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If you dont have one im Kemal Santa Maria this is the world news from aljazeera the 1st confirmed covert 900 deaths reported at an overcrowded ranger refugee camp in bangladesh farmers in zimbabwe described how coronaviruses into a vital cash crop tobacco. A week now since a black man named george floyd it died in Police Custody in minnesota and there is no sign of an end to the protests that followed against racism and Police Brutality in the u. S. President donald trump has threatened to deploy the army now if state governors dont end the violence already in washington d. C. Police forcibly cleared Peaceful Protesters near the white house so he could walk to a nearby church and start with this report from mike hanna. A peaceful protest outside the white house is dispersed forcibly by. Tear gas rubber coated steel bullets sense stun grenades are used to force the demonstrators further away a few minutes later the reason becomes clear in a display of pure political theater the president and former reality star walks out of the white house across pennsylvania avenue and through Lafayette Park which had been surrounded by protesters during the day he arrived at the sin Johns Episcopal Church which had been damaged in overnight and wrist holding a bible the president tells reporters we have a great country he did not enter the church to inspect the internal damage but instead beckon to some of those whod walked with him to join him in front of the cameras i imposed a curfew at 7 pm tweeted the districts mayor a full 25 minutes before the curfew and without provocation federal police used munitions on Peaceful Protesters outside the white house an act that will make the job of the d. C. Police Department Offices more difficult shameful the timing and sequence of events points to one possible interpretation that a peaceful protest was disrupted to allow the president of the United States a photo opportunity. A short while the president spoke in the rose garden even as in an extraordinary moment the protesters outside with being dispersed and he essentially threaten to invoke martial law if the city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents then i will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them was this is entering controversial territory in terms of the insurrection act the president can deploy troops domestically but only in a support role and only at the request of state governors or legislatures he really does not have the right to implemented in our 50 states which is what he was saying to me not all 50 states have anything going on and its got the governors still would have the say so with it. The District Of Columbia has no governor and the president is legally allowed to unilaterally deploy military forces in the area which he has already done in unprecedented scenes military police are deployed alongside Law Enforcement officers in the capital of the United States. As a 7 pm curfew passed an evening though the crackdown on protests continued lines of police advancing ominously almost defying the curfew then the arrest began at parity in accordance with the instructions from the white house a few remaining protesters walking past the Lincoln Memorial to remind of a better and possibly kind it time mike hanna aljazeera washington meanwhile a private autopsy report offers new evidence against the officers who arrested george floyd the document describes his death as murder john hendren has more. George floyd tried to tell police he was struggling for air to breathe in a private autopsy requested by floyds Family Doctors concluded that was what caused his death the cause of death in my opinion is as fixed due to compression of the neck. As he lay on the street the official Hennepin County coroners report says floyd died of a heart attack brought on by head and neck compression but it found no evidence that he died of strangulation and said his coronary Artery Disease and hypertension were contributing factors the private autopsy contradicts that saying all 3 officers who knelt on floyd contributed to a death it calls murder the autopsy shows that mr floyd had no underlying medical problem that caused or contributed to his death that has demonstrators on the street questioning authority you know i dont think he was going to have a heart attack that day and pass away without what happened to him on the street here the dueling autopsies his eroded the already diminished faith that people here in their streets have an american institutions 1st many of the protesters of course lost faith in the police then they lost faith in the politicians who sent the police in to crack down on them now theyre questioning the coroners office. I dont trust them i cant how could you after this keeps happening when they try to hide it they try to be in cities and balance most to try to beef up terrorist Law Enforcement. As pieper transfer money not. Terence floyd came to the scene of his brothers death to urge calm. Horse. And it doesnt matter not at all. Because its not going to stop with our stuff so i want to show you off. The knuckle. So thats no reason not to. Let go of some of the way that he said it is what his brother would have wanted john hendren l. G. 0 minneapolis and in minneapolis now n. B. C. News is a great jay i think what terence was saying that was really powerful because he was putting forward this idea that hey youre out there destroying stuff but its out stuff and its got to be a different way and i think you know we call that something people probably need to hear. Oh i think youre absolutely right come on we were there as he was speaking to those who had gathered very emotional very moving in the strength that he showed to be able to say some of those things after barely being able to walk because he was so overcome with grief being at the spot where his brother had died really urging people not only to stop the violence saying that his was a peaceful family but also saying that people must get involved politically they really want to see dramatic change the fluid family and they say that will only come if people vote instead of violating buildings really pushing to violence here they want people to get it all from the base level City Politics through the president ial election. 6 in the morning where you are right now i was wondering if between you and your camera crew you could give us a look around where you are and whats happening at the moment and whats been going on tonight. Yeah sure it was another relatively peaceful night here which is great news 2nd night in a row were downtown right now and just outside the 1st precinct of the Police Department there you can see it almost looks like a military base barricades at the barricades out front the National Guard posted here as well lockdown like so much of not only this city but so many other cities across the nation right now theres been a strong show of force here over the last couple of nights and while we didnt have any violence no fires thankfully last night there were still arrest most of those for breaking the curfew of course youve been talking about it and seen in other cities Like Washington like new york like chicago there has been violence again overnight and this marks now the 8th day since floyds death and every day and night since his passing there have been protesters on the streets not only here but across the nation thank you jerry in minneapolis the family of george floyd have accepted an offer from the box of Floyd Mayweather to pay for his funeral mayweather will handle the costs of the service on june 9th it will happen in George Floyds hometown of houston he will also pay for memorials in minnesota and North Carolina more protests in new york city as well with some turning violent many shop windows was smashed and looted and police moved in to make arrests as a curfew imposed 11 pm now an even stricter 8 pm go home order will be in place on tuesday here is. From a protest in brooklyn new york. This is the scene after night has fallen here in brooklyn were outside of the Barclays Center which is a basketball arena and this has been a flashpoint for some of the protest over the last few nights here in new york right now this is a very peaceful protest by candlelight vigil and mostly young people that are home gathered here right before the curfew is about to go into place and they are supporting each other theyre calling for justice theyre holding up signs listening to somebody speak and this is a very peaceful thank you and how were feeling message that theyre trying to send a message that they want justice were doing this because not only are we not christ physically we are oppressed and we are presently People Police all this is our prize their minds are poisoned to believe that they have heard us when they see a. System oppresses all of us black white brown and everything in between we are here to free the minds of everyone so that they understand him and liberated enough to take us beyond for themselves so that we can all live a life thats free. There have certainly been images of rioting and looting in new york city but its also important to see the vast majority of the protests have been exactly like this peaceful young people mostly coming together to protest for their rights and a protest for justice and and really youre getting a sense of a sense of outrage and many telling us that they will stay on the streets as long as it takes. The rest of the days news is coming up and in the midst of all these protests and the pandemic lets not forget people in the u. S. Of voting in primaries weve got a report from the swing state of pennsylvania and an iranian scientist jailed in the United States is heading back home got the details on that. Hello the principal rain through central and southern areas of china is typical this time of year you can see the town streaming eastwards but were actually in for a pretty good day on wednesday across much of the Korean Peninsula across tools japan but the rain is certainly very heavy across these eastern areas of china doesnt quite make it to the south coast so not a bad couple of days ahead into hong kong but this my you buy you from these seasonal rains at this time of year of course the front just trail all the way back and so produces more rain is a go through thursday it should they stay mostly to the east of japan its a warm day a few of those a 28 in the saca and 27 celsius in tokyo plenty of weather across india are beginning to say the arrival of the southwest monsoon were watching very closely this disturbance here its been producing very heavy rains along these the west coast areas but this could develop into a Tropical Cyclone but elsewhere plenty of rain plenty of thunderstorms and there is the result off to a thunderstorm a beautiful a double rainbow now plenty more showers up to the north of india and very well scattered through Central States out schools the northeast as well but as a say were watching closely this system here it might develop into trouble so i came to what will certainly do is produce some torrential amounts of rain it will look to work its way inland as we go through thursday possibly very close to mumbai so this amount of rain could well lead to some localized flooding. Teach it strong man is ruling with an eye and faced and the silence from his allies is deafening the u. S. Was perfectly happy to trade off the march for sea for security while western leaders turning a blind eye when even the citizens have fought and baked into his repression executions torture or censorship is not acceptable and you wont hear such strong words from lets say berlin or paris or london man in cairo on aljazeera. Reminder of the top stories this hour on aljazeera President Donald Trump is threatening to deploy the army if state governments dont end the violence during some protests over the death of george floyd trump says it is his duty to uphold law and order protests continued for a 7th day and night in u. S. Cities Police Forcibly cleared peaceful crowds near the white house could walk to a nearby church. And some protests in new york city turned violent shop windows were smashed businesses were looted a curfew was imposed as well there will now be an even stricter go home order that goes into place 8 pm local on tuesday. Well the protests coronavirus pandemic as well happening during an Election Year in the u. S. Donald trump is all but certain to take on former Vice President joe biden for the democrats but still the primary election process goes on for states will vote on their preferred candidates this tuesday kristen salumi looking at the race in one of those key states pennsylvania. Joe dambrosio has been cutting hair and bethlehem pennsylvania for 47 years barber shops are closed now due to the coronavirus pandemic and joe thinks thats prudent given his age hes got enough savings to ride it out a bit longer course of one week i lost 2 of my best and oldest friends you see so its real real to me hes seen a lot of change in bethlehem over the last 4 years the local steel plant that once employed 35000 people is still mostly empty but many of its former Union Workers lean republican instead of democrat they lined the streets to greet President Trump recently when he visited a local manufacturing plant a rare trip out of the Nations Capital when much of the country was still on lockdown pennsylvania is one of 4 states that President Trump won by less than a percent in 2016 older Blue Collar Workers like the ones that used to work here in the Steel Industry were crucial to his victory and they could make a difference again in 2020 National Polls show that among Senior Citizens like these former steelworkers joe biden is more popular than trump i hear more and more people in the trustworthy that are just not trustworthy the state has one of the oldest populations in the country but polls have been wrong here before widebodies that are republicans. They all told me to same thing or not vote for him again. Well you know thats a very heartening but. We all thought that hillary was like you and a lot of time around the president hasnt seen the country rally behind him as usually happens during a time of crisis or attack but his base remains committed we saw during this a visit to the Lehigh Valley recently with crowds out on the highways welcoming them he has a core and that corps gone nowhere over the last few years the question is has he built on that at all is there mild erosion among groups like seniors joe voted for him in 2016 and plans to again well i think hes the strongest guy he knows how to deal and he knows he built the economy he not afraid of china leaving the state closely divided between those who think the president is best suited to lead an economic recovery and those who blame his handling of the crisis for it in the 1st place kristen salumi al jazeera bethlehem pennsylvania officials in bangladesh have confirmed the 1st coded 19 death among ranger refugees the 71 year old man died includes a prolonged close to which is home to a close 2600000 displaced from me and he was among the 29 people who tested positive last month 15000 refugees have been put under quarantine the u. N. Had warned of a severe impact in the overcrowded camps which is shelter more than 800000 people. Louise donovan with us now spokeswoman for the United Nations high commissioner for refugees on skype from coxs bazar in bangladesh where those camps are located louise thank you for your time today. Its like weve been waiting for this havent we theres been so much warning about what could possibly happen where to from here. Yes i mean absolutely weve been preparing for this her for several months for 3 months weve been aware that the pandemic was spreading the numbers have been increasing in bangladesh and weve been preparing with the government some with on monetary environments as you know with the french case was confirmed just over 2 weeks ago and since then there are 29 contract cases and in the meantime in that period weve also managed to open 2 facilities which will be used to serve to care for patients with the most severe symptoms so these are quality and severe acute respiratory infection isolation Treatment Facilities now there are another 9 of these facilities that are under construction so were hoping that they can be completed in the next 3 weeks am another issue that we really need to focus on is increasing the amount of testing being done to ensure a reduction of the transmission and the actually the testing i think is bizarre has just received a new p. C. Or testing machine from the World Health Organization so im hoping to increase the number of tests pretty from 200 to 500 which is actually quite impressive given the fuss that we see over testing in the quote unquote developed world and how difficult it has been in some places to get that happening can i even in a bizarre way suggest that youre doing quite well given the circumstances given the number of people to have had 29 infections of. Well i think i think as i mentioned there needs to be more testing done and 29. 00 is probably. You know a very low figure as there is more testing ongoing but we really do need to increase that so that we can identify barricades are and also ensure Contact Tracing and wiring team people who have been in contact with confirmed cases so at the moment we have rapid Investigation Teams who are working very quickly to identify contacts are all controlled cases pointing these people and also test them in really in a matter to to reduce for the transmission in a very very overcrowded refugee camp the situation. In general in the camps its not changing is it at all i mean weve been saying these numbers for a very long time about the hundreds of thousands people here its just not improving though is it. I mean as you know as you mentioned there are more than 860000 refugees living in the refugee camps in coxs bazar so its its the Worlds Largest refugee camp and its extremely densely populated since this is one of the main issues one of the main challenges in terms of ensuring social distancing and ensuring access to adequate sanitation and hygiene because of the need so its really challenging but as i mentioned with the government we really been putting in huge efforts to minimize the risk to minimize that spread and to try to keep people as safe as possible but we do expect the numbers to to increase quite rapidly do you get good cooperation from them in the so much controversy over where refugees should be staying whether they should be recaptured but when it comes to Something Like covert 19 to do you get the cooperation in 8. Yeah i have to say that weve been working really closely with the government all of the other things that i mentioned that were constructing at the moment with the humanitarian community all of these facilities lots are both Rohingya Refugees but also the local bangladeshi population who also cant be forgotten in the situation you have a huge number of actually People Living in the vicinity of the camps who are also sometimes very equally vulnerable as well so we have been working very closely with the government today also into the regular effigies in their National Response plan which was something very positive to see and to and we continue to work in very good car cooperation with them to hear Louise Donovan from the u. N. H. C. R. In coxs bazaar thank you thank you so much china has reportedly delayed releasing vital coronavirus information to the World Health Organization according to the societe purse beijing withheld the genetic map of the virus for more than a week all this was happening while the w. H. O. Was praising china for its response to the outbreak katrina you reports from beijing. Now this report threatens both the credibility of the World Health Organization and of china after trolling dozens of interviews and internal documents reporters from a. P. Found that china was not forthcoming when it came to providing information about the virus during the early days of the outbreak that it stalled in terms of providing the virus genome to the public and also many World Health Organization officials were kept in the dark it also said that publicly World Health Organization spokespersons praised and rewarded chinese chinas efforts but only in an attempt to coax more information out of the government now this flies in the face of the line that weve heard from Chinas Foreign Ministry for the past few months and indeed from president xi jinping himself who has said that beijing has always been forthcoming transparent and responsible when it has come to providing the International Community with information about the pandemic and providing the World Health Organization with information as well president xi jinping has said that he promises to contribute true 1000000000. 00 to the organization over the next 2 years but at the same time the report also goes against what the Trump Administration is saying it has accused the World Health Organization of colluding with the Chinese Government now it seems that they did praise and they were biased in their Public Opinion of china but it seems that the reason for this was very different to what it appeared to be to the public well vaccine trials on animals are underway worldwide as scientists work towards finding a treatment for corona virus discovered that ferrets develop a fever and they cough and sneeze which means theyre able to transmit the virus from one animal to another transfer also have been using mice and monkeys. Despite being the new epicenter of the Global Pandemic several latin american countries including mexico and colombia have started to reopen their economies in chile the number of corona virus infections is still rising steadily cases of past the 100000 mark it has also seen its highest number of infections and deaths in a single day with the Health Minister warning things are going to get worse and lebanons government says it is further easing coronavirus destructions there this week that includes a curfew being pushed from evening to midnight the Health Minister says the worst is over but declaring victory may be premature shops malls are not resumed on monday lebanon has reported fewer than 30 deaths which is a relatively low number compared to other nations of its scientists look at zimbabwe where tobacco is crucial for the economy there it brings in importantly foreign currency that helps with cash a few short edges of the coronavirus pandemic is making that more difficult has more from the farming village of beatrice. He isnt having much luck with his tobacco after more than 15 years of farming hes only managed to grow one hit to the season he blames years of drought and now the coronavirus pandemic thats led to lock downs and travel restrictions noting what groups we can only send one percent to the ocean floors to sell for us even if we are not here with a price we cant argue with him because we were not there to negotiate prices for selves. Tobacco is a 2nd biggest foreign currency earner after gold lost the country and nearly 800000000. 00 exporting mainly to china and europe now because of covert 19 International Buyers can no longer get. Many small scale black tobacco growers acquired land seized from white commercial farmers 2 decades ago it was part of the governments controversial Land Redistribution Program before its controversial and the form about 20 years ago was about we had roughly 2000 commercial farmers growing tobacco now there are tens of thousands of them by most a small scale farmers some plotting as little as i have. Zimbabwe was already in an economic crisis long before the pandemic its dead serious means the government cant borrow enough money from foreign lenders for a bailout many of those lenders lack confidence in the Political Leadership people rather bring equipment to zimbabwe knowing that at least with equipment it can get to the people versus the major challenge so its an issue of confidence are we confident enough but give me being more government money. What it is barely is really big question is. About 300000 farmers stockpiling their tobacco until global lock downs and an International Travel regimes they say only then might they be able to salvage something the season. Aljazeera beatrice. Irans foreign minister says the iranian scientist imprisoned in the u. S. Is now on his way home pseudo scotty pleaded for his release off the contract to covert 19 hed been accused of stealing state secrets while on an academic visit to the u. S. And 2016 a story was acquitted the last month and then transferred to immigration custody because his visa had expired earlier we spoke to a senior fellow at the National Iranian American Council she says a scuzz releases even raise speculation of a Prisoner Exchange for ministers out if immediately posted on his Instagram Page celebrating is it a victory but you know its really. For his family a prosperity and so theres an innocent now and. Its and you know its there and you know anytime an innocent man 3 you know its a win for in my opinion its a win for everyone but in the case of iran you know they may spin it as some kind of win it in their favor of theres a lot of speculation about a Prisoner Exchange of course all that it is is speculation we havent seen anything that indicates that that theres actually. There are american you know sort of like a white were being held in iran that would be an ideal kind of situation where you actually have an exchange that happens and of course the speculation comes from the fact that its sort of the lowest hanging fruit in terms of diplomacy in a situation where you know you want to see relationships are strained between iran and us but its much deeper than there is you know hostilities i dont january at this point seems like forever ago but just a few months ago we were on you know the brink of war so the idea of a Prisoner Exchange is always sort of the 1st diplomatic step can they can. Plenty more news for you online at al jazeera dot com of course keeping up to date with events in the u. S. But also right around the world. How fast they are these are the headlines on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump is threatening to deploy the army if state governments dont end the violence during some of the protests over the death of george floyd he of course was the black man who died exactly a week ago while in Police Custody donald trump says its his duty to uphold law and order we cannot allow the righteous cries of Peaceful Protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob the biggest victims of the rioting are peace loving citizens in our poorest communities and is their president i will fight to keep them safe protests continued for a 7th day and night in u. S. Citys Police Forcibly clearing some of the peaceful protests through the white house so president on front could walk to a nearby church. This is new york city protests there some of them turned violent shop windows were smashed and businesses looted a curfew was imposed an even stricter go home order will now be in place from 8 pm local news day. The family of george floyd has accepted an offer from boxer Floyd Mayweather to pay for his funeral mayweather will handle the costs of the service on june 9th in george fords hometown of houston who also pay for memorials in minnesota and North Carolina and while an autopsy commissioned for george fords family is found he died of asphyxiation from neck and back compression and describes the manner of death as Murder Police have sorry people have been holding more vigils at the site where he died. Officials in bangladesh of confirm the 1st coded 19 death among ranger refugees 71 year old man died in quite a long camp home 2600000 displaced ranging from 1000000 mark he was among the 29 people who tested positive last month 15000 refugees have been put under quarantine and vaccine trials on animals are underway worldwide as scientists work towards a treatment for corona virus its been discovered that ferrets can develop a fever and they cough and sneeze which means they are able to transmit the virus from one animal to another trials are also happening using mice and monkeys thats my lot for today thanks for your company the latest edition of inside story with is next. Education and what the u. N. Has a sampler an International Day to protect education from attack but how close make a difference on the ground what does it take to secure education in times of conflict this is inside story. Flow welcome to the program. From afghanistan to me and ma and syria to nations in Africa School buildings of being used groups in conflict zones students are missing out on schooling and teaches a threat

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