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The killing of george. China rejects criticism over its handling of coronavirus and says its working to produce a vaccine for the world not just for its own benefit. Brazils government stops its running total of coronavirus deaths a move critics say is an attempt to hide the real. Live easy u. N. Recognized government is pressing on with an offensive to reclaim territory from war highly for half the hour this forces entering the stronghold city of sirte the governments rejected a cease fire plan put forth by half the and his egyptian allies almost until well have reports from trippy. Proposing a peace deal in cairo egypts president abdel fatah has sisi with libyas warlord honey for have to. Whose full team month offensive to capture the libyan capital collapsing this week announcing it is time for a ceasefire and old foreign fighters to leave come out ahead if and with our daughter. The Initiative Aims to guarantee a ferry presentation of libyas 3 provinces and a president ial council elected by the people under the supervision of the United Nations to manage libyas leadership for the 1st time in the countrys history but the proposal was swiftly turned down by the tripoli based administration the head of the high council of state told al jazeera that any deal offered by the egyptian rejean is the rejected the context of what has just been reported about military advancements in the last week the series of defeats that have suffered over the last 2 months and its practical exit right now. From the west of libya suggests that in fact the Cairo Initiative but i dont like liberation as it was called is more about trying to salvage what remains of after this project to protect what remains of his military forces in the east have to his forces have suffered significant said backs in recent weeks losing control of more towns on saturday including a benny will lead as d. N. A. Forces continue to drive have to his fighters from western libya moment but in the afternoon now a sink full control of the capital tripoli and recapturing half there is a stronghold city of thought who now on friday Government Forces are now gearing up for an offensive to recapture the city of sirte another half to the stronghold and hometown of libyas former dictator or female. Suit is not our ultimate target were determined to move further to we reached the stronghold of after in the east of the country. While saturdays focus was on peace talks in cairo util in libya this was the scene for known gain climatic. As live position in green just south of misrata are another reminder that a lasting peace appears far form reads in this oil rich country oh my mother and her head joins us now live from tripoli a mood as you reported there Government Forces and now looking to 30 wants the lightning timeline how how major an offensive is that. World kim we spoke to the Government Forces they are determined to move to the city of sirte it and even beyond it sold for further to the military bases that there have to stronghold in central libya and to all saudi captured the oil chris in this Strategic Oil christened area which has the Oil Installations and oil fields in central libya now this it to me in this situation remains a very dangerous it is around the city city as Government Forces tell us that they are now positioned in the west in by the west in the gate of the city of sit inside the administrative borders of this city of sit in meanwhile the are being hit by. Warplanes it namely by drones loyal to the warlord have to as you know the Government Forces lost nearly 15 fighters yesterday they were all killed by airstrikes long should by pro have to. Meanwhile the city of sid it is very strategic because it is not all the there a connecting good point to between the east and west of libya but also whoever controls it sits can use the good of the. To launch air strikes and also can move easily towards. And also destroyed dziedzic oil let a christian but meanwhile while the egyptian called for deescalation the Government Forces here say that the. Accepting any deal from egypt because theyre blaming egypt for supporting the war the tally for have to do with weapons and fighters thanks to their. Old underwear head across developments in libya thank you. Protests against Police Brutality and Racial Discrimination continue to grow across the u. S. Tens of thousands of people marched to demand reform in scenes often more festive then tense people demanding change for and toward fords death in custody put it online will wrap up a vent outside of washington after this report from she has returned. It was the biggest demonstration in the Nations Capital since George Floyds death 2 weeks ago tens of thousands gathered to protest across d. C. Many feeling this is a turning point feels good it feels like i get to be a part of history and a part of a group of people who are trying to change the world for everyone unlike previous protests that have followed incidents of Police Brutality it was clear this wasnt just about registering horror and anger but about Practical Solutions people understand now. Its not enough to be angry you have to vote you have to translate that into action but it seemed that novembers election was also trumps mine from his Vantage Point behind the new fencing around the white house several hours into saturdays protest he tweeted this and all that and his campaign sent out this message liberal thugs are destroying our streets their strategy is to use the protests to mobilize trump school base in fear of the protests evangelical christians the elderly and suburban white women and thats whats thought to have driven trumps initial reaction to the nationwide demonstrations its being reported that at the beginning of the week doubled from that 10000. 00 members of the military be deployed to cities around the country trooper troll the us said what would have been an incredible force of president ial authority to Trump Campaign strategy is clear them but what about those demanding change dcs men are is receiving plaudits for painting black lives matter in front of the white house but the group black lives mattered d. C. Tweeted that the mural was a performative distraction they say their struggle is with the man who controls the Police Budget and whom they accuse of gutting social programs to militarize Police Officers well shielding them from transparency and prosecution for violence in fact up the road activists were painting their own mural. Except there is a message to the Democratic Party now it read the from the police that is divert the money to programs which directly benefit citizens ensuring that black lives matter is not a simple Party Political debate. Aljazeera washington. It happens all over in cities big and small new york philadelphia Los Angeles Denver and all through the Nations Capital washington d. C. Awash with peaceful protests while the us president stayed mostly silent inside a heavily fortified white house the protesters filled the streets outside demanding change someone has to do something about that it cant be that were just dying out here and no ones doing anything about that all we get our promises and promises and nothing ever changes but i want my children to see that in america we can go out and we can do things like this we can we can show that we support are the true equality our true Constitutional Values so i think its a portrait my kids to see it after decades of protest one time activists say this time seems different my pride is in this so many people across grows cold in rages and Sexual Orientation there are people out there you know black people too long they have to bear the burden alone but police are protesting as well in buffalo new york the 2 officers who did this shoving a peaceful 75 year old man to the pavement seriously injuring him have been arrested on felony Assault Charges fellow officers showed up at the courthouse to protest their arrests still this is a massive call for change at least one governor says its coming legislature is going to come back next week we have the say their name agenda transparency of prior disciplinary actions for Police Officers the 58. 00 bill no choko across the United States they braved the risks of a pandemic to send their united message there. We know more who meet the same painful end as george white all while his family remembered him with a funeral in his North Carolina town where he was born and a nation shouted out his. Political hand aljazeera. And solidarity protests have been held around the world and london there were confrontations with lakes some demonstrators threw objects at a Police Source causing it to bolt through a crowd fell and was treated for minor injuries that they saw also prevented people from marching on downing street the prime ministers official London Residence only or thousands gathered in Parliament Square ignoring government warnings about large gatherings during the pandemic. Well dr bob honest former chief medical correspondent ted and the same news says viral questions will certainly emerge from the protests you know we now know that you spread the virus through talking the droplets come out so if you yell if youre breathing hard if you tear up because youve been hit by pepper spray you get hit by tear gas all those inside more virus to come out then you have people being helped penned in by the police into very tight spaces and then theyre put in into paddy wagons as we call them here taken up to jail put in close close quarters so expect in 2 to 3 weeks to see big spikes big outbreaks across the country and we did not go up think up all the way down to 0 like the chinese did wouldnt we come up we come here were a platform were on a platform to be able to increase again and what i expect youre going to see is you will become much more like sweden where the death rate is going to go up we already see that in louisiana today where theyre overwhelming the hospitals in terms of numbers of deaths but i dont think theres any turning back in terms of actually closing the country down again i just think were going to pay a very very heavy price. Still ahead on aljazeera a report from the worlds biggest fruit and Vegetable Market that feeds mexico but now has become a hotspot for infections. And this cameron eases coronavirus restrictions the government is accused of politicizing the pandemic. Hello europe still divided in 2 by this line of time actually looks like nothing much but it definitely is and where its wiggling over northern italy is producing potentially quite tremendous thunderstorms as a warning out a red warning for northern italy this can be snow on the Southern Alps and these orange top sirrah deep sunder storms expect hail to venture right possibly even a tornado is not out of the question and the line extends through austria to poland and beyond to the Baltic States all not line heavy rain to the south is still quite warm 33 in hungary or notice to the other side of it well were just back creeping into the teens in one or 2 places like 0 all the twentys if youre lucky in germany i suppose you could argue portugal to a much better spain but even here it looks quite showery that this is going to disperse monday the showers become more widespread through slovenia for example stretching down through italy but theres still some be some in the povere the still quite a lot of in the Baltic States temperatures barely recovery disappointing jews have to say those africa of course is doing its thing apart from a few showers still in moroccos redacted 23 is quite hot in tahrir but cools down from a day. Or. 2 to 0. Let me ask you how worried you are about the increase. In hostilities in yemen we listen this is the moment to stop all b. 30 action this is the moment he concentrates on fighting over the idea we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the 00 shave humanity i really really not getting anywhere near. The am. The i. Know watching others there are a mind of our top stories this hour the views un recognized government is pressing on with an offensive to reclaim territory from warlord holy father of its forces say theyre entering the city of sirte one of the strongholds and rejected a cease fire plan put forth by egypt. Some of the biggest protests yet against Police Brutality and racism of taken place largely peacefully u. S. Cities demanded change after the death of an africanamerican man george floyd to Police Custody. In london a police force bolted through a crowd of solidarity marches when objects were drawn the mounted officers fell off and was treated for minor injuries. And china is one of many countries trying to find a Coronavirus Vaccine and it says if it does it will be for the good of people around the world the science and Technology Minister made the pledge while presenting a white paper on chinas fight against covert 19 critics have accused beijing of failing to fully disclose information about the virus. Well joining us now is dr r. C. The mom president of the hong kong public dont does association shes a geriatrician and has been treating covert patients thank you very much for your time so china really is putting itself on the back with this white paper with this report do you think china did an effective job in containing the virus. Oh say ive been trying to. Reason action mates maybe. Fly to National Accused about the steal a exposed. Situation of the core new virus to the rest well i think maybe part of. A part of the chinese they have done something well nor that a controlled and that me inside that country for example the holes the crows found at most 8 seriously seriously affected see hes in a very shock you it just climbed actually. Actually its stopped it no activities all it knows and human travel is allowed it in a very short period of time and already in the very early part of the pentagon make actually they did not close in for the a lot of the trouble of the mainland trouble due to from part of the well and actually this is people accuse that actually trying to be the one who exploit holes in next pieces to the west and willow however often they have a lot that moves on their own and which were seriously affected by. It seems to take the battle inside the city of quickly and also arm they said that they have found out many trials are about treatment and also recently about the vaccine however i must Pay Attention will be cautious when we read out how those state tipple by the main end of the show because we dont know that whether they have the best of pictures all of what happened well i guess thats the crux of it isnt it we getting that the true picture a launchpad also of this white paper report is about how transparent the country was and sharing information and sharing that information early on what do you think do you believe that that the country was transparent in those early days. Oh for me china. Has never been a very transparent country except i specialize about information delivery so long because Health Care Crisis in main that is treated as one of the strat for their local Security Issues so even look up the Health Care Issues you wont get very transparent information but look very expression the 2 people outside the countries even in hong kong are our special eye ministration governments should be closely linked to main and in fact we are no longer not nothing earlier than now the rest and rest in country know that actually this virus can transmit to m r humans and actually at this virus can cause the case so even we are so close to that we dont get the information in fact. First to know that this virus can transmit it among humans and it is quite legal in the late january however there are quiet numbers of human to human transmission already in the early gender so i think there is the lay of information transmission about this to read in the net thank you so much for your time that is dr r. Seen a mom president of the hong kong Public Office association youre welcome. Brazils government has stopped publishing its running total of coronavirus deaths and infections critics say its an attempt to hide the real extent of the pandemic and president diable sanaa has repeatedly talked down the threat of covenanting threatening to leave the world health organization. Reports. The sign on the window of this car dealership in sao paulo reminds customers of the need to use face masks and antibacterial gel. Its the 1st phase of the citys reopening this by record numbers of 1000 deaths and president. At the center of growing criticism for downplaying the virus stret and attacking lockdown measures is going for. He is borrowing a page from his u. S. Counterpart donald trump and threatening to leave the world health organization. Either the w. Ite show works with ideological impartiality all we are also out we dont need outsiders why young in on our health here brazil is now the 3rd highest number of cars with 19 related fatalities in the world and experts believe it will soon become the 2nd scientific models predict that more than 125000 people could die by august 4th. Critics of both scenarios say hes responsible for Many Brazilians never taking the pandemic seriously. Anything its sad but he didnt wear a mask he made fun of it didnt believe it shook everybodys hand and unfortunately he caught it its very sad but thats the tree. But none of this is the tearing the president in his efforts to minimize the gravity of the situation the newly designed ministry of health daily report on the spread of the virus no longer records the total number of deaths. And the minister has announced a review of the criteria used to confirm coverage in 1000 deaths which critics fear will be used to manipulate the real numbers but some are. Under a huge price from here because they face. A Public Policy against. And now they are trying to find out people are out how to solve the problem the problem is huge so that government is trying to act in a really dangerous road trying to change that great try to change that members and that they. The growing divide over the Coronavirus Response in the country will take to the streets on sunday as protesters in favor and against both so maddow will face off in sao paulo and other. Cities. While doctors and nurses across brazil keep working around the clock to save as many lives as they can in a country ravaged by the virus and deeply divided on how to respond allison that and deep. Mexico is also gradually reopening but there are concerns its too so the number of deaths and infections continues to increase and hospitals in the capital filling up its own home and reports from an infection hotspot. This is the worlds biggest fruit and vege market the synthol the about stalls i think and its become a hotspot for covert infections in mexico there. Its not hard to see why its an ant hill of activity a city within a city as they say here we dressed like this to go in knowing which way to us but most people here what with next to no protection when youre lifting this. Even a maslows you down and as for not touching others place gets off a 1000000 visitors every day is pretty no way that they can pick social distancing going without quantas market Officials Say they have managed to lower the number of clients coming in during coded that theyve had less than 500 cases but most of the people we talked to have been sick have they been picked from your fiction avoided. I would more want yes some in this is own around 9 or 10. 10 has been ill too but after a month in isolation you have to come back. Here because money runs out in the little time i was out my savings got used up. And its not just the 90000. 00 workers here that depend on the market. This immense space the size of 400 football pitches is the beating heart of mexicos food chain pumping out produce across the country and thats why mexico citys government decided they couldnt. Close it. But they have sent in Health Brigades 17 of the to patrol the market. But its a drop in the ocean and it doesnt help that some here still dont believe in coded i dont know that come or not good they think oh this is a game theyre like whatever nothings going to happen to me. Just outside of the centro communities enough struggling with the virus to. This is car you home 57 its going to unfortunate nickname covert street. Black bows hang alongside the more colorful. Residents told us about 20 people have died here not going to see this family shut itself off for a month when 3 of them got sick the Street Cemetery protocols and perhaps divine help none of died just this one was very many people live will go to work in the central bastos and from 3 in the morning cause of passing through here to get their say must have something to do with it hes done his job here but even divine protection hasnt saved the streets residents from discrimination. Then i was. Going to if youre from kyle 157 a lot of people see you as lepers taxis dont want to take you you have to go and look for the doctors because they dont want to come here they come back next door in the Center Customers have been staying away to. Call us his family has had this stool for years but its in trouble theres a bit of water its really hit us there are days when we just have to throw the produce away by what 10 creates that we have to chuck out now traders say things are Getting Better numbers are picking up as the country begins to reopen the question is if fresh customers mean fresh covert cases to join home and how does it make scarcity. Coronavirus cases in russia have surpassed 450000 lockdowns and a sign of Something Like normal life returning is the red square book festival however visitor numbers for the annual event in moscow are fraction of what they were published as a struggling because book sales have fallen dramatically camerons government is accused of being more interested in fighting its opponents than the virus critics are threatening to make things worse by reopening schools and airports cameron already has one of africas highest infection writes the reports after a 10 hour overnight flight from paris madam that is relieved to have finally landed in cameroon capital yon day despite the growing threat of the virus with more than 6000 reported infections the virus is spreading faster here than in most african countries. I had to come back for work the most important thing is to fill out all the paperwork it is pretty good of all and then do a test to get results within 3 days before boarding. After being closed for 3 months the government is reopening airports to passenger flights before exiting the airport passengers face many medical questions and tests. With no see. If youre a negative youre free to go and continue your visit to cameroon if youre positive then youre put in a quarantine at your own expense schools have reopened with some preventative measures and forced but the Teachers Union and some politicians say its not enough because the virus isnt under control then. It is against the law to willfully infect others that is what is being done some people deliberately infect others and when children have to go back to school it is extremely important that parents and communities be made aware. The virus has caused panic in the country already divided by the fight for independence in the English Speaking regions a growing dissent against president colby as 38 year rule eloisa Opposition Leader maurice come to were arrested for handing out protective masks and sanitizing gel they face 4 years in prison if found guilty of rebellion. Its a campaign of intimidation we are just trying to help and protect the population from the coronavirus but the government has decided to fight the opposition instead of fighting the virus many detained opposition members are in prison where a fire trapped hundreds and injured dozens and me with airports now reopened those who can are leaving a country increasingly unstable as the corona virus continues to spread because hawk al jazeera. You can find much more on our website the address thats. Watching and the top stories Government Forces in libya are in the city of sirte and their latest offensive drive honey for hostile fire further east. Cease fire plan announced with his interruption allies on saturday was quickly rejected by the u. N. Recognize the government in tripoli across want to go ahead has the latest from the libyan capital. We spoke to the Government Forces they are determined to move to the decision of sit it even beyond sold for further to the military bases that have to stronghold in central libya and to also recaptured the oil chris in this Strategic Oil christened area which has the Oil Installations and oil fields in central libya. Some of the biggest protests yes against Police Brutality and racism have taken place to the peacefully in us cities it demanded change after the death of an africanamerican man george floyd in Police Custody tens of thousands of protested for a 10th straight day across the u. S. Peaceful demonstrators are demanding Racial Justice an end to Police Brutality in structural changes to law enforcement. In london the police force bolted through a crowd of solidarity marches when objects were thrown the mounted officer fell off and was treated for minor Injuries Police also prevented people from marching on downing street the prime ministers official London Residence earlier thousands gathered in Parliament Square ignoring government warnings about large gatherings during the pandemic rallies were also held in Manchester Sheffield and belfast. China is one of many countries trying to find a Coronavirus Vaccine and it says if it does it will be for the good of people around the world the science and Technology Minister made the pledge while presenting a white paper on chinas fight against covert 19 critics have accused beijing of failing to fully disclose information about the virus brazils government has stopped publishing its running total of corona virus deaths and infections critics say its an attempt to hide the real extent of the pandemic comes as president than otto threatening to leave the world health organization. News continues here on aljazeera off to talk to aljazeera stay with us. As countries begin easy coronavirus restrictions scientists warn of a 2nd wave of infections in the last few days. In front of the neighborhood and many see the economy is be prioritised about for human life until fall of the book obviously the focus was on doubt here because i could pull the plug in places we bring you the latest developments from across the globe coronavirus funded special coverage on aljazeera will. See. The Global Pandemic has changed our world as we know it. Its been particularly devastating on the aviation sector airports have been shut thousands of their planes grounded. Businesses have seized operations and the long term financial costs may not be known for years to come but according to the International Air transport association this years loss of revenue has cost

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