Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240712

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The capital as economic pain brings thousands on to the streets. Also back to where he was born George Floyds body returns to the u. S. State of North Carolina also. A sinister side of the corona Virus Outbreak we look at how criminals have become more brazen in chile. And in sport the n. F. L. Apologizes for not listening to players when they spoke about racism. We are the National Football league and we will watch. The league says it now stands behind protests against Racial Injustice following the death of george 4 way. Welcome to the news after months of fighting libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar says he supports a ceasefire with the un backed government its been proposed by his ally egyptian president and sisi following talks in cairo now the socalled cairo agreement includes a ceasefire from monday and the exit of all foreign fighters have been significant sent banks will have to in recent weeks Government Forces continue to drive have to fight is out of the west capturing more towns including bani walid early on saturday after regaining from control of the capital tripoli and taking the city of on friday as you can see Government Forces in our gear up for an offensive to recapture the city of sirte and thats the hometown of the former libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and a half to a stronghold. Well have to has resisted the previous cease fire agreements but his defeat in the west has left him little choice but to take a different tone. From the americans in the fight against criminal militias interior we will exhaust bell the moose and reese from libya so we can achieve the hopes and aspirations of the libyan people to have a new day of prosperity this will reflect positively on neighboring countries into the region as a whole. Lets cross over to our libya correspondent mahmud of the one who joins me now from the capital tripoli lets talk about the push towards another important town to capture certainly from the g. N. A. T. Perspective what do you know about whats happening there. Well so here were just getting the ports from the said it. That. Forces loyal to the government of national called have made an incursion into this city from a couple of axes the Government Forces are vances today from the west an erection coming from the city of misrata and from grain they have been derailed by. Forces heavy fire and draw on the government to military sources say that the last of the adults in fighters today in the battle for the city of said it their strategic city of. Military commander of the center a little region says that theyre fighting to stop. By unique up shooting their strategic city of a city it but the government sources Government Forces excuse me are determined to move further south to chase that eminent of us forces in. Military bases in center of libya the aim of the government according to the military sources is to move east toward saudi world to recapture both. Aid and also the Oil Crescent Area that has the oil fields and Oil Installations on the coast in sin threat libya so what we know for certain now is there fighting is continuing get inside the city of sirte it after the Government Forces managed to get into this city center from several axes being. There have the force especially one brigade named 6 or 4 brigade thats an ultra religious brigade or a that belongs to the Salafist Movement of movement that have has pledged allegiance to have to recently is now resisting the Government Forces inside the city of it well of the one head in tripoli thanks very much. Well lets take you back just a few months in january the u. N. Backed government in tripoli was having to defend the capital from attacks as Khalifa Haftar forces closed in have to us forces control the area in red and the u. N. Backed Government Forces held the area in blue when turkey sent in fighters and military equipment to support tripoli is government in january it began making important territorial gains so by may Government Forces had seized the air base used to have to as warplanes to attack tripoli tripoli is government then recaptured most territory surrounding the capital the seizure of the city of meant that haftar lost his last major stronghold in western libya now rival forces are battling for control of the city of sirte Moammar Gadhafi is home town. He is the special envoy to most countries for the head of the g. N. A. S. At. The head of the path the air party joins me now. From london to tell you whether its on the program sir weve been here before have to agreeing to a cease fire or wanting a cease fire but its only his side thats asking for it to d. N. A. We havent agreed to anything. Actually under countering the g. N. A. T. Back in the moscow conference has signed a cease fire agreement have to back away and did not sign refused to sign in berlin virus settlers declared openly in front of the International Community the commitment of the g. N. A. T. To our cease fire agreement have to back away and we didnt come and face the cameras and declare a vote in front of the International Community that he would commit to a cease fire its only now that you know the 59th minute of the 11th hour as we see have to is militias being decimated theyre experiencing a melt down and have to as effectively down and soon it will be out that he is now ill not tell him its sponsors actually the egyptians are now calling for a cease fire this is a very disjointed was called for a cease fire why now why not 5 months ago why not 14 months ago why not 8 months ago or so obviously have to. Literally stooges of egypt are called drug and manipulated by egypt and egypt comes out with this initiative a Cease Fire Initiative and a Political Initiative yet its like a lesson so if youre going to let me let me jump in that theres a lot lot of got to get through so are we saying then this is really checkmate for half done a last ditch attempt really to be involved in the politics of libya will he be allowed to if his forces are routed from the south and from the east so he will be allowed to be on to other to have a voice in libyan politics if his forces are routed from the south and from the east. One who does have to represent have to represent himself here to present his own. Grand illusion of getting power to do a military coup or to do war he wants to take full power absolute politic aspect of it days of one man rule of get that you have to does not the east of libya does not result in the other side or segment of the Libyan Society and his at downtowns fail his campaign has failed because the libyan people will not accept as the libyan people went out and in a great deal of pollution 2011 exactly against this military tyranny and military 11 man rule for it have to take us back we will not accept a look at right we fought very bravely and we pushed him back and now we are you feeding him so he is defeated he is out he has no right to claim any political. Position or role because he does not believe polity he does not believe in sharing or in dialogue he only believes in one winner takes all he wants to take everything libya belongs to all the libyan plans if i was to come after me just let me just get back in there because he still has allies in terms of egypt and russia in your opinion where do they stand now are they still propping him up or are they looking to actually withdraw their support gradually and therefore withdraw from libya how do you see that dynamic. Exactly i think from what we see and we followed closely and there was a high level delegation of that of the g. L. A. And last 2 days ago russia is already jumping from after sinking ship france is that reviewing his strategy very quickly and soon is going to receive a delegation from the generally headed by the interior minister egypt is the only one and obviously the in what i did i mean them and others are doing because theyre only one way for them is to take everything and libya and put toward libya to have them but egypt has a dialin has a problem because egypt is a neighbor of libya he has a lot of interest in libya Economic Security political and egypt is still backing during the course is still gambling on have to although have to her is losing and hes going to be out so its at the end of the day its its up to the egyptian regime to decide do they want a long term strategic and mutually beneficial relationship with libya or do they want to still. Run forward and gamble on only one man and this one man is losing and losing fast and hes going to be out of the scene very soon after thats always been part of the problem he will not be part of the solution the winners the jna the legitimate government if its going to have an overwhelming military when its going to dictate which all of the other libyans what the outlook of libya in the future will be not egypt what the immoderate is not any other country youre welcome marty thanks so much for joining us from london sir thank you. Well began as an Anti Government protest in lebanons capital over the humbling of the economic crisis is causing new tension its just after 6 oclock in the evening in beirut and Security Forces on the street sees a live pictures coming to us from beirut now hundreds of people turned out to call for the government to resign over the state of the economy the lebanese the facing the worst economic crisis in decades with around 30 percent of the population out of work an attempt by protesters to march to the center of the city was blocked by the army as rival groups appeared well our correspondent zain joins me now live from beirut zain you just talk us through where you wall and whats been happening because obviously the military have been on the streets. Oh yes the army Security Forces theyre out in force you can see them in the distance they used tear gas to push antigovernment protesters away from the main square in central beirut some of the protesters tried to storm the Parliament Building and really weve seen scenes like this over the past few months then took over since a protest movement to try to topple the Political Class that has been in power for decades a Political Class that people here believe are corrupt and responsible for driving lebanons economy into the ground this is only on one side of the square 2 hours ago we were on the other side of the square where antigovernment protesters were not facing off with the military but with supporters of the Ruling Alliance supporters of the Ruling Alliance did try to storm the main square where antigovernment protesters were camped out and. The army had to stand in between the people at the divide is the tensions. Are you can see the Security Forces trying to push away the progovernment antigovernment protesters from the square so they can no longer try to storm government buildings so scene like this have been playing out in the lebanese capital over the past few months Economic Conditions are only worsening anger is growing and really the call to action today was was an attempt to relate to the revive this movement and to remind those in power that quote their socalled revolution is still alive and it hasnt gone away weve also seen the scenario of a curfew being called say. In response to the code 19 pandemic that has perhaps been an excuse to lock everybody down and make sure that these confrontations dont happen do you expect or can you sense that we could be heading towards that direction. Right. Well there is no doubt that containment measures had an effect on the momentum of this protest Movement People were afraid in fact a lot of people are still afraid to take to the streets but it was one of the reasons why the momentum slow that it lost its lost its heat really but yes there is a curfew but that curfew is now reduced to midnight till 5 in the morning so just 5 hours its not going to deter people any more people are angry 45 percent of a population of 4500000 people now live below the poverty line were talking about 30 percent unemployment businesses are closing down people are losing their jobs the local currency the lira losing 60 percent of its value over the past few months inflation is on the rise so this these economic hardships really is what driving the people to the streets but at the end of the day we have to. Bear in mind that its only a few demonstrators on the streets not enough people really to shift the balance of power the Security Forces the army still on the side of the politicians and thats why it is quite difficult for them to achieve their goal of toppling the Political Class at least using by using force or are using the street we can certainly hear the popping of what we might assume is either gunfire or tear gas but just explain to us where you are actually in terms of the location of beirut how close to the city center the parliament of the presidency is it significant where these demonstrations are happening. Well definitely more to square central beirut to the heart of the capital Martyrs Square really a lot of symbolic meaning because it was there when the protests began and where tents were set up for months in fact the Security Forces cleared the protest camp during the lockdown and the containment measures that were put in place to try to stop the spread of the coronavirus and protesters were were saying that you know they believe that the authorities use the coronavirus as an excuse to clear the protest camp a little this is where the symbols of power are not very far from here is Parliament Building not very far from Parliament Building is Government Palace so really the symbols of authority and this is what the antigovernment protesters have been trying to target as they push with their with their campaign but i must say in october there was a lot of you for you people were calling the movement precedented because it was most i think terry and people were holding one flag the lebanese flag this is a very deeply divided country but what they did intentionally or not they avoided discussing politically divisive issues but as the days passed weeks months those political divisive issues came to the front forefront and that is why this protest movement is losing its unity and it is weakening because there are some people for example who believe that early elections should be the way forward others believe well we should push for the disarmament of hezbollah this is an iranian backed group which is armed and it is it has be took power in the cabinet and and controls along with its allies parliament so you have these conflicting agendas which at the end of the day weakens the protest movement but like i said the balance of power is in the favor of the authorities and they are clinging on to power the pictures that were seeing here at the moment zain. Do show a wall of Security Forces either. Chain smoke grenades or responding to large plumes of smoke on the protest inside this causes a huge problem for the very newly placed Prime Minister who really has to try and sort this out and really isnt in in an intractable position between the various political factions even with within his own cabinet. Definitely the Prime Minister faces profound challenges he took office earlier this year he says his government is independent its made up of independent experts but they were appointed by the Ruling Alliance the parties that formed the Ruling Alliance in fact several of those parties threatened to withdraw their ministers from cabinet when the Prime Minister refused to implement what they wanted him to do he is in a very difficult position because the International Monetary fund his. Economic reforms the Structural Reforms fight corruption fight tax evasion trim the Public Sector before. The i. M. F. Gives the country billions of dollars of much needed aid cannot do that unless the Political Forces who appointed him and who back him agree to do so and if those Political Forces agree to carry out those reforms what theyre doing is they are giving away the power that theyve enjoyed all these years they are giving away the access they had to state resources which they use to. Try and tell them you know to give to give their supporters jobs for example in the Public Sector so without those reforms the i. M. F. Is not giving lebanon money without money the foreign currency in the central bank is dwindling and theres a lack of dollars in the country so the states. Will not be able to purchase fuel weed and medicine and what we understand is that they have enough money for weeks not months so the situation is that your at the end of the day it is a one sided government in the sand started one political camp is only represented in that government and in this country if there is no National Unity if the different politicians who represent the different sects do not agree then theres political instability which plays out in the street and then you have violent incidents so the situation is tense lebanon is at a turning point and people are growing poorer the middle class well many will say there is no longer a middle class as the value of the local currency it loses value and people 90 percent of the population earn their salaries and the local currency for the moment will leave of course a developing situation and say they will join you later through the days end of one of our correspondent in the capital of lebanon. To the days other top story mourners are preparing to attend a 2nd Memorial Service for george floyd this time in North Carolina where he was born the hearse carrying his body has arrived at a church in raiford where the casket will be on public display before a private Family Service the 46 year old died after Police Arrested him 12 days ago in minneapolis and that sparked protests about priest Police Brutality both in the u. S. And worldwide. Of course we have correspondents across the u. S. Can we help that is standing by at the white house kristen salumi is in new york but 1st lets cross over to natasha going to shes in st paul near where 46 year old mr floyd died and of course certain attash are we are expecting some form of protest in demonstration what can we expect where you are. There is continued momentum here in minneapolis and st paul when it comes to people wanting to pour out into the streets for marches and protests in memory of george floyd and in opposition to Police Brutality there are several events planned today were in a parking lot in st paul where a short time ago about maybe 100 children and their parents left for a march this childrens march is being described as not only a march in support of george floyd but also and in memory of george lloyd but in support of his 6 year old daughter giana i saw a girl maybe 56 years old carrying a sign that said giana said daddy changed the world there were babies children in strollers and teenagers and the moderator was asking the children to feel free to speak to the Police Officers who are escorting them as they march for about an hour today later on this afternoon there will be a nother protest organized by a local africanamerican group now on the reform side it appears there is a slow progression toward some changes the Minnesota Department of human rights has filed or is conducting an investigation and has filed a court order and shes asking and it looks like the city and the Minneapolis Police department have tentatively agreed to do a couple of things she says that George Floyds death the commissioner says george has revealed a pattern of race based policing a discriminatory discriminatory pattern and right now she is asking that the Minneapolis Police department do the following ban all chokeholds and neck restraints any officer who witnesses someone in gauging in this type of an authorized force has to report even if theyre on the scene if they do not and they do not intervene it will be looked at as though they. Themselves have used this Excessive Force so as you can see so while there is continues to be anger and protests here on the ground there is a slow progression toward implementing what everyone says is the much needed reform at the Minneapolis Police department on monday 44 year old derrick cho been the former Minneapolis Police officer who neal George Floyds neck will make his 1st Court Appearance he has moved moved at least one time since hes been in custody moved to a prison outside the metro area for his safety just are going to incent pulled in a certain thank you. To new york where christensen he is standing by and christian obviously people gathering behind you what can we expect in new york. Well protesters continue to come out in force here in new york this event is one thats been organized by essential workers in the fight against the coronavirus doctors nurses social workers you can see people in their scrubs lined up here gathering there waiting for another march of demonstrators to come and meet them here and theyll continue around the city its a pattern that we see. Really for the last week now going into the 2nd week of demonstrations here in new york interesting to point out just as Police Brutality is an issue that disproportionately affects africanamericans so to the coronavirus 23 percent of deaths attributed to cope at 19 in the United States are africanamericans and that compares to them being about 13 percent of the population so. Calls you see on the signs here for changing. Races Health Care System as well on the demonstration front they have been continuing at a peaceful rate. Overnight people did defy the curfew that resulted in about 40 arrests but thats much less than what weve seen in previous evenings there were no reports of looting as we saw last week and so its been taking a very peaceful turn. And also the District Attorney is 3 of the 5 District Attorneys in new york have announced that those who have been arrested for low level protesting offenses Disorderly Conduct that sort of thing will not be prosecuted they are not going to involve them in the legal system they say instead focusing on more serious crimes like 2 lawyers who have been charged with throwing molotov cocktails at police cars and they are now back in jail after initially being released on bond prosecutors theyre saying that they as lawyers knew what they were doing they should be held in jail until their Court Appearance until their trial and the. Answered that call so theyre back in jail but again on the demonstration several events planned for the day this one soon ready to take out continuing that massive which seems to be having some effect given that Governor Cuomo here in new york Just Announced a package of reforms for Police Including banning chokeholds more transparency independent prosecutor for Police Brutality cases that could be voted on as soon as this week thats what hes calling for also 2 Police Officers here in new york have been suspended after video surfaced of their rough treatment of protesters so. Protesters continue to make their voices heard and some signs that theyre having some impact here in new york indeed well check in with you later in the day as well christine silly me in new york well lets go to the Nations Capital and washington d. C. Where White House Correspondent is standing by kimberly it does seem that the president has canceled his weekend away perhaps to concentrate on those protests nationwide including one very close to his own doorstep. Absolutely nothing on the president s schedule for saturday or sunday it is quiet in washington d. C. Right now and you can bet that the u. S. President is watching very carefully to see how those protests and demonstrations just blocks from the white house on hold over the night the u. S. President sending out a Record Number of tweets and read tweets continuing his dispute with the citys mayor mayor marial bowzer blasting her as incompetent for earlier in the week letting fires burn outside the white house perimeter for the most part of the mayor says that the protests were peaceful and is pushing back on what the us president says is the reason things have now been quiet in washington d. C. For a 3rd day and that is the flooding of the National Guard as well as federal police into the citys perimeter so the white house remains heavily fortified right now but just outside it the mayor has pushed back on that militarize ation of the city street she says shes paid to black lives matter in very large letters very close to the white house renaming up black lives matter plaza the streets in the city remain closed for the most part there are at least a dozen or more demonstrations that are planned throughout the city to go into the evening and as the president watches all of this his secretary of state has released a statement sort of talking about how the world is watching and specifically china potentially taking advantage of the protests that are occurring in the United States theyre accusing china of callous exploitation of George Floyds death to justify authoritarian denial of basic human rights and dignity no lie is too obscene and serves the Chinese Communist party lust for power so again as the world is watching all of these protests the Trump Administration also pushing back on the our arguments made by an adversary that they are using this to. Administration in washington d. C. Around the United States as an effort to advance a political agenda can be held at our White House Correspondent thank you. Well im joined by Morris Jackson hes an associate professor in the History Department and of African American studies at Georgetown University joins me via skype from doha good to have you with us on the program has the United States ever seen demonstrations and grief like this over Race Relations issues ever even since or during the civil rights movement. Well i have now. Must tell you that i am you know and im like this very proud of the actions that especially the young people have said you know ive been to demonstration in west new for 40 years and ive mentioned many before just did a discrimination but ive never seen such a where spirit people just baiting and i should also add that i am a very proud moment that day and doing it the right way. Peaceful demonstrations and this president would like Nothing Better than to do something to provoke where he would a city you know troops on to hurt people and the demonstrators not going to give him these jews they will march and march and march and he will watch t. V. And get angry and angry but they will keep wanting to some of the changes are made and they wont step just in these basic changes that wont start so well had to be some structural change in the way just as it is is applied in america so professor what do you make in terms of the strength of feeling that obviously you know youre very proud of what the black community is doing but the American Community across the board white black asian indian have all joined forces you might say in sympathizing with what happened to george floyd that sort of sympathy hasnt been seen in the window of maybe i misunderstood or not im proud of the whites no not expected at depth in america to come out thats just a given but my prayer is in this so many people across the cross in rages and Sexual Orientation there are people out there you know black people but to randy they had to bear the burden alone and fight alone and now its just white know wonderful that so many people of different ages is not my greatest pride is that people of that the religious Community Labor labors always been there in a major black but they were to just people who are speaking up and many of us ive had read the papers here as a white people in these country towns that ive never heard of going in market much the picketing and its great that you know that ok so lets talk. Because sometimes we we often refer to a simmering of tension or anger about how nonwhite groups are treated in the us its been simmering for decades then it takes just one incident but sadly within the space of several weeks weve seen 3 high profile shootings that have shocked the us where do the black community. Go when they hear about george floyd in georgia who was shot jogging a briona Briana Taylor in louisville only in march medical technician shot in our own house its an indeed going to inflame tensions but also raise many questions about why why are the black community targeted. We nominate is the main this is that is built on racism matthioli its the period of very a period of slavery in a force f. American look broke to our slaves and one would have to imagine the treatment they want in your language is taken everything is taken from after an africanamerican man and in the end in 1820 s. And thirtys do you know up until the 1930 s. There were 34050. 00 mentions a year where they would just take black man and hang them in this existed up until well into the thirtys so this is a and so and what we look at now i mean its something that but that is certainly reversed but but its something thats built up what is that one is that because of Newer Technology and things like that people are able to to project this but theyre also able to channel their reads. Quite often sometimes especially that after dr king was feel people were going out and they were rats and things like this understandable but what happened then especially with the right it was that the communities that were torn up were black communities that live in washington d. C. It took 40 years or more than that for the for the communities where black people lived to be you know who still work ok but when they were we dont we you know they had all been forced out and different occasions going and so the population of of washing of blacks in the west has just gone way down so thats what people are looking at now that will find ways to our. To work on these problems but ways to join with their lot as an africanamerican you have the american men and women to get africanamerican men you know you just you know what were going to know in that anything can happen to you in a tent if you have a son is that do you give them that talk. But as it is the same time you have to to to to to work with a level of dignity and know that are there now now are black people know that they have people who are fake with them that is not always been the games for free mr jackson we have to leave it there more structure says the professor of history at the Georgetown University here in dallas thanks few times. Thank you lets return to our top story of course libya where g. N. A. T. Forces are now fighting on the outskirts of one of the libyan ward cleaver after strongholds the city of sirte malik is the or is in the town of misrata and joins me now youve been with d. N. A. Troops throughout the day and on the front line just tell us what youve seen what the situation is like at the moment. Thats right we were with the g. N. A. T. Forces in every brain the situation was very tense when we witnessed. At least a half selfstyled Libyan National army carry out various airstrikes on the reason an eval brain this resulted in several casualties within the g. N. A. T. Force there but now military soldiers are telling us that they have entered syria now syria is in central lead to is to teach a clear located after war the police will have to as forces witness a string of defeats in in the west including his stronghold sort of. Was a was was a was essential place for him to perhaps have a stronger position in power and possible peace talks now for now forces here military officials and political officials here tell us that they will not accept aletha hafter as a partner in any future of peace talks they believe that the the destruction and the displaced people that that that that tripoli has witnessed over a year means that he is not a partner in peace. The forces have entered suit and and they they expect or they tell us they expect to take full control of the city of sirte. The commander of the Search Operations earlier told me that they were witnessing a monitoring of forces loyal to Khalifa Haftar beginning to withdraw from the city from from last night so forces loyal to leave i have to began. With drawing towards Eastern Libya after a string of defeats in the west china in misrata thanks for joining us. Watching aljazeera is news hour with me so romney a reminder of our top stories libyan ward cleaver hafter said that he supports a ceasefire with the un backed government its been proposed by an egyptian president. After us forces have suffered several setbacks in recent weeks with the government taking control of key cities and towns. Also this is the lebanese capital beirut protesters have been out calling for political change the country is facing its worst economic crisis in decades with around 30 percent of the population out of work the government is being blamed for not implementing economic reforms. Mourners are preparing for a 2nd Memorial Service for george florida this time in North Carolina where he was born the 46 year old died 12 days ago in minneapolis after a Police Officer knelt on his neck sparking protests across the world. Now thousands of protesters in the u. K. Are taking part in marches in solidarity with the black lives Matter Movement in honor of george floyd these are live pictures from londons Parliament Square protesters raise their fists and took a knee while they observed a minutes silence for victims of Police Brutality in the United States the demonstrations will continue on sunday with events planned in several other british cities lets cross over to jonah hill whos been monitoring events a day really for britains supporting whats happening across the atlantic. Yes it has been and actually as you join me now this protest somewhat petering out but though those protesters still here in Parliament Square are once again taking a knee and theyre just getting up now i think were taking a knee in solidarity as you say with events in the United States the death of florida and also the solidarity with the victims of Police Violence it has been a big day some 10000 by some estimates protesters have been here in Parliament Square other groups have moved off elsewhere towards the home office having scrawled the letters b l m on the walls of the Foreign Office black lives matter another small group has made its way to the vicinity of the u. S. Embassy and here among the detritus here a banner strung up over the statue of Abraham Lincoln that says racism is a pandemic to now remember this isnt just about solidarity with events in the u. S. Thats a big part of it of course but it is also an opportunity to call out what many see as institutional racism and police brutes brutality thats been going on in this country for many years very much a part of the lives of some of those in this crowd and so some of the banners that you see say things like no justice no peace no racist police the u. K. Is not innocent and so this very much a part of thanks guys very much a part of what is going on here and on top of that of course on top of that concerns albeit not overwhelmingly evident in this crowd but concerns about coronavirus there is still a lockdown going on here senior politicians and Health Officials had urged people not to turn out at all and theres been a rolling series of these protests throughout the week and if they were to turn out to try and respect social distancing well there are a lot of mosques in evidence most if not well almost all people Wearing Masks to put very little social distancing going on on the whole it seems people are much keener to take the opportunity to have their voices heard over the. Fear of catching the virus jonah thank you very much from london also apologies to our viewers who may have seen some disparaging remarks on some of those posters we cant always control everything thats on live t. V. And certainly from members of the public but we do apologize for that also thousands of people have been defying bans against gatherings in paris. Police are trying to stop free protests of the eiffel tower and u. S. Embassy fearing crowds could help the spread of the coronavirus on tuesday another banned rally drew more than 20000 people to remember a garment or a hair young black man who died in french custody in 2016 over into nazir protesters knelt down and chanted i cant breathe some of George Floyds last words some demonstrators compared floyd to Mohamed Bouazizi the tunisian Street Vendor who set himself on fire in 2010 but his death is credited with sparking the arab Spring Revolution of antigovernment protests not prize things in the region. Over in canada the Prime Minister now out in solidarity with protesters out and fascism rally Justin Trudeau made the gesture as the crowd marked 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence thats a generation of time a Police Officer kept his knee on George Floyds neck trudeaus been under pressure to condemn president trying to respond to the protests in the u. S. And australians have also protested in cities nationwide to support the black lives Matter Movement they also demanded changes at home following the deaths of hundreds of aboriginals while in Police Custody nicola gage saw what happened. Defying cools from Prime Minister Scott Morrison to stay at home protesters rallied at sydneys town whole different prices but with one message was a New South Wales court on friday damed the protest on lawful after police tried to shut it down saying it contravened coronavirus help borders organizers won an appeal for to go ahead see days like about making it to the senate side of history. Ok have a problem with rice. Thousands marched through his biggest city as they pushed ahead the outcry grew loud but largely peaceful astray not only supporting the black lives Matter Campaign in the United States after the death of george floyd but also protesting against aboriginal deaths in custody indigenous australians are disproportionately overrepresented in the prison system less than 5 percent of the population they constitute 27 percent of prisoners this rally was only deemed local minutes before it was due to start but many of these protesters were demonstrating hours before that so i want to thank justice for those who have died in custody. Including david duncan a junior who died in 2015 after a struggle with police guards it was filmed from inside his sydney prison cell block george floyd his last words were i cant breathe law professor folly ran to nieces there have been 432. 00 would be genus deaths in custody since 1991 we have hundreds of deaths in custody in our history and present and always deaths in custody have not received justice theres been no accountability. Sydney was just one of dozens of saturday protests across the country all with the message that theyre looking for change the color gauge aljazeera sydney hewitts the days other news now the coronavirus pandemic in chile is increasing the chances of being robbed crime levels have risen in the country ranked safest in south america drugs traffickers or months the criminals taking advantage of the emergency heres our latin america at its early c. In human reporting from santiago. Armed assailants on roads and highways have stopped drivers to rob them gangs of young men and women forced people out of their cars to steal their vehicles in broad daylight. Police breaking down doors looking for culprits this isnt new but since colbert 19 and lockdowns arrived in chile people say they feel less safe. 24 year old eric killing house and recently became one of the latest statistics while walking home from work to this park about isnt people who are you know the guy appeared with a face mask like we all wear now and pointed a gun at my head give it to me give it to me he shouted i was in too much shock to react until he threatened to fire the gun then i gave him my mobile phone. My things have been increased all over the capital santiago drug traffickers are hiring deliveryman to transport drugs instead of fast food because theyre allowed to operate during quarantine. But organized crime is making far more sinister inroads especially in chiles poorest areas the tina runs one of at least 70 soup kitchens that have sprung up in the labyrinth that now i mean its a pallet he would cope with infections are soaring as fast as unemployment. Many here have been out of work for at least 2 months a Community Organizer helps raise donations to provide 200 lunches a day but in many poor income neighborhoods Authorities Say that there is good. Knowing evidence which has been confirmed to us by some locals who declined to be on camera that organized crime is now beginning to try to play the role of robin of what theyre doing this right giving away 4 or financing some of these field captains in a bid to win over the hearts and minds or at least the loyalty of people in desperate need. Not been tennis mayor says they also want to win the local silence you know. What ive seen is that theyre giving away food to people who are infected with covert 19 and they use social networks to publicize what theyre doing they said victim of the director of Public Security and order tells us police are responding to the crime wave by installing hundreds of new cameras and drones to gather intelligence in real time sensible tobacco during quarantine and curfew its more complex for the common delinquent to carry out traditional crimes so theyre resorting to more serious crimes and that generates more violence. Indeed criminals here are becoming increasingly bold which raises another concern that in times like these have deep recession and need many could be tempted to believe that resorting to crime is just a fireball when you have a family to feed. You see in human aljazeera sente al. The president of brazil is threatening to follow donald trump by cutting ties with the World Health Organization that warned governments about the risks of lifting lockdowns too soon travel slower accuse the w. H. O. Of ideological bias also laura has often trumps virus policies despite brazil having the worlds 3rd highest number of infections. The legendary a says its preparing to make Additional Oil output cuts starting next month until september now thats in order to compensate for producing more than its quota in may and june and this follows an opec decision that was made last month they which allied countries agreed to a wreck old supply cut deal is expected to be extended following a Virtual Meeting thats underway right now. Well still ahead here on the news reaction to the n. F. L. s apology for not listening to its players when they spoke about racism that story after the break. Jane on out. 3 years into the blockade we look at the future of the g. C. C. Crisis i did impact on life and. People in power is back with more investigative document changes and indepth stories as the world battles the corona pandemic aljazeera brings you the latest from around the world a new 2 part investigation asks whether water should be a free Natural Resource or commodity traded for profit as protesters take to the streets in the country battles called with 19 cunt donald trump survive these historic challenges. You announce his era. New zealand is in the grip of the housing crisis with the capital open now one of the worlds most an affordable street one i want to make the families desperate to find a place to hold on on aljazeera. Youre earning. The buck type to support his father so hell thank you so much the head of the n. F. L. Has apologized for the way the u. S. Football league has handled player protests against Racial Injustice and Police Brutality only says it will now encourage its players to speak out Alexei Obrien reports when n. F. L. Quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem 4 years ago the move divided the sport and the country in some corners he was celebrated for highlighting issues of Police Brutality and systemic racism people are really feeling theyre actually mad and really feeling like you know what this might not be something i experience either really basis but its not right that these other people are going through this but by others he was criticized threatened he lost his job with the San Francisco 49 ers and hasnt been hired since now the head of the u. S. Football league has admitted it mishandled the situation with a National Think only image we will watch for not listening to n. F. L. Players earlier and encourage all to speak out peacefully protests. Read the national. Leave act lives matter. Rice relations are especially explosive in the u. S. Right now like a nice guy going to get married right. Now and the act of kneeling has taken on new significance since george floyd died in minneapolis after a Police Officer knelt on his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds as he big. Is venting. The n. F. L. Apology follows the release of a video by several players who included the specific demand that the n. F. L. Say black lives matter what would it take for one of us to be murdered by Police Brutality was through the mind organizer of the players video Michael Thomas of the new Orleans Saints has praised the n. F. L. Though some believe the apology isnt sincere its looks like more p. R. Hes responding to what players have said matches the players started all wrong calling happening he never mentions calling government you midges the players this is what in the aggregate is the same protest of cities across america who grew up in a fill stadiums with you know season to games more than any other leagues the n. F. L. Has struggled with the issue of race 3 courses of its players africanamerican but nearly every team owner is white u. S. President donald trump has previously called on owners to fire any players who knelt during the anthem one of his latest weights and caps with no kneeling evidence of americas deeply felt divisions the Football League now hoping its sports can help bring the country together. Brian aljazeera weve been talking to professor canadas shropshire from the Global Sport Institute at Arizona State university he says in the past Many American athletes have been fearful of speaking out. The dirt the absence of protest occurred because of the commercial viability that occurred a greater risk will add to the kurds by virtue of being racist a political by the idea that you never engage in these kinds of activities as the Great Success of object Jack Nicklaus Arnold Palmer o. J. Simpson and certainly most famously Michael Jordan so it really hasnt been until these recent times when issues have gotten so severe that athletes of that at the level of Le Bron James it seems like Minnesota Lynx inflect the miami heat it seems like the same as rams if it stood up and led to the most famous of all no phone jeopardy i think though always be this this grief this is good about the way the n. F. L. And all the College Japanese matter its one of the situations where the past cant be changed the imagery that the n. F. L. Has once be difficult over. Certainly reflect on the words of a Bishop Desmond tutu in moments like this if if youre not supportive if you dont speak that you are supportive of the wrong side so they support it athletes engage i think or that the Sports Enterprises that leads the teams gates to try to move these issues especially focused in the United States on Police Misconduct forward they had of the u. S. P. G. A. Golf tour believes his sport has a role to play and taking on racism Harold Varner the 3rd one of only 3 black members on the tour has been talking with commissioner jay monahan about the way forward. And whoever is a part of the p. G. A. Tour thats why i would love their voice to be heard right now just because its important to the world the scene from the p. G. A. Tour aspect that. They you guys cant do without us and we cant do without you i think you are just going to keep talking like we are right now but we do that and i think theres other conversations with black people like that that were already happening interested happening. Barcelonas players have been back playing at their home stadium especially gets ready to restart league or resumes with severe versus real betis on thursday while barsa play their 1st game next saturday realm an orca ahead of World Football jenny infant tino says all leagues must ensure Player Health is their top priority youve seen the medical recriminations swe should last week to support a rule for the restart of competitions which always keep in mind the most important principle. Comes 1st also the possibility you have now to opt for 5 substitutions has the same purpose protect the health in this case of other players top level football has resumed in vietnam with no restrictions on fans attending games if. You believe was suspended in march to do the global spread of chrono virus but with no cope with 1000 deaths recorded in the country in just 328 confirmed cases football has come back without social distancing measures or limits on crowd sizes. Of football is still suspended in brazil 2 to do the virus but that hasnt stopped former brazil striker fred making a big effort to complete his latest transfer the 36 year old cycled for more than 600 kilometers from his old club cruzeiro to the doors of fluminense say in rio he did the right to raise cash for families and workers and live in n. C. Acted by the pandemic. Ok and that is all you sport for now so back its very much thanks for ill be back with more news on the other side of the break to be watching the news i would need to go all the extra time at your company. 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Water scarcity has become a major global issue the demand is going straight up and the supply is going straight down turning an essential Natural Resource into a commodity traded for profit just because life doesnt mean it cannot be crushed what about the guy that can afford it in that case tell these water in a new 2 part series aljazeera examines the social financial and Environmental Impact of water privatized nation loads of water on aljazeera. Be the hero in the world and its. Washed away. Libyan ward cleaver hafter talks a ceasefire as u. N. But Government Forces recount tricky towns and head for his stronghold of sirte. I am. Bones of a woman watching all just a lot of what headquarters here and coming up in the next 30 minutes lebanons army steps in between rival protest groups in the capital as economic pain brings thousands on to the streets. Back to where he was born George Floyds born

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