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Sudden death appear in court in caesar. And as Libyan Government forces surge into the strategic city of sirte we look at the barriers to striking a ceasefire deal with the warlord cling to hostile. Welcome to the program a dire picture is emerging of how the worlds 2nd most populous nation is coping with corona virus india has nearly 300000 cases but the number is climbing rapidly and the Health System is struggling the Supreme Court says conditions are deplorable for patients in the worst affected states theyve been reports of people being denied treatment and of bodies not being disposed of properly elizabeth parata reports now from new delhi. Hundreds of doctors in hyderabad main hospital for corona virus patients on strike just one of many protests by health care. Because across india a doctor here was attacked by relatives of a patient he had just declared dead who rushed towards us and they just throw. Me under to it was broken it was hard to my left and i i was very scared and. I still was going to throw it at me doctors in hyderabad want the government to enlist more hospitals to treat the 19 patients nurses in indias leading Public Hospital protested for 8 days in delhi until the all India Institute of medical sciences promise to improve working conditions even further their own 8300000 cases and more than 8000 deaths along with a public Health System that has faced years of cutbacks in the public and. It was in a terrible shape is that i mean it in. The for its limitations its good streets its not it was. Real for the whole world to see. His father as interesting even proper treatment in hospital but he was admitted yesterday and a doctor came to check all the time since and no doctor has come to check on him my father is 60 years old and a heart patient he has a severe cough and a fever. His uncle died from the corona virus at the same hospital this week it was a good death but we couldnt sort of talk about it we kept on walking from the more to the hospital with great difficulty we got the body and did the funeral he too was admitted here there were no beds available in all of delhi we had to put in a huge effort to get him admitted here the worst cities of delhi and mumbai is supposed to have some of the best Health Care Infrastructure in the country are reports of people being turned away from hospitals continued and here in jelly there are discrepancies in the number of deaths Municipal Council said then buried twice the number of coronavirus patients and those being reported by the government the sweet. Delhis chief minister says theyre expecting more than half a 1000000 cases by the end of next month. By the bed the 1st of july really 80000 birds this will be a huge challenge. Year delhi tried to restrict the territories beds to its residents but the Central Government has overruled that decision and the a Supreme Court says the situation facing patients is deplorable and ask the worst affected states to explain why the people arent receiving proper care elizabeth pran of aljazeera new delhi well dr michael ryan from the w. H. O. Spoke in the News Conference about the specific situation in brazil. The Health System is still coping in brazil having said that with the sustained number of severe cases. It is that remains to be seen and clearly the whole system in brazil across the country needs significant support in order to sustain its efforts in this regard well pandemics been devastating for Indigenous People in brazil Rights Groups say that deaths among the most vulnerable tribes have increased more than 5 fold in the past month to raise both found out this. More than 900000 people from more than 300 tribes these are members of brazils indigenous communities corona virus is spreading fast among them and now theyre struggling to cope with disease so when. They have a specific word for Indigenous People for salmons for us to perform our rituals and our medicines but theres nothing like that here we have to go through other hospitals for a referral when you get there they dont put on the documents that were indigenous. This hospital in my analysis has a designated area for treating indigenous patients but doctors say the biggest problem is not here. The disease is spreading into the interior and now its going to hit the municipalities the river communities and the indigenous in the case of Indigenous People theyll be brought here and why do we have an indigenous ward because we need to learn to treat people that are different differently and to value what sounds from the amazon with the state with the highest concentration of indigenous and brazil the highest concentrations of indigenous in the world and geo saying that death toll among Indigenous People in brazil rose from 28 to nearly 200 in just one month and they expect the number to rice we spoke to sonya who is in the city of d. P. Now. She says many communities are fearing extermination. There is an increase in illegal miners and loggers and they bring in the risk of infection we dont have the privilege to care for the pandemic alone we have to do this and at the same time keep on fighting with historical problems we face that will never dissolve like deforestation and invaders in our territory deforestation has also increased in the past month compared to previous years illegal miners and loggers are pushing deeper into the jungle brazils president has made it clear he wants to open up the rain forest for business and the discourse is an incentive to those who want to expand brazils agriculture frontier a video released by the Supreme Court during an investigation against the president shows his environment minister expressing the governments plans. To susan we need to make an effort while we are in this car moment in terms of prasco overage because they are only talking about corporate and push through and change all the rules and support for norms environmental groups say the government wants to move forward with a legislate. Of agenda that will we can see guards against the in question on indigenous lands. And for these communities it means their livelihood is seriously had risk threatened not only by epidemic that continues to spread but also by a government that is ignoring their calls for help. But the united kingdoms 3 Largest Airlines have launched legal action against the governments quarantine policy which requires 2 weeks of self isolation all arrival in Britain British Airways easyjet and ryanair say the rules introduced on monday are flawed or will have a devastating effect on tourism british Prime Minister Boris Johnson has accuse excrete myths of hijacking the black lives matter protests as demonstrators gear up for a further 3 days of rallies starting on saturday in a twitter post the Prime Minister described the attacks on police and violence during protests last weekend as intolerable and apparent he also defended the protection of british monuments including a statue of Winston Churchill from vandalism hes urging people against attending this weekends demonstrations what happened with these these demonstrations is that a tiny minority or a growing minority unfortunately have hijacked and they are using them as a pretext to attack the police to to cause violence and to cause damage to public property so my own portion my message to everybody is that for all sorts of reasons they should not go to these demonstrations but in bars in Central London he explains why the Prime Minister was felt or felt compelled to speak about the statue protests. He has said that its absurd that the statues need defending this is in light of whats happened in the past week particularly last sunday in bristol in the southwest of england where a statue of a slaver Edward Colson was pulled down and thrown into a river by black lives matter protesters that set off a whole debate about how the country memorializes remembers its past who deserves to be elevated and what happens to controversial figures Winston Churchill of course notable for his role in the 2nd world war Boris Johnson saying this is a permanent memorial to his achievement in saving europe from a racist and fascist power but of course he has got his critics around the country for other episodes in history to. The us city of seattle where demonstrators have blocked streets and set up tents to protest against Police Brutality following the death of george floyd those gathered in whats being called an autonomous zone police under an agreement between protesters and the citys Police Department President Trump criticized the agreement threatening to take back the city if local officials dont turn to our White House Correspondent kimberly how it says trump is promising to be the law and order president but his words are often stronger than his actions. When it comes to the socalled autonomy zone the chads as its called in seattle is about a 6 block radius area of capitol hill in seattle what the president says essentially to the mayor as well as the governor if you dont take back your streets i will and the question becomes how exactly is the u. S. President going to do that he does have it his disposal something called the insurrection act its not been uses the early 1990 s. The president repeatedly intimated that he may take that course of action we should remind our viewers that the military is not to be turned on civilians in this country that that is a policing role so really they can act to support with the exception of the insurrection act where things could be stepped up but the problem for this president is that weve already seen that he has had his defense secretary his chair of the joint chiefs of the military sort of breaking ranks with the commander in chief the defense secretary being very clear that he does not believe now is the time to use the insurrection act so the u. S. President continues to threaten to take action as capitol hill and in seattle as well as the mayor and the governor say they will push back and its going to start theres been an explosion at a most skin in the chemical kabul police say at least 5 people are being killed and many more were injured in the blast over the say the most official who was leading friday prize is also amongst that vehicle to 40 years in kabul. The minister of interior raise the number of dead to 5 and says that at least 8 people have been injured however there are reports from other ministries that praise the number of injured to at least 17 and i can confirm that the Emergency Hospital here in kabul there have been at least 9 people have been transferred there 2 are in Critical Condition so there is others have been transferred to other hospitals so it appears that the number of injured right now is higher than the number of 8 that the minister of interior who gives there are some reports that the exclude the explosives where underneath the podium where they mom was supposed to hold a sermon in the day during todays prayer and then as soon as he approached the podium thats when there was the explosion so weve got turns out to be true it appears that the mom was the primary target of the attack but places all initial stages and were still waiting for more information to come out from the ministry of interior. Well still ahead here on out as there were crowds take to the streets in hong kong to mark one year since demonstrators surrounded the legislative building leading to months of protests the at the end. Was. Hello hot and dry would be good words to describe most of the rape infinites in the middle east and then but actually hot and humid has been more the case around the gulf states recently so this increase in the wind out of iraq is usually a dry one and sometimes a dusty one might make things feel a bit different be better maybe were still talking about 4543. 00 in doha maybe only 40 in dubai and is hotter generally speaking in the heart of saudi meccas how down to 43 that will be a fairly humid feel as well coastal parts of levant are much better temperature wise high twentys or low thirtys but again not particularly dry it could be humid and its becoming increasingly here as yet how does not set in but is due to fairly soon obviously the same conditions stretch across the sahara the still some coastal weather for morocco there virtually always is at the moment and that will bring some rains reback the biggest showers you expect down from the gulf of guinea are there as a huge one a huge mass developed overnight period they tend to drift west through garner and towards sierra leone and this is exactly whats happening in the Orange Center suggesting where the heaviest rain is likely to be eventually those will move further inland but the moment the coastal. Frank assessments tourism income stream is dead in the water whats been the result seen poaching go up quite significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal and it really is a indepth analysis of the days global headlines its time for new policy gives us a country look not only seem to grady but hes great to meet the really deep of it all continues inside story on aljazeera. Welcome to the program again and her mind of our top stories on aljazeera india has recorded the biggest single day jumping coronavirus cases with nearly 11000 new infections in just 24 hours the rise in infections comes as the government eases its nationwide locked up british Prime Minister Boris Johnson is accusing stream is of hijacking a 2 braces protest in london a statue of Winston Churchill has been boarded up after it was sprayed with graffiti shots and called it absurd but shameful. Theres also been an explosion at a mosque in the Afghan Capital kabul police say at least 5 people have been killed and many more injured in the blast. The police the whole have dispersed hundreds of prodemocracy protesters had gathered in sites around the city new legislation makes it a criminal offense to mock chinas of them which activists say violates the freedom of expression devic apology from the city. This place like this are set up in almost all districts of hong kong it charts the timeline of the protest Movement Starting from june 12th to 2019 until present day june 12th this is significant day because it is seen as when the protests reached a turning point going from mostly peaceful marches and demonstrations into neared daily violent confrontations between the police and protesters on this day a year ago protesters surrounded the government headquarters they were debating a controversial extradition law that law would have allowed specs to be tried in the opaque courts of Mainland China which are communist run the law was eventually withdrawn but on that day human rights activists and protesters say Police Used Excessive force to break up the protest that changed the nature of protests and the Police Tactics both sides upped the ante in the coming months and years and. Move money off like. Like one Year Anniversary so were here to support our nation march demonstrations and rallies are planned for this day but canceled due to social distancing restrictions currently only 8 people are allowed to gather in one place this gives the police the impetus to break up this protest at any moment theres a very heavy Police Presence around this most people here are defying those orders to be able to express themselves im actually very worried about the power of the police at us because as we can see it is getting wider and wider and there is no. Effective mechanism to exercise checks and balances on them and they can just arrest anyone they want they can just stop and search because you are a youngster and youre wearing black over the past few months the protest movement to have subsided a deep time for the police to review their tactics they now try to shut down protests as soon as they happen with large numbers of Police Coming in and breaking up gatherings and thats just whats happened here but the protesters are just as fluid they just move on so are their ears and carry on chanting slogans and regroup again after another point from this Constitutional Court has ruled the president elect a must be sworn in as soon as possible following the sudden death appear in court and caesar the outgoing president died on monday weeks after elections were held to choose a successor now the ruling partys candidate was announced as the winner malcolm webb is following the latest developments from nairobi the constitution says its the speaker of the National Assembly that takes over in the case of the head of state dying currency that died while it was announced on tuesday we dont know when exactly he died the government said it was a heart attack growing number of people believe it was in fact coded one thing that following his surprise death in normal circumstances it would have been the speaker of the National Assembly then meant to oversee an election to choose a new president because it already had an election last month which was marred by violence and irregularities with the ruling partys candidate every day shimmy he was announced the winner of the Constitutional Court has ruled today that that means he should take over as soon as possible without any kind of interim administration and now there are at least 2 factions vying for power within the general and the ministers. Who control the randi and todays result is going to be good news for one of them. Libyas National Oil Company says its lost more than 5000000000. 00 since january because of the ongoing fighting libyas oil crescent is close to the latest battles between the un backed government and scientists loyal to the wall old clique the have to train has. Been a major setback for warlord Khalifa Haftar forces loyal to the internationally recognized government in tripoli are now attentive into the city of sirte on libyas Central Coast after a string of victories in the west. Syria is located near libyas most important asset its Oil Producing region in the east which is under house arrest control libya which has africas richest proven crude reserves and relies on oil exports for nearly all its state revenue plunged into violence with the toppling and killing of longtime leader while mortgage death the in 2011. The countrys oil fields pipelines and terminals have frequently been damaged in fighting putting libya on the path to economic government preserving Libyan Oil Facilities and strong access to the National Oil Corporation how after is backed by the u. A. E. Egypt and russia among others more than a year after he launched his Unsuccessful Campaign to take control of tripoli from the internationally recognized government his backers are now seeking to keep after involved through diplomacy but now embolden with turkish support and gaining territory rapidly Government Forces and Officials Say they will not negotiate with have to nor accept the ceasefire. We will enter a shot this isnt the battle for cities like ship assert it is a fight for libya for freedom and democracy we will continue east until we liberate all of libya from the war criminal. European leaders have called for a cease fire with the german ambassador visit in half there in Eastern Libya on wednesday and then tripoli the day after much to my leave. Unfortunately the International Community stood by while have to our sort of tripoli and killed civilians the feeling among libyans is they no longer trust the International Community countries who recognize the g. N. A. T. But support have to like egypt cant be trusted. The u. N. Support mission in libya has said that the g. And a and half there is military delegations are now fully engaged in the 3rd round of talks but with both sides very strict conditions it is unlikely we will see a ceasefire in libya any time soon now traina aljazeera misrata a report to the Un Security Council has found missiles used in attacks on Saudi Arabian Oil Facilities and an airport last year were of iranian origin has previously denied any involvement or diplomatic etta james space has more from the u. N. Headquarters. This is a report by the u. N. Secretary general antonio good terrorists to the Security Council its not yet been published but now it is or was obtained a copy and its following the work of the u. N. Panel of experts who have been looking into a number of attacks on saudi arabia on Oil Facilities and on an airport and they conclude that some of the materials used in the attacks may have been transferred in a manner inconsistent with the Security Council resolution 2231 thats the resolution in shrine and the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal of course they cant make a definitive judgment on that because its not clear to them when exactly these materials were transferred from iran whether it was a breach of the nuclear deal what i think is important about this is it gives fresh ammunition to the u. S. At what is a very politically sensitive time the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Kelly craft is preparing a draft resolution which is very controversial she want to extend the arms embargo on iran and shes making threats shes saying if she doesnt get her way then shes going to trigger a provision of the Iran Nuclear Deal called snapback bring all the sanctions International Sanctions against iran back into force you may ask well how can the u. S. Do that because it pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal it is a very tricky legal position and certainly legally doesnt seem to be any right now. Theres certainly going to be a big dispute if they go down that route and its going to be a dispute that pits the u. S. Is closest allies its european allies on the side of russia and china against the United States but the u. N. Has issued a desperate plea for Financial Aid and support in yemen saying more than 30 of its 41 programs in the country could close in weeks doctors in yemen have officially recorded more than 500 cases. 19 the Health Care Workers say that the number lags far behind the actual infection rates the u. N. Says the Health System has collapsed with hospitals lacking beds and basic medicine and turning away sick people more than 24000000 yemenis thats more than 2 thirds of the population rely on some form of a yemen is facing the worst humanitarian crisis that includes an ongoing 5 year civil war so slow the ante is the countrys representative for young men at unicef and she says the situation is growing worse by the day for 90 percent of children in the country that need aid the crisis is of cataclysmic proportions you have a preexisting situation where children were already in dire need and now children are confronted with multiple issues in just adds to their complex in very difficult lives that they that they leave the children in yemen are worse off than all children in the world in for us this is an emergency adequate testing in yemen we know that we dont have. All of the communities with access to testing and so definitely what we are hearing as always seeing as the numbers being officially declared do not tell the story that the children of facing children are facing multiple issues so for example i would give you children are for now out of school and you would say well all should know the world out of school for the most part but the children in yemen almost 6000000 of them whove been out of school since march schools are probably closed had no access to any distance money no access to Education Online no form of education at all in addition to that theyre facing a conflict we have active lines right now you cant talk about children playing you cant talk about today even having some sort of recreation so at the end of the day the children of yemen are stuck stranded. The u. N. Refugee agency is making an urgent appeal for nearly 200000000. 00 to cope with the recent wave of displaced people who fled violence in the whole region groups with bases and mali have spread turks tunisia and the kenya at least 4000. 00 people were killed in 3 countries last year across africa the reports. Hiding under the staircase of an abandoned school is a bully family shaken from an attack theyve turned classroom benches into beds beneath is everything they save before dawn militia armed with machetes and guns tore through their village in central mali 66 year old bully has seen a lot of conflict between philosophies and doggone in his lifetime but the brutality of this weeks attack has left him in shock i am afraid of the dog and militia not the jihadi groups and forces they dont harm us like them but they dont protect us either the militias control our movements they kill us and burn our villages. The u. N. Investigation accuses dogan militias and the militaries in this a hell of committing war acts of extrajudicial killings on the civilians they are meant to protect than the armed groups their fighting. Has been the function. For that has generated general. Impunity. And a repetition of. 2. 3000000 people mostly children are on the move fleeing the violence in the sahara 5000000 are facing hunger and are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance the United Nations Refugee Agency says they are overstretched and are appealing for 200000000 dollars to help those displaced people have fled their homes have literally fled with the clothes on their back they dont have shelter they dont have food they dont have the most basic stuff things all focused in this came up will be to bring in that shelter. Governments which started off as an armed insurgency in northern mali in 2013 has now spread beyond us to hell into togo and ivory coast with attacks being carried out by groups linked to Islamic State and alqaeda last friday while tens of thousands of demonstrated against their governments inability to protect people from the violence French Forces said they killed the leader of al qaeda and islamic magreb. In northern mali you know incident comes as the United Nations wants to slash the 1000000000. 00 budget of the Un Peacekeeping operation in mali for failing to deliver peace the mandate of the 14000. 00 troop is up for renewal while the United Nations Security Council debates the future of the mission. In his family wondered not when but if it will be able to return home Nicholas Hawke aljazeera. Reminds of all top stories india has recorded the biggest single day jump in corona virus cases with nearly 11000 new infections in just 24 hours the rise in infections comes as the government eases its nationwide lockdown brazil is another virus hotspot with 802000. 00 cases and theres no sign of the disease slowing down with some intensive care units more than 90 percent full dr michael ryan from the w h i spoke at a News Conference earlier about the situation in the country. Overall the Health System is still coping in brazil door having said that with the sustained number of severe cases. That is that remains to be seen and clearly the Health System in brazil across the country needs significant support in order to sustain its efforts in this regard. British Prime Minister bars johnson has accused extremists of hijacking and he raises protests in london a statue of Winston Churchill has been boarded up earth it was sprayed with graffiti johnson called it absurd and shameful whats happened with these these demonstrations is that a tiny minority or a growing minority unfortunately have hijacked and they are using them as a pretext to attack the police to to cause violence and to cause damage to public property so my unforeseen my message to everybody is that for all sorts of reasons they should not go to these demonstrations. Theres been an explosion at a mosque in the Afghan Capital kabul police say at least 5 people have been killed and many were injured in the blast. And police in hong kong have dispersed prodemocracy protests protesters and the Controversial National anthem law comes into effect now the legislation makes it a criminal offense to mock chinas anthem its one year since Police Crackdown on demonstrators who are surrounding the government headquarters leading to months all violent protests because you have all of those stories on our website at aljazeera dot com back with more news the aljazeera news hour in half an hour to stay with us inside story is the next thing. We will not stand by as our people are threatened by a Kangaroo Court the u. S. Imposes sanctions against the International Criminal court targeting its lawyers investigated suspected war crimes in afghanistan whats behind president Donald Trumps move this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program im in. The United States is facing criticism around the world for its latest threats against the International Criminal court

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