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Recommends the use of a controversial drug to treat even mild cases of covert 90 as it records a 3rd highest number of infections glavan. So powerful cycling has slammed ashore in eastern india and bangladesh so i couldnt put in barrel towards land as one of the strongest storms ever recorded in the region it has since been downgraded in Indias States of west bengal in the dish at half a 1000000 people have sought shelter that have been reports of injuries and a 2 month old baby has died neighboring bangladesh has also reported its 1st death after a volunteer drowned when a boat filled with evacuees capsize the government as it tends to get millions of people to emergency shelters. 1. 2000000 ranger refugees in coxs bazaars overcrowded camps theyve been also stand doors until a sight him passes the u. N. Has called for them to be moved to the mainland lets with Program Reports now from new delhi im. Sounding the alarm Indias National Disaster Response forsworn people in the state of west bengal ahead of cycling on making landfall the storm brought heavy rain and strong winds are proving trees more than half a 1000000 people have been evacuated to emergency shelters in west bengal and another 150000 to the state of disarray bond with their issues of actuating around 2000000 people. Many people have come to the shelter since morning because the rivers banks have broken down here most of the houses made of concrete and bricks people here live in basic structures as of mud. The densely populated low lying areas around the bay of bengal are used to cyclers bottom urgency Authorities Say on pond will be harder to manage as they try to stop the spread to the cove on a virus. Or to door disaster or some low gates outfits we are dealing with 2 disasters for the 1st time the 1st disaster is ongoing covered 1000. 00 which you all know about and during this outbreak another disaster is now in front of us which is in the form of a cycle on. Emergency shelters only being used at half capacity. Or. That starting is many and so this is for poor as you know. This is also i mean you know. It is one day. While east india and bangor they show in the storms path heavy rain and flooding farm pond killed 2 people in sri lanka. Those living in coastal areas have been warned against leaving behind onto the cyclon possums and its a bit proud of aljazeera. Across what a time to challenger and dr outlines the damage so far in bangladesh so far 2400000 people are sheltered on the coastal belt theres accommodation for 5000000 many of the shelters are basically makeshift schools are some of them are cycle and shelter but theyre not big enough you know theyre congested so the challenge of koran of virus spreading and the social distancing it something as a luxury it cannot be done because of the number of people there now as we speak the storm is crossing bangladesh the southwestern coastline we talked to many of our contacts there says its still crossing into schundler bun bun of the salon just mangrove forests d and the coast about theres a heavy storm side some places. Because the house has been actually how its been washed away as we speak now we have reports of one rescue voluntary been drawn our earlier in the evening we also have a report off an elderly man in. Ireland who died because of a fallen tree and now their 5 year old child who also died of a fallen tree in this state so a major Storm Brewing over well see what comes after a fact the u. N. Envoy for the middle east has told the Security Council that israel must abandon its planned on its a sheen of 30 percent of the old by the west bank under a deal with the us israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could begin annexing Palestinian Land as soon as july august and president Mahmoud Abbas has called for countries to recognize the state of palestine and impose sanctions on israel well lets go live to our diplomatic editor james freys whos at the United Nations and james weve been hearing strong words from the u. N. Special envoy what did he have to say. This was a meeting of the u. N. Security council to discuss the situation many here in new york had thought that Prime Minister netanyahu is threat to annex parts of the west bank was an election ploy but hes now back in office and he says hes definitely going to do it thats got people worried the u. N. Special envoy restating the uns position that its firmly behind a 2 state solution and any such move by israel would be illegal under International Law thats the long held position more surprising was the reaction from the un special coordinator nicholai mlodinow off to the palestinian decision to pull out of previous agreements with israel in cooperation with israel if i may speak only very frank you use. Whatever our individual assessments are listed in reaction to israeli threats of an extension maybe it is certainly one thing it is a desperate cry for help it is a call for immediate action it is a cry for help from a generation of leaders it can invest that know why building institutions and preparing for a state or over a quarter of a century. Palestinian leadership is not threatening it is calling the road an action to preserve peace so james that the u. N. Supporting the palestinian position on this but what about the United States where they have had what have they had to say about it. Weve heard from all 15 ambassadors of the u. N. Security council and one by one they said that israel needs to think again israel must not pursue an exception thats except for one and that one was the u. S. Ambassador kelly craft she didnt mention it and the emission i think was very important she spoke just moments later her boss the secretary of state might pompei o spoke in washington d. C. And he was critical of the palestinian decision to drop those agreements with israel he said that the palestinians needed to follow israel suit and come to the negotiating table on the basis of the trump plan and of course that plan that the palestinians have rejected as they say it really wouldnt give them a proper state at the end of it. Thanks very much new york when israel and Israeli Court has ordered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to appear in person when his corruption trial begins on sunday netanyahu lawyers applied for this penn station the attorney general demanded he be present the Prime Minister is indicted for bribery for fraud for breach of trust for exempting wealthy get gifts from wealthy businessmen and dispensing favors to get more positive press coverage you know who denies any wrongdoing. Now higher than hundreds of Migrant Children have been deported from the United States since coronavirus broke out under a pandemic border policy figures from the New York Times reveal that between march and april when the 900 young migrants were deported some of those already had asylum appeals pending in the court system in the past unaccompanied children who showed up at the border would be provided with shelter and could go through an asylum process but the troubled ministration has now done a u. Turn invoke in 1944 law which allows the president to block migration to prevent a dangerous disease from spreading on tuesday donald trump announced that the policy will stay in place indefinitely and will be reviewed every 30 days well leon fresca who is the former Deputy Assistant attorney general in charge of immigration at the u. S. Department of justice and he believes the usual safeguards seem to just been put to one side. For all d her 2 decades theres been a Settlement Agreement in a court laws that say that when a migrant under under or under a child came to the United States they would have to be accepted in the United States and allowed to go through a formal remove all process and there was then a congressional statute that was passed in 2008 that reinforced that and now what the administration is doing is its trying to say that the 1944 Public Health law that was pious that allowed the government the block and threes of people during a Public Health emergency even even overcomes the later laws that dealt with unaccompanied children and so thats the that legal debate thats out there is whether thats true and the administration has taken a very wide blanket knew that it does and theyre going to try to help to remove any child but in their custody that they get reported problems by the United States i think maybe at the beginning of the cold big crisis you could have easily made the argument look at that book for children and adults to be sitting in customs and Border Protection Holding Facilities together when you dont know sick and who isnt sick and thats all we was this thing starts to ramp up theres not really the same arguments in terms of well could you to least not test someone to the terminal they have coronavirus and if they dont have it then you can create a situation whereby they can and theyre the United States on northerly weisz of the greek these proceedings and so i think thats where the courts are going to come up on some of these things is going to be much more practical. In south sudan at least 287 people have been killed since friday in what authorities are calling cattle raids more than 100 people were injured during the attacks which took place in otoh a county enjoying these days a staff member from Doctors Without Borders was also killed over the weekend Steve Mcconnell is the deputy head of mission in south sudan for doses for the police and he says the charitys facilities remain open in the region despite the continued violence. We have a primary Health Care Center in the town sherry that. It was active at the time that fighting broke out our team left from the Health Care Center and one of one of our colleagues who lives in metairie was killed during the incident over the weekend i think there has been some confusing communication around this in fact our activities have continued enjoying the state throughout this period m. S. F. Runs a hospital in the town of lengthy and that has continued effect its activities throughout this period and indeed the interruption to our activities in the terri clinic was was very brief while the team to prep huge during the peak of fighting however they returned very shortly thereafter to restart activities and indeed have been treating patients inside that facility related to this most recent round of fighting we have received 16 patients some of them have been discharged although the majority remain it treated at the facility and and said several other patients were were referred to 2 hospitals in length and where up to now we have received over 50 patients inside that facility. Most of them continue to be treated inside inside the c. Predominantly being treated for gunshot wounds and other physical traumas. The polls have closed in burundi as president ial general election has been marred by reports of widespread Political Violence rights abuses and allegations that voting is neither free nor voters are replacing piano crews easy to stepping down after 15 years in power the government allowed the election to go ahead despite critics saying its failed to reach to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Still ahead here on our bodies buried in a hurry at night the crank Us Government accused of covering up the size of its corona Virus Outbreak. The changing color of antarctica how Global Warming could be a green. Hello in the summer is traditionally hot and humid in the gulf states but were not quite in summer and its already hot and he with his friends will wind around so temperatures in the high thirtys a low fortys from dubai out towards q 8 tends to suggest pretty unpleasant weather is much drier in baghdad its a little hotter 43. 00 it wont feel quite a sight to be honest ive got plenty of cloud on the western side of Society Encouraging showers to build in the mountains in the west or a resort in west in yemen thats occasional thunderstorms probably not big downpours but you cant remember meccas up to 45 thats also going to be i think relatively humid so little sticky. That most north africa isnt light as its dry heat is the most positive affected by the weather in the mediterranean thats true in tunis at 24. 00 degrees and on shore breeze there are showers in the mountains just about it was still on shore breeze giving or about 25 or 26 degrees for the sas from that to cause you got the shower work up into the sahara this time the year all these european highlands we have had rain running through the eastern cape from the still some in the forecast least in cape all assertive and temporarily Port Elizabeth is hot at such degrees but lets switch the right and the wind a bit for friday it down to 20. I easily test street and trace frank assessments why is it only struggling to cope with the number coronavirus pushed failure to take really aggressive action behind her informed opinion its going to be much more challenging in a place like haiti where there is one way here very relieved people in depth analysis of the days global headlines india done enough to nip the spread of the out of hours in the inside story on aljazeera. But again youre watching aljazeera remind of our top stories this hour and one of the most powerful cyclons in years has forced more than 3000000 people to seek shelter in eastern india and bangladesh the storm has weakened slightly but it did make landfall with wind speeds of up to 170 kilometers an hour. The u. N. Envoy for the middle east has told the Security Council that israel must abandon its planned and its a shame the 30 percent of the occupied west bank under a deal with the us israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could begin an exam Palestinian Land as soon as july. More than 900 Migrant Children have been deported from the United States since the coronavirus pandemic ministration invoked in 1944 law allows the government to block migration in order to prevent dangerous disease from spreading. The World Health Organization says 106000. 00 new cases of corona virus have been reported globally over the last 24 hours that is the most in a single day since the outbreak began that shows says almost 2 thirds of those have come from just 4 countries meanwhile u. S. Extra state might pompei it has criticized what he believes is chinas influence over the w. H. A. The Chinese Communist party also chose to pressure the World Health Organizations director general into excluding taiwan from this weeks World Health Assembly in geneva i understand that dr chatter is unusually close ties to beijing started long before this current pandemic and thats a deeply troubling our lets bring in our white house cross when it can be how could he joins us now from washington d. C. And kimberly there pompei maintaining the administrations attack on the w a j. Yeah in the face of criticism of the Pandemic Response the trumpet ministration continues to point the finger not only at the World Health Organization but also at china the us president for his part has threatened to withdraw funding to the global body pending a review and now we have the latest statements coming from the u. S. Secretary of state essentially accusing china of hiding evidence that would allow the world to trace the origins of the virus the u. S. Secretary of state accusing china of destroying live virus samples but also accusing the World Health Organization as the u. S. President has said to china centric the secretary of state calling the head of the World Health Organization dr ted rose on usually close ties to big thing which he believes could be clouding judgement so it appears that the secretary of state is doubling down on the accusations of the us president as the United States continues to threaten to pull funding as the bodies biggest donor run and talking about the firing of his departments Inspector General. Yeah im not liking those questions very much were reporters probed into more detail in about the firing the press conference with the secretary of state we understand was abruptly ended now sensually the secretary of state is defending his recommendation that he made to President Trump that this Inspector General within the state departments essential and internal watchdog that he needed to be fired in fact he said it should have been done some time ago but the facts that seem to be emerging are certainly interesting to say the least democrats are saying that they had requested this internal watchdog look into these sort of the handling of saudi arms deal that the secretary of state had approved what they were concerned about is the u. S. President s declaration of an emergency so that weapons could be sent to saudi arabia democrats are calling this a phony declaration of emergency they had asked the secretary of state to sit down for an interview one he had not complied with now democrats are pressing even further saying they want the paperwork surrounding this firing by friday its not clear if the secretary of state is going to comply with this request as reporters asked for more details again he ended the press conference thanks very much of the White House Well he has once again maintained that hydroxy poor queen is not approving treatment for grown of ours is to write to recommends that drug be limited to Clinical Trials and those comments come days after the us president told trump said that he is taking the drug despite the lack of evidence of its effectiveness. At this stage. And have been as yet found to be effective. In the treatment of course in 1000 are in the prophylaxis against coming down with the disease in fact the opposite. In the us warnings have been issued by many authorities with guarding the potential side effects of the drug and many countries have limited its use to that of Clinical Trials. In Clinical Trials are under the supervision of clinicians in a hospital setting where the statement came out after brazil approved the use of the controversial drug to treat coronavirus patients brazil has even taken the u. K. Becoming the country with the 3rd highest coronavirus cases in the well there were 1179 deaths and over 17000 new covert 900 infections on tuesday. Were losing the battle against the virus thats the reality the virus at this moment is winning the war these days coming up the holidays i dont see them as holidays but i see them as battle days the most important days in the fight against the virus well i thought masood has been following developments from sao paolo which is one of the areas hit hardest by the 1000 virus. President jacob was not or did not chosen has not chosen and you minister of health here in brazil and who is leading the ministry of health now is the general eduardo pas were law and he chose more than 13 members from the army to be with him in his team in the ministry of health and at the same time also president was not who said that he announced. A minister. Approved today a new protocol to use hydro secure queen as a treatment for all cases and all stages. Of virus patients here in brazil even the early stages and this was the main case and main cause of that is going to of the 2 x. Ministers of healthy in brazil but now this will be applied officially by the ministry of health opposition politicians in nicaragua are accusing the president Daniel Ortega and the government of covering up grown a virus just by ordering burials to be done quickly and at night the Health Ministry reports 17 code 19 was born the true total is much higher because this report. This wasnt the way we see arrow wanted to bury his father. But the local authorities who did a rushed late night burial which luis on his boat are going to integrate well there were orders of the body must be buried and there was no turning back so the only thing i could do was try and stream it so that my friends on facebook could be with me at the time because they forbid people to be close to the grave there were even police that kept people away luis is convinced his father a pilot for a nick or argue an airline died of cope with 19. Funeral directors say his familys trauma is increasingly common they say theyve been so busy and we. The months theyve run out of coffee in. The funeral home owners all communicate with each other and we learn each other vehicles and things like that weve buried about 200. 00 people a night so far without relatives without candles without anything. Their experience contrasts with the governments official figures for corona virus deaths which show very few safe. Unlike other latin american countries president daniel hasnt implemented social distancing measures he says the spike in deaths this year from pneumonia has little to do with the coronavirus pandemic. We have a normal cycle in mourning the deaths. The important thing is that in beating this pandemic there is no crisis in nicaragua. But doctors say hospitals are overwhelmed by patients suffering from or spirit 3 illnesses and the pan american Health Organization said nicaraguas government has refused to allow its staff into any hospitals adding to concerns that ortigas downplaying the effects of the pandemic victoria. And i greenery is not something youd expect to find in an telescope which is a cold is confidence in the world but scientists have found vast quantities of green algae living in melting snow covers almost 2 square kilometers so dense it can be spotted from space and silence is blamed Climate Change for the northern peninsula becoming among the fastest warming regions in the world well Andrew Shepherd is a professor of earth observation at the university of leeds and he says its another indicator of rapidly melting ice sheets. Its getting warmer and warmer there for some time now weve seen the signal of that change in the ice so you might have heard stories about ice melting or ice takes breaking off. But this is interesting because this is now showing is that its warm enough to change the things that can live there as well its definitely not a Positive Side of the story to think that antarctica will no longer be the cold frigid place that everyone expects to be and will be somewhere different types of creatures want to recall an ice in the very distant past i thought it was just a forest actually that was many many millions of years ago and we dont expect it to be anything like that soon but if it algae can live that and worms the algae and if they get there then something will come and eat the worms course its a real problem for everyone around the planet because the ice melts and so can the sea and we feel that instantly wherever we are around the planet even though antarctica is a very long way away if the citys sea level changes it changes around the whole planet and in fact it effects as most in the Northern Hemisphere if ice is lost and south and and then in one respect the fact that we see new life forms emerging in antarctica is just another signal that the place is getting too hot and too hot for the ice to withstand now what started as a personal gesture to the memory of his mother has become a landmark in irans capital the memorial has taken on extra meaning during the covert 900. 00 pandemic and bus robbery has a story in terrell. Homeowner the bill his mother loved flowers. Growing up he remembers their house filled with them. Every year since her passing hes planted tulips on a street to honor her memory my plan was to change the sadness of losing my mother and convert it to making other people happier. Saberi suffered an accidental head injury and died suddenly planting flowers for her was her sons way of coping with the grief. What began as his celebration of her life has become a major city attraction. A small flower patch 8 years ago now stretches for a city block and sadness at this sad day this year there were fewer visitors than previous years not many people came to visit because of the coronavirus quarantine little by little ive seen families driving up to see the tulips from their cars as the system has a job that i was just passing by when i saw the tulip from other sign i was curious and go to house of the car to see they are very beautiful. Are the billy splits his time between homes in the United States and iran a foundation he set up overseas his passion project beautifying public spaces is something he says is good for the whole community and hes in talks to duplicate the project in cities around the world tulips from others imports bulbs from the netherlands staff plant tens of thousands of flowers along the street every year. The flowers are time to bloom around no rose the persian new year and this has become a kind of unofficial annual event a way to mark the beginning of spring in fact this spot is so popular that it even has its own location marker on google maps. In these dark days of the coronavirus the foundation is also displaying posters in memory of the men and women from irans Health Care Sector who died fighting coke at 19. Each poster signals a grief stricken family in last saw many doctors nurses workers in the medical field so he put songs so many posters and and their name and their picture at the to live side by i can do something very little. For the medical workers who lost their lives for us the tulips last 3 to 4 weeks or the belief usually plants a 2nd round of lily flowers to make the most of the spring season. This year he decided to do something a little different he delivered lilys directly to iranian hospitals as a way to bring some joy to the places that have recently seen only tragedy a small gesture are to billy says to thank local heroes and a reminder perhaps that no matter how cold the winter there is always spring the same bus ravi old is here at the iran. This is our bureau these are the top stories a powerful psycho has forced more than 2000000 people to seek shelter in eastern india and bangladesh the storm initially made landfall with wind speeds of up to 170 kilometers an hour. The u. N. Envoy for the middle east has told the Security Council that israel must abandon its planned amex ation of 30 percent of the occupied west bank under a deal with the United States israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could begin Palestinian Land as soon as july. And Israeli Court has ordered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to appear in person when his corruption trial begins on sunday the Prime Minister is indicted for bribery fraud and for breach of trust for accepting gifts from wealthy businessmen and for dispensing favors to get more positive press coverage netanyahu denies any wrongdoing the World Health Organization says 106000 new cases of corona virus have been reported globally over the last 24 hours that is the most in a single day since the outbreak began. Says almost 2 thirds of those have come from just 4 countries meanwhile u. S. Secretary of state might pumpin has criticized what he believes is chinas influence over the w. H. O. Chinese communist party also chose to pressure the World Health Organization director general into excluding taiwan from this weeks World Health Assembly in geneva i understand that dr tatar is unusually close ties to beijing started long before this current pandemic and thats a deeply troubling brazil has overtaken the United Kingdom becoming the country with the 3rd highest coronavirus cases in the world president jaya beltre nurses his cabinet would approve the controversial drug drugs he chloroquine to handle mild cases polls have closed in burundis president ial election which went ahead despite the corona Virus Outbreak folks is it choosing a new president with a long time leader piano crews these are stepping down after 50 years in power in south sudan at least 287 people have been killed since friday in what authorities are calling cattle raids more than 100 people were injured during the attacks which took place in a county in jungle a state a staff member from Doctors Without Borders was also killed over the weekend right up to date with the headlines got more news coming up right after inside story often. Is the World Health Organization on life support its response to the coronavirus pandemic is to be scrutinized by the number states with goals for change growing louder all the lessons to learn for the next on down this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program on boone its a coronavirus pandemic is one of the Biggest Challenges the World Health Organization has have a faced its also receiving by

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