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A Natural Resources in the mediterranean. And illegal secret deals bogus lab data and cheap imports just the investigates corruption at iraqi agriculture. Thousands of mourners a brave long lines intense heat and the pandemic to pay their respects to george floyd in houston the city where he grew up in the past few minutes his coffin is arrived at the fountain of praise church in houston where mourners have gathered to pay their final respects the funeral due to get under way in around 2 hours from now george floyd was killed just over 2 weeks ago when a Police Officer knelt on his neck during an arrest aljazeera is john hendren is in houston. George floyds final journey brought him to his childhood home. This is my way of speaking out just by being present i would like to know how thats going to the top of my lungs because i know so many black like a speaker every black man but for every one that i know someone has a friend a Family Member or a relative someone that from Police Brutality and you need to stop at fountain of praise cheer. Mourners paid their respects to the open casket inside some who knew him others inspired by the National Movement his death represents every one city so you can see why we need to do it so we dont have to do this again be the last sunday we did as a concert. As a collective holiday disobey to last me in a room they came 15 at a time for up to 10 minutes with masks and social distancing to protect from corona virus for which floyd tested positive in april and in his autopsy George Floyds body has traced the path of his life the 1st in a series of memorials began in minneapolis where he died beneath a Police Officers knee and never was held in the state of North Carolina where he was born both through thousands and now after this viewing in houston on tuesday there will be a funeral after which he is buried next to his mother. His death his inspired nearly 2 weeks of protests from washington d. C. To los angeles as mourners passed by floyds casket in houston the officer who knelt on his neck derek children appeared in court in minneapolis officer doric children should be tried to a couple murdered because what he did was meditated he knew what he was doing he should be treated like any other civilian would be treated if they would murder somebody like the way mr play with murder on tuesday his funeral will feature the reverend al sharpton civil rights lawyer Benjamin Crump in a video by former Vice President joe biden who met privately with floyds family on monday his death inspired a movement but his family says on tuesday they will celebrate his life which inspired them john hendren houston. George floyds brother says that his family wont give up its fight for justice. Im to right now preach it is everybody coming. To personalize it. Just talk. Thank you now for. The coming out what. Out of them that they. Might. You know we. Would not walk alone. Democrats in the u. S. House of representatives drafted legislation to change the way the Police Departments work some members knelt for 8 minutes and 46 seconds before announcing the proposal thats how long george floyd was pinned to the ground the law seeks to ban chokeholds expand the use of body cameras and create a database of Police Misconduct but the legislation doesnt demand the defunding or dismantling of Police Departments to some protests of call for President Donald Trump says that hed never allow that to happen and im very proud of them. There wont be defined being there wont be dismantling of our police and theyre not going to be any disbanding of our police our police have been letting us live in peace so we want to make sure we dont have any bad actors in there and sometimes youll see some horrible things like we witnessed recently but 99 i say 99. 9 but lets go with 99 percent of them are great great people and theyve done jobs that are record setting record setting a spree in our White House Correspondent kimberly how could he joins us live from washington the president kimberly seems to spend more time tweeting than walking this morning some of these tweets fairly cold controversial as well tell us more about what hes been saying. Yeah the u. S. President has a clear schedule as the funeral for george floyd gets underway but that usually means he spends an awful lot of time in social media and this morning is no exception here in washington the u. S. President has been tweeting about making America Great again transition to greatness the reawakening of america not really explaining exactly what he means by those tweets but one tweet in particular has caught the attention of a lot of people here in the United States and this is one where he is suggesting that the situation that took place is part of the social unrest that is the critic prost the United States this case in buffalo new york involving a 75 year old man who was protesting when he was pushed down to the ground by police this was all captured on video the man is still recovering in hospital with a serious blow to the head the u. S. President now in this tweet suggesting that this may have been a deliberate call for the t. V. Cameras also suggesting that this man may be a member of n t for the far left radical ideology that is opposed to far right ideology so this is a suggestion being made by the u. S. President and many people very upset not only about this video what it 1st came out but now upset that the u. S. President could be suggesting that the man may have been doing this for the cameras so this in the midst of the fact that the morning is still taking place here in the United States over the death of george floyd again that funeral set to get underway we know that the former Vice President joe biden will be speaking or delivering some sort of message it is a private funeral and as john hendren reported george floyd will be laid to rest alongside his mother that he of course cried out for the final moments of his life i was house correspondent kimberly how could live in washington could be many thanks indeed. An unidentified armed force that entered libyas Biggest Oil Field facility and asked employees to stop work has begun to retreat Libyas National Oil Corporation says the el shaddai field will resume operations soon the pipeline which runs from oil field reopened on sunday to being closed by fighters in january walcott if the half the us forces seized the fields during an offensive early last year lets go live now to tripoli aljazeera as mahmud up to watch it is the tell us more about the storming of this oil field and who these people what do we know yet. Well what we know for certain adrian is that the group that is torn with short are oil fields they belong to the. Petroleum facilities guard the Southern Branch of the facilities guard which pledge of allegiance to have the last year now the Petroleum Facilities go and branch in tripoli stated that after negotiation and talks with the group trade believe. Mediated and managed to convince the un with a group to pull outs they promised that the Oil Production in im sure our oil fields will be resumed to model but as the situation in this house is very clear take and nothing could be taken for granted so the situation could change at any time especially that the National Oil Corporation thats the state oil for has not announced the opening of the barrel should our oil field as of yet anyways there threatening the closure of the oil fields is a multiple threat to the oil driven years especially after the blockade of the oil Christian White house that us forces in january alert our oil field is the biggest our oil field in the country was a Production Capacity of about 300000. 00 Barrels Per Day powerful vert goes to the exports in. Our oil compound and the other half is being defined in refinery and being distributed to all the towns and cities in western libya now this state oil revenues has been relying on the our income coming from im sure r. And l. Feel in western libya since january since have to his forces are blockaded the oil christian and the major oil terminal is and center in libya. Al jazeera is mahmoud up to what had the live in tripoli many thanks indeed video has emerged that appears to show military officers from the United Arab Emirates trading forces loyal to off tell me. Theyre being trained on a russian made ad Defense System called the pan see it as one. Of the instrumental in helping us forces. The sentencing of an israeli settler convicted of murdering 3 members of a Palestinian Family and 2015 has been a judge and. Ben was convicted of 3 counts of murder 2 counts of attempted murder 2 counts of awesome he threw a fire bomb into the home of the family killing a married couple in the interim some eldest son who was 4 years old at the time was the only survivor of the Afghan Government has released another 250. 00 taliban prisoners bringing the total now to more than 3000. 00 its sponsor of the doha agreement the u. S. Taleban deal sided separate stipulated that the african african taliban set free 1000. 00 Security Forces in exchange for the prisoner swap is said to be a confidence Building Measure for talks between the government and the taleban in hong kong hundreds of people are out on the streets to mark one year since the beginning of prodemocracy demonstrations that defying a government ban on public gatherings and a heavy Police Presence to participate in the protests they say that a new security law passed by beijings parliament once again threatens to undermine the regions autonomy last year an estimated 1000000. 00 people marched through the streets of hong kong against a proposed law would allow extradition is to mainland china. A weather update thanks to you on aljazeera ben trying to see over the exact number of cars coronavirus related deaths in the u. K. And we look at the impact that kind of a dive team has had on human rights in the philippines. But. Weve got quite a bit of rain in the forecast across asia the nation over the next few days that does include the Korean Peninsula it also includes said japan for this line of cloud and rain down into central and southern parts of china thats the main by you fronts actually and that will of course bring those thundering down pulls in once again as we go on through quite a stay further north smoothing across the sea a line of thunderstorms gathering they will extend their way across the Korean Peninsula through the sea of japan facing a good part of japan as we go on through thursday and that could be some localized flooding across the southern half of honshu and on into a queue sheer that we have got the usual showers continuing further south across much of Southeast Asia little cluster of storms just to the east of the philippines and will bring some increasingly wet weather in here as we go through the next couple of days still rather wet into that eastern side of indonesia still very wet for a good part of thailand more of the same here as we go on through thursday that weve got the cloud and the rain across eastern parts of india is up towards a northwest an amount about where we are seeing seeing some flooding at the moment i think the showers here will ease as we go through the next couple of days but some big downpours gathering right along the eastern coast. Short films of hope and inspiration. Snow stories of 3 young women challenging the world around them. Aljazeera selects. Again this is al jazeera lets take a moment to remind you of the main news this hour George Floyds coffin has arrived at the fountain of praise church in his hometown houston is a funeral will take place in the coming hours is death in Police Custody spot 2 weeks of protests across the u. S. Added other countries. And identified armed forces that entered libyas elcho all the oil fields in the south has now begun to retreat National Oil Corporation says the operations at the countrys Largest Oil Field will resume soon. Elsewhere in libya a video has emerged that appears to show military officers from the United Arab Emirates trading forces loyal to the walled Khalifa Haftar russian mercenaries have been instrumental in helping huffed us forces. At least 20 african migrants have died after the boat sank. The bodies were found off the coast of the city of specs the post the boat rather was carrying more than 50 people the migrants of thoughts have been heading for italy. Greece and italy have signed with the describing as an historic maritime borders a court it comes out their exclusive Economic Zone in the ionian sea and paves the way for greece does only look for an exploited Marine Resources moves likely to anger turkey which side a similar deal with libya turkey doesnt recognize the economic jurisdiction of some of greeces islands in the Eastern Mediterranean to live that athens and speak to this about the struggle to our correspondent John Psaropoulos john tell us more about this to. Religion well as you rightly said this is a commercial exploitation agreement governing things like fishing rights and i explore ation for and to see oil and gas this agreement has eluded greece and italy in 40 years but it was achieved in just 7 months since turkey signed a similar agreement with libya on the Southern Side of the mediterranean carving out a corridor of water that cuts diagonally across the southeastern bit of the aegean sea and claiming what greece says is its own maritime jurisdiction that agreement between turkey in libya precipitated this one because greece realized that it had to include agreements with the neighbors with which it has friendly relations in order to come back and argue in favor of a different merry time teleoperation with demarcation between itself and turkey its now achieved the 1st of those agreements and its working on a similar agreement with egypt the reason why turkey and greece dont see eye to eye on maritime jurisdictions is that under the u. N. Law of the sea islands are given law a maritime jurisdiction just like continental coasts so he rejects that legal concept and says i lie. Ns should not have a maritime jurisdiction because if they do then greece with its thousands of islands in the a. G. And will claim vast swaths of the Eastern Mediterranean full of oil and Gas Exploration and turkey will be left with relatively little hence the agreements with libya the trouble is that turkey is agreement with libya does not adhere to the un law of the sea and 168. 00 nations around the world do and so the European Union the United States and russia plus many regional players like egypt and israel have denounced that turkish libyan agreement and have cold on turkey to carve out a more conciliatory delineation of its territorial waters and exclusive Economic Zone war says with greece that it has to the law of the sea we shall see where this all leads but at the moment tension between greece and turkey is at an all time high because on june the 1st the Turkish Petroleum Exploration Company t. P. O. Published a map. Showing the exploration blocks that its carved out in what greece sees as its jurisdiction and typically within about 90 days of such maps being published exploration tends to begin and licenses tend to be given recent said that it turkish exploration ships do and what it sees as it is jurisdiction it will sink and with all of the implications of such an action and so there is a diplomatic race on in the next 2 and a half to 3 months to try and trying to integrate mint and to try for greece and particular to try and control with. Maritime jurisdictional everymans that contradicts the one that has reached libya and syria John Psaropoulos life and athens many thanks joe. The Airline Industry is facing record losses of 84000000000 dollars this year according to the International Air transport association it would make it the worst here in the history of aviation france has announced a 17000000000 dollar rescue package for its Aerospace Industry almost half of that money will go to the national kariya air france most of its planes were grounded due to the pandemic the government is hoping to save hundreds of thousands of jobs the United Kingdom is one of the worst hit by the Global Pandemic total confirmed infections are heading towards 300000. 00 but questions remain over the true size of the countrys death toll the government puts it at just over 40500. 00 the tally by the Reuters News Agency though says its reached nearly 52000. 00 was disfigured also includes suspected cases which it says give it a more give a more accurate picture because testing was scarce early in the crisis and it could be even higher as an expert from the Governments Office for National Statistics says that around 64000. 00 more people than usual have died during the pandemic chris smith is of consultant for a logistics Cambridge University and says the death toll is still something of a mystery. Who knows and actually our chief medical advisor chris witty has been pains to emphasize throughout this that it could be very misleading to just cherry pick numbers or to look at one moment in time what we really are going to have to do is to look at whats called the excess mortality or excess deaths and that will involve doing this looking backwards because well have to look over a year we know roughly how many people are expected to pass away in any given period and therefore we can see if compared with previous years any particular time in the year or across the entire year we see an excess number of deaths and that excess would hard be hard to not attribute to covert so its that number that will be the magic number when we look back across the year and obviously were not there yet so were not going to know what the true position is also means we can compare how the u. K. Has fared against other countries in the philippines the entire island of luzon has put on lockdown for more than 2 months now thousands of police have been deployed to make sure that quarantine rules are followed but activists say the strict enforcement of the lockdown has led to Human Rights Violations and serious general allen dogon reports. These men say they were desperate to feed their starving families so they took to the streets in protest to demand help from the Philippine Government most of them had lost their jobs driving small buses called jeepneys when the covert 1000 lockdown was put in place but they were arrested and jailed without warrant by police and now they are told they are free to go temporarily because police say they violated the governments rule against mass gathering and they will continue to file charges but the oldest prisoner in the group 72 year old Elmer Cordero and winston are milia couldnt get their Police Clearance on time i embarrassed. My wife but they said it took another day before elmer was released the government says the law remains firm and fair if you remember not lets look at the case and the evidence on hand but regardless of age they have to face the consequences and they will only be given clemency once theyre found guilty the lawyer defending these men say they shouldnt have been arrested the government imposed one of the longest and most restrictive lockdowns in the world when the coronavirus pandemic began Government Data shows more than 190000 filipinos have been arrested since the lockdown began and police say the number of the street crimes have also we do is significantly but the rights activists here in manila are not convinced they say the state is becoming more repressive by the day more than 90 percent of those arrested come from impoverished communities like josephine a fish vendor who says he was taken to a Detention Center along with around 50 others for trying to buy fish to sell so he can feed his stand in the living room it was such a painful experience for all crammed in one so he had no food no decent place to sleep it took 12 days before his family was able to get him out. But the Manila Police chief was caught partying with his officers during the lockdown period and the local mayor violated quarantine protocols with this and to raj none of these top officials have been punished and those who have spent time in jail say they know that being poor in this country often means a life of hardship and sacrifies but what this government lockdown has highlighted for some is how justice often only serves the privileged few to dogon aljazeera manila well in the next of our reports on the impact of the pandemic on human rights will take a look at the accusations of Excessive Force by police and soldiers in south africa during the lockdown there you can see that throughout the day wednesday here on aljazeera a prominent human rights activist has been released in bahrain after being sentenced to 5 years in prison over a tweet appeal rajab will serve the remainder of his sentence at home he was detained in june 26th enough to making claims of torture at one of the countrys prisons he also criticized the saudi led war in yemen on job was a key figure in bahrains 2011 protests during the arab spring. Well the for oil prices countries like iraq are looking to diversify their economy a corruption is making that difficult some of the faultiness has our exclusive report on the challenges facing iraqs agriculture sector. To. Harvest season in iraq is in full swing a spart of the governments Grain Purchasing Program to encourage cultivation farmers are entitled to sell their produce to state run silos at a preferential rate but they Face Many Obstacles from the use congestion at the silo because of the lead in the labor salt say that some of the products of flaws and cannot pass some farmers waited for 10. 00 to 12. 00 days outside the solid doors and this is caused a lot of frustration among the farmers and the syria. At the heart of these delays lies an entrenched system of corruption farmers traders and government officials told jazeera we investigated these allegations watched by security and government officials we gained access to the title and its lib oratory this is where the decision is made on how much money each harvest will fetch farmers earn up to 460. 00 per tonne for the highest grade of wheat but theyre left empty handed if theyre greenstone to meet minimum quality standards for this particular harvest was rejected because the left found lentils inside the sample. Would agree that the rate of acceptance is very good but we have found some quantities that contain lentils. These statements have startled many as no lentils are cultivated in the area farmers say reports of impurities him to extort bribes of up to 1600. 00 per truck to add further pressure farmers are left to wait for days sometimes weeks outside the silo. Tired of waiting this small scale farmer decided to sell his hard. And harvest to private traders for as little as half the silo price. Says there are flaws or theyll tell you to come back later so you keep coming back its expensive for you itll cost a lot if you sell it here at the wholesale market is better than selling at a silo so what do the traders do with the wheat this wholesaler openly admitted to selling to the silo which is supposed to deal only with farmers not traders. Those who pay will be received and most of them are traders this is the truth its all about money if you give money your product will pass if not you will get rejected aljazeera obtained a parliament report dated april 2020 which confirms that merchants sell wheat under the names of farmers and manipulate the evaluation process in coordination with sila management the report also found collusion to import cheap wheat from kurdistan and neighboring countries which is sold to silos at the preferential price as if it was local produce we put these allegations to the general manager of the iraqi grain board at the ministry of trade. In all the silos we have oversight bodies and the farmers can complain against any employee and we will send this employee for investigation but just based on talk here and there without evidence we cannot act iraq is in dire need to develop on all sectors of its economy such as agriculture and to increase its full selfsufficiency as the country battles the coronavirus pandemic and the fiscal crisis but to achieve that the new government will need to tackle corruption and mismanagement in the states caracas e c want to halt in aljazeera itself of baghdad. Hundreds of people have gathered in syria to commemorate a revolutionary icon crowds in the city of a marking the 1st anniversary of the death of abdul bustard also root who was a famous athlete and singer who later became a rebel fighter salute took up arms in 2011 but died while fighting last year at least 2 civilians were killed by russian airstrikes and it did province on monday several villages and towns were targeted tax broke a 3 month truce and prompted hundreds to flee. It is good to have you with us hello adrian figure here in doha the headlines and ill just hear a George Floyds coffin as arrived at the fountain of praise church in his hometown of houston his funeral will take place in the coming hours his death in Police Custody spawns 2 weeks of protests across the u. S. And in other countries allies edified armed force that entered libyas shut out of oil field in the south has begun to retrieve the National Oil Corporation says that operations of the countrys Largest Oil Field will resume soon no one holds up to what reports. The group that is told with oil field they belong to the. Petroleum facilities guard this Southern Branch of the facilities guard which a pledge of allegiance to have the last year now. The chilean facilities go and brash in tripoli stated that after negotiation and told us. Group tribal leaders. Mediated and managed to convince the group to pull out video has emerged from libya that appears to show the military officers from the United Arab Emirates Training Forces who are loyal to the warlord khalifa after Afghan Government has released another 250. 00 taliban prisoners bringing the total now to more than 3000. 00 its part of the agreement the u. S. Taleban deal signed in february that stipulated that the Afghan Taliban set free 1000. 00 Security Forces in exchange for at least 20 african migrants died when their boat sank the. Bodies were found off the coast of the city of spikes the boat was carrying more than 50 people in hong kong hundreds of people are out on the streets to mark the 1st anniversary of the prodemocracy demonstrations there defying a government ban on public gatherings they say a new security will once again threatens to undermine hong kong all told those are the headlines the news continues here on ars 0 after the stream which is next. As protests rage over Police Brutality and corona virus grips the nation campaigning on the election trail has been forced to take a back seat will the president ial candidates ever hit the road and so very brand of politics to americans before the fall follow the us elections on a. Hi anthony ok youre watching the stream as a journalist myself and most of my colleagues child would be hard not to be the story just to tell the story but what happens when your black john mason youre covering issues about race and racism we are still in the stream some black journalists around the United States what it has been like covering the floyd protests and this is what they taught us being allowed general as and general as training but especially when youre working in a predominately white but any given day that the actions of questions later

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