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Their homes. And careers are essential workers in the United Kingdom but Delivery Companies are under fire for not looking out for their safety. Welcome to the program as many countries cross the peak of the corona virus pandemic World Leaders are now being falls to make a decision open up the economy or reduce the risk of a 2nd outbreak thailand has announced it will be reopening Department Stores Shopping Centers and food courts as it winds down its restrictions however International Flights are still banned which is bad news for the countrys vital toll risen industry chinas economy is showing signs of improvement after its locked down was eased its industrial our ports is up 3. 9 percent in april compared to last year but manufacturers are struggling with cancelled and reduced orders from outside the country looking further afield to. The u. S. A whistleblower has told a congressional hearing that the nation could be facing its darkest winter in modern history dr rick bright says he was fired as the head of the federal Vaccine Development but simply raising concerns over the White House Coronavirus response score higher begins our coverage were going to join him in bangkok and scott really much to consider for the thai authorities in opening locations such as shopping miles what are their main points in terms of considering opening up not just now but places of worship as well. So yeah the big focus is really kind of kick starting the economy and quality of life quite honestly you know as you mentioned you know tourism is a vital industry here in thailand 20 percent of the Gross Domestic Product comes from visitors from abroad theyre not going to come in at least until the end of the month and then also it needs to be noted the National Flag Carrier Thai Airways theyre not going to start resume flights in till the beginning of july so a lot of time but what the focus is here is yes you know quality of life giving people something to do if you will because they have been inside for the most part for the last 2 months and also restarting the economy from a domestic perspective and getting those workers back to work you know weve got several major Shopping Complexes here in central bangkok were standing at cent front of Central World that is one of them so the focus is really to get people to come back out know this it needs to be said you know weve had these single digit number of new cases 19 new cases here in thailand for 11 days now obviously that is the root of why they felt as though the government felt as though they could start to relax this phase to put these 2 in place relax these restrictions Shopping Malls one of the biggest ones theyre also going to allow gymnasiums gyms to open up in a selected manner also some entertainment facilities outdoor sporting arenas theyre going to be able to open up without spectators so some slow but sure steps now and you know it will be a sin to see what happens at the end of the month thats when the current state of emergency expires there was still a curfew in place but they pushed it back today friday from starting at 10 pm now its going to start at 11 pm continuing on the 4 am theyll keep that in place at least until the end of the month the school the economy in thailand runs a different paces depending on which area were talking about we talked about tourism just now and thats going to take a big behind you is one of bangkoks largest Shopping Malls the Retail Sector needs to get going again and thats that will most probably give an indication to the title fortys about how much more they can open safely. Absolutely theyre going to very keep a very very close look at those cases those new cases every day when they announce them and obviously yes it is to get the retail in these big Shopping Malls and there are a lot obviously yes you know bangkok but you go to any major city in thailand and there are 2 major Shopping Mall owners and operators and they have malls in any of the big cities here in thailand so yes its about that commerce coming in again but its also about the people who work in those shops there are many many employees that work in the shop so really that surround these malls obviously the big industry that needs to come back and when they want to come back on line is tourism because you have that 20 percent g. D. P. But all the industries around it of which Shopping Malls are one so theyre focusing on that now it will be interesting and this is a communist told me this earlier today here in thailand that theres a focus on this yes but really what needs to happen and this surely what can only happen initially is the Domestic Tourism market is the domestic economy fed by those people here in thailand citizens spending money in thailand thats going to be their 1st focus then obviously once it opens up the really try to get more people in and when its safe into the country and spending money you know. Thanks very much scotland our correspondent in bangkok well as we mentioned the u. S. Vaccine expert has warned lives will be lost following the governments krenov virus response talk to rick bryant says the worst of the pandemic thanks still be to come on the tour castro has. A dire warning from the medical expert formerly in charge of the u. S. Governments effort to develop a coronavirus vaccine. Without better planning 2020 could be the darkest winter in modern history immunologist rick bright told a house subcommittee he was removed from his position as head of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority after resisting pressure to expand access to an unproven malaria drug promoted by President Trump wright also testified that prior to the pandemic his calls for the nation to increase its medical supply stockpile went ignored from that moment i knew that we were going to have a crisis for Health Care Workers because they were not taking action we were already behind the ball that was our last window of opportunity to turn on their production to save the lives of those Health Care Workers and we didnt act right drafted a whistleblower complaint after his demotion a government watchdog office says it found substantial likelihood of wrongdoing in brights removal hes among several government scientists recently ousted from their positions after clashing with trump over the coronavirus i want them to be would like a good run to the boy the right board some people that do a very good job trump discounted brights concerns about a 2nd wave of infections and headed to pennsylvania where without a mask he toured a medical equipment distributor as the economic pain from shuttered businesses continues to mount and the president ial election draws near trump says the u. S. Should begin to reopen a position championed by some protesters who are also his supporters but polls show most americans think its too early to reopen i dont know this is a very scary time and i dont think its over right now even as lines for food giveaways snake on and newly released unemployment numbers show 36 and a half 1000000 americans have lost their jobs to the crisis heidi joe castro al jazeera Silver Spring maryland well some good news coming out of china where theres a significant boost in production green actually to you is in beijing with details on how the economy is showing signs of bouncing back. So the Chinese Government here is at pains to emphasize that the momentum is looking good that there is a steady recovery and that these figures are better than expected but of course the devil is in the detail and what we are seeing we look deeper into these figures that is that the chinese economy is still struggling to recover from the core of a 19 standstill so Industrial Production has rebounded that is up 3. 9 percent year on year and up from a 1 point one percent for in march so those numbers a looking good retail sales unfortunately are down they fell by 7. 5 percent which is even worse than what some analysts forecast and they forecast at a 6 percent fall and thats key because the chinese economy is very much powered by domestic consumption fixed Asset Investment was also down and people are buying property here its 10. 3 percent lower and urban unemployment rose slightly thats at 6 percent and thats up 0 point one percent from march now that figure in particular is want to Pay Attention to unemployment is a big issue here in china because the government sees it as key to social stability but at the same time its very difficult to get accurate data on unemployment figures here analysts say urban unemployment could be spiking and we could see about 22000000 people lose their jobs and thats just in cities of course china has a huge Migrant Worker population and some estimates are saying that there could be as many as 80 to 100000000 people losing their jobs across china and that would spell a lot of trouble. A powerful typhoon in the eastern philippines as falls tens of thousands of people into emergency shelters many fear time since hong kong could cause catastrophic landslides severe winds have destroyed homes and cut off Power Supplies on the Central Island of some our rescue efforts are being complicated by restrictions aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus dogan has more from manila. The pandemic has actually maybe evacuation even more complicated because its very difficult to implement immediate evacuation at this time but they assure civilians that in the Evacuation Centers theyre setting up tents and giving masks and making sure that doctors are on standby morny touring the Health Status of civilians there now for a country that has often been you know hit by typhoons at least 20 every year the situation in the philippines is particularly difficult this year it starts to add with a volcano just a few hours away in manila where it shut down industries now after that the fun demick has also shut down the entire region of luzon where more than 50000000. 00 people are actually have been under quarantine for almost 2 months and just as this weekend the government is planning to ease restrictions to slowly open up industries in this typhoon has started which means the typhoon season may about to start the government also says that the Calamity Fund is already short over the fast few weeks its been giving out cash aid and assistance to local governments but it also says that its doing the best it can and its asking for private enterprises industries to help into pitch and really to to help mitigate the impact of this crisis and really important thing to remember as well in the region is the volcano in ill buy that is also threatening to spew a heart according to volcker knowledge ists that might even complicate the situation more. Well still ahead here on aljazeera we bring you the outcome of a review into accusations of Police Brutality in hong kong following last years mass protests to stay with us. We got the weather warming up across southeast and parts of europe you find interesting hot sunshine coming through here further north High Pressure in charge again a slushy dry but certainly on the cold side and where we have the difference in that temperatures between the cold weather to the north and that haiti to the south weve got a boundary of cloud and rain some lobby still was once again spilling in across spain and portugal right through southern parts of france very heavy rains and the likely just around switzerland pushing over towards austria that will continue to sink its way further south which at least was safe the temperatures well athens could touch 37. 00 celsius on friday if it does so it will be a new record for the month of may further north but were looking around 1780. 00 degrees celsius there for london and paris just some sniper she back into the mountains of norway 11. And also as we go on into saturday still some lively showers across central parts of doubts will some fronts eastern areas of spain in particular want to sue the showers could of course also affect the fall northwest of africa so you might see a little bit of wet weather just pushing into Northern Iraq maybe into northern parts of algerias well so very warm in tripoli on friday and was still saturday. But. As the world fights the corona pandemic were learning more about this every day its a new adventure and join our global community. For how republicans. If i answering your question can i just ask you think this is me directly thats coming on on you tube as youre saying im concerned about the fact life on earth the great quiet and keeping you up to date and weve been country retreat back and beaten back to practically the strain on our busy about. What about you what you all deserve means a whole robin a reminder of our top stories thailand has announced it will be reopening Department Stores Shopping Centers and food courts as it winds down its restrictions International Flights are still banned however straining the countrys toryism industry trying this economy is showing signs of gradual improvement after its lock downs were eased its industrial output is up by 3. 9 percent in april compared to last year but unemployment is higher and retail sales have fallen further than expected. And the whistleblower in the u. S. Has told a congressional hearing the nation could be facing its darkest winter in modern history dr rick bright says he was removed from his government post because he raised concerns over the White House Coronavirus response. Police in hong kong should review guidelines over the use of tear gas and look into further training for dealing with protesters and thats according to its independent Police Complaints council which has been looking into accusations of brutality during last years protests the i. P. C. C. Also said the territory was getting dragged into what it called an era of terrorism and his ations must not be used as a political weapon lets speak to jennifer creamery shes the managing editor of the Hong Kong Free press and joins me now via skype is good to have you on the program thank you very much for joining us how important is this watch dogs report in the wider context of the publics relationship with and vice versa. Thats right so the end of pendant Police Complaints council has just released this report looking into last years and rest of the course the democratic reform now the i. P. C. C. This is the watchdog it is seen by critics as a toothless tiger and that it cannot summon witnesses and it cannot launch investigations but this is a highly anticipated report now it has been delayed it was originally meant to come out at the end of last year and one of the main calls from protesters is for an end dependent investigation into alleged Police Brutality so this report is incredibly and also but has lost a lot of the public trust behind it so much so that a panel of 5 and National Experts last december decided to step away from the watchdog saying that it lacks power but it has been highly anticipated but is most likely to not be received only by democrats activists and protests thats the part of the initial statement that he made that parts of the borders stated that the territory was being worryingly dragged into an era of terrorism is pretty Strong Language for what is in theory supposed to be a neutral body. Yeah thats right so the report is 189. 00 inches long so its going to take some time to unpick but for the time being the general conclusion is that increasingly violent protests the tactics lead to an escalation in the use of police force but the report itself stopped short of concluding that any retallack t. Took place and said it said that officers had acted within International Guidelines however it did offer a series of recommendations to police to clarify and improve their internal guidelines while also noting that deficiencies in internal communication led to certain protest related incidents getting out of hand so some Strong Language for the time being but its likely to be criticized and indeed all good but then who reviews the guidelines for the use for example of tear gas all public order policing because surely thats the authorities themselves and thats not going to go down well with the protesters who want sort of the heavy handedness to be addressed even when there was peaceful protest exactly so again one of the main 5 quarter monts of prodemocracy protests in hong kong as for an independent investigation into how the police handled last years rest now the criticism is that the i. P. C. C. Is not that not so that independence and that they want independent experts to review what happened last year and so again its the body itself is seen as a toothless tiger by protest and for crew its been good to have your insight thanks for joining us from hong kong and. And has become the 1st person to test positive for covert 19 inside a refugee camp in bangladesh its feared the virus could race through the settlements in coxs bazar with nearly a 1000000 People Living there social distancing is difficult but access to Running Water limited many Rohingya Refugees fled a military offensive in myanmar over 2 years ago Louise Donovan is the spokeswoman for the uns Refugee Agency in coxs bazar she says more resources are needed. Its a very worrying development and todays but the 1st step positive case within the refugee camp so far just a hunch an ace and tests have been done and most of the refugee population but in the causes but our district is the number is continuing to increase leaves 134 cases and causes our district today and in bangladesh more generally the numbers are there and surpassed 17000 so the numbers continue to increase that there is a shortage of testing however it is increasing and testing only began in causes or at the beginning of april so were in cant continue to increase the testing and whats particularly important for us at the moment is to establish adequate response capacity and weve been putting preparatory measures in place with the governments of partners since the beginning of march but at the moment what we need is to have adequate facilities to cater for people who may be in fact it social distancing is extremely difficult its the biggest refugee population in the world as we have had more than 40000 People Living living press square kilometers so its very very challenging and in terms of hygiene promotion we have established handwashing facilities all over the county were increasing distributions and in terms of response capacity at u. N. H. There is a stoppage to isolation and Treatment Facilities which should be operational from from next week and while there are other partners there also submachine isolation and Treatment Facilities and also quarantine facilities so basically anybody who is identified as being over 1000 positive all contacts through the Contact Tracing in these people who put into quarantine at the moment the target is to have 1100. 00 and isolation treatment beds available which will be both for the refugee population and the local bangladeshi population but at the moment we want to reach the tigers. Well he could government has given a 2nd company the green light to produce a coronavirus Antibody Test this follows the approval of a swiss made test that is reported to be nearly 100 percent accurate governments worldwide harkin said during mass Antibody Testing as a way to ease crowd of virus restrictions they show whether a person has had covert 19 but its not yet clear whether the antibodies provide permanent immunity while the pandemic has left many employees on furlough or working from home koreas have been busier than ever but some companies in the United Kingdom are being criticized for failing to provide equipment necessary to ensure their safety so your reports now from london. Its a very busy time for self employed cleary appalled he use hes delivering twice as many packages them before the u. K. Went into lockdown as well as the increased workload keeping safe is also a priority and that would usually involve using personal protective equipment or p p e. Its quite difficult because 1st of all you have to get get over you know why you interact with people and it feels rude at 1st but fortunately i think the government a fall a bit there and they are the ball way though with all this woman getting paid to place as key workers providing an essential service cleary is also supposed to be guaranteed a measure of safety by the companies they work full but because they are technically self employed they are not guaranteed sick pay and many feel obliged to work even if they are on well and that poses a health risk to their families and the people they interact with. Why there has been pressure on the government to provide Health Care Workers and people some of the Companies Find your ears are accused of overlooking their safety its a very poor response as far as im concerned recently theyve started to have this sort of. I want to say real. Conversation with us but at this point the far as im concerned is that too little too late workers at this Company Behind me complained that at the start of the lockdown at one distribution point they were being forced to go out without any protective equipment the company has since started providing mosques gloves and hand sanitizers but the question remains as to how they could be forced to do that when they were facing an increased workload as well as risk of infection the company has said that it had been quote guided by the latest government advice and remained responsive to the latest updates. As the u. K. Loosens its lockdown the unions representing workers say their members will still need those protections in place we still dont have a clear. Rules or regulations in place for the face coverings against other countries this clearly is a matter of concern and concern thats led to many saying protections must be guaranteed for those providing a Crucial Service junes Pandemic Senate ional edges era london a number of European Countries have started reopening their borders but with heavy restrictions lithuania latvia and estonia are now allowing their citizens to travel between the 3 countries and whats being called the e. U. s 1st travel bubble in spain a 14 day mandatory quarantine is being in force for people allowed back in and the e. U. Had earlier recommended its members close borders completely until may the 15. Well american doctors and engineers have developed 2 devices to help the fight against covert 19 the staff at the university of michigan designed a socalled portable helmet as well as a negative pressure tent both prevent infected air from escaping into the wider environment. While severe flooding in east africa has forced nearly half a 1000000 people from their homes and prompted concerns over a rise in covert 19 cases save the children says many countries have recorded their highest rainfall in 40 years ugandas Lake Victoria is at its highest level since 1964 the rain has led to widespread flooding and forced 240000. 00 children from their homes in burundi djibouti ethiopia kenya a wonder somalia tanzania and uganda the Organization Says families are now living in close quarters is squalid overcrowded camps and public buildings like schools churches and mosques infrastructure across the region including hospitals roads and bridges have been washed away making it difficult to Access Health care save the children spokeswoman daphne cook says flooding increases the risk of disease is spreading including coronavirus. Were seeing an incredibly strong rainy season in full swing over Eastern Africa and screaming trees and deadly with rising floodwaters and devastating landslide as a result weve seen nearly half a 1000000 people displaced from their higher and nearly 250000 displaced children so people are really struggling we have to see these displaced families now living in squalid conditions theyre either living in displacement camps or in schools that have been abandoned because its covered 90 lockdowns they might be an empty churches and mosques anywhere where they can find shelter for many of these families they have no access to sanitation facilities like toilets and they dont have access to clean water so its extremely challenging situation for millions of people at the moment we all know that the best way to stop the spread of carbonite tain is through station which isnt saying and hygiene practices like regular hand washing its not hard to imagine how difficult that must be to practice when you dont have access to clean water or you dont have access to toilets and you are living shoulder to shoulder with other families in a displacement camp it really is the perfect storm but testing for quote a virus is underway in the worst affected areas of konya but many are reluctant to be checked for fear of being forced into quarantine catherine saw reports from the capital nairobi. Jared onion chai is a coffee 1009. 100 cent a narrow he says he was infected there in march and after about a month was discharged from hospital his Employer Paid the bill of 400. 00 he tells us his biggest problem is the stigma surrounding infection with the many who go to people are afraid of me at work i cant even get close to anyone they shun me and say im grown a virus even at home people dont want to associate with me feel lonely quite sad sometimes. The woman who recorded this feature for aljazeera remains in quarantine after reason to returning from china she says she didnt expect the poor sanitary conditions in a kenyan government squire until all being forced to pay for a stay despite the government recently agreeing to cover all expenses some people in mandatory quarantine have attempted to escape and several others have sued the government for violating their Rights Movement been given most. Yeah so oh. Yes in the grow it is what you can do. And. Government Officials Say they are addressing the complaints of blame some kenyans for not taking social distancing measures seriously as the number of people infected continues to rise and spread within communities. That cost just measures to be enforced including banning travel in and out of nairobi as well as some counties on the coast if youre a police barrio on the edge of 1. 00 of the most affected neighborhood in the feet of people are not allowed to go when or leave the area which is a Major Trading hub moftah think one thing is also going on. But many kenyans are reluctant to get tested some say theyre afraid theyll be forced into Quarantine Health experts are concerned but the government imagine sue Response Strategy may feel to flatten the call. Button young chose. Home he says hes lucky to be alive and hes ready to return to work he also hopes that his neighbors friends and colleagues will soon stop seeing him is a threat to their health kathy soliah aljazeera now will be kenya. Your challenges their whole romney reminded of our top news stories thailand has announced that it will be reopening Department Stores and Shopping Centers and food courts as it winds down its restrictions International Flights are still banned however straining the countrys taurus an industry has more from bangkok now theyre going to open Shopping Malls that were standing at central this is one of these big Shopping Complexes never been to downtown bangkok central this here in downtown bangkok several of the main subway stops i said to metro stop sky train stops at these massive Shopping Complex is connected to them were at one of them and theyre very happy that theyre finally opening after several weeks multiple weeks almost 2 months that they were shut down so obviously thats something thats important to the economy here but also its really quality of life issue for a lot of the people that live here in bangkok chinas economy is showing signs of gradual improvement after its lock downs were eased its industrial output is up 3. 9 percent in april compared to last year but unemployment is higher and retail sales have fallen so other than expected a whistleblower in the u. S. Has told a congressional hearing that the nation could be facing its darkest winter in modern history dr rick bright says that he was removed from his government post because he raised concerns over the White House Coronavirus response a number of European Countries have started to reopen their borders but with heavy restrictions lithuania latvia and estonia and eyeing their citizens to travel between the 3 countries in whats being called the e. U. s 1st travel bubble in spain a 14 day mandatory quarantine is being enforced for people allowed back in. A powerful typhoon in the eastern philippines has forced tens of thousands of people in terms of shelters but the fair the typhoon of hong could cause catastrophic landslides rescue efforts are being complicated by restrictions aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus the independent Police Complaints council in hong kong is calling for a review of guidelines on the use of tear gas during protests the watchdogs investigated allegations of Police Brutality during Anti Government demonstrations last year those are the headlines about the more news in a half hour here on aljazeera but next its the stream the family ok do stay with us. If you want to help save the world. Sneeze into your own. Having a cane look into the street in the home edition it is a show that is produced under lockdown conditions and we focus on lockdown life around the world this is an Election Year in the United States this is also the coronavirus pandemic how republicans and democrats adapting for an election that will probably have to be socially distance that is a question that were going to be unpacking today if you have questions and thoughts and experiences and ideas wed love you to share them with us the you chitchat is open jump in 8 and you may well be in the street that means extra

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