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Against president ial youre both so narrow a day after the Country Courts 33000. 00 new coronavirus infections. Space x. Successfully delivers 2 nasa astronauts to the International Space station after their historic liftoff from florida. Hello thanks for joining us protests are ramping up for the 6th day in minneapolis and other cities across the u. S. As anger continues to spread over Police Brutality towards black people. Hundreds gathered outside the Minnesota State capital in the neighboring city st paul there is announcing the death of george floyd after a white Police Officer knelt on his neck for almost 9 minutes on monday. And in washington d. C. Hundreds of gathered outside the white house with people angry at comments from President Trump over Police Brutality and their protests the demonstrations have been mostly peaceful but at times becoming tens. Well it follows 5 nights of violence in those cities and others across the country with protesters clashing with police and the thousands of National Guard members drafted in cars have been burnt outs and shops looted. Saturday nights violence the 5th in a row the left yet more streets scarred and fires burning in at least 30 cities right across the United States including minneapolis where the protests began as well as the new york and los angeles 25 cities in 16 states have now imposed curfews in an effort to ease tensions but the Police Presence has led to cautious at least 1700 people were arrested as tens of thousands of members of the National Guard were brought in to back up officers in several states and morissette to be deployed in the coming hours well the Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has acknowledged the protests so life in his state is different depending on whether youre black or white we dont just right near the top on Educational Attainment we rank near the top on personal incomes on homeownership on life expectancies things that make this and one that came out a while back we we rank 2nd in a survey of the 50 states 2nd in happiness behind hawaii but if you take a deeper look at peel it back which this week is peeled back all of those statistics are true if youre white if youre not we rank near the bottom. And what this weakest show in all of us is those 2 things cant operate at the same place lets get an update right now from minneapolis and bring in john hendren hes at a memorial in the place where george floyd was arrested john over to you. Well after several days of protesters really owning the streets is minneapolis the governor was not about to be embarrassed again so he brought in a 1000 extra National Guard troops and police came in hard and aggressively with fairly indiscriminate use of tear gas and rubber pellets to disperse the crowd but after that happened he was a fairly quiet night and the governor has also said in the past week most of the people who were arrested were outside agitators in his words but Police Numbers actually show a different picture its really been about 20 percent he now acknowledges that were from out his challenge weve got a guest here who is from minneapolis her name is curious and fogelson they were to charter a little about what she. Comes here to do so theres no wire here but im here ows are so many other fighting for justice and fighting for whats right right the city the city of minneapolis. And how is this made you feel if you come out here and protest every day talk about whats going on in your head zone when i come out and protest it is a really pissed off energy because of what happens were all here because we witnessed something truly disgusting happen. And im still here fighting for justice and when i go home its really fucking sad to watch the news and i cried and i get really upset about everything thats going on right now in the world in terms of the george floyd case weve got one officer arrested charged with murder 3 who are not what is it youre looking for from this from this instance i think of myself. As well as many other people. Are you here protesting today are looking for justice meaning all 4 of the Police Officer is not just the Police Officer that murdered george but the other 3 that were also by standing and watching it happen and it needs to go to jail and they need to search charges the police should not be above the law in this city and more america weve witnessed a lot of looting in fires being said late in the night you know here we are at a very peaceful event this is where george floyd spent some of his last moments and this is very somber youve got children here what about all the looting in the fires what how do you feel about that because. All of the protests have been extremely peaceful all of the ones that ive been to everyone is spreading love and positive energy theyre handing out water theyre handing out groceries to some block supporting each other what happens at night theres a lot of people that come into the city that dont belong in the city and that are trying to mess it up or gain from the looting and thats not what the city of minneapolis or a lot of the protesters here and around the world are about well thats thank you very much its interesting phobos in who is from minneapolis whos come here to voice her views about what happened here in the georgia good case and thats really what we hear from most of the people we talked to theyre not here for violence theyre not here to set fires the vast majority of the demonstrators are here just to give a message and you heard that message right here just now all right john thank you very much for that update from minneapolis and we do apologize for any profanity that was expressed during that interview while police have been criticized for their response in some cities including in new york where a Police Vehicle was seen in a video ramming protesters behind a barricades so footed shared online shows demonstrators blocking the path of 2 cars in the streets before one lurches forward into the crowds of new york police says 345 people were arrested while 33 officers were injured and 27 Police Vehicles damaged now the new york mayor bill de blasio says a full investigation will take place. That is not the way things are supposed to be there will be a full investigation into discipline as necessary there will be but do not present only one side of the picture i looked at those videos i saw people converging on the Police Vehicle i saw people throwing things at the Police Vehicle that is not peaceful protests so lets not kid ourselves if you anyone else was inside that Police Vehicle surrounded by people you would have a really tough decision to make you cant stay there you cant get out of the vehicle you have to get yourself and the vehicle out of the situation safely for all well emotions have been running high in the daylight pause after a night of violence and before the possibility of more we didnt just lose george floyd as ive been saying we lost his generations we lost on that day his great grand children his great great grandchildren we lost humanity on that day and what were doing right now in these protests in these moments as we risk ourselves in this pandemic is fighting for humanity this is not the america that i dreamed of growing up in this is not. I dont even feel safe in my own home parish. What happened to us you know i dont believe that my land destroy property if we did have it suited me though in the end of the business parlance down in this community. Lets cross over to new york and speak to gabriel is on the hes joining us from there gabriel what are you seeing around you. Were right in bryant park which is in the heart of midtown manhattan in new york city and as you can see there are more than a 1000 protesters that have just gathered here theyve been holding a rally here at the main fountain in this park and now they are just stepping up to start what is going to be per haps another night of protests here in new york city its mostly young people that we saw as well on friday and saturday nights as well but this is sort of a scene that youre getting here and this is similar to what we were seeing on saturdays as with all groups of people watch the steps groups of people would just be gathering in various different protests throughout the city. On saturday protests where all 5 boroughs or neighborhoods of this city and now were starting to see them again on sunday as well this one organized by we dont know quite frankly but this is part of what is ongoing protests throughout new york city as the games are very much continues here anger of what they say is this unfair murder as they call it of george floyd and also growing anger because of the scenes that you just showed a few minutes ago that new York City Police cruiser that seem to be plowing through through some of the protesters in brooklyn on saturday as well so its anger be said its anger this is very very peaceful i should point out as most of the protests if you have been in new york but clearly what youre seeing here is another sign of more people taking to the streets and you can see them here starting to walk down south. South on the major road through new york city here this is avenue of the americas or 6th avenue these scenes have been repeated throughout friday saturday this is just one protest what we saw on saturday were scenes like this but. Almost dozens like this its pretty rare to see a protest on a sunday in new york and so the fact that youre seeing this is really for lack of better word quite historic ill let you just take a look at the scene here for another 2nd. As people walk through the streets of new york. Chanting our history of black lives matter justice for annoyed. And you can really get a sense of the cry adversity of the crowd again mostly young people but you see people that are own black asian asian a real mix of the real prospect of American Society there were seeing at these protests here in new york all summarized by saying we have to remember that new york is still the epicenter of the corona virus pandemic here in the United States so technically new york is still supposed to be shut down but what youre having is a confluence of protest and outrage because of George Floyd Death and also the pandemic hitting new york technically no one is really supposed to be gathering like this in groups like this but that it the social distancing and the coronavirus worries have been put aside because many people say its now getting out to the streets and their words to fight for justice all right said gabriel thank you for that update from new york so that is the message being sent out by protesters in new york now over in washington d. C. The mayor there has warned that the massive protests across the country could lead to a rebound in the number of coronavirus cases morial bowzer also blamed organized groups for the rioting. Many seemed organized and had tolls to break windows and tolls or its strategy to distribute materials among them so i would say the thing that were struck by is that it was an organized group that appeared more bent on destruction on thin on protests lets find out whats happening in washington bring in our White House Correspondent kimberly house so what can you tell us about the protests over at the white house where you are. Yeah well there is a sizable protest outside of Lafayette Park which is on the edge of the white house campus and as a result there is also a very heavy Police Presence the mayor earlier saying that while she supports peoples rights fruit express their 1st amendment right to protest she does not support the effort to destroy the city of washington d. C. Sort of piers the u. S. Secret service along with the park police and also the Metro Police Department all now prepared to deal with this i can hear overhead the helicopters that are circling the white house campus there are also park police that would be the the monitors the National Mall in washington d. C. They are on horseback and then of course the heavily armed u. S. Secret service we see assault rifles on rooftops we also see that there are heavy weaponry that is part of sort of a broader riot gear Response Team all staged in the park now again this is a mostly peaceful protest for the moment the concern is when the sun goes down what this mayor does not want to see is another night of smashed windows and arrests and people potentially getting hurt now we should point out that north of here in the city of philadelphia about 2 and a half hours north and south of new york city things are getting much worse there the situation has spiraled a bit out of control there have been police cars that have been commandeered and there is extensive looting thats going on prompting donald trump to tweet about the situation criticizing the democratic mayor there saying that its time to call in the National Guard something that happened in minneapolis that did reduce some of the violence in fact we should point out that there is now a curfew in 20 cities across the United States as city mayors try to get the violence that is gripped america under control and for the president who has been tweeting about designating antiphon as a terrorist organization according to him just tell our viewers what this movement actually is what it stands for and and whether there will be challenges with this particular tweet of President Trumps. There definitely will be challenges lets talk about n t for 1st for our viewers that dont know much about the movement essentially what it is its a far left political protest movement that has militant opposition to conservative ideology the u. S. President in his tweet today said that the United States will be designating a tif as a terrorist organization the problem in all of this is there is no domestic statute that would allow for that the same way that we can see off in the state department for example declaring an International Group a terrorist organization so this left a lot of people confused understandably later on we saw the u. S. Attorney general william barr coming out with a statement kind of trying to clarify and put a fine point on what the president s talking about there will be no declaration of it as a terrorist organization at least in some sort of executive order or something that we see the president do instead what this will be is it will be an attempt to prosecute a will be it attempt to investigate but it will be using an existing network that is known as the joint Terrorism Task force what this will be doing is investigating not only far left groups but potentially far right groups that may be hijacking as many merits of said the otherwise peaceful protests that are occurring in the United States the view of the attorney general is that right now there are these groups pursuing extremist agendas and they are undercutting legitimate grievances that people have in the United States as it stands right now or i can believe thank you very much for that update. Solidarity protests have also been held in london hundreds of people gathered in Trafalgar Square before marching past the prime ministers official residence in downing street and on to the u. S. Embassy some held signs saying the u. K. Is not innocent it was organized by a local black lives matter groups other events are planned elsewhere in the u. K. 5 people were arrested 3 for breaching coronavirus this the same rules. Coming up on the news hour from london whos more restrained china hits back at hong kong criticism with its own view on Police Tactics in the u. S. And its mexico prepares to start reopening on monday despite infection still rising we joined paramedics on the front lines of the pandemic. But 1st brazil has recorded a new record of more than 33000 corona virus infections in one day its now registered half a 1000000 confirmed cases of corona virus and hasnt yet to its predicted peak war than 28800. 00 people have died there giving it the worlds 4th highest death toll after the u. S. U. K. And italy president narrows continue to resist Strict Lockdown measures implemented elsewhere to slow the spread of the virus. Meanwhile there have been scuffles between rival groups of demonstrators for and against president also narrow protests have been taking place in several cities including sao paulo and Rio De Janeiro some of the groups of antigovernment protesters were made up of local football supporters. Lets get more on this from John Heilemann in mexico city john 1st on these rival rallies taking place in brazil what more do you know. We know that president bush not 0 was turning up around the capital city brasilia on a horse and he then appeared in front of his supporters no supporters were calling for the Supreme Court to be shut down for congress to be shut down for the economy to be opened back up president bill so no really wants the economy opened up as well in brazil he says that 70 percent of the country going to get coated anyway so lets just get on with it and get things working again so that the economy doesnt tank he was appearing in front of the 2424 hours after brazil hit the 500000 infection count for coated this is a really delicate time at the moment for the country and obviously a lot of the people in that country think that the president isnt showing leadership by doing those things and by taking that tone in front of protests is that a very anti democratic and there was also a protest in sao paolo the countrys biggest city in which rival football clubs seem to come together their supporters and headed out to the streets and then police tigre ask them they said to support to separate them from rival supporters of bill sanaa the also turning out on the same day so a lot of political sides of turmoil and instability at the moment in the country remember that president bill sonata has also noster to Health Ministers within weeks of each other as he tries to battle or not battle the pandemic in this country which is latin americas hotspot at the moment for corona virus yet meanwhile we understand that there is some sort of collaboration in coordination going on between the bridge between brazil and the United States with the u. S. Sending over doses of hydroxy chloroquine which is of course an unproven covert 1000 drug. Yes exactly that they sent over 2000000 doses along with some ventilators and this drug of course President Trumps quite big fan hes been touting it the u. S. Food and Drug Administration so that they dont recommend taking it at the moment to combat it because it has side effects and those could include a risk of affecting the hearts rhythm president bill sonando is a big fan in turn of President Trump so whatever hes doing president bill sanaa is usually pretty much in on that as well so hes been gladly accepting these doses for the united from the United States for brazil and meanwhile in that country the death count goes up and so does the infection count john where you are infection still on the rise in mexico yet its going to start reopening on monday. Yeah that kobe cases in mexico arent as high as other countries in latin america its nowhere near brazil at the moment and it still has space in its hospital but the government did say that this was going to take about 3 weeks ago and it hasnt done the numbers have kept climbing there now over 3000 cases per day at the moment thats were on but everyones looking i think quite anxiously at the country reopening now the government is saying and the coronavirus saf the man thats really in control of this is saying that the country needs to reopen because theres a lot of people that are living hand to mouth in mexico and really need to start being able to earn a living today of course you got balance to start the fight in the country hasnt yet flattened the curve hasnt yet be in this and it is about to gradually reopen thats not going to all happen at once for tomorrow only essential activities and then the plan is that little by little more states will open up for the country is i repeat still doing that as its battling coded right now we actually went out with a team of paramedics in one of the worst hit suburbs of mexico city to look at what theyre doing on the front lines. This is how many doughty insert hell finish their shift racing down the highway on the outskirts of mits crew city trying to find a hospital for a covert patient. And this is how they began it on patrol in the district theres a world. Its one of the capitals most packed suburbs. The 1st place is been says a policeman who theyve worked with before he has trouble breathing. No hes well enough to stay home for now but in mexico the case count keeps growing despite the governments assurance it would peak 3 weeks ago. Health services are still coping with the team or full stretch. Giving thanks they got it and in 20 years of working as a paramedic ive never seen anything like this i thought the war said she was the ethic making 27000 but this is worse. Because coming quick and fast this is just one of 3 im going to stick a picking up patients we called it in a district of more than a 1000000 people so as you can guess theyre almost constantly on the move. On top of that the teams dealing with the usual cases too hes been hit by a car. As a crowd watches and others go about their business its clear that life in those one is barely pause for the pandemic this by in nationwide quarantine like many other areas in mexico they simply cant afford to stay home and i guess that this one but it does most of the people we treat our work men are vendors they have to go out to provide for their families the doughty and so here the fighting their own battle to. Become notorious for attacks from frontline medical staff many people fear that by risk areas or criticize their care. The dorian of how to hide from the threatening crowd inside a hospital how does it feel were going to go risking that so. We could escape this except i just dont have words for it i come wanting to work i risk my own family i risk that i get infected people can be really selfish. So he was struggling with Something Else on top of that you came back to him on a recent transfer. And i looked at where he was elderly and it reminded me of my grandfather because he died. 2 i was looking at this mans last moments of life and i saw my granddad reflected there. He passed away just 3 weeks ago so here was treating him throughout his illness. Hes working now while he moves and its time for the last call of the day the patient is jose luis the d. H. L. Delivery man only 39 years old because he doesnt. Think thats you know one might think that. Somebody. He agrees reluctantly families have refused to let me dorian so hell take their relatives to hospital before. Finally his wife comes in say goodbye aware that he might not come but. Meanwhile the team bring in the gear they hope will protect them together with the cut she will for jose luis. Its a tight fit. When it gets very hot inside it patients can get anxious claustrophobic to. Get the money for. Longer. But it could be a long ride for jose luis. Cisneros who was visiting this small. Group that was a. Big fan of the whole. Its time to get out and see if theyll let him in. The answer. Is yes. Yes but this summer of success. Yes things went very well for us. The transfer was quick just a bit more than 40 minutes. For them its a triumphant end to a hard shift. But for jose luis his family is just the start theyll join those waiting outside of tesco co hospital some of been here for hours others days all hoping to see their relatives come back out the door john home and. Theres a wall coital. Theres lots more to come on this aljazeera news hour including the 1000. 00 cases crime fascinate democratic republic of congo where many still dont believe the virus is a threat. To them bob boys go grandmothers go online to help the many people suffering anxiety and depression under lockdown at an od. And worshippers flock to islamize 3rd holiest site as it reopens after a lockdown. And of the still plenty of cloud and rain showers across much of Eastern Europe here with us how much is a lot lower than we like to see this time of year but thats across much the west is fine and driving the latest the cloud has been piling it into areas of portugal and spain boss away from that into germany to finally have seen some serious guy say he thought about enjoying the nice woman sunshine is getting warmer temperatures in the mid twentys as they go through the coming week and then up a disco and last flame once a beautiful clear blue skies had not quite as well known fact time does all the decline throughout the week into the low teens celsius but to me while down into london pretty good on monday same across into paris but that rain which is pushing across into areas of portugal spain that will work its way into all southern areas of france that should play quite nice to try much of the med so there all the unsettled picture throughout the balkans down across the degrees Western Areas of turkey. All the stubborn rain showers into eastern areas of ukraine and still also impacting much of batteries our system really is very stubborn it doesnt really move much either on tuesday still some very heavy amounts of rain but theres a good case guys generally out towards the west and thats where the time which is on the rise that me into paris that is up 30 celsius on tuesday a little bit lower on wednesday not exactly cool at 27 and well above the june average however a very different story in moscow temperatures here well below what we should be seeing. Jeanne on out to see a 3 years into the blockade we look at the future of the g. C. C. Crisis i did in part on life and caught up people in power is back with more investigative documentaries and indepth stories as the world battles the grown up on the next aljazeera brings you the latest from around the world a new 2 part investigation asks whether water should be a fully Natural Resource or a commodity traded for profit and how well the u. S. Elections shaping up as the country battles cold with 19 well look into whether donald trump can survive his historic set for june on aljazeera. They say to really know someone you must walk a mile in their shoes. Aljazeera shares personal journeys of people following their chosen. Weakness on aljazeera. Television or with the news hour on aljazeera the top stories testers are out again for a 6th day of protests against Police Brutality in the us crowds have been seen in minneapolis washington d. C. And boston bos shops have been looted in philadelphia. Violent confrontations were seen and at least 30 cities on saturday night around 1700 people arrested with tens of thousands of National Guard troops deployed in several states. President trump is blaming much of the violence on anti fascist protesters and says he intends to designate the group a terrorist organization. For decades cases if Excessive Force being used on black people the u. S. Have led to talk of reform but little action in march 1900. Men los angeles was broadcast around the world the acquittal of the officers and fall of spark days of riots in february 28th 12 Trayvon Martin was shot dead by a member of a Neighborhood Watch group that led to the launch of the black lives Matter Movement there were several high profile deaths involving Police Officers and 2014 including eric garner Michael Brown and 12 year old timey rice in 2050 and freddie gray died in a police van in baltimore while in the custody of so. Officer earns just over a year later still was shot and killed during a traffic stop in st paul the city immediately next to minneapolis lets say to joe watkins hes a republican strategist political commentator and a former aide to president george h. W. Bush is joining us from philadelphia and of course joe watkins today we find ourselves in the situation with the death and the killing off george floyd i mean theres obviously grief and anger over george floyd but how much more is packed into the protests that were seeing well theres been a number of these events as you mentioned earlier and so theres a lot of frustration on the part of people of color especially africanamericans as well as white americans who sympathize who believe that that this needs to stop and there has been no national move to rectify the situation and i think a lot of americans are really caught off guard. That such an act could be could be could be made in broad daylight Police Officer kneeling on the neck of a man who was already handcuffed on the ground and not moving his knee even though the man begged him to be was a niece of the 3 many people were just so disturbed by the video this led to the protests all around the country in cities all around the United States especially in minneapolis where it happened yeah and so we understand that there are protests going on right now in fact in philadelphia where you are and joe but how do you bring about or how do you begin to go about bringing mean if an meaningful change in attitudes amongst some Police Officers. Well there needs to be a conversation i wrote a book a year or so ago called of the new p. C. Practical consideration and in that book i said that this is a subject that we need to discuss nationally that there needs to be some kind of National Discussion that it would not be inappropriate for members of congress to convene hearings for one of the committees or more of the committees to convene hearings about these acts of Police Brutality so that we might find a way to fix it and not repeat the same sad story again and again and again and that would be helpful right now there are no National Standards for police so you see these incidents in various states interestingly even during the protests that have taken place over the last few days there have been instances where Police Officers themselves have stood with the protesters and in 2 Different Cases Police Officers joined the protesters just to let them know that they they agreed with the fact that the humanity of the man who was killed in minneapolis minnesota was was. Was not was not demonstrated and so they joined with protesters in those cities and it was it was well received by the protesters they appreciated the police in those 2 instances standing with them and agreeing with them that this is a tragedy that did not have to happen right but will you speak about the need for a National Dialogue going to National Conversation but what do you make of the language that comes out of the white house and particularly the president of the United States i mean he hasnt said much on camera regarding a protest but hes been tweeting away. Well the president s been very active it is tweets i think everybody appreciated that what he said about the family. This is thoughts and prayers in the back the spoke with with with georges family though to say that what happened was a terrible thing and that he was so sorry that it happened but its it would be helpful to have some kind of a National Conversation. I think most of us would rather not hear about the looting looting is bad and it ought to be dealt with and and nobody including most the people protesting want to see buildings burned or stores looted but i think people are hoping to hear Going Forward that theyll be some kind of a conversation and more importantly some steps taken to solve this problem so that we dont see this happen again and again and again this is of course an Election Year so tensions are especially at bieber pitch given the fact this is a president ial Election Year but i think people are looking to the president and to the congress to see what thoughts they have and how we can bring people together and how we can end this this kind of a situation so that doesnt happen again all right to leave it there thank you very much joe watkins for speaking to us from philadelphia thank you thank you. China has used the ongoing violence in the u. S. To accuse it of hypocrisy in its complaints over hong kong so politicians and state media use that to infer that police in hong kong were mis trained as they climbed down on the Antigovernment Movement thats gripped the city for the last year and chinese editor said that instead of chiding hong kong u. S. Politicians can enjoy this site from their own windows president trying to use the white house address on friday to say china had smothered the citys freedom that in a fallen is at hong kong and says china has changed to point out that the military was never involved in hong kong. Chinese state media has been giving blanket coverage to the events unfolding in the United States telling its viewers that this is what democracy looks like the global times seen as a mouthpiece for the communist government it prints in both english and in chinese and is a major source of news within the country and outside the country has been publishing some very pointed at a tory also attacking the politicians which had supported the hong kong protests now a lot of articles have also been drawing parallels between whats happening in the United States and the Hong Kong Press prodemocracy protests rich unfolded last year where there were many scenes of violent confrontations between the police and protesters and the editorial tsar asking the u. S. Politicians like my compay nancy pelosi and even donald trump whether they stand with the violent protesters and writers of minneapolis as they stood with the protesters of hong kong using a very popular chant during the hong kong protest now theyre also asking whether you know pointing out that china did not send in any army or any threat of the army coming and so on kong while there were almost daily protests but you know within days of protests in the United States the president had said that they would be calling in the National Guard and even possibly the army so theyre trying to draw parallels between whats happening in the u. S. And what was happening in hong kong and pointing fingers saying that asking what kind of support there is in calling them hypocritical. The number of confirmed infections of the corona virus in the democratic republic of congo has risen to nearly 3000 despite that many people dont believe its a threat but activists are trying to change that as charlotte ballasts reports. Cases of coronavirus in the democratic republic of congo are climbing fast activists have stepped up to educate people on how to stop the spread all of the disease is among us it is killing people it is continuing to spread and the challenge is indeed to read agape these doubts that ill be nurtured among our population was volunteers are up against many who dont believe coated 19 is in the congo and blame protective measures for a loss in income. But the business no longer works become a word seller but i make my money and we are told that the disease is in this country but we dont see that disease here where all of the body. I myself have been sick more than 4 times during this period of coronavirus but i treated myself and i assure you that corona virus has nothing to do with it. Public skepticism started with the 1st reported case in march which the Health Ministry attributed to abound in citizen linseed it was a congolese citizen who denied being sick you politicians and Business Leaders have publicly if you use the government of hiking kind of it to get more International Funding for compounding skepticism is a lack of testing in the 2 months since the 1st case at least in 5000. 00 tests were conducted for a population of 84000000 thats going to be the ones who have learned that you know you could but when you go of it as you can see it is a disease thats not no in here and people think it doesnt exist so we must explain it does exist and also make people aware of the steps that need to be taken. A surge in conflict is heightened concerns in the last 2 months nearly half a 1000000 people who fled fighting in east india see the biggest displacement in the rooms is they sprayed so does the virus. Campaigners have called the congo a boat without a captain but the 1st challenge is to convince citizens the virus is dangerous and among china balance and to 0. If youre feeling depressed and zimbabwe go to person is a go go their grandmothers who sit around on friendship benches waiting to help anyone in distress theres no shortage of Mental Health problems during the coronavirus lock down so now theyve taken their Service Online from the city of where oh how remote hasa reports. Have been pullin with is whats known as a community grandmother a volunteer local culture psychiatrist she waits on a socalled friendship bench for anyone to come and talk to her about their problems. But with the coronavirus pandemic she cant be clients anymore you know i think as you could see when events go to who this is so she gets free therapy sessions using social media platforms such as perforation benjy when i know your mother at the friendship bench people come with many problems some are depressed because a Family Member has died or they are sick some talk about suicide for others its Domestic Violence abuse cases. Often cant leave a home because of the nationwide lockdown when the young mother needs someone to talk to she records of voice message and sends it to helpline number. Then she waits for a reply from a community grandmother. Me down in a way mission in may frame told me that. This global when youve got a problem when you tell we. Create. Theres no one who is going to know what he said pinney the its only you in the World Health Organization says in some countries Mental Health problems often go undiagnosed and something had been stigmatized and discriminated against i think maybe one of the Biggest Challenges is the cultural context in which we live in where most people havent truly accepted Mental Health as a problem that they can actually face and secondly because they may not understand or know that theyre actually facing or experiencing a Mental Health Problem Health experts say globally there has been an increase in anxiety and depression as People Struggle to cope with kotak 19 and job losses most people in zimbabwe work in the Informal Sector selling in busy markets and on the streets thats no longer allowed because of the coronavirus pandemic millions. African countries often dont have enough psychiatrists working in public healthcare these grana say they are trying to help as many people as possible at a time when lock downs and travel restrictions are a way of life. Aljazeera zimbabwe. The mosque and occupied East Jerusalem has reopened it has been closed for 2 months to help contain the coronavirus worshippers are being asked to wear face masks and bring their own prayer mats as Harry Fossett reports. Was. After more than 2 months of closure muslim worshippers are once again allowed inside the compound not the where. Is our life and it is the beat of our heart now we are breathing again. Inside the gates hundreds prayed spaced apart in the courtyards. And inside the mosque itself. I was counting every minute to come back to pray i hope all muslims feel good and hope for luxor to stay safe. The preparations have been underway for days but. Right a recent increase in cases of covert 19 reported by the israeli Health Ministry islamic walk that manages the site put no limits on numbers allowed in we have the personal hygiene as a tradition in our religion and its half of the belief we depend on the awareness and the commitment of the people and also the committees of the guards and the walk a fork or is to organize the people and protect them. Also making preparations for a palestinian activist getting ready to hand out gifts to children but thats a lot that. I missed the friday prayers this prayer was holy for me and i ignore everything for its friday for me is the day i go for i meet my friends and we discuss our plans and projects that had been concerns that the reopening could become a flashpoint after Israeli Security forces shot dead an unarmed palestinian man with special needs on saturday i had how locke was hiding in this refuse storage room when he was killed an investigation has begun. As well as muslim worshippers hundreds of jews were also allowed to access the site known to them as the temple mount and the preexisting agreements several palestinians were arrested Israeli Police said someone chanting nationalist slogans for the most part though this return to Something Like normal that islams 3rd holiest site has gone off remarkably smoothly the overwhelming of calm festivity and a quiet relief that this real heart of life inside the walls of the old city is now accessible again and for families in occupied East Jerusalem the site is the closest thing to a city park as well as a place to pray its a place to play mingle and relax available again after weeks of lockdown are equals that aljazeera occupied East Jerusalem. So i had this news hour all that glitters isnt illegal how sudan is losing billions of dollars every year as oil and gold slip across its borders. And all the car parks a stage in the audience are staying in their vehicles as the drive and makes a pandemic come back. Rewind a can bring your people back to life im sorry i walked out on the best of aljazeera documentaries in libya i was the 1st of all you like and the others to the green line continues with kosovo and your fear and hope this was my return to kosovo and the Little Village of book one decade on ive come back to find out what happened to those hopes and dreams rewind on aljazeera. Mass protests forcing the governments hand but are we seeing the long. List of just trying to understand this we follow journalists on the frontline the squishing the free press committed to reporting the facts Police Officers pointing guns at journalists saying stop hong kong sacked and friction the list truth is it anyway on aljazeera. Youre. Out again there are reports of fierce fighting in southern yemen the army backed by saudi arabia is battling forces from the breakaway Southern Transitional government both sides in the region exchange artillery and missile fire theyre also calling in reinforcements after a 3 day cease fire last week the United Nations has repeatedly warned of catastrophe a fighting doesnt stop as corona virus spreads through the country of iraq attack on a park in the center of libyas capital has killed 5 people including children the Health Ministry in tripoli says a market in nearby street were also hit the u. N. Recognize government claims worth 25 to his forces have suffered a series of defeats recently in their 13 Month Campaign to capture the capital so don is rich in resources but the country hasnt been feeling the benefit of what comes out of the ground rising inflation and plunging currencies mean gold and fuel leave through illegal routes costing the economy billions of dollars every year have a mortgage reports from hearts who. Are sitting under the sun for hours is how these miners in seoul for spend most of their days they are looking for gold their main source of income but not all that is that the buy mine is here is sold legally and goes into government coffers the. Outcome is that a lot of the gold get smuggled because of the instability in its process and lack of control of the border difference between process given by the central bank and what trade has offered to buy from minus helps in the smuggling of gold. So dam is one of africas top gold producing countries exporting over 90 tons of the precious metal in 2018 it accounts for nearly 30 percent of the countrys exports and up until the beginning of this year the only entity allowed to legally buy gold from miners was the countrys central bank but its soaring inflation and the currency that has continued to lose value against the dollar turned many miners away from the official route and to more lucrative paths now private companies are allowed to deal in the sector with the condition that they sell 50 percent of their gold to the central bank as well as deposit the hard currency they arent to help sudans weakening economy revenues from gold mining have provided a much needed source of hard currency to sudans economy for years but the incomes estimated to be only about his have of what it should be because of smuggling with the inflation rate at about 100 percent so thats government is looking to reform the gold sector to boost its economy since taking over in september last year so thats Transitional Government has pledged a series of Economic Reforms to combat inflation and improve Living Standards more than half of the 40000000 population live below the poverty line the government has increased the wages of civil workers and raised pending on public sectors it says it hopes to partially cover the costs of those reforms through the gold sector really what were trying to do after several different. Terms of looking at this question is really to form a much more transparent market in gold those who exploit the gold and then do so in the 4 most sectors of post of the Informal Sector in the proceeds from those gold exports would would help stabilize the currency. But with millions being lost and uli due to smuggling some analysts say the real reform that the government needs to do should come from within. The next 5 years of. Travelers or anybody else but that doesnt. Make itself. Trying to pick. Up the smuggling. Of documentary called when you come to that if i dont recall any number of those are supposed to actually stop smuggling whatever steps the government takes for my ms in seoul the only thing that matters is that the gets paid fairly for their efforts to dig up the gold regardless of who buys it people morgan aljazeera how to. Take your blanket and popcorn outside to watch a movie under the stars. I beg your pardon. News for youngsters capital colombo. A musical experiment under the open sky. Long can spot in hundreds of cars i do 1st of all live in concert. The 2 up to 4 mins by the islands most popular Young Musicians was aimed at jumpstarting one to 2 to dust to todd by the crow navar has come to make a new york dolls and i dont want to run through it i dont need it this is a good thing we must get up as a nation again and this is a good way to begin that process. And its not just music here but i think ive got to live in nigeria to such testing out such values to teach life shows so there from just an idea the idea is born out of the fact that you know there must be a solution you know we cannot just accept that you know things will just be the way it does when the past 3 months or so for us is reassuring that there is hope is the show must go on cause in 1000 are not covered 19. Around the world open settings to cinema theatre owners liable to the pandemic with most traditional into team and settings still close with us infections clogging venues such as here in spain are keeping families entertained for the safety also cause. They dont go going to see often but when set up in a place i love it were thankful because even though youre a bit locked inside at least you can open the window and get some fresh air and used to get to socialize a bit even if were separated its something of. The worlds 1st live in Movie Theater was opened in the 1996 new jersey and spread across the United States as the all to the dust few dunes and more americans to come. But the arrival of t. V. At little groups meant a lot to decline for the once cheaper option of going up from the table and. Now declines or come back as an alternative is to stay as well as a cure for boredom at best social distancing is guaranteed. To 0. So there was Priyanka Gupta reporting on drive in theater is experiencing a revival thats as indoor cinemas and theaters remain closed around the world due to the coronavirus pandemic will move on to another story and its a 1st from space. We have banking from space x. Demo to mission entering the International Space station to nasa astronauts have arrived at the International Space station after the 1st trip on a private rockets doug hurley and bob behnken were slightly ahead of schedule when they arrived in the dragon capsule which blasted off from florida atop a space x. Rocket on saturday greeting them on the i assess our 2 russian cosmonauts and an american who have been in orbit since april and the astronaut bob behnken said it had been a rough ride. We were surprised a little bit at how smooth things were off the pad the Space Shuttle is a pretty rough ride heading into orbit with the solid rocket boosters and our expectation was as we continued with the flight into a 2nd stage that things would basically get a lot smoother than the Space Shuttle did but dragon was huff and puff and all the way into orbit and we were definitely driving or riding a dragon all the way up and so it was not quite the same ride the smoother ride as the Space Shuttle was thanks for watching the news hour on aljazeera back in just a moment with much more of the days news. Your men killed a mother and son in that way to an appointment sadly the insurgents dont wear uniforms so it is synonymous with the was the American Occupation of iraq that the house on hold an arrogance to account taua 2016 how come you didnt mention the meeting to congress and i did i dont know if i got the transcript wrong. I dont think you are that sure that you can tell the difference between a polish guy a french guy holding your head to head on a. The way disease outbreaks have impacted dense urban areas like during the flu pandemic in the early 1900 has played a role in how our cities look and run urban planners reacted to that flu and other outbreaks changing how cities were zoned and led to updated infrastructure like ventilation and improved sanitation but after whats been learned from pandemics and their influences on our skylines and way of life we also need to keep pace and adapt its easy to assume that cities are Fertile Ground for spreading viruses and diseases millions living working at commuting in such tight conditions but one expert says its about much more than just density its about how all this was put together and how its run. On the streets of greece anti immigrant violence is on the rise there or you have to go from other potential and this and that this is all from pluses and and increasingly migrant farm workers of victims a vicious beatings. Is helping the Pakistani Community to find a voice the stories we dont often hear told by the people who live them undocumented and under attack this is 0 on aljazeera. Youre. Protests ramp up again in cities across the United States fueled by growing anger at the killings of black people by police. 25 cities and now impose curfews after a 5th night of unrest and more National Guard are being deployed to quell the violence. There watching aljazeera live from london im dating navigator also heads. Clashes in brazil during rival rallies for and against president also

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