Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240713

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Kong warning countries to stay out of its affairs. Also ahead muslims mark the end of ramadan subdued eed celebrations under the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic. Announced on hamas with sports n. B. A. Basketball moves a step closer to restarting the concerned citizen talks with disney about possibly finishing the season at one venue in orlando florida. Ok lets get going now breaking news out of occupied East Jerusalem where the long awaited trial of the israeli Prime Minister is now officially underway Benjamin Netanyahu is facing 3 cases of corruption but he denies all charges of bribery fraud and a breach of trust harry force it starts our coverage for us. I need to be with them you know a week ago Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn in for a record 5th term as israels Prime Minister after a political battle which lasted 17 months and through 3 inconclusive elections but his legal battle is only intensifying sunday is day one of his trial in 3 separate Corruption Cases in the 1st hes accused of asking for and accepting lavish gifts from rich acquaintances the charges fraud and breach of trust the same charges apply in the 2nd case it which hes alleged to have conspired with a newspaper owner to hamper the operations of a rival demanding Favorable Press Coverage in return a 3rd case is the most serious carrying the Additional Charge of bribery hes accused of trading regulator e concessions worth hundreds of millions of dollars to israels most powerful telecoms boss in return for extraordinary influence over the News Coverage on his website now senior who denies all the charges as long as he is Prime Minister you know what if theres a 2nd wave of corona where he really is the courts as he did in march which that we opening in the trial but you months if there is conflict in gaza theres conflict with iran or thats look its trial under the terms of the new Government Coalition deal netanyahu the Prime Minister for 18 months before swapping with his paramour rival now alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz Netanyahu as Prime Ministerial status could allow him to argue for trial delays in the National Interest and gives him influence over senior legal appointments israelis have seen scandals in gulf senior politicians before but never before a sitting Prime Minister in office in charge of faithful National Decisions while a same time sitting in the dock in court at offend and in a criminal case that could end up in his imprisonment. Resigned as Prime Minister in 2008 when he was investigated for bribery while mayor of jerusalem he was convicted in 2014 serving 16 months in jail under israeli law netanyahu would not have to step down unless hed been convicted and exhausted all possible appeals his legal fight is set to loom large throughout what he says will be his final term in office ok akiva eldar in west jerusalem hes a political analyst journalist and a contributor to. Welcome back to the news hour. What went through your mind when youre seeing the pictures of your Prime Minister going to court. Thank you have to punch most of to believe that im watching it. You know i covered so many Prime Minister since and im begging and shamir and ciaran and Something Like this never happened what really bothers me is the fact that. Netanyahu has managed to the state of israel and the israeli public on the defendants bench its not the trial of a Prime Minister i think this is the ultimate test of the pillars of the israeli democracy you know we had peter in the middle east you had the military could as we had the Prime Minister says and aided in so called the only democracy in the middle east what nittany are now is telling the israeli public and the world since i believe that every network is covering this trial is that the Israeli Police and these ready Law Enforcement are corrupt nobody is asking him how come the after more than 10 years that you are in charge how did you allow this to happen so its either what we see now is a Prime Minister sitting Prime Minister the longest as was mentioned before in our history is corrupt or something is corrupt in the system in the israeli democracy the israeli constituency voted for it anyhow again and again and even after we could read the indictment we knew that let alone the criminal. Actions that hes facing now he has to answer but the threshold of his moral conduct as a permanent. Still there is no doubt that he was taking money from millionaires there was no doubt we pay for his Swimming Pool and i think its a sad day no matter what happens if even if hes acquitted i think the derek has been done to this undermine israels Democratic Institutions and also i guess given what mr netanyahu has been saying just in the last hour outside and inside the courtroom undermined the israeli judiciary as well yeah absolutely. You could see im sure that you can show the scrutiny. A group of ministers senior ministers the minister who is the head of actually the minister of interior difference who is in charge of the Police Standing behind him when he makes his statement to it which was actually an incitement against his ministry what is the master of the young israelis what is the message that juice in across the the world that we want 2 countries or to the only democracy in the release what is the message so youre right he is undermining he is digging under the pillars of the very existence of israel as a democratic and jewish state. If what he says is legally and it proved to be factually correct that this is a witch hunt we now have a situation where a serving israeli Prime Minister has named members of the judiciary in other words at some point in the future if he is shown to be innocent there then has to be a case lodged against those individual people because if hes innocent it means that theyre corrupt and it means that there is surely by implication a level a degree of corruption which no country in the middle east has seen for a generation of sir. Well if you accept that there is a conspiracy where you have the police the attorney general that netanyahu has appointed and previously he was the secretary of an attorney house cabinet that there was a conspiracy of the media are the Law Enforcement. Institutions and now the court ok this is you know ridiculous but dont hold your breath peter it will take he is we have more than 300 witnesses that were subpoenaed just. Before we start with the difference. They are asked to day the his lawyers for 6 more months to study the material so and then of course if. He will not be acquitted if he doesnt get completely clean he will of course he will go he will take it to the Supreme Court to the high court he will appeal the death that will take another 2 or 3 years now is 70 years old there is. An assumption maybe its a speculation that in less than 18 months the president of israel will have to hand over. The. Presidency to someone else and that once the out will realize that this is the end of the his career and hes going to jail he may run for president and in this case the only person in israel that. Is immune would is the president of israel so this coincides with their attention with bennigans and whats interesting maybe. Is good very was the chris 2. Guns capital of course has barely been there in place for a week there in west jerusalem thank you so much terry for so is our correspondent joining us live here on the news from occupied East Jerusalem so harry lets just rewind by about what 181000 minutes or so predictably slightly predictably robust comments from mr netanyahu as he went into the building that. Well yes i mean in some ways predictable in some ways really extraordinary the fact that israel has never seen a day like this in its history and then for the man at the center of it all to stand on the steps of the court room and just lambast entire legal Law Enforcement Police Establishment in the terms that he did he said that this was a delusional trial that it was cooked up that it was essentially an infection can confection of rumors and an invention against him and that he would hold his head high and walk into the court in that fashion and fight it off that is very much the message that his supporters out here have been amplifying and wanted to hear as far as whats been happening inside the court is concerned weve heard from listening i use legal team they are arguing for a spring 2021 starts at the trial itself. The there are other defendants in this case as well the. The single largest shareholder in the biggest Telecoms Company in the country and his wife their legal team also talking about the amount of evidence its required to go through their arguments about whether its possible to search terms within them and in the format theyve been given and so there is an obvious push to try to get this pushed back as long as possible the prosecution on the other hand the chief prosecutor is saying that the people of israel dont know. I just showed you the way they want to see this resolved as soon as possible and you talk just now about benny gantz he put through a pretty neutral statement talking about that you know being guilty and innocent till Proven Guilty rather than calling for reconciliation but the kind of device that just polarization were seeing on the streets today doesnt really look towards any imminent sign of reconciliation this country mary thanks very much. Lot more still to come for you here on this news hour including it might be one of the poorest places in the u. K. But this small town is taking the pandemic in its stride. Also had a crisis caused by the virus the World Food Program says more than 130000000 people could be pushed to the brink of starvation. And the sports news find out why one Baseball Team in florida is putting its entire stadium on to be in big. Thousands of protesters in hong kong have been rallying against a National Security bill as proposed by the Central Government in beijing the Police Responded with tear gas and Water Cannons to disperse the crowds demonstrators were blocking streets in the popular shopping district causeway bay the proposal would ban all activity is considered subversive and activists say it would be the end of hong kongs or ptolemy chinas foreign minister meanwhile reiterating that anything to do with hong kong is an internal matter one year old so warned other countries against meddling in its affairs during a Media Briefing in beijing little cunt sharif since the turbulence over proposed legislative amendments last june we have seen increasingly rampant activities by hong kong independence organizations and radical local ists in hong kong escalating violence and terrorist activities slowness excessive unlawful foreign meddling in hong kong affairs. All those displaced National Security in serious jeopardy and post a grave threat to hong kongs prosperity and stability and the practice of one country 2 systems. Well al jazeera is correspondent adrian brown has been among the protesters in downtown hong kong this is an unauthorized protest the police would warn people not to take part in it and of course it also contravenes shows social distancing rules which are still in force here in hong kong which banned gatherings of more than 8 people on the streets will clearly that has been ignored on sunday initially the people were coming out to protest against something very different a National Anthem law but when beijing announced it was going to impose this wide ranging security law in hong kong that brought out hundreds and thousands of people on to the streets in numbers we havent seen since january which of course is when covert 19 1st appeared in hong kong now the protesters have been carrying banners calling for an independent hong kong theyve been carrying posters saying that heaven will destroy Chinas Communist Party this is an example of what chinas government wants to snuff out and of course once this bill does become law then the sort of sentiments that weve seen expressed here today could well lead to arrest and imprisonment in the future but i think its quite clear that the protesters that ive been speaking to today are not going to be deterred by the threat of this new law and i think with all the sensitive anniversaries it we have coming up in the next few weeks including the june the 4th i think were going to see more and more protests and i think we got a taste here in hong kong today of what is to come. Chinas foreign minister one need has also accused politicians in the u. S. Of spreading lies about its response to the coronavirus pandemic katrina you has that angle of the story from beijing. China wants cooperation with other countries and world bodies but will stand up to any challenge to its sovereignty or its message that was a key theme from foreign minister one year at his press conference in beijing he appeared to show a very little patience for any International Criticism leveled at china in fact he appeared quite torn death to it in particular he focused on chinas relationship with the u. S. He said it was important for the 2 countries to Work Together as the worlds biggest developing country and the biggest developed country and to show Global Leadership and respect each others systems whether he acknowledged the deterioration of the via lateral relationship he said that it had been brought to the brink of cold war and through this he laid the blame squarely at the feet of u. S. Politicians he didnt name any names but he said that u. S. Politicians have been engaging in an anti China Smear Campaign around covert 19 and had been guilty of spreading what he called a political virus. Political virus used to be used about unity to attack and they discredit china some a politicians have to ignored the most basic realities of the fabricated too many laws but his strongest words for the us were around taiwan he called this issue a red line and said the International Community needed to respect the one ton of principle and using quite strong words he said that the u. S. Was dreaming if it bought it anyway it could prevent reunification future we advice the u. S. To throw away on realistic fundus ease and the let go of domestic political calculation which we are telling the us not to challenge chinas bottom line and finally he defended china from any accusations that it had mishandled the corona Virus Outbreak he repeated words that weve heard time and time again from beijing saying that beijing has acted responsibly and with transparency and he also said that the World Health Organization needed to be supported and strengthened and not the opposite. To europe now calls are growing for the u. K. Prime ministers chief advisor to resign over claims he broke lock down rules the government has been defending Dominic Cummings after he drove more than 400 kilometers from london to his parents home when he was supposed to be in self isolation a number of m. P. s have now demanded he resign albie sachs including a member of his own party. I think its a question of when he has to go now not if i think his position is untenable its because of dominics slogans around the these rules that mums and dads grannies and grandpas across the country will have felt that they had to stay at home if covert got into their families and of course they too care about their children but they knew they had they must stay at home 7 days the 1st person 14 days for the others and now it turns out they could have been driving around the country with symptoms perhaps perhaps for hours to get to a position of more convenient childcare this requires an extremely rude interpretation of latitude in the rules that makes it untenable for dominic to stay in. Correspondent needs. Dominic cummings hes not an elected m. P. But he is right at the heart of the British Government and the pushback against qubit 19 so just take us through the latest allegations against him. And youre right in saying that dont it cummings is a key figure within British Government he isnt an elected official as you rightly say but he occupies a very very close position at the heart of government as the Prime Ministers chief advisor so these allegations that he may have broken the Strict Lockdown rules that existed in march over also a possible dent to the entire government credibility as well the latest allegation to build upon d the 1st of the geisha that he had traveled hundreds of kilometers to northeast england when he and his wife were suffering from coronavirus symptoms in the search for help really when it came to looking after his 4 year old son he said he stayed in a did jason property on his parents a state and now 2 more allegations that he may have left that lockdown in that house on his parents estate to travel to a beauty spot several kilometers away where one eyewitnesses reported that he was seen walking woodland with his wife also another claim from an eyewitness that he was seen back in the northeast of england in april after having been seen here in the capital london so many cummingss mishal claims that he was up in the northeast of england illegally and was that reasonably looking for support for his child seem now to be under the spotlight we wait to hear exactly what the government may say now what officials from the cabinet have been saying is that he will not resign and that they stand by Dominic Cummings in all of these allegations is there a chance in needs that certain high ranking very high ranking can. But ministers could be left with egg on their faces here because theyve all been tweeting out support for Dominic Cummings and i mean traditionally in the u. K. When a Prime Minister says that somebody like him has the full support of the Prime Minister their political toast within 2 or 3 days and it is a question of not if but when the either resigned or theyre sacked. Theres absolutely right i meet the Prime Minister and senior officials within the government are most certainly put in their neck on the line when it comes to defending domany cummings we dont entirely know the full ins and outs of this these are allegations at the moment whether or not they can be fully stood up in the coming hours and days well well wait and see but it is incredibly risky and bearing in mind of course that there are senior politicians at the back benches that are calling for Dominic Cummings is resignation were talking about. M. P. s that during the height of the brics it campaign set their sights on trying to get rid of Dominic Cummings largely because they feel that he exerted too much influence over the Prime Minister is that too much influence being shown now is the Prime Minister going a little bit too far in defending Dominic Cummings at this incredibly challenging time not only for the Prime Minister but also for cummings and also for the country at large its the weekend where you are neves mr cummings was i guess in effect summoned to st does that mean that Boris Johnson the Prime Minister is actually in the building behind you because we havent seen him it feels like days and days. Well theres no guarantee of that we simply we simply dont know it is interesting timing isnt it that that were hearing these reports that John Cummings is here at downing street this is a real messy situation in what many thought was going to be a quiet Bank Holiday Weekend but as these allegations of fold focusing their attention on Dominic Cummings the question is how will the governments key vital strategists work his way out of all of this knave good to talk to as a thank you so much. Ok well turns and cities across the u. K. Struggle with the impact of coburg 191. 00 of the poorest serious is coping with the pandemic j. Week made International Headlines when the United Nations last year highlighted it as an example of how the British Government has failed to deal with the issue of poverty lawrence lee visited the community then and now and hes found its proved to be more resilient than most in coming together during the current crisis. At the best of times j. Week is a town on its knees the form a seaside resort east of london has barely a shop or a doctor and many people have Severe Health issues as elsewhere several deaths have been reported in a local care home with the virus among the population everywhere it sounds like a recipe for disaster dealing with a lockdown is proved difficult enough for communities across the u. K. Which have all the things like food and medicines that anybody might ever wants and so youd assume in a place like this with very limited supplies that things would have been doubly difficult in fact though the story of jay which has turned out to be one of triumph over adversity the 1st step was to find some money a mixture of handouts got them to the equivalent of about 3000. 00 which doesnt sound like much of a couple 1000 pounds we got some stock in some of the supermarkets and so we decided separate kitchen here yes with that theyve already cooked hundreds of meals for the old and the sick who cant leave their homes stored in a donated freezer after their is packed up they did it on a shoestring and theres still that enough money for several more months the guys here obviously are doing prepackaged meals so they get they get delivered to peoples doorsteps or anyone whos isolating for whatever reason and that means theyve got access to hot food. Paper out collecting prescriptions from people and yeah every just mucks in and gets things done so this is the unique thing about j. Week having spent years abandons theyve had to learn to deal with crisis after crisis alone but you know we dont do well everywhere else has been forced to change everything j. Which believes it can cope with cold feet because it doesnt feel much different to how things usually are people and an air pocket and gave me food clothing items to get the people that televisions are bad mobility scooters ive had bags and bags of shopping like 6 or 7 bags and that is basically how we are becoming a somewhat we doing as a community to help others not feel whatever stop us no god did not arrange a week. Whatever the weather 18 months ago the United Nations human rights visited j. Week and ended up condemning the British Government for keeping the population in poverty nothing whatsoever came out of it which was what j. Was expected to happen they do a good job of ignoring the fact that they hardly have anything it seems to make the virus that bit less frightening largely al jazeera jake. Millions of muslims around the world are celebrating 8 alpharetta marking the end of the month of fasting ramadan is one of the most important festivals in the islamic calendar but this time we can run a virus pandemic has brought about unprecedented restrictions in some countries where prison mosques and public celebrations are bad history and a good time. A little further is one of the most important past and best of all. But this year its been celebrated under the shadow of a global pandemic. Any other nation there were no hugs no bearing gifts and no visiting families. The Worlds Largest Muslim Country has one of southeast asias highest number of called the 19 factions and deaths. Worshippers were barred from offering prayers inside mosques and open fields. So i am of that ive got a lot of resigned myself i performed i had prayers in the midst of the plague of covert 19 only resigned to allah hopefully our love will lift up this does the u. S. In saudi arabia the grand mosque in the holy city of mecca was largely empty. Worshippers followed strict social distancing measures while marking the end of the fasting month of ramadan. Mosques across the kingdom are close for problems. Here heard it here in jerusalem as i walk some last compound chris was allowed outside the gates of islams holy holy site. While in gaza most were reopened put a 2nd time in 2 months since i was in post. Health officials on a casa promises on peace must do people and condemn all of that when i thought her up and thats the one of the do all of that with we are taking all the necessary measures so people can safely practice their prayers the preventive measures that the ministry of health instructed to include masks each person should bring their own praying carpet each one at least a metre apart between the worshippers people are happy that they can pray inside the mosques after a long break especially on this day of eat on foot that are. In pakistan to defeat will congregate a lot but sacrifice some of the traditions. Maybe isnt all that we couldnt celebrate does eat as we used to do in previous years because of current or virus and social distancing we couldnt even harder friends or hen chick with them one of the in syria this time comes to her a period of peace the sight of the lady at the foot of this seat is considered the calmest one as there is no bombardment things basic god the situation is calm i hope the displaced will now return to the homes. Its been a different kind of feed but this saw him praise a flock of comfort and he still has a need for making a decent priest at the times. On senior who unlike many other countries and a lot done people in iran are being allowed to pray inside mosques the president Hassan Rouhani has been easing restrictions and april the government is urging people not to travel during the holiday the same bus driver has more now from tehran iranians are marking evil figure at a time when the country is still working to contain the spread of the coronavirus official figures from the government suggest that the overall rates of infection and death are dropping nationwide but for evil for their prayers the officials here are playing it safe the mass Prayer Service that would have been led by the Supreme Leader himself was canceled iranian say it normally attracts millions of people in downtown streets that would have been lined with men and women Standing Shoulder to shoulder for the ied prayers those streets were empty this year the mosque behind me was meant to hold either Prayer Services but those were cancelled last minute and people were asked to convene at the campus mosque to her own university at a venue that normally would have attracted thousands of people there were only dozens and even though the 1st either prayers since the covered 900. 00 pandemic were much smaller than usual people we met said they were just glad to be there and so for the manner of yet and i understand this here we feel more spiritual because weve been confined to our homes we used to come and go to be in contact with each other but this confinement at home made us want to see each other prayers make us feel better. For the minimalist line island we are from my done that im province you know many terran residents travel to mars on the run but because the leader advised people to stay home we havent returned to our province for months we wanted to return before corona then around no rose but we stay put. The Health Ministry has warned against people traveling between cities or provinces during the holiday something they did contribute to the spread of the corona virus during the persian new Year Holidays months ago and Health Experts are worried its something that could happen again and could start a 2nd wave of the corona Virus Outbreak but the government seems determined to move ahead with trying to get things back to normal as well restaurants and cafes have already started reopening and president Hassan Rouhani has said that even though famous religious sites will remain closed their courtyards will reopen to the public museums and other tourism sites will also begin to open later this week. Ok time he will weather his efforts and thanks lovely tropical sunshine across eastern parts of the caribbean the further north the west im afraid but of a different story can see this massive cloud just around southern florida coming right across cuba runs all the way down into were panama rashly and in the space of only 2 hours we saw 80 millimeters of rain in panama city and that has led to flash flooding that was through the course of friday were going to see things quieted down a little bit as we go through the next couple days but still some showers in the mix here the wetter weather is further north and with that big massive cloud of course in all the cuba up towards florida so in parts of the u. S. Seeing some a rather lively storms we got this mass this little clutch of storms which have been brewing up across the Central Plains and it goes through the next couple of days we will see further a lot of these storms pushing through here so this is very close to port. To northern parts of texas so were looking at this were looking at some very heavy showers pushing all the way up across the Central Plains of the u. S. So the parts of texas are right across oklahoma pushing up through the brassica and on into the dakotas and thats could be the main focus for the heavy rain over the next couple of days. For the Holiday Weekend not too bad to the west well too bad to the east of the central parts it stays very unsettled lots of heavy showers no great changes as we go through the next couple of days and some parts could see 90 minute meters upright of events 3 days peter wow everton thank you so much talk to you soon still to come here on the news hour for you indigenous communities at risk the virus is spreading fast and far in brazils amazon region. Not everyone can make it home well take a look at some muslim spending eat away from their families. And the stars of spains league will be back in action soon well take a look at what fans can expect from the action finally resumes thats coming up in the sports news in about 20 minutes. More than 10 years after the Global Financial crisis youve taken home more than 480000000 dollars your company is now bankrupt our economy is in the state of crisis i have a very basic question for you this is where millions lost their homes in the us alone whos held responsible i will be fabulously wealthy and i will not be in christ for thank the lord the men who still live on aljazeera. The 1st hand glimpse of the challenges faced by journalists in the age of donald trump we are fighting the fake tears fake phony the enemy of the people through the eyes of a veteran White House Correspondent what do you base your blacks on to say sir down the press is not after truck after the blacks were not the enemy of the people we are the people usa the current battleground whose truth is it anyway on. Welcome back here with the aljazeera news hour im peter dobie and these are the top stories the corruption trial of the israeli Prime Minister is now under way Benjamin Netanyahu denies charges of bribery fraud and breach of trust he says this is an attempt to topple him in any way possible. Thousands of protesters in hong kong have been rallying against a National Security bill as proposed by beijing the Police Responded with tear gas and Water Cannons to disperse the large crowds. Chinas foreign minister has reiterated that anything to do with hong kong is an internal matter one of the countries against meddling in its a fairness. India has reported its biggest daily increase in confirmed cases nearly 6700 were added to bring the total number of infections to almost 101st 2000 and other 140 people died on saturday sick in the last day that was free of the virus is now reported its 1st case despite a nationwide lockdown the Health Ministry says it has increased the number of tests being conducted across the country lets bring in in new delhi shes a professor of economics at the Ambedkar University and a member of the right to Food Campaign the percent welcome to aljazeera why are the numbers increasing. Well the lockdown has been too lax and the tests have increased and we do know that there are thousands of lives millions of people particularly migrant morning from big cities back to the states that they come from which is also contributing to the spread of the disease and even during the National Look down while Economic Activity was completely suspended a lot of the ploy and again the mike and welcome to the not. Given the conditions awoke to follow the norms of physical distancing and so on so this sort of you know were bound to happen i think does this mean that the government have to reintroduce. Some form of a lockdown again. From what we know from the evidence out on the little notice until now and the experience what we know the last few months of the lockdown the whole purpose of that kind of a master lockdown is if you what the betting your Health System to say is that the setting infection and that the something i think we did not do enough what you believe need to focus on is stents in the not Health System to be able to. Take on the increased caseload but at the same time also in follow up on that this thing and seeing and isolation and so on this is what were doing very poorly and in the country like india more than 90 percent of the workforce is in the Informal Sector and this almost all of the media really cannot afford a nationwide lockdown and social distancing or physical distancing doesnt mean the same thing for people across classes so what we really need to focus on this improve this thing tracing isolation and a better Health System. Track trace and test does work and is working in some countries it is not working in other countries if thats one of the key cornerstones here to get these numbers moving in the right direction not the wrong direction how can that particular part of dealing with 19 be improved in india. So the need to belong number of things done for us is the number 2 this is so where the capacity of best you sense along have increased and we stopped that the master lock down that was baby baby boy have been little secondly even now the norms will be tested and what is the rule for oh i solution the quartern bending in choosing thats what people mean here in many cases but people like this think positive but there is no contact to seeing being done for them because this seems to be notwithstanding all the facts in this the whites put it in quebec place it might be not possible so that some think that we need to be sent to a new old soul so they dont have many things the w. H. O. And the other countries like you said some good days but this is working so was what can be done then india us fall behind when it comes to goals then dont let us ok we have to leave it the deficit in new delhi good to talk to you thank you very much thank you brazil now has the 2nd highest number of coronavirus cases in the world behind only the United States is confirmed nearly 350000 infections and more than 22000. 00 people have died its believed the total could be even higher as brazil was slow to introduce testing the World Health Organization says latin america is the new epicenter but many countries are torn between listing restrictions and tightening them. Yeah a break in brazil is also threatening indigenous communities infections are rising quickly in densely populated cities but as catching explains they are spreading to more remote places too. Its a 5 hour boat ride from the amazons of largest city to the tourists only those indigenous Village People here locked out all visitors hoping isolation will keep them safe from the virus but it didnt cover 1000 is spreading to isolated villages like this one as infections rise in some of the regions highly populated cities about 100 people live here and about 16 have tested positive yes you really are 3 flare the virus is treacherous it came quietly as if carried by the wind we started dating i thought it was a bad cold but people got worse even after taking medicine made at home or taking antibiotics and antiinflammatories. Many here believe the disease came from the river that connects a village to minnows thats one of the cities hardest hit by the outbreak in brazil and where there arent enough coffins to bury the dirt testing for the virus in brazil is already behind that of other countries and these remote communities have little to work with got to do more with less about that we are in this battle to see if the virus leaves the area and to make sure no one dies we have to advise or people so that infection stop. Before the pandemic president highboy so not us plans for deforestation in the amazon led to a tense relationship with indigenous communities and. Health experts are now urging the government to protect such groups of this starving. This is when the so the repartees to very important to be able to diagnose cases so that medical protocol is of social distancing can be followed right now with testing people in several communities and towns in the amazon. Many in these communities say they can only hope such measures will protect them from an invisible enemy thats now threatening the survival of their tribe. Dizzier u. S. President donald trump teeing up fresh controversy by leaving the white house for a game of golf on his own gold course in the ginia as the death toll in the United States approaches 100000 a month the president s 1st trip to the gulf coast since the pandemic began mr trumps been encouraging states to reopen their economies despite warnings from experts about lifting restrictions too quickly too soon more than 1600000. 00 infections were confirmed in the states. Egyptian president. Has pardoned more than 3000 prisoners to coincide with the holiday among them is a hit man who murdered the lebanese singer Suzanne Tamim in dubai in 2008 on the orders of the former egyptian m. P. Moustapha no activists journalists or Political Prisoners have been released and if army is an associate professor of Political Science at Long Island University she says the move is a gamble for sisi to show he is doing something for society. So the president has been using this system of hardening on high holidays or National Holidays as a way to kind of signify to society that hes doing something so today on the eve of you that holiday we see over 3000 pardons not a single one of them the political prisoner or any journalist rather they are common criminals now lets look at whats actually happening and there are over 60000 Political Prisoners what used to be generation protests is now known and generations ailments have to build 16 more prisons to hold the sheer volume of prisoners there are 37. 00 journalists currently being held in their pool Amnesty International just released their report on egypt saying that today journalism is a chronic and there have been 12 journalists arrested and continue to be detained in egypt for reporting on the coronavirus for example and so were seeing is that the education of the law is not about the move of law and protecting of society its actually about a part of the gamble of the president speaks as how he signifies the population that hes doing something for them when in reality he isnt. A reminder al jazeera journalists are saying remains jailed in egypt without charges or trial after almost 3 and a half years the United Nations has called on egypt to end husseins arbitrary detention and release him immediately. Now the World Food Program says an additional 130000000. 00 people could be pushed to the brink of starvation by the end of the year because of the pandemic most of them live in Subsaharan Africa Nicholas Hock reports now from sunday and sunday girls tease region. As children they were classmates joe point on to mit in the u. S. And around a Multinational Company before returning home to become the towns mayor. Stated i had several children and opened a small stall selling peanuts now shes appealing to jump for help measures to stop the spread of coronavirus has also stopped her trade she and her family are going hungry here normally food is very cheap here people are producing because. Shes very easy we have 15 kilometers from the sea and this is a very good decision we have. In the health food industry. Is meeting with town elders theyre deciding which families will receive state provided bags of rice each making their case because theres not enough food for everyone no one has been infected with the virus here yet but people are suffering from the virus is Economic Impact this is one of the largest markets in senegal people come here for food bowls meat look at it now with been like this for weeks people here were shaken by a virus many of them hadnt heard of coming from china now impacting their lives here deep in senegal is countryside. Jope wanted to transform son jarocho not into the Silicon Valley of senegal but into the shenzhen of the region chinese investors opened Fish Processing factories and transformed barren fields into Agricultural Land for vegetables but with border shut the projects is going rotten we need to stop the virus and find solutions so we can get people back to work because so many of us depend on farming to survive while the number of infections are multiplying in senegal the government is easing restrictions on movement fearing a looming food crisis. We need markets to reopen its a question of survival. There is a sense that the measures to prevent the outbreak have become a heavy burden for many. In the face of hunger Nicholas Hawke aljazeera. Weve been reporting to do eat celebrations worldwide or more subdued this year indonesia is no exception given the pandemic has stopped workers traveling home but left millions separated from their loved ones one caught driving in jakarta shift his story with a 0. Or mortar really months and weve done. A good a good 100. 00 a month. Well wouldnt. Some of. The more non spot on top of the mara. And on down by the route that was. In the gulf or not you need about but not a sound out people. With. All of the needed. Some must be done something when i. Look. Around now but i. Do a little bit applauding cool about it. But i know my new young south going to need. Them by then. And. I dont know. If they are the. Hill it is from doesnt need to. Be a bit busy age a lot of political. Will mean she lie to beat up only one woman but it does so on the on the by now but about thats how long the nazi guys are now i dont know as weve been. Around but. Its only about the only thing about not i dont doubt that it was he that made the. One that would end up with all those. I know someone i dont even want to know. About. The movie. Youve been but what about. The mood im going. On now is that. You need to. Build a. Good idea and. I know that i. Dont want to. But are a. Couple years but the same. To get up at the moving on. The other side. Still to come here on the news. With some other might to be new friends in munich but there were plenty of goals. When we come back on the other side of the break. Examining the impact of todays headlines extraordinary times require extraordinary measures but these should not be at the expense of our privacy setting the agenda for tomorrows discussed foods. Lived within these walls and now theres no line in the wall global experts in discussion in this democracy why are people not voting International Filmmakers and the world class journalists. On the road to sierra. Challenging the brazilian dictatorship with a democratically run team the clue themes change the course of the end there. Since i was a revolutionary for. Tilikum just to talk to. The rebels complete with a celebration of the life and legacy secretary corinthians to receive. Just see. We always make space for some thank you very much peter while m. B. A. Boscobel bosses are in talks with disney about restarting the season in florida at the end of july they are exploring the option of using the s. P. N. Wide world of Sports Complex on the disney property and there are lando is a huge a campus with multiple arenas the idea is that it would host all remaining n. B. A. Games that teams would be house and train there to has been no n. B. A. Action since march and is still not clear whether the format of the league will have to change to get the Season Completed well us fools broadcast the michael calls and joy that he believes that the n. B. A. Will have some major issues to deal with if theyre to make their plan with his new work. The biggest problem i see. Is twofold and 11 is working out the other contracts that are in place for the league with the teams in their own stadia their own local broadcasting their Network Contracts with various people which which should be easy enough to fulfill because the broadcast facilities are there as well and secondly and this applies to all sports when they try to resume once you get a confirmed case with in that quarantine what happens then can you continue because everybody is quarantined do do you have to protect all the other players in the end so every staff which goes right from general managers down to ticket or not they will be ticket takers but cleaners you know technicians who keep keep things going how do you protect them in that tight quarantine situation if you get people testing positive and exhibiting sim symptoms you more or less have to shut the whole thing down then. Oh by munich have a maintain their 4 point lead at the top of the Balance League they beat into a frank quote on saturday last time the sides met a by last 51 this time however in their turn to inflict the damage the League Leaders are winning it a 52 makes it to victories from 2 to 10 of the groups leader all matches in the league are being played behind closed doors. Up next so buying our 2nd place grosser top men who also won on saturday they beat both were the 2 nil away also secured 6 points from the 1st 2 games back. Well the league says it will arrange a restart date and fixture fixture schedules in the next few days follows the league getting the green light from the Spanish Government on saturday to resume from june 8th all teams in the league to still have 11 matches to go barcelona leave the table by 2 points spains top division has been suspended since march 12th because of the pandemic. But we spoke to madrid based sports journalist for nando who says theres huge excitement in spain over restarting. The country starting to get. To get back to the new normal life so i think that is going to be a huge boost for the population football its a part of the society so as the society is going back to the new normal i think thats only logical that sports go back also suits of to be played of course without public we dont have we dont we will have huge crowds here in spain for i dont know a long long long time like they were cockily in that they could lose between 600 mi to more than 1000000000 euros if the league wouldnt go back so i think thats going to be a huge boost for the economy for the finances its a big but its not in the same show part of the economy but its a big part of the economy and everything that goes around the from around the football match people are going to be watching at home of course they cannot go to the stadiums but i think its going to be good for the economy and for the for for the clubs of course well to more people out in the Spanish League clubs have tested positive for coronavirus including one player from bournemouth where this follows the 2nd round of test involving 969. 00 players and staff it means there have been 8 positive cases in total systems returned to limited Group Training from the league hopes to restart the season in june but no date has been fixed the usa baseball season remains shut down so one Minor League Team is trying Something Different to make money the pensacola blue eye whos in a florida put their stadium on air b. N. B. For a price up to 10 people can stay overnight at the stadium play out on the field and use the batting cage. Meanwhile the baseball the season in south korea has been back for a few weeks behind the closed doors and empty stadiums at this game there was a home run and the ball got stuck between 2 seas theres really a fan that would keep it as a souvenir but there was no one there to retrieve it. And thats as well from well have more for you later on but now its back to. Thank you very much we will talk to you later lots more news on the web site its always there for you ill just your dot com i 70 is the address you need when we come back ill have 30 minutes about 0 world views hopefully see the. The zipper will bring and disjointed days especially for the young my life changes because i cant go will say we have to be careful to not get sick i dont sit University Study found the one in 5 children im now afraid to leave their homes the sense of disorientation and confusion i think would be very understandable natural reaction a loss to children and in the past few weeks secure Mental Health units have been forced to discharge large numbers of patients there are children suffering from psychosis who believe the virus is a conspiracy others with eating disorders or histories of self harm we feel that were going to have a time bomb this is building up to Mental Health jenny the worlds attention is on controlling the virus for the rich helpless he didnt victims even when the pandemic passes there will be many in desperate need of help. The story of black man. This parasite. Girl has killed i have strangled i have a story of current catch cold and the fear is real. Passion. The globe. And the very sicilian just. Real men killed a mother and son on my way to an appointment sadly the insurgents dont wear uniforms black water is synonymous with the was of the American Occupation of iraq not the house on hold americans to account trump tower 2016 how come you didnt mention not meeting to congress and i did i dont know if i got the transcript wrong. I dont think youre that sharp but you can tell the difference between a polish guy a french guy or your charming head to head on a jersey or a. Benjamin netanyahu becomes the 1st sitting israeli Prime Minister to Face Criminal Charges in court. Youre watching aljazeera also coming up. The police in hong kong used tear gas against protesters angry over plans to impose a new security law. Chinas foreign minister speaks out against meddling in hong kong warning country

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