeera reminder of our top stories this hour u. S. President donald trump has been accused of asking the chinese president to help him win reelection its one of a series of allegations it to be released in a new book by former National Security advisor john bolton. Alten also says trump told ping that he approved of chinas repression of muslim weak its while publicly condemning the mass detentions trump has signed into law sanctions against chinese officials who are involved. And chinese authorities are set to review a draft of proposed National Security legislation for hong kong thats according to state media in answer to the law and may lead to renewed protests in hong kong. Of more on that lets speak now to adrian brown who is live for us in Hong Kong Adrian after bypassing hong kongs a legislator it seems beijing is moving very quickly on this why is that. Well kim i think for a number of reasons firstly i think they want to ensure this becomes law before the elections in september because that would in a sense create the conditions for china to perhaps disqualify those candidates that it considers to be disloyal also i think china would if possible like this security legislation in place by haps by july the 1st which is the national day here in hong kong and of course across the border in the mainland so those are some of the reasons why i think china is anxious to get this legislation passed and passed soon but of course china is now coming under mounting International Pressure as you mentioned before mike pompei of the u. S. Secretary of state has met chinas top diplomat young chee in hawaii hong kong was discussed we know it was on the agenda because after their discussions young came out and said that the United States should stop interfering in chinas affairs and also said that the United States must start to respect chinas position but its quite clear that this remains at the moment the most you know fractious part of the relationship between china and the United States its not going to go away here in hong kong there has been you know deepening arnies really about what this law is going to mean because we had so little detail at the moment that journalist i spoke to in my report that was aired earlier made a very valid point also he said that the great worry that journalists in hong kong have now is growing selfcensorship onces law takes effect in other words journalists will on the side of caution when it comes to talking to figures who are in the past of a spouse separatist or independent sentiment sentiment thank you for that to enter in brown there live from hong kong. Senior military officers from india and china are expected to hold talks after a rare border skirmish killed 20 indian soldiers it comes a day after top diplomats from the 2 countries spoke over the phone and agreed to deescalate the situation tensions peak on monday in the gulf one valley region in the himalayas with the worst fighting in decades. The u. S. Has introduced more sanctions against syrias government and its backers warning it wont stop until president bashar assad ends the war against his own people some of those targeted are in neighboring lebanon and this is expected to worsen its economic crisis as the government seeks help from the International Monetary fund side horrid reports from beirut. Lebanon strictly poor it was getting ready to play a role in the rebuilding of syria a few kilometers from the border its well placed to become a Logistics Hub for local and International Companies but any Foreign Investment or business dealings with president Bashar Assads government will now be punishable by u. S. Sanctions the measure targets assets political and economic backers some of them are in lebanon i think it would be very difficult for lebanon to keep maintaining his relationships with the Syrian Regime its going to be difficult they will not be able to reconcile before syria is the only functioning land border lebanon has trade might be affected lignin would this make this. Lebanon is in an economic crisis what this means is lebanon will be isolated according to customs we export more than we import about 400000000. 00 and. Its not clear whether commodities for which taxes have to be paid will be considered aid to the government but what is clear is that syria will find it harder to rely on lebanon to avoid sanctions it has used it to access dollars in banks for International Trade levanon is one way for for for him for smuggling for exchanging. Some. Trade lebanon is a line along one of the long so to a degree through sanctions also apply to any force operating in a military capacity for or on behalf of the Syrian Regime that would include. It has below the armed iranian backed group that controls political power in lebanon. Its calling for restoring relations with damascus. Lebanon is in a difficult position the government risks sanctions if it supports syrias collapsing economy or doesnt move away from the syria iran account talks with the International Monetary fund for a much needed Financial Aid to help deal with a deep economic crisis will also be affected. Authorities will be required to stop the smuggling of goods like fuel and wheat into syria which the United States believes is helping us towards government survive the new sanctions may not be directed at lebanon but lebanese Business Owners Companies Politicians even the state could be targeted. Beirut george fords brother is the Un Human Rights Council to work for justice for black people in the u. S. And where urgent debate on racism and Police Brutality a group of 54 african nations called for action on diplomatic james space has more. This was a meeting that was only organized in the last few days were here this afternoon to hold a not some debate on the current racially inspired Human Rights Violations no mention of the us or the protests following the killing of george floyd in minneapolis last month but that was the main focus more of the main speakers by video message was mr floyds brother you and your matinee says are your brothers or sisters keep on air america and you have the power to help us get justice for barbara the doors lowered x. If you can help heal our exit you to help me i have access to help earth black people and america it was a number of african nations that organized this last minute meeting and it was the most senior african in the u. N. Secretary at the deputy secretary general of the United Nations i mean a mohammed who addressed the gathering by video link from here u. N. Headquarters in new york she described the fight against racism as todays sacred battle so people are saying. Enough. The United Nations have the duty to respond to the anguish that has been so many for so long. As the heart of our. Equal rights are shined in our founding charter just as we fought to fight so fight the hatred oppression and humiliation today President Trump doesnt like other nations involving themselves in u. S. Affairs back in 2018 the administration pulled out of the Human Rights Council the United States is officially withdrawing the debate on racism and brutality will continue on thursday and the final declaration document is still being worked on with after intensive work by diplomats from the u. S. And some of its allies in geneva it appears the proposal to create a formal commission of inquiry has now been dropped jamesburg aljazeera at the United Nations. Or as in malawi have staged a protest against what they say is government interference in the judiciary president putin with reka has sent the countrys chief justice into early retirement just 2 weeks before an Election Rerun the president had earlier attempted to overturn a court ruling that a new election must be held. Yes. But to be yourself. First. This is. The big. Day to see the face. Health care workers in peru have been protesting against the lack of protective equipment the facing one of the worst rates of covert 19 in south america the government has rushed to test more than 200000 people fail to makeshift hospitals and fly doctors around the country but many say its still not doing enough to protect frontline workers Marianna Sanchez reports from me was. There is anger and fear in Public Hospitals on wednesday doctors and nurses took turns to protest refusing to leave their patients on attended to demand more and better protective equipment to treat 1000 patients they might force you all are not demanding payments were asking for solutions to protect on lloyds. They say they often have to buy their own masks and other equipment because the government doesnt provide enough they feel over exposed and in danger you are probably right you are the harder for me this morning my friend died he was fighting against the in this together with all of us he died fighting to help others until the end. At least 45 doctors have died in bed 2 says the coronavirus pandemic struck 7 this past weekend alone most in the wards nurse sonya keeps her last name from us because she still working even though shes not sure if shes recovered every time again to put out i got a virus at work i feel i am cured although i constantly have to catch my breath but i need the money not god knows me. Dale says only a few of her colleagues have been tested for covert 19. We want to be tested im in the emergency ward to be airing the Constant Contact with current patients and no one has taking tests who knows if they bring the writers to our small children are our parents. Around the country hospitals and clinics are overwhelmed not enough beds there enough oxygen not enough ventilators all covered 900 numbers continue to rise when the pandemic began to have fewer than 150 intensive care unit beds for 32000000 peruvians its a sign of just how broken the Health Care System has been for decades the covered crisis has forced an improvement there are no 5000 beds available many say its too little too late but were not president of the beast got to acknowledge just mistakes have been made since he and post one of the earliest and strictest lockdowns in the region a recent opinion poll says 70 percent of peruvians support his strategy but only 7 percent think hes done enough to bolster health care and the hospital workers who risk their lives every day but the innocent just unjust. The United Nations says the number of people displaced is that the highest level since its records began war persecution and human rights abuses forced millions of people to make a life or death decision every year to stay or to go displacement have nearly doubled over the last decade now approaching 80000000. 00 people by the end of last year thats one percent of the global population and just 5 countries account for 2 thirds of those displacements syria venezuela afghanistan south sudan and me and. Theres no doubt that it is in countries at war. People be they refugees displaced people but can i see ordinary civilians are more stark risk taking for example libya where we continue to work the un and n. G. O. S continue to work in those countries but our movements are limited. Has placed another layer of constraints in a situation where already war conflict and violence limits our action now looks like i could be out of a job pretty soon. Why dont you. See. How. Elmos world news over the next few weeks in 13 languages across the world this special episode of sesame street is aimed at helping kids cope with the coronavirus to make sure activities games that advice on how to manage big feelings like frustration and said. This is al jazeera and these are the top stories u. S. President donald trump has been accused of asking the chinese president to help him win reelection its one of a series of allegations set to be released in a new book by former National Security advisor john bolton in the last few minutes china has responded saying it has no intention of interfering in the u. S. Elections. Bolton also said. That he approved of chinas repression of muslim week while publicly condemning the mass detentions trump has signed into law sanctions against chinese officials who are involved katrina you has more on chinas reaction from beijing. 4 different arms of chinas government have now released statements firing back at the u. S. For passing this bill or flipping the statement from chinas Foreign Ministry which says that the us is violating International Law by passing this bill it says its an attack on chinas shinji on policy and its interference in its International Affairs now it was a quite a lengthy strongly worded statement but the main gist was china was saying that its policies have nothing to do with human rights or discrimination or indeed religion but theyre solely a matter of National Security and that therefore the state has every right to pass these policies and to protect its people trying hes of ours he says it to review a draft of proposed National Security legislation for hong kong thats according to state media the downswing of the law in may lead to renewed protests in hong kong g 7 Foreign Ministers that urged china to reconsider their legislation. Senior military officers from india and china are expected to hold talks after a rare border skirmish killed 20 indian soldiers comes a day off the top diplomats from the 2 countries spoke over the phone and agreed to deescalate the situation tensions peaked on monday with the worst fighting in decades. Lawyers in malawi have staged a protest against what they say is government interference in the judiciary president putin multicam has sent the countrys chief justice and early retirement just 3 weeks before an Election Rerun. When youve come here on aljazeera after inside story. Play an important role. Its called the seas act and targets backers of a strong man u. S. Sanctions came into effect wednesday against the asad regime in syria when it did not have a government of a political victory after years of conflict and how will regime allies react to new sanctions this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the show im sam is a than the war in syria has devastated much of the country and its people but president bashar

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