Minnesota says story he says he still does not have enough troops to waltz has also called on people to do their part to stop the violence scuffles a broken out between police and protesters in new york more demonstrations are continuing into the night that least 2 police cars have been set on fire and thousands of people have demonstrated outside the City Supreme Court on the Brooklyn Bridge and outside a sports arena those cars also sort of fired by a. M. A. What was initially a peaceful protests turned violent officers responded with tear gas and fireworks a curfew has been in place there for just over an hour. So we have reporters standing by live in 4 major cities care elizondo is in new york and the gallagher is in miami romper and also is in l. A. And in minneapolis where this all started john hendren so observation 100 is there right now so as we talked about these curfews are in place what is happening now john and if what i saw a little bit earlier you were kind of in the thick of things as police were starting to sort of move in on people tell us what youve been experiencing. Thats right we were standing in a spot where there was a very peaceful protest of hundreds of people going on but that protest was right in front of a Police Station and the police had manned that area the night before so the protesters took it back and the police came out in force they threw grenades you know smoke grenades rubber bullets and tear gas came out and mediately and i am this was a peaceful protest that was going on at the time the police then marched in a number of as we were just preparing to get on air we were tear gas and these are the bullets that they were firing their sort of rubber pellets and ive seen a number of people who have been hit by them so the police have taken back an area and one of the reasons that they may be able to do that is that the governor called in a 1000 extra National Guard troops that makes 1700. 00 in total in addition to all of the police who are here so the police have pretty much clamped down they seem to be enforcing the curfew tonight but they havent been able to do that all week and there has been some violence and looting of buildings a number of buildings were set on fire and we witnessed that last night so john obviously what set all this what whats that all plays out all this office as decades and decades of racism and Police Brutality but this particular thing obviously was about what happened to george floyd one officer has been arrested derricks have on but one of the reasons that the protesters escalated this is because it took days to get that arrest and there are still other officers that sat there and watched perhaps were dissipating they have not been arrested has the governor of the mayor anybody addressed what is going to happen with these other officers. Thats a good question you know we dont know and thats one of the reasons people are out in the streets one that one officer has been charged with murder and 3 have not and so many of the people ive talked to said that that is the goal. They want to see earned 4 of those officers charged but right now theres just a standoff in the streets nobody nobodys actually saying whats happening the investigators have said theyre looking into the case but those 3 officers have not been charged as of now and i just want to explain to you why were here right now our show we have a crowd of people all standing corner because what you cant see in the dark is there is a line of Police Officers anybody who approaches that gets a warning and then rubber bullets are fired so nobody is able to approach this entire area our car happens to be in there so thats an inconvenience for the evening but. Another night if it were if it continued to be peaceful and throughout the city it would be the 1st night since the death of george florey ok and ever elizondo there at ground 0 but thats all start in minneapolis thank you very much im sorry john hendren now lets get you get real us on who is live in new york so gabe what is it that you are saying there in new york. One word chaos is what weve seen in the last hour or so were just about a block south of union square very popular a square in new york city there has been mass protests and weve also seen scenes like this some scenes of smashed windows there are protesters there had been gathering here in union square over the last hour or so police came in to spur some of them but the scenes got very very ugly here this was after a day that we saw thousands of protesters marching through the streets of new york mostly peaceful throughout the whole day but then it got ugly you can see that a van over there was burned this was just in the last 45 minutes or so you can see the remnants of trash cans off there on the right on the ground as police are still here just sort of cleaning up whats left of the absolute mess year and you can see that the situation. Was not very good. Some of the protesters smashed and white p. D. Police vans that you see here what youre looking at here is a manifestation of anger weve been speaking to people all day young people and they are derrius and they are taking out their anger quite frankly any way they can vast majority of the people very much peaceful should be pointed out. Practicing their 1st amendment rights if you will but of course there were some situations where it descended very much into chaos here especially in this area around union square we also saw protests in brooklyn as well so im glad you brought up that this is a manifestation of a lot of anger almost every city where these protests are happening has their own personal high profile case of black men being killed in Police Custody and theyre not being any consequences for do. Eric well eric garner i cant breathe case after case after case so while this may technically seem that it started in minneapolis theres a reason that these things are also happening in new york. When it comes to Free Survival and new yorkers know it very well its a very raw subject matter here as you mention 2014 eric gardner africanamerican man was tackled by some n. Y. P. D. Officers and as he was brought to the ground theres that famous cell phone video of him saying i cant breathe i cant free that led to protests here in new york and some around the u. S. As well and that was 2014 so what were doing is were seeing this again many your new yorkers especially young brown black latino are seeing it again in minneapolis and theyre finally saying this is enough and enough is enough ive seen some real anger on the streets here that i just havent seen previously in protests and course you can see it here but its this this is of course by the way what youre seeing here we should point out there were tens of thousands of people on the streets peacefully marching through through new york is well this is one part of it is just one snapshot of it its real but of course as you mentioned this city the people in this city know these situations like what happened in minneapolis because theyve lived it here before with very high profile causes the most recent being eric gardner in 2014 if you mental and in that case the officers that were involved were fired but werent prosecuted and to that very point when the when the officers are fired they often get their jobs back or in the case of what happened with eric garner it took 5 years for that officer to be terminated from the force 5 years mayor de blasio was the mayor at the time andrew cuomo was the governor at the time so while they may say now that they understand what the protesters feel that may not resonate with the protesters. It hasnt you asked that nobody on the streets and weve spoken to today wants to hear about that last year the mayor or the governor quite frankly nobody cares that ive spoken to they are out here because they said weve seen this before now were seeing a replay of this again duplass you know the mayor the governor theyve all come out said we support the protesters we too want justice. For for for what happened in minnesota but the protesters say weve heard it before weve heard it over and over and thats why you see what youre seeing the people out on these these numbers ok ever elizondo with the latest on whats happening there in new york and the protests and the anger thank you very much go to miami an hour and a gallaghers live for us there in the state of florida as i just mention to gay bandy every state has had their own personal experience with dealing with the death of a black man and there being no consequences for it Trayvon Martin obviously this happened in florida he was very young he was killed by George Zimmerman not a Police Officer but someone who behaved as if he was and there were no consequences this is been building and a lot of states and a lot of places what is happening in miami. Well about an hour ago i got a notice on my phone an Emergency Alert saying that Miami Dade County is now under curfew like many other cities across this nation over the past 2 hours we saw 2 what d started as Peaceful Demonstrations become Something Else entirely in downtown miami protesters surrounded the main Police Station there was a car was set on fire the i 95 the main highway that runs up the east coast of florida was partially closed for some time because the protesters moved up onto the highway walking in between the cars but as you said there is a very real history here in the state of florida particularly with that case of Trayvon Martin who was gunned down by George Zimmerman a selfappointed Neighborhood Watch captain that happened 8 years ago is a case i covered from the very start and it was a case in which George Zimmerman was found not guilty by a jury that still resonates with the Africanamerican Community here the pain is still very real remember just last month the case of. A. Name in georgia who was basically corralled armada arbor a sorry who was corralled by 2 white men who armed themselves and killed him one of them being a former Police Officer himself and of course then there were corey jones case here just a couple of years ago he broke down on the side of the road he was also shot dead by a Police Officer who was also found innocent so that pain particularly reverberates in this state remember the Trayvon Martin case is what started what kicked off the black lives Matter Movement but what weve seen here in florida all across the state are small protestors small groups of protesters just a few 100 here and theyre not the numbers were seeing in new york and certainly not like it is in minneapolis but nevertheless that fear that anger that sense of injustice is really boiling over here as it is in the rest of the country the protests now in downtown miami seem to have dispersed im here. Reports that protesters turned up at the house of the Police Officer who hardys knee on the neck of the man and many employees for 9 minutes they have probably had a 2nd home here so the police are also there was well still no word from ron dissonances this states governor a close ally of President Trump he hasnt made any Public Comment at all of the moment but this state this county now under curfew will have to see what the next few days and hours bring but things certainly seem to be under control here in the state of florida at the moment ok and gallagher with the latest there in Miami Florida thank you very much lets cross to the other side of the country now the west coast where are all reynolds is live in los angeles so lets talk about the history of Los Angeles Rob obviously if you go back to 1902 there were the l. A. Riots when the officers who beat rodney king on video had minimal if any consequences at all were not saying obviously the level of the l. A. Riots there but there is a history of anger and Racial Injustice in that city as well. Thats right richelle and as you rightly point out it was not actually the. Beating of rodney king captured on camera and widely seen by everyone around the country that spurred the worst of the rioting it was a year later when the Police Officers who beat king were quitted by a mostly white jury in a suburb of los angeles that thats what set. The fuse and led to some of the worst rioting certainly the worst rioting in this city and probably some of the worst in in the United States in at least in recent decades right now we have confirmed that mayor Eric Garcetti is has asked the governor Gavin Newsome for the National Guard to be deployed in los angeles the city as of right now is under a curfew beginning right now and. It will extend until around dawn tomorrow morning there has been extensive ransacking of stores some high end stores in some very posh shopping areas in Beverly Hills and other parts of west side los angeles people went in and took things that they certainly didnt pay for just in the last 20 minutes to 30 minutes or so. We learned of reports of the Los Angeles Police firing rubber bullets and beanbag tripe projectiles as well as some tear gas at people who are trying to get into a grocery store. So things are not going well as night falls in los angeles and lect things are getting worse so its only asking about that so los angeles is an extremely surprised out city big Greater Los Angeles area as is happening in just very concentrated very specific areas. You know this is an area the worst hit area is. An area called the Fairfax District this is again an area where theres a lot of shops affluent area not a high minority area like South Central l. A. Was which was convulsed by the riots of 992 but its a its a shopping area a lot of entertainment and so on also in Beverly Hills where there was some ransacking and some fires lit so it has been concentrated in those areas now on the contrary on friday night there was widespread on rest in the very center of los angeles including protests. Protesters blocking a major highway and there were a lot of arrests 500 arrests on the evening of friday so you can see these pictures here people are going into stores and coming out with their hands full it is. Ironic richelle that this weekend was supposed to represent a new phase of los angeles is reopening for business in the midst of the covert 19 crisis instead. We have this and actually rob rob im glad you brought that up because none of what is happening is happening in a vacuum and its happening with the country and the world that is in the midst of one of the worst pandemics in history thousands of people are losing their jobs and quite frankly a u. S. President who throws rhetoric and incendiary rhetoric into all of the mix so when you put all of those things together any one of those things themselves would be bad enough when you put them all together perhaps this is what you get. And i would also add to that rich show that the covert 19 pandemic in the United States in the cities New York Los Angeles elsewhere have hit the the the black and brown communities much harder then any other community so that you have a disproportionate number of africanamericans dying from the virus thats all in the background as well as you say nothing happens in a vacuum the enormous disruption that has happened as a result of the pandemic is certainly a factor here as is the drumbeat of videos coming out one after the other showing a black man in North Carolina being gunned down by people as he took a jogging woman in central park threatening to call the police on a black birdwatcher and telling the police that he was threatening her when he wasnt and then of course the really. Dont know what the word is disgusting perhaps video from minneapolis so all of this it adds up i think it. Cumulate and at a certain point something breaks and theres a lot of things breaking right now well said rob reynolds and its about a quarter after 8 in the evening there in los angeles so its actually still fairly early so keep an eye on things and well get back to you thank you. Get more reaction now reverend Raphael Warnock is the pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist church a role which Martin Luther king held back in the 1960 to as a situation is incredibly dangerous and in need of compassionate leadership. There is a deep sense of pain. And anguish in a moment like this the murder. Of george floyd is a part of an aunt to go on and tragic saga that weve seen over and over again its like. Watching a bad movie over and over again and i think you hear that deep sense of desperation and the voices of young people who are rising up from minneapolis to atlanta saying im tired and as i say that i think not only of george floyd but i think of Briana Taylor i think of. Ivory when youre in the state of georgia who was attacked by. Vigilantes to aggregate it to themselves the kind of Police Brutality that took the lie not only of george lloyd but you know the list goes on and on and on well i think that in recent years we have seen military weaponry get harbury on american streets and ironically this is part of what has i think inflamed the conditions that were seeing right now. Its interesting the to hear mr trump speak in this way just a few weeks ago a short few weeks ago we saw. We saw folks marching and rioting as it were in the state of michigan and this response was very very different. Dr king used to say that riots are the language of the on heard we dont support this kind of looting but we also dont support president s who tweet about shooting this is a dangerous situation and i think people are are deeply tired and what they need is leadership compassionate leadership that will hear their cries hear their concerns and thats whats needed in a moment like thats ok lets cross over now to the protests in los angeles and speak to journalists listen sheriff listen and thank you so much for. Joining us so we have seen scenes of looting and some violence and ill get to that but 1st i just want to get your impression off of how these protests started they they largely at least from what we can see start peace peacefully and then pockets of things start to pivot to Something Else what have you seen yes thats right so it started as a very peaceful march and then the rounds too few and 3 pm. On a halt for a call one home for main fairly peaceful and then they all the whole. New chain store was setting fire to cope these. And then day was sort of surrounded by family and as far as i know many of them are restive and that i have just been. Watching which is something that was a very useful for us but i must say that i was not yet 2 minutes. Unfortunately also that the firing rubber bullets. To try and thats the purchases even though it was a peaceful protest. From then on it unfortunately disintegrated into what you might downscale behind me which is several shots have been looted a huge fire was on the inspection. And i believe or is that ive been in. On. That just in iraq so when you see the pictures like police cars on fire in the city of los angeles thats obviously going to resonate very much with that Community Whos lived through many many and painful times going back to the 92 riots and before and other situations in between explain to our viewers talk about what the tortured relationship is between the black and Brown Community in los angeles and the Police Department. Yes so she something i did see which was pretty incredible was the line of white protesters standing between the police and people of color purchases of color and they were linking arms to try and protect these protests from the police. I have also seen people you know really panicked talking about the pot the ice is being cold on and its coming to the area i saw a lot of people despite us all so i dont know if it was a reminder of it is but i saw a lot of people discuss leave the protests off that i came out and that also you being quite a few instances of white protests is throwing objects at flea and then protestors of color its turning around and putting on this is a few so far its really you know and 5 violent because this is the peaceful protests this is about justice and this is about right. And you were trying to turn this into something that is violent which is not what we want and in fact i the protesters can certainly make the case that they know what its like to be there were saving and. Ive been angry place officer who has bad intentions and basically the plea being dont make this any worse on us is that were saying yes yes i raised a couple of protesters one was a young male he was 19 years old you could say it was his problem you know. And he said to me im scared because im not and i know but if i get arrested it may be way was made that it would be if i were white. All right lucy share of journalists there for us in los angeles thank you very much. Thank you all right lets go back now to gave elizondo who is live for us in new york a it is about. Is about 1130 about half 11 30 pm almost there in new york what have you been saying are things starting to calm down the later it gets or is it getting worse. You know things have started to calm down a little bit but its been a chaotic past hour to 2 hours or so were still seeing some isolated groups of. Protesters are still kind of going around the streets a little bit but for the most part what are were seeing now is the after effects of some of the ugly side of the protests that we saw bass majority were peaceful but here in Union Square Area of new york city in the last hour to 2 hours it got quite chaotic actually theres still. Some groups of protesters up the street there police have the streets blocked off. I guess you can describe it as somewhat of a tense calm at this hour. Than over there that was set on fire theres about 3 Police Vehicles that were set up blaze this evening and then if you follow me over here i can just give you an idea of anger that so many people have. This is 2 of the police vans there were vandalized here. Again and what youre looking at is a manifestation of anger and frustration by some of the protesters who say theyve just simply had enough and that what youre seeing here is theyre saying that this is gone beyond minneapolis minnesota and george floyd that this is now gone national. In new york city this evening definitely we saw intense protests throughout the afternoon in Brooklyn New York city and elsewhere but ultimately ended with some ugly scenes here in union square and gave lets remind people this is all happening in the middle of a pandemic and the city of new york got the the brunt of it got the worst of it the most cases the most deaths and the black community the Brown Community theyre disproportionately affected by what has been going on with the pandemic they have been under lockdown for weeks and weeks all of that together with the history that we have talked about between the Police Department in new york and people of color has governor anybody address that if its not mean it seems like the social distancing is not happening and thats the last thing on peoples minds but the state still has to deal with going through this pandemic as well. Yeah thats a lot theyre in there its remarkable that new york city is still very much has the pandemic and is still the epicenter of it new york city right now is supposed to still be shut down it has not opened up yet after closing in mid march so in theory this is still very much a city that is it is still in if you will lock down for lack of a better term. Most of the people that have been affected more than half of those who have died from coronavirus in new york have been black and latino working class and so in the context of what were seeing here youre very right that its remarkable that given what is going on in new york that still youre seeing these of mass of people taking to the streets most Wearing Masks but not all of them most. And saying basically if someone told us they said you know what we have a pandemic but we also have a policing crisis in our country as one young woman told me she said the pandemic is important but right now what were fighting for is Justice Justice for the man in minneapolis and george floyd and so it seems youre seeing here in new york would be remarkable under any circumstance given the fact that this city is still the epicenter of the corona Virus Outbreak in the u. S. Just makes it all the more so and more surreal and powerful if you will given everything thats going on they. Live for us anymore that approaches about a half hour before midnight there in new york a thank you very much. We also heard from tricia rose shes the director of the center for the study of race and ethnicity in america at Brown University and she says what is happening now is part of the ongoing nationwide issues around race and racism in the u. S. I think you know its very important when were thinking about the response to this incident where mr floyd was killed that we really understand how systematic and pervasive the deep violence that black people face at the hands of police have been all around the country and its impossible to speak to what the Community Feels in minneapolis if we only think about whats happened there in isolation its extremely important that we understand that this is a historical and ongoing factor and a nationwide factor this is not one rogue cop its not wanted 2 or 3 rogue cops across new york but in fact assisted a systematic relationship where black people are considered threatening and worthy of extreme violence and this is a common practice so to to begin to understand this we have to put it both in Historical Context and in terms of a collective black trauma around state sponsored violence that usually goes completely on punished this is what happened in ferguson right it was a full on nearly a military response you know local Police Forces around the country have been rewarded with military grade equipment the kinds of equipment you would normally see only in an International War context and there was extreme levels of containment and violence as if people exercising their civil rights to freedom of expression and to gather in public to protest were and were a threat to the nation rather than the very rights that the nation is designed to protect but thats the logic of what it means to face a state violence when youre a black Community Even if whites and others are participating its when its understood as a racial crime that you begin to see this kind of extreme violent response that said it is my understanding that there were also many instigators involved in minneapolis and perhaps in a. Cities around the country as well and more data on that may come up as the weeks bear out but what that means is that you could have you know right extreme right wing violent groups who are infiltrating the protest community in the cities that are protesting and those infiltrators are stoking violence and encouraging a violent response for which black people will pay the highest price. So we will continue our coverage here on what is happening across the United States protests that started in response to the the killing of george floyd on video in minneapolis and it has now spread to the rest of the country this is the west coast this is washington d. C. You were it is about 11 30 pm at night unfortunately this last that there we go the says so those pictures that we were saying were washington d. C. This is the west coast the other side of the country where it is about 8 30 pm at night these protests are happening in cities in between keep it on aljazeera will keep you posted counting the cost is next. For all coverage of africa is what im most proud of every time i travel day whether its east or west africa people stop me and tell me how much we appreciate your time coverage and our focus is not just on their suffering but also on the more optimistic and Inspiring Stories people trust aljazeera to tell them whats happening in their communities am i clear and im biased and as an african i couldnt be more proud to be automated. This is counting the cost on aljazeera your weekly look at the world of business and economics this week predatory lender. China loans more money to the world than the richest 32. 00 nations what does the world china

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