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Announces plans to withdraw u. S. Troops from germany accusing it of failing to meet its share of nato spend. South korea says the north has blown off into Korean Liaison Office it was located in the border north korea has made several threats against south korea in recent days including threatening to destroy the office which was set up and 2018 lets bring in robert bride from south Koreas Capital seoul well what more can you tell us. This is a very serious the development is not completely out of the blue they have been making threats for some time from the north against deteriorating relations of course all of this comes against the background of stalled denuclearization talks between north korea and the United States which him as impacted into korean relations with north korea accusing the south of making matters worse and so on so there have been increasingly. Threatening noises from north korea and especially in the past week or so they have been angered by the planned release by by by groups here in south korea of defectors who had planned to release balloons with propaganda messages into the north this is always angered the North Koreans they have objected making threats the South Koreans had said that they were taking action to try to prevent this they knew that things were at a Tipping Point and in fact over the week a weekend kimya jiang that is the sister of kim jong un had said specifically that the Liaison Office in case song was a symbol of the improving relations between north and south would soon become just a smoldering building and leaving it up to the military to take the next step well it seems this tuesday afternoon as though the military has taken that step we had during the afternoon reports from Yonhap News Agency here on the border of seeing smoke rising from the building also hearing an explosion and its been confirmed by the Unification Ministry here in seoul thats the department that handles into korean relations that it has been detonated has seemingly been destroyed we are still waiting for confirmation from that from north korea but it seems as though they have carried out on their threat and rather this Liaison Office was set up back in 2018 so obviously things were really looking quite good back then in terms of relations between the 2. Absolutely i mean but where this was set up this is a joint Economic Zone which was held up as a symbol of improving relations south Korean Companies would set up operations in the north to employ north korean workers as the relations steadily worsened through 2201720208 extension 0 then the that it was shuttered no businesses were allowed to operate there but as they gradually improved again or all throughout last year it was decided that that would be the place for this new Liaison Office to have a continue dialogue to try to improve relations across the d. M. Z. And in steve the president of south korea moon j. N. Has said despite worsening relations he is still determined to try to look for ways of improving relations to work ahead but of course his options for doing that for trying to restore relations or even just get in touch with the north are hampered because the all of the hot lines between north and south have now been cut he has no way officially of trying to get in touch with his north Korean Counterparts thank you there rob mcbride there live from seoul. 3 indian soldiers have been killed during fighting on the border with china and happened in the disputed go one valley territory where efforts to deescalate tensions are underway an Indian Army Statement says an officer and 2 soldiers were killed. A top disease expert in china is warning the next 3 days will be crucial in determining the impact of a new coronavirus break in the capital some neighborhoods in beijing have been put back in lockdown after 100 were concerned the city had gone 50 days without reporting any cases. William meo tracy ever since new cases suddenly emerged in beijing we have tried to figure out the reasons for the outbreak since there were no covered 1000. 00 cases found over the past 2 months we came up with several possibilities and the most likely one is that the carrier of the Novel Coronavirus comes from outside china or other parts of china and brought it here as the global number of corona virus cases passes 8000000 the World Health Organization is warning of a possible 2nd wave it took more than 2 months for the 1st 100000 cases to be reported for the past 2 weeks more than 100000 new cases have been reported almost every single day almost 75 per cent of recent cases come from 10 countries mostly in the americas and selves asia countries must stay arlott to the possibility of resurgence because 3 year joins us now live from beijing katrinas this new outbreak in china stemmed from a market officials are saying some 200000 people visited that market since may the 30th so hes confident that they can contain this. Well they say they are theyre trying their best to reassure the public that theyre doing whatever they can to make sure that this doesnt get out of hand but of course theyve got a tough time doing that because the wholesale market is not only the biggest in beijing it supplies about 80 percent of the capitals fruit and Fresh Produce so food from that market goes across the city into different restaurants and markets even beyond the city to neighboring cities or the neighboring city of tianjin so what theyve had to do is put into place very quickly some intense contact and tracing measures for example at the moment we know that all the workers from that market been lined up to be tested about 8000 have been tested so far and theyve been asked to undergo quarantine we know 30000 different restaurants and markets across the city have been checked and disinfected and 28 neighborhoods close to shin fundi or in markets also affected because of the link now theyve been put into lockdown all those residents have to be tested nobody is allowed to go in or out they doing at this stage was a very start to relax a lot of these social isolation measures that had been put in place early in the year and many of those are starting to be put back into place so sporting venues Entertainment Venues many gyms have been shot again transport restrictions are also being tightened beijing as are forced to stay put but the strongly discouraged from traveling outside the city Long Distance buses have been canceled and other parts of the country have put in to put into place or back into place compulsory to we quarantine periods for anybody traveling from beijing because we do know that this cluster from the aging has already reached at least 3 different provinces across the country. And that you know we also understand that with ortiz are looking into the strain of the virus. Thats right me people are scratching their heads the really frustrated and shocked at this outbreak has come again especially in beijing which was considered widely to be one of the safest places in the country and for 50 days before last week we had no local transmission so authorities have gathered samples from these confirmed cases about 100 confirmed cases so far as well as the nation finding market and theyve said that based on their research this strain of corona virus is different to the strain that had been circulating in the capital 2 months ago leading experts to say that this virus is not from beijing it could have come from outside of china or indeed further afield from elsewhere perhaps in europe could turn your life from beijing thank you the parts of pakistan are under lockdown following reports of new infections 20 cities which have been identified as hotspots have been placed under new Restrictions Police and Paramilitary Forces have been deployed to 3 areas of islamabad are quite hard as live for us in islamabad come on tell us more about these reimposed lockdowns. Really. My apologies we seem to have connection issues there with kemal hyder we will try to end back a little later in the program across in india Prime Minister Narendra Modi is preparing to discuss the rise of infections with the chief ministers of 21 states and territories india recorded more than 10000 new cases on tuesday hospitals are running out of beds in delhi in the State Government is conversing wedding halls and train carriages towards. Around 15000000. 00 people in the Southern City of chennai and several neighboring districts are going back under lockdown from friday and will stay in place until the end of the month. A saudi Led Military Coalition fighting in yemen has been removed from a United Nations blacklist of warring parties that harm children in conflicts of this isnt came as a Coalition Air strike hit a vehicle carrying civilians in northern yemen on monday who the rebels say for children are among the dead save the children says 13 people were killed Rights Groups have condemned the coalitions removal from the list a diplomatic james space has more it comes out every year and its the list that no country wants to be all me uns list of the parties that are harming children in conflict zones either killing or maiming children the Saudi Led Coalition has been on this list this year its been taken off the list thats interesting because when you read the body of the report in the section of yemen it says that the worst offender are the who think hes the 2nd worst offender is the coalition of the 3rd worst the government of yemen and yet only the who thiis in the government of yemen are on the list the secretary generals special representative says thats because saudi has been reducing the number of children that it harms and it says that theyre still going to be monitored Going Forward it continued United Nations morning daryn and engagement. Will ensure they sustain the implementation of the program. And the very big creases in the number of. The u. N. Failure of which were dressed in a really thin well the thing about a nation in my name you say failure surely its a failure this year when theyve killed or maimed 222. 00 children. Because there still are. Relations in the dark you think of a general meeting and i think you will argue with me that if you prefer you to land in the section 5 of the room or where ensure monitoring make any difference with the place but 20 months who are sure and the completion of all the National Integrity human rights organizations though im not happy with that response Human Rights Watch said shame on the un for removing the Saudi Led Coalition from its list of shame. And Human Rights Watch says its found evidence of war crimes committed by fighters affiliated with the libyan war not wholly fast are the watchdog is calling on half staff to hold his army accountable for the crimes footage found online shows i dared to identify about the fighters torturing killing and desecrated the bodies of soldiers loyal to the government in tripoli. National army has been waging a war to control the capital since april last year so come here on aljazeera from protest to Police Reform that will demand for justice be met in the us. But we all have more of the way of learning to your your country your stealing result probably you were fast in greece in some way with big discipline. Son c. And sand in santa reading greece is hoping to cash in on foreign terrorism as restrictions relax. Weve got plenty of summer downpours across much of europe at the moment you see lots of clouds showing up on the satellite picture somewhat clearer about toward scandinavia some hot sunshine in place here and still pretty warm there over towards moscow but you see the weather systems little of the west which you can see well to me i suppose on the chart that indicates not too much of a wind and so when we do get to some of downpour it is likely to be very slow moving some heavy and thunder a shower santa rolling into the by of biscay moving across france pushing for a sweats getting up to 31 celsius in athens have plenty of heat around but for the next highest temperature on this chart go to there will be up to walsall 29 degrees got some heavy showers there in style comes the temperatures pick back to around 18 celsius and this heavy rain will not a little further north was warming up in stockholm cooling down in oslo plenty of showers elsewhere some of these will be heavy some heavy right just pushing the cross the low countries and getting into that western side of germany except the parts of europe generally fine and dry the set in the case across much of the mediterranean that is the case to across a good part of Northern Africa temperatures getting up to 36 celsius in cairo on shoes day hotter still by wednesday afternoon. Join our global community. Slap does the phrase the last thing upon my mind. Keeping you up to date for situation where we have a human rights prices that persist beyond the Health Crisis counseling your questions. Just nothing we are now approaching a crossroads this is an opportunity that we must not miss the strain on aljazeera. The and the the world. Youre watching are just there on her mind of our top stories this hour south korea says the north has blown up and into Korean Liaison Office was located in chaos on the border north korea has made several threats against south korea in recent days including threatening to destroy the office which was set up in 20. 1 of chinas top disease expert says the next 3 days will be crucial in predicting the impact of a new coronavirus resurgence of the capital some neighborhoods in beijing were put back in lockdown on sunday after 100 fictions were confirmed of the last 4 days. Of the saudi Led Military Coalition fighting in the yemen has been removed from the United Nations list of those who harm children in conflict the decision came as a Coalition Air strike hit a vehicle carrying civilians and nor the yemen on monday because rebels say 4 children are among the dead. Lets return now to our top story north korea blowing off its Liaison Office with the south robert kelly is in busan in south korea he is a professor at Tucson National university who specializes in the korean conflict thanks for your time 1st off why did you go to korea do this. Yeah a stand simply because the South Koreans have not cracked down on north korean protesters and activists releasing leaflets into the air which then flowed into north korea on the North Koreans have actually the south korean conservatives and sort of christian fundamentalists and others have been doing this for many decades and the North Koreans have complained about this before but theyve never really actually taken serious action like this this is actually some surprise and i think this is reflected by a larger things i think deeply that the North Koreans are quite disappointed that when jane the current president of south korea who really wants a deal with north korea has actually been able to secure so little ok so what role if any he said that its a stance a bit about these leaflets what role if any does u. S. North korea relations still do need clear eyes ation talks and u. S. State sanctions what role if any did they play here yeah i think thats the real background is youre right i think its unlikely that the leafleting is what drove the North Koreans to this like i said the leafletting has been around for a good 20 years now at least made maybe even earlier than that right the North Koreans have respond and they dont like it but theyve never actually done this kind of stuff before and i think the real issue is probably that the americans are push the south korean government very hard not to cut a deal with north korea this south korean government is sort of the most dog on north korea in the history of south korea never before has south korea had a president whos bent over backwards for north korea to strike a deal as much as this current president jane yet because of the alliance with the americans moon has been very constrained in what he can do specifically on the rollback of sanctions and i think the North Koreans are really frustrated after 3 years of this and i think thats why the rhetoric has gotten so much harsher this year the had been a warning about an attack on this office which came from kim jong the sister of kim jong un what if anything should we be reading into that. Yes she seems to be taking over the south korea profile i mean we dont know right i mean north korea is really sort of very close especially at the top theres only dependent media or anything like that sweet we dont really know but theres a lot of concern that kim jong il and that the leader right doesnt have children of age to take over right north korea as a monarchy right so if he were to die or become physically incapacitated its not clear who would take over she is the closest one shes the next on line in terms of the bloodline and so people think thats one of the reason why she has begun this ascent is that at least until kims children are old enough she is the she is sort of the heir apparent and it seems that she has begun taking over one of the most important profiles and south korean or north Korean Foreign policy and that is relations with south korea and she seems to be a hawk right which is not terribly surprising but thats important because it now looks like you have another sort of hawkish toughs camera running north Korean Affairs on the south korea do you think that we are going to see the escalation more actions like this coming from north korea i mean it has threatened to go into demilitarized areas. Yeah thats right so there were a couple of deals signed with the South Koreans in the last couple of years and i think the North Koreans are going to those they werent really very substantial but i think the North Koreans are going to sort of begin to roll those back as a way to signal their displeasure to south korean president and jane when janes got less than 2 years left in his presidency donald trump has really offered a great deal to the North Koreans i think the North Koreans see a window for some kind of deal which they thought was sort of wide open a couple of years ago fading away and i think theyre pushing hard to try to get moon as last year and a half as president to really make some kind of major concessions so yes i would imagine the North Koreans will continue to provoke but its important to understand that that one actually leads to a conflict right in the North Koreans know that they would lose even if they quote south korea alone they would lose certainly they fought the americans and the South Koreans they would get crushed the North Koreans would provoke but they want to actually allow things to escalate spend out of control thanks so much for your time for your analysis while they can leave it professor at Tucson National university. Top level talks have been held between the e. U. And the us against whats being described as an increasingly assertive china e. U. Foreign ministers are several had a 2 hour Video Conference with u. S. Secretary of state on pay a barrel says while they dont agree on everything the 2 allies should work to defend common interests when dealing with beijing including the situation in hong kong i should jest it should just it about the possibility of continuing gauging or not bilateral day a look focusing on china and the challenges that give more certainty of fact to tutor of china is putting on the on the wall stage President Donald Trump has confirmed hes ordering a significant cuts in the number of u. S. Troops stationed in germany he says the total will come down to about 25000. 00 soldiers reduction of almost 10000. 00 trump accuses his nato ally of not paying its fair share of contributions to the lives this budget germany as you know is a very delinquent in their. Payments to nato. And theyre paying one percent in this supposed to be a 2 percent of the 2 percent is very low it should be much more than that so theyre delinquent of billions of dollars and this is 3 years delinquent so were removing. A number down to were putting the number down to 25000 soldiers well see what happens. Mark simak of skee is a nonresident fellow at the air than to council he says trump is wrong to suggest germany owes the u. S. Money from nato. This comes directly after reportedly chancellor merkel among others were resistant to coming to the United States for a g. 7 summit i think the president was very angry with the chancellor personally over the course comes over frustration that the president has had of germanys inability to meet the 2 percent defense professional but all allies committed to in the will summit several years ago so i would not say germany is delinquent they dont owe the United States money they dont own nato money theyre paying their nato do become the president s perception is that because germany is unable to meet the 2 percent threshold even though it has been rising in its commitment that you has the ability which he does to punish germany higher than the u. S. Forces but again those forces are not there to protect your money those forces are there to protect all the you know. Countries as well as to protect u. S. Interests and frankly its being done you know laterally and its a gift to president putin which again i think reinforces d why this president has such a strange relationship with russia and he has now essentially given russia a gift or move the u. S. Forces without getting anything in return the u. S. President says hell sign an executive order on Police Reform on tuesday all trump says his order will in short change is a fair and just and safe as follows protests over the deaths of 2 africanamerican men in Police Custody and the calico reports. As protests continue to gather pace across the nation the family of ratio of brooks gave the 1st Emotional Press Conference the 27 year old father of 3 died on friday after he was shot twice in the back by a Police Officer his death has been ruled a homicide the officer who killed him has been fired and hes grieving family wants justice because tomorrow we go have to deal with it again. We dont have to beer and we dont think we miss you in a quit if they would look good enough we got this is the of the not there were never get there but racial brooks was killed 3 weeks after george floyd died in minneapolis after an officer knelt on his neck for almost 9 minutes now Police Forces across the us a promising major reforms to procedures Community Policing in their relationship with africanamericans in new york the citys anti crimes unit comprising of around 600. 00 Police Officers will be reassigned the unit was involved in the death of eric garner in 2014 and was responsible for a disproportionate number of shootings and complaints make no mistake this is a Seismic Shift in the culture of how the n. Y. P. D. Polices this great city it will be felt and mediately throughout the 5 district attorneys offices it will be felt immediately in the communities that we protect despite his insistence that law and order must be enforced President Trump says the death of racial brooks is concerning that it was a terrible situation. That it closely im going to get some report starting today in very strong reports and well have a little more to say about it tomorrow but certainly it was very to me it was very disturbing on tuesday its expected President Trump will sign an executive order aiming to improve Police Training weeding out bad offices and improving dealing with Mental Health issues its not expected his order will address systemic racism even as place reform appears to be sweeping the nation those calling for change say its not enough most of the changes involve procedures and not Police Accountability many want to see officers who carry out unjustified killings face justice something that all too often doesnt happen to gallacher aljazeera miami florida. The u. S. Supreme court has delivered a legal victory to the workers the government had argued that the Civil Rights Act of 964. 00 which makes it illegal for someone to be fired based on their agenda does not cover Sexual Orientation or transgender status that 6 of the 9 judges disagreed including President Donald Trumps 1st Supreme Court nominee neal goals which. Egypt says it will ask the u. N. Security council to intervene in the dispute over a controversial dam being constructed by ethiopia on the nile river negotiations between the 2 countries as well as done a full tilt after restarting last week egypt is worried fish filling the grand ethiopian renaissance dam too quickly will reduce its work to supplies. Are going to greece for a holiday is again an option for many in europe floods are arriving following months of locked up the government says precautions are being taken to avoid importing a 2nd wave of infections John Psaropoulos reports from the island of centering. Longtime visitors to greece were among the 1st to arrive in athens as International Flights resume from 29. 00 countries after 3 months of covert 1000. 00 lockdowns johana and bottle of mayo plan to spend the next 4 months on their boat sailing around the greek islands as theyve done for the past 14 years in holland we all admired the weight like your your country is dealing with the whole problem you know you were fast in greece and somewhere with big discipline we we looked into the vision thing from the from from your country and look people are very disciplined more disciplined i think the knowledge greece has 11000000 people and the government has reported 183. 00 virus related deaths a much better track record than most of europe the greeks are banking on their reputation for safety to entice tourists to return but greeks are also worried about the health risk especially after july 1st when visitors will be able to fly directly to the islands without landing in athens where they have to be tested islands such as send to renia ready for that calculated risk this island normally generates almost 10 percent of greeces tourism revenue this is one of the most famous sunsets in the world tourists normally throng this side of the island to catch the view about 3000000 people visited santa rini last year leaving behind more than 3000000000 dollars this year the islands merchants hope to salvage up to a quarter of that for having you Prime Minister thank yous has approved a 27000000000. 00 spending package aimed at keeping businesses open and workers employed he says as long as they manage to stay in business proper management of the pandemic will bring the entire economy dividends as people understand that this is a country that is actually well run with that well functioning Public Health system they will be more encouraged not just to come to grief for holidays but also. To come to work from greece or spend more time live in greece and buy property in Greece Greece suffered a recession after the Global Financial crisis in 2008 and austerity measures following an international bailout the economy was just beginning to recover when coronavirus hit tourism is key to that recovery as greece depends on visitors for 20 percent of its g. D. P. Jumpstart hopeless Aljazeera Center really. This is aljazeera and these are the top stories north korea has blown off its Liaison Office with the self it was located in carson at the border kyung and has made several threats against south korea and recent days including threatening to destroy the office which was set off 2018 bright has more salt there have been increasingly. Threatening noises from north korea and especially in the past week or so they have been angered by the planned release by by by groups here in south korea of defectors who had planned to release balloons with propaganda messages into the north this is always angered the North Koreans they have objected making threats the South Koreans had said that they were taking action to try to prevent this they knew that things were at a Tipping Point 3 indian soldiers had been killed during fighting on the border with china it happened in the disputed valley territory where if its to deescalate tensions are on the way one of chinas top disease experts says the next 3 days will be crucial in predicting the impact of a new coronavirus resurgence in the capital some neighborhoods in beijing were put back in lockdown on sunday after 100 fictions were confirmed. Pakistans government has reimposed what it calls smart lock downs as corona virus infections rise parts of islam of god and pressure wash have already been sealed off with areas of lahore and other cities sit to follow the saudi Led Military Coalition fighting in yemen has been removed from a United Nations list of those who harm children in conflict the decision came as a Coalition Air strike hit a vehicle carrying civilians a northern yemen on monday with the rebels say 4 children are among the dead top level talks been held between the e. U. And the u. S. Against whats been described as an increasingly assertive china you foreign minister just several held a 2 hour Video Conference with the u. S. Secretary of state michael peo were also as well they dont agree on everything the 2 should Work Together to defend common interests including the situation in hong kong where dealing with beijing news continues on aljazeera after the string. When the news breaks children here say theyre excited to be back at school but also nervous when people need to be hard to walk up or are currently have one here its apparently on board import it from the printer and apple put the country pocket on it the method for aljazeera has teams on the ground to go through more. Criminal be proud what about the guy that can get to bring you more wood in documentaries and life. I am fairly ok looking into the stream at a time when india is grappling with the corner virus pandemic or the economic fallout from lockdowns many are wondering why only in Jammu And Kashmir the Union Territory there is a new york that is creating a lot of controversy you know is the law and we will be talking about that today if you ask kashmiris they will have very strong

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