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And yet when we talk to a family one thing on sits. On in sport professional rugby players in new zealand dont park on the Training Field we report on the countrys efforts to secure its National Schools financial future. Now china is accusing the United States of avoiding responsibility and shifting the blame for mishandling the Coronavirus Crisis to President Trump threatened to permanently halt funding to the World Health Organization that means the w. H. O. Would lose its single largest contributor the us gave more than 400000000 dollars last year trump issue the threat of the lesser to the head of the organization which he then posted on twitter in it he accused the w. H. O. Of mistakes and inaction you write it is clear the repeated missteps by you and your organization in responding to the pandemic. Have been extremely costly for the wilds he also accused officials of backing china writing the only way forward for the World Health Organization is if it can actually demonstrate independence he ended the lesson demanding major changes of the Organization Trump wrote if the World Health Organization does not commit to major substantial improvements within the next 30 days i will make my temporary freeze of u. S. Funding to the World Health Organization permanent and the us president also accuses beijing of being partly responsible for the w. H. S. Actions and i think theyve done a. Very sad job in the last period of time and again the United States pays them 450000000. 00 a year china pays them 38000000000. 00 a year and theyre a puppet of china. China centric to put it nicer but theyre a puppet of china well for more on chinas reaction heres our correspondent katrina you from beijing. Chinas Foreign Ministry has responded to trumps letter by painting the us as a rogue state that is not abiding by the rules of the International Community it says that its the obligation of every World Health Organization member state to pay their contribution in full and on time it also says that the Trump Administration is trying to mislead the public about china while politicizing its relationship with the World Health Organization saying that its simply trying to divert attention away from its or mishandling of the crisis back home another interesting point raised by the Foreign Ministry choose days press briefing that raised this question of this independent review and when this independent review by the World Health Organization will take place now the Foreign Ministry spokesperson jen said that it would be disastrous for this review to take place before the pandemic was under control so though it seems that china is committed to this review its trying to kick the can down the road and terms of when its actually going to take place well that disputes involving the w. H. O. China and the u. S. Is all taking place as the World Health Assembly of nations is usually on having an independent inquiry into the wilds Coronavirus Response for more on the story lets go to our correspondent a sebag hes in london said i mean clearly the spat is escalating not only between the u. S. And china but also between the u. S. And the w. H. O. Itself whats the w. H. O. Had to say. Well its not clear exactly what President Donald Trump wants the to do in the next 30 days what changes does he want to see now the debate show has consistently defended itself against any other gauges made by the United States those allegations are that the behavior was slow in warning of the risk of human to human transmission of the says that they issued technical guidance in early january that warned of that very risk of human to human transmission now the u. S. Says that we hate joe didnt examine chinas transparent transparency early on joe says that they issued that they declared the coronavirus a global emergency of International Concern a day before the trumpet ministration put a partial ban on flights from china but theres also those that say that the trumpet ministration already had to funding in its sights in early february did ministration suggested cutting the funding by half as part of 3000000000 cups of u. S. Funds across the board to Global Health and that this is just an excuse as it were also as weve been reporting expecting that vote on an inquiry at that ongoing that youre meeting later today do you have a sense of where various countries actually went to land on that. Well the w. H. O. Supports an investigation china supports an investigation as weve heard but were not sure they want it to take place once the virus is under control other countries over about 120 support that resolution now that resolution calls for an impartial independent and comprehensive investigation into the response to the krona virus but whats also important is that includes text that looks at the origins of the virus now when this resolution was 1st proposed by a stray that really upset china because they felt it was targeting them now this resolution has been put forward by the European Union now if you managed to set a timeframe on this investigation this could be enough for the u. S. Administration say ok fine were back on board but like i said its really difficult to know because no one knows exactly what donald trump is looking for as a bag that across all of those developments for us from london thanks financial. Well as weve been saying ties between china and australia also under growing a strain after beijing now impose tariffs and suspended imports of australian Agricultural Products its being seen as retaliation for australias push for a global investigation into the origins of private 19 Nuclear Gauge reports from a farming town in the state of New South Wales. The panix of return to green on this farm in regional New South Wales which is henderson looks after 550. 00 angus cattle recent rain. Droughts but the multibillion dollar cattle industry is now in the middle of an trade dispute between australia and china putting down thousands of jobs at risk this right a certain. Things considerably plant crops up to the future and we dont need any potential caps like this to sort of put the bug some china has suspended beef imports from 4 of australias major rabbits was but its being seen by some analysts as china using tried to punish a strong leader for pushing for a global inquiry into the origins. Of the back of droughts and floods and far as what we need in rural and regional is travelling at the moment is investment certainty and where there are reasons the in markets like china that is not a good thing for farmers as well as disrupting the cattle industry china is also threatening to impose tariffs of up to 80 percent on a stroll in bali imports some farmers have stopped sowing due to the. Beijing followed through with that threat on monday thank you please putting in into israeli is bali trade with china ripping hundreds of millions of dollars from the industry china is no longer a rising power its a reason power and what we know of superpowers is that they are their wealth to try and influence other countries to do their bidding. And i think we will see china doing more of that in the. Relations between the 2 nations have been under strain well before coded 19 or relegations of chinese interference in australian politics but china is biggest trade partner the question is how to strike a balance between business and standing up to one of the worlds biggest economy you can gauge aljazeera in the town of kook world. Along with his threat to the president has also added another dose of controversy saying hes taking an anti malarial drug that Health Experts have warned could have faced all side effects how does a caster has more. President donald trump is so confident in the drug he himself dubbed a game changer against covert 19 that he himself takes one pill of hydroxy chloroquine with his ink every morning object and hydroxy for. Right having a. Couple of weeks ago started to get it because i think its kind of had a lot of good stories and if its not good ill tell you right doctor to get hurt but its been around for 40 years from malaria for a loop as for other things the president unsolicited admission came at the end of a winding press conference next to restaurant executives about reopening the country what do you have to lose ok what do you have to list thats despite no evidence of the drug working to prevent infection and own food and Drug Administration warning against using hydroxy chloroquine to treat coated outside of an Emergency Hospital setting a leading government immunologist testified before Congress Last week that he was demoted after doubting hydroxy clore whens efficacies we also knew that there were potential safety risks or clerk when they cause an irregular heart irregular heart rhythms and even in some cases death a greater portion of u. S. Military veterans who took the drug to treat cope with 19 did die according to a government study as compared to fellow covert patients who did not take hydroxy chloroquine and 2 larger studies from new york found the drugs offered no significant benefit to hospitalized patients trump said his faith in hydroxy clore when comes from anecdotes that make their way to the oval office. I get a lot of positive calls about it the American Medical Association says it strongly opposes the non f. D. A. Approved use of hydroxy clark when without careful consultation with ones doctor trump says he has the white House Doctors approval he says he asked for it himself heidi jocasta. Aljazeera Washington Well staying with that story and dr bob on a says the former chief medical correspondent had n. B. C. News and he says most studies that say poorly done that there are actually no raylan says on the efficacy of that drug hydroxycut are occurring intriguing thing about what the president s doing is this when you look at the entry of the virus into the body has a thing called a spike protein here that then goes on to a particular receptor needs to receptor its meant to perhaps block that in theory and then once it gets into the body it likes a more and more acid environment and the hydroxy corkran can make it less acid so its a theoretical basis to take it for prevention and theres a current trial going on with no results we look at hard endpoints its sort of looking like apples oranges in great foods and trying to compare all these studies to the best hospitals in america right now are saying the number one risk their patients are getting is that what they call paul the pharmacy its been on too many drugs theyre finding which straight Supportive Care giving no drugs at all theyre doing better than if they load them up with all kinds of drugs that are have proven in trials that are poorly conducted when you look at all of these various comorbidities when you look at the diabetes and the high Blood Pressure in the corner yarder disease that various people have with this you know you add these other drugs to it and you get you really get bad results the one thing theyre finding now and i say use is a tremendous numbers of a rhythm ias irregular heart rates because of the amount of hydroxy clark when thats being used at this point. Well theres plenty more ahead on this news hour including anger in chiles capital have coronavirus off down protesters in need of food and money when you factor. In the news for the English Premier League is taking its tentative steps towards a restart and it will be here with more of that story. Lets bring you to some other news now unless souter is Prime Minister has resigned after months of pressure over allegations of involvement in mudda thomas to ban his coalition fell apart in palm and last monday and he was asked to step down by the end of this week to make way for a new government to ban is suspected of conspiring to murder his former wife his current wife has been formally charged with that matter they both deny any involvement in head to s. Nice little countrymen and women period for you to do it one knows that the way that you had assigned me may not yet be over but the time to job them degrades she told actually take leave from public live in north. Well lets get more now from her shoes and harare for us now how a given all of this controversy and it feels like this has been a Long Time Coming but until now to bonnie has resisted so what finally pushed him over the line here. Well whats going to happen now is that we know that Thomas Tobias formally handed in his Resignation Letter to king lacey the 3rd the king could ask him to stay on as a caretaker Prime Minister until a new Prime Minister has been sworn in the person will likely be finance minister by joran hes 58 years old he used to work for the i admit anything to have support from people who like to money when it comes to the army political analysts say that they will likely remain neutral they havent really had to deal with them but its expected or expected that they will try and support him so my knee has been resisting going for a while and he said this is not a resignation he simply retiring because hes too old but people in the city know that hes been under a lot of pressure to resign because of his alleged involvement in the murder of his former wife i mean this doesnt sound like its the beginning of a substantial political shift for the country but what happens next with this potential murder trial well he had approached the Constitutional Court earlier saying that his argument was that a sitting Prime Minister cannot be charged for anything now that of course will change once a new Prime Minister has been sworn in some political analysts said in thing of the results of i have told the story long was because he is trying to organize some kind of good exit package for him when he leaves maybe try to protect the people around him and also try and get immunity from prosecution but all this will become clear to the new Prime Minister has been sworn in that could be later on choosing or possibly even wednesday. For speaking to us on all this about once from harare thank you harry. Human rights but slit phlegm is accusing israel of a campaign of violence against palestinians and an easter said neighborhood as a way a is home to about 22000 people and as one of the poorest suburbs in the city its hemmed in by jewish neighborhoods and israeli institutions including a military base a Medical Center and a university the group says as so it is 90 percent smaller than went to seized by israel in 1967 how can i add as director of that group the israeli Nongovernmental Organization which wrote that report and he says the oppression of the neighborhood has been building for yes to a gradual process and going from the israeli perspective as is correct with regard to so many other Human Rights Violations conducted by using against mistiness its all according to law so the gradual usage of various mechanisms to overtake the land. Is very situations taking some of the land to build on the neighborhood settlements just for jews. And implementing that gradually has been one feature of what is happening that has been compounded also by the policy of the snows landing not giving that neighborhood and proper master plan according to which people will be able to build an issue that he believes permits and just lead a normal life so you know that islam is done exactly the opposite totally willingly and to is an example of the brother situation existing all over in a stadium in East Jerusalem and theres a little doubt of course people have no other option but us to build without a permit and again they have turned out to they risk their life savings. Libyas internationally recognized government is continuing its offensive against forces loyal to world cliff a half to the west after taking control of the base on monday july forces now say theyve also retaken the towns of t. G. And bada south of that base which here had been used as have to his headquarters in western libya since 24 team the spokesman for have to us forces is downplaying the loss of that airbus. A minute this move was not made in the spur of the moment it was planned for months weve been pulling out Strategic Equipment and heavy military gear from the brakes 3 months ago we pulled out the jet fighters and their ammunition and spear parts only yesterday orders were given for personnel to withdraw under cover the withdrawal was successful and weve moved the personnel and all the with the marine ammunition and we have our own planes and we will recapture the air base well lets go now to our correspondent went up to watch it is on the ground for us in tripoli for after the unsurprisingly wanting to brush this off but could we see a retaliation or perhaps an escalation in fighting. Will. Around the city. In. The south of. In the south of the capital tripoli the city of us about as one of have to the forces strongholds and they move to us after the loss of the city of body and last june. Forces after the capture of both towns of t. G. Embedded in the worst of the mountain the moved on. And according to local sources there beginning forces tried to convince the Elderly Council and the responsible people there to hand over without fighting but some through how to fight as their fused and engaging with the Government Forces in fighting now the Government Forces decided to war of to the south of the after the took control of a to b. s as you know. And. As have the us forces last year. It has changed their balance of power in other front lines namely in southern tripoli as you know there the spokesman of how to those forces stated that they are repositioning the other regrouping and this has been interpreted as a kind of he is paving for kind of was to the world but the Government Forces here say that the takeover of a what is a setback to have to his forces as they now have to this was that he considered it was to will or repositioning and the Government Forces say that they will not advance as have the forces leave their old locations because have those forces. Most a probably sitting good land mines in their years they are leaving now the city of the horn of the major stronghold of health for the force of the main the major threat for the Government Forces and the siege of. Has held that the Government Forces are. Focusing on defending the capital tripoli in the confrontation acces in southern tripoli and also preparing as the Government Military sources tell us preparing for a fresh offensive to move on the major stronghold of have to the forces its clear that have to his forces are losing momentum especially after that seal or civil said backs they suffered over the past 2 months as you know that the last 6 strategic cities and towns in the west along the west of the cost in april now the strategic. On monday. This morning in the west of the mountain n. L. Suburbs almost falling to the Government Forces. Now the question now is whether or not have to those forces will withdraw to the city of total horner because as you know that there is a connecting point between the city of port horner and all the confrontation axes and southern of tripoli the city of that is the measure of support supply line it gives the supply in to have those forces in the confrontation axes in southern tripoli now that the government to military sources say that they will continue they will continue defending their capital tripoli and told the the attack about how for those forces in southern new tripoli and again the fall of. 2 into the hands of the Government Forces has eliminated a measure of threat as you know honest as you are there to have to as warplanes was taking off from a lot to get the Government Forces locations in many areas in the worst of the country of all of the past few years and now youre losing. Half those forces have lost at the last stronghold west of the capital tripoli now sort of on a city of the main the only and the one and the major stronghold for have those forces in the west of libya mammadov why head there for us in tripoli thanks very much matthew hundreds of civilians have disappeared during yemens 5 year war many are said to have been taken in for questioning by the saudi u. A. E. Coalition and their families are desperate for answers about their whereabouts Stephanie Decker has. Its the not knowing which is the hardest part its been 5 years since these children lost their father since his wife last knew for certain that he was alive that anyone even your mucked up with i havent heard about my husband since he was abducted not even a call or news i havent heard his voice since then i dont know anything i searched on looked everywhere i made reports to the police and the security directorate i even went to the ministry of the interior. According to his wife adel her dad was a bus driver in yemen southern port city of aden she says he was taken for questioning by groups backed by saudi arabia and the u. A. E. November of 2016. He isnt the only one to disappear the 5 year war has left many families with the same pain and uncertainty these Mother Holding protest they want on cers. We appeal for the release of our children weve been looking for them for 4 years and we havent found them if there is something they should put them on trial at least they should let us talk to them see them what theyre doing is forbidden 2 of my sons were forcibly taken every mother and wife here has been in such pain for 4 years. The risk of covert 1000 has added to their worries the relatives tell. Yemens Health Care System is barely functioning of 3 years of war the official number of current infections here is relatively low but aid agencies fear the numbers are far higher the World Health Organization has warned that a large outbreak of the virus here could be disastrous there is a severe lack of equipment especially when it comes to ventilators there is no capacity to cope and as the rest of the world focuses on battles to contain the coronavirus it seems to be the only subject that makes News Headlines these days but it hasnt stopped the conflict here and its only added to the worries of those desperate for answers Stephanie Decker aljazeera. Now returning to the corona virus pandemic and hoff of chile is 15 members that have been placed in quarantine on coronavirus fairs and this comes as demonstrators clashed with police and one of the capitals poorest neighborhoods hundreds defied a citywide lockdown to demand food and other vital supplies latin america at least in human reports from santiago. Angry residents of the community in santiago all had begun by blocking streets and screaming we are hungry right police try to dispel the crowd with water cannon in tear gas but they refused to budge and responded with rocks and sticks seems reminiscent of the social upheaval that brought chile for months until the coronavirus pandemic saw the pause button hit on protests. A bosc is a poor and overcrowded municipality where the majority struggled to make enough to survive even before they were ordered into total florentine in mid april a full month before the entire capital was locked down on friday people say theyre not against the quarantine just starvation but what about just get out of here you know this woman that police. This was exactly what many predicted might happen in the face of widespread unemployment and growing hardships brought on by confinement and a deepening recession. The night before president Sebastian Pinera had announced a plan to distribute 2500000 boxes of food and cleaning products for the needy across the country less than 24 hours later he rushed to address the nation again appealing for patience and understanding. Them in the process of preparing and distributing these boxes demands a tremendous logistical effort and need some time we understand the urgency for many so we are working tirelessly to start distribution by the end of this week or the beginning of next week. But for tens of thousands of chileans who have been left with nothing nixed week may seem like a lifetime away this latest protest shows that many chileans have already run out of patience and the biggest fear is that this incident could well snowball into far more widespread protests that could be even more difficult to control than chiles an earlier social explosion you see in human aljazeera sunday out. Of protest as an ecuador say theyre more concerned about the future of their livelihoods than of getting private 19. Union groups a labor of forms will allow businesses to cut twerking hours and wages by half the government says the moves will save jobs but many workers are worried about having enough to eat according to reports nearly 150000 people have already lost their jobs. Well it is now time for the weather and heres a rob with news of the path of psycho known yeah within 24 hours of landfall now. In more detail its moving over the bay of bengal its weakened a little since yes it means very much is still called a super cycle officially supersonic storm. The winds are about 205 Kilometers Per Hour that is just what name names its a class if you like its also got additional characteristics the wave height currently it is generating as those winds 14 meters are actually open water and storm surge dragging with it so thats the dome of water that it brings with it and pushed ahead of it about 5 meters all heading towards what you know is low level land so zooming into this of course youve got the big delta which is the start of bangladesh and youve also got of course this part of india west bengal now it looks like things taking a steady northerly pass and it will make landfall over the coast of india just west of baghdad near i calcutta around about mid afternoon local time so were about 24 hours away anyway by which time itll be category 2 equivalent of a hurricane with winds of 165. 00 and still the storm surge far as meters above what is the normal times is going to be a lot of inundation hardly surprising between now and then most of the rainfall will be on the indian coast and the winds blowing that water up into the low ground of course of the bangladesh delta. Thanks rob will continue watching that very. Well still ahead on aljazeera the plan to safely open schools in the u. K. But why some say its still to. Return to sender the political food frightening the future of the u. S. Postal service. And in sports big is better for spanish football teams as theyre closer to a return to action. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such that moms as a global power develop into the Basement Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against these developments we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breastpin pioneering future energy. A story of lola family and freedom calling for my living here so you at school we heard the sounds of large explosions. And the hardships faced in captivity they came for me at midnight they told me to leave my son i said how can i contact him i saw so much pain in the eyes of the other female prisoners. In the our pricing. On aljazeera. I dont again im a star and lets remind you about top stories this hour china is accusing the United States of avoiding its responsibility and shifting the blame for mishandling the Coronavirus Crisis thats off to President Trump threaten to permanently holds funding to the World Health Organization. To his Prime Minister has resigned after months of pressure over matter allegations thomas to bonnies coalition fell apart last monday and he was asked to step down by the end of this week to make way for a new government. And libyas internationally recognized government in tripoli says its forces have retaken the towns of t. G. And but there that follows mondays takeover takeover. From Khalifa Haftar us forces. Now schools in england are set to reopen on june fest theyve now been closed for 2 months to curb the spread of the coronavirus and while classes will only resume for certain grades some people still feel that reopening is happening too quickly for a challenge reports from london now the u. K. Schools have been quiet closed but for the few children of essential workers all other kids have been housebound waiting out the viral storm looking for brighter days and they might be close for england at least a week ago the Governments Task all leaders like steve chalke with safety welcoming some year groups back on june the 1st in some schools you didnt and you saw one way system using one set of stairs to go up another set of stairs to come down and different corridors for moving in the Different Directions you set out markings on the floor of 2 mates so with think in all of that weve got enough people for every staff member or and and child the plan is for the youngest 2 Primary School years and the oldest to go back 1st and others would follow later so had seizures have been scrambling to find ways they can safely open school gates to more pupils but a week of frantic talks between teachers unions and the government still hasnt convinced everyone who thinks this is all happening too fast ministers appointed to other European Countries where classes have started again portugal went back on monday but 2 English Councils liverpool and hartley have both said there are still too many local coronavirus cases to safely open schools on the governments timetable scotland and wales say they wont reopen yet either even teachers organizations that are now on board are still extremely anxious and ultimately what we would say is that the decision around opening and closing a school wrist with the teacher and a governing board all the trustees and we would definitely support them if in their judgment they couldnt safely do that and then it is. More time to plant towards it there are warnings though that the longer schools the shots the more poor kids are affected by disparities in home schooling kids from the richest families are spending 75 minutes a day more on educational activities than those in the poorest at the families if you take the 34 school days between the 23rd of march when schools close for the 1st time and the 1st of june when the 1st kids could start to go back to school that out adds up to more than a week and a half of full time time in school but the same institute of fiscal studies report found that well fewer than half of all parents are ready to send their children back to school given the choice even if schools in england do open on june the 1st classrooms may remain mostly empty. Well lets speak to a challenge in london now rory i see there were also some new jobs numbers out today and not good news. From the office of National Statistics which is the governments kind of status to go. Everything the bulk of what they are saying i think is not particularly remarkable because its dealing with the period from january to the end of march the 1st quarter of the year and that doesnt take into account most of lockdown lockdown came in at the end of march but theyve got enough preliminary data for april to be very alarming indeed they have pointed to the huge surge in the number of people seeking some form of Unemployment Benefits up 70 percent between mansion and they have a Health Warning for this figured out saying that not everyone who is claiming benefit is actually unemployed but they also didnt figure is such as the decrease in the number of people on payroll for april which is. Down by nearly half a 1000000 people and also the decrease in the number of hours worked at the end of march the last 2 months of 2 weeks of march down by 25 percent all of these things ringing alarm bells and the woman i spoke to from the ins this morning said that the next quarters figures are going to be interesting and that was how she put it i think thats typical statisticians understatement rory theres also been so much ongoing criticism of just the way that the governments been handling this pandemic and with all those knock downs now beginning to ease that how have people been responding. Cautiously so far i mean in england at least lock down was the. Earlier in the week but outside Kings Cross Station that theres not much for people generally staying off transports but the u. K. Is not really acting as one he. So the moment youve got. England which is easier down already somewhat you have scotland which is coming with its easing of restrictions towards the end of the month wales acting independently to. As you heard in my report that when it comes to opening schools scotland or wales are doing their own thing you even have Different Councils in the united kingdom. The political saying that they are not going to open their schools on june the this kind of all in it together unity that we sort the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic certainly is fragmenting at the moment we have had latest figures on deaths from the office of National Statistics as well which is saying that yes deaths are decreasing but if we start to see those starting to tick up again with the easing of frustrations then of course that points to the fact that well we may see restrictions being reimposed again so were certainly not out of this yet in the u. K. Because still leading europe the worst in the continent. Thank you farai. Well salvador as president has condemned its top course after it suspended a state of emergency to contain the craven 1000 outbreak now says the courts decision is illegal and lacks common sense he declared the emergency measures on saturday but the court says the move is unconstitutional because the president didnt get approval from pollens. The United Nations is warning the coronavirus is having a devastating impact on a digital people around the world in brazil doctors say the number of critically ill patients being airlifted out of the amazon rainforest has increased by 60 percent since the beginning of this pandemic victoria reports. Inside this plane theres a critically ill cope with 19 patients nobody. Really thought oh hes a member of an indigenous tribe who live in brazils amazon rain forest hes been airlifted to menow so one of the few cities in am is in a state with intensive care beds. Every day 2 planes are going out one is for normal patients and the other is to cover the patients sometimes you dont have a normal patient but we have a patient with copd it lives for cover patients have gone up a lot its gone up 60 percent for removals. Latest figures show there were more than 500 confirmed cases of covert 19 among 40 tribes many Indigenous People have gone into voluntary isolation barricading roads to protect their villages from the pandemic but the disease is spreading quickly. There is a Great Payment of people from into your terminology we had brought a. Body. Even before the Coronavirus Crisis brazils Indigenous People say they were in a struggle for survival they say president jaya bull scenario has stripped them of their rights and dismantled environmental protections opening the amazones mineral riches for more commercial exploitation. Of 19 is an additional. Right it is time of heightened tension the tribes say they dont have the resources needed to fight the disease. We have an underdeveloped interior 4 or 5 cities have intensive care units and many of them are not operate those in the rest of the interior those in underdeveloped areas are trying to get to my mouse and we could see a new wave of crowded hospitals fights vacancies and intense situation human Rights Groups warn that illegal miners and locals in the amazon rain forest are exploiting the pandemic and that the government is ignoring or even encouraging illegal land seizures at a time when Indigenous People almost ponderable Victoria Gate and the aljazeera well we can now speak to Jose Francisco calif he is the un special rapporteur on indigenous rights and he joins us now from berlin via skype mr side thank you very much for making the time i understand you yourself from guatemala and theres been great criticism as weve been hearing of the Pandemic Response in latin america especially in brazil when it comes to protecting indigenous groups what are your thoughts on. Well actually. Its true and unfortunately if you push it of the Indigenous People it is a is getting or its worsening especially in this pandemic crisis because a the marketing that is stationed at Indigenous People being sold for some for historically and i believe that especially in those people who is not on that good or a sense they decided to not do we contact in the amazon jungle and i think that its because also the lack of recess and. The lack of a Public Policy said what then the american see is pretty funny beach and its people its where many of these have a very remote communities how is the current virus actually reaching them and could that perhaps be much broader spread then we already know about they would actually the prototypical been taking place a specially built Remote Community itself in each of those people is there a in some cases there are probably some tourists that. Do the community or some of the members of the community they went to ready do bio to visit some time. In other communities and there are many issues that the that can be a a dakini not content to see how its a problem because being that infected well youve been saying yourself that many of these creeps have been marginalized for some time and already have Poor Health Outcomes to begin with and presumably in that case also more underlying condition so how could this pandemic affect them. Were least going to affect very strongly especially because as i said before the lack of. Medical services in the community but also in some cases you know Indigenous People there are not is it where there is the tradition that is taking place especially in the nature of communities and that is making more able notable Indigenous People to be affected by the calling of diagnosis and b b we can say the militarization sometimes in some of the communities and also the a curfew that has been taking place. Or the lack of information is specifically about what is how its going to do to affect. The people because we have 19 is that Indigenous People are afraid and they are also because that afraid that their suffering. Is some measure of that they come in day in place in order to use affecting their daily life specifically because they come up to god to to god that their own food or the plate their food and that is something that this affecting culturally spiritually many levels of of. Of their life to this effect in by these numbers and you mention militarization and i want to ask you more about that because along with trying to control the spread of the virus weve also seen a number of countries impose states of emergency and many of these communities are inhabiting lands that are considered very valuable by governments could we potentially see this pandemic in used as an excuse of sorts to try to take over some of those areas. Unfortunately when that is the case and the information that ive been receiving is that a you seeing this a imagine fi access queues for not consulting in the can the people that this a good that is a right that they get the Indigenous People to buy in that match and that human rights instrument. I cut where we have been seeing how the. The independent this might be important that prices are a baking advantage of this and they are not only. A band not only taking in the ransom accords of the a bun sing on it if that the. Industry if and or so they. Destroy in that round as they are destroying different sources and the business interests are inviting indigenous communities Jose Francisco the un special rapporteur on indigenous rights thank you very much for joining us on aljazeera thank you very much to you. Now the u. S. Postal service in desperate need of imagines the funding is reported to be reviewing its Package Delivery fees President Donald Trump has long said it should charge Companies Like amazon far more but amazons i know jeff bezos also owns the Washington Post long a focus of trumps attacks she have a ton of the reports. The trump ministration has made no secret of its wish to privatized the United States Postal Service or u. S. P. S. And wall street has long coveted the u. S. P. S. Is profitable Revenue Streams now there are suspicions of that the pandemic may finally provide them with an opportunity to act its been in the sights of wall street knows it would like the profit from what we call the public commons in the public good of a Postal Service for decades and decades but its intensifying under this current president. The u. S. P. S. Receives no taxpayer funding and without an emergency 89000000000. 00 bailout it says it will be forced to cease operations in a matter of months by comparison the u. S. Is private allans just received a 50 1000000000. 00 bailout package mail has increased but personal and marketing mail has dropped significantly those against the bailout argue that the u. S. P. S. Had been in financial trouble well before the spread of covert 19 due to the rise of email among other factors and it is true last year the u. S. P. S. Is net loss was around 8000000000. 00 but theres a clear reason why the Postal Service is losing so much money in 2006 Congress Mandated that the u. S. P. S. Set aside 72000000000. 00 to cover the healthcare costs of retired postal workers 75 years into the future this isnt a requirement for any other u. S. Entity government or privately held the u. S. P. S. Makes a loss when you include that mandate but without it the u. S. P. S. Would have been able to report operating profits since 2030 mm 10000000000. 00 has already been approved by congress to help the u. S. P. S. But its being held back by treasury secretary steve nugent reportedly until the u. S. P. S. Raises rates and makes concessions on worker pay and benefits donald trump however has made 8. 00 contingent on raising Package Delivery prices on Companies Like amazon a move that might lose customers and a key revenue stream the Postal Service is a joke. Because theyre handing out packages for amazon and other Internet Companies and every time they bring a package theres money on it that amazon jeff bezos also owns the Washington Post hasnt gone unnoticed probably makes no secret of his hatred of that papers coverage of his presidency its kind of a were a terribly perfect storm where you have a new chairman and other longstanding conservatives trying to achieve their goal of getting bills you know Public Services and privatizing the Postal Service and all of this mixed in with trumps seemingly just personal vendetta against jeff bezos Washington Post and by extension amazon president ial candidate joe biden would want this question whether u. S. P. S. Funding is being withheld to make voting by mail as difficult as possible in november the fundamental issue there is whether Market Forces have been allowed to encroach on a service that guarantees delivery of mail to 160000000 households wherever they are for a flat fee and it is a stark choice for the trumpet ministration isnt willing to take responsibility for the cessation of the Postal Service just when the public and especially those in rule republican areas need it the most during Election Year pandemic she every time see aljazeera. Now south sudans Vice President and his wife have both tested positive for private 19 he announced the results in a News Conference and which he also described other members of the countrys now disbanded Coronavirus Task force as being contaminated a statement from his office says a number of his stuff including security guards also contracted the virus and his wife and not showing any symptoms and say theyre feeling well and healthy the couple will self quarantine for at least too well. Now still ahead on aljazeera and sports. Im wayne hay reporting from new zealand where there is excitement about the return of professional rugby but well tell you why there is real concern about the future of the sport here. I does not have the spoilers and he has and to tell us all about the rugby excitement its coming down the stalls in the professional rugby players in new zealand are back on the training failed the Super Rugby Competition was suspended in mid march because of coronavirus so now the countrys same starting their own leak but some major questions are coming over the future of the game in new zealand as white house reports. Tonight. New zealand is slowly returning to normal as coronavirus restrictions are reduced and for many in this country normal includes rugby more than 2 months up to super rugby was called off new zealand sides have returned. The training for a revamped 5 team domestic competition are certainly no its more personal on the view of the players were just really excited to be back together and we will do anything we can so makes all that everybody stay safe 1st and foremost and that hopefully we can get a really only quality product out on the. Training sessions are being held under Strict Health guidelines while the games which start on june the 13th will be played in empty stadiums the return of some form of sport particularly their beloved rugby will be welcomed by new zealand as but it doesnt mean that all is well in fact financially the business of rugby is in trouble the announcement about the resumption in professional games was teenaged with some grim news from the sports governing body here in new Zealand Rugby which announced a 4400000. 00 loss for last year forecast a drop in revenue for this year by up to 70 percent and announced its cutting half of that stuff will drug be has postponed all International Game sched jewel for july and because of travel restrictions theres a chance new zealands all blacks may not play at all this year theres also uncertainty about the domestic and International Womens shed jewels as new zealand prepares to host the world cup next year but it may be here at the amateur Grassroots Level where the most pain is being felt club grounds around the country where the sports foundations allayed have seen no action this year and therefore no income we rely on our moral support will sponsors which want to move but also we want a lot of dont trust money. Trust. Fund or come here for money so when. People should get. The return to training for the professional mens players may provide some clarity about the short term future of the game but in the long term things are a lot murkier wayne hay aljazeera hamilton new zealand language premier league is taking. Its 1st sensitive steps towards a restart teams have been given the all clear to start training in small groups well be anything like care business as usual for the players heading into training the sessions of a noncontact with no more than 5 players on the pitch at any one time all players and coaches will be tested for coronavirus twice a week in players have been told not to share transport with anyone see or from the Training Ground sessions will be restricted to 75 minutes with the league saying it will carry out spot checks to ensure clubs are complying june the 12 has been a target date for matches to kickoff but thats now likely to be pushed back the clubs juice of ice on or a sense apply next week Newcastle United manager steve perry says the big challenge will come when players step up soon full contact trying to rule with dr who. It was that rule was. Just like this you know its going to turn around to. Be able to prove. We do everything we possibly. Issue is that called training probably pretty normally not. This but if you are sort of the late eightys. Or so the president was punished teams are a bit further ahead in the process but ive been told that less than 200. 00 people will be inside at stadiums when that Soccer League does return players and officials will be tested the day before games but also have their temperatures taken on the way into stadiums in sight matches were stopped behind closed doors on june the 12th sames have just started taking part in it and last Group Sessions of the 10 players and now able to trying together. And be a superstar Le Bron James says hes definitely not giving up on earth sense or action the l. A. Lakers playa says its his wish for the season to come back sooner rather than late so the league was suspended in mid march 2 unnamed lakers players have tested positive for carded 90 the governor of California Well hes cleared the wife a sports regime in the states next month sporting events pros or its in the 1st week or so of june with out and spectators and modifications and very prescriptive conditions also could begin to move forward. Ok more from a throw the day that is it friends thanks so much sandy well thats it for me anastasio taper this news hour but funny about it all that here in a moment with more of the days news and ill be back after that they went to. Play an Important Role ringback. I usually. Treat and trace frank assessments wise its always struggling to cope with the number 4 on voters failure to take really aggressive action we get them behind her informed opinions its going to be much more challenging in a place like eva theres one ventilator 3000000 people indepth analysis of the days global headlines india done enough to nip the spread of the one of ours in the world inside story on aljazeera. London is one of the most unfortunate cities in the world and decisions made here have an impact right around the globe and so here and ill just say right we will show you the true impact of those decisions on people but how it affects their everyday that. We are free to put them on air into really engage this is because we know there are all idiots is interested not just in the mainstream news but also the more hidden stories from parts of the world that often go under reported. More than 10 years after the Global Financial crisis youve taken home more than 480000000. 00 your company is now bankrupt our economy is in the state of crisis another very basic question is this to believe its lost their home to the u. S. Who is held responsible i will be fabulously wealthy and i will be in crisis or thank. The man who stole the. China accuses the u. S. Of trying to shift blame for mishandling the coronavirus pandemic as President Trump threatened sapan minutely cut funding to the w. H. O. Player watching aljazeera live from our Global Headquarters in doha fully back he will also ahead Prime Minister steps down after months of pressure related to the killing of his exwife the u. N. Warns the coronavirus pandemic is having a devastating

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