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And current affairs. Aljazeera. Hi im Steve Clemons and i never question. Can america ever not to be racist lets get to the bottom line. The killing of george floyd by a white policeman in minneapolis was the spark that brought people to their feet and protests worldwide it came after a string of killings of many black americans basically to Briana Taylor of kentucky and often army of georgia millions of americans have been in the streets in cities and towns all over america protesting against the systemic racism that hasnt been fully confronted for decades or even centuries here so how did we get here and campaigns get better in the future and as americas way of policing and incarcerating so many black and brown americans working for this society we are fortunate today to be speaking with Martin Luther king the 3rd son of Martin Luther king jr who has spent his life advocating for human rights here in the United States and all around the world mr king thank you so much for joining us today and i would just love to start with your personal reflections on this moment. And and how you think we might get through what i know is that this is an incredible nation and yet we continue to particularly in Law Enforcement we continue to do harm to the lot people my father god his heir over 52 years ago he was marching with sanitation workers in memphis tennessee and was killed those out of tasing workers have silence those signs said i am a man. And were saying treat me with dignity and respect and as the human being that i am 52 years later. All over of the streets of america. Blacks and whites and others are saying black lives matter were still saying to the nation treat us with dignity and respect and like the human beings that we are and tragically are not getting any relief yet now up there we may have turned a corner with the tragic killing of George Clooney and what i mean by that is weve had individuals marching in cities and towns or hanged a few years now but this one incident yaba now as all 50 states have been demonstrations ran all over the world they have been demonstrations and the demonstrations and not just blacks and a few wipes many of them oh well mainly white and so something of its almost like a light went off in the hands of people to say this is wrong this is unjust this is immoral this is not who we are we have a president United States and im im im wondering what you think about President Trump when he sang you know basically will will sic dogs on them if they cross the fence in the white house we will deploy the military we will shoot if theres looting there will be shooting. This sounds reminiscent indeed of the time your father was protesting well i it certainly is and im greatly disappointed in the president s lack of leadership are around this issue and a president is supposed to bring people together. To quell violence when it is occurring not to their own gasoline on it and make it grow even more. You know when the president walked over to the church on it it was 5 am to walk over to the church but what was wrong was esthers. And it will bring out the military oh in the bible its a little bit of an oxymoron a bible that supposed to represent peace and change and and freedom and justice and a lot of things in your sand i want to bring you know wilson the military and i dont know that we use the u. S. Military on american citizens. And any time we use a National Guard or not the u. S. Military. All of that seems to be way off the direction that we should go in to in a certainly is reminiscent of what my father and his team and others have had to endure. I think that theres a huge consciousness in the nation and wraps throughout the world and i believe that theres enough of a conscience for that nor any election time right now people should be mobilizing and organizing and strategizing and. Agitating and registering and voting yet in our state of georgia today with election and a several others and election day and i believe that more people have come out since the beginning of the election time. And to now then weve seen a long time and i think that more people will come out in november. Which perhaps will mean well have a change in leadership at the president ial level i think that is a real prospect of war possibility because i just think what president s on this issue has been what youre describing though it is interesting to me and i think its important that our listeners know as you still believe in the american system you believe in the infrastructure of voting and your role as a citizen and your main chain and ive talked to a lot of friends in the black community that are disgusted by the system see it stacked against them and they dont participate because they dont feel its fair or that their vote or their their role matters and so i think its very interesting the distinction that you just made there the youre still in the system that you believe in it and its one that can be brought around to my am i getting that right while you say that when people participate if people and when they propose that they then change going to come and yet can come and i yes i still believe the system can work now well if you talk about specific need policing thats a different discussion because every theres no one fit for all you know were talking about in some communities the Funding Police departments and what does that mean minnesota to talking about abolishing the department and really starting all over and that might be the solution for many minneapolis i dont know i think every city every Community Asked to set up its own set of circumstances around. Police brutality and misconduct because in more situations than not the police are the ones who start the activity and cause d the violence their reactions even though theyre trained in how to deescalate they dont always operate from a deescalation standpoint that more times than not they dont we saw just the other day i believe in buffalo where an older white general was pushed over as if he was just i dont even know al you describe it didnt exist just pushed over and for no reason because it was a 7075 year old man and he left there and bleeding from the ears you know as it was a real tragedy when you when we think about one of things ive been trying to to convey and to find ways to convey particular we have a global audience watching this today is what systemic reece reece is a means and what it feels like and i know that many people go to you because of your own legacy your own family how do you describe to others that havent experienced what you have what systemic racism is well it systemic racism means that the institutions are engaged in racial activity that discriminate against someone primarily because of the color of your skin 6. And that isnt all black people experience that. No matter who you are and maybe if you dress a certain way you may be treated a little differently but at some point most black people are gone or experienced racism for me personally when dad talked about. Having a dream where a person will not be judged by the color of your skin but that the content of their characters in a sin is for children but he was really talking about more people then his children because certainly. Because of who i am and who has the billings are many people know us so were sometimes treated slightly differently but by and large black still experience racism in this the system that has to be dismembered sensitivity human relations diversity Training Needs to be imposed upon all of society starting maybe in kindergarten going all the way through college i think and we create a different young person at the end of that experience if he or she was exposed to and understand you know there are unconscious bias efforts that occur i dont think people are always consciously or races and what i would say is that a child is not born no shout is born racist but he or she is sponsored in an environment where racism is reinforced and they become that which is the of were scared of how theyve been raised and socialized you can overcome that and many children do they goodens we got acquainted you know what interests us we got to change our systems because the racism is structured throughout the system meaning you know President Trump for example has a cabinet its not reflective of america it is largely white men and it does we would have a lot of white women now has one black person but thats a and when you see a meeting with his military group its all white men. So whats son what does that say to people that the only teach what does that say to masses of people only people that are important are white men so thats what racism is and that scout is changed so that children can aspire to and know that yes i am a part of this system and i have a contribution to make and in spite of what a president does theres another way that we can do when you talk about changing things how do you get beyond the surface of knowledge men in the checking off the box that people went out to protest and really get fundamentally different we need reparations to members of the black community do we need a different kind of Action Program that solves the incarceration issue of just how do we move the needle in a real way rather than a fake way well 1st of all the system is. Named improperly in my judgment is colleague from an all Justice System it is a criminal system but it is not just for blacks or browns and for poor whites and black people are systematically targeting our profile by Police Departments all over america thats why. That of the population in comprise 4050607080 in some cases percent of the relation because black people are targeted because of health disparities. And our lack of health care in poor communities which happen to be black white folk have more diabetes more are disease more i bled oppression more of everything that really is not good the black Community Carries that and even the Brown Community and then it took was down of course for wakes but in our society its again changed. And it seems more fun that took place and policy created a civil rights jack in 64. 00 a Voting Rights act 60 fair d have yeah as legislation in 68. 00 and so either we have to create new legislation or we have to boast or existing legislation. So its a combination i believe and i think people have to see some very responsible changed may not have to be tomorrow but its going to have to be still and those changes will have to be employed you want you cant break down and the story system tomorrow but over a period of time you can transition to be a much different system so that a year from now when you measure you can have made sure metrics that determine we have reduced this weve reduced this weve done this these are the tempo changes that weve done and weve achieved those goals and objectives and as a result the Africanamerican Community now looks at us differently now thats just and police we have to do that in almost an instant larry its going to were going to play a sound clip here of of President Trump magic make America Great again by the way they love africanamerican people they love black. Flag i love black people when you hear Something Like that whats your reaction. I dont even i dont even know what that means and is that you know that my dad talked about making america what it ought to be not great again because what period of time are you talking for me 60 years ago not 60 or 70 years ago 6570 years ago black folk will be at home for no reason just as george floyd was murdered the other day black folk will be and murdered left hand left and right and nothing so i dont know the period in history where america was great i think we have exhibit. Times and moments of greatness from time to tap look great again harking back to an era that i can relate to so thats the 1st thing i would say the 2nd thing is that when you talk about we love the blasts thats impersonal izing people you know even assume we love black people we love the people who are part of the black community who say we love the blacks what is it what some an element object what is that i mean thats the way i see it now and of course there are black people who support the president and support his notion of making America Great again but i would say the overwhelming majority do not because it does not make sense to us and when you have talked about us when you call african countries negative names and a country like haiti which is the poorest country in this western embassies hima spirits and by and tension it is now and. I mean it is miss fraenkel when you mistreat people like that and we are black people if if it deeply cuts with us so i just i dont at our understand what the president. Says hes doing well but i dont respect or preach what it is that he saying as his virtues language is even racist not necessarily on what he said about maggie and that amendment is insensitive to call of the whats you know in want israel as you see it with my africanamerican very much i mean were not slaves we mean you an African American thats part of the problems your mentality is this somebody belongs to you and you know only asked us to not realize that thats what youre putting out there so d you know thats what our era to that he will vote and we present a different kind of leadership figure if for those when he 1st went through through the primary the democratic primary and even more recently Vice President joe biden has used language where it just takes he takes it as a given that the black community is automatically with him and theyre almost that those arent then arent really black but theres a kind of confidence there is that. Is that is real is joe biden thinks it is or does he still have to earn the support and the respect and the resolve of the black community politically i think he has to still earn support and any serious candidate and i believe in his heart he knows that he may have said something that evoked emotions but i believe as an elected official when it lets in over 30 years you have to earn every vote you cant take any vote for granted if you dont look at it you know i think in some of the past tickets that. Because at bennett you cant take anyone to granite you got to ask people and keep earning their support over and over again if youre going to represent the people now again i think the majority of africanamericans problem will support. Because of how its framed a President Trump has been and how destructive and destructive because he rules from a good this divisive standpoint he doesnt seem to understand unification. You know it would have been wonderful to see him go over to the fiscal church with ministers and saying to the nation were better than this cant we got a common well not that will blow you away or well do Something Like that thats not what was needed thats the wrong play and yet you know he does all of these different kind of things and hes not hes an anomaly because hes been able to get away with all kind of things that the average system and he or she done them they would have had to resign from office but you know when you have a president and no shame what do you expect just the black Community Support for joe biden a need for there to be a Vice President ial running mate whos a black woman i think that there is certainly growing support. For him to use a black woman but i have i really cant gauge whether or not if he did not choose one with that how would that dramatically change his prospects i dont know that i do think that there are women is growing group of women and particularly after the george floyd incident i think its a huge. Departure from where he may have been you know i think that. You know i think you is looking at any closure for example she was the d. A. Prior to it was the d. A. In minnesota in minneapolis right now and i think that george what incident probably not to out of consideration so in the globe which are what i also think it bolster or certainly in a framing way he made the prospect of choosing an africanamerican woman more realistic than it was i mean i think he what i split i still cant evaluate d is if he does not or whatever reason will that hurt him dramatically not i dont know that at this point final question here and i and i know youre probably asked this a lot your father gave probably one of the most famous speeches of all time in his i have a dream speech id like to hear what your dream is as you look at the anguish you look at the protests ive seen lots of young people black white brown whatever color out there doing it seems inspiring but id love to hear at this point what your dream or what your fathers dream would be at this moment so my dream i my wife and i andrea have a daughter d and we had to sit down on her birthday and explain to her wa after 52 years her grandfather sliced was taken and she knows that but why these issues have not been resolved and that it was her motions were she wanted to just throw something in tear up something i mean that was her initial motion obviously she didnt go in that direction thats the emotion choose one of the anguish he was crying she was just worn through all kinds of forms so when it comes to my dream. We live in a country that has a multitrillion dollar economy even with a very terrible Economy Today because of then deming we still have a multilateral i mean there are trillions literally of dollars when you have the Business Resources you have the Government Resources you have a small Business Resources i mean its literally something we can imagine so in america we have the audacity that have poverty we have might my dad and mom wanted to see our body racism and violence eradicated from our society dad did not live to see that come to fruition mom works on it and of course when she passed in 2006 it still was it had not come through. What i believe in what my dream is is that everyone in america to be able to have a decent home and does the home to be 100 square feet it doesnt have to be 85010000 is it ours were for how 100 square feet in america if we want to be able to have affordable and decent housing everyone should be able to have a decent job everyone should be able to have health care and every want to be able to have just and when that they comes then i feel the drain that i have will be almost of feel and my door you know the children who are black and brown and who are white to some who would not have to go through what is going through certainly poor black and brown jim should not have to go through what theyre going through this should not be a recurrent caring activity and i know with the ingenuity. With the ability of just a few good women and whats one ability needs will theres nothing on the table that we almost didnt and so thats what i and thats what i will d continue to work toward and i know that we can make it happen and in fact well as the dream of Martin Luther king jr and later on troubles well thank you so much Martin Luther king the 3rd i think that dream is something that i think a lot of people can subscribe to thank you so much for sharing your thoughts today at this very troubling but sometimes inspiring time thank you so whats the bottom line the United States is a country where your Life Expectancy can be 20 years less that your neighbor depending on the color of your skin or your zip code just think about that for a 2nd todays protests across the country are not only about justice for george loyal d americans they often rise up and demand justice for all but lets face it the deck is stacked and the power structure remains mostly white and mostly male one thing is for sure if my guest father was still around today i think wed be much further along and thats the bottom line. The glamour of hollywood in an unlikely place. Another inventor. I think entered a new little play mother here she was really in president insists theres a lot of love for the friction in respect over the iraq people a world away from mom by a nation has taken indian cinema to its hot out as you well reveals the color and passion of moroccans hollywood jury. And soon as the sun goes down the family workplace a very challenging place to work from has begun to live here always pushing the boundaries part of the fans were marked out with longer love down we are the while traveling the extra mile where all the media the only gold we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. Renewed fears about a rise in corona virus cases in the u. S. Send Global Markets tumbling. Matheson and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. It was a mistake the top general in the u. S. Regrets walking with president for a photo op at a church shortly after Security Forces violently dispersed protesters outside the white house

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