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Impose National Security laws on the city. Hello Brazils Supreme Court has released a video showing president joe youre both so narrow allegedly trying to interfere in Law Enforcement appointments to protect his family from investigation cross live to john holeman joining us from mexico city what more do we know about this video and how it came about. This is quite a complicated situation so im just going to try and break it down for you this all started when social moto brazils Justice Minister whos a bit of a star in his own right quit what he alleged is that president but also noddle tried to replace the regional preet police chief of real did to meddle and real de janeiro is where his sons being investigated basically for graft and then after trying to replace that police chief he then wont when one level above and actually did fire the federal police chief so hell moral said that was so that he could replace him with someone that was more pliable that could pass the president information about those cases thats what here alleged now the Supreme Court which is just released this video in this video apparently president bush for not 0 is saying i will not wait for my family or friends to get screwed because i cannot change one of our Law Enforcement officials and then he goes on say if one cannot change the Law Enforcement official one changes his boss if not his boss one changes the minister were not kidding around all of that seems to support the ex Justice Minister here morals hypothesis that president board sonata was sort of making moves in the federal Police System to try and protect his sons at the moment thats all alleged but this is come from the Supreme Court whove given out this video now that if this situation could be about to get a little bit more sticky still when perhaps the attorney general brazil is going to ask for the president s mobile phone approval disapprove things that have been happening with that and thats when what were hearing is that the head of the military security for the president might be against that might be about to get involved as well so its a developing situation in brazil that isnt looking like its going to be resolved very amicably yeah all this happening john as the country of course has now recorded more than 20000 deaths because of the coronavirus. Absolutely president Bush Fernando is involved in this very sort of political scandal well meanwhile lots of people are sort of fighting fighting literally for their lives in that country its the epicenter of coronavirus in latin america its not the only scandal that the president s been involved in as well hes also lost to Health Ministers in the last few weeks basically because theyve this agreed with the way that hes been trying to combat or not to combat really this pandemic basically the president job also not a line on this is that 70 percent or more of us are going to get this some time if youre not and if youre not old get out to work of ways the economy is going to suffer state governments in municipal governments have taken quite a different line theyve said if we dont keep people at home than our Health Services are basically going to break and in various parts of brazil theyre already right on the limit or passing it in cities such as minerals which is in the Amazon Region so already president bill sonata has got a lot of people sort of. In opposition to him in the country ordinary people also state governments municipal governments and this is just another complication for a president that looks increasingly cornered writer john thank you very much for bringing that update for us well as youve been hearing from john cases are piling up in brazil and while thats happening the mayor of Rio De Janeiro has unveiled a new Field Hospital dedicated to treating cope with 1000 patients. A break right here in the Field Hospital you are seeing 50 new intensive care beds are going to open and for us day is spectacular. By bringing down the infection and we have more intensive care beds being opened and we have more teams arriving next week from china and we are really hoping that we can gradually relatively and safely return to activities in the city of Rio De Janeiro. So the World Health Organization has raised the alarm about the corona Virus Outbreak in south america the agencys executive director of Health Emergencies has also warned against turning to untested treatments south america has become a new at the center for the disease weve seen many south american countries with. Increasing numbers of cases. And clearly theres a concern across many of those countries but certainly the most affected is that at this point. We also know. The government of brazil has approved the use of hydroxy chloroquine for broader use but we do point to the fact our current clinical systematic review is carried out by a kind american Health Organization and the current claim that Clinical Evidence does not support the widespread use of hydroxy chloroquine for the treatment with 19 earlier i spoke to. Who is the assistant director of the pan american Health Organization he says that line america is only at the beginning of the outbreak. In latin america the 1st again he was attacked here by the end of february sold the community to his mission he started more recently in latin america so why do we have found that hes seen european him out heavy control and it does michel moon latin america we had at the beginning of their Widespread Community transmission it is its its like in latin america we we have the elite of the 4 to 6 weeks when we compared to europe for the if the situation on this he epidemiological situation on we we need to be prepared because probably we will face it to what we think are very important transmission on what moment but a video end of that dont really seem latin america mexico who are people who are about the war in august they are in their method 2 weeks they are extremely fair very important in their lives in the number of caves sold there we are all simply even our 2nd go where the song we are discussing and we use the means of health that they need to implement the all of their social decency measures they need to prepare their Health Services and they need to ask this what is working or what is not the walking in 1 oclock in the all ministers but if you love that you have a very different situations about the indigenous population in the countries in south america the Indigenous Community that they live far from city so they have very limited access and this regard is very important to establish primary health care said receive their lead by clause you thought they can be rigid here when the they have an outbreak he is also very important to take my country did something quarter of the aspects that they have brought us lately therefore mission. Well they are a lot worse who are they live their shit off in these in those communities and also. Gays weve. Relieved a little of that they have people of their wrath that these are the men in their community because they need to be bought off in the. Process and will deliver their information including the. Paramedics in mexico city say hospitals are reaching breaking point and treating virus patients and independent survey suggests the infection rate there may be 3 times higher than what the government says it is a reports in the capital. Waiting for their next dispatch to red cross workers on standby at this office in a cow to pick mexico. And here half of the ambulance units have been refitted to specifically deal with coated 19 patients but the paramedics say theyre worried the regions hospitals are nearing capacity. Shes here with us here but i was that i think we should be worried about the level of saturation at hospitals because weve arrived in an ambulance and found there is no space for our patients we have to wait 123 and had to wait for up to 4 hours. In independent analysis more than 4500 death certificates is adding concern the Regions Health system could soon become overwhelmed the findings suggest the death toll in mexico city is actually 3 times higher than what the government is reporting me and i act as if i was here on the face i mean there are death certificates of people who either did not know they had the illness or died in quarantine or without being tested this thing is certainly a factor also they are not adequately reporting the deaths of people under the suspicion of coronavirus. Mexican Health Officials are not denying the findings of the new report but mexicos Deputy Health minister who lopez get there is questioning the methodology he says that a majority of the death certificates in question are part of the subset that will eventually be included in an official code 1000. 00 death to. Mexico city and its surrounding municipalities have become the epicenter of the corona Virus Outbreak in the country people seeking medical treatment are finding it increasingly difficult to find hospitals that are still accepting patients as hospitals in mexico city continue to fill up people are turning to a mobile phone application watched by the City Government that indicates which hospitals have reached capacity as of this week all but 5 of the regions Medical Centers appeared either completely full or nearing capacity. Paramedics say calls related to covert 900 are still on the rise making the workload constant theyre also worried in oversaturation of hospitals could lead to patients dying while waiting in the back of ambulances. Mexico city. Coming up on the news hour with this she was 31 people tested for a 1000000. Things war torn countries like yemen jeopardize the global fight to contain covert 19. And donald trump declares places of worship essential service should saying the u. S. Needs more prayer not less. But 1st a surge of corona virus infections in dhaka stunt has prompted the russian government to build Field Hospitals there because this region of southern russia has become one of the hardest hit in the country there been reports of overwhelmed hospitals and medical staff dying after contracting the virus according to official numbers there are 4000 confirmed cases in dagestan but experts say the number is much higher with nearly 700 deaths recorded from quote pneumonia while the International Rescue committee is warning that a lack of testing in countries affected by conflict is jeopardizing global efforts to contain covert 19 its data highlights the danger of undetected and uncontrolled outbreaks in countries like yemen which is only done 31. 00 tests per 1000000 people and northeastern syria at a rate of 59. 00 per 1000000 in comparison germany has carried out more than 42000. 00 tests per 1000000 war torn states also have the highest coba test positivity suggesting a far larger but undetected level of people have been infected in somalia 45 percent of those tested came back positive for the virus in afghanistan the figure stands at 30 point one percent but in germany only 6 percent of tests have come back positive. So the United Nations says yemen tell system has essentially collapsed the contras reported about 200 cases of cope with 1030 deaths but aid agencies believe the number of infections is likely much higher lopez reports. For many life in yemen was already difficult before the coronavirus now the pandemic is making things even worse over the last 2 months more than 20000 families have turned to camps like lisa in the maariv governorate their homes are now makeshift tents health care here is limited social distancing impossible the u. N. Says yemens Health Care System has essentially collapsed we hear from many of them that yemen is really on the brink right there the situation is extremely alarming they are talking about that the Health System has in effect collapsed they are talking about having to try and people away because they do not have an oxygen they do not have a lot of the protective equipment doctors are getting ready for a rise in the number of patients they have little to offer them yemen is particularly vulnerable to the spread of the virus poverty and water shortages have left the war torn country highly susceptible to disease and money is running out we are heading towards a fiscal cliff if we do not get the money coming in the programs that are keeping people alive and very much essential to fight back and gets cold it will have to close and then have to witness what happened in a country without a functional Health System that can cope with 98 agencies say infections are likely underreported because of scars testing limited resources and government secrecy and calls to stop the fighting amid the pandemic have been ignored theyve even more people at risk was forced out of their homes by armed men conflict violence this is the dominant dicked on International Diplomacy in their lives why unions of armed groups. But also the Security Council which has not in any way shape talk to the secretary general has called for a global coronavirus shes trying 5 years of war between allies of Yemen Government and who the forces have destroyed or close more than half of the countrys health facilities. People are now left facing a disease that threatens to further cripple their country already devastated by whoever. The young dizzier. Muslims have met for friday prayers in nigerias northwestern kano state despite a rising number of corona virus infections there state officials relaxed restrictions in the area after pressure from religious leaders millions of nigerians are preparing to celebrate their idol fatah holiday marking the end of ramadan nigeria has reported more than 7000. 00 cases and at least 211. 00 deaths president s on a trump says hell order of the u. S. Flock to be flown at half stuff over the next 3 days as the u. S. Coronavirus death toll approaches 100000 all 50 states have partially reopened after a 2 month shutdown even though some are still recording a rising number of new infections trump has been urging governors to safely open the country to help the economy recover despite fears it could lead to a 2nd wave of infections hes now declared house as a force ship essential services and called for governors to reopen them some governors have deemed a Liquor Stores an abortion clinics is essential but have left out churches and other houses of worship still right so im correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential. I call upon governors to allow our churches in places of worship to open right now if they dont do it i will override the governors in america we need more prayer not less heres our White House Correspondent Kimberly Halkett with more. Well essentially what the u. S. President has done is set up a battle once again between his white house and the 50 governors across the United States many who are still in force in very strict stay at home orders particularly when it pertains to houses of worship so this would be churches mosques synagogues essentially the concern being that when you have large groups get gathering and congregating that this could allow for an asymptomatic person to spread unknowingly to other members of the congregation but at the same time many churches particularly in california where more than 1200 are threatening to open up this weekend the u. S. President has just made an announcement new c. D. C. Guidelines that the centers for Disease Control that essentially gives them the ammunition to defy their local orders to stay at home the u. S. President saying that hes calling on governors to open these houses of worship right away and most interestingly he said if they dont override the governor is now very quickly the u. S. President doesnt have the power to do that under the u. S. Constitution there are very strong states rights but what he seems to be implying is that his department of justice may challenge this under the 1st amendment or the right to freedom of religion Peaceful Assembly but that would take a long time to dry out whats really clear in all of this is in an Election Year where we know that so many who attend church regularly have voted for the u. S. President hes trying to deliver for his constituency he hopes will help him win reelection in november. A new study of the military a drug President Trump says hes taking has shown that coronavirus patients who took it had a significantly higher risk of death compared to those who didnt its the largest analysis to date into hydro chloroquine involving patients on 6 continents julie fisher is the director of the elizabeth r. Griffen program at Georgetown University Medical Center and she says the finding raises some very serious questions i think it confirmed what many people have been worried about in Public Health and in medicine that we have such hopes as a society as oak local society for a solution to this this terrible pandemic and the urge to find a magical cure a Silver Bullet is very high but from the beginning there have been serious doubts that hydroxy chloroquine would in fact be that magic bullet and this confirms not only is it not effective but it can do real harm and that raises some very serious questions an airbus jetliner with 99 people on board has crashed into a crowded neighborhood near the airport in the coastal pakistani city of karachi 2 of the passengers survived its not known how many people were killed or injured on the ground aviation Officials Say its too soon to determine what caused the crash the hearting has more. The crash happened as the Pakistan International Airlines Flight was attempting to land for a 2nd time. And initial reports say the airbus pilots sent a mayday message reporting problems with both engines and made a go around. A few minutes later the airliner came down in a highly populated residential area near kharaj International Airport the horse it cannot see out of funding for just the last words we heard from the pilots was that there were technical problems he was told on the final approach the both runways are ready and you can learned the pilot decided he wanted to go around for that reason the technical problem was well good to go and look at that now. Airplane parts were strewn among burning homes Security Forces were sent to help the rescue operation and managed to pull at least 2 passengers from the wreckage pakistans Prime Minister imran khan tweeted saying that he was shocked and saddened by the crash offering prayers and condolences to the families of the dead. Aviation apps identify the aircraft as a 15 year old airbus a 320. 00 it was one of the 1st in p. I. A. s fleet to restart flying this week after flights were grounded to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Crash investigators are expected to arrive to begin the search for clues and find out what went wrong on the relatively short flight of an hour and 45 minutes from lahore to karachi the crash coincides with the end of ramadan normally a busy time for travelers returning home for the need holiday its also 4 years since another air crash in pakistan during ramadan killed all 47. 00 people on board the hardeen al jazeera come on haidar has more from islamabad. Well we now know that there were 99 people on board earlier it was said that there were 98 people on board and those 2 people being rescued and also by the 1st responders who were the locals in the area of ways that rescue teams arrived but because congested with narrow alleyways leading to the site of the crash the military was then called in red to heavy equipment to try and guard access and. Now nightfall rescue and relief efforts are still underway many people are trapped under the rubble. And most of the people who have been turning up in hospital with serious injuries emphatically other people who were on the ground at the time of that crash investigators obviously now will be looking out towards really happened in the final moments after that mayday signal but it appears that the plane was gliding which suggested engines are already gone and probably one of the reasons investigators were left to find the real cause or did indeed a tragedy does particular story is likely to remain for the next 12 to 13 hours because the rescue effort is going to be difficult it is nighttime it is ramadan and people will be working around the clock to anybody is buried under the rubble of the destroyed home forces loyal to libyas u. N. Recognized government are mobilizing around the town of around 100 kilometers southeast of tripoli comes a day after they seize control of the strategic town of a loss of on an important supply route for troops allied towards highly to have hes been waging a yearlong campaign to seize the capital but Government Troops have made significant gains recently capturing several towns and a major air base now more than was is in southern tripoli. This is one of the areas controlled by forces loyal to the internationally recognized the government in southern shipley here between salaheddine neighborhood and al sadr area the Government Forces say that they have gained ground and they have taken control of several locations including a military camp called barely a military camp and also the headquarters of the Migration Authority the government sources here say that they have been told that by half the forces who are positioned a few kilometers back beyond salaheddine neighborhood in other frontlines namely in ns are neighborhood the Government Forces say that they have prepared half of his forces attack in fact they say that they have driven. Out back a few kilometers in other front lines in the vicinity of this strategic city of the who no which is the stronghold of have to the forces the Government Forces say that they have a whole to their battle. Temporarily but meanwhile the have been sending leaflets inside to who are warning civilians of coming closer to any military units because the Government Forces are planning to move on the city of huna to be captured it which is their stronghold of have to his forces in the west of libya. Still to come this news hour an embarrassing revelation for the u. K. Government Boris Johnsons kid visor is interviewed by police for breaching coronavirus restrictions plus. Im joined now on the isle of wight where the National Health service is Contact Tracing appius being trialled i mean it concerns the governments cash price and isolate system wont be ready to meet Prime Minister Boris Johnsons deadline of june the 1st and cruise ship staff say theyve been a band and am left stranded at sea months after the coronavirus pandemic began details coming up. How it was seen a big cool off in the weather across southeastern europe with sundry downpours breaking that he goes on rather wets when the blustery conditions up towards the northwest with quite a tight little area of low pressure rattling across the British Isles bring some heavy rain across scotland that will push across into norway i make fun of this weather system which runs all the way back across the central parts of europe sit down into the out so were going to see some rather heavy rain from time to time we could see that grassy sinking further southwards and ace was behind 18 celsius there in london somewhat cooler into the southeast as well ahead of that system around 25. 00 celsius for athens still a few showers there into eastern turkey as we go on into sunday but dry weather does come back in temperatures holding on into the mid twentys for the time being of a few showers rolling across the balkans so much the weather also pushing over towards moscow but temperatures are struggling to get towards double figures 9 celsius is around not a 10 degrees below the seasonal average made it warms up up towards the northwest of europe so london getting into the low twentys i with the next couple of days still the parts of africa still generally fine and dry still very warm its a current 33 degrees somewhat cola but pleasant there for bats at 28. 00 degrees. But. With no guaranteed paid sick leave millions of americans are forced to choose between and health i dont use my leave my mammograms i use my leave to care for my mother as the coronavirus brings employment. The human cost of putting business before. The United States is falling behind people get sick the impossible choice americas paid leave crisis. Isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise at another side of this story the information around the outbreak but the misinformation separating propaganda from. Exposing the old and for manipulating the rhetoric and shit but they cannot manipulate the listening post. To the media to 0. The i. Work on top stories so they are there are news hour is also print corps has released a video showing president joe your boss and are allegedly trying to interfere in Law Enforcement appointments to protect his family from investigation. As results coronavirus death toll passes 20000. 00 the World Health Organization south america is now the epicenter of the pandemic. An airbus jetliner with 99 people on board has crashed in a residential area near kharaj Civil Aviation Authorities Say 2 passengers survived it. All travelers entering the u. K. From the 8th of june will be required to quarantine themselves for 2 weeks in apply to everyone with just a handful of exceptions with people providing an address and Contact Details so the governments can check on them of the u. K. Death toll has passed 36000 but other figures suggest its actually more than 40000 now we are past the peak of this virus we must take steps to guard against imported cases triggering a resurgence of this deadly disease and as a transmission rate across the United Kingdom fools and the number of travelers arriving in the u. K. Begins to increase imported cases could begin to pose a larger and increased threat this is because they could become a high proportion of the overall number of infections in the u. K. And therefore increase the spread of the disease. Well the u. K. Health secretary says the governments coronavirus track and trace system will be operating by the end of the month but its emerged that the Smartphone App at the heart of the strategy wont be ready in time its being tested on the isle of wight and the m. P. There says the system will still be good enough but as jonah hill reports not everyone agrees. The owner of white of englands south coast the setting for a trial of the Contact Tracing applet its hoped will be part of this countrys path out of covert 19 lock down and back to economic health. Provided enough people download and use the app it can be effective in tracing contacts that virus sufferers dont actually know but may have passed in a shop or sat next to on the bus if you hear faint life will find if we miss someone you can eat. I dont think it will make them think the way they think that way says its an easy way to stop it spreading quick yes but its emerged the isle of wight app wont be ready to meet Prime Minister Boris Johnsons june the 1st deadline when hes promised to have a world beating test trace and isolate system in place so that the schools can start going back and other parts of the economy can reopen and there are signs the other elements of the system may be subdermal as well test results that are still taking too long to come back and an army of up to 25000 human call center trackers with minimal training and little to no epidemiological knowledge to enable them to ask the right questions the islands member of parliament from the governing conservative party says the system will work despite past mistakes in dealing with cope at 19 has everything going right with this and theyre absolutely not its quite clear not and that is going to come out in the washing future are we getting a lot of things an increasing number of things right now absolutely and this have no doubt it will be part of that 3 pronged approach the tracing system supported by the up and the manual tracing and then the virology the testing with it and that is the way that were going to suppress the virus Public Health experts have concerns what you may end up with is theres this idea particularly if you have a. System you may end up with almost a false sense of security that you think maybe tracing is working and based on this continue to rise and then it goes out of control again a campsite and Adventure Park that would otherwise be. Forward to a busy Holiday Weekend empty businesses are desperate for the lockdown to be lifted but not so desperate that theyre prepared to take risks with a Defense System that may not be properly ready it needs to be right really. Go ahead with anything out of oil the one thing of which. The government is pushing a tight deadline its not clear the public is in such a hurry jonah how aljazeera on the isle of wight the u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnsons chief advisor has reportedly broken his own governments coronavirus restrictions to british newspapers say Dominic Cummings traveled more than 400 kilometers from his london address to his parents home in Northern England the police are said to have spoken to him about the trip the Opposition Labor Party has called on the government to explain his actions of 0 so in your career goes as the incident could bring cummings job its a question there is also another bit of bad news for the Prime Minister on friday 2 newspapers reported that his chief aide had broken the lockdown rules when he left london to head to the northeast of england this took place shortly after he was exhibiting symptoms of cove at 19 in fact described that his experience in a publication shortly afterwards as well with that in mind it spells some real sort of concern in question marks over how tenable his position is considering they have already been high profile resignations including scotlands chief medical officer and a scientific advisor to the government to all step down from that positions are that they were found in breach of those lockdown rules as well. House prices in the u. K. Could drop by as much as 13 percent this year because of the corona virus the center for economics and business says fears of unemployment are its a blame commercial properties of also been hit with many businesses shut because of social restrictions or employees working from home reports from london. For the. Moment. Mark wells is hoping things are beginning to get back to something approaching normal he runs an Estate Agency in london since physical house viewings restarted last week after a long lockdown marks arranged a steady stream of visits to this property and he says business is surprisingly brisk we opened our doors less than a week ago and you know the flat we have 10 viewings multiple its on its just going under awfully close the asking price another property just just like its like its going to wander off the asking price just under a 1000000. 00 pounds but that optimism is far from universal between march and april applications for home loans fell by more than 50 percent and theres still huge uncertainty about the economy and job losses now the center for economics and business is predicting u. K. House prices will fall by as much as 13 percent this year a lot of people are very worried about their jobs and they dont want to take on big commitments when theyre worried about jobs they think that if they lose their job and get a job job they may be paid less and the combination of these things means that the amount of money people prepared to spend on we think going out in the future is now just less than it was previously. The pandemic is also having a huge effect on commercial property one company into which owns huge malls like this in britain has suffered a slump in rental payments as many shops shut down now it wants extra time to pay back its own debts while in the us 1. 00 survey said that in april shopping malls collected only 28 percent of rents and then theres a question of office space social media giant twitter base in this building have told their employees they can return to work once offices reopen but if they choose to they can stay working from home forever and google and facebook have told various staff they can stay working at home until the end of the year so what does this all tell us about the demand for office space in few. You should look at that how youre improving im going is a chart nature and also your space then said average space desk and most important part in asia is our average home size average or potentially very small and whether you have the internet so that state support or walking from home i get is a big question mark so nobodys predicting the end of the office but with millions of people working remotely and with more people relying on shopping online than ever before these are Uncertain Times for everyone including real estate investors. Aljazeera london india has seen its biggest single day increase in corona virus infections are the number of cases jumping more than 6000 in 24 hours as it eases its lock down protesters have rallied nationwide to oppose changes to labor laws they accuse the government to fix splitting the pandemic in many states working hours have been extended and health and Safety Standards lowered the right to form unions and collectively bargain has also been suspended elizabeth purana has more from a rally in the capital. Listen mole protests here in the capital new delhi there was call to protest against changes to labor laws but it was being broken up by police that is because structurally sound on more than 4 people gathering remains in place to stop the spread of the going to lie was never the less people gathered together to protest against those changes and member state indias most populous look at where they are more than 220000000 people live in a good job market for they have scrapped most labor laws for the next 3 years that is what these people here have gathered to protest against the number of other states have made other changes so it was rights including working hours that stand and working hours wages overtime Occupational Health and Safety Standards low browed the 1st thing the people who were protesting on labor day was that the labor. Exploitation of workers. Say that the changes are necessary to get us out and it was on a made out to be true months well look at our little over the biggest bank does not take a slave and states which are ruled by part of the little body of moderately i just the potter you know b. J. I get rid of it as say the government had a budget to let these changes since it was 1st elected dont know that its only one that has using the opportunity to do so the process is being broken up i believe you will of course and somebody told you that the next week. And some muslims for parents for years are ignoring restrictions aimed at curbing the spread of the virus market traders are disobey orders and risking their Business Licenses to stay open just to washington reports from jakarta. Tama bang in the center of jakarta is southeast asias biggest textile market the lead up to the muslim holiday of eden is usually the busiest time of the trade is as customers come to buy new clothes before the celebration this year is different place have come to shop the market down to enforce virus restrictions whatever they keep opening the shops and so the buyers keep coming its not right we will continue to enforce the social restrictions and we will take actions its really tiring its now a daily ritual there are thousands of traders here and forcing all of them to follow regulations aimed at curbing the spread of the virus is proving difficult i dont know about them but if they keep breaking the law well have to revoke their business permit up until now weve been trying to persuade them that the lead up to it is a test for into the asian authorities the Restrictions Mean that many businesses have been forced to shut their doors at what would normally be their busiest time of year and some attempt to break the rules despite the risk. Many here are daily wage and some say they havent received any aid from the government. About the market for that but if we follow what the government is telling us to work from home what will we ate the virus might not kill me then but we can still die from hunger crowded you cant his main airport this week prompted criticism that the indonesian government relaxed restrictions far too soon only Business Travel is a permitted to fly and only those who can afford the increased if it is can make the journey some feel low income earners are being disproportionately targeted. But i want to. I want justice if you want to close my store then close everything dont just keep allowing wealthy people to continue and force people like me to close they chase us like were selling stolen goods. Just hours after the police raid this is what the Central Market looks like sailors putting out their clothing racks again and returning to business as usual but thats because of the way i feel sorry for the small sellers that depend on their sales and what that they give to their families its hard and some are now bankrupt they know its not allowed and unsafe but they say they have no choice but to stay open and earn a living jessica washington aljazeera jakarta. Thousands of cruise ship staff are still trapped at sea 2 months after the coronavirus pandemic crippled the industry they say they have been abandoned many are being paid and some have even gone on Hunger Strike and the gallagher reports from miami. Sailing the open seas dancing on deck and seeing the world from the comfort of a Floating Hotel thats what the cruise line industry is supposed to be about but since the outbreak of the corona virus that image has been tarnished outbreaks of covert 19 claimed lives passengers were eventually allowed to go home but crewmembers many of the migrants from poorer countries like the philippines have all but been abandoned crewmember caio saldana ha centers these videos from onboard Celebrity Cruises hes been moved from one vessel to another told he was going home only for plans to be canceled all of which he tells us is taking a huge mental toll. There you can see in their eyes. But they are there they are hanging. Out why didnt think so much you know trying to do something so forget it there are some people like me in their eyes you know they are no way of the situation and have something to say and wants to do something not only for me but for everybody its thought that at least 7 crew members of died from covert 19 well over 500 have been infected by the coronavirus Cruise Line Companies say theyre steadily repatriating staff but the process is slow and complicated in april the c. D. C. Ban cruise ships from u. S. Waters and to the police late july other nations are insisting on strict testing and the Cruise Company should pay for a land based quarantine while some crew members have returned home tens of thousands remain in cramped conditions with no pay on one vessel there was a food strike while several suicides have been reported lawsuits are now being filed on behalf of crew members in what some legal experts say is bordering on a humanitarian crisis by use the term lot in sweatshops for years not only is the situation. There. Thousands of miles with no families they dont know whats going on the dont know when theyre going to get home theyre not necessarily but theyre being fred cant speak out i mean youre really couldnt think of a worse situation. Caio here in happier days as a cruise ship d. J. Told us he never wants to work in the industry again for now he simply wants to speak out for others you knew you were lying through now that you dont have a new value as a human being you are just a number right now we. Go about our psychological. Health getting crew members off the ships as being complicated by nations closing ports strict restrictions and lack of coordination but many say the industry could and should do more for loyal staff facing an increasingly desperate and dangerous future and to gallacher aljazeera miami florida. Still ahead on the news hour a china turns its attention to repairing its economy after angering hong kong activists with a new security law for the city. And with their possessions washed away or destroyed by the storm cycle and victims in india and bangladesh seek to start again. Or. Color again hong kongs chief executive carrie lyons has for a government will work with beijing to introduce a new National Security law as soon as possible so the proposal to ban treason secession sedition as subversion could see mainland intelligence agencies set up in hong kong the important thing is for the people hong kong to realise that without protection of National Security many of the things that we enjoy many of the things that we treasure. Will be lost so this is really the time for us not to waste any more time and to get on with this important than just native safe thoughts the plot has already triggered protests leading prodemocracy figures say its the end of one country 2 systems which are supposed to continue until 2047. Thank you realize that how they you know really like universal values those human rights principle that we believe we must fight such people that like a National Security law just like that the government believes a lot of local version of a church should be able to write you know well the u. S. Secretary of state my pump ai has called the proposal arbitrary and disastrous saying it could affect Hong Kong Special status the bill was proposed to Chinas National Peoples Congress beijing also announced it wont be setting growth targets for the 1st time in decades as it shifts its focus to repairing the economy post pandemic katrina you reports from beijing. A minutes silence to honor thousands of chinese who lost their lives to the coronavirus set a somber tone for the opening of Chinas National Peoples Congress delivering the annual government work report premier league a chant hailed the communist partys achievement in containing the outbreak and also acknowledged the heavy Economic Cost for the 1st time since 1988 no g. D. P. Growth target was set change our success has come at a great price the economy posted negative growth in the 1st quarter of this year and a daily life in the work being greatly affected no mention either of any large scale economic stimulus for the worlds 2nd largest economy instead communist officials were told to tighten their belts and focus on stabilizing employment and eradicating poverty. The government plans to create 9000000. 00 jobs and kept unemployment at the current rate of 6 percent but analysts say millions of daily wage workers are not included in the official tally the number one priority is the employment issue so. To create jobs and employment of those word is mentioned almost 40 times and of the government is talking about different programs under from the government. Defense spending is due to rise by 6. 6 percent its lowest rate in 3 decades but enforcing National Security in hong kong is being stepped up with the announcement of a proposed law banning treason session and subversion there activists say the draft law is an assault on the regions autonomy and democratic freedoms holcombs main hung sank index fell by more than 5 percent with investors fearing the loss of the financials and a special economic status the National Peoples congress will continue to meet or the next week but on friday its priorities. Made clear reviving the economy and closing in on any threat to chinas stability of the coronavirus or demands for democracy katrina aljazeera aging adrian brown has more from hong kong. Well this has been a dark day for people who were already concerned about autonomy here in hong kong now chinas leaders say that this new law is needed to come back things like terrorism succession sedition as well as foreign interference now the latter is a reference to the United States which beijing has often accused of being behind and funding some of the protests here in hong kong now on friday this new law was debated by members of Chinas National Peoples Congress thats the parliament which meets once a year in beijing and it seems this new law could take effect as early as august there were protests in hong kong on friday as well as skirmishes inside the Legislative Assembly now currently social distancing rules mean that people cant gather in the streets in groups of more than 8 now those rules are due to continue until june the 4th the question i guess is when will those rules be lifted and what happens when they are will there be a return of those big street protests that we saw last year in the meantime hong kongs government says it will fully implement this new legislation it says the legislation is needed to punish those who create violence as well as punish those who support independence there was one line in premier league chungs speak to the n. P. C. On friday which has started a lot of speculation here in hong kong he said that there needs to be a mechanism to ensure the law is implemented that is led to many people suggesting that china might now set up its own spy agency here in hong kong something that would be separate but parallel to the Hong Kong Police force. Indias Prime Minister has visited areas hardest hit by the regions most powerful cycling in decades at least 96 people have been killed in india neighboring bangladesh never in ramadi survey the damage done by cycling on pran from the air before announcing Financial Aid the authorities are struggling to restore road links and electricity to millions of homes in calcutta streets were flooded and trees and power lines torn down perma rajaram reports from kolkata on the Prime Ministers visit. It is a seedy situation in brisbane drug which is grappling on the cuebid 95. 00 days and the looked on and off about a 100 has wrecked havoc across west. For just a month about a jeep accompanied indian premise and out into more the under god are all across so you know western great rock and also it was an ideal view of what the Prime Minister of god and what the devastation is like he announced an initial ground 0142000000 us dollars that the state of west bengal and for the family of the deceased and those injured he has he has given out about our 2800. 00 us 1. 70 us dollars respectively from the Prime Ministers would be fun but i trees fell down on the street which is causing a concern because essentially its imuss is a problem but it comes to reaching 2nd areas and that is something that the physical qualities i have to do as quickly as possible. Im so sure that people are not inconvenienced this is going to be a challenge for the people as that is a civic authorities of the state administration is all that it yeah ton very child reason doco or hundreds of homes have been destroyed leaving people with nowhere to go. Now that maybe the coast guard and the army has been deployed to take care of these people providing that really the big challenge and the question still remains what to do with all this people dont have a home to go back and this isnt a situation when the countrys going to economic challenges due to the shutdown people have to be provided really fast to be given 10000000 people are without electricity in all the mobile towers that are gone dikes that been washed away hatcheries up by 180000 had to stream farming to big business in southwest abang with that is totally washed away farmlands and in 46000 of farmland washed away so the government has to think in the long term rather we have believed they did this people because they dont have a home to go back to and keeping them in the shelter also is a double edged sword because they its a pandemic for coronavirus so major challenge ahead for the country to deal with this fallout from the. The u. N. Special operator who investigated the murder of a saudi journalist. Says the fight for justice isnt over agnes kind of maher is calling on the u. S. To publish secret findings on the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin sandmans involvement in the crime this after a crush of g. s children said they forgave their fathers killers clearing the way for them to be spared the Death Penalty the journalists fiance has rejected their forgiveness and says no one has the right to pardon his killers thanks for watching the news hour on aljazeera back in just a moment with much more of the days news see you in a minute. And i could as a emphasize the love them and also because the usa mad that i was there that could be fujinami looking. Bad as with cattle in the wild and the sabathia buck but is still a good model and when the high phoenix the animals are thats not a lot of time although caught on a 2nd and not all of us in the most are the kind of a blog pound of the dilemma just below the flyback felix to you and what can a method of caution if you hide behind as my wifes man the implementor so when. A unique form of protest by a palestinian artist using a symbol of National Identity to create postage unpassable stamps. Allows for some burglaries in your life that can fly anywhere sending a message of resistance about the arab israeli conflict a loss of all who come to palestine. Palestine sunbed a stamp of defiance on aljazeera. This powerful social network is sculpting a global Cyber Society and regulation is playing catch up but as scandals begin to unfold they will witness is that we should not be in this position. They want as much extra content as they can get undercover to gauge how ethics weigh against profits and how the rules are being written. Inside facebook on aljazeera. Be the hero of the world. Washed away. Brazils Supreme Court releases a video of president joy or ball so naro saying he will sack talk Law Enforcement officials to protect his family. Rochelle sara live from london im david operator also ahead a passenger jet crashes into a crowded neighborhood of karate killing all but 2 of those on board. God and i are. Hong kong activists call for people to rise up against beijings plans to

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