Bombing the bases a kurdish fighters that calls terrorists. A new u. S. Sanctions come into effect to isolate syrias president and force him to make concessions. And support german football giants byron munich celebrate their 8 for the title in a row maybe further bremen one near one nail to secure a 29 but in this league aircraft. Began in south asia where china and india are trying to calm tensions after a deadly clash over a border dispute in the himalayas no shots were fired but 20 indian soldiers died in a mass brawl were iron bars and wooden clubs are used as weapons top diplomats from the 2 countries have spoken over the phone and agreed to more talks now on the disputed border lies in the call one valley region near indeed administered kashmir or 2 of his hoodie on has more. In the remote western himalayas there is little evidence of what let indian and chinese soldiers to the worst of violence in decades. India and china share of the world the longest unmarked border. Chinese military drills like this one have become more common both sides have increased their military presence in recent months with tension rising over who owns what land. The border has been disputed since india and china went to war in 1062. 00 the line a yellow is the socalled line of actual control but there are several disputed areas on either side one of the main ones is excite sheen its claimed by india that administered by china. China says their shared interests are stronger than their conflicts but it also has a warning which we once again ask india to act on our consensus and strictly disciplined us troops not to cross the line to provide and not to take unilateral action that may complicate the situation. Prime minister Narendra Modi says india wants peace but is ready to defend itself. I want to assure the nation that the 2nd feis our soldiers have made will not stores a waste for us the integrity of india and our sovereignty is the most important thing and nobody can stop us from protecting them nobody should have an illusion doubts and this message. For the families its a time of mourning this father says he cant believe his son a colonel is dead now dont you feel under deep shock after hearing about my sons misfortune i never expected he would usually work in difficult places. But that Indian Officials have rejected accusations they calls this escalation furious protesters say china must be punished while the debate over the border isnt new the circumstances have now changed this time or this is a more aggressive posture for the. Region looks like a deliberate policy to create a bridge in between india or other material there is a relationship between india and china at the highest level a political divide has turned violent now raising the stakes for beijing a new delhi over where their vast frontier begins and ends. With a yawn. Elizabeth raman joins us live now from new delhi so liz that the sides say that they dont want this to escalate what is the latest. Its interesting michel because both sides have said that they are going to deescalate the situation on the border as soon as possible that its following a phone call between the 2 countries Foreign Ministers following high level meetings between military officials and the guy valley but if you look at the wording from both foreign ministries in fact you could actually exchange the would india for china and both both of the statements and you would be reading the exact same thing they continue to blame each other in the strongest possible terms they both say that the other trespassed into their territory attacked their soldiers and broke the june 6th agreement which they have made so thats interesting to see that because theyre saying that theyre going to deescalate but that theres no agreement whatsoever on what happens in the meantime here in the india there are a lot of questions that a continuing to be asta about how 20 soldiers were killed at a time to 10 days of talks between officials at a time when the government was saying that they have the capability to result in the border disputes through dialogue and were also starting to see youve seen those pictures of protests. Down the stretch and on the number of people who can gather still in place but there are protests chinese flags being burned reports of residents associations asking people to throw out their chinese products and weve seen videos of people doing so weve seen the hash tag boycott china and chinese products trending on twitter and theres also a very high powered gnashed in this media here which is joins the chorus of holds for the government to take action against china both to explain how this could have happened and also to take action against china all right. The problem live for us in delhi thank you. Now katrina you house were from the Chinese Capital beijing china says its in close communication with india by both diplomatic and military channels Foreign Ministry spokesperson jolly gen spoke to the media today on wednesday and said that both sides were intent on resolving this dispute through peaceful dialogue and that china did not want to see any further clashes at the same time jolly gen laid the blame for the deadly brawl on monday so we at the feet of india according to beijing the truce lines actually reached a consensus on the border dispute on june 6th but indian troops violated this consensus and he said they provoked and attacked chinese personnel he also went on to urge the Indian Military to discipline its troops he went on to say further that the location where this altercation took place the Golden Valley he said that this was and has always been chinese territory something thats heavily disputed by india and he said that clearly it was clear about who was on the right in the wrong side of this clash that resulted in the deaths of those soldiers on monday now according to indian media there were chinese casualties as well but the Chinese Government is yet to release any numbers and there is some speculation that they may never release these numbers a state media here are saying that this is in fact a sign of goodwill from beijing an example of beijing wanting to pursue peace with india and not wanting to spark any confrontational sentiment that nail lead to all out conflict among talkers a scholar at St Anthonys College at the university of oxford who joins us from washington d. C. We appreciate your time so much so. Are there any indications to you anything that you see positive in this this perhaps may be deescalating. Well its certainly a very serious time right now but i think the fact that you know both sides were able to talk to each other in foreign ministries actually talking and the fact that both capitals are sort of slow saying that theyre looking for a peaceful solution i think thats a very positive development i also think of the fact that this didnt escalate immediately when this incident took place monday night to Tuesday Morning the fact that this immediately domestically is also a good sign but things do remain very tense and its a very serious point that were at right now where things could really spiral if theyre not managed and the fact that both foreign ministries are talking to each other and there is a you know commitment at least publicly right now to talking to find a piece of seizing that may be a sign of optimism that we can hold on to so what are the sides looking for to take to be able to publicly continue to deescalate what what does india looking for what is china looking for. Well i think the the indian side is is made clear that they would like to see a return to the status quo as of april before this latest border standoff began the state senate began at the end of april so theyd like to return to the positions that were at the armys home before that point i think china has sent by china sent very little so its very hard to get a sense of what theyre trying to say for i think it theyve reached it was an advantage it very much like to keep that obviously now that theres been violence and deaths on the border and the so be very difficult to achieve a return to status quo before we stand up again but i do think theyll try and return to as close as they can to the june 6th agreement that was reached if thats at all possible and then continue some confidence Building Measures that they can take to prevent further clashes of the border and thats been a commitment that both sides have made since the stand off and dont quite and thats what something that both political leaders promised modi and president xi jinping and made at their summits and an engine im not something that theyll continue to say out loud but i think the long term what youll see is a greater dimensional competition at least on the media side enter into the dynamic the i think will take this stand up very seriously and while they may not be any immediate action of their take i think theyll start to look at china very differently from this point on and maybe theyll hear greater competitive element and you get China Dynamic moving forward i am and dr thank you so much for joining us from washington d. C. Appreciate your insight thank you. To the Korean Peninsula now or north korea as warning it will rain deploy troops near the border and resume military exercises and this warning comes a day after a building that he used to promote reconciliation was blown up by the north its all says that one no longer tolerate an unreasonable behavior rob mcbride reports in pashto on the south korean side of the border. Making its message clear and unequivocal the destruction of the joint Liaison Office has been widely broadcast by north korean state run media accompanied by warnings that it will increase its military presence along the border separating the 2 koreas. Guard posts that had been removed to deescalate tensions will now be restored while military exercises on the northern side of the border will be resumed bringing this unusually strong response from the south. Such moves thought to the efforts and achievements made by the 2 koreas to maintain peace and the north will surely pay if these measures are put into action the north has blamed the south for allowing defectors to release propaganda balloons into its territory but north Korean Leader kim jong un is also frustrated at his failure to get more concessions in summits with the south korean president moon j. N. And with u. S. President donald trump the north seeming to conclude that the current path of diplomacy has run its course trump just doesnt is not that interested anymore money is very constrained by sanctions i mean thats why this thing is sort of been frozen for year and a half im just not sure that much can change in the next 6 months or 8 months a jew on the Southern Side of the border relatives of people abducted during the korean war hold a simple ceremony. And then the events are being staged with the coming 70th anniversary of the start of the conflict lisa was a baby when his father was abducted to the north. For him and others still living with the wars consequences this latest attempt at reconciliation has achieved little condone kim jong un wouldnt recognize that this issue even exists and the sauce korean order ministration couldnt put the issue on the table dream the summit in any case this section of the border is where rail and road links were meant to be connected if the Current Initiative had been a success it was planned that you would become one of the main crossing points between north and south in what would be a new era of peaceful coexistence on the peninsula they are hopes that for the time being at least seeing dashed once more Robert Bright aljazeera to south korea and other states in crisis can talk and sister appears to be taking on a bigger role rejecting talks with the sal Foster Carter is a korea analyst at Leeds University he says ken kim yo jong holds a powerful position but the tough posturing is to distract North Koreans from real issues. He studied in switzerland as a child like like a prophet it so sadly you know the west especially western education doesnt seem to sort of have the softening fact that some people think that it would the really important thing is that from being sort of in a background of coming along with the blotting paper to dry his success with the science deals and stuff like that shes not a very important and i dont write as she does she does number of statements the sea air and more particularly this past week. So i think theres a sort of something going on quite apart from all the into current stuff itself up behind the scenes there is an issue we all got part about kim jong uns health when he disappeared for a few weeks recently there isnt a clear line of succession because his children are very young in this strange reggie trick communism so do the testing the system would seem to me to have to be to be to deal with domestic politics but obviously it has become negative ramifications for International Politics as well north criminalist if if they had sanctions to some degree the economy is bad mainly because of epic restrictions for the grain of us or a claim not to actually have so you know what do you do you create a distraction youre making all scream people very angry against the south koreans and they want you to flame option the whole of that so i think its about domestic politics economics as well as making trouble internationally. Plenty more ahead of the news hour including an intonation court hands down its verdict in the tree thing case against 7 west activists plus Flight Cancellations and School Closures beijing clamps down to halt a rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak in the capital. And thats what this front star is facing a linking suspension parts have all those details ahead. Turkey has launched another military offensive against armed kurdish separatists in Northern Iraq ankara deployed troops to the how often and region near the border to fight the warplanes have also targeted the groups positions around 3000. 00 fighters are believed to be in Northern Iraq turkey the u. S. And the e. U. All list the p. K. K. As a terrorist group so we have correspondents on both sides of the story some of fault on a standing by live in the iraqi capital well get to her in a moment 1st its going to sit in costello who is in istanbul so seen what are you hearing from the turkey side. Who will rachelle this is a follow up for. That call that was carried out 2 days ago the commander of the ground force forces are in wolves in todays operation and this time they are in half then and a very close. A close a reactive singe are when you speak to the Turkish Military sources they tell you that after come theyll mountains singe or has become a 2nd have quarter for the. Workers party and this is a Junction Point because as the u. S. Supplies weapons and the arms to the Syrian Kurdish Fighters Group which turkey believes that. It is organically talk to the. Those weapons are also transferred to the p. K. K. In iraq through syndrome. Thats why the military the military sources say that they aim to cut the supply line this logistics line which which is which gives life to the p. K. K. This is the main idea of the operation they say of course this is not the 1st circuit version that this in the last 3 years at the more than 20 operations have been conducted to Northern Iraq to the. Force because according to turkeys these securities fraud t. G. They are trying to eliminate the terrorists the threat that they call as terrorists outside thats all outside turkeys border at its home before reaching inside turkey and inside turkey come to your operations have been carried out by the interior ministry and they have the fighters most they have been moved up from turkey its a main this syria or iraq so this is this this operation to the when you ask the turkish officials and military it is it is just to stop the p. K. K. And also there is the belief in the capital that the United States is supporting a kurdish state latha by the out the Kurdistan Workers Party which turkey sees as a terrorist group and turkey claims that this group has nothing to do it doesnt have good relations with the other kurdish political groups either and its an armed group thats why. We believe they say as they occur they call it as a terrorist state shouldnt be a savage by our borders they said thats why turkey is trying to push the p. K. K. Out to the so itself even than iraq like they did in syria and create as a safe area this is what these sources have been telling us today and if there is any states by it should be beyond this this is according to the turkish officials are shell ok standing by for us and its troublesome thank you. Going to baghdad now or some other vault and is standing by live there so someone or what are you finding out there. Well we still dont have an official statement from the Iraqi Government and we spoke to the ministry of Foreign Affairs which said that there would not be an additional Statement Today a day after the ministry some of the turkish ambassador through to voice its concerns over the previous turkish airstrikes on iraqi soil condemning those attacks as a violation of iraqi sovereignty that contravenes International Standards the minister of Foreign Affairs also said on monday that government was open to joint military operations in those border areas to secure them then these operations should be carried out in a way that secures the interests of both sides now today we havent heard anything from the Iraqi Government or from kurdish authorities in the autonomous region of iraq kurdistan we have however spoken to local officials and civilians and military officials on the ground and what we understand there were actually 2 separate operations today one which in im already touched upon which was this turkish incursion into an area called but we understand that there were around 7 villages affected 6 of them were abandoned but one village was inhabited by around 15 families and we understand there was some destruction of civilian infrastructure although there were no casualties reported now separately from this perhaps in coordination although we do not know this there has been an iranian attack on an area called. Near the iraqi border and this attack appeared to target also many of the p. K. But also in reining in a resistance groups which are in those areas again those attacks also resulted in some destruction of civilian infrastructure but we havent heard anything about any casualties at the moment of course both of these operations there are. Violation of iraqi sovereignty and it remains to be seen how the Iraqi Government will react because Prime Minister with me has referred to it several times that iraq should not be used as a battleground for any regional or foreign powers to sow the score so it remains to be seen how he will react but we have already heard some statements by various iraqi political parties. The largest political bloc in the Iraqi Parliament has called on an emergency session to discuss these latest airstrikes so well be waiting to hear more about that ok so manifold with bolton with the latest there in baghdad smyrna thank you at least 12 soldiers have been killed in an attack in northern afghanistan took place at an army post and province another 5 soldiers have been held hostage the taliban who claim responsibility for this attack say the death toll is higher the u. S. Says it has plans to impose fresh sanctions against the Syrian Government under new legislation known as the caesar act the state department has already begun by unveiling dozens of sanctions against president Bashar Al Assad his wife and some of their associates the caesar act which went into effect on wednesday is aimed at increasing the economic isolation of assads regime by restricting the ability to trade and get money from abroad the sanctions will target his supporters with the threat of arrest or travel bans they could be politicians military personnel or anyone in business or banking as well as the oil and gas industry the new law also effects country seeking to do business with syrias government such as has a law in lebanon iran russia at some gulf states and allies in Eastern Europe barely a decade of violence has left syria with a collapsing economy the sanctions are expected to do rail president Bashar Al Assads postwar recovery plans zana hodor reports from beirut and a warning viewers may find some of these images disturbing. Theyre known as caesars photographs named after a military defector who documented torture and killings in Syrian Government jails his testimonies to the u. S. Congress was part of a campaign to hold the regime responsible for what have been described as war crimes it led to the passing and now the implementation of a bill in the us the socalled caesar act in any country in the world theres a company individual. Thats providing acknowledged financial support. And military support. Are all liable for states and under the sea their bill these sanctions go further than existing ones are aimed at preventing International Engagement with Bashar Assads government partnering or fighting on its side will also be punishable the Syrian Government calls the legislation economic terrorism but proponents of the law point to exemptions that minimize any impact on civilians. The federal government is allowed to buy medicine they want but they dont want to spend. Foreign currency on that they want to fund their war machine they want to pump the militia human Rights Groups have accused the Syrian Government of using aid to fund its atrocities benefit those loyal to it and punish opponents by confiscating their properties plans to move to a postwar phase in syria will now be difficult. Its. This with this. Regime. Its already faced with a collapsing economy and currency there is unprecedented poverty some say a 3rd hasnt been this vulnerable at any time during the 9 year war. It kind of shuts the door fully closed in terms of there being any light at the end of the tunnel for the Syrian Regime so i think politically and diplomatically that will have an impact but it adds to the already terrible effects of the syrian economic crisis assad has faced pressure in the past but has never agreed to making political concessions he since the clear victory in the war in syria and while he may have won militarily winning the peace may prove harder the new legislation means the fight for damascus as the seat of assads power and legitimacy has still to be fought senate. Beirut for more on this were joined by syria researcher chris doyle in wonder and so chris what do you think how effective do you think rather these and sanctions could be. Well police sanctions will be another attempt to hoarsely hold the Syrian Regime accountable that is laudable to the extent Syrian Regime course is responsible for egregious crimes human rights abuses whether its the deliberate targeting of civilians over the last 10 years of small full war mass arrests the torture etc and of course caesar act itself is named after the pseudonym of the syrian who brought these ghastly photographs of syrians being tortured and detained in syria but i think there has to be very serious questions about how effective this is going to be so. You know collectives you know certain it isnt that sort of be sanctioned spot for certain cronies right at the top have Smuggling Networks and accounts and point was that wont be affected by out of that going to be have going to be quite content thats so troubling is why larry. Well United States. Has wanted to put together a policy and maximum pressure on iran and its allies and of course that includes syria it includes his body and this is not a plank in that strategy and as you see with iran there is actually precious little account really for the humanitarian wellbeing of peoples and were going to see that soon in syria because once the regime will survive its. People the Syrian People the civilians are going to be equal to innumerable rocks the rock the regime and all the things that it does to oppress the Syrian People to meits freedom incompetence of its Economic Management and then the rock of sanctions which will also prove if history shows the senate thing they will also be in movement and it will make it very difficult because the economy wont you know provides. For the people it wont be able to provide the money to be able to import so you can have exemptions but unless the syrian economy example to. Boost production it wont be able to buy these medicines so we are here in air describing a situation where the sanctions or often end up hurting the most vulnerable even if there are socalled exemptions and the sanctions. Exemptions tend to take a long time the sanctions will put off a lot of companies in my town that lies going to go each in these books that determine that its far too risky because they will have this is a United States perhaps theyre going to move away from doing with syria we want to see this in the way that Bank Accounts for longing to syrians for example and youre close the risk is just too much for those banks to have syrian accountable those so what i think it will see is weve seen it for example with the sanctions on iraq that were in place between 1009002003 the Saddam Hussein regime those few dont know sanctions quite effectively as far as at certain our interests but certainly not actually use the sanctions as an instrument of oppression on its own people and of course the Syrian Regime will be saying economic crisis humanitarian crisis in syria is all the fault of the sanctions and United States was saying the economic humanitarian crisis is all the faults of the regime but that wont get us anywhere that will be able to push forward some sort of resolution to a crisis thats nasty dont 10 years and tape chris doyle thank you so much joining us from london appreciate it thank you a delegation of high ranking turkish officials have been meeting libyas internationally recognized government turkeys foreign minister and chief of intelligence made a surprise trip to tripoli turkey is the tripoli ministrations main backer and if it ends terminal and forcing the advance of warlord Khalifa Haftar are they Foreign Ministers visit policy or agreement with russia which backstopped are to push for a cease fire. Time for weather now everton that tell us about whats happening in north america so going on to be honest with you richelle was small but choice. Cold rain snow the lot is a bit of everything absolutely lets start with the rain 2 areas of cloud here this one just spinning off the rockies thats making its way further research words pushing over towards the lakes as we go through the next couple of days the next area cloud of rain thats just there around the carolinas pushing up into virginia this one isnt going anywhere too quickly its been there for the last couple of days itll be there for the next couple of days as well this law that have drawn in on a chart here the blue line just coming down out of canada pushing down towards the southwest that marks the boundary between some very cold air and indeed some very hot have warm southerly winds pushing up across central parts of the u. S. He can see the cooler weather up towards the northwest and there we go with a bright orange is right up central parts and with that very hot weather that we do have into those central areas and down to the southwest in particular critical fire danger is remain in play here a number of fires still burning away see temperatures here getting up into the thirtys 33 celsius even his act cloud and rain just around the mountain states with some snow spilling out of our home just rolling further east was as i went to weather still stuck there around the mid Atlantic States that where the weather that we have around central park thats going to make its way towards the lakes drier brighter weather coming in behind richelle i wouldnt thank you very much. So ahead on aljazeera our present to the great white and mates in mexico some who have never even stood trial are struggling to stay alive. Being used for an easy political when Police Unions in the u. S. Say theyre being unfairly targeted ads. In the back and build up to the turnip English Premier League later on in the program. Ferguson has been in turmoil im sure my police are searching and drawn are like time youre. Trying to make a political will in my city where you promised a representative back in 9091 to me it was all how hard you wanted a gun without a gun my brother was killed my hood dont look no different the any other hood out here in my whole world was killed me i saw my son 15 years and i felt like you know at this my time to stand up. This is the most and bill for us im just not willing to accept what substantial legislation can i get through thats going to speak to a major need for my community that this bill identifies use violence as a public build up with them last year we had 200. 00 murders the report of violence when it comes the youth it stretches far why. Dont we do it. Without it there are these are the top stories right now china and india are trying to calm down tensions after a deadly clash over a law. Longstanding border disputes and the himalayas 20 indian soldiers were killed top diplomats of the 2 countries have spoken over the phone and agreed to get back to the table. North korea has warned it will redeploy troops near the border and resume military exercises along frontline areas and blames the south for bad behavior and justified destroying an interpreter in the days on office on tuesday and the u. S. Has the best plans to impose fresh sanctions against the Syrian Government under new legislation known as the caesar act the state department has already begun by unveiling dozens of sanctions against president Bashar Al Assad his wife and some of their associates. And Indonesian Court has issued a guilty verdict against 7 west papuan human activists human rights activist that is charged with treason the men were arrested in the capital during anti racism demonstrations in august of last year the men will serve up to 11 months in jail but human rights activists say the defendants should never have been arrested in the 1st place just washington has more. Outside the courtroom in East Kalimantan a small crowd gathered to support the defendants waiting for the verdict in a highly controversial trial the sparse and socially distanced demonstration a stark contrast to last years in indonesias papa when tens of thousands gathered to protest against racism against indigenous pop ones 7 men were arrested accused of involvement in the protests the provinces of purple and west papuan have been under indonesian rule since 969 and since then some have called for the regions independence the indonesian government has tried to quite shy any separatist movements in the resource rich provinces including the banning of the morning star flag which has become a symbol of pop on independence. The men were moved from papa to kalimantan thousands of kilometers from friends and family and because of covered 9000 restrictions the trial was held on Video Conference prosecutors sought sentences between 5 and 17 years instead all the men was sentenced to less than one year. You know what we find the defendant guilty of treason by the group. Theyve already been in prison since september so it should only be a matter of months before they release but we believe that they should have never been arrested in the 1st place they were just protesting racism at the time and they were just doing this for. Expression so they have committed no crime they are just you know still an activist political activist here in retrospect because. They can be in prison solely for peacefully exercising their rights. The men looked relieved to hear their lighter sentences but there is the possibility that one or more of them may appeal against their treason convictions some of the men told the judges they were. The defense says that demonstrating against racism is the right of every citizen in indonesia but the indonesian government has long held the view that theres no evidence of systemic discrimination against ones or any other Minority Community aljazeera asked the Central Government for a response to the verdict but did not receive a reply just a washington 0 to counter. Chinese Capital Beijing has raised its alert level after a new outbreak of corona virus infected 137 people hundreds of flights have been canceled schools and universities are shut to reports. Most flights in and out of beijing are canceled but these travelers are trying to leave while they can the Chinese Capital is in the middle of its most serious outbreak of corn as far as since february can you know maybe im leaving now because the outbreak is a bit serious and im afraid of being infected so i want to escape back to home soon on wednesday the kaufman grazed this Emergency Response level to talk and spread to new sections linked to beijings largest hole to market schools and universities have been shot and people have been urged to leave the city infections in 4 other polls and says have been linked to the operating in some areas quarantine measures up and introduced for those coming from the capital. Jemmett you go all kinds of medical and Health Institutions schools institutions for the elderly subway and public transport have been raised to a higher level in terms of Epidemic Prevention and control and measures will be fully implemented to prevent keep personnel from leaving beijing we will resolutely curb the spread of the virus in and outside the City Health Workers have been dispatched from across the city to beijing stays on hospital designated as a cold 90 Treatment Center you got me you were then dropped all but the 100 transferred medical staff consists of 24 doctors 62 nurses 8 people from a Clinical Laboratory and 6 from radiology to enhance the treatment capacity of severe cases jangly a doctor who played an Important Role in the expert group for treating critical patients in will also join the Treatment Team for severe cases in the town hospital the government is allegedly testing hundreds of thousands of people on the spot a monopolist residential compounds under complete lockdown food markets i think restaurants in the city of 20000000 people opting to subtracted officials seem determined not to turn into a mother who harm even as Health Experts warn the virus detected in these new cases seems more contagious. Is a Prime Minister has put the military in charge of border quarantine operations after breach of protocol in 1000. 00 back into the country 2 women with the virus were allowed out of quarantine early on compassionate grounds they had arrived from the u. K. It had not been tested before travelling 650 plotters to visit a dying relative the Prime Minister said it was an unacceptable failure of the system. The suspension of compassionate exemptions will continue until such time as we can guarantee a disciplined and rigorous system at the border that ministers have confidence and. I know this will be out sitting to some new zealand is seeking to return home to visit dying relatives and loved ones however the risk to our collective if its to eliminate to carve it simply too great i cannot allow the gardens we have all made to be squandered by pro ceases not being upheld but american prisons are notorious for being overcrowded and or resourced and kovan 1000 hitting the region hard many are worried about rapid spread in jails and mexico the government had an amnesty plan to release wrote low risk prisoners John Heilemann reports from mexico city. A new feel good out of the mix can present this 8 group just the scope it hit the country hard but when we 1st met him he wasnt feeling too relieved his brother dan was still a prisoner in the got the virus and hed been taken here to this hospital employee. A new foot been waiting outside for any news for 2 weeks sleeping in this tent. Right now i feel good to be at liberty but if they gave me a choice between the lots of my brothers in to stay in prison odd stein prison and thats saying something overcrowded cells a lack of basic medicine and no way out you couldnt get a much better breeding for co that the mexicos jails we asked the new food to phone a friend who was still inside and tell us about conditions. Here if you havent got medicine in trouble because a paracetamol costs 0. 75 you get me so theres no medicine and the medical service doesnt attend teaching me what goes if it almost sounded how many seconds there since i lift this. Almost everyone in the dormitory is sick brother. Mexicos government says early screening in isolation has prevented many prisoners in federal jails getting sick but for n. G. O. S this is still a ticking time bomb. In cells where 4 people should be living in some prisons that are more than 20 and that situation with this pandemic infections are exponential the governments tried to reduce overcrowding in april it pushed through an amnesty law to release thousands of low risk inmates from federal prisons but after Nothing Happened the law or the proceedings the Legal Proceedings in order to for these summits if your cure depend on the executive branch the final decision depends on the Judiciary Branch too independent backers a lot of. Slow were a critique proceedings in order for things to go from intention into reality and thats whats not happen its got stuck in the red tape yes exactly in a separate process state prisons notoriously the most overcrowded have managed to free more than 3500. 00 still just a drop in the ocean about 2 percent of the total prison population a new phase one of them although he says he had to fight for it but freedom of become bittersweet by the time we met again his brother a done it since died of cove it was mum was devastated now. What can i do i try to be cheerful theres no other way theres no other way but to keep on going when was the last time that you saw. Right 4 years ago its an injustice what they did to him. She says that because dunn spent those years in prison without his case even going to trial thanks to a cloak the legal system more than 70000. 00 admits cruise prisoners in exactly the same situation this was now a new food is about to begin a new struggle funny will cause the next cone in a country where unemployment is surging but before that somebody has to do is. Take his brothers us shoes to the cemetery was done home and how does it make screw city brazil has reported its highest daily jump a new coronavirus cases almost 35000 increase came on the same day an official leading the countrys Pandemic Response said the situation is under control brazil has the 2nd highest number of infections after the United States or than 45000 people have died as President Donald Trump signed an executive order to reform policing following mass protests after the death of george floyd in custody and aims to stop bad officers from being able to move jobs and restrict the use of chokeholds but the president rejected calls to defund the police. Are now there are Police Reforms being implemented at state and local levels but theres disagreement over the best way to address systemic racism policing in say theyre being a targeted as an easy political win while some activists say its the unions that are the problem kristen salumi has more from new. Pepper spraying pushing and plowing into demonstrators the spotlight on the new York Police Department since the killing of george floyd has not been flattering and the state has moved quickly to pass reform measures but the unions representing police in the city say theyre being used as political pawns and Public Safety will suffer what were saying now is were all demonized because some was murdered in minnesota im going to say it again most restrained police the bobbin in the country activists say unions are a big part of the problem ya know smart tone is a civil rights attorney running for Manhattan District Attorney all across the country we have weve got to step forward one step back were electing better people were passing better laws but these Law Enforcement unions are clinging to their power and theyre going to do everything they can to undermine or forums into undermine individuals who are elected. Since a member of his staff compiled a list of local politicians taking Campaign Donations from Law Enforcement groups however many politicians have decided to give back the money signaling the tide may be turning new yorks governor last week signed a law banning chokeholds named after eric garner who was killed by one and making the records of Police Officers accused of misconduct public and on tuesday the mayor of new york city announced that footage from Police Body Cams must be released within 30 days if it involves the use of a firearm or force that results in injury or death. Police reforms here in new york and elsewhere around the country have largely focused on individual officers and holding them accountable for their actions but critics say racism is a systemic problem and more systemic changes are needed former Police Officer dennis kenny believes the issue isnt unions but rather a militarized approach to policing weve gone back to the effort militarized Police Easily evaluated Tactical Solutions and so forth and all of those have the effect of kind of driving a wedge. We community and elise. And i think that we need to go back and think oh softly again about why we only use not just how police in california the states largest Police Unions have published their own reform agenda again the need for action it calls for lessening the use of force and increasing accountability to root out racist Police Officers but that will require communities and police to Work Together to make communities safer for everyone kristen salumi al jazeera new york so ahead on aljazeera. A top u. K. Footballer achieves its goal to convince the government to bring back Free School Meals in the u. K. And another championship title for these german giants those details in just a bit. Business leaders theres no bra spar. With. Business leaders theres no brush paul. Move. Forward. The a. High profile footballer has talked to you k. Government into a you tar and over helping School Children from struggling families food vouchers work to stop during the Summer School break until ancestry not its marcus rash for demand that the government reconsider and reports hes a 22 year old footballer and hes just managed to bring about a major government policy change on tuesday Prime Minister Boris Johnson reversed his decision to stop providing food vouchers for School Children when the Summer Holiday starts theyll now be a covered some a food fund costing around 150000000. 00 with more than a 1000000 children qualifying thats prompted the Manchester United and england star to put out this tweet. Since britains lockdown started in march many families have been given either vouchers to spend at supermarkets or food parcels but the scheme was due to end next month in england last weekend rushford wrote an open letter to all members of parliament urging a rethink he used his own experience of growing up relying on Free School Meals and food banks even though his mother worked full time there obviously has a huge importance for me. Probably on a personal level because. You know what form is it going through now i want to go through the. Same system and its very difficult to find a way out. Now that im in this position and then its very important for me to help the people that are struggling rushford campaign drew widespread support including from some members of johnsons governing conservative party the government stuck to its guns saying it was spending money on summer activities and local authority hardship funds but then shortly before the Prime Minister was due to appear in parliament came the announcement and in the last hour the government has you turned on Free School Meals can i put on record my thanks to Marcus Rushford for the part that he has played on this issue in the victory for the bomb point 3000000 children affected. Marcus rushford has already helped raise around 25000000. 00 for one charity to supply meals to struggling families their chief executive has welcomed the new extension but hes warning about challenges just around the corner the really important sticking plaster after that were going to have large numbers of. Come to an end as well increasing large numbers of people who are going to need. Further support and this is where we are actually quite fearful of the future the c. E. O. Of the premier league has also congratulated rushford on his ladys achievements but the real winners will surely be children whom as he said about his younger self the system was not built to help the aljazeera. Ok for more sport theres far richelle thank you so much and the last few minutes footballs european governing body you a fan has announced that the portuguese capital lisbon will be the host city for the final games of the seasons Champions League and 18 many tournaments will decide the title winners the quarter finals semi final and final will take place between all this the 12th and 23rd a similar format will be used to decide the Europa League competition in germany of the worlds most watched football competition the English Premier League returns later on wednesday following a 3 month long coronavirus hiatus theyll be 2 games the pick being Manchester City at home to arsenal all e. P. L. Matches will be played behind closed doors for 2nd place city a loss will mean leaders liverpool can claim the title by winning their next game while victory for our small who are 9th will help their chances of claiming a european spots hopefully we can not regret what the french or more one has done and everything is going world as well but at least if you had a real this is yet you must be. So difficult to imagine you know obviously we had. Been one way from each other. When they were very. Close in their console and communication with our players arent in them. Or. Elliott spoke to the athletics raffle one extend he says the e. P. L. Resuming behind closed doors has left many fans underwhelmed i dont live very far from the arsenal stadium and i think its. An unusual atmosphere on the one hand people are very excited at football is back there theyve been starved of seeing their teams in action they want something to do on a saturday afternoon and even on a wednesday evening at the same time its not real football is football without the fans and i think there is a sense of sadness in a sense of regret that we cant get the 4 body burden of the game back and it doesnt quite come with the same excitement that you would have at the beginning of the season also a lot of clubs dont have that much to play for so as much as people want out of football back if youre mid table team that isnt really that much riding in the next few games but of course is different at the very bottom and for some teams in the hunt for hero Police Chaplaincy places arsenal have a chance of really helping liverpool get their 1st title in 30 years quicker if they can beat most decision liverpool only need one game to win the title after a 30 year longing in that dream coming to fruition but its a foregone conclusion anyway liverpool need 2 wins they will find to win somewhere and of course for the sake of their various i think maybe you wouldnt be so bad if that weight goes on a little bit more makes it a little bit more exciting to see that moment happen. Byron munich one germanys top Football Division for an 8th time in a row they beat vert abram and one nil away on choose state is sealed its hydel it was about his league as top score Robert Lewandowski that got the winner with his 31st strike of the campaign is the 30th time theyve won the championship as they look to complete a trophy treble this season. Only. One game draw against. The rest. Yellow on air live on air. The rest of the games we won and fans who played brilliant today maybe needs a break next week 2nd coming from the. Saving grace. During the season was a tough tough battle but im happy that we can you know that the truth. Marsala have maintained their perfect record since the Spanish League a season resumed they beat lee gayness at home and are now 5 points clear of nearest rivals around madrid it was the 1st match the camp nou hosted after the leagues a 3 month break 17 year old and sick fattys scored his 5th goal of the season for barsa an all time top scorer lino messi doubled their lead in the 69th minute sealing at the 2 know when world 100 metres champion Christian Coleman has been provisionally suspended for violating anti doping whereabouts rules comes after the american sprinter missed a tast on december 9th of last year making it 3 failures to properly file his whereabouts in a 12 month period coleman says he missed the chance because he was out Christmas Shopping the 2 year ban means a 24 year old would miss next years tokyo olympics. And canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the federal government is open to the n. H. L. Operating a hub city in the country as long as its approved by local Health Authorities his comments come as a league is preparing a return to action plan that would see all playoff games taking place in just 2 cities meanwhile 5 time as stanley cup champions the Pittsburgh Penguins began their 2nd week of training as part of phase 2 of the return plan last vegas is slated to be one of the hub cities on the 2nd is expected to be confirmed by june 22nd. Ok and that is all your support for now we shall back to you or thank you very much thank you for joining me for the news hour back here but here i have much more of the days news on the other side of the break. Coveted beyond wealth power defines our wild veblen power investigates exposes and questions the use and abuse of power around the globe on aljazeera. A diverse range of stories from across the globe from the perspective of our networks journalists on aljazeera. Frank assessments tourism but income stream is dead in the water whats been the result seen poaching go up quite significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal in Israeli Society indepth analysis of the days global headlines its time for new policy needs to stay on treaty they cannot all be disintegrating but hes written in this debating to obey all continues inside story on aljazeera throughout history humankind has prevailed in our darkest moments coming together to face the very thing that would extinguish our light. This is not one of those moments. At all. This is a moment for pretty much the opposite for hiding for laying low. Is also. Saving humankind by really really not getting near it. Were playing games staring at screens staring at any. All of the stuff of your hours. Every generation has its most were individual sacrifice makes way for the good of those who will come after a higher purpose. This one is ours. China and india worked to calm tensions after a border skirmish killed 20 indian soldiers. Who were shot here in this is al jazeera life and also coming up. A dramatic end to reconciliation efforts with south korea now pyongyang says it is sending troops back into the demilitarized zone. A high ranking delegation from turkey makes a surprise visit to libya

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