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Yemen we listen this is the moment to stop all b. 30 action this is the moment to concentrate on fighting everybody we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter of aljazeera. High after the i. K. Welcome to History John Hopkins University keeping track of the global numbers for co the 19 lets have a look here on my laptop it is difficult to get accurate figures but this is what they are seeing round about now is 5000002. 00 firm cases look at the number of deaths here and were going to be talking about its not about deaths but about remarkable survivors as survivors come from the u. S. From the u. K. At also from south africa i am going to get them to introduce themselves to our own mileti welcome to the street tell everybody who you have for me thanks so much for having me my names natalie at area im a Lifestyle Content creator and ambassador for a National Edge agency court of Higher Health which works and contraction with the department of Higher Education and training on topics of coping 19 and spreading awareness amongst the youth and the most important fact that today show you are a curve at 19 survivor. Thank goodness thank goodness for that hello dr very welcome to the school tell everybody who you are. Happy man doctors know it will end on a cheap pay me when he in the n. H. S. Him in the end in the way i was recently were to get hospital which is going to mean something hospital chico to patients and how few of those as well were Public Health england i were quoted e. G. He and i also. Happy to hear that jason has a welcome to the straight back here what im straight from Heart Failure so im a t. V. Producer i live in just outside of philadelphia pennsylvania in the United States i am a covered survivor as well im on day 68 good to have you i jason i feel one of the best ways to explain. What it might be to night to have traffic 19 a what it was like the year is just a show since video of you coughing he would pick because oh no look i am one of the giving these clowns think comes calling it im sick i differ from him its a time to think. How are you going to make him feel like if every you think. Deep regret is a common one from over a free verse for a pancake. You can take Everything Else all week it was only a few minutes probably saturday afternoon for it when you 1st promised 41st for white house. Just to give us a bit more context you can tell it just from that video but where were you in your coverage 19 johnny. So that was they for i was still home at that point that was only a day after i started experiencing shortness of breath and it got much worse than that was before and i didnt go to the hospital until base. So when i was experiencing that i would get these attacks where it would come on and i could feel my lungs obvious and didnt want to work and it would last 510 minutes sometimes a half hour and then it would go away for an hour or 2 and i feel ok and i think maybe i dont have it that bad and as the next couple days went on those attacks coming up closer together until i was just like that all the time and we got to the point where i had to call the hospital about an ambulance ride to the hospital and assume as they put oxygen up my nose it was a it was a huge relief all the sudden felt like i could breathe again. But you know it was pretty scary not being able to breathe and wondering how long those attacks are going to last need lady when did you really nice the truly had 19. Is so thank goodness jason well i think what hes gone through is very intense i was a lot more. Asymptomatic but i did have a very distinct symptom which was difficulty breathing i woke up on march 15th in my cousins bed in london and it felt as though i had something sitting on my chest as if my restricted like i couldnt drool is a breath of air and i think its so significant that feeling because its not its not something that you that i had before you can say oh its a bit of a call its a bit of a sneeze and maybe try not to Something Else when you cant breathe you start to realize that somethings not right so i mean from then on i immediately self diagnosed and convinced myself that i was sick with 19 before i even tested and tested the next day fortunately i then only waited and waited for my results for over a week anyway. I was at that 1st symptom was very very significant to me. The something not right you describe really well you describe me as you know your body if you please not doing something that you dont usually experience thats a psych. Exactly exactly thats it even you know when something is completely off and that was what was so interesting when i tested and i went to my doctor and he takes my vitals and you know my oxygen saturation is perfect and he takes my temperature no temperature and he checks. His stethoscope to share if there is any kind of a crinkling sound in my lungs absolutely nothing and so hes having to go off my word and this is the beginning of the pandemic had just been announced and i dont think anyone at that point really knew what to make of that so. Point out that i had late onset asthma age of 29 and so im having to explain to everyone this is not there i know somethings wrong you have to let me test fortunately ive been travelling so they didnt give me permission to go test 90. The fact the flu and you had had 1000 it just gives me chills im going to come back to that because people think that they did use it to travel right now in new flu mutate to south africa weve covered 19 sit ups so no no no were not in that general. You must not exactly that you had 90 was there was there any complete about what. It was to me it was cool i had instinctive and he would again simulate these guys is probably around the same time much is jason it was the it was friday didnt he have done it he was in the station march 1st. Just for their one and one day and a bit heat and the following day i thought probably as i might have of that metheny i was very instinctive there is no i dont show its nothing im sure its not the coronavirus this is not my eyes it just dont post and then want to play football with my nephew and just knew nothing around with him for hours after and late. Timely i was just i knew i needed and then set about 20 hours of this and it is very much like no i said just really felt not granted and the defense whatever happy for which was suspicious and didnt get test has the one test you not been given you cant so just coincidence it based on a recent since but luckily didnt require hospital treatment. Jason when did you get a test indigenous for sure. So my 1st symptom was a fever i woke up from a nap with a fever of one of 2. 6 that was wednesday march 18th so not long after after doctor winds and i 1st was just a fever actually called my Doctors Office it was after hours they got right back to me and they said if its just a fever dont worry just yet something has got to the hospital or russia anywhere for a past just isolate yourself in your bedroom and see if anything else happens and it was 2 days later when i started to notice i was having shortness of breath i had a little bit of a cough and people talk about the cough for me the cough was almost more of a gasping for air than your traditional cough when youre sick so that was the 3rd day so i would march 20th i went for my test and then i was in the hospital then. Actually for 3 days and while theres my test results may come back until i was early out of the hospital so i was in the hospital for 3 days and the doctors were treating me as a presumed covered case but they didnt really know for sure it wasnt the next day that i got the phone call the process has gotten a lot quicker since then so i know that was frustrating for the doctors who are working on me especially when it comes to trying to figure out what medications to use because they really had no idea they are essentially guessing and told me they were guessing so it was a long wait i was a really long way to get that phone call im missing the ocean if you couldnt survive as took about dates and you remember the dates the days very very clearly asthma here on twitter. What are you will name a pool to get into movement start to. Send this disease what will you never forget. So you know its kind of unfair that the guilt that comes with it having had since the very end they are. Just a few days later i was convinced this is got to be kobe and i really had to be traced my steps and thinking of one thing to say all the time they get it at all theyre going to be more of a may its my boyfriend going to get it who i live with to get actually got it. Thinking about the pension that interact with the days when i was in sync robots that look at their notes and think it how can this well as far as i can trace the only person who gave it he was my boyfriend and he was fine is that it fully cooperate but asked me. Just thinking how ridiculous to see the arts or the and are they very well know that and everythings fine if you got be a boyfriend up to you know in trouble in taxes if im going to continue to him you know kind of dropped out from ohio but. Jason. A moment youre never on a forget. The one moment that ill never forget was walking down the stairs d of my house when the ambulance got here they actually asked if they needed to come get me if i was ok to walk down the steps and i told them all come to you because i dont want to make the the technicians on the ambulance come into our house with germs all over it and i walked down the stairs i had to stop about halfway down the stairs and take a break take a deep breath with your heart and then i got to the bottom of the stairs. And looked out the front door and theres an ambulance at the end of your driveway for you and i you know thats a that is a scary scary sight when you know otherwise healthy i have no conditions that really should put me at risk for this so ill never forget that and then i mention the stairs then i spent 25 days in isolation 3 days in the hospital plus 22 and change at home so i spent a total of 25. 00 days in isolation and i came back down those stairs. When i came out of the road it was it was like i had been away for years that was sad was something ill never forget walking down the stairs it was like the world had passed me by. You know to you should assume of your videos of of you taking care of yourself and and recovering say when was reading exercise he said were going to share that with everybody is a couple of seconds number what hes doing on you seem to have achieved in your mouth. Right soon i. Mean that its a kind of magnifying aleko he had a lot line issues and essentially. Hold your breath as long as you can and to get the runs as strong as possible. So you have different ways its either to inhale for 5 months holding and or exhale for 5 seconds its kind of like its been training for recuperating more than it was in the middle of the whole thing but my family was really insistent that i took a very active role in my recovery they didnt want me to sleep or relax while i was Getting Better that was the greatest. You know kind of like fall asleep and never wake up so im constantly on my case and up now youve got to do this exercise going to be this way if you modify how you feeling right now and i really think it was that actual role and constantly being aware of my body that was super helpful in the 1st as a recovery and just a touch on. It sorry if you dont mind me saying im just answering your point about the guilt by that. Doctor there was literally one of the message never conveying this was that level of a joke to you might have come across you might have contaminated you dont even you dont know how it news or what processes and. Says that met them when you sitting there thinking about your family and all those people that you can possibly expose that be the most significant feeling. Out of everything that you actually felt physically. For me at little to so he got a question for me in this question comes from our Online Community says im going to show david lat this is david he was actually on a ventilator as he was recovering or being treated is being looked after because there isnt really any treatment the kind that 19 so this happened on april the 1st and hed been on a ventilator for 6 days and and and and they do the best he was. Hes looking happy a little disheveled here but he also has a question for you doctors have a lets have a look at david lance question. My name is david lack in i am a survivor of over 100 it has been roughly 2 months since my release from the hospital where i was treated for coated 19 i still have a cough i still have shortness of breath and i still have a slightly hoarse voice because of damage to my vocal chords when i was on a ventilator im doing a lot better but my main question is how much of my impairment right now is going to be permanent and how much will improve this is the type of question that many of us survivors are grappling with will we ever return to our old selves. Ok i have a i have a 2 part answer related davids question and anybody whos ever had any a list of the choirs going on svens late or anybody in that extend it depends on the illness they have it depends on their own circumstances but they must be followed up by how cant see him because having been on a ventilator and have an immense ace proof or even having an organ failure can have repercussions and some people will make a full recovery rate and some people may not and the way that this is in fact are those a causes inflammation along. The. Hammy it is a scar and i have to be honest and say i dont know in part no doctor what the long term consequences. Because were not there yet but even people like myself who a democrat and play she and her relatively minor. Even most of the ports what sort of being named postcode its in rome where its just taken an unusually long time to fully recover and was really usual about it its almost over alices might take a good chance for the record we tend to see a gradual improvement whereas the invest a lot of people reporting that they feel somewhat better and then the next 2 or 3 days that were pretty sure graphic and again and and then bad and you know we need to just believe we really need to wait my advice to b. P. Or anyone to be on a ventilator that is really really significant treatment well ari needs have some follow up chaps are in back in the attention this has to resonate i think for me to view here going back in the hospital can get another i so i still stood still got a sense of humor the good news im fine you dont know that well jason but this is are. You recovered from for that recovered in equites recovered from kevin 19. Yes so that was day 51 so i got out of the hospital i was in the hospital on day 78 and 9 i came out of isolation on day 25 and somewhere in about my 5th week i started noticing a shortness of breath creeping back i had been really tired for several weeks i spent 2 or 3 weeks doing almost nothing but sleeping and i know a lot of people say you should try to get up and move around i couldnt i didnt have the energy and in about the 5th week i started experiencing shortness of breath again and then one morning i woke up with a really bad pain in the back of my shoulder like right here and i just thought i slept funny and as the day went on it got worse and then over the next day i kind of felt the creek into here like it to my chest and then i felt the kind of come into the center of my chest and then i started feeling a sharp piercing pain in my lungs when i would breathe and i called my doctor and they told me they want to be merged to rule out things like blood clots potential risk for stroke or heart attack and i was diagnosed with piracy which i never heard of but in the condition just like dr williams was just talking about where the inflammation in your lungs is so bad the way the doctor explained it to me theres a lining on the outside of your lungs that should be like silk and as your body moves states just kind of quiet against each other and mine were soviet up teeth the way slate it was essentially was sand paper rubbing together and no sharp pains or from every time i would move it it definitely got worse and i would move every time i would move i had this incredible pain in my chest and i have no history of heart problems i had a couple heart tests just a couple years ago it was all clear so im not used to dealing with stuff like that so having you know nothing of the sleep and sitting in your bed at 4 in the morning because you have the sharp chest pains is a very scary experience as a result of going back to the hospital ive now seen a pollen ologist i got to go get a checkup on my lungs i also just had an echo cardiogram just a couple days ago and that showed up clear but as the cardiologist said. Something we didnt really expect to see were seeing patients in their thirtys and fortys who didnt even have covert all that bad but weeks later. They were recovered theyre experiencing things like blood clots strokes and heart attacks so we want to take a look at your insides to make sure youre not at risk and that was really security here i mean i thought i was kind of Getting Better when this happened but i ended up back in the hospital on day 50 want it was 2 and a half weeks ago. They gave me some good drugs and i was out of it you know a few days later but i was scared. Listening to all 3 of you i feel that you all hastily you are how do we know more about having 100 every one of your stories is teaching us something this if you know stephen she stood up a Survivors Group and she said my most important medical support right now comes from the sublime this is what she told us on the street i think support groups like the body politic 1000 support group fill information gaps in a couple of different ways so 1st say they help patients connect invalid symptoms that may not be widely now and the c. D. C. List you know is being updated but not necessarily at the rate that people are experiencing the symptoms secondly they allow people to compare global recommendations so were able to talk about what the any chest is saying versus the d. O. A. And thirdly they help marginalized populations especially kind of empower themselves or a patients perspective learn to be their own Health Advocates and also arm against medical bias and those are conversations we have a law in the group that are tangibly helpful conversations that allow people to better navigate the medical system. D. Feel like the results now 90. Deny reeling under freedom. To have yeah i think especially amongst the youth. Its kind of really important to have these kinds of conversations africa is a continent that demographically is made a in large or larger of the youth we are the mobile carriers with going to be the ones that weve arrived in carrier and a lot of us are going to be asymptomatic and so its really important for me to have these kinds of conversations from kind of like dispelling conspiracy theories which is a huge thing in the beginning and probably the reason why i didnt take it that seriously but also im just sharing from an experience points like i think people can hear a lot of information coming from all kinds of directions but when you share with particularly from somebody and especially somebody that you might relate to its so much easier to swallow that information and so i think thats just been a really important thing thats kind of come out of this for me is just having those conversations constantly with everybody and just looking at compiegne here on twitter and asked what keeps you in hope so much that the end of this dynamic he calls it you believe that you would beat the disease and also what is vice can you give to the 90 who are struggling with the disease in hospitals that can give them hope im going to make this a speed around doctors are you in a good position to be out of jail. I mean its a moot question its like how do you keep it together. I mean i think it is the broadest testimony i have to say a film wow but at no point was the my lai no i didnt kill the require additional how so how has this and i did have moves people actually do have which is a mild moderate. Just seems to bury those who dont get that i think the main things are very much people who do have a severe illness it can be very dangerous if they only thought oh theres a lot of talk like were a war and you know if youre strong and if you. Then it will be nice and i think how do you know i didnt call people to hear im sure jason you know operate that actually it doesnt come down to the battle of your will against the violence the end day and this vote actually affects some people in an extreme way who are innocent of talk that ruling 1000 still cant let anyone know what its going to jason and the lady said then they can say i will tell them what how what kept them together what hope its just you know what 90 seconds is like you dont have were here ive given up all right i tried to stay as positive as i could in the hospital i am a former t. V. News producer i had to stop watching t. V. News because i just kept saying the death toll i kept seeing these stories of people who were healthy in 2 days later they were dead trying to stop watching the mirrors i also read a lot of stories about people who were leaving notes and videos on their phone for their loved ones in case they guide and i was never seconds away from death but there were definitely moments where i thought to myself am i going to get out of here and one of the things i remember doing is not deciding not to make any videos i mean videos kind of documenting my experience but never actually made a video saying goodbye because i dont want to concede that its my part of my life now that im going to give a one sentence one sentence to wrap yourself with for now so i mean its just its a mental game you just have to convince yourself that you can push through and i think thats the most important thing shes telling you so its yeah its possible 90. Dr g. Sin thank you so much we now know that it is possible we know its possible to survive kuwait 90 thank you so much for being with us and hes got time to talk about one more thing that were doing regularly sunday through wednesday and it is the a. J. Stream instagram wide conversation so much more to tell you about behind the scenes on the stream aljazeera and each episode and that its at 1630. 00 t m t sunday through wednesday c n n stuff consider. The latest news as it breaks the mind sits within a valley surrounded by bush land and most of the operations happen about 500. 00 inmates has but the surface with details coverage the Malaysian Navy recently prevented a boat carrying around 200 rating of refugees from landing from around the world some of those are accusing the opponents of trying to topple them by tampering with financial stability. To care bring your people back to life im sorry walked out on the threats to aljazeera documentaries in libya close the books of no value like any other student green one continues with spirit trying to do stories that have impact on society i testify in the court of law to make sure that the bad guys are put behind bars so many people have gone to jail as a result of my work we want on al jazeera the 1st glimpse of the challenges faced by journalists in the age of donald trump we are fighting the fake fake phoning fi enemy of the people through the yards of a federal White House Correspondent what do you base your legs on the shares are down the press is not after truck after the blacks were not the enemy of the people we. Are the people usa the current battleground whose truth is it anyway on. Aljazeera. Where every week. This is aljazeera. Television on it this is the news on live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. Increasing desperation across latin america protests by the poor and unemployed migrants sleeping on the streets and coronavirus casualties mount. Russia has told its ally libyan warlord who for have to that moscow backs an immediate cease fire and talks. Why

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