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A debate on beijings National Anthem bail and be said she 9 students and teachers injured in a knife attack at a Primary School in Southern China. I am. All for Police Officers involved in the arrests of george foys in the u. S. Have now been charged in connection with his death the charges against the officers seen kneeling on throw its neck have been elevated to 2nd degree murder while the 3 others are accused of aiding and abetting his actions floyds family says its a significant step and as john hendren reports from minneapolis protesters out on the streets say it proves the movement can deliver results. Was for the crowds filling the streets here and across the u. S. Showing their demands are being heard and felt in the minute complain the charges the charges. Former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Shaaban thoughts murder in the 2nd degree through the death of george floyd for officer derek show been who was seen with his knee on George Floyds neck the charge was increased from 3rd degree murder to 2nd degree alleging floyds death was intentional is seen they are lets make a different they are listening to us is evil we asking for any any good will we ask for our best goes be officers and they were minnesotas attorney general announced charges for the involvement of the other 3 officers in floyds fatal arrest of filed a complaint filed charges fleece officer king flaying in town thought with aiding and abetting murder in the 2nd degree for floyds family it was the justice theyve been demanding. Im happy to all of us not been arrested. My boss had not been killed like this we deserve justice. But for many it is just a beginning. George floyds family and the protesters have achieved their short term objectives but their long term goals are systematic change theyre here today for george floyd so they dont have to be here tomorrow for someone else as one city after another across the u. S. Rebuilds from fire and rebellion in the streets of floyd family lawyer says changing a system that allows the killing of one unarmed africanamerican after another will take time the protesters did not start these bonds to bernie it was Police Brutality and a racist criminal Justice System best out of these 5 burning in america and the only way to extinguish these 5 years is to happen nice accountability equal justice but minnesotas governor has begun by charging really awful as police with Human Rights Violations triggering an investigation into races practices that goes back 10 years. The messages now and here in minnesota for the last 5 days come back to the issue at hand which is the systemic issues and the stomach racism and the lack of accountability up and down our society that lead to a daytime murder of a black man on the street minneapolis at the george floyd memorial site many say the charges against 4 Police Officers wont bring protests to an end they just show why the demonstrations need to continue John Hendren Al Jazeera minneapolis or former u. S. Defense secretary james mattis has denounced Donald Trumps handling of the protests accusing the president of trying to divide the country the comments followed a rebuke from the current defense chief who said he was opposed to toms idea of sending in the military mike hanna has our report from washington. The protesters are once again out in the Nations Capital gathering in the percentage of the white house and now familiar scenes but in the course of days of demonstration there have been unprecedented sights military Police Deployed alongside Law Enforcement units at the president s instruction military and National Guard helicopters flying low over crowds using the down drop from rotors to cause people to scatter a tactic often used in iraq or other zones of foreign u. S. Military deployment the president has contemplated invoking the insurrection act as seldom used law introduced in the early 1900 century that subject to certain conditions could allow the domestic deployment of the military in the event of civil unrest or insurrection this strongly opposed by the secretary of defense the option to use active duty forces in a Law Enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort and only in the most urgent and dire of situations we are not in one of those situations now. I do not support invoking the insurrection act president spokesperson brushed aside the secretarys comments the president has the Sole Authority to invoke answer action act it is definitely a tool within his power this president has one singular and that is protecting americas streets we cannot have burning churches we cannot have Police Officers who are shot we cannot have businesses that are looted and destroyed the insurrection act is a tool available the president has the Sole Authority i mean if needed he will use it earlier sources at the pentagon announced that armed military units that had been deployed near the city were being sent back to their home bases but this decision was reverse stopped of the secretary of defense held a meeting at the white house and armed soldiers remain poised for immediate deployment of the president so decide then in an extraordinary statement to former defense secretary denounced the president for dividing the nation esteemed general james mattis resigned in december 28th after a serious policy disagreements with President Trump he refused to comment then saying he would when the time was right now hes condemned the president for as he puts it ordering troops to violate the Constitutional Rights of their fellow citizens and he continues donald trump is the 1st president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American People does not even pretend to try instead he tries to divide us we are witnessing the consequences of 3 years of the deliberate effort we are witnessing the consequences of 3 years without mature leadership heavily on National Guard troops deployed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial a graphic image of a society divided putting troops against a city and its residents they are meant to serve. Washington. On more than 10000 people have been arrested during these protests in the u. S. Over a quarter of them in los angeles the mayor of los angeles there is reversing a planned budget increase of the citys police force in an effort to have peace protesters Eric Garcetti also announce his lifting the citywide curfew and is introducing new regulations that will require Police Officers to report inappropriate use of force by their colleagues the mayor says a commitment to change is needed with action and not just words. In other world news several prodemocracy politicians have been kicked out of hong kongs legislator as a vote on a bill that would make insulting the chinese National Anthem a criminal offense a debate on possible amendments to the bill was halted after the opposition stage or protests inside the chamber under the proposed law those considered to have misused on mox the anthem could be sentenced to up to 3 years in prison the session coincides with the 31st anniversary of the tenement square crackdown that speak to sarah clarke in hong kong for is siding with the debates in the national if on the National Anthem bell in the Legislative Council quite chaotic scenes in. Some very catholic scenes in the debate has been adjourned for some time now as a result we have 2 of the prodemocracy lawmakers who threw some sort of brown liquid in the china by trying to disrupt and delay the vote on this controversial National Anthem bill they were evicted from the chamber as a result and since then weve had the police and emergency workers within the tribe of number one trying to identify what that particular liquid was and theyre also cleaning the chamber as a result now these particular new laws they criminalize the mocking or ridiculing of chinas National Anthem and if im guilty you could face up to 6000. 00 fine or 3 years in jail now a bit of background on this bill it was introduced last year but was quickly withdrawn because it was introduced at the peak of the end of government demonstrations last year and that were trying to stop a fueling those demonstrations in the streets of hong kong but last week carolyn said she want to prioritize the passing of this legislation she had a 2nd reading last week and she said that she wants it passed as soon as possible and as a result weve had a 2nd reading this week and they try to push for a vote but clearly these prodemocracy lawmakers were successful in delaying the vote and as i mentioned its still adjourned at the moment now this controversial debate sarich coming on a very important day the anniversary of the square massacre but the vigil has been banned this year whys that. Whats the 1st time its been banned in 31 years and the government said it simply banned the event because of the covert 19 social distancing rules and any gatherings of people of more than numbers in a public area have been banned as a result the police are vowing to enforce its ban the whole area around Victoria Park which normally attracts a potentially more than 100000. 00 people who come to commemorate and mark that square massacre in 1989 its all been sealed off and 3000 police have been deployed across the city to try and enforce these restrictions now organizers of the annual rally are instead try calling on supporters to hold a vigil online there are also a number of boots set up across the city to try to memorize the square massacre but we are expecting some protesters tried to fire that ban and try to enter Victoria Park on tuesday evening now hong kong is one of the only few centers or few cities on chinese soil or in chinese territory theyre allowed to commemorate the square massacre but the future of the vigil certainly the organizers of concern that it the future of this a gathering like this are under threat that simply because chinas introduction of the National Security laws which by sickly target acts of subversion acts of terrorism and also anyone who speaks out against china or the mainland and as a result this particular event on thursday evening on june for every year it normally attracts people chanting slogans like or anti mainland sentiment and as a result they are concerned that assemblies like this could be banned in the future thank you very much for that sarkar live in hong kong. And he said 9 students and teachers have been injured in a knife attack at a Primary School in Southern China state media say a Security Guard carried out the stabbings in the province of g. He has since been arrested though his motives remain unclear 3 of the injured including a head teacher and student are said to be in Critical Condition for 20 years following developments from beijing. We know that the incident took place in chinas Southern Province which is one of the poorest regions in the country and about 9 30 am local time on thursday a Security Guard who worked at the school a 50 year old man named resell minn attacked students and teachers with a knife. Local Authorities Say 39. 00 students and teachers have been injured including 2 seriously injured who appeared to be the headmaster and another Security Guard we know that the assailants in the 50 year old man has now been arrested by authorities and hes been questioned and investigated but we still dont know about the most of ation behind this attack now unfortunately here in china this horrific kind of attack is it happens several times each year 1st notably it happened in 2010 in the Southern Province of Fujian Province and during that attack 8 children actually died and since then its happened a number of times piece year last year alone for a similar attack happened 4 times including once in beijing in the capital now in 2013 the frequency of these attacks spurred the government to implement a policy to beef up security at each school each Primary School but unfortunately this particular incident assailant himself was a Security Guard. Still ahead on the program lebanons money strangers are back in business after a month long strike passed. On paul race in gothenburg sweden which has become the 1st country in the world to use drones to save the lives of victims of cardiac arrest. Hello june is usually the unreliable summer months in europe this is no exception is plenty of kagami of the atlantic at least 2 frontal systems edging their way in the still stalls wandering around the east for example over the capital barrows minsk thats a typical scene yesterday a big heavy storm cloud more around during todays some sunshine stephen sunshine in the relative walls in Eastern Europe but certainly as the rain comes in the following when theres a cold one temperatures in the teens i mean madrids 26 thats about the best youre going to get but look at this for june this is a storm system developing in the north sea is going to hit scotland with gale force northerlies in aberdeen on the east coast youve got 3 days of temperatures well below average heavy rain with a near Gale Force Wind only slowly easing by the end of the weekend big disappointment africas much quality even on the north coast where its windy in the cave nice sherry in morocco ribot man shes 24 degrees the most places still sunny chifley droughts in 41 to 30 is the wind direction changes on friday there are plenty of tropical showers in west africa creeping slowly around the corner freetown to good example not sundry every day but sustained sunday slow moving thunderstorms with big dam pools. Join our Global Community they call the crisis is just slapped isnt the place the blessing upon latin upon latin human hands equals Global Health keeping you up to date is watch out for situation where we have a human rights prices that persist beyond help prices on your questions is a dialogue just nothing we are now approaching across route this is an opportunity that we must block miss the stream on aljazeera. The air. Youre watching aljazeera live from doha with me fully back t. Ball a reminder of our top stories this hour the Police Officer who knelt on the neck of george florey in minneapolis in the United States is facing a more serious charge of 2nd degree made it 3 other officers on the scene have not been charged with aiding and abetting met. Meanwhile former u. S. Defense secretary james mattis has criticized trumps handling of the crisis is accused the president of dividing the American People saying the consequences are the result of 3 years without mature leadership and in other news several prodemocracy politicians are been removed from hong kongs legislature as it votes on a bill that would make insulting the chinese National Anthem a criminal offense the move coincides with the 31st anniversary of the tenement square mosque. Art we want to bring you some breaking news now from libya and were getting reports that the internationally recognized government which is based in tripoli a stake in control full control of the capital tripoli thats after months of fighting with forces loyal to the wall or 24 have talk who have been trying to take tripoli since the 2019 will be speaking to our correspondent Mahmoud Abdullah ahmad in libyas capital in just a few minutes as soon as we establish a connection to him and this comes as the libyan Prime Minister fires out to tripoli based government of National Accord is in Turkey Holding talks with the turkish president over the situation in libya turkey has been politically and militarily backing the tripoli government and it reiterated it will continue to do so heidi 5 toss fighters launched an offensive to seize libyas capital chest over a year ago. Not to lebannon where money exchanges have ended a one month strike after reaching a deal to control the volatile kerensky markets the government had blamed them for the devaluation of the lebanese lira but with foreign currency in short supply its fear the attempt to stab to market will do little to ease the countrys unprecedented economic crisis then a harder has our. Money exchangers are back in business after a month long strike they were protesting against the crackdown by lebanons government after it blamed them for the rapid devaluation of the local currency believe us it has lost more than 60 percent of its value since october theyve now agreed to an Exchange Rate cap hoping it will drop to 3200. 00 lire to the dollar in 2 weeks its not the 1st attempt to control the money markets that im a pick they live for me then i would even with the rate of 3000 or 3500 the central bank will face another problem because it will exhaust its foreign reserves the market might be controlled for a couple of days but in the long run we will have more than one Exchange Rate in the market and lebanon is facing its worst economic crisis in decades foreign currency has stopped flowing in and its reserves are dwindling banks which have imposed their own capital controls no longer give out dollars making every day transactions difficult for people in an import dependent economy because of this inflation. Of the. Main thing anymore the same. Unfortunately. The official Exchange Rate of 1500. 00 lire to the dollar remains in place to import basic goods like wheat and fuel other rates are being used. For example dollar depositors can sell up to 4000. 00 a month at the rate of 3000. 00 while the rate of 2200. 00 was set by the central bank for Money Transfer companies this is affecting the governments talks with the International Monetary fund thats demanding to move to a flexible Exchange Rate before discussing any financial assistance. The government argues floating the currency without poor and creditor support will have a disastrous social impact many lebanese are already struggling and many businesses have shut down some of the year we have been badly affected we lost 80 percent of our business due to the dollar crisis we are buying gold products and it was an exchange of thoughts holdings to the dollar if we run out of dollars we will be forced to go home caps on Exchange Rates may do little if dollars remain in short supply and as long as there is little faith in the political and Economic System then for their actions here to beirut. Returning now to the situation in libya where we are getting reports that the internationally recognized government is saying that is taken complete control of the capital tripoli lets bring in our correspondent. Whos at the airport in southern tripoli mahmoud what more do you know. Well were hearing now. The Old International in active airport that has been remember this airport was under control of have to those forces for the past year now it is fully under control of the government of National Accord forces after heavy fighting forces loyal to the world lord have good also. Military sources with the government say dr the Government Forces there have been also advancing get in other neighborhoods it near the airport including going to get sort of been a shared area and also were areas near sort of who are now city their major a stronghold for have those forces in the west of the complete in fact the Government Forces after that he capturing get this airport have been advancing get in the main directions it around did the city of that who are now which is it actually being besieged by the Government Forces for months now they say that the take control of their city of thought who were then have by by taken then half the us forces lose. The whole west of libya with the exception of the city of the loss of a small town over those are about 120 kilometers south of the capital tripoli just to clarify you just to clarify mahmoud im sorry to interrupt you just to clarify that the internationally recognized governments are saying that theyre in full control of tripoli but you say that they are in control of that airport in the south thats been inactive what is the the actual situation one of the in control of all the in control of tripoli completely as the clean. Well thats what the Government Military sources say they say they say that they have recaptured all areas in southern tripoli after they pushed helped us forces back to the vicinity of the city of that huna in fact house that its forces have been now have been driven out of all the administers to vote those of the capital let tripoli including this airport which has been active for the past 4 years as you know how those forces took control of this air force last year and from here they were launching airstrikes and also rockets to target the Government Forces locations in many locations in southern simply and also it is additional areas in southern tripoli but the Government Forces say that that is still a problem facing them which is the landmines are planted by house sort of forces and also by the russian medicine is from the bagnall group who have been fighting alongside have some forces they have been planting many landmines in the areas they was though from in southern tripoli including it is it is hilarious and as you know funny that we reported that many civilians were killed or wounded by landmines when they tried to return home i mean the civilians who have been displaced by the fighting the situation here in the airport even is very tense also despite the fact that the Government Forces are in full control of the airport they say they have sort of forces. There is to try to target occasions with grad and mosul rockets thank you for that memo dumped in 100 with an agent from saddam tripoli. Moving on in Police Stopped migrants are making their way across the country to the northern border with guatemala theyre trying to get the United States to get to the United States but have been stranded in the south since the coronavirus pandemic began so reports. A long road lies ahead but this group of at least 100 people are willing to take the risk in countries across africa from cuba and haiti mothers and fathers among them wanting a better life in the United States michelle years to get married guy ritchie could have been on the road for 2 months and spent 3 more here in chile ticket the government has kept us here because of the pandemic one of the give us a bus and leave us at the border with gaza malo. A few months ago they entered honduras from the southern border with nicaragua then in march the pandemic stopped them in their tracks. And on tuesday so did the police. Another obstacle taking a mental and physical toll on song. Stuck in the city of truth seeker tensions were high. But the reports that were not moving from here were not going to go back they have to let us go on our way thats all i ask of the honduran government. These migrants were among some 260 people given shelter after honduras closed its borders with neighboring el salvador and guatemala to try and contain the virus. Then what we want to give our children a Better Future better education work and not grow up in poverty so that they dont go through what taiwan 3 we took this path to search for a new opportunity. When doris is only allowing trucks carrying cargo to cross its borders with a look down since march is still in place some doors grapples with more than 5000 covert 19 case. And more than 200. 00 deaths. Cannot than that of their mom which again we want them to let us pass because weve already been who drove us for a long time and we cant continue this way we dont have money we dont have food we dont have anything the World Health Organization says 4 out of the 10 countries with the highest number of corona virus infections are now in lots in america leaving many migrants trying to make it to the us stranded with very little to dream. And while the world remains focused on call the 19 a more deadly illness remains. A. 17 and a half 1000000 people die of cardiovascular disease every year and as always reports from gothenburg in sweden a new life saving solution is patrolling the skies. This is a drone on a unique mission with a cargo that can stop the deadliest killer among all diseases swedens Emergency Services are the 1st in the world to use drones to dispatch the fibrillating is a crucial intervention during sudden cardiac arrest when somebody has heart stops this can help get it started again so by the time an ambulance arrives its not already too late clear. About 7 out of 10 sudden cardiac arrests in sweden happen in the home but very few homes have emergency medical equipment so having a diprivan or later drop out of the sky within minutes can save countless lives globally cardiovascular disease kills around a 3rd of the 150000 people who die each day this rescue system is run here at ever drove a complete working with experts at swedens carolyns get institute and the Emergency Services to trigger a drone as soon as a cardiac arrest is called in the service went live for 80000 people in gothenburg from monday worldwide coverage is the ultimate goal 90 percent of. People suffer because. People providing high quality c. P. R. And we needed it within the 1st minutes for each minute that passes by 7 to 10 percent. Decrease in survival so after 10 minutes 12 minutes. Theres almost no chance of surviving a quad across 73 year old larche back is one of the lucky ones from the predrawn days his ambulance took 20 minutes to. Reach him fortunately his neighbor was trained in resuscitation. Grounds all snobs on that bit wrong on the right so quickly its phenomenal especially for those who live far away its important people know just how soon they can get other people later and stop someone dying our part in this is to supply the Emergency Response organization with more troops to respond to an emergency in a faster way thats a fantastic thing about it were actually deploying drones histo that can start saving lives as of today it could be timely one study in northern italy suggests cardiac arrests have gone up during the Coronavirus Crisis while ambulance response times a slower but even without the impact of covert 19 help from above could flatten the curve the disease that was with us long before the pandemic and which is not about to go away paul reese aljazeera gothenburg sweden. This is al jazeera and these are top stories this hour the Police Officer who knelt on the neck of an unarmed black man george floyd in minneapolis in the u. S. Is facing a more serious job just 2nd degree murder 3 other officers on the scene where floyds died have been charged with aiding and abetting madame meanwhile former u. S. Defense secretary james mattis has criticized Donald Trumps handling of the crisis. Hes accused the president of dividing the American People saying the consequences are the result of 3 years of without mature leadership. The un recognized government in libya says its has fully captured the capital tripoli after fighting with forces loyal to war little tiny for have taught the g. N. A. T. Says it has retaken control of an inactive airport from forces loyal to have to have tossed fighters launched an offensive to seize the capital just over a year ago. Has more from tripoli the Government Forces after recapturing get this airport have been advancing in 3 main. Around did the city of god who are now which is it actually being besieged by the Government Forces for a month now they say that the take control of the city of god who were then to have by by taken thought who would then have got his forces lose. The whole west of libya would be exception of the city of dallas about a small town over those are about 120 kilometers south of the capital of tripoli and in hong kong several prodemocracy politicians have been removed from the legislature as it votes on a bill that would make insulting the chinese National Anthem a criminal offense the session coincides with the 31st anniversary of the 10 men square massacre and those are the headlines coming up next on aljazeera is the stream stay with us. Throughout history of humankind has come together in our darkest moments there is a moment to form pretty much the opposite where retreat from the world could actually save every generation has its moment this morning as ours. Hi im fairly ok welcome to the stream today we look at lebanon with a very straightforward question can lebanon recover from its recent economic recession not a straightforward answer that because things to contend with a coronavirus lock down fuel inflation people going hungry people have a new limited amount of money to spend on basic groceries and then on top of that Anti Government protests if you are already joining us on you cheap gasoline to add to this you have a question for our guest jumping to the chair

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