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Reopen their schools and more of their economies with strict rules to prevent a 2nd wave of coronavirus infections. Also this hour the famous ground was are in istanbul opens its doors for the 1st time in months restrictions on the food. And on time how much with all the sporting kidding federal vendors they get they show solidarity with the protest over the death of george floyd. We begin in the United States where people have defied curfews in cities across the country to continue their protests against Police Brutality in Atlanta Georgia 2 Police Officers were sacked after they were seen on camera using Excessive Force brought reynolds begins our coverage. Police misconduct in. Nationwide protests over Police Misconduct hear police in riot gear surround a car with 2 young black people inside one slashes a tire thanks another smashes the drivers window. And the young woman is taped and violently dragged out although she is not resisting. The male driver is manhandled and also shocked with a taser even though each room doesnt appear to resist putting down what is going to go for us on sunday after the Police Body Cam video went viral 2 of the policemen were fire authorities identified them as ivory streeter and mark gardner writes this was Atlanta Georgia on saturday night for protesters calling for justice for the death in minneapolis of george floyd it could have been almost anywhere in the u. S. Atlanta mayor keesha lance bottoms said the officers actions were unacceptable sometime during the night i saw a very disturbing video of 2 Young College students who were in downtown atlanta yesterday evening and it was disturbing on many levels. At the least of not which was that they are clearly was an excessive use of force the 3 other officers were placed on desk duty and main face further discipline plan as police chief apologized to how we behaved as an agency as individuals was unacceptable and i know that weve. Cause further fear. To you in a space thats already so fearful for so many africanamericans and im genuinely sorry this is not who we are this is not where we were about another disturbing video from los angeles shows a Police Vehicle excel orating into protesters knocking 2 of them down it then reverse that high speed nearly striking other people no one was seriously injured rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles. In washington d. C. Reports on the protests and moves to crackdown on one far left group. Protesters once again gathered in the vicinity of the white house kept a distance away by layers of police and secret service officers. Invoking the name of the man whose dick has sparked these nationwide protests here i was the president chose to assign responsibility for the violence that broke out in the past 24 hours singling out the predominantly left wing antifascist movement known as anti. The United States he treated will be designated as a terrorist organization the problem is that there is no us law that would allow a group to be designated in this way and the American Civil Liberties union was quick to point out that any attempt to do so would raise concerns about the constitutional right to free speech. That a terrorist is an inherently political label that is easily abused and misused the attorney general subsequently clarified that the joint Terrorism Task force would investigate the violence focusing on whether any group including active was responsible. And washingtons mayor called on the president to temper the tone of his tweets i think that the president has a role to play nationally in calming. The the arm rest that we see in cities across america and i think at the least he has to not incite violence and thats what we would expect president ial candidate joe biden visited a protest site wearing a mosque he talked to demonstrators and then released this tweet urging the need to listen and whether intentionally or not including a picture of himself taking a knee in the manner of athletes in recent years protesting Police Brutality there were some isolated incidents of unrest particularly in philadelphia where a building was set alight and arrests were made. As the demonstrations continued into the night there were once again outbreaks of violence in various cities. Plains flickering a few blocks away from the white house in what police described as renewed vandalism. For the marring what had been a day of largely peaceful protest. Washington well some people whod been protesting peacefully say violence threatens to undermine the reason so many are out on the streets. We are attributable more than. Is definitely one of the most rural or the most inhuman things are seen on this planet for him that we are on our men on our black man a minority men of color if i am to be attacked by the Police Friend of these cheering on the police for 9 minutes i am now does not have the option of me or is next and is definitely not Something Like human beings well reverend tyler is a Christian Church leader he was at the protests taking place in philadelphia. Well we were actually out there last night and we were out this evening as well and in both cases which you witnessed really are 2 crowds one group is there intent on raising the message that we want justice for george floyd Briana Taylor in kentucky and im odd are barry in georgia then there are others who are just there really kind of just in the moment themselves maybe not necessarily part of the protest there was considerable looting but ive got ideas about that as well and so heavy Police Presence on 52nd street in West Philadelphia today. Even saw a tank driving down and its strange that we can afford a tank until adelphia when we cant get wives for a School Children so dr king famously said that people have been quoting it a lot the riots are its the voice of the unheard but he also had a very powerful piece on looting that many people dont realize is out there i just saw this morning for the 1st time and for me it really made sense he talks about the catharsis of the act of looting for young people in poor people who have been deprived of all of the things that they see around them philadelphia is the poorest big city in america i cannot speak for any other place i can only speak for this place 26 percent poverty rate ive been in the area almost 20 years and ive watched incredible growth in the center city where all the wealth is concentrated we have added multiple new skyscrapers and yet in our outlying neighborhoods people are still being paid 725 an hour as they were when i arrived here in the early to thousands you cannot extract all of the wealth and resources from the community suck it up into the middle and not somehow expect that at some point that will come back to bite you and haunt you we have not invested. The way that we should in schools in jobs for our young people and to say to people that you can make it for 3 or 4 months when youre unemployed with a 11200. 00 check from the United States government it is be. You know inconceivable so i dont know why were so shocked in this moment we have created the situation and now its before us. Well in some cities Police Officers joined the people who were protesting offices in california knelt during a rally this is a pose made famous of course by the american Football Player Colin Kaepernick in response to Police Brutality against black people a sheriff in michigan till protest as we all with you before he and other offices joined the march. To get a voice thats it was. The 1st time he represents. From all over the county and around the station we go up there to help people do that nonsense. Where is my man right there were the words gentlemen. We want to be with you for real so i took my helmet off to lay the baton stone i want to make this a parade was. So lets just talk was. Hot people so you tell us what you. 2 was was. Was. Was. Ok a little later on the news i will go live to minneapolis where this all started of course in the meantime plenty most its come for you in the news i think looting india easing more lockdown restrictions but many say that isnt a wise move. And in the sports news with sunny back in the saddle horse racing is set to return to the u k. China has hit back at the u. S. Over its decision to end preferential treatment for hong kong because of a new security law that will be imposed on the territory beijing says any efforts by the americans to harm chinese interests will be met with countermeasures hong kong has until now enjoyed special trade and travel privileges with the u. S. Not given to the mainland now on tuesday the u. S. President announced he would end that relationship there have been more protests in hong kong people calling for independence from china and many believe the new law will end the territories or ptolemy the training you joins us live now from beijing katrina i mean firm countermeasures what do you think that might mean possibly. Well so far no clarification from the aging but bloomberg are reporting just in the last hour that Chinese State owned Enterprises Chinese Government Companies have been told to halt purchases of u. S. Farm goods including soybeans and pork and beijing has yet to confirm this theres still nor mention in local state media but this could very well be a shot across the bow at the Trump Administration because of these threats made in regards to hong kongs National Security legislation now these threats have infuriated beijing speaking today on monday jeli gena spokesperson from Chinas Foreign Ministry said that the u. S. Had no right to interfere in what he called beijings internal affairs and that beijing was within its origin right to correct what he described as deficits in Hong Kong Security legislation referring to trumps threat also to curb student visas for Chinese Students coming in to study areas what were trump considered sensitive security areas hes made a threat to curb those student visas and jodi jen said that that would amount to Racial Discrimination and political persecution he also said this more is telling lies that beijing would hit back at any measures that would undermine this bilateral relationship but that the u. S. Was threatening to undermine the trading relationship as well and that beijing would not hesitate to protect its own its or an interest so it could be that holding purchases of u. S. Farm goods could be assigned to the trumpet mr ation of what beijing is capable of doing if the Trump Administration does follow through on those threats it would also fly in the face of the phase one trading agreement which was really difficult negotiation by beijing and washington hard won negotiation over months of back and forth where china did agree to 200000000000. 00 increase in purchases from the u. S. Over the next 2 years so this could be a sign that tensions between the u. S. And china have gone so that china is not afraid to potentially stop those purchases potentially in danger trade negotiation between the 2 countries katrina thanks very much. Tehran says it expects the release of an iranian scientist from u. S. Immigration jail within days hes citrus asgari hes been pleading for his release for weeks now off a contract in the coronavirus whilst in detention there was a bus robbery is following that story from iraq now mr serious i was there he was working at a university in the United States he was arrested on charges of visa fraud wire fraud as well as stealing trade secrets last month earlier last month he was acquitted of those charges in a federal court in the district of ohio and he was said to be released shortly there after but in custody of the customs and Immigration Department in the United States the contract it took in 1000 which may have been one of the reasons for this delay but american officials at that time also said that iran was delaying his repatch a geisha and back to his home country in may the u. S. Dept she secretary of Homeland Security Kenneth Cuccinelli was quoted as saying that we have 11 citizens 11 iranian citizens here in custody weve been trying to send back to iran but iran is causing delays irans government should charter a plane so we can send them back so there is this hanging theres this back and forth that it continues to go on there are believed to be 20 or so iranians in u. S. Custody in iran there are least 5 american citizens including a former navy veteran mark white who was arrested on july 29th for supposedly coming to iran to visit someone a woman who with whom he seemed to be in a romantic relationship with and there seems to be some talk of a possible swap of people going on before the release of this professor. In libya theres a new ground battle underway in the capital city tripoli fighters loyal to the warlord are attacking the town of. Kilometers away from an important supply line local sources have told al jazeera a drone and up to 25 armed vehicles are part of the offensive it comes just as have to as fighters were forced to retreat from areas near the capitals airport on sunday south africa has prospered and reopening its schools by a week because of concerns over possible cope with 19 infections students in their final year primary and secondary education were due to begin their studies on monday but the teachers unions opposed the move saying theres not enough protective equipment some schools that reopened in the western Cape Province have been criticized for doing that for me the miller joins us live now from johannesburg lots of confusion there for the schools and the parents and the school pupils. As well as a lot of frustration the last that parents had heard from the government is that schools would open on june 1st thats now been perspired for a week and only after a battle with the unions who said that the schools are ill prepared to take back students or during this period theres a lot of concern around the decision to reopen the economy and also the schools despite that being phased in their schools across the country that dont have a personal protective equipment for teachers and students schools that dont have proper sanitation including Running Water and thats especially the case in rural areas areas outside of cities and towns and unions are complaining that much of the resources have been focused on cities on towns a private schools in particular have a far more resources and they are Public Schools in this country that dont arent in that position to adequately prepare for the return of students there is a lot of concern given that south africa hasnt reached its peak in terms of covert 19 infections right now south africa has about 32000 infections just under 700 people have died from a covert 19 and its expected based on the governments projections that that the people only be reached in a couple of months or so so given that south africa is potentially in the early days of trying to deal with the scar on a virus there is concern about opening up the economy children returning to school and the schools not being adequately prepared ok for me to thanks very much a little later here on the news will take you live to the u. K. Where some schools are reopening but too many people on edge about process officials in india are allowing some people to resume work and other activities after being on the lockdown for more than 2 months public transport will gradually be restored this week but high risk zones will stay under lockdown until the end of june india reported its highest single day jumping cases on monday in 5 people died this program has more now from new delhi. After 4 phases of lockdown the government is called in whats happening from monday unlock phase one and apart from the lockdown continuing in Containment Zones till the end of the month we are seeing more strict restrictions being eased in the rest of the country states are allowed to allow to open up their borders and to state travel is allowed but the government has said that theyre also allowed to keep their borders closed if theyre worried about the number of cases and with you seeing some states do that delhis chief minister has Just Announced announce that they are closing their borders for another 7 day states also given more flexibility to open up but with certain restrictions like hotels and restaurants allowed to open for another week the state of west bengal is the 1st to open religious places the 1st in the country since the law down began but no more than 10 people allowed inside to maintain social distancing we are seeing more people out markets getting busy and as you mentioned were seeing public transport in the form of buses metro system but all of this is happening as the number of cases in india continues to rise there are nearly 200000 will soon have recovered but over 5000 deaths in the thinking from the government and not just the government but also Health Experts even those who have been incredibly critical of the government and how it imposed the lockdown is that india cannot remain under lockdown and definitely 114000000 people have lost their jobs my 900000000 of them a daily wage earners who have to work every single day to survive and Health Experts say that the lock down has to be replaced with cluster specific restrictions based on Health Assessments and that the purpose of the lockdown was to prepare the Health Care System and that the government must continue to make the maximum effort to do so to handle the evitable rise in the number of cases as restrictions. Ok lets turn our attention back now to those demonstrations in the United States where theres been another night of protest and sometimes violence across many cities this is in response to the death of the black man george floyd in Police Custody in the city of minneapolis a memorial was held there on sunday floyd died just after being restrained by a white policeman who notes on his neck for nearly 9 minutes jay gray is live for us in minneapolis to just take us through whats been going on there overnight. Well peter and this is the neighborhood where exactly are we could go to day george boy was killed by that Police Officer and other Police Officers were part of the incident as well you can see the burned out rubble behind me here seen it playing out across this city other areas boarded up and theres still a very real concern no overnight really for the 1st time since his death we did see a bit of call me in this community there was a strong show of force Police Officers sheriffs deputies and National Guard troops on the ground in there were dozens of arrests but they were for breaking the curfew in this city not for any acts of violence or destruction there were no fires for the 1st time here and while it appears things are at least trending in the right direction here in minneapolis across the rest of the country really from new york through los angeles we are seeing really outrage that said tense of fighting at this point we did see violence we did see looting we did see fires in several cities across the country we also saw in 40 cities curfews moved into place because of huge crowds thousands of people and it least a dozen cities do have National Guard troops now patrolling as well so while things may have calmed here at least for the moment it does appear that there is still a lot of frustration across this country right now and when it comes to that frustration jay is it your sense that the genuine demonstrates is have enough energy to keep this going because the tempo of this and the tempo behind it doesnt seem to be diminishing yet. No i think you make an excellent point peter and i do think at least here and thats where i can speak to best they do have lasting power here where protesters are insisting that theyll continue their Peaceful Demonstrations and really when you talk to those who are out every day who are part of this community and who are fighting for change here theyre frustrated by the violence theyve seen not only in their community but across the country they feel like their message is being lost and people focusing on that destruction on the fires on the physical confrontations between police and protesters and they really welcome the changes that have come with a larger Police Presence here again though they say theyre going to continue to march theyre going to continue to protest of course the officers on the other side say theyll continue to try and keep that peace ok jane many thanks. Retailers in the u. S. Have been condemned for praising this stuff as heroes working during the coronavirus pandemic whilst at the same time ending a system in which they receive extra pay for dangerous conditions unions are calling on companies such as the internet giant amazon and Supermarket Chain and kroger to reconsider and she had britains. The u. S. Has major Food Retailers like walmart amazon whole foods trader drus and krueger dont release estimates of how many of their workers have contracted prove it 19 how many have become ill and how many have died but the food and commercial Workers Union estimates 10000 sick or exposed to the virus and dozens of deaths amongst those that represents some of americas Largest Companies have refused to release this information or in the case of amazon have attempted to silence workers were brave enough to speak about it for its part credo which owns several u. S. Supermarket chains instituted hazard pay at the end of march but called it here im paying an extra 2 dollars an hour thank you for being a hero together we are the best put to the shock of its workers here on pay and in mid may replaced by a 1. 00 off bonus of between 2 and 400 dollars we are total targets sitting ducks for the virus and that risk is why we deserve our the hazard pay when our heroes were sacrificing this is a risk that we are going. We deserve a hazard pay until i no longer have to put on a mask to work at a Grocery Store they asses on may 5th to dress up as heroes here all day im so happy i was off i dont know who decided to do it that but it was in court taste people are suffering people arent dying and they want us to dress up as superheroes. Trigger is expected to be egypts 1st quarter profit forecast the same week as the Company Ended hero pay it was disclosed that kroger c. E. O. Wrote the mcmullans annual compensation risen to 14200000. 00 kroger declined our request for an interview but its actions during is the question of whether this new normal will be just the same as the old mill except with yet another layer of inequality not just of wages but of whether youre given the opportunity to protect yourself from the virus or not try to get as high as an extra 100000 workers since the pandemic was declared in the us but if you resign because they feel theyre in danger of contract are often not eligible for unemployment benefit but workers are fighting back. While demonstrations by those calling for a full reopening of society received huge amounts of attention. To hundreds of wildcat strikes and protests around the country told by working us who recognize the danger of the new normal have received less attention and often under the radar some employers may be feeling the pressure as workers decide their job just isnt worth the risk the department of labor statistics tracks your labor statistics track officials. They dont track in any real way how many people called in or how many people hold a notion the fight to define the new normal is just beginning she have returned aljazeera. Whether his editor thanks peter we got tropical systems either side of the Arabian Peninsula i reckon see i should say weve got one coming and one this is the one thats coming its just stuff the west coast of india swirling away there was question making its way further north was strengthening in the process and we can expect to say that western weather unroot up the Western Ghats pushing up towards mumbai as we go on into the middle part of the week running into maharashtra and eventually pushing up right through mom by we can see a lot of heavy rainfall coming through here could easily say 30400 millimeters of rain as be. Go on through the week before the system makes landfall says certainly something to keep an eye on there will be flooding right up that west coast and weve already seen flooding in amman weve seen some really heavy rainfall here over the past few days in fact in 5 days we saw just over a 1000 millimeters a meter of rainfall and hence the terrible conditions that we see here that wessel weather is now making its way out of that so western side of among garage pushing into the eastern side of yemen is going to continue making its way further west with so good parts of yemen will see some very heavy rain this week i want through the next couple of days it will start to were loose the intensity of rainfall but we can expect to see flooding here before it gradually arraign south as we make our way into the latter part of the week peter thanks very much still to come here on the news for you primary schools in england are open for classes today but not all parents are actually convinced that formula one gets the green light one of its marquee races details later in the show in the smallest news with sound. Insulation in the case to hear how for associate to regain its Police Department has the potential to be biased in a number of different ways there are too many opportunities for the computer to get around whos checking those offices who commit those data entry is wrong to be saying that your son the issue now is wrong to. Kill becoming a suspect before the actual crime and indepth examination and to preventative policing precrime on aljazeera water scarcity has become a major issue the demand is going rate up and the supply is going straight down turning an essential Natural Resource into a commodity traded to the profit just because life is me. It cannot be price what about the guy that can afford it guys tell me is water in a new 2 part series aljazeera examines the social financial and Environmental Impact of water privatized loads of water on aljazeera. Recapping our top stories for you so far here on the news are 2 Police Officers in the u. S. City of Atlanta Georgia have been fired for using Excessive Force to a process over the death of George Floyd Police surrounded a car slashed its tires and used a taser on 2 people before driving into the ground and then handcuffing. People in cities across the u. S. Of the 5 curfews to continue to protest against all of these are determined to be for 6 months President Trump has blamed the far left group known as and to fight for the violence that some protests. China said back at the u. S. Superstition to any preferential treatment for hong kong because of preachings proposed security law china says any attempts by america to harm chinese interests will be met with firm come to measures. Primary School Children in england have returned to classes after 10 weeks of lockdown there has been intense debate about the risks to children teachers and therefore parents and whether resuming school might create a 2nd wave of infections lets talk now to paul brennan who is our correspondent will get a report from him 1st. The support of the Teaching Staff and the parents has been tremendous but this bilingual Independent School in north london the challenge of getting ready to reopen this week has been enormous carpets and rugs have had to be removed the book trays and toys have been covered with plastic sheets even the whiteboard pens are separated into sterile nonsterile containers we dont want them to access many results is because it will mean that at night we will have to this in fact Everything Everything but after 10 weeks away here at least the head is keen to get going again honestly the past months weve seen some this stress among the children during our session our lying on the sessions theyre really missing a child theyre really missing some kind of Normal School life and its now time to to come back and to resume our daily life as much as we can children returning to school come back to a very different environment to the classes that they left desks are socially distanced there are face masks and there are much smaller class sizes than before amidst all of this an ongoing debate as to whether children should be going back to school at all given the fact the test and trace is not fully operational yet in several other European Countries schools have reopened and the u. K. Government is keen to follow because the education of our children is crucial for their welfare their health. For their long term future and for social justice but schools in scotland and Northern Ireland wont reopen until august and around 20 local authorities across england have also told their primary schools to stay closed the main Teaching Union which represents 450000 members once reopening perspire and for at least another 2 weeks and 3 members of the governments own Scientific Advisory group have also expressed concern that its just too soon however what some see as a gamble others see as a leap of faith we have to trust them theyve been brilliant for the long down when the pandemic was already there so it was incredibly all right ok live now to paul brennan in the county of sorry sir paul it must be a difficult time for the teachers the peoples and the parents as well. Indeed and the 2000000 children who are eligible to return under the governments 1st phase of this return to school and that is reception there about yes the 5 year old here won the 6 year old d and yes 6 which are 10 and 11 year olds. Only about a 1000000 of them are expected to go back theres been a survey done because the head teachers have been asking parents to indicate whether or not they intend to take up the option of returning to school and according to the National Foundation for Education Research 46 percent of parents have said that they will be keeping that their children at home and that rises to 50 percent of parents in more disadvantaged areas now thats a problem for government who which is denying that there is a dash of haste to get children back to head of the scientific knowledge on this but there are issues for example the deputy chief medical officer in sundays daily downing street briefing said that she would be insisting that park playgrounds will stay closed because they were places where children of different households will be mixing and yet at the same time they say will schools to reopen with some precautions but they are surely places as well where children from different households are mixing and without the real possibility of social distancing so there are question marks at least about the governments messaging on this and its no wonder many parents are still fear for an uncertain paul thanks very much. Well see in the u. K. Government scientific advisors have criticised Boris Johnsons government for not taking the directions retitling coronavirus they say there was a lack of transparency and they accuse the government of censoring their advice on the lock down lets talk to Stephen Wright hes a professor of psychology at the university and in scotland he was a member of the governments Sage Committee advising number 10 he joins us on skype from fife in scotland professor going back to school cannot be done safely. Well 1st of all let me say that i still am a participant in spite being in the behavioral science Advisory Group is very clear that we do have a right to talk independently as individuals so i am talking certainly not on behalf of spy b. But i am talking as an individual and i do have concerns and clearly this is a risk its a complicated risk because as you heard from your report there are very real risks from keeping children away from school its damaging and it particularly damages the most vulnerable on the other hand there is a potential risk of sending to who back to school possibly not so much the children themselves but the teachers and to the spread of the infection now its a complicated balance of risks and in that situation the question is how do you make the optimal decision i think one thing thats really important is that you should involve people in discussing and developing policies what we call code creation and that dialogue treating the public as adults involving them as partners rather than just revealing a policy and ask move to go along with that i think that would be really valuable ok so is there a. Partner for interrupting reverse or is there however 2 dynamics of trust here one people can only be trusted to do what is best for their health if its done within a framework of rules and regulations i. E. Theyve got to be told but theres also a trust deficit people do not trust the government not just the london government but any administration to tell them the truth because Boris Johnsons government could be criticized for a lack of transparency particularly in the early days when you started working with number 10. Well i think i mean youre right that there are issues of trust i should say however that one of the take home stories of this whole pandemic has been the remarkably high level of public out here its certainly to lock down it was hyped far higher than anybody expected it endured throughout there was a report that came out just last week showing the high levels of out here its and people were hearing despite the fact that they were suffering nearly half the population was suffering but they understood the need to stay in for the sake of their community and undergo hardships to themselves and their families now youre perfectly right also that there have been problems of trust in government the cummings affair clearly has had huge amounts of traction i dont think its true that people are distrustful of all governments after all people were pretty trustful of this government up until recently theyre fairly trustful in different parts of the u. K. In scotland for instance there is no doubt the toll and the evidence shows its very clearly that the cummings affair was deeply corrosive because the basis of trust is a sense of we and the authorities are in this together that they are acting for ours and with us and once you have the sense of them one rule for us and one for them it does corrode trust it was their erosion of trouble so i just want to make this point its very important the corrosion of trust is not the same as the corrosion of adherents because people might get here to rules not because the government is telling them to but because they think its the right thing to do and in many ways the saving grace of this pandemic has been that understanding by the public and the path that that people are out here and the regulations for each other ok good point and i appreciate the thrust of what you were saying there is there a dynamic coming from Boris Johnsons government those specifically. Just to do with england because of different relationships people have to have with different rules and regulations because were talking at the home nations england scotland wales and Northern Ireland of course on the one hand london is not publishing the daily infection rate and on the other hand stay at home stay safe has become stay alert so its pushed the issue of accountability into the abstract so when accountability is dealt out at some point in the future not a blame game necessarily but accountability it might slide off the current government. Look nobody in the world has handled this perfectly everybody has made mistakes some more than others admitted really but making mistakes is you know is its inevitable the important thing is whether your knowledge those mistakes and move forward from those mistakes now i think early on the messaging was pretty clear stay at home is a pretty clear message i think it slipped i think stay alert well it wasnt a good message because whats it mean i mean how can you be alert to a virus and so i think weve lost our way a little and i think its very important to be clear on the most important thing i think to be clear about is today has been dubbed happy monday in the press the implication is that everything now is getting easier and we can begin to relax and thats absolutely wrong but point is were moving from a rather blunt strategy of a lock down to the targeted strategy where we can identify where the infections are through track and trace and in many ways that means we need to increase adherents people need to stay vigilant they need to stay a distance they need to increase their hunting they need to go along with track and trade so i think the overall messaging and overall understanding of where we are and then the specific messages need to be much more explicit much tighter and much clearer professor great to talk to you thank you for your insight the many thanks for joining us there from the kingdom of i think its gotten to. Thinking istanbuls iconic market the grand design has reopened off its longest closure in more than 550 years and shut down in the months of march sponsored measures to contain the virus which has killed more than 4300 people in turkey and 150000 visit the market every day and 42000000 visitors recorded crossing its gates and through its doors last year 7 persona joins us live from the grand bazaar in istanbul sin and so in an ideal world how busy should it be. Her grandmother who are normally very busy you cant even say that without my single people this is the 1st states and it is going to remain on till 4 pm local time and let me remind that some of the 1st 4 almost 5 case were reported i am on the am on the businessman and the grand bazaar today there are some and local visitors who are curious about the graphics and probably most of place until people are tired of staying at home we have been speaking to the shop owner say most of them are our friends some of them are who knows let me show you for instance you can see the stops here some of them are closed some of them are open but we are told that most of the close ones are also preparing quite often up and doing their cleaning this way its a bit ready by the end of this week by friday however when we speak to the people who say that microphone in front of the business here are. Poor and tourists are. With the local businesses they dont have much to go and so yes for is opening its doors its a mess the cards are beginning and by june 10 of the International Flights are going to move again however almost the other for. Answer is also open their doors for turkey there will be no tourists so they are ready for that scenario and theyre saying merry christmas. Our business running and its much nicer than staying here but. The 1st day it was quite crowded the crowd mostly from the Service Local people here. Thank you very much. Officials in the philippine capital manila easing restrictions their businesses including some loans and barber shops were allowed to reopen on monday Philippines Airlines is also planning to resume flights on select domestic and International Routes people are still being told to follow Strict Health guidelines she has the latest from manila more than 50000000 filipinos were under lockdown and over the past few weeks theyve been gradually easing these restrictions recalibrating their plan as they go along looking at the figures of fresh cases and then looking how to best respond but what were seeing here is slow is increasing pressure from the economic sector because again you know for the last few months the government has been providing much needed aid and funds to those of been locked up fill millions of filipinos who are unable to work because theyre under a contractual set up with Different Companies so there is a need to look at the economic factor the lifting of these restrictions so they basically hopes to actually buffer the Economic Impact in the philippines here in downtown were been seeing less and less checkpoints there is still military and police a hybrid joint Task Force Coordination but its much less however in many many areas were still seeing a lot of Companies Really unwilling to open up law firms private offices preferring to work from home as much as possible looking at how things are going to develop for the next few weeks. Brazil has reported a record 33000 new virus cases in one single day more than half a 1000000 people have now been infected and the virus is yet to peak nearly 30000 have died as the 4th highest death toll in the world the president. Has resisted imposing strict lockdowns. In the Chinese Capital beijing a city wide ban on selling an easing wild animals has come into effect the low covers all wildlife and some sea animals and people breaching it will face big fines the measure is aimed at stopping the spread of viruses 19 is believed to have originated from a wild animal market in the province of. Hundreds of people attended the funeral of a palestinian man killed by Israeli Police in jerusalems old city 32 year old. Was when he was shot police say offices suspected he was carrying a gun and fired at him after he ran away when ordered to stop according to palestinian officials how he suffered from Mental Health issues israels new defense minister later said he was sorry. Days of rain in el salvador has caused flooding and landslides killing at least 7 people the state of emergency has been declared off to Tropical Storm amanda drenched big parts of the country hundreds of people have been moved to makeshift shelters on many others are still at risk of losing their homes as the rain continues. Still to come here on the news for you the sports the spanish champions find out when theyll be back in action sana well have all the details when we come back. The. The old. Spokesperson thank you very much and peter were bushehr dortmund stars in the sand turn a sort of hakimi could face a punishment from the german f. A. s for their tribute to george floyd both were a justice for drilled floyd during their size 61 win over their own on sunday sunshine revealed the shirt to after scoring the 1st of his 3 goals he was booked for the gesture but could receive further sanctions since 2014 plays in the balance of the gab banned from showing personal messages of any kind floyd died last monday after a monopolist Police Officer knelt on his neck as he pleaded i cant breathe. For those another display of solidarity for floyd and bruce morton 41. 00 win over union bear lane marcus 2 on who scored twice celebrated his 2nd goal by taking a knee his action a vocal memories of former n. F. L. Star kong nick kneeled during the u. S. National anthem to protest Police Brutality and racial in justice. Well joining us now is Chris Williams a football writer that covers the Bundesliga Chris 1st of all whats fan reactions been like towards the players showing solidarity for floyd. You know well obviously the stadiums are red sea at the moment so theres no fountains in situ on social media and on their respective websites theyve shown solidarity laws for players that made a protest 6 weekend i think german fans been in the stadium you to seen a lot more protests on the terrace but the players have also been backed by their clubs to run but by marco rosa western mckenney he wore an armband but by your can schneider and obviously the doormen players were backed by dortmund themselves and other players like them russia. Mentioned earlier that the players could face a punishment what kind of sanctions are we expecting from the German Football Association well as being a sore precedent set back in 2014 the number living forward under new york displayed a t. Shirt with their it garners name on it after he died in a similar circumstance and the d. F. T. Just issued a letter remind him of political statements arent allowed again son sure was of course booked but he was booked for removing the shirt he certainly wasnt booked for the message on his own to sure that will be dealt with by the d. F. T. The referee does not deal with the time so suntour was booked to just taken his shirt off which happens you know many times in many games across the world i think that the f. B. I. Will look at how serious this situation is in what the process are about and i would hope that they would issue the lowest level punishment which would be a letter because i think everybody agrees with the stance that the players took this weekend because political protest is nothing new and did german football if it. No its not protests unclip protests very well and renowned and well known those in the clubs who protest on a lot of things so refugee inclusion in germany those also are anti homophobia anti sexism racism all the time and the certain clubs who have political leanings towards the left but support that whole heartedly and like same paoli in hamburg in your berlin in verlyn dortmund as well and those political statements throughout the whole of football i think the 2 are intrinsically linked and Football Players and football fans like to share their platform to push their beliefs and whats right in the world so of course quickly so now we have went to england barked and dortmund are we expecting other clubs to follow suit and i think you can expect to see players celebrate in a similar way tonights game cologne versus leipzig im sure if a player scores there will be a similar sorts of solidarity showed and were told floyd in the us i think its an issue thats not going to go away and quite rightly so Football Players and clubs of the say like to use that platform to protest against issues which they feel strongly about and of course i think the whole world feel strongly about this at the moment my football writer Chris Williams thank you very much for that. Spanish champions of barcelona will resume their title defense on june 13th with a late kick off against my oka after 3 months the break league has confirmed dates for only the 1st 2 rounds of fixtures after the restart in 10 days time all matches it will be played behind closed doors barcelona were leading real madrid by 2 points after 27 matches when the campaign was postponed due to the pandemic. Of formula one has been given the green light by the u. K. Government to host 2 races at silverstone this summer its been reported that the British Government will provide participants exemption from the 14 day Warranty Period for International Arrivals teams must submit a detailed plan of their movements and whereabouts to be approved by the government the f one season is set to start in austria on the 5th of july. A horse racing will be the 1st main sport to resume in the u. K. On monday races will be staged behind closed doors with the 1st event taking place in newcastle where 10 races are plant talkies rule where mosques and medical checks will be required on arrival and before leaving the course. And thats it for me peter and i thank you very much for those protests in the United States against the death of a black man in Police Custody tank black lives matter is the top conversation online in the u. S. It has been all week many using it to document protests and voice their own experiences stylee a recent graduate from Occidental College just got my bachelor of arts and politics tell us why you were better i was also a track and field athlete there i was team captain for 2 years and i have a paid internship with the Los Angeles County board of supervisors we do that better than i because because we and im not a 3rd. Take it had to be somebody you know for many years you had to nizo next god and evil with no seeds of respect i am in complete support of and completely aligned with the message thats laid out for all of us by black lives matter in americas mayor or she sees his regret is that a little blood live big a blood im an engineer have a path to Design Electronics and circuits. He represents what these cops are from all over the county and around this nation i am not a threat we want there to help people do that nonsense go out there and since you are a peacemaker you go out there and you try to get those people to remain peaceful experience but i did not come up. For the record. We want to be with you real so i took my helmet off to lay the plans down and i am not a. Thats it for me peace it will be for this news out kimonos here in a couple minutes i will see you very soon about. The natures news as it breaks the only warning on evacuation same draft prevented many deaths to an operational phase the struggle to rebuild their lives with details coverage on home finds it so cold in the middle of a deepening cold war between china and the United States from there around the world where the government close to bankruptcy many say such initiatives will not be enough to deal with what Prime Minister has found yet warns could be a major food crisis. Rewind again bring your people back to life im sorry but dates on the best of aljazeera documentaries in living color was the book of the books and nobody like any other student greenline continues with kosovo i feel the fear and hope this was my return to kosovo and the Little Village of but one decade on ive come back to find out what happened to those hopes and dreams we want on aljazeera. In uncertain isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise leave the looking at another side of this story not from our information around the outbreak but the misinformation separating propaganda from fact look its reality has a long exposing ticks try and fill in if the rhetoric and claims but they cannot manipulate the fire listening post your insight guide to the media or just the era. Be the hero the world needs. Washing. 2 offices a 5 for using Excessive Force during demonstrations against us Police Brutality. People turned out again on sunday defying the curfews over the death in custody of thoughtful. Doha when im come on santa maria this is the

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