That hes looking down hes so proud of you. I know you miss that hunger only he can give. Your joy. You know the shoulders so you can touch the sky countless hours he spent playing any gain you want because your smile your laugh your love is oh i think it matters. I know you have a lot of questions. No child should have to ask questions too many black children have had to ask for generations. I stand. Looking through your eyes we should also be asking ourselves why he answers so often to cruel complaints. Why in his nation too many black americans wake up knowing that they could lose their life in the course of just living. It is justice not. A righteousness like a mighty stream. Cant turn away you must not turn away we cannot leave this moment thinking we can once again turn away from racism its things that are very soul. And systemic abuse still plagues american life. Is Thurgood Marshall once implored. America must descend from indifference must descend from fear hatred in the mistrust we must dissent because america can do better because america has to do better i grew up catholic social doctor has taught me faith works instead. What we do. Got to deal with the promise of this nation to so. Its about who we are. Maybe most importantly who will be. And when not only crazy. We can heal this nation remember its pain but callous the heart and forget. To speak from ecclesiastes and. Chapter 3 verse one everything there is a time and a purpose to season on a. Day. Is to time purpose to season to listen in the. Now is the time for Racial Justice thats the answer must give to our children when they ask why because when there is justice for george. You will surely be on our way to Racial Justice. Then she said you. Were. Gonna be received. And you for. The words came from my church based on personal. Theyve raised and its my. Present dont. Make you shine like this. Well weve been hearing there a video message from former Vice President joe biden also democratic president ial hopeful now he and his wife jill did go to houston and they met with george boyds family last night before the service he isnt there presently but he did send that video message in stead we will also be hearing from a number of other political dignitaries who weve seen stand up in the audience including congressman al green who is the next person i believe to speak he is a democratic congressman and he has also been very outspoken about a large number of africanamerican issues now all of this goes back to a message that weve been hearing from a number of different speakers at this Funeral Service today joe biden there spoke about sharing not only pain but then trying to touch that pain into purpose and really trying to spread the message of healing but at the same time of galvanizing some of that pain into a movement for change now he did acknowledge that this family that were watching now George Floyds family have to bear this burden of grieving in public. And also trying to pass on the sense to his story now this is congressman albert and i believe lets have a listen to what some people who are here to stand please show them some love. My colleague jackson lee is here thank you to mayor turner my dear friend and Fraternity Brother to judge dargo to commissioners to all of the members of the council and i want to say a special word about another american who is here with us today one whose name means helper of human kind one who was there with dr king one who is the father of the Civil Rights Movement right here in Houston Texas is one that we know and love the honorable will you are alexander law also and he deserves some love years in the house today the honorable William Alexander help for all human come on wallsten. Best commissioners ellis and garcia to us will deprive us to the friends and family again im not here today as a democrat were not here as republicans were not here because were rich or poor were not here because were conservative or liberal were here because the remus right was so right when he said we have no expendables in our community george ward was not expendable this is why were here. Thank you his crime. Was that he was born black. That was his only crime george florey. Deserve the dignity and the respect that we accord all people simply because they are children of a common god and its very unfortunate that we have to be here but were going to celebrate the life of george floor today. And to the family its important that i say this to you we who are here today. Here to say we stand with you we will be there for you just let them know they are not alone lets give them some love lets say to this family we are here to stay say a poor family please miss a bluff give them some love please the family. Believe you can do better than that if you love them and you know it might not just end up in short lets make it clear that we are here but now that we would make it known to the world that they. Are not more bizarre. Because were going to support them. And finally this. Members of congress have the privilege of having flags flown over the capitol we do it for important occasions important people but i want you to know this i had this flag flown over the capitol because i want the United States of america to respect George Galloway and. Thats why this flag has gone. I want the United States of america to show him the respect that he richly earned simply because he was born in this country because he is a human being and because he is not expendable oh thats why this flag was flown. And i have a resolution that will be presented to the family and this resolution will become a part of the records of the congress of the United States of america. This resolution is going to say to those who look through the vista of time that at this time there lived one among us who was a child of god who was taken on time away but were going to make sure that those whove looked through time that they would know that he made a difference with that is time because he changed not only this country not only the United States he changed the world 2 george floyd change the world. And were going to make the world know. That it made a difference. Your brothers and sisters we have a duty responsibility and an obligation not to allow this to be like the other times we have a responsibility to not only. Floated but to all those other persons briana taylor. We have a responsibility to each one of them to make sure that we do not walk away today after having celebrated his life and not taken the next step to commemorate and to her short the future generations that this wont happen again this time. So brothers and sisters the Congressional Black Caucus has done something is historic. Karen benson to her leadership we have now a law that makes it against the law to put your foot on the neck up a person its against the law. You cant have a no knock law is against the law oh youre going to have to wear your Party Cameras thats against the law the Congressional Black Caucus is making a difference but i believe theres one more thing that we ought to do to make a difference we have got to have reconciliation this country has not reconciled its differences with us. We survive slavery but we didnt reconcile we sometimes segregation but we didnt reconcile with suffering and theres discrimination because we didnt reconcile its time for a department of reconciliation and not higher than that higher saw 1st time i have to have someone whos going to make it here is not her peers this to seek reconciliation but black people that they are not inspect all of america every their life thats what it is all about its hard pose to reconcile we need a department of reconciliation. God bless you god bless the United States of america. Just before congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee comes let me tell you we have a gay time at the cemetery for 3 oclock and i want us to be conscious of the fact that weve got a long drawn out program here and i want to give the guest speaker an opportunity to have what he has to say i want to give the family certainly an opportunity to say what they have to say d and the preachers that dont program to say what they have to say so im asking all of you if you would just be brief brothers and sisters be brief a man a man a man weve got to get through this they may have to get to the cemetery before 3 oclock and you know thats a long entourage going that way so im asking you to be sensitive to everybody thats coming behind you and lets try to keep it to the 2 minute rule kay is do as best we can im going to forego my remarks today i can speak to the family at a letter time and tell them and encourage them and i want to give an opportunity to make sure that all the families request a med so im asking you you come forward please please please he says if the 2 men its ok god bless you god bless your courage oh. Well we have just had a from congressman al green on the way well hes hearing now from the congresswoman. That this is a time for the healing of the wound the pain that no one else in this place can walk and feel at this time to the floyd family let me acknowledge your pain let me comment a humble servant to be able to respect and to give dignity to the ages. That the ex slaves descendants have faced in this nation let me heal the wool one of the majority of African American men who have suffered at the hands of a wrong mindset a warrior mindset instead of a guardian a peace on said in the practice of Law Enforcement but it is your time today in keeping with that moment allow me to offer these words we know that centuries ago they took a man wicked man put them on the cross did not understand that though they were intending wickedness. That out of much intention of wickedness came goodness your love one george floyd this secular world failed in its duty to intervene failed in its duty to act and failed in its duty to 8 george floyd answered the question in death when it was asked in eyes there lot who should i send it oh god have mercy on us there was a tall man by the name a big fall who stood up and said law of sin mean. And so as we come today people of statute those who humble themselves before got we come to pay tribute to a man who said since being and i want to acknowledge those those men young marches in the streets they many of them could not be in this place. They are black and brown they are 18 they are white they are protesting and marching and i am saying as a mama i hear your cry that is what george. Wanted us to know and i guess he wanted us to know family about cuny homes and jackie ates be somebody might have said what good comes out of nazareth is that somebody else might have said what good comes out of 3rd ward for him i am so grateful today. Of say a man by the name of big for you. Walked amongst us damn those kiddie home bars went on up to that crimson and rare. And began to med care and make americans see that no one can deny. I want you to know my friends that as these members of Congress Give me a moment chairwoman karen bands the Congressional Black Caucus leadership barbara lee congressman hank johnson congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher congressmen vincent taken solace congresswoman sylvia dos sians congresswoman Debbie Holland from new mexico they are cross the nation they are here because they are honoring up brother that came out of the heart of 3rd ward and jack yates they are here to honor that leadership. So as i conclude george for it was here on an assignment it is painful to be able to accept that im so sorry i know him and then. But he was here on an assignment. Some folks on assignments only get to stay 30 years when the wicked men thought they had done something joyful it took at 46 years he walked this journey he left behind sisters and brothers who could stand up against the adversity of life when the camera came and people asked to p. J. And others what do you want we want you. We want just be so my friends i dont know if ill ever get 8 minutes and 46 seconds reference often out of my beginning i dont know if ill ever be able to overcome the words. I cant breathe erick on his mother and Trayvon Martins mother and all the mothers and robbie be tone and be i cant breathe but what i will say that the assignment of joe exploit and the purpose i mean there will be no more 8 minutes and 46 seconds of Police Brutality there will be no more 8 minutes and 46 seconds of injustice and the mistreatment of africanamerican men at the hands of the laws of this nation and any eleanor else there will be no more 8 minutes and 46 seconds that you will be in pain without getting justice his assignment turned into a purpose and that purpose was around the world that there are people rising up that will never sit down until you get justice and so i say to all of those who are here too that. From senator miles from grant malone who works in this venue all of these pastors what we say is that we will not sit down like rosa parks said until justice comes and so let me make it very clear as i go to my seat what was done for a wicket for those who born that day that we know came to a day where man robes and so i say. To georgia flowing it will be up to us that his purpose and his assignment for the justice of this nation for the fact that there would never be the brutality faced by a man that says i cant breathe and pause to let mamma who loved him so that is their right and call for all of us and so as a lot and the scriptures said when asked who should i send the 1st to say i said me was joe much. Are they going to be able or hes going to be able to have each and every one of you say may god be the glory for the great things he had done thank god for their families. And the United States of america got me. On to you and break the you we have a plan. That will be given on behalf of the speaker of the house nancy pelosi this family will receive president ial letters from former president barack obama and president bill clinton reverend thank you for all you do god bless you. All and youve been listening there to congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee shes a democratic congresswoman from texas she is the 2nd house of representatives congressperson that weve heard from in the sadness today weve also heard from joe biden former Vice President and democratic president ial hopeful we are now set to hear from the mess Sylvester Turner he is the america houston just to remind you we are in the fountain of praise church in houston and we are about half way through George Floyds funeral well lets have a listen in now to the merits of what you heard into this presentation let me just speak briefly say i mean i was on behalf of the city of houston let me thank this family for standing in the gap for your brother your father your cousin your family member. And let me thank you for your courage and your strength in representing him and representing us extremely well and then i want to thank you on behalf of this city for the seeking justice for joe while at the same time as thing people all around the world to do it to respectfully and peacefully on behalf of this city i think we owe a great deal of gratitude to this family and i want to thank. Them i just say to you that people all over the world and elected officials on all levels are doing things that they otherwise might not have done had not done because of your because of judge you know i announced that and they say i will be creating this task force on policing reform. But at the same time that well work things through and well get that done within a 90 day period but as i speak right now the City Attorney is drafting an executive order an order that i will sign when i get back to city hall and what their order will say is that in this city we will buy and show homes and strength. In this city. We will require the escalation. In this city you have to give a warning before you shoot in this city you have a duty to end to. End this city we were very quiet comprehensive reporting in this city you must exhaust all our turn to do so before shooting and there will be other things in this executive order but i want you to know it goes beyond just policing because i have been talking with Business Owners and c. E. O. s of the last several weeks and what ive said to them we way when we invest in communities that have been underserved and under invested in what we havent done the investment then you dont have to spend as much on policing if you take the necessary funds and invest in our communities and so i want you to know in this family to know that we appreciate we appreciate everything that you all have done and lastly i will say this. And this Family Reunion up in houston 3rd ward troy coming out of q. And a holmes who would have thought. His name would be mention in south africa can it. Be. Solved you are a person who may not have been known by many before. But what both men for evil god has turned it out for good we honor him we havent shopped him not because he was perfect but we are him to day because when he took his last breath the rest of us will now be able to breathe so theyre all right so best mayor of the city of houston probably pretty right where joe knight 2025 jobs every day. Used to be you know through every. Well i was the man of houston sylvester. Designating today june 9th as george curry day he was also mentioning the name of the Public Housing complex which george floyd grew up in an area rife with poverty drugs and gangs and how things were going to change and that hes going to be issuing an executive order not only to ban chokeholds but that he is also pledging to invest more in communities in houston well lets now bring in our White House Correspondent candy how he is in washington d. C. Can

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