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President offers to mediate a border dispute between india and china. Welcome to the program u. S. President doll trump has made his frustration with social Media Companies official he signed an executive order a few hours ago seeking to have the likes of twitter and facebook reclassified as publishers and stripped them of legal immunity over the content of their sites hes been angered by twitters labeling of 2 of his tweets on postal voting as misleading and referring users to a Fact Checking page trump says the fact checks were editorial decisions that amount to political activism they had unchecked power to censor restrict. Virtually any form of communication between private citizens or large public audiences there is no president in American History for so small a number of corporations to control so large a sphere of Human Interaction and that includes individual people controlling vest amounts of territory and we can. Well earlier i spoke to john malcolm the Vice President of the institute for consist of Constitutional Government and senior legal fellow of the Heritage Foundation and i asked him how all of this will affect what trump says on social media. The president s position are on the vulnerabilities to Election Integrity created by mail in ballots is supported by many experts in this field and by adding a fact check to that it was for one purpose and one purpose only and that was to cast a doubt on what the president was paying over the president was saying that is a political opinion and you know the president i think was justifiable at least in that instance in being upset it was somebody who was trying to thought there or temper his message are on a on a legitimate issue of public concern i get i dont defend every tweet that the president sends out i dont agree with every tweet that the president sent out but that one was certainly perfectly reasonable and twitters fact check was designed to cast doubt on what is a very legitimate political ok well then why didnt its fact check the Joe Scarborough tweet that was what just over a week ago when donald trump questioned. This former legislator who is now a t. V. Show host talking about a murder that happened not a murder a death that happened in the office of Joe Scarborough of an interne who fell over banged her head had underlying heart problems that was all out in the open yet President Trump is now questioning this and even suggests that Joe Scarborough got away with murder why wasnt that fact checked why wasnt that to heated. You have to catch twitter why they chose to fact check something about mail in ballots and the threat that he poses to Election Integrity rather then that tweet again people may like the president s tweets and they may support him for them or they might might find them offensive and choose to vote against him in the next election but that is not what twitter was all about and in fact they chose not were some reason to fact check that one they chose to back check one about mail in ballots which is far more controversial than thousands of people are protesting in the u. S. State of minnesota of the death of a black man in Police Custody. Many. Demonstrators are demanding justice for george floyd who died in minneapolis on monday is the 3rd day of protests across the state with large conference planned in other parts of the country this weekend at the same time the National Guard has been called in following 2 days of protests in minneapolis looting fires and riots broke out in parts of the city a wednesday night with demonstrators demanding justice the Police Officers involved have been fired but many want them to see Face Criminal Charges the attorney general for the district of minnesota has promised a robust and meticulous investigation into George Floyds death we have been working on this case nonstop since we were notified. We understand this a very of the situation unfolding it breaks my heart to see what is going on in our streets in minneapolis and in st paul and in some of our suburbs and i am pleading i am pleading with individuals. To remain calm and to let us conduct this investigation. Keith is a professor of africanamerican and African Studies at the university of minnesota he says without the video of George Floyds death its likely the case would have been buried. Previous cases have not resulted in a conviction we had 11. 00 case the Philander Castille case where the Police Officer was charge he was acquitted so this time around people are wondering if this is going to be the case where a black family receives justice so it is its highly highly important critical critical that the Police Officer or offer service plural are charged in this case i think its been feeling in Police Training i think the Police Officers and also the larger Law Enforcement community and the city as well as politicians are paying lip service or giving lip service to this whole question of changing the Institutional Culture of Law Enforcement and we have but we have not seen the difference if they are being trained they said this after tomorrow clark which is another case in north minneapolis where young man was killed by the police and certainly they said that they would change their practices at the fernando castiel a few years ago and i think that they probably will say the same thing but the fail failure is and leadership. And local leadership state leadership but also the failure is with the practices of the police themselves without the tape without the video theres no case we would not have known about george floyd and the murder of mr floyd by the Minneapolis Police department and i think that it begs the question how many more of these incidences in this city across the United States are across the world for that matter or taking place on a regular basis perhaps on a daily basis because they are not they have not been captured on video so yes the video is important and without it there is no case we dont we have not we would not have arrived at this moment in time. Chinas parliament has rubberstamp day new set of security laws for hong kong despite protests and International Warnings the wide ranging laws which include a ban on treason session and subversion could come into effect within weeks adrian brown reports from hong kong. Hong kongs people had no say in the decision to impose a new security law on this city that was not a concern among people we spoke to in the north point district where many mainland immigrants live. Of course we will have peace now hong kong has been so chaotic the protesters even went to the United States to ask them to put sanctions on hong kong what a mess they have made. The young may have different thought before as the elderly the law we make our country prosperous and stable but other elderly people are fearful and scared to come because you know all freedom for their speech no freedom for. Democracy so ski since 1907 when hong kong was returned from british the chinese rule this city has operated under a unique one country 2 systems formula intended to guarantee the citys legal political and economic arrangements the question now is whether the experiment has failed bid local historian john carroll insists thats not the case no sooner had the sign of british joint declaration been signed in december 1084 people are already talking about the death of hong kong and i mean thats been going on for years and years and years and hong kong is not dead and i dont see hong kong dying so. Chinas leaders insist the new security law d will save hong kong not kill it so the vote by Chinas Parliament on thursday to approve the law was never in doubt you could. She called other the Central Government has always emphasized the comprehensive an accurate implementation of one country 2 Systems Hong Kong ruling hong kong and its high degree of autonomy it strictly follows the constitution and the basic law and supports the Hong Kong Government and its chief executive to govern according to the law bypassing hong kongs legislature the rubber stamp National Peoples congress has now paved the way for mainland security agents to operate here in marked contrast to these orderly scenes there was more disruption in hong kongs parliament. When 3 legislators were ejected during a heated debate about another proposed law that would make it an offense to disrespect chinas National Anthem both measures have prompted demonstrations and a warning from the United States government that its special trading status with the city could be about to end raising concerns about its continued status as asias leading Financial Center adrian brown aljazeera hong kong. The United Nations Security Council has also voiced concern at china of the National Security laws on the whole cold requesting an urgent meeting diplomatic to james bays has more from un headquarters in new york. It was the u. S. Mission to the United Nations that requested a Security Council meeting on hong kong a request that was immediately blocked by china but just hours later the issue was raised anyway by a guest speaker at the council the e. U. s Foreign Policy chief and turning to a very recent developments which they cannot stop a bite if. I might express deep concern with the steps taken by a china regards nation or security legislation you are gone. We believe that that is not going to go for mickey with International Commitments nor with the hong kong basic or the chinese position though was firm this was an internal matter none of the Security Councils business how come affairs are purely chinas internet i. F. s and allow no access to no interference it usual of. Has nothing to do with the mandate of the thicker to cancel elsewhere u. N. Headquarters where they were holding an event about Global Development post code 19 a most important player clearly didnt want to take sides are you concerned about the new security law for hong kong today i do not intend to move into areas that are far from what you are discussing today because i dont want to divert attention from something that is very important my spokesperson has already spoken. Yesterday on the before hong kong was handed over to china in 1997 by its colonial rulers the u. K. Many older hong kong is still hold british passports but ones that dont allow them to reside in britain now the u. K. Foreign secretary is proposing to change that status a move thats further likely to anger beijing months if china continues down this path and implemented this National Security legislation we will change that status and we will remove that 6 month limit and allow those being a possible holders to come to the u. K. And to apply to work and study for extended periods of 12 months and that would itself provide a pathway to future citizenship diplomats tell me they expect a number of nations including the u. S. To continue to raise the issue of hong kong and that will only add to the growing tension both here in the United Nations and on the wider global stage between the u. S. And china james space aljazeera at the United Nations well still ahead here on aljazeera. I dont know and thats 10 days tom going to do i really doubt it since its. People on the verge of financial ruin as unemployment lines continue to grow in the United States. But while the country with the Worlds Largest underground oil reserves might start charging its citizens if you stay with us. Hello there most are cake additions across much of northern asia to the east of japan in the l. C. As it is again of course central and southern as a china this is where were going to see the very heavy amounts of rain of the next few days this is a really developing pushing east as we go through friday the rain on its way to shanghai and sunday reaching that as we go through saturday beginning to really work its way across towards the recall as of japan is what eventually pushing into western home she later in the day some rain also pushing into beijing later the table with a high of 30 degrees celsius plenty of active weather across much of indonesia scottish the philippines not about day friday across born here the rain still fairly heavy into java and very extensive through mammoth thailand on the tools cambodia similar story on saturday and also by then well see more rain across areas and still those heavy downpours late in the day across into java northeast of India Bangladesh this is where were seeing the heavy rains of course as well and then also to the south but really through the interior and to the northwest the heat really is on temperatures hey in the high fortys touching around 50 degrees celsius of people really doing the best they can to stay cool the winds have been strong as well they continued to be strong you can see them coming here across into southern areas of pakistan to the north well see want to scout a chance that these showers also producing dust storms over the next few days. A tsunami of mud to bury 16 indonesian villages submerging the homes and livelihoods of 60000 people. Years later local inhabitants a still fighting for justice from the Fracking Company they blame. And the whole sludge continues to flood. Great a witness documentary. On aljazeera. Who are. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera with me as a whole round the reminder of our top stories u. S. President donald trump aside an executive order aimed at stifling the all protection for social Media Companies the move comes after twitter labeled to visit tweets misleading trump says hes trying to defend free speech. But thousands more people are protesting in the United States state of minnesota over the death of a black man in Police Custody its the 3rd day of protests across the state with large gatherings planned in other parts of the country over the weekend and Chinas Parliament has run a stunt controversial new security laws for home call despite much protests and International Condemnation beijing has also rejected calls for a u. N. Security Council Meeting on the situation. I said to north africa now where the un recognized government says its destroyed 3 Armored Vehicles belonging to the warlord Khalifa Haftar the government of National Accord forces say that they now control areas around the young look and see what i have military camps south of tripoli troops loyal to have to are retreating from their position the jna has accused after of trying to bring in sudanese necessaries to fight alongside his forces. And the whole region is almost empty of the enemy we have managed to completely control what he areas around the military camps are many now combing different areas soon able to reach more remote places and beyond i salute men on all fronts for their patients for more than a year and with this thing this brutal enemy of course the enemies are now trying to reorganize their ranks and bring masterminds from sudan followed him up. The un is warning of possible war crimes by an armed group in northeastern democratic republic of congo now the report cites widespread and systematic killing and rape the un says most of the violence was carried out by a rebel group the cooperative for the development of congo its. Come from the ethnic group at least 151. 00 people were killed in the 6 months leading to april abdul aziz is the director of the United Nations joint human rights of the 2nd shot so he explains why the violence has been hard to contain multiple small. Mostly couples of members of the community moving around the different territories mainly. But also. Attacking civilians. But also. Position of course the v. C. Are doing that by as with the support of the school to talk of the insecurity to try to control to gain control of the affected areas but of course you can imagine how its difficult to deal with these. Small groups you know not acting and unified commanding structure but very mobile and attacking. Civilians but also all along the main very very difficult task but of course theyre doing their best to control the situation in addition to some nonmilitary strategies that are actually being deployed by the local authorities to 4 to promote dialogue between the different communities we do support of the new school but also fight against impunity. To tackle to r. S. And prosecute members of these groups. Well u. S. President donald trump has offered to mediate between india and china following reports of rising tension or one of the worlds longest unbolt borders confrontations between soldiers have seen both sides increasingly use the military others with products as well. Indias army on patrol in the territory of the dark along the countrys border with china the Nuclear Neighbors dispute a 3 and a half 1000 kilometer from tear in the remote himalayas. Earlier this month soldiers clashed in a number of areas around the unofficial border known as the line of actual control or l. A. Sea Chinese State media say indian troops trespassed on chinese territory and accuse them of trying to build a defense facilities the Indian Government says its soldiers remained on its territory it is true that india is also increasing its own infrastructure. And are angry with the indian roads are being pro maybe be chinese friends their premiums are fortifying their own positions without informing them because there is a protocol both sides are bolstering their presence satellite images appear to show the building of more tents and roads within 5 kilometers of the lot of actual control the border dispute goes back decades a month long war 962. 00 ended without a resolution and they have been several standoff since then the latest in 2070 an unsettled boundary may be acquired boundary more thought has been fired no one has been. 975 you know and yet its all completely militarized military forces on both sides. This is an opportunity to. Turn on the heat and the heat in a very calibrated kind of. Early and china urged india not to take actions that may complicate the situation on wednesday both countries agree to dialogue. Dont you know china and india have perfect border related mechanisms and Communication Channels both parties have the ability to properly dissolve relevant issues through dialogue and consultation theres been no official comment from the Indian Government with fears of further escalation the us president offered to help resolve the dispute neither side has responded to Donald Trumps offer to mediate but analysts say the americans wouldnt be acceptable for china. Because they recognize the demarcation line between the countries which china disputes elizabeth aljazeera. A 4th Iranian Oil Tanker has entered venezuela waters while 3 others are in port due to offload much needed gasoline supplies to harrar is providing one and a half 1000000 barrels to ease venezuelas shortage and as alexia brown reports drivers may now have to stop paying more for the fuel which until now has been virtually free. Is courted by the Venezuelan Military the tank brings the iranian fuel into port precious petrol for venezuela even though it sits upon the Worlds Largest Proven Crude Oil reserves and coinciding with the arrival of the badly needed supplies a change in policy from the government thats really not the gasoline that weve brought from abroad from iran and from other countries which paid for it with dollars many people tell me and i agree that we must charge for the gasoline. Right now gasoline in venezuela is the cheapest in the world less than one us st a gallon but thats if you can buy it. Queues at petrol stations can often last for days and that sparked a black market in the capital caracas where wealthy residents pay to skip the line at about 10. 00 a gallon its the most expensive in the world. Petrol shortages have plagued drivers for years ever since its 1300000 barrel a day refining network collapsed critics blame underinvestment and mismanagement by the state president Nicolas Maduro says its the fault of u. S. Sanctions either way its the venezuelan people who lose after years of economic and political turmoil waters and short supply as well the way i what we are experiencing is rough there is no water there is no gas there is no gasoline we are screwed. There are also shortages of medicine and food many families rely on soup kitchens like this one to survive. So really i never thought id come to a place to get food for my kids but the spite everything we have we cant get to the end of the month. To morrow rainy and tank is just days away but despite the fanfare analysts believe all 5 vessels are only carrying enough fuel to last the country about a month if the president does carry out his threat to raise petrol prices that will be another burden for long suffering venezuelans to kerry. Obrien al jazeera brazils president has criticized the Supreme Court for carrying out an investigation into the spread of fake news. To silence his supporters and has called for its suspension on wednesday the Court Ordered please to read homes of Business Leaders bloggers and politicians accused of spreading lies many of them back the president s. Paris is no longer considered to be a krone virus danger zone the french government has downgraded its risk rating from red to orange and more restrictions will be lifted in the capital parks will reopen next week cafes and bars will be allowed to trade with protective measures in place the rest of the mainland is at the lowest risk rating our paris correspondent attash butler says life is slowly getting back to normal across france. Well the french Prime Minister ed wofully said that france was entering into a new phase in which freedom was now the norm and restrictions the exception even though some restrictions will remain in parts of the country in paris particularly where the current virus is still circulating he said at a higher level than are another part of the country but more or less theres an easing of restrictions across france restaurants and cafes will be able to reopen except in paris where people can only have a coffee or a meal on the terrace they wont be able to go inside the restaurant secondary schools are welcome some children back again smaller class sizes perhaps only for a few days of the week parks will reopen and theyll no longer be a limit of 100 kilometers on peoples mobility so people be able to travel around france for work or leisure where they like without any kind of permit so its an easing of restrictions that the Prime Minister said was because hes france has seen a drop in the number of coronavirus cases a drop in the number of deaths and hospitalization of patients and he also said that even though of course the current virus is still here in the country amongst the population it is at a level in which the french government feels it is under control because of the work force in the worlds biggest economy jobless the result of coronavirus another 2100000. 00 people in the United States of applying for Unemployment Benefits taking the total to more than 14000000. 00 since mid march and some are facing financial ruin reports from the state of florida. Floridas unemployment lines have been growing for months as the coronavirus continues to ravage the u. S. Economy in april alone the jobless rate here tripled lines for food banks grew and frustrations over falling unemployment claims continue after weeks of not receiving his benefits but decided to walk to the state capital to get answers youre supposed to place your completed application in this makeshift mailbox following a 600 kilometer journey though says he was met by a system unable to cope with the needs of those out of work theres theres just no help in sight and the frustration is its beyond frustration its its reached a level where i think people a lot of people i think unfortunately are just giving up even as restrictions here begin to ease and businesses steadily reopen a picture is emerging of a state failing the needs of people out of work and facing Financial Hardship the job statistics across the u. S. Make for depressing reading but its the human stories that bring this crisis into sharp focus we spoke with candace bell a pregnant mother who recently lost her job she too is still waiting for her benefits now she may not be able to pay the next months rent is struggling to keep up with payments on her car and is having very real issues feeding her children like many candace worked in floridas once booming Service Industry now shes facing a desperate situation i dont know and the next 10 days. I really doubt it since. I. To have 3 daughters. The continued closure of schools in childcare facilities is also taking a toll many parents can no longer afford childcare and despite Online Learning programs being launched across the state those without access to computers may never recover i worry about those because they are just. Over. According to federal data 43 states set record high unemployment rates last month a decade of consistent job growth has been wiped out and many are still waiting for financial help but still not arrived and a gala crowd jazeera miami florida. A reminder of our top stories u. S. President donald trump has signed an executive order aimed at stifling Legal Protection for social Media Companies the move comes after twitter label 2 of his tweets misleading trump says hes trying to defend free speech they had unchecked power to censor restrict shape alter virtually any form of communication between private citizens or large public audiences there is no president in American History for so small a number of corporations to control so large a sphere of Human Interaction and that includes individual people controlling vast amounts of territory and we can. Meet. Thousands while people are protesting in the u. S. State of minnesota overturned of a black man in Police Custody demonstrators are demanding justice for george floyd who died in minneapolis a long day its the 3rd day of protests across the state. Chinas parliament has rubberstamp controversial new security laws for home call despite mass protests and International Condemnation beijing has also rejected calls for a un Security Council meeting on the situation calling it a necessary interference in the un is warning of possible war crimes by an armed group in the northeastern democratic republic of congo the report cites widespread and systematic killing and rape most of it carried out by the rebel group the cooperative for the development of congo. Brazils president has criticised the Supreme Court for carrying out an investigation into the spread of fake news. Says inquiry to silence his supporters call for its suspension on wednesday the Court Ordered pleas to raid homes of Business Leaders bloggers and politicians many of whom back the president and paris is no longer considered to be accretive virus danger zone the french government has downgraded its risk rating from red to orange or more restrictions will be lifted in the capital parts or reopen next week cafes and bars will be allowed to trade with protective measures in place those where the headlines and back with more news in half an hour next its inside story with Bernard Smith do stay with us. Fact check warnings appear on tweets by donald trump u. S. President down his supporters say its another attempt to censor conservative voices with an election just 6 months away on social Media Companies freedom of speech while rooting out misinformation this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program and its donald trump is often called the tweeter in chief twit

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