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Figures and dozens are feared dead and many more are missing as flood sweep away files and of holmes in southeast china. Thank you very much for joining us the World Health Organization has warned that covert 1000 infections are accelerating in parts of africa raising concerns about how developing nations will cope with the pandemic w. H. O. Say 75 percent of the continents 2000 confirmed cases 200000 that is confirmed cases had been recorded in 10 countries a quarter of those are in south africa or with the western cape region including cape town the hardest hit the u. N. Agency says a lack of testing case remains a big problem across africa well joining us now is dr michelle yahoos emerging. Operations manager for the weald Health Organization in africa is via skype from brazzaville in congo thank you very much for being with us miss a ow the number of covered 1000 cases in africa are now over 200000 this acceleration in cases is it something that you would have dissipated and what factors are contributing to it. Thank you very much so yes indeed in the last saw. Of this so we would not descend increase in the many in some of the countries mainly in 10 conch out of the 54. 00 enough gun region are contributing to 75 percent of the cases and this is. Due to. Transmission we know that so the increase was. Probably by the confinement measures send these measures is now and we cannot to start in some countries like africa the numbers really increasing 200000 cases what about the number of faith tally teeth they were dialed warnings in the early days of a pandemic with estimates of up to 3300000 deaths in africa are we on that trajectory. Oh this is. Particularly bizarre on there was having to sustain Community Transmission we vote in the appropriate measure but so i think since the beginning. They were one of the good think that were not dissing their african countries is that they move towards us stronger measures thats of course affects also communities that is now triggering. Is but that in india in dinner we cannot just what we are observing is thats what was predicting based on a worst Case Scenario but the way out of not be complete sense right dr yao do you believe that the numbers that are being reported by african governments so in the case of a country like camera are not being reported at all truly reflects the reality of the situation on the ground. When is difficult to. To say that we have the comprehensive number if anything even in developed countries because we have quite a number of cases that are symptomatic and in africa are we still also having the talent of testing but we think that what we are having is a gross proxy of for what is happening. In africa we have. In fact based on the demographic profile of the population we are having cases that between 25 and 50 years old and that we have less as if the case is so if this situation was really detailed oriented of. Head facilities being totally overwhelmed so we may not have all andhra percent of the numbers but we have quite good proxy that is also showing you what is the situation and how the situation is evolving and i think based on that the process is to continue having a Strong Public Health measures and i simply dont really detest sun and mental cases what impact is this crisis to comit 1000 crises having on your ability to deal with other diseases on the continent Infectious Diseases or issues like manage to find. Oh this is this isnt fun. This costs results. In terms of health so this is so is so what we are strongly advised countries but we need to put in place measures that can help us to modernize. As well as dealing with for all the. Conditions we cannot afford to stop Services Like a vaccine a sun treatment off to be a disease of us threats the resources but a country is to try to see how big a wide scaling of response to cause the. Continuity of of a service is the critical for africa thank you so much for talking to us dr Michele Gallo is Emergency Operations manager at the World Holding out for his asian w. H. O. Joining us there from brazzaville thank you for your time thank you very much and other world news multiple mass graves have been discovered in the libyan city of tire hona and other areas recently retaken from forces loyal to the warlord highly for have talked libyas government of National Court says they contain the remains of government soldiers who had been taken prisoner to when i was have tossed last remaining stronghold in the west of the country a suite the jna recaptured the city and this comes as the United Nations says both sides are fully engaged in the latest round of ceasefire talks the u. N. Support mission in libya says separate Virtual Meetings have been held with have tossed representatives and the internationally recognized government take he says the u. S. Needs to play a more active role in those talks says the u. S. Secretary of state michael pail called developments positive now has more from misrata on the discovery of the mass graves. Now today forces are saying that theyve been able to recover hundreds or or over 100 bodies in these mass graves these mass graves are yet another indication of the brutality of the libyan conflict and the full on the on the residents in the area now in march the u. N. Support mission in libya released a statement saying they received reports of hundreds of unforced disappearances killings and the displacement of entire families in the city of to whom by the kenyatta again the knife brigade thats the militia that was under the leaf i have in control of the city of through his u. N. Support mission also added that they verified numerous summary executions at the to whom the prison on september 13th so now the d. N. A. The Health Officials have told us that they are finding out that civilians are among the dead in these mass graves were also understanding that the d. N. A. Ministry of justice have appointed a committee to identify and investigate but thats the circumstances of the death and the minister of interior but the bush has said they will pursue the perpetrators of these crimes. Toby cabin is an International Human rights lawyer based in london he says the evidence from the math grace points to war crimes i think the reports d that are coming out now are saying that there are also some military because of it of being executed with hands tied behind their backs and their reports coming out of civilians still no need to be investigation to identify the cause of death but it certainly looks in the face that these are executions and thereby history of war crimes the fact that theyve been buried in a mental mass grave would indicate that these are not individuals who died in the course of with that if they are military personnel that the them the geneva conventions are very clear that the steps that have been taken when a military personnel or whats called order coma they become prisoners of war and the geneva conventions apply and the fact that these individuals have not been found and in some circumstances where hands tied behind the acts demonstrates something far more sinister its not the its the 1st time to have situations such as this from from her forces carrying out acts like this its likely to today to go back to the i. C. C. To invest. U. S. President on a time pass rejected cost to change the name of military bases named after Confederate Army officers off on against the government in the us civil war the president has sweet and its been suggested that we should rename our legendary military bases these powerful bases have become part of American Heritage he says a u. S. Trained and deployed on heroes on these had old ground staff or my administration will not even consider the renaming of these installations while the White House Press secretary echoed thomas hughes. Were bragg is known for the heroes within it that train there that deployed from there and its an insult to say to the men and women who left their the last thing they saw on american soil before going overseas and in some cases losing their lives to tell them that what they left was inherently a racist institution because of a name thats unacceptable to the president and rightfully so and i would also note where do you draw the line here im told that no longer can you find on h. B. O. Gone with the wind because somehow that is now offensive where do you draw the line is it should George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison be erased from history what about f. D. R. And his internment camps you know he should he be erased from history or Lyndon Johnson who has a history of documented racist statements or the debate over statues is even becoming a hot topic in the halls of the u. S. Capitol House Speaker nancy pelosi says confederate statues should be removed from the Capitol Building but mostly maybe the most powerful woman in america but she lacks Legal Authority to remove the 11 statues of confederate figure is in a letter to the committee that oversees a statute she notes that at least 2 of them were charged with treason against the United States meanwhile in portsmouth virginia protesters tore apart a monument to the u. S. Confederacy. Such use of soldiers who fought to keep slavery were destroyed and spray painted with one falling on top of protesters angry demonstrators attached the monument up to 2 rights activists were arrested in the day. Still ahead on aljazeera more evidence in colombia that longer is they using coronavirus strong bounds to illegally hack away at the amazon. And why democrats in the u. S. Are accusing officials in a state of georgia Voter Suppression. And the plenty of sunshine across an area of asias the south is a bit of a different story about the my you buy your front working its way eastwards taking with it the very heavy amounts of rain but as i say its been fine and dry warm as well seoul you can see it is clear blue skies caning one of the sculptures but how much is typically about 30 degrees celsius the same on friday as well it should be a dry day with more sunshine but look at this right out across the west and east and areas of china this is on its way so sunny today a very wet day some very heavy downpours at times she will sudden sections of the south korea book getting to push across into Western Areas of home she said. And thunderstorms but again not cool 28 in a sock of the same across into tokyo finally a bit of a break across the fall southeast of china where of course weve had the recent widespread flooding now across into india plenty of good monsoon rains further to the south it is still very wholesome mostly dry further to than also new delhi people trying to keep themselves cool but also at the buffalo enjoying its cool to look at this by friday 13 on celsius in new delhi that could be an afternoon cheryl thunderstorm but the bulk of the monsoon rains across the central a states out across the west some very heavy downpours over the next few days and again through the Central Region so maybe some thunderstorms and not poor with a high of 36. For many years i kept my pasta secrets but every time violent extremism is mentioned it was a speed. Bump you dont believe that we were superior how could i be took all the women want to if they really had started a race war. How far would i have gone. Looking in the mirror to confront the past exit a witness documentary on aljazeera. Who are her. A recap of our top stories on aljazeera the World Health Organization is warning that covert 19 infections are accelerating in parts of africa raising concerns about how developing nations will cope with a pandemic the u. N. Agency says a lock of testing kits remains a big problem across africa. And multiple mass graves have been discovered in libya in areas recently retaken from forces loyal to war 24 hopped on the un recognized government is a grace contain the remains of its soldiers. The corona virus pandemic now and the number of confirmed killed 1000 infections in the u. S. Has now passed 2000000 but all 50 states have a stress tractions and are in the process of reopening and President Trump has declared he may resume his political rallies as early as next week thousands of new cases are still being confirmed every day and new hotspots continue to emerge across the country 113000 people have died after contracting the virus and mexico has reported a record daily rise of more than 4800 covered 1000 cases doctors and nurses on the front lines have been protesting over the lack of training and protective equipment john home and went to meet some of them at an intensive care unit in mexico city the. New patient comes into this intensive care unit what his hospital mates who city. In this old will hospital from the 19th century the stuff heading into a new back to. The enemy this time around these few survivors once patients are unable to breathe for themselves. An exhausted nurse who you say 32 has struggled to come to terms with. The moment is. The toughest thing is your mental state because you put in all of your effort but the patients still dont survive in my shifts ive seen very few of them get better. Oh great stuff here have been going nonstop since the start of the pandemic and although the countrys Health System is cope so far the couples hospitals have approached much capacity even as mexico starts to go back to work are you worried about the reopening of the country was. Very much a part of the bellows its you know enough but again im more disappointed than worried because they say theres less patience and the curve is flattening now but we dont know that we could not have even reached the peak because for us theres. No decrease in the number of patients they dont lose nobody yet and. The number of infected and the dead nationwide has surged and in mexico a worrying pattern is also emerging just had a quick check around this intensive care unit one thing that really strikes you is that everyone is under the age of 60 here thats a real change in the trend from your for example but it seems like the most elderly with the most at risk. Theres a reason 70 percent of mits can i dont for obese due to a junk food habit a matched in the rest of latin america and one in 7 have diabetes it makes me its conceivable aids is vulnerable coded. And even in this hospital one of the best equipped starflight the basic medicines treat them as make im not going to what am i dont you see theres still some antibiotics that we need and that we dont have so we have to talk to the family members to buy them and it means a delay but we dont have another option to get it its been nothing you said but if you like them but i think. Many of the myths can hospitals are in a worse state we stop across the country protesting about a lack of gear in training. Perhaps because of that doctors and nurses are getting infected but one of the highest rates in the world. With that grim panorama every Success Story is celebrated. And now rarely oh i guess salesman is one of them he was being discharged on the day of a visit well though still fairly sick. Nothing was going to stop him getting out how are you feeling now youre about to leave which i feel really excited thats why im coughing. Blood he enjoys his freedom once more over. The team in the intensive care unit continue their struggle with the images that you are allowing us to. What do you hope to do with a separate. Its either burma because the wherever we want people to be aware that this is getting worse for people who see that in 1000 doesnt exist to know that youre on the front lines weve seen that for ourselves we dont eat for 8 hours we dont drink water were giving our best but we need people to support us. This team knows that this still might be just the beginning journey home and how does it or mexico city brazil meanwhile is now reporting more daily 1000 deaths in any country in the world as infections continue to rise despite this reopening in sao paulo and Rio De Janeiro nationwide 1274 deaths were recorded in just the last 24 hours bringing the total to more than 39000. Men to miss a warning that criminals are taking advantage of the pandemic to clear large parts of the amazon rain forests despite a heightened military presence satellite images suggest the amount of forest loss is already higher than all of 20191 of the worst years on record and ice on there are reports from colombia. From the sky the clear patches of land look like exposed wounds in the otherwise lush rain forest this video was filmed recently over the colombian amazon illegal roads reach ever deeper into the forest well fires clear the land making space for cattle raising agriculture and coca fields. Environmentalists are sounding the alarm they say drugs mafia illegal loggers and land borders are taking advantage of coronavirus lock down to burn the forest and develop their land then hindered a new study shows the rate of deforestation in the 1st 4 months of the year could be higher than that of the whole of 2019 in. The context of this is land grabbing there is clearly a relationship between the deforested areas and big capitals interested in taking over these lands mostly forest reserves a digitas lands National Parks the pandemic is helping but also the worsening security in these areas and the inability of forces is to blame. And the situation is even worse across the border in brazil where huge fires the stride large swaths of the jungle last year since coming to office president. Promise to open the amazon to business enabling the raising of public land and empowering loggers and land hoarders. In april environmental minister. Shocked many by saying that the pandemic was an opportunity to further reduce the forestation restrictions while attention was focused elsewhere. While both a matter of fired 3 senior officials for carrying out operations against illegal miners was this environmental official was attacked by illegal loggers in part a state after a truck with timber was stopped us hackled and struck in the face with a glass bottle this is actually the main cancer of the 1st station in the amazon right now is the. Feeling of. We need to change that to be able to demonstrate that the government is aware of the big. Under pressure to brazilian government recently dispatched thousands of troops to the amazon to address the problem but only for a month critics fear it will not be enough to stop vested interests from exploiting a Health Crisis to destroy one of the most important environments in the world. Italys government has decided its too soon to open up to tourists from asia and the americas the Health Minister says the corner virus is spreading too fast in those regions italy has been loosening restrictions in a bid to revive the economy with traveling to most of europe already restored the hundreds of former passengers who are on board the ruby princess cruise ship are looking to sue is operating the vessel docked in australia in march and has been linked to hundreds of covert 1000. 00 cases there a Maritime Union says this exposes major flaws in the multibillion dollar coup ship industry and is calling for a complete overhaul nicola gage reports from sydney. Its the subject of a criminal investigation a special inquiry and likely a legal battle 2700. 00 passengers disembarked the ruby princess in sydney one week after the coronavirus pandemic was declared despite some passengers being sick its since been linked to at least 22. 00 deaths and hundreds of coded 19 cases Marion Williams parents were on board and both ended up bedridden with the virus they claim they werent told anything about health risks or the potential of being exposed lawyers a pursuing a class action on behalf of hundreds of passengers im very angry very angry that all i thought about was that we paid a man in the work an opponent with it nobody cared i dont believe Health People here qaeda babbitts only weeks earlier it ceased to ship the diamond princess had been crippled by covert 9 tain off the coast of japan the 1st of dozens of liners worldwide to become hotbeds for infections leaving thousands of passengers stuck on board for weeks the challenge i guess for the cruise industry would be to prove to its actual consumers and its potential consumers that ive addressed the health and safety concerns Industry Groups hope the new Health Measures being developed will help rebuild trust with the public and tickets are already selling for future cruises but a strategy is Maritime Union says the pandemic has exposed broader issues in what it calls id regulated industry it wants vessels registered in australia ships are registered and theyve used which are basically. Going to take its. Regulatory evasion. Siberian exploitation onto travel bans and social distancing measures or ease. Many cruise ships will remain drifting off different coasts astray is one of the largest markets for Cruise Companies and some operators are already planning to be back in the water by as early as september government officials here have warned people against booking tickets just yet one thing that is certain though the industry will look different once it does for its nickel gauge aljazeera sydney. Cleanup crews are at the side of a large oil spill in Russias Arctic region and they say it could take years to get the job done more than 20000 tons of diesel has leaks from a power plant its not seeped into an environmentally find a problem began at the end of may when a fuel shortage failed the director of the power plant has been arrested for russian long range bombers have been intercepted off a u. S. Coasts the planes were flying over International Waters near alaska u. S. Fighter jets intercepted the bombers and escorted them away earlier washington and moscow settled on a date and location for Nuclear Arms Control talks this month china was also invited but has declined to attend. Not to the u. S. Senate inquiry has been ordered in the state of georgia after its primary election was marred by technical glitches and accusations of Voter Suppression people queued for hours to cast their vote and some areas reported shortages of new Voting Machines political hand reports. In the state feeling the heat and in the pouring rain they waited 4 hours to simply cast a vote even for state that has a long history of Voter Suppression and election issues this was a massive failure since 1130 whats on both stupidities are going on now or are you just hear this every single election cycle and theres constantly. Voter suppression thats going on because we dont have enough polling location. And then we dont have enough machines that are and certain neighborhoods in georgia spent more than 100000000. 00 for new Voting Machines the voter said many of them just didnt work there were fewer polling places because of the coronavirus many who requested absentee ballots never received them and in some places they ran out of ballots the majority of the problem seemed to occur in cities and in places because large minority populations tend to vote democratic the republican secretary of state who runs the election didnt take any responsibility when these things arise. Its just how these issues today. Look into what were doing in the rest of. The local official did take responsibility but seemed confused as to how so many things went wrong in this is pulling down the election this is going to tell me so ultimately our response all i know is we invested 15000000. 00 to have a smooth election thats 5000000. 00 more than weve ever invested in one direction. There was also a larger than expected turnout in large part because of the recent protests over Police Brutality were going to see some changes this year that we would not have seen if people were not in the street and you should absolutely if you can get in the street come to the polling place so i have to young fans 20 and 17 i make sure that in georgia that is difficult and as the final votes were cast well after midnight it was not clear the state will do anything to make sure this doesnt happen again in november petticoating aljazeera. This is al jazeera and these are top stories the World Health Organization has warned that covert 1000 infections in africa i accelerate in raising concerns about how developing nations will cope with a pandemic the u. N. Agency says a lack of testing case remains a big problem across africa dr michelle yallow is Emergency Operations manager for w. H. O. In africa. If this it was on was do you really did didnt you dove. Head facilities being. Overwhelmed so we may not have all this out of the numbers but we have quite a good proxy but these are all sort of. What is that situation and how the situation is evolving and i think biz on the process is to go into new housing. Public Health Measures early detest on. Mental cases multiple mass graves ive been discovered in libya in areas recently retaken from forces loyal to warlord haifa have tar the un recognized government says the graves contain the remains of its soldiers. U. S. Present donald trump has rejected calls to rename military bases named after a Confederate Army officer who fought against the government in the u. S. Civil war but House Speaker nancy pelosi says confederate confed dredge statues should be removed from the Capitol Building in washington about pelosi max a Legal Authority to remove the levin statutes protesters in sports smith virginia meanwhile tar fought a monument to the u. S. Confederacy a snatch is of soldiers afford to keep slavery were destroyed in its faith spray painted with one falling on top of protesters the number of confirmed kona virus infections in the u. S. Has now passed 2000000 but all 50 states have these restrictions and in the process of reopening thousands of new cases a still being confirmed every day and brazil is now reporting more daily over 1000 deaths in any country in the world as infections continue to rise despite this shops are reopening in south pottle and Rio De Janeiro theyve been more than 39000 covais 1000 deaths across brazil those are the headlines inside story is next. George floyd is finally laid to rest his death sparked an unprecedented wave of anger against racism both in the u. S. And globally so as the world mourns floyd what will it take to in racism this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im an africanamerican george floyd has been buried in his hometown hes going to change the world according to his brother its hoped his story will become a turning

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