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Green activists are angry about the dutch governments decision to expand amsterdams airport. The fallout from the Global Pandemic is have and impact across the americas and putting leaders under mounting pressure to contain the outbreak brazils new Health Minister has resigned less than a month into the job nelson tide had only just replaced another Health Minister who was fired over disagreements with president abbas and are on how to handle the pandemic until a a surge of new cases forced the government to put its capital santiago under lockdown daily infections in the city have risen by 500 percent in just 2 weeks and in the us house of representatives has narrowly approved a 3 trillion dollar relief package President Donald Trump says the vaccine might be ready by the end of the year but Health Experts warn that is not realistic. He has more on the situation in latin america. Nelson teach stepped down as brazils minister of health after just weeks in the job as president became increasingly at odds on how to deal with the coronavirus spend their make. Minister s. Too timid in his efforts to reopen the economy the last straw came after the president issued at the create a clearing gyms in beauty parlors essential businesses without consulting him but in his Farewell Press Conference to refrain from criticizing the president life is made of choices and today i chose to leave i tell you that i gave the best of me during the period i spent here its not a simple thing to lead a Ministry Like this one in such a difficult time. Is the 2nd Health Minister to leave his post since the start of the crisis his predecessor. Was fired in april for resisting also now risk promotion of an unproven drug to cure in 1000 and his unwillingness to impose social distancing orders all this happening as brazil passes france in germany and the number of confirmed cases and the daily death tolls keeps getting higher. The governor of the state of sao paulo where a lockdown remains in place despite the president s wishes as we knew this attack. Was the. President remember that so far 14000 brazilians have lost their lives we are not in the game we are facing a serious crisis of health in the economy. But if brazil situation seems increasingly dire it doesnt look much better in mexico where infections are growing at the fastest rate since the start of the pandemic. Despite that president Lopez Obrador announced a partial reopening starting a monday assuring us people that the pekin infections are has been reached john. We are at the point where we are beginning to have fewer cases but we have to be careful and not take it easy yet friday clowns appeared at various mexico city metro stations making sure passengers wear a mask wash their hands in maintain social distancing but whats clear across the region as latin america enters the worst phase of the pandemic is that this is no laughing matter alison and al jazeera. Tell us a terrorist from the winter Wilson Center in washington d. C. He believes president can send a cannibal 2nd rest in fact a country. Both are not a will not change his attitude he cannot do it he is incapable of understanding the severity of this he thinks its all a ploy against him. And the fact the matter is however that brazil is had that in a very awful direction brazil could become in a few weeks time the 2nd largest coal the country in the world in the slums of rio in the slums of some power all of all other major cities in brazil that happens to have 30200 and. 10000000 people. And all of this could be catastrophic is already catastrophic in cities like my mouse the heart of the amazon and the man doesnt seem to understand this. Hopefully someone near him will be able to explain the severity of the crisis to mr balsam up. As i mentioned earlier chile has stepped up restrictions on the capital santiago Us Health Care workers deal with an upsurge in cases of covert 19 a lot america in yemen has more on that. In force planes airlifted patients from chiles capital to hospitals in faraway cities while in santiago all ambulances waited would see patients outside a hospital emergency room entrances for up to 10 hours tens of thousands of residents ignored calls for social distancing as the queue for essential goods ahead of the start of the total lockdown something president s of us camping it ahead said wouldnt be necessary. But the explosion of code 19 infections in the capital up by more than 500 percent in 2 weeks dashed his hopes of controlling contagion without shut down the economy. We are fully aware of the difficulties the restrictions and the shortages that a lockdown means for the chilean families were going to make the up mice if it to facilitate food medicine and other basic services during the quarantine. Madness its. Receiving an emergency shipment of ventilators at the airport the president appealed to opponents to unite in the face of a monumental threat behind me is the entrance to sunflowers general cemetery inside grave diggers have been working around the clock in order to meet and in fact surpass their yearly quota of tools in order to be prepared for the worst but many people believe it several have come to this so. The government had boasted that chile was doing better than its neighbors ignoring earlier pleas from doctors and mayors like rudolph or carter to declare a total lockdown before infections got out of control. We have to say it very clearly without panicking that these next 2 weeks are going to be the hardest speaks in the history of chile since the 1973 cool were going to have dead people youre going to have hurt families. Police will be on the lookout not just for those who violate the quarantine but for traffickers who are using Delivery Services which are allowed to circulate as the perfect cover for distributing Illegal Drugs chilies antinarcotic squads have already made more than 200 arrests month. They misuse well known brands of Delivery Services to deliver drugs instead of food or medicine why because a policeman probably wont suspect a delivery man on a bicycle thats why were cyber patrolling the social networks to try and identify the traffickers on. The battle to stop people from violating or abusing the quarantine is on now the chilis doing good most agree is the right thing but not necessarily soon enough you see in human aljazeera santiago. The 3 military trillin trillium 3 trillion dollar package in the u. S. Aimed at helping those struggling to deal with the fallout of the pandemic has passed its 1st hurdle and congress but President Trump is threatening to veto it heidegger castro reports its at no time since the Great Depression have such a large number of americans sought help after losing their jobs and never in u. S. History has their spending at stores and restaurants fallen so quickly and so far now some of the members say lets take a pause lets take a pause do you think this virus is taking a pause do you think that the rent takes a pause do you think that putting food on the table and or the hunger that comes if you cant take a pause House Democrats advance yet another coronavirus rescue package on friday the 5th of a pandemic this one totaling 3 trillion dollars it seeks to extend Unemployment Benefits and send more checks to American Families and would bail out the Postal Service and address Election Security republicans who control the senate have called it a partisan ideological wish list that will never become law the senate will not consider this bill the president will not sign it into a wall speaking from the white house rose garden into a background symphony of Truck Drivers protesting his handling of the pandemic President Trump announced the formation of a Fast Track Program to develop a vaccine and have 300000000 doses available by january when a vaccine is ready the u. S. Government will deploy every plane druck instilled required to help distribute it to the American People as quickly as possible but trump into sized that with or without the vaccine the u. S. Economy is ready to restart thats contrary to the advice of Government Health officials whove warned reopening too soon could trigger another outbreak now people get a little antsy. What the mass. They really want to come out more than 2 thirds of us states have now canceled or significantly relaxed stay at home orders now as more people and their weeks of social isolation its far from clear hell safe is the world they venture into. Castro aljazeera Silver Spring maryland. Professor of epidemiology and medicine at Columbia University and she has criticized the president s plan to fast track of axing this timeline is quite ambitious its quite a stretch actually i think even the the other. Estimations of a year or 18 months to the development of the vaccine were already quite ambitious so the great fear is that we dont want to cut any corners in the development of a vaccine its absolutely critical that a vaccine the xan to be safe and also be demonstrated to be effective there is no point in having a vaccine that is not safe and that does not work so i think most importantly is to stick to the science and do the studies that need to be done to get us to a safe and effective vaccine whats critical is 1st identify the candidate vaccines that meaning the molecules that look promising as a vaccine either in the laboratory or an Animal Studies then the next step is to take this product this candid vaccine and test it 1st in a limited number of people to demonstrate that at least is safe in humans if its proven to be safe in humans in a small number of individuals then we move to the 2nd reason the development of the vaccine and that is when its tested in a larger group of individuals and hopefully then to see again and see if and then to begin to see if there is any evidence that it actually works and this process takes several months. President trump has fired a top government watchdog who is reportedly investigating a secretary of state mike pompei o says the state Department Inspector general steven it no longer has his confidence is the latest in a series of moves against independent launched dogs investigating the white house and it will be replaced by stephen a carbon ally of Vice President mike pence. Still ahead on aljazeera barely half a 1000000 people have been left homeless this buds devastated parts of east africa. And find out what cash strapped lebanon is doing to stop smuggling across its borders. We have the prospects of record breaking may heat in the southeastern corner of year a probably got some very high temperatures into greece and into the further north behind this weather system here this weather fronts we have some much cooler air actually pushed up into scandinavia and in fame winds we have seen some very light snow this is the same in southern finland and weve had some snow all the way from the southwest right across into helsinki by day we are seeing temperatures getting up into double figures so will melt and gradually make its way further north was actually still a few showers just around the Baltic States pushing up at the finland some showers there possibly was some Snow Mountain snow there for norway last dry across the British Isles temps is around 70 or 80 degrees if you show us there how the other side of the mediterranean into eastern parts of spain pushing across the southern areas of france and maybe still a few showers just around the alps seasonal not a little further research as we go on through sunday there were high temperatures in the southeast and colder 35 celsius for athens somewhat warmer there a little further north meanwhile across northern parts of africa it is fun to draw still rather hot across northern parts with a chance of water to showers in samoa air is rocking. And isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise lead been looking at another side of this story not so much the in from a. Around the outbreak but the misinformation separating propaganda from fact its reality has long exposing the old ticks try to manipulate the rhetoric and blame but they cannot manipulate the virus to the listening post youll receive going to the media if you see are. Watching aljazeera lets recap the top stories right now brazils Health Minister has quit after less than a month into the job wilson is the 2nd Health Minister to lead the post after criticizing president your boss knows handling of the. More than 6000000 people in santiago are in lockdown after a surge in infections in chiles capital in the past 2 weeks under the new rules people will need a Police Permit to leave home. U. S. President donald trump is threatening to veto a 3 trillion dollars support package for those affected by the pandemic has been voted through the house of representatives. Many workers and engelen have been allowed to go back to their jobs and people can now spend more time outside but there is concern that moving too quickly to lift lockdown restrictions could lead to a 2nd wave of infections u. K. s one of the hardest hit countries in the world with nearly 34000 deaths a whole reports from london. At 1st glance this is almost a picture of normal life its a london suburban high street emerging from lockdown after the government allowed a partial return to work in england this week but for some its all too much too soon what were seeing already in london at any rate with the high densities of travel on the London Underground and on buses should certainly give us cause for concern because those are situations in which the transmission of the virus is very likely professor martin mckee is part of an independent group of scientists and public Health Experts examining government policy on covert 19 theyve called parts of it dangerous the easing of restrictions premature and they question official messaging like the new instruction to stay alert and use common sense about social distancing rather than simply stay home to tell people that they need to use their common sense when were dealing with a virus a piece of r. N. A. That most people are completely unfamiliar with them terms of the transmission the dynamics and so on its really quite quite problematic its not just scientists who are worried the care home sector remains in the grip of its deadly epidemic that has seen a quarter of all u. K. Lives lost among societys most Vulnerable People and doctors and nurses on the health care front line are being told to brace for a 2nd wave doctors and nurses are absolutely exhausted the 1st wave of this virus and this pandemic was. Has drained as physically and emotionally and the toll is going to be huge the prospect of going back to that going back to where we were 8 weeks ago is really really horrifying to be perfectly honest the 2nd thing that is really again incredibly worrying and anxiety inducing for us on the front line is the lack of p. P. And theres never been enough p. P. There wasnt enough. Time around if were going through if theres going to be a 2nd spike and its very much like there will be there is definitely not enough p. P. For healthcare workers in the country to be adequately protected the government insists its following scientific advice and that a phased lifting of the lock down depends on affording infection rate but the scientific and health care views ive been listening to are adamant there shouldnt be any lifting of the lockdown until test trace and isolate mechanisms are in place to control future outbreaks and theyre not in place yet and while research by Public Health in the reveals that infections in the capital down to just 24 a day in the north east of england the daily rate is still around 4000 so a National Strategy based on an average infection rate carries greater risk for some than for others and could see good news turn bad very quickly jonah how aljazeera. Italy will reopen its borders to travelers from the e. U. And sentients own countries on june 3rd as visitors are wont be required to enter quarantine the government is also lifting restrictions on journeys with in italy from monday people can travel throughout their own regions and from early june they will be allowed to go anywhere in the country dozens of babies have been left stranded in ukraine because of restrictions to control the spread across the virus the babies are born to surrogate mothers that are due to be collected by parents from the u. S. Europe and elsewhere around cared for at a hotel on the outskirts of the capital. The dutch prime ministers plan to go ahead with the expansion of answered and airport has angered environmentalist they say the pandemic is the perfect time to consider the protection of the environment in reports from amsterdam. Ordinarily protesters would be risking their lives demonstrating on this runway but covert 19 has grounded most flights in and out of Amsterdams Schiphol airport the National Carrier as it will need up to 4000000000 euros from the dutch government to get back in the year these demonstrators and some politicians say a return to business as usual is unacceptable corona forced aviation to a standstill but it also means that this is a moment for us to reset an industry thats so polluting and causing so many Carbon Emissions so if were going to support aviation called police and we should set environmental goals and our mental conditions to that support. Before the grown up virus crisis more than 70000000. 00 passengers passed through every year on friday the government reaffirmed plans to develop the airport still further and via mentalists had expected an announcement on c o 2 cuts the covert 1000 pandemic has not only brought Health Threats and Economic Hardship but to some here also hope for drastic change they believe this crisis is a historic opportunity to push for more and for your mental friendly life with people buying less things and taking fewer flights they also add ons was 16 years old when he started working in rotterdam ports in the past 40 years hes seen what he describes as a container revolution. Ships as large as complete villages of being unloaded here its like an oil spill that keeps growing what are all these goods to be really need when do we have enough so we havent slowed. His job and is using this crisis to rethink his and his countrys future hes not alone and now 170 scientists in the netherlands have written to the government calling for a major change in policy to come out of this been that make a greener more Sustainable Society system the produces a new quality it preys on the weekend. It doesnt take into account the long term more substantial aspirations of society doesnt protect the environment it doesnt protect. The weak to marginalize it doesnt it doesnt focus on anything but making more profits contrast that with the plans to expand Schiphol Airport ourselves remarks sound on realistic but his hope is that people in the netherlands will be used to quiet at a coronavirus has created to think again about their lifestyles think again about air travel to. Stop fast and aljazeera amsterdam. 23 Migrant Workers have been killed in northern india when their truck collided with another vehicle in the state of its heart pradesh that is the latest incident involving laborers as they try to return home during a lockdown and the past week war than 30 had been killed. Members of hong kongs protest movement have gathered at malls across the city there dressed to blend in with the crowds and then they sing and shout slogans and then disperse the movements leaders are calling for an end dependent inquiry into Police Actions during last years protests on friday a Police Watchdog released a report saying some changes were needed but the force had mostly stayed within guidelines sorry clark is that one of the malls for the protesters are she says the lifting of pandemic restrictions has brought people back out to demonstrate. The city the restrictions have eased in hong kong many people are turning to shopping malls to fight these protests and government demonstrations are tony snow was again you know where we are we shot tends to tear chunks when the town halls of Congress Moves in a number of people that the parents levels of the Shopping Center and the chanting things like the right from wrong or even on the east side you see none of these sucks and i think the police it was and it should be noted and im sure the people who have also have a number of the policemen of course they see what i see they act as actions with the demands of the 2 fists of last year not a strategic sufficient demonstration which morphed into a water Antigovernment Movement so as you can see its hard to tell me tell you who was on the look up a shot of the police of the city but a number of the stuff of a couple 100 people here in shock to my mind this is one of the rallies planned across the city and some of the record floods have devastated parts of east africa this rainy season with nearly half a 1000000 people displaced like victorias africas largest lake and sits between tanzania kenya and uganda out of there as malcolm lab reports on what that means for the communities living near the lake. Just a few weeks ago this market was bustling with life sitting on dry land. Its a ugandas capital kampala on the shore of Lake Victoria the legs level has been rising in the. Market traders livelihoods on the water. Owns 3 kiosks and was supporting her entire extended family. My business are full of what album we have put made because in. This mans trying to dig out his shop which is little more than a metal cage so he can take it elsewhere the. Market chairman try to help by building this walkway. The water level started increasing back in december we built the walkway to access the shops but it kept on increasing and now you see the shops on the water. Around the lake shore in neighboring kenya the rising water has washed back up rivers causing flash floods. This woman and baby were lucky to survive dozens of people have died. Its unusually heavy rains since the end of last year but of course the lake level to rise is here at the source of the river nile in uganda where some of the water flows out the rising waters of broken chunks of swamp land off the lake shores. Creating floating islands that have jammed the dams that generate most of east africas electricity. The lake level was relatively stable until the 1960 s. Since then hes been prone to dramatic rises this one is the greatest on record. Even to the near future ringback. We are going to see. So if you dont go. There. More than 20000000 people depend on the lakes fish they need to live close to it. Tens of thousands are waiting for the water to recede so they can go home. And then waiting for when their homes are flooded again malcolm webb aljazeera the king of jordan has warned israel against plans to annex more Palestinian Land saying it could spark massive conflict in the region israel has said it will annex the little settlements in the occupied west bank and the Jordan Valley this would end the long stalled Peace Process by making it nearly impossible to establish a palestinian state lebanon is taking a financial lifeline from the International Monetary fund the government wants several 1000000000. 00 to avoid bankruptcy at the uns warning at the International Community wont be handing out blank checks for now lebanons taking action to keep money leaving through its own borders say no to reports from beirut. Trucks carrying fuel have been seen heading to illegal crossings with syria its a decades old trade along the poorest border and its costing millions of dollars a year because fuel is subsidized by the state which is facing a shortage in foreign currency reserves lebanon is in crisis the government is seeking aid from the International Monetary fund but stopping smuggling is an obligation under un resolutions that successive governments have failed to achieve i believe that many many other areas that need to be covered if you would like to control the borders fully and to prevent all sorts of smuggling. Including one from singing including including people to every so one country must control borders and there is a long way to go authorities plan to set up new checkpoints and close eat legal crossings but critics say tighter measures are needed its well known. Hezbollah for instance is getting its own through anybodys border genuine all the international all the International Community is standing on to see that its wardak to control its border with syria hezbollah is saying the opposite and this put into question the i. M. F. Has the iranian backed group which along with allies control political power called for cooperation with syria and criticized talk of un forces along the border lebanons government calls itself independent but it is seen by many in the International Community as controlled by has a lot of proof that the United States and other countries designate a terrorist organization but tensile donors have hinted that they dont want to see the groups power solidified in any bailout plan but they have made clear what they expect after years of mismanagement and failure to address among other things corruption and the reform of the judiciary but international. And if you would like to see as a tangible money frustration over is often determination of. The politician the politicians will to come to the end of the government and governments ability and political space to deliver discount of reforms but name need to move from implement reforms there is no blank check there is no savior on the white horse coming to look at a clear statement that if lebanons government really wants the financial help it needs its going to have to make changes its of voided up to now senator bayh to. Take out the headlines on aljazeera was ill Health Minister has quit less than a month into the job now is the 2nd Health Minister to leave the post after criticizing president her boss on our us response to the pandemic of you the faith that life is made of choices and today i chose to leave i tell you that i gave the best of me during the period i spent here its not a simple thing to lead a Ministry Like this one in such a difficult time for the 6000000 people in santiago are in lockdown after infection served across capital over the past 2 weeks under the new rules people will need a Police Permit to leave home the measures are expected to continue for a week expose reported its largest single day rise and infections Health Officials confirm more than 2400 new cases on friday the president is urging people to maintain social distancing especially when many return to work next week President Donald Trump is threatening to veto a 3 trillion dollars support package for those affected by the pandemic has been voted through the house of representatives. And President Trump has fired a top government watchdog who was reportedly investigating the secretary of state mike pompei o says Inspector General stable an iq no longer has this confidence it will take effect in 30 days it is the latest in a series of moves against and dependent watchdogs looking into the trump administration. Dozens of babies are stuck in ukraine because of restrictions to control the spread of krona virus babies are born to surrogate mothers and are due to be collected from the parents by the parents rather from the u. S. Europe and elsewhere theyre being cared for at a hotel on the outskirts of the capital kiev. At least 23 Migrant Workers have been killed in northern india when their truck collided with another vehicle the south in the state of qatar project its the latest and sit in involving laborers as they try to return home during the lockdown and the past week more than 30 have been killed parser the headlines keep it here on aljazeera in the boltons coming up in the meantime lets hand it over to the folks at the listening post so anywhere. Is going to the polls for general elections. But with the u. N. Concerned about the threat of violence many want to if they can be free and fair. And one of the tools to use of could be 19 have on time. The indian actions on aljazeera. Giant. Office 750 to sign off from. Yes. Im going to retire president radio to ted to ask chris that was never an opposition groups accuse him of targeting and media. Hello im richard gives birth and youre watching the listening post working from home here are the coronavirus stories the media elements that were looking at this week in the philippines the do terror take government decides a pandemic is a good time to shut down the countrys biggest news outlet donald trump is that it again im saying it to anybody risk good news the question is not a nasty

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