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Covert 19 infections doesnt stop india reopening places of worship and shopping malls. And an all nazi Submarine Base and fountain your life as the Worlds Largest Digital Space. City councillors in minneapolis a promising to dismantle and rebuild the Police Department its a response to the death and custody of george floyd that sparked protests in the u. S. And around the world pedicle had reports. A movement that shows no signs of abating across the United States another day of massive crowds demanding Police Reform and it appears in some places getting what they want in minneapolis where the killing of george floored an unarmed africanamerican sparked the protests the city council have pledged to disband the Police Department and try to figure out a new form of policing. And our city is toxic relationship with many outlets to Police Departments to Police Things as we dont wait to. Get. A new york citys mayor says hes focusing on the funding we will be moving funding from the n. Y. P. D. To youth initiatives and social services he didnt say how much but it is the latest sign that the demand to defund the police is gaining traction at least for Democratic Leaders the Trump Administration is defending the heavy Police Presence and its handling of mostly peaceful protests are your and there doesnt need to be widespread change i dont think you need to reduce them unity 2 to go a step back steps because that would result certainly in Police Building but i do not think that we have a systemic racism problem with Law Enforcement officers across this country do i knowledge that there are some Law Enforcement officers that abuse their job yes and again we need to hold those accountable u. S. President donald trump is mocking the idea on twitter where he also announced the National Guard troops he sent into washington d. C. Will be returning home something the d. C. Mayor has been calling for and the president is facing more criticism from leading republicans with reports former president george bush wont vote for him and neither will mitt romney who took part in the protests we deploy suggestion racism we did many voices against racism and again were telling you to stand up and say the black lives matter and former top military leaders are also openly criticizing the president this is a moment as i said of moral clarity i think is very clear in the future whether we want to unify the country in a Political Division in the Political Division that has existed now for years or whether we want to continue to divide the country that is the choice that the American People have in front of them in the very near future on the streets calls for change with many wondering if it will result in big changes in the november election. Patty calling aljazeera. Peaceful marches are continuing late into the night in los angeles troops of National Guard have left the city has they have elsewhere after violence and looting subsided over the weekend l. A. Mayor Eric Garcetti also said he had seem to move millions of dollars from the Police Budget to social services tell is from the Brennan Center for justice she says Police Funding is spent with little accountability Police Budget have by and large been sacrosanct in Many Americans so not only are the en route to increasing and time it where crime is going down but you also have a great deal of a pass to the iraqis that is right i mean if you ever try to look at a Police Department i do have really only looked at the what and you are mostly you know its really hard to tell where the moneys going and frankly where the might come in from in some cases because they also get a lot of money. In federal government so theres a lot of issues around you know police know jason patric to continue to rise or a time when as you say crime is going down at a time now where you know many look at how these are the same you know huge budget deficits in the wake of the 90 so all of these things that inclusive who will last around this hall which is a really nice that you know we think about how we want to spend money as a city any city right we have to think about what we want to invest in and r. B. C. You know. Safety and security is a really important thing but there are ways of getting to her fury and simply finding a police force at least the old guns and other debate right. The number of corona virus infections in pakistan has passed 100000 with 2000 deaths as a infection right rosa after the islamic holy month of ramadan ended in markets and mosques reopened medical professionals called for a stricter lockdown something the government said many of the poorest people could not force its going out to our correspondent who is live for us in islam of and so come all this is a grim milestone how accurate are these numbers likely to be and when is the expected speak in the country. Well thats an excellent question no one knows yet grandpa your son receives a according to some of the medical lake the next 2 weeks will be critical of the World Health Organization had warned months ago that focused on could be dodging up 2200000 confirmed cases by july you also have to understand that the country had not yet come up to speed with the number of dead so far theyre trying to achieve 30000 dead day and the number of confirmed cases of god rising now at an alarming rate richard also for doing a huge burden on the countrys outstretch medical facilities and not to mention the fact that that is an Economic Cost as rent a car doing to initial estimates by the government up to 2. 00 trillion repeat of last say then also alarming news about unemployment that could go up to their credit 1000000 mark and a country that has about 60 to 65000000 workforce ended other consequences from over 19 but the important thing the Prime Minister of pakistan saying that it was an extremely difficult start to go forward for lockdown because that board heard the country fall d and perhaps also created a lawyer in order to duration so the country going ahead with trying to normalize also a message from the Prime Minister that the people will now have to learn to live with go with 90 thank you that come out hi there bring us up to speed from some of the. India is taking another big step in its economy despite reporting a record high of almost 10000 new coronavirus cases places of worship like this one of the capital new delhi a opening there to walls Shopping Centers and restaurants are also back in business the economy has struggled since the lockdown was imposed in march with tens of thousands of people losing their jobs elizabeth problem is that a temple in new delhi. Weve seen people going to religious places from 5 oclock this morning thats because india is a very religious country so the reopening of religious places has been much anticipated Something Like 80 percent of indians say religion is very important to them but its a whole new experience with rules in place like no touching of idols the holy books no singing no groups at the temple behind me people having their temperature taken and a walking through sanitation before they enter and limited numbers are allowed to ensure social distancing and where they mosques at all times those lost rules also apply to malls and restaurants which are also reopening today but what the number of cases continue to rise in the country the worst affected state. Indeed administered kashmir addition have said that they wont be reopening molds overlit just places today we have seen a steady stream of people going to religious places all day it will be interesting to see if we see the same thing when more than restaurants reopen indias economy has taken a. Lot down at least 114000000 people have lost their jobs and more than Restaurant Owners say that they welcome the reopening but that there are still too many restrictions in place. More than 36000 people are known to have died from corona virus in brazil the worlds 3rd highest number of fatalities and this president continues to buy dulness seriousness of covert 19 remove come out to protest against his handling of the crisis and racism has gotten america and human. Government opponents who had until now banged on pots and pans from their balconies came out onto the streets of sao paulo in large numbers to protest for the 1st time since the pandemic reached brazil their country now has the worlds 3rd highest death toll from cold at night but they defied the agreement reality because their list of grievances is getting long. I came out. The quarantine because i have to fight for all of us both snarl is a threat to democracy and our lives many used the occasion to also show their support for the black lives matter a bit. Of both an aura doesnt care about black lives 54 percent of brazilians are black and where the ones being hardest hit by covert and poverty thats why he does nothing. But the strongest message was against what Many Brazilians see as an attempt by their president and his supporters to subvert Democratic Institutions especially the Supreme Court which also not all threatens to shut down. Or is a fascist and i dont want this country to turn into a dictatorship i already lived through that some resilience i asked former brazilian ambassador to washington and the un rubins we could put all if describing bosso novel as a fascist was perhaps going too far here. All 3 of. You and. Using what. Will you go. And. Talk in a minute. In Rio De Janeiro a group of people so not a supporter is ridiculed his opponents calling them the anti fast or anti fascists meanwhile the president went out to greet his followers without a face mask as hes been doing every sunday. Sonata says he wants to arm brazilians to defend the country from internal enemies he is also named a retired military officer one of 3000 hes placed in civilian jobs as acting health minister. With the pandemic a deep economic recession and a political crisis all in high gear opponents are betting the time is on their side as long as brazils Democratic Institutions can withstand the test. You see in human aljazeera. And the news ahead no more delays calls in south africa reopened as restrictions loosen also was u. K. Government rules criticism for the way it responded to protests is tearing down a slave trade this statue. Of. How the flood wrist sits on sunday was in northern italy is still in northern italy because the frontal system bringing it is only wiggling slowly at the way that is basically spreading towards slovenia now and if you follow the line up its still in poland and the Baltic States to the southeast this is nice and warm for the sunday to everywhere else were still trying to catch up to turkey in the teens spain and portugal do Better Believe there are showers developing here as well and by the time you get to choose say the still the same array of shower potential from sudden france and the pyrenees across the pope valley and again to parts the balkans so its a slow moving disintegrating system that is maybe shows it best on the storm want to stay right on wednesday way on thursday with temperature hovering around the 19 degree mark the still for the magreb the breeze off the train or the west and the eastern atlantic i should say thats fairly typical to bring cloud rain throughout the stand spreading from morocco to tunisia is that the sun is that cool down in cairo 37 degrees the breeze not strong the big showers offer the science and the building again in southern nigeria making it further inland in places like ghana and sierra leone. Frank assessments tourism but the income stream is dead in the water whats been the result seen poaching go out quite significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal and is really society in depth analysis of the days global headlines its time for new policy save the country click not on b. B. C. To grady but he brittany fish the really deep of the whole continues inside story on aljazeera. Watching aljazeera her mind on our top stories this hour the u. S. City of minneapolis says it will dismantle and rebuild its Police Department as a response to the death and custody of george floyd which found protests in the u. S. And around the world. India is easing its covert 19 restrictions despite reporting a record high over almost 10000 new coronavirus cases places of worship in the capital new delhi are reopening Shopping Centers and restaurants are also back in business. Thousands of demonstrators in brazil have accused president jiah boss or not of downplaying the pandemic the government has stopped publishing a running total of coronavirus deaths and infections. Dr esper colorists is a professor of Infectious Diseases at the university of south Paulo Medical School and a member of the lebanese Brazilian Medical Association he says brazils response to the pandemic has been disjointed. Well if youre concerned about the numbers in brazil we have a substantial number of cases and unfortunately in many past the way with this disease we are see that we need to to understand that brazil is a large country. And we obviously have different waves of. The virus spread throughout the country like. Its like looking at europe and you see italy has its own wave and then friends and then other countries. The same thing here the demick started in some paulo. The port of entry for this fire is in them spread to different areas so we see different waves and the behave differently across the country and the other thing is the brazilian government is letting the states deal with the epidemic on their own way therefore you see differences in the way each state but together a plan to face this epidemic most schools in south africa have reopened since march many students have been taught at home now those in their final years of primary and secondary school who are allowed to return for me to me they joins us now live from johannesburg i mean i believe south africa is at least one of the worst affected countries on the continent at least in terms of recorded cases so what precautions are being taken with schools reopening. Well its taken an additional week to make sure precautions have been put in place and its included preparing schools in terms of sanitizing the environment to making sure that sanitation is adequate as well as the delivery of water at schools where there isnt any Running Water at all but also looking at how badly affected south africa is at this point what is concerning for many students as well as parents is that when schools closed in march there were just a few cases of kovan 1000 in south africa and now south africa has almost 50000 and in fact almost hoffa cases recorded cura since the beginning of the pandemic in this country has record was recorded in the last 2 weeks alone a president in a regular news letter that is published in south africa has indicated that the rate at which the virus is growing may in fact exceed predictions and all this is what families what parents and students are facing as they send their children back to school and many of the parents we spoke to outside the school in a whisper in janice berg said theyre very nervous and they worried that enough hasnt been done to keep students safe now students had gathered just behind us in the last hour or 2 were going through some sort of orientation where theyd be guided through social distancing its called but just as soon as students left and into the classrooms just next to us you could see that maintaining that social distance would be very difficult because students already crowded around each other we know in classrooms there dissuade the space at least 1. 5 metres apart as students entered the School Ground their hands was sanitized their backpacks they teach is made sure that they were wearing moss but when we also spoke to the principal here he said preparing for. For those periods preparing for the return of students to schools has been a night me its its been very difficult ensuring that the schools are ready to accommodate students and keep them as safe as possible thanks for that update there from a tamil a live from johannesburg new zealand says its corona virus free the country of 5000000 has recorded just over 1500 cases since the outbreak began but no new ones for 17 days 22 people have died the government locked the country down and closed its borders in march now everything except the border restrictions have been lifted as it spread record be around the world we all saw people losing their loved ones and their livelihoods at a rate that was Never Acceptable to us and so here in new zealand we went hog and really with a single plan that had a dual purpose to particular lives and to particular livelihoods wayne hay is in cambridge and explained some of the criticism the Prime Ministers had about her coronavirus response. Early on monday the new Zealand Ministry of health announced that new zealand is now free of coronavirus that the last remaining active case has now recovered and it was soon after that the Prime Minister. Dern announced that most remaining coronavirus restrictions will now be eased as new zealand moves to alert level one under its 4 stage alert system and that means therell be no need for social distancing anymore no limits on the number of people who can attend gatherings border closures though will remain in place indifferently with the Prime Minister not ruling out further covert 19 cases in the future the announcement from her came as the government was coming under increasing pressure from those who say that the Prime Minister and the government have moved too slowly to ease restrictions and to open the economy up in her defense she says well you only have to look at what is continuing to happen in some other countries around the world to know that the government made the right move to shut the country down basically way back in late march when you zealand only had a handful of confirmed cases and she says with new zealand moving to a look at level one it will have one of if not the most open economies in the world. An iranian doctor is back home after being part of a swap that saw a u. S. Navy veteran held by iran returned to america budget to haiti had been charged with attempting to export a filter to iran that he said was for Vaccine Research but u. S. Authorities said he required a license as it could be used came in chemical and biological weapons to him he was behind bars for more than a year and a half. Israels Prime Minister has called the killing of a palestinian man with autism a tragedy but stopped short of apologizing for it. Was chased and shot dead by Israeli Border troops in jerusalems old city last month they say was tooken for an attack of it sparked widespread condemnation within israel and worldwide much of what happened with the whole family is a tragedy a person with a disability with autism who suspected we now know unjustly of being interested in a very sensitive place. Is saying the u. K. Cabinet minister is condemning protesters who tore down a statue of a 17th century slave trader home secretary pretty to tell described it as utterly disgraceful and an act of vandalism crowds and bristol rips out the 125 year old statue and threw it into a harbor a black politician from the Opposition Labor Party tweeted in support of the protesters. Well i think that is utterly disgraceful and that speaks to the acts of disorder public disorder that actually you have now become a distraction from the cause in which people are actually actively protest in about and trying to empathize and sympathize with that is completely unacceptable act and that speaks to the vandalism again as we saw yesterday in london but sheer vandalism and disorder completely is unacceptable and its right actually the Police Follow up on the sides and make sure that justice is taken undertaken with those individuals that are responsible for such this all to liam lawless behavior. U. K. Prime minister Abbas Johnson also condemned violence during the protests but avoided directly addressing the toppling of the statue and tweet he said protests have been subverted by thuggery going on to say theyve been betraying because theyre promoting to serve and warned anyone responsible will be held to account. Most people entering the u. K. Are now required to put themselves into quarantine for 2 weeks this is and get airlines and those working in the Tourism Industry many are questioning how effective the policy will be try to hold reports from one popular tourist spot the birthplace of William Shakespeare. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of may and summers lease all too short a date in shakespeares sonnets the fragility of love is compared to the fleeting english summer this year in the town of his birth theyre wondering whether summer will come at all. Sent down. The tourist business and decide this we have 6 months where we take an 80 percent of our income and weve lost 3 of those out who raise our ice cream parlor owners sasha and her mom sarah say the governments plan to quarantine most people arriving in the country from monday spell the end of their business. If they stay in place 2 weeks. National tourism is big and strong and we have a lot of tourists its why we got so many Small Businesses because the tourists here. If William Shakespeare were alive today he might have turned covert 19 into an opportunity he did after all produce some of his greatest and darkest works while under lockdown himself at home during successive outbreaks of the bubonic plague in the late 16th and early 17th century. Spirit deadly disease had drama and tragedy written all over it but the actors and Theatre Companies given life by his works now as then face financial ruin yeah were sure that shakespeare really understood the emotional difficulties of being in lockdown and the economic difficulties he had some options that its even harder for us right now so often when theres a place in london they would go off on tour because they would find that actually transmission wasnt as bad outside london of course the Global Economy means that transmission has been the same everywhere so we havent got some of the options he had but we do have his plays the play that i was rehearsing just before we had to close the tail. Almost certainly rison in a time of lockdown because of plague and it really speaks of healing that can happen after a long period of not being able to do what you want to do plagues have come and gone and shakespeares plays survived above all today he might have urged patience come want to come may says macbeth time and the hour runs through the roughest. Joho aljazeera Stratford Upon Avon Tropical Storm cristobal has had coastal areas of the u. S. State of louisiana its already whipped up tornadoes in florida but the reason it is expected to bear the brunt of this 2 other Southern States mississippi and arkansas are also expecting heavy rain and flash flooding. Cleanup efforts are underway in siberia more than a week after a few reservoir at a power plant collapsed about 20000. 00 tons of diesel spilled into a river near normal isc in the Arctic Circle a plant employee has been arrested. An abandoned Submarine Base in france getting a nearly supply life home to hipness infamous wolf packs during the 2nd world war its projecting a different kind of message now how about. 78 years old this Submarine Base was built to home german u. Boats during world war 2 in the center of bordeaux it was critical in the battle of the atlantic that ive been for thinking with ethic then for the space had a flotilla of 43 separate assigned to it and was operational from a 943 but it was used for less than 2 years. It. Could be the space is made of 600000. 00 cubic metres of reinforced concrete destroying it would not have an economically viable. So its found a new purpose. Becoming the worlds not just Digital Space it was chosen not just for its size but also its large coops that reflect projections and create an immersive experience. The. Reporting live in youre in a playoff hockey and when we visited the space we knew we had to work with it we had the suppression and we knew we had to put on explosions here. 90 video projectors music every surface to bring iconic art to life this is his walk through narrow gangways to 2 of the submarine panes some 100 meters home in 12 meters high. School not at this business most of it this is essentially a lump of concrete which is gigantic and humid and we use technology in microelectronics so we face a number of challenges. The primary inaugural artist is austrian painted goosed of plums different artists will be selected next year. From him a fleece of hunters submarines would loons to destroy allied ships across the atlantic now its called the poor. So much in mint and produce a very different message. This is just there and these are the top stories the u. S. State of minneapolis is promising to dismantle and rebuild its police well theres some response to the death in custody of george floyd which found protests in the u. S. And around the world. Are committed to do whats necessary to keep every Single Member of our Community Safe tell the truth at the Minneapolis Police are not doing it. For our commitment is to end our citys toxic relationship with the video lists of Police Departments to answer policing as we dont wait to require you to stand up comics to actually. Face. A number of course on a virus cases in pakistan has passed 100000 infections jumped over the islamic holy month of ramadan and markets reopened to doctors and other Health Professionals want to tough a lot on the issues including the closure of mosques but the government rejected this india is easing its covert 19 restrictions despite a report saying a record high of almost 10000 new coronavirus cases places of worship in new delhi are reopening Shopping Centers and restaurants are also back in business. Thousands of demonstrators in brazil have accused president jaya balsa nado of downplaying the pandemic the government has stopped publishing a running total of corona virus deaths and infections new zealand says its now free of corona virus the country of 5000000 people was recorded more than 1500 cases since the outbreak began the government imposed a long down and closed its borders in march or restrictions except border closures have now been lifted. Most schools in south africa have reopened since march many students have been taught at home now those in their final years of primary and secondary school are allowed to return an iranian doctor is back home after being swapped for a u. S. Navy veteran held by our own budgets haiti had been charged with attempting to export a film to tehran that he said was from Vaccine Research u. S. Authorities said he needed a license as it could be used for producing chemical and biological weapons news continues here on al jazeera off the inside story dont go away. As countries begin easy coronavirus restrictions scientists warn of a 2nd wave of infection in the last few. Neighborhoods and many see the economy has be prioritized about human life. To pull your department and be out here because like you told would like to think we bring you the latest developments from across the globe coronavirus from that special coverage on aljazeera. He wanted to control the via by force now the hospital is off to a political solution and egypts president has laid out sort of this attempt to pull is a series of minutes of the trees by the un recognized government in libya but will this proposal even be considered this is inside story

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