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When countries come pay back loans plus the man behind a 1. 00 trillion dollars stock market crash or see a convenient scapegoat. Counting the cost. Well its a wash the old school goes bust the one that came out when i was 0000 i was still in the until the now is your age or use my. Interest in you would be. Ok ah you know its all her to. Me. We live. We. Or. Hes no you and i was to fly. During 5 go. 5 to would. Like this were. August night. To go learn about august night. Something else happened august might. Happen. To you move from. August 9th of august 9th on august the 9th 18 year old Michael Brown was gunned down by a White Resources are in ferguson is really ferguson has been in turmoil lets do a white Police Officer shot dead and join our black. Guy. That. Got the. Wrong guy that is not really little voice in ballarat its a way to reach people you may want to make a political marcio you are mistaken representative a member i want me to be. Drug. Free body look today left you go walk right into a gun violence. I just wish. To skate by an issue feet. The system wasnt built for us at all. On this not willing to accept it but on the same hand life is tough like you fighting guess and our system if we have 163 representative if we have 117 of them that are from one particular party that dont understand ma community and not willing to sometimes what substantial legislation can i get through thats going to speak to a major need for michael. Thank you mr chair members of the committee bruce franks from 78th district in the city of st louis the current deal is house concurrent resolution 7 days this bill speaks to a couple of Different Things firstly identifies use violence as a Public Health epidemic last year we had 200. 00. Yes over 51 percent of murders the victims were between the ages of 16. 00 to 24. 00 and that is a Public Health epidemic especially when we talk about communities with lack of resources this. Last part of my bill. Excuse me because like i just married at this my last. Break in this bill. It identifies june 7th Christopher Harris day. In 1901. Christopher hears my brother. Was killed at 9 years old while. Playing the Ripple Effect of. Violence when it comes to Youth Violence as a whole. It stretches far why. I spend a lot of time talking to people you know a lot of times it seems like people listen when ive been faced them. When you come people listen. And give and i shouldnt have to become talking about racism but i do realize day folks may not come from where i come from. Professional problems i have my own page program im going to strike an average of 12. 00 ill listen im going to send us a check really comes the 1st rights my people the civil rights cause my never missed it to this point 55432 well guys williams or paul this entire legislation right now this week floor debate on the veterans bill was in a frank you had an amendment tell us about it so i had a stand alone bill that. I was doing that was going to do please dont tell me is never people ask me about roots im a white tree if youre really raising a traitor down the stretch republican always been about it when he ran he let me be a friend there are jokes i dont tell there are jokes i dont laugh at there are things i dont do and say because im friends from shrinks and i white republican from the sticks is a better person because he would do these for me and i said a lot i could be more sincere. And should. So this is our 6 week 8 this favorite everyone taking time will graduate on august 24th and friday just really i know you though so im going to give the opportunity to you liberals probably just not sure which route which you would rather. We all know somebody that is kind of been down the road that weve been down and what ive learned is day telling your story is going to help somebody. From 4300 gives ma who dont look no different than any other hood out here around for ground the west side and nowhere else the common denominator was we was poor. We dont have resources we didnt have those beautiful buildings. Police didnt show work fast when we call back in 1991 to me was arguing we use our plant based my big brother chris for use 9 years old one of the guys put out a gun and want to shot and my brother was killed. By desperate 65 percent of my life in jail my little brother my best for iraq just got home leisure got locked up when he was forward saying he just got out he started the war if you would have told me on august 8th 20144 years ago that obvious state representative are proud to cuss you out about their different life. The day Michael Brown was killed those might worry me i saw my son in 15 years. Youve that ive made to honor god and i felt like you know at this my time to stand up. To very. Very. Close to the right of me is not youre definitely disloyal oh no here you exhibit like rose more here than a line your sales are going my way revenues thats thats the point is that you dont work you know we are still going on where you know rickson is bad absolutely no. Way no one is growing but think about it you know what the problem is you just said it well you know we got enough with his to do given all jobs and all that well if you just say that what better sponge person weve got the better person to go right back to the good you like i took this knowledge. Would mean i run the economy would mean let me bring them to the title is their back as i look out to deliver them. In the state rep im going about around because the exact same thing. When i get ready for battle i dont necessarily Pay Attention to that particular artist up intention to what the artist my say is the same way when you are present much a slice of. You want to know what the folks who oppose what kind of like to say you want to be a dead body similar to our lives or battles must be true it was a child. Took it back to get the scoliosis or the preparation as they sang so you know legislative is the exact same thing as being a battleground probably about a rapid pace. Knowing recovery her own little bit to fill you know what it is may loosen them up. To loan. From tax credit. Great captains no. Thank. You so st louis this aint done everything just think that its a. Home load. And no matter how many moves made or what moves you make you still work their. Best life it dont you think i would gladly give you more the 1st new. York opportunity is the moon and working to act normally but it still hurts. My colleague 8 years they have been to get back my dad who looks for it. Now that damn close it gets a. Good laugh that only going to kill a good lad load. Left his sims understood. How close to the roof the black on black crime i went and put down point 5000000 in the loop so you address it in you dont want it like his son. The police might. Protest. But im looking at a search and i can tell the jews i hate it i mean you just make our breaking news like look were going to the like this. Was. Here you were doing this to you this big i wanted to impress upon it dont even talk the machine to my destination. Was. Bizarre who says family think its about the ha ha me proofread my proof my business may leave the door so who better to know signals from my city needs a little more than a seal a young puppy got picked up like this is necessary everybody claiming who shot today get found in a pet cemetery. The rifle was all right field was. Thank you. Yes i. Mean you know there. Sure. Are you know you are not there. Last year a lot of people say are you afraid for bruce. And he always. Im not afraid. We live. Well. And we piece that house together remember that pray for him all the time i pray for my kids the same im doing what i love and i dont initiate change where im donnas to help other people so dont worry about me and if some does happen to me i get it because i want to change whats happening to my wings and im going to feel mighty. Place where daddy grew up does. This always been like ill feel like this. Always to play football i hear. These little space to. Play kickball football or. Thats all we have this is. No money. They have a sale for. Like mark here. When you have video. Games thats a war brother was killed. Last years deadly battle. To maintain with the house our door one forward out of the. Other without a gun other pick my brother. Used to machine to block him from the shots to Something Else or the remember. Back on my brother got cured i was so young i think thats what hurts the most we. Have a lot of memories i remember they took on a plane into him. And i remember when my dad bought this bike for us and we were small. Just remember. What it look like and cascade. The last time was. Right again. I dont think anybody ever recover from whatever we. Was. Ringback the world beginning with wars. Was for was hospital half the year going to morals or candlelight. Ive been to 167 channels. You know that itoshi and finally a star need get to me mentally. I was just so confused on what to do when i got mad. And i dont know where. Our funny considering. How sleep. Averaging. In the mind dream. Encounter replaying. All of the funerals ive been to. And so i woke up house where breathing hard. And i sat up in a bear and got scryer. And then i started to do it again. Story playing each. Broke all the way up into that point. The fact that i remember so many details of not only the feelings but the way that folks. Where i was how awful it seemed like it all just stacked on top each other. Here. We have. A sea. Of. Ya. Girl. Who we thought was. Good was you know this is. The. Last. Version all working. On this was just for you there. Was maybe a vision. Peebles bongo milestones the one for black white. Or black or more bald at the hands of some small spawn balls but. Thank you i want to thank you jim every person is here. There were a body thats here. Knows how important this is to me i want to thank mark. Last year on the floor they showed me love and when i walked into the chambers on the same it were my brothers be it was me or her this was something that we i worked so hard for on our side and we finally got it through. To. The other king is a spark and i he soaks in everything. Just the reality of. Being black and growing up in the black and. The different encounters to hell have whether its police whether its people this is a blatantly racist. Thats going on i would never try to protect them from it because its going to happen hes going to see it and now rather than be prepared for it then for to him by surprise. I think. We. Will alway. Oh i. Know what we will wish i. Am i. Know i. Know you were way i. Just want to make sure hes ready to encompassing which is coming up will be 5. 0. Ill talk to chris has come my tooth a relief like getting it out. And i know its a statue but it was just symbolization i distil my big. Feet. Not. A. Little. Bit happiness i have had ive had the sacrifice. Everything. Or was. You know were in the world is growing reforest disappearing faster then it is inside our. Body bending the wheel flies we have been called greenies and i heard its totally is and traitors i was a boy so is now like the designer who has followed me into the fuzz flowing river into not seeing. One mans fight for the rights of indigenous heritage a time to swim a witness documentary on aljazeera every generation has a higher purpose. Ours. This is al jazeera. Hello and welcome im peter dhabi youre watching the news our live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. 2 officers are fired for using Excessive Force during demonstrations against us police brutality. People turned out again on sunday define curfews

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