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As countries reopened for business tourism is slowly picking up but covert nineteens taken a heavy toll on the industry so how can it recover what changes are needed to make tourism sustainable and do tourists even have the appetite to travel this is inside story. Hello im Kemal Santa Maria so it is the middle of june in the Northern Hemisphere schools are almost out on the traditional Holiday Season is upon us but what is traditional about emerging from a months long Global Pandemic lockdown yes travel restrictions are gradually being lifted in many countries and Tourist Attractions are back on the a 10 to rebut there are so many catches along the way now some European Countries well they have now open borders to each other but for now thats it tourists from other countries will have to wait others are welcoming visitors from nations that have the coronavirus under control but then you have to think about Health Certificates quarantine and other precautions which might be needed and going on holiday if you can is likely to be a very different experience if were all Wearing Masks and standing to meet as a pot. Actually we have a wide range of Protection Measures in hotels for example weve spaced out dining tables sunbathing beds and buffets at a safe distance a lot of things have changed including the way we clean the hotels all of our staff and customers have to follow the safe standards. So its going to look and feel a whole lot different isnt it here now are some brief reactions from holiday make as to what awaits them. You have is that for no yes we are totally happy that we can go to majorca because it was only age for a long time and were having our holidays now we just cant postpone it stain germany was not an option for us and well yes we are totally happy that we can get out of the country thats for the government has very little control very few people going back to you know mercy. Thats why shes still you know travellers entering our next week im going to create. No problem for me to worry about marriage there was something missing during the last 3 months when the polish german border was closed and we couldnt go there to shop thats why we walked right over there today so for those people there are some positive signs on there but there has been an awful lot of damage done to the industry and 2020 the World Economic forum is said to tourism is expected to fall 80 percent this year and you break that down with arrivals in tourism resorts down by just under 60 percent in march that was when the lock downs were mostly imposed and a loss of about 67000000 people as well that equates to disruption in the 1st 3 months of 20 twentieths estimated to have cost around 80000000000. 00 in lost income the asia pacific spin hardest hit followed by europe while the middle east is the least impact and so far and on the employment front up to 120000000. 00 tourism jobs worldwide are at risk because of the decrease in demand for travel and that decrease well it looks like this 58 percent reduction in visitors for the year if restrictions are eased in early july or it could be a 78 percent drop of that only happens in december the last in International Tourists could reach more than a 1000000000 people. So for a global story weve got guests from all over starting and i could see a morocco with the mothers he is the president of the Regional Council of tourism in madrid had a son that play on to the director of the Europe Regional Department of the United Nations World Tourism Organization and in bangkok is mario hardie c. E. O. Of the Pacific Asia Travel Association thank you all for joining us ive got a sort of an opening thought here which i want to put to all of you and get a brief response from each of you the idea that post covert 19 whenever and whatever that is this could go one of 2 ways either weve learned some lessons and we think more about how much we travel where we travel how we do it. And we think about the implications of that or everything goes back to normal because people have been cooped up for months and i just want to get on holiday and they want to get out and travel again. Rashid ill start with you which one of those scenarios do you think is more likely to happen. Let me just say a brief words about their management of depending you can rocco if you were mates me this is a broad who. Do the moroccan state has managed to successfully depend dimmick and did us there was the population have shown that entire stick of solidarity and depended make was well controlled of 6 from the control if you check all the books today all the statistics about all the countries we have just one of the lowest number of 2 for all of the word and this has made the population income dense and ours approach them to a realistic situation. Regarding the us to do 90 lets say that 2 a day as long as the borders are closed and discard is closed off so that we are not expected to march forward into muscle until it is at least for the next 3 months or 4 months and we in europe as we are in Africa North Africa and the tourism and the present in luck for us when our economy afford fire and means more 7. 5 cents. And today we are expecting and working very hard to promote to the mystic markets to more securities and right and to encourage people to spend holiday inside of iraq domestic that isnt what im going to come back to that later on i want to talk more about that yes bring alexandra into the conversation what do you think how that whats your almost got feeling about how this might go once as richard was talking about the restrictions can finally get lifted in aspects that can be open. Well thats a very good question and the thing is we besides the import asked we would like to wish that things go actually differently there needs to be some lessons learnt you cannot just start low its going to be a very slow sorry we all know that interest it turns 20 planning is basically government so it was very urgent for governments of the private sector to make sure that everything is done to to leave a survivor lime but what is very important is that when we restart tourism we do it in a very personal and in a backward in a way because there is no doubt of recovery or competition at the moment we have to be a little bit maybe special into the European Union and your region. Area which is what as me saying i dont normally accounts for one percent or international reivers in the world so we do have a responsibility there but we also think that you know things as i was saying lesson are things cannot be the same thing you cannot just aim ringback at bringing back the same numbers as we were mentioning some of the need to change but not only of the demand side of the work that we try out but also the obvious sign are not referring to such a distancing or other things which i read in strongly hope that they are going to be just temporary measures i think that there needs to be a way of looking at cers m. Which incorporates assembly not just as a marquee alledged tool any national or International Policy what more are we are living over Business Model and we say that sustainability and innovation have to become the new normal and this has to be the reality otherwise you know it just takes another dynamic to 0 the whole thing down again it is so easy to happen again isnt it mario lets bring you in from bangkok where i believe at least Domestic Tourism has already reopened a couple of weeks ago what sort of signs of you seen from at least the type population about their willingness to get back out there. I actually terrorism has been reopened for a just about 2 weeks and domestically as you stated the beginning of radio actually flock back into the beach resorts most resorts in the 8 destination to actually been opened around bangkok driving distance actually mostly sold out for the next couple weeks. Ive actually tried to actually book my favorite resort for this month its all after wait till the end of july at the moment so everyone is actually flocking back into travelling again maybe im too conservative mario but doesnt that sound premature i mean i know that things need to get moving again but weve gone through a very serious Global Situation and and the moment you start packing people in together well anything could happen at yash that actually may be an entitlement were going to live different situation we had just over 3000 cases of over 1000 in thailand we havent had many cases in recent weeks at before back to work but all to pick cautions are there everyone is working there mass out of social distancing as is well implemented we add that Contact Tracing to q. R. Codes in various Public Places restaurants are separated by fiberglass and all the old tales are adopting new protocols for senate is ations an accent or a so so far so good but its only been 2 weeks ok rashid good deal let me come to you because you 1st read this raise this issue of well this idea of more Domestic Tourism how are americans responding to that i mean so much of morocco is International Tourism i think do people there want to go and get out and visit their own country. Yes well. Most of the american doubt very excited you know after 3 and a half months or 4 months of people being looked down you know. Very excited the 1st thoughts of the. Continued contest being over since 2 days or 3 days starting from the 20th children. Down would be just over a whole begin to be on this of the knee not one but still moroccans according to the law studies we did with the tourist board of his ministry of tourism 7 to 6 percent of all the people of old moroccans do want to spend it on a day in morocco and he would stay in morocco and get very excited of course that are some question but is 1st think is how safe we are into autumns and how its going to looks like in the hotels d are we going to go spend what in a hospital or in a whole to do you know what i mean i mean all dearest rich diff is you can organise associate distance and distance cation all the protocol they had to protocol which has to be set by the world terms in terms of job is a vixen mostyn event then how to deal with customers induce in and rest settle into the kitchen in disagreement cool into beaches where in the summer holy day and the people reading the law do what you enjoy today as music will to a please and you know its on the Young Students because a number of offices will be in the new people do unto the day and its pretty difficult in the same time to send people spend all day swimming men and enjoying themselves and in the same time to be district then we have to be very very clipped to manage it in a funny way we have plenty of individual into tournaments you know instead of pub induce a big group. Absent to speak show we have prepared individual into to turn meant just to make it funny and not to go back to d outside with in a sad situation we want to make it as a enjoy meant to sign it on and how to combine both we have weve been discussing all the time and they think they think the best way is to go progressively because nobody knows how to be known and nobody knows just spending big how its getting and when its going to finish i hope very very quickly. We have to go from a to simply and not to make a mistake because of the end they held of the population is more simple more important the make up year of the fires so its a we if we believe in that so we hear from russia and we hear from some positive sorts of stories about getting proactive and trying to make it work which is great but it would be remiss to not look at the impact that it has already had you touched on that little bit earlier but some of these numbers talking about up to 120000000 jobs at risk and well a tourism job can you define that for us because it goes well beyond someone whos working for an airline or a or a hotel or Something Like that. Well totally because when we talk about is saying when we evaluate the effect of did it would have directed we have been direct and we are permanent we have seasonal what turns them does is that you know its i always refer to as a class because its really an arch and its really everyone says its our design so it crosses over any sentence reality is very very tangible it because it involves as i said the direct and direct late konami glides are a very large part of our societys because it does nations for example let me let me mention wrong and i could mention any other very very what was the issues and its been that then its far more were lichens than just national. If you think about that and definitely especially in places like venice there will be a need. To reactivate a largest city because if you think about the majority of the population of venice has moved out because of the angst because of the fact that younger member were talking courtship of just a few months on best in now that is basically 0 so when you reactivate that type of economy you have to also be incredibly careful another thing to me about what more grounding it is that definitely murder countries like italy and spain that were very very affected and that were very much in the needles obviously where you know there was a a great reputation and back because you know all of a sudden it would go and its not safe anymore to go to the people coming from italy look at a bus what was a thai who even you know discriminated or sent back home because ive seen episodes of this apathy that these countries have been ringback reacting very strongly to make sure that the measures are limited to make sure that the communication that its going to gauge unities destinations is actually there of. But i have to be honest with you the problem is not the demand and then the demand for tourism is so high specially not all the new lot what we want to do is get are really actually the problem in these sensitive Economic Sustainability all of these of the enterprises of the us a nice old beat up people the jobs the companies that as i said Small Micro Enterprises and the bigger ones theyre actually able to survive and they actually were able to make it through to lead to 20 always its like things like here where we hope that the depression and they are going to reach a more stable and maybe go away i would say not back to normal but you know sort of reaching back here you said reactivation and and sustainability im going to come back to those issues just before we finish up mario want to come to you just a brief comment because weve looked at the Aviation Industry and inside story before but i do want to mention it today as well because this is a big part of as well whether people want to get on a plane again how they will get on plane social distancing on a plane. The industry has going to have to make changes which i suspect will actually be more long term then certainly they would like and then the passengers would like as well. Yes i certainly see that the sector is actually implementing new procedures they will outlive actually defend and they will carry on a much longer afterwards as we experience after 911. 00 security in airports or enhance health at controllers into airports as we travel will most likely continue for an extensive period of time and some of that action may remain after in 19 i echo i. K. O. A. C. I. For the Airport Council internationals are also already putting procedures and protocols in place to facilitate actually travel air travel moving forwards and the the challenge of the moment is ensuring that each country is implement the standards in a similar fashion selection we have seen lists travel as we travel from one point in connecting to point minute or destination so actually this could potentially change the way we holiday for example you might have thought in the past im going to take a month off and im going to fly to paris and then im going to hop to spain im going to hop to it and you know short stays in in multiple places plot if youve got quarantine or Health Checks to worry about in each of those places you wouldnt be able to do that anymore. I think for the short and medium period here it i certainly will be complication it will be challenging as you just described to try one place another but i do believe that over a period of time we will actually coming to a consensus and to sonora nominees ation of actually travel it will be facilitated will have either it helps it to fit the actual certificates or other means to actually controlled whose e. U. Dues not immune and how to actually move from one place or another ok so lets go back to these issues then as we look forward sustainability and and reactivation rashid in you mentioned some ideas before that youve had about how to make the experience you know more fun while still having to add here to these the social distancing rules. I mean is there a lesson to learn that you can carry that forward and and incorporate in the future so that we dont have these situations arising again. Just desists dependent make is this something which is exception and canards that this is we have nipples see such a big quiet smile that nobody was expecting. The and to we have to kenaz to do all d was completely confused and confusing even if the government was doing something which some did believe on the dangers of bend and others dont believe and you dont all of us know we are trying to adopt our set situation should we go for. 19 and to make to sit up a new procedure in a new protocol and how long how how long disposed to call and virtue that going to say going to take 6 months of the month until we get defects the new one what is going to be on the yet whats about to next when shall we do it but one thing is sure thats improved by the has no very very good lessons from to spend in me and we have to promote thats we are all in the same boat we are all the same hopefully the nature has not been heard of dishonesty lead thats the thing though isnt it youve said you know were all in the same boat and weve all learned lessons but it requires everyone to actually enhance it and were already seeing on a smaller level the people who wear masts and the people who dont wear miles it comes down to the individual and thats thats something you cant throw. Well theres actually 2 day to day to turn as has been very strongly to deeply to. Move to it is is it is a womans thing cramped disses something we have to prepare now we did as a new vision and you struck dish a new way no if we. Had to fill the hole to say and deplete 50 percent we have to look at the financial side of the story because if you say to to continue you have to fill only hit of the plate means that the price will be double is the population in situation to pay more for the moment and especially in distance where jobs have been lost a lot of people find themselves one day late without dogs in income and what about the hotels due to deserves a lot of investment whats kind of 1st wifes policy and whats a kid betting meant you know instructed by the government in iraq and it may say that there was a sound created by the King Mohammed 16 about 3500000000 dollars this is we call it prove it 19th companions to support disability of the people we are talking about almost 1000000 people working directly in torys without talking of big and direct jobs we have we expected more dont have than they have done lots of facilities in terms of taxes in russia i was just in the right sorry just because we are running out of time and i just want to brief briefing leave the final word without a sounder because you raise this idea of sustainability do you believe the Tourism Industry can be sustainable and still financially viable. Because if you think back on its ascent ability to accurately is truckers that is phenomenal sustainability than the average american will and aspects we have an environmental sustainability and we have social culture of sanity we do believe that you have a show that definitely the resilience of the sector of the jury as a sector is a poor value that will allow again the engine to be started but as i said before im giving this president has to be a lesson learnt because weve been hit at the heart nobody was expecting anything after in a way that is that our weakness is that much as we did now are but what we need to do is we know we can not make the same 6 again so this has to be a moment where in order to make sure that as i said says and it is not just a nice word yeah but its something which is greeting right magically meant it and we had when it was your next to governments new sure this happens we need to introduce a new way of looking at service and with a larger and deeper program and it would you know goes on the dollar for every year in her relationship because the a very big project Going Forward wanted i think something that weve all got to work on together to rushy demise on a sun that appear on t. V. And mario hobby thank you for joining us today we do appreciate it and thank you for watching as well we are online in all the usual places aljazeera dot com of course on the show section facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story for more discussion and on twitter at a. J. Inside story at chemical a. J. If you want to in touch directly im come on santa maria from the whole team thanks for joining us and well see you consent. Examining the impact of todays headlines i need to go to work because i need to make money risking our lives by going in setting the agenda for tomorrows discussions racially charged social unrest on a scale not seen and International Filmmakers who moon class journalists bring programs to inform and inspire you the terrorist but youre here to story your city walk the path fine ill just see iraq. June 19th 6076. 00 days that redrew the map of the middle east is made record of victory of the israeli army and it was one of the greatest tragedy in the history of islam 50 years later aljazeera explores the events leading to the war and its consequences which is still felt today we tried everything we went to the United Nations we tried to mediation is contacts through Different Countries and it was clear that all this was just all of the war in june. Water scarcity has become a major global issue the demand is going straight up and the supply is going straight down turning an essential Natural Resource into a commodity trained into a profit just because life doesnt mean it cannot be approached what about the guy that can afford it and in that case tell these water in a new 2 part series aljazeera examines the social financial and Environmental Impact of water privatisation loads of water on aljazeera play an Important Role protecting it ringback. This is aljazeera. Hello and welcome im peter w. Watching the news our live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes parts of europe slowly begin to reopen borders and economies as lock down restrictions are lifted further. But really imposing restrictions in india a massive spike in cases forces a shut down in the city of chennai. No work at this

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