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Particularly texas florida and arizona these are all states that with the last few weeks have lifted their stay at home orders and so the economy is really coming back but coronavirus is as well and i think that has really spooked the markets the top u. S. General says he was wrong to join donald trump for a photo opportunity outside the church after the area was cleared of anti racism protesters mark milley seen here in Army Fatigues says joining the president created the perception of military involvement in domestic politics president s threaten to take back a protest zone in the city of seattle where demonstrators have blocked streets and set up tents to protest against Police Brutality areas free of police under an agreement between activists and the Police Department seattles mayor and the governor of Washington State of awestruck not to get involved. Crowds are rallying in hong kong to mark a year since protesters broke into the Legislative Council building that demonstration marta significant escalation of last years prodemocracy Movement North korea says theres little point in maintaining a relationship between leader kim jong un and the u. S. President as long as washington remains hostile going on as foreign minister made the comments on the 2nd anniversary of a landmark summit between the 2 leaders well but kelly is professor of International Relations at south Koreas Police on National University he says north korea no longer trusts the u. S. President to bring about any substantial change. I think the North Koreans came into that really expecting that meeting with trump personally that was the 1st time ever got to meet a u. S. President would bring some kind of change right it would allow them to skirt around the National Defense bureaucracy and Foreign Policy community in america which is not hostile to deal with north korea for decades right and this would allow them to sort of leapfrog over that go straight to the president and finally pull out a deal and trump just didnt do that i mean he has pushed for a deal with north korea has been sort of erratic and kind of confused you know and talks about the love letters and he kind of drops north korea for 6 months you know and i think the North Koreans have just sort of gotten burned sort of like i think the way the rest of us about burned right that that trump is a sort of very erratic and he loses the thread often and he drops things that dont interest him and Everything Else and i think thats what you heard today the North Koreans have just they just had it and theyre not going to let you know they dont want trumps or manipulate photographs and this and that you know its a theres a big deal coming because the elections coming up the North Koreans have always played it tough right i mean this is one of the sort of the longstanding criticisms of efforts to engage north korea is that the North Koreans always sort of offer a door demand sort of these enormous preconceptions in this case a south korean lee its been very very difficult because the North Koreans want the south korean government to clamp down on anti north korean protesters but south korea is a liberal democracy and thats really difficult obviously in the south korean government is now being accused of sort of doing the dirty work of the North Koreans its all really sort of difficult and complicated and this is one of the reasons why trump didnt get much out of north korea because the North Koreans sort of fight over every single inch and the behavior that were seeing now weve seen in the past Video Conference companies zoom has admitted suspending accounts of human rights activists at the request of Chinese Government the firm initially said it was following local laws when it temporarily blocked accounts of fall masoud and leaders the 2 parts of the chinaman square protests in beijing the World Health Organization is warning that covert 19 is accelerating across africa infections have doubled to 200000 in less than 3 weeks. The United Nations says its horrified over the discovery of mass graves in the libyan city of tal hona and other areas recently retaken from forces loyal to the wall Khalifa Haftar to whom it was last remaining stronghold in the west of the country and im wrong matheson these are the headlines up next its our does your world go by. And to her and to doing as always indian films have been captured and grabbed. Yes then you took us here to a neutral christmas and its a country that used to bomb old man lived on a. Log book with down the walls call him a model thats been. Truly see her. As a model for the fiction the respect for the moral compass the place i let me assure you when you. Didnt come until she too had. You. Your 2 didnt want to hide your mates your brothers had married to spare. One from going to. Decide that me and thought oh why not Freddie Brett gives you its great to. Go all. Out of going to just your hearts. Blood nobody could. You know long he had already at my feet feel that god. So. Loved me. Not to. Respond. Because he has plenty of it anyway and. That is i. Had see and then there were 2 men on the ne last question in cant get to him and. Comes back to him and it was you he india are not and if its dead its then that its a very 2nd hand the citys been hope the ending it seems many indeed. That you can see any significant. Other than getting you to. Come a. 1000000 is feeling like that if you didnt sound like she was here you dont argue with that if you want to live had some of that only if you didnt i. Could listen only the city was there a year later than we showed up on our trip to the asylum of such any come from is that a small dose limit its. The elements a lot of can be it appears you. Then. Cut out some good also. Can skins even seem out when the. Summit sets and 2 when one notable the can do a limited view of whats going to look in the can a show for. You and you for a cup even can. Really need so. d many cant said music executives in the. Movie but i bet if you comment on acted in a. Moment its a lot like you can if you sincerely get more cash you. Cant you see im wired to say this is. What im going up about im not a hit. Then why not volunteer i said Sunderland Team the question hi jackie shroff. Coming out are no words for you straight up idea that he shook up or released to a moral core is like you know its another Indian Country because their culture is little different not so much but the people are so good very corporate you know we. Have no money go. On like thats right so we love them like you people you people came here you have short the entire scene the speech and all of the thing you will soon you were walking most of the time and you were helping us so what is we want exactly we want the people from our local come here investment 100. Hindi. Family film need those be able to become a better p. R. This is the right time to help our. People to start a cool. I mean it. Goes. Right. To. Put you in with a security look. At you it is. Ok so look like that those people you love thats what it comes. Humko message what arlo. Just want to focus of this is when the clip off the young. Girl who for to fight a war with all of it was strange looking at microsoft. Just couldnt you get the but i think she will fail get shot did it isnt that how youre going to get a shot. Then lick it then. That it did jump ahead to see. That it did jump well had to say good that it. Be what it is ready to lie so that when i discuss this is who. Has just. Left its also about the yes has a creative. Page as a condition of my mothers the work i did you can do with. Michigan so comfortable can be a title of libya for the. Descent of. The i know im with feet and the and i who are comfortable working with the sense of sort of want to just. Know what its not until now its just a myth that they see mine. I mean you know going to hear what you can. Get how come im. Going to do the work thats the thing i love this show yes you do no one will. Be shocked when i show him the ones that will do this or that acquittal and often i have had a tough one is that ok if they need those didnt see many of you who need to look at me as if washed up which was so. Emotional. Doesnt look at other victims of the very. Few that actually a few miles out. To get out. Will you be if youre really on the look he actually would move the face of the militia. Who. You knew from without. You know some. Of them. I mean within 10 minutes is any of us can you could. Come in if. You did. Have a point or have committed a crime. So they had no father in their words american some of their. Getting up on libya. Can tell if the saudis. Do feel and when the. But that aside its a loss i think. For want good of something. Thats good and when we have. Limits. You know it can come about that our side in the other side of the muslim im going to be a kind of slow solemn baby oh. Im included to make you know that time. I think its couldnt believe. Weve seen it and it has a. Genie a sun and suddenly and funnier than we could because. It had. Settling hypothesise religion is not a scam its not and were just really conflicts with them and with us not enough heat. Today and when they come out on the side. She does get their heads. Shut and the time is a month when i dont has a business to them and thats. Just not enough yes must ask so that also he. Keeps his daughter be in. Ne ne ne from. Any. Lead can be in the money ball. I dont. Know when it can and dont. And the may school and the. One who was seen in real india should live with a suitable i know but i didnt and i thought seriously about it but you had to bet he would tell him the issue see the 1000000 video. Literacy. In india cancer having to pay a lot of locator leave disconcert for. Just and if you can a mission a mission of the. Can disconnect some horses so that she doesnt. Know who needs can. Who couldve been maternal age who live in kenya and you can can you can she look and its about him smoking didnt. Half. Time frankly think for Insurance Program factor for the. Africanamerican share mention. Of it with am sick and. There. Was. Never any in. The mobile singing the a come come which is a bit of the commercial hit. Him why the hell a computer for money in this and then they shall continue to have some regime in the body would. Theres my head its against my head you walk in the can be hard about seen a 1000000 votes are not. Were nothing he. Took off your credit its kind of any you know the kind of. Woman had seen him is a thing for the sublime say and the composer. But they didnt really be up for the whole lot had we had we had the Southern Belle and ness. Vision must have your theme and he needs. A horse theyre going to dont care there was 70. 5th of you know when you do you know you knew for a. Moment. Have you seen him going to. See him. Its. Something. India. Can. Really see and you need. In kenya to feel hey its in kenya its a its. Some unsettling feeling deal to see. And how many after the end. Of the end all were keen. To consider this 1000000 any. Sorrow defend do no fear she almost said ive seen the ferry. If you can at some last minute bad. Class and hell did he creates the community. To have the little. Person do it is the bit of smoke. When you consider but thats a lot of shit for. Darwin were not about allowed to believe it. So it doesnt it. Doesnt doesnt with. Their machines and immanent in. Which. They were building. Who. Could be so. That left the. Train. Of thought no. I know youre. Not going to talk about that theyre obviously bunch of. My grandmothers i know thats where several. Of us. I mean as you cope and shes also said. When i came here 9 years ago in 2003 i was very surprised that American People know me they see my films. Went to the soup to desire to buy some clothes and all the people to take my name and take the name of my firms it was very surprising for me but. I really happy to be here because. Theres a lot of love and affection and respect with the moroccan people to india to indian films to indian firm stars and i am very obliged to them for giving me this affection. And if a hindu took off again the only country im one of the only its kind of me would look after so no one had the sense when that youd come seen a. Lot more. Honest that you must in. Conflicts our. Songs and i dont want dark i know i can fast you can see them as. What someone gets so important its a woman point you come across one tennis only she feeling ok i want to ask how that would feel when i say math that she was how you heard the father videophone once you know one of the you know f. And he gave as he only incompletions a how can you tell me how did he and i was. Get. A. I. Agree. Or cut because the market asked if youre mad to end the contempt for us now to seem me i dont want to count candy. You know and you can be indebted to can i get you home as that was the end. Of the school day we have a list of some. Of the good it would have. You had. Been there actually its. Sort of who. I believe in the human race here no one its a no and ill just. Did the. Same. Deal deal because you believe. That the American City kind of video. India. In sort of divine are. Someone a divine now i dont know if im perceived its all well and can. Only go within 100. Of them can mean in the someone again with to me but i feel a whole world. Of i need him the can how intimate i need the at home who could how when we can meet. And occasionally. You would kind of finance company for you when you took at their peak and asked you to come to ash you can feel indignant juice and hed give a duck who given you the time she says you are mad so what dont you. And youve stood us as you would you. Given me and we can. And do so whats killing me ok youre classically diction and you can have. Some just. Here it would be. A. Good thing. My. Name. With who. Flim louis so you know. In the messiah has sent. A clear signal if im keen keen to see. Who gets to Christopher Lee so whats in me so full of flimsy any and the model of do. As i mean conditions. Even simulink you here can submissive really. Consumed you can should consider to have a great deal of limited shifts can. Feel fear feel normal come to the end of the shore you through this and did you could have been in the end no one can move kinda cool. Headed had to call upon the control from them were to move your lot at the end of you can cause she has a. Lot of coffee so how much that is and yeah i havent they said anything like that to me ill let you know that less likely said i dont. Know that or as i realize i was really done you know a lot of the. Rick i looked up and. Here you are you know of a la carte gallup you know. The british iraqi journalist whos visualizing complex statistics in a simple art form i think your office are some real sites of opportunities to break apart from most systems of power and to collect data in a way that so represents Different Community challenging mainstream misconceptions and the quite crates and control ministrations doesnt alienate people it doesnt make people feel like im not smart enough to understand this truth is that any way on aljazeera. I was. Working in asia and africa there few days where id be choosing editing my own stories and a refugee camp to know its interesting and right now were confronting some of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever faced and i really believe that the only way we can do that is with compassion and generosity and compromise because of the only way we can try to solve any of these problems is together thats why al jazeera is so important we make those connections. June 19th 67th sixtys there redrew the map of the middle east this record of victory of the ended war for the goodness of the history of the 50 years later aljazeera explores the events leading to the war and its consequences which are still felt today we tried to be hard to try to make you lose contact through Different Countries and it was clear that all this was true of the war in june. I know about this and in doha the top stories on al jazeera asian stocks have fallen sharply after markets in the United States recorded their steepest fall since mid march this follows rising Coronavirus Infections in 14 states and a poor Economic Forecast from the Federal Reserve cable elizondo is in new york he says the turbulence on wall street cant be directly attributed to the pandemic there are still deep worries now that this is spreading as you mentioned in more than a dozen states were seeing numbers positive cases that are on the increase particularly texas florida and arizona these are all states that with the last few weeks if lifted their stay at home orders and so the economy is really coming back but coronavirus is as well and i think that has really spooked the markets the u. S. President has threatened to take back a protest zone in the city of seattle where demonstrators have blocked streets and set up tents to protest against Police Brutality the area is free of police under an agreement between activists and the Police Department seattles mayor and the governor of Washington State donald trump not to get involved crowds are rallying in hong kong to march or years since protesters broke into the Legislative Council building that demonstration marked a significant escalation of last years prodemocracy protests it comes as a new law is implemented making it a criminal offense to insult chinas national anthem. North korea says theres a little point in maintaining a relationship between leader kim jong un and the us president as long as washington remains hostile going on as foreign minister made the comments on the 2nd anniversary of a landmark summit between the 2 leaders. The World Health Organization is warning that covert 980 s. Accelerating across africa infections have doubled to 200000 in less than 3 weeks the w. H. O. Says a lack of testing kits remains a big problem and the United Nations says its horrified over the discovery of mass graves in the libyan city of tal huna and other areas recently retaken from forces loyal to the wall hoft are libyas un recognized government says the graves contain the remains of their soldiers who were taken prisoners those are the headlines coming up next an aljazeera its all jazeera world by. Throughout history humankind has prevailed in our darkest moments coming together to face the very thing that would extinguish our light. This is not one of those moments. At all this is a moment for pretty much the opposite for hiding for laying low. Now is also. Saving humankind by really really not getting near it. Were playing games staring at screens staring at any. All of the stuff of your hours. Every generation has its will or individual sacrifice makes way for the good of those who will come after a higher purpose. This one is ours. To us. All. Come. Here in the thread. See also of course this your nanny. Fox me too. Lynn was on here cleo woman to knock about her live for the concert dearly hadnt. Had the am. Born me. Not the saudis step. Short hours that i last had. A mammoth saini that i mean hindi all me she can even tell or do all who live let me in many for the clear whats the sense about me insane then the machine and im what i hope we see their mom and mccain mess but can home all the people who. Are. Me who need to say neal duck over syria and a clear shot from the cat and if you leave getting injured and. Really here im posts you. Also see and a lot r. P. Leo mean i have them as their tissue were going to be alive thats similar to the other b m and thats a glass house cup but that lets. The young men had the mccain i just said the only. I reckon if i. Didnt commit some she. Didnt come with me im against your 1st. Big shock that my son that men are french. And. Move. From. Ramadi voc in the letters and. A smile had this mohammad. Luna in mind for washing the implants. In nam and young as in one of his sons will be sent to me well. If im in the young. Half as it seems more us from. Home so were all. The same. It was. The good me i got a couple. That doesnt. Make a. 7 living. Being. Me me me oh that. You. Miss will help the Company India will know who you will need condoning i mean i want you to many but after cinema mauritania continues to something of a family india who to much for as to what. It is are not a helicopter for human madiba can be coming aboard harriet a little diversion to. The my home is what im saying oh im tamara construe for the next because im cynical under scrutiny would go over me a car be curvy he needed in me to my. Idea of the alchemist. And without any of the georgian and then the cinema over time and we could talk to the cinema and india capello can also culture too many disco dance and disco dancer too much and not. Reporting. Which is ultimately be good you did seem an india. But its a bad teacher is there you will have discretion to spend. Ideally to more look at fortune i have seen him in hindi how. Did computer but clearly how tell matlock supporters of duck duck seem to put use of tot he and me machine some good all the. Journey for were looking at is much welcome. Or have your child loves you so i shall send to the screen shots. Which i will shout to the world of the World Without the world and its will shall i say if you know what if. Those numbers are low done for the world when i have shot an interview havent had a lot of pride i want to wish doing. This to me well then you shall know the good. Happen. Anyhow you neednt duty to cut. How i came. To. War. The. Period. Just feet does little in movie shit. Explicit on down war. Is a mouthful all correlate to angry and ill seed knew what she put on the. News that well bill clinton will pull a lot of never been paid even if you only see the. You could have won. Because we had 6. Real kids i didnt want to be you because of me and we only you didnt. Consider to see hundreds of. Oh my room is a little girl called good old age. And. I. I. I. I. I i i. I was. And. Yeah its and you took us yet so that you 2 could recent coffee in the india album. No but thats how the movie seemed over with oh. Yeah. You got us and not in the us and a whole. Lot of subtle and so was in the magazine and if you really want to know. The name of the b. L. S. Says there was. No thats in the say lets be new hed be. Seen. In the kind of lot of the scene on the list for whatever i know if you keep it on someone on the committee limit of any component of any and a kitchen i. Am also going to help them on numerous. Off the shelf necessary to keep and thats the kind you can read you can. Sort of keep them up and also watching not wishing all were scorched which you can but it was a possible if you could imagine that this was the kind that would explain the mission. Was. Their Economic Future might be john donne it seems that. He came up with the effort to see if that. Funny for. 6 the sheet. But you can see the consultants who. Actually do it in the end come division have to. Deal with these and im looking for make a good one in the. Outcomes we want you to look so you know its going to need. To be a. The cubs. You see as usual can us the power. And a mixture which im not so much for. You thank you. To add to our. Thanks to our. We. Thank you ok how did you get beads if you dont need them so hey can i have. Obama im very generous with that how. Could. They have a true wife lying false well any bits of the law that are already equal and the commitment will only be. That or had the pleasure. They had the more. You know me. Ive already become the mayor when we can mount. Sion pits and heads. As an indian i think there are so many stories that we hear about morocco sauce that comes to my mind is definitely my friend imaan who is from rocco and in bombay she is she is a representative from morocco for me because she tells me about hope culture and in medical about the food there about the indians there also about the beautiful places that one should visit there and she insists that i should wish that morocco in the coming years. But she. Kanes that make sure you are not going to. Go at all in 2nd ino i said thats wrong story as anybody who lived. Plainly we know. From an outlier him all you have long since we have. That many. Consider she has her. Message thats what she thought of consideration by. Pulled my home. For the nordoff. At arkansas i talked to some bears all. Year and. Big name. Lol. Well. All i know is yeah. Theres. The indian. Cinema to. See money money. You know metal and something to get a little. And then. We. Had less. Could be seen a 1000000. And thats and. Any kid. Can all go to see him in the of some sort of city. Should the gym look at me tell you what we say to smell of. Jewish. Blood and if you knew it was going to. Get a contest im not sure but i got that from but that. Shes happy can get. Older than i thought. I was just imagining. You. Have significant minutes me what are some bad beats see i mean you. Know we did it when i want to hear from you go off if you dont feel just because im. As you can see meaning the infinite sum of ziff and a disco dancer themed yoga cutting would have like a 100 a few months. In is going to. Be equal most of us you know. What it will look at what are some of the up. Can. See and not know if you can you dont know when you cant show he does you didnt hear she couple you think cumshaw of seeing if you know me was when you dont wish to for love and money would have just well if yemen were different what a lot of you can look and you had to hold her down not only because you can win an issue of money pounds of muscle its a its a phenomenon of suing its a. Hardness minutes and then you know its come out of the union the box. Will leave a 1000000000 zhuang in an integer its seen in unison of young women vimeo is seen him in india progress and not getting that a new engine why didnt the india. Deficit to see a subtle some you know you doing body bionic in the left i mean what i mean mileage and thats why lets see how medicine lady could just what i mean in the. Newsroom Syrian Regime seem in india you had. I mean if im going to swing my anymore and see how calm it said then as all of you know. If you limit. Zene. And i mean. Some among the hundreds. Of going to come to him they would have seen it and. Were not going to. Let. Me walk. d out and there was a letter and the fish and i sought out. A lot. Anyway and i went along had a woman who had a name he worked at that for me anyway its. Going to be funny to me but. Thats what ive been seeing with him. Like i said im really thankful for the people of you know theyve shown us great love good affection Great Respect thank you i disappeared december you. Know it just it just so shocking and it is such a big surprise that indian films you know so far away from you traditionally and culturally so far and you know people have you know embraced you people have given so much you love just. I meet the proof will. Food was last night you know when i went for the premiere of student of the year there were thousands of people just standing in the corridor standing in seeing the film and door to silence i mean this shows how indian films ive been captured and grab new audiences so this is the magic of cinema you know its not only indians and was a magical or guns of sort of. What was. I. Didnt matter if english to have anybody to do why isnt that she should have been in jail to lose revenue you need to ditch. It. Was you. Know i. Told. Her i. Thought. I was i. I. Its saudi arabia publicly championing womens rights so do you think hes committed to empowering excuse empowering women while privately punishing those who step out of line they raided lap auckland and friends they would lift their mistake in to the security gate pointed out is there a world examines the alleged detention and torture and saudis women activists the only charges against relate to their talking to foreign organizations like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International saudi women reform or oppression on al jazeera. Hello weve still got a few showers in the forecast for turkey over the next couple of days but to the south of that success the middle east hot and dry pretty much sums it up were getting up into the mid fortys in baghdad kuwait such as 47 celsius or 46 here in doha just as the shower just around that western side of yemen but that aside really is more hot sunshine as we go on into saturday same again we could see some very heavy showers of this state into central parts of cape heavy showers to across central parts of africa you see the cloud there rolling off the european hardens through south that heavy showers pushing across into common room and also into the south of nigeria more big downpours coming through here with the seasonal rains continuing to do quite nicely heavy showers the possibility just around Lake Victoria some big showers there into uganda western parts of kenya also seeing some wet weather but looking largely dry now across that eastern side of somalia largely dry into Southern Africa but we have had that winter storm making its way through the southern cape thats going to continue pushing further eastward temperatures still struggling a little 14 celsius in cape town and 10 degrees into how does the warming up just a touch as we go on into saturday. Frank assessments tourism but income stream is dead in the water whats been the result. Significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal in Israeli Society indepth analysis of the days global headlines its time for new policy gives save the country politically all the disintegrating brittany fish the really deep with all continues inside story on aljazeera there is no channel that covers world news like we do as a roaming correspondent i am constantly on the go covering topics from politics to conflict is often far mental issues the scale of this conflict like nothing youve ever seen thats a long long haul we want to know how do these things that people we revisit places stay even when there are no international headlines. Aljazeera really invests in that and thats a privilege as a journalist to join our Global Community to call the crisis is just slapped isnt the place the blessing upon latin upon lasss human kind of equals Global Health keeping you up to date is want to avoid situations where we have a human rights prices that persist beyond the Health Crisis answering your questions is a dialogue just nothing we are now approaching a crossroads this is an opportunity that we must miss the stream on aljazeera. Man. Reports of hospitals turning away coronavirus patients in new delhi as india sees the highest number of cases in a single day. Player watching aljazeera live from doha with me fully back to renewed fears about a rise in covert 1000 infections in the u. S. And Global Markets tumbling. Crowds gather in hong kong to mark one year since demonstrators broke into the Legislative Council meeting to

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