Heat. But die economic report says corona virus has caused the worst global slump in nearly a century. And after 34 years of mystery swedens prosecutor names a suspect in the murder of the Prime Minister all of palm. To begin in the United States where George Floyds brother has told politicians to make sure that the death of his brother will not be in vain for the knees floyd to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on capitol hill the death of his brother in Police Custody spot 2 weeks of protests across the u. S. And around the world the House Judiciary Committee hearing said it was answering protesters calls for a fundamental change in the culture of Law Enforcement. Im here to action to make it stop stop the pain stop us being tired george called for help and he was ignored please listen to the cowed im making to you now to the cause of our family and the cause ringing out the streets across the world people of all backgrounds genders and races have come together to demand change on it him on to george and make the necessary changes then make Law Enforcement the solution hi joe castro is correspondent joining us again this idea how long until these proposals become law. Peter that is a far off. Question unfortunately because as you know the wheels of congress spin very slowly at this point we are looking at a set of proposals by democrats that would seek to create a National Database of Police Misconduct it would ban chokeholds and it would make it easier to hold Police Officers accountable for misconduct this bill is still at the Committee Level which means that there will be a series of votes here in the house of representatives which is controlled by democrats that package is likely to pass speedily however it is still an open question whether or not the next hurdle here for this bill which would be to be debated and passed in the u. S. Senate whether or not that would happen and in fact republicans who control the senate have already said many elements of of these proposals are nonstarters but what we know is that these demands that have been resoundingly loudly in the streets of many u. S. Cities over the last 2 weeks have made their way here to the halls of congress and the House Judiciary Committee has been hearing this morning from the brother of george floyd as well as from a police chief and an africanamerican woman who lost her brother who was a federal Police Officer who was killed in the line of duty all agreed that some type of reform is necessary but there is still much confusion in exactly what is being demanded by these protesters weve seen the phrase defund the police as a rallying cry but that means Different Things to different people most protesters will say that means taking some of the money given to Police Departments for example to militarize the riot Response Teams and use that money instead for social services however the far left has used defund the police as a way of saying abolish police forces. All together that is an extremist view but it is what republicans have seized upon attempting to paint all democrats with the same brush theyre claiming that democrats wish to abolish or to fund the police altogether and seeking to use the nuance and that phrase to their political advantage heidi thank you very much. Lauren as a civil rights attorney he says the issue of Police Brutality requires a long term systemic change what were seeing is that folks are rallying to the support of black people listening to black peoples experience and saying this has to stop that is a massive Massive Force and the only thing that the president has going for him here is his base which is relatively small but powerful in the United States and the narrative that if we dont continue to invest in Police Departments black people are going to kill white people thats essentially what the discussion is and its never settle with him although hes being a little bit more subtle now than usual. But i think the end of at the end of the day what people are beginning to realize is that the only reason why not enforcement exists to this day to the extent that it does is to the extent that people can continue to convey a narrow narrative of criminality amongst black people so the idea that someone like george floored floyd everybody in congress is going to say that was a horrible thing but nobody in congress is going to say that that is endemic in systemic and has been happening for many many years on in our video and that becomes a problem that we have to resolve systemically and not just with policy reforms. Germanys foreign minister has expressed serious concerns to israel about its plans to annex more of the occupied west bank mass met the Israeli Foreign minister Gaby Ashkenazi in west jerusalem the e. U. Opposes israels annexation plans that are part of a u. S. Outline for the middle east germany in the e. U. Say they are committed to the resumption of negotiations the minds of the dove appears together with the European Union we believe that any extension would not be compatible with International Law this is why we continue to support a mutual 2 state solution very force it has more on the meeting from west jerusalem. It was Standing Firm in that he was restating the german and indeed the European Union position that unilateral annexation would not be supported would be seen as an illegal act and one that threatens the 2 state solution however he didnt talk explicitly about what germany or indeed the e. U. Might do if nonetheless israel went ahead he said said he wouldnt attach any price tags at this moment he didnt believe in doing policy via threats and he talked about how there would be no diminution whatsoever of the friendly bilateral ties between israel and germany as for his opposite number here in israel the forums the new foreign minister Gabi Ashkenazi he took repeatedly about israel wanting to proceed responsibly in full concert with the United States and also talked about the need to preserve peace treaties with israels neighbors a clear reference there to jordan and jordans warning against an exception saying that while not threatening to tear up the peace treaty between jordan israel saying that at least it would reconsider the relationship and so giving some sense that he retains his position of certainly compared to the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu skepticism about going all out on an expression unilaterally straight away but it does seem that the plans that as an yahoo has are beginning to crystallize youre going to limit cooperation also says it rejects israeli policies that adversely affect palestinians you know as he says unilateral measures like an expansion of settlements undermine any possibility for a 2 state solution and threatens to politically in the region. The world is facing its worst peacetime recession in a century the Global Economy is predicted to shrink by at least 6 percent in 2020 because of the coronavirus locked arms the organization for Economic Cooperation and development says the fallout will be even worse if there is a 2nd wave of the pandemic the group is made up of 37. 00 free market democratic countries it says the coronavirus pandemic is causing the worst health and economic crisis since the 2nd world war the o. E. C. D. Projects Economic Growth will shrink globally and that the United Kingdom france italy and spain will be the worst hit its advocating a rise in Public Investment in digital and Green Technologies to help hard hit economies in bag is a professional Research Fellow at the European Institute at the l. S. E. He says its hard to make accurate predictions because so much is still unknown about the coronavirus the difficulty that all the Economic Forecasters have of the moment is the uncertainty we just dont know whats going to happen and we dont know whats going to happen youre relying on assumptions in economic models but we should not really well equipped. Thats the trend all the forecast are we looking at it with the last couple of months has been increasingly pessimistic about the outlook for both the Global Economy and particularly the european economy and within the european economy i think 2 things are going on the 1st is that many of these protective measures were a bit like having a treatment for the disease it doesnt solve it but it tries to mitigate the consequences you have short term working arrangements for example which enable people to stay connected to jobs the european approach has been in stark contrast to the u. S. Where they simply fire and then rehire the idea in many European Countries led by germany and france has been to keep people on the books so you dont then become registers unemployed and trouble is thats very expensive and the paradox at the heart of dealing with Something Like covert is you want to close down the economy deliberately to cause recession to stop the spread of the infection at the same time you want to stimulate the economy when its appropriate to relaunch it and getting that judgement right when to shift from mitigation to relaunch and stimulus is a very very difficult challenge facing policymakers the u. K. Is planning to further ease its coronavirus lock down restrictions thats despite condemnation from Health Experts who say thousands of lives could have been saved if the lockdown had come one week earlier the Prime Minister Boris Johnson rejecting the condemnation in a press conference just in the last hour or so where he announced the easing of restrictions we must stick to our road map i urge everyone to continue to show restraint and respect the rules which are designed to keep us all safe and its only because of the restraint that everyone youve shown so far that were able to move gradually out of this not done. Were a challenge is a correspondent joining us live from westminster so rory this comes down to the Prime Minister talking about a support bubble that. The sport bubble is was they have cool the new ability given in the press conference just that its just wrapped up for Single Parents people who live on their own to now be able to form a network with one of our households he said that obviously the. Toll that this has taken on People Living by themselves struggling with families by themselves is a heavy one its leading to loneliness is leading to Mental Illness and so being able to now partner up with another household is a way to slowly lift that and on those people he was also saying that its as of monday all shops. At that zoos can start opening as well things like outdoor cinemas drive in cinemas they can open as well so its another one of these pastes mail step by step slight easing of the lockdown regime that we have seen from the government trying to keep a kind of weekly daily trickle of good news even though the u. K. Is still very much in this crisis things are Getting Better we have being told. There is be no all clear signal yet. The u. K. Is still struggling with one of the worst coronavirus crises in the world in terms of death figures and cetera and what do we make of these comments from Neil Ferguson hes saying the number of coronavirus deaths in the u. K. Would have been hauled ft if the lock done had been introduced just one week earlier. A bit of background on Neil Ferguson is a who used to be one of the governments chief scientific adviser as he was part of the sage group which has been advising the governments on its measures that it should be taking all through this crisis he was instrumental in bringing the lockdown around in the 1st place it was his study at imperial that said that if the government didnt do anything 250000 people could die so the following that the government brought in the lockdown at the end of march 8th is not an uncontroversial figure he had to leave his position resigned from it because he broke the lock down himself to go and see his partner but hes still an influential man and someone who people listen to so in. Some testimony that he was giving to. Parliament select committee this off to do he said that if you look down to be brought in just a week earlier then the u. K. Would have had hof the number of deaths that it is currently suffering and that is of course something that journalists have picked up on and were pushing the Prime Minister on pushing his chief scientific adviser as a chief medical advisor on at that press conference just a short while ago Boris Johnson initially deflected that rush into the scientists and said it was for them so on they responded by saying well this isnt necessarily on true and we have to look at these things we have to go back and examine our record whether we chose the right courses of action at the right time but this is not really something that we can do at this moment Boris Johnson when he was pressed on it said that subsequent such questions was premature its the kind of ons hes given to any uncomfortable questions for many many days and weeks now thanks very much. Still to come here on this half hour of aljazeera world use 2 attacks in different parts of nigeria in just under 24 hours well have a report from the capital. And gone on the winds of change how a hollywood classic is now being seen in a very different light. And a very hostile and of course structural so much of the middle east on the Arabian Peninsula to the north if they want to see bits and pieces of cloud that does mean if you will shows in areas of turkey said you could see a wet day thursday in ankara 24 degrees celsius and not cold not about temperature really 24 degrees a little bit warmer and drier the south through slim beirut this nice on shore flow coming through the eastern end of the bad ones you had away from the the temperatures are high 48 in baghdad and also some very strong winds that will kick up the sand and the dust and those winds actually increasing to go through friday and sunday adding further soften across areas such as bahrain and also into areas of the u. A. E. Temperature wise 43. 44 in riyadh on friday and then down into Southern Africa and you seen this front sliding into south africa that will continue its journey itll bring some fair amount of rain but also some pretty strong winds the ticket only into these areas across the south 17 degrees is the high in Port Elizabeth and thursday just 13 in cape town its a cool couple of days ahead in fact just 12 degrees in johannesburg although it will be mostly dry but the really heavy rains there further to the north across the d. L. C. But also extending across into areas of nigeria and across into cameroon. Frank assessments tourism but the income stream is dead in the water whats been the result in poaching quite significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal in Israeli Society indepth analysis of the dates global headlines its time for new policy and say on the street that he cannot all be disintegrating but hes threatening this stability over all continues inside story on aljazeera. Youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this half hour George Floyds brother has told a friend rational committee they should make sure his death will not be in vain for the news floyd testified before the House Judiciary Committee on capitol hill George Floyds death sparked 2 weeks of protests across the u. S. And around the world. Germanys foreign minister he called masses expressed serious concerns about israels plans to annex illegal settlements in the occupied west bank the European Union also opposes the annexation proposals. The organization for Economic Cooperation and development says the world is facing its worst peacetime recession in a century of the Global Economy is predicted to shrink by at least 6 percent in 2020 because of the coronavirus locked up. At least 35 people have been killed in Northern Nigeria the gunman on motorbikes attacked a village in Katsina State came hours after the killing of at least 69 people in borno state the Nigerian Government has blamed what it calls bandits attacks violence from book or arm and armed groups in the area has killed thousands of displaced about 2000000 people admitted to us has more now from. The attacks increase in the state is seen as an escalation in the violence which weve been seeing in the northwest of nigeria in states like them for us to. Cut in a status of niger stayed where dozens of people have been killed or hundreds of people have been killed in the past 2 months in that region elsewhere in North East Nigeria weve seen book. Tapping up attacks on Rural Communities especially isolated communities the latest being the attack on a community and local government area a loss of 100 kilometers from the regional capital a degree nearly 70 people have been killed in that attack because the fighters who are boko haram members allied to the Islamic State in west Africa Province accuse them of collaborating with the military and launching even attacks on their own fighters so went into town shock people and run them over with cars and motorcycles in that area weve seen this is part of a wider conflict in the elected region countries like. Nigeria and cameroon cameroon by the way for the 2nd time running occupying the most whose conflicts have been neglected by the International Community the media and even go in those it is dealing with 3 major problems 1st of all the refugee crisis in Central African area especially from Central African republic and its also suffering its all in attacks or tough suffering attacks from bora and then there is the conflict between Security Forces and separatists in parts of cameroon republic which has created a lot of refugees in those countries. The head of the u. N. Human Rights Commission says the surrender of a sudanese militia leader is extremely significant kushayb is facing war crimes charges at the International Criminal Court Related to the conflict in darfur sudanese president omar bashir is also wanted by the i. C. C. For his role in the darfur conflict. A sudanese Anti Corruption committee has confiscated a bank account meanwhile belonging to the shia has also closed 5 Foreign Exchange bureau used to fund his former regime a court handed bashir a 2 year sentence in december for corruption of faces trials and investigations over the killing of protesters last year. Iraqs economic crisis is deepening after months of political unrest the coronavirus pandemic and a crash in oil prices Ramsey Niemann is the World Bank Special representative to the country reporter Simona Fulton in baghdad where they discussed what needs to be done that has been a lot of changes this place actually has seen a number of carbon coming into office and unfortunately sometimes it will happen that any new government comes in the discussion is a bit discontinued and we have to start probably from scratch again or start maybe adjusting it according to the directions that the government has and of course that dimension that had to be a lot of crises that have hit this place at the time when we have reached somehow a quite advanced age that they will then we had to wait or probably sideline a bit to try to see how we can manage the situation thats happening and you can watch the full interview with Ramsey Niemann as part of our talk to aljazeera show at 530 g. M. T. On thursday indian Security Forces have shot 5 kashmiri separatist fights that happened during a gun battle in a Southern District in the disputed region of german kashmir fighting broke out during a Police Search at least 9 other people have been killed this week in what india calls anti terror operations german kashmir are at the heart of decades of hostilities between india and pakistan. China says its reached what its calling a positive consensus with india over a border standoff after generals from both sides met over recent days there have been tensions in the himalayan region of light dark india has accused china of repeatedly encroaching on its territory cattle special envoy to afghanistan on a visit to kabul. Is holding talks with afghan officials on the Peace Process afghanistans government released more than 3000. 00 taliban prisoners as part of the doha agreement the United States and the taliban signed that deal in february in the cattle capital we want to have the security stability and the challah more perspective to the Afghan People thats the primary purpose of the visit it is not up to us to decide its not to an up to any countries to decide or to impose and the preference is it is up to the Afghan People to decide if they decide to have the talks in there or how we are more than happy to facility at this and we will do this in a very transparent way in a very impartial way and in accordance with International Law. The mystery of the 986 killing of swedens Prime Minister on a street in stockholm appear to have been put to rest sweetens prosecutor named the chief suspect in the murder of palma and then close the 34 year old case but looking away of the files looks unlikely to give the country much closure paul reese is in stockholm. For 34 years the memorial to murdered Prime Minister of palmer has been the most solid thing about a case that has haunted sweden a man both loved and hated at home and abroad parliament was shot and killed on stockholms busiest street as he walked with his wife liz but palmer had been to the cinema with his family without a body guard a decision that would end in one of the biggest and longest murder investigations in the world all of palmer and his wife left the cinema at about quarter past 11 on the night of 28th of february 1906 walking past the churchyard where parliament would soon be buried when they got to this corner someone came up behind them shot palma in the back leaving the Prime Minister dying on the ground. The murder scene was immediately contaminated by mourners laying flowers one of a string of mistakes that cut the chances of finding the killer this man christa pettish on was convicted in 1909 but cleared the same year on wednesday swedens prosecutor coincidentally also called chris to petition announced a new chief suspect steve angstrom previously a witness known as the scandia mount because of the Insurance Company where he worked and who opposed palmas socialist policies and storm killed himself 20 years ago to counter the call were told moved on a military tour when offered we cant open reseeding zoo interview him so my decision is to close the investigation as the suspect is deceased the naming of angstrom still without any physical evidence linking him to a murder weapon appears to put to bed the international leads investigation had followed those included the Kurdistan Workers Party after the killings of defectors in sweden led palmer to declare them a terrorist organization. Well in the 1990 s. South african intelligence agents said their colleagues had been behind the Prime Ministers murder following palmas support for the African National congress and condemnation of the Apartheid Regime swedish journalist Thomas Patterson named angstrom as the likely suspect in a book in 2017 glad that they come to the same conclusion as i did that he is the killer is almost enough and internationally for famous politician of parliament and has some some kind of symbol for. Perhaps the best of sweden and this unsolved case has been tormenting us all of parliament was thats most unusual of swedish Prime Ministers one who had an impact outside his own country his anti colonial and anti racist views made him a fierce critic of global superpowers while at home he raised taxes to fund the welfare state and welcomed immigrants. Those policies may have put him into the grave in which is lain for more than 3 decades the love that many sweets have for him is enjoyed but as the case is closed it looks likely that the Unanswered Questions will enjoy as well paul reese aljazeera stock i. Know the u. S. Civil war epic gone with the wind has been removed from the streaming platform h. B. O. Max protest against racism force Entertainment Companies to reassess what theyre offering the multiple oscar winning film made in 1909 has been criticized for its portrayal of black slaves and their white owners during the 860. 00 s. H. B. O. Says the movie is a product of its time depicting ethnic and racial prejudices that quotes were wrong then and are wrong today but it plans to bring the film back later with a discussion of its Historical Context and paramount network has cancelled the long running us reality t. V. Series cops which was long accused of misrepresenting crime policing and race Marcus Fleming this is a writer and director at london new wave a Film Production company he says although the film is racist is a form of art that should not be censored. I think all film is art art is a form of expression and of course its freedom of speech as well and to remove a film such as gone with the wind or any other film from from from any tough for them is in my opinion wrong however having said that there are a lot of inaccuracies in the film and a lot of stereotyping which is not a troll of black people back to back then or back now even i think it comes down to. Freedom of speech and and art and i think its its more of an issue in the sense that if we stop if we start censoring people for not not giving their opinions that will give them the wrong opinion. How what measures that give to anyone Going Forward were going to worry about what other may 2 thoughts to me to worry about my thought emotion 100 years time because it may be against what people also think in 100 years from now. I think its quite extreme. Of us having said that as i mentioned before its quite quite a racist film depiction of that correct and its yeah i mean its controversial decision but its one that night. This is are just are at these are your top stories George Floyds brother told a Congressional Committee today they should make sure his death will not be in vain for the knees floyd testified before the House Judiciary Committee on capitol hill his brothers death whilst in Police Custody its been 2 weeks of protests across the u. S. And around the world. Im here to ax you to make it stop. Stop the pain stop being tarred george called for help and he was ignored please listen to the crowd im making to you now for the cause of our family and the cause ringing out the streets across the world people of our backgrounds gender and race have come together to demand change on idiom on a short and make necessary changes they make Law Enforcement the solution germanys foreign minister heiko mass has expressed serious concerns about israels plans to an exit legal settlements in the occupied west bank the European Union also opposes the annexation proposals at least 35 people have been killed in Northern Nigeria gunmen on motorbikes attacked a village in kut seen est he came hours after the killing of at least 69 people in borno state the head of the un human Rights Commission says the surrender of a sudanese militia leader is extremely significant and it could shape faces war crimes charges at the International Criminal court relating to the conflict in darfur. Meanwhile a sudanese Anti Corruption committee has confiscated the Bank Accounts belonging to the ousted president the shia its also closed 5 Foreign Exchange bureau used to fund his former regime not a court in saddam handed over al bashir a 2 year sentence in december of last year with the charges of corruption those are your headlines i will have the news for you and 30 minutes 60 minutes of using comments until then inside story. George floyd is finally laid to rest his death sparked an unprecedented wave of anger against racism both in the u. S. And globally so as the world mourns floyd what will it take to in racism this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im. Africanamerican george floyd has been buried in his hometown hes going to change the world according to his brother its hoped his story will become a turning point

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