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After years of bloody infighting the various palestinian factions began to resolve their differences. Tamal to us events in the region were to prove both a solace and a setback for the palestinian cause. Yes by 987 the various factions of the p. L. O. Had come closer together after the past 4 years of into palestinian strife. The Palestinian Parliament in exile the Palestine National council met in algiers in april of that year. A common cause help unify ranks that cause was opposition to jordan the different factions all agreed to canceled amen accords that had outlined a confederation between jordan and the palestinians but that was how it should be in that given or dont need to stay added i dont think from the scene or the new year as as jordan tried to restore palestinian jordanian relations on a basis of political advantage to jordan has rejected them on accords because we thought it impinged on our sovereignty that the agreement was abrogated of the algiers b. N. C. Which was called the National Unity session or shot at the job i feel like its the way. Assault ought to sue to you that the f. L. P. Participated in the unification of the p. L. O. Station but the syrian authorities punished in the field before participating in that p. N. T. Session and the cia intelligence prevented the difficulty members who attended from returning to the mask of this. National unity was the slogan of the time for the palestinians as they sought to put behind them the bitter squabbles and factional fighting of the past that National Unity was about to get a huge and popular boost from an unexpected place. In these embers 1987 in gaza and israeli driver killed 4 palestinian neighbors and wounded 9 when his car ran off the road. The israelis termed it an accident the palestinians said it was premeditated murder. Whatever the case the incident sparked an outbreak of palestinian protests that spread like wildfire throughout the occupied territories. The intifada or uprising was born. A little different that the intifada was the 1st time since 1048 of the palestinians living under occupation or at the vanguard of resistance from 1967 to 1987 the goals of by the sign was based on the premise that liberation would come from abroad we want exactly what the israeli people enjoy. Democracy freedom and independence. At the same time the intifada is a message of hope it is a message of all not only to the best in years but also to their neighbors as a it is. For the 1st time since 1967 the Israeli Occupied palestinian territories had become center stage in palestinian affairs. The fact that dominated p. L. O. Were quick to see the potential of this Popular Uprising on a fathom the men around him realized the importance of organizing cells within the palestinian territories. You had labelled war for them direct effect for which you had to do with out of there b. T. W. Had told me very clearly that he said. We have neglected our People Living under occupation and became him broiled in a tree on the outside palestinians in the homeland were now at the vanguard of the revolution. They became the symbol of resistance to occupation and an icon of the palestinian struggle. Other important developments were also taking place i made the intifada the 1st signs of the emergence of a Palestinian Islamist Movement Began to appear hamas was encouraged. By israel to form islam excited specifically in gaza before us like because when arafat was still a super terrorist unquote before he became a super statesman and then of course later met that made a super terrorist again. How mass was seen as a logical balancing act for the israelis to play against the p. L. O. Increase the religiosity increase they the islamic element of Palestinian Society in the nationalist quote terrorist unquote element goes down. However the israelis did not seem to realize that these new Islamist Groups would also be intent on liberating palestine. The seeds of a new force in palestinian politics were planted a force which began to compete with the p. L. O. Factions in the showdown with its radio station. This new and growing islamist trend which heralded the formation of such groups as Islamic Jihad and hamas found natural allies and several wealthy arab states. We attended a meeting and more than half of those in attendance would kuwaitis and not palestinians i found that surprising chairman out of 1st knew that how mass received support from the popular level in the arab gulf states below on the other hand wasnt allowed to solicit donations because it was bound by agreements with the host governments to receive support only from them. However support for this largest groups among the palestinians was still in its infancy wary of the new challenge to fatten the mood you had soon stamped their authority on the intifada. Knew the Palestinian Uprising had thrown the palestinians a lifeline that could help them realize their aspirations for a home. In this but the areas that i thought there was. The father the father for Yasser Arafat there is no such thing as an intifada for the sake of and fatah its an into fodder or an uprising to achieve a certain political goal hence he was always in a state of uprising. To make certain that what he thought it meant as she said it. In march 1988 i was you had sent a group of palestinian commandos into israel the gunmen hijacked a passenger bus in the negev desert transporting employees to israels Top Secret Nuclear complex at the morning. In the ensuing firefight the 3 hijackers and 3 israeli employees were killed. The israelis were exasperated with the intifada and with the cells i wish we had was organizing. They are they that we are getting a little less rotten a month after the bus attack on april 16th 1988 and is really Commando Force assassinated i will jihad at his home in the tunisian coastal town of cv was. Far from startling then to father i will jihad assassination had the opposite effect. The occupied territories erupted in angry demonstrations. Abu jihad a funeral was held at the Palestinian Refugee camp in the mosques hundreds of thousands of mourners attended to pay their respects. 5 years after his expulsion from syria and after years of a bitter feud on a fast return to damascus for the fact he was given a heros welcome. It turned out to be a vote of confidence more than a couple of p. L. O. In the heartland of a strong. Feeling that stopped when a bomb out of. A stick with that engine as if in chaos that bad shabbier there was a tremendous turnout that the funeral of a coffin was carried for hours throughout the camp that people tried to lift the car carrying arafat off the ground as a token of their support malia. He was carried on peoples shoulders it shook the splinter groups opposed to him because it restored the stature of our fast and for the us leadership. The intifada propelled the palestinian issue onto the world headlines and back to the top of the agenda for the arab world. It was an extraordinary turn. Just a year earlier at an arab summit in aman the palestinian issue had been relegated to the bottom of the agenda. Now in june 1908 at an extraordinary meeting in algiers and appends of state pledged strong support for the intifada and the Palestinian People as opposed rapidly and. They said because. Were living. In that i mean i couldnt. Have been. At the end of july jordan formally broke off all political and administrative ties with the west Bank King Hussein effectively renounced his kingdoms historic claim to the west back paving the way for the area to be part of a palestinian state if ever Israeli Occupation were to end their. And then i lend. Our like them a soup you know to have a shabby infelicity feed that could be a must see it. To be you know what i mean b m f e theyre like i have all who. Let the heli villas they need to step it. Up that article. Be x. R. When i may well have. All of them ok for love the son of a little more than a sikh you know. And you will have because shabbat for the stinney you. And. The machine. If i had. To do was in the hope that i would that was to hear that i mean the world because for them to live we had had enough and done Everything Possible we supported the p. L. O. But in the end we concluded that the p. L. O. Had to be independent of us the palestinians were jubilant but King Husseins decision was opposed by some senior jordanian officials 100. 00 jeff and what it might. Lay at the same had concluded that he could no longer hope to regain the whole of the west bank and therefore he had to put an end to any of the understandings if concessions were required then the palestinians make them not jordan that was at a kind of more however. It was an attempt to give priority to jordanian matters and step away from the historic burden of responsibility for the west bank. I disagree with the decision which wasnt an easy one for his majesty to make in november the Palestine National council met in algiers where artifacts made the historic announcement. Y. B. s miss sharp are not updated for this. They are. Not done yet that feels. The. The form of the federation of the palestinian state was to find. A distance understood that establishing a state requires more than. The new control and. That. They. Had to move that they didnt want the same thing they would have that much about it by might of this a point that. Was stead of facing today out of. Their oil the best selling home. To engage in my base your soul as a. Richer. Sound meaning less. Honest indians also understood that americas backing was imperative if the dream of honesty and statehood was for people. And they began to realize that their long time in the soviet union was no longer a dependable friend the. First to know what. Were going to achieve our fight and i met with a good batch of i felt we had no Common Ground with him that he didnt see our viewpoint we told him the Palestinian People had a very high Literacy Rate and he said sure there is really is fear then that he was no friend of ours up and i did not set foot in the silver to union afterwards i have had a declaration implicitly recognize the state of israel so this was never explicitly stated it was enough for us secretary of state George Schultz to ask a swedish counterparts then anderson to convey a letter to the p. L. O. The message was that if you declare the following points in public. Chief among just which was did on a t. Shirt of terrorism then the United States would be prepared to legalize the Palestinian Liberation Organization and establish a dialogue with it. The General Assembly of the United Nations was preparing to convene in new york yesterday on a fat was scheduled to give a speech what he did not count on was americas refusal to grant him an entry visa. In an unprecedented move the General Assembly moved its meeting to its headquarters in switzerland. And i thought delivered his speech and waited to reap the diplomatic route. He believed that by implicitly recognizing israel and renouncing Armed Struggle he had met americas conditions to open a dialogue with the piano right in a minute warner aid by once or declare. That i can get it yes get it in. But the americans did not hear the terminology they required about the renunciation of terrorism and not all palestinians believe the price was worth paying. The whole the cargo and then. I said what do you get for renouncing terrorism meaning the right to launch military operations i was against making this concession. I said lets await the reaction to his speech and then well see and this but i was overruled but out of france mind was made up desperate for american recognition the next day he held a press conference and uttered the magic words. And absolutely they know its all the forum is already done it is. The u. S. Announced that it was now ready to begin a dialogue with the p. L. O. Several sessions of talks were held between p. L. O. Officials and washingtons ambassador to tunisia Robert Pelletreau the talks failed to satisfy artifacts aspirations as it was the dialogue did not last long yet another palestinian faction was about to make world headlines through violence the palestine. Abberation front headed by basque had 1st come to prominence back in 1985 with the hijacking of the italian cruise liner that kilauea. The operation quickly fell apart and the palestinian gunmen gained infamy when they killed and threw overboard a wheelchair bound america. And now in june 1900 the palestine liberation front struck again. A unit of its commandos landed on a television beach intending to kill israelis the attack was quickly 40. Years later the groups leader admitted the operation was aimed at the railing the negotiations. Any. One of the Political Goals of the operation was to stop the palestinian american dialogue which we felt was an insult to the palestinian involution and palestinians in general. The americans wanted the p. L. F. Punished and a fact refused. Truck. Out of fatah if he was the american requests because he felt that the palestinians had gained nothing from the dialogue with america which wasnt supposed to be about the a. B. C. s of the palestinian issue but about something more substantial his message to the americans was if you want me to hold military operations then you have to move on the political level of let our money that had had us all here and i told out a father that is punishing us would help restore the National Rights of the Palestinian People then he should go ahead and do it he refused and said he wasnt going to be blackmailed and the dialogue was severed. Any hope of a resumption of dialogue was soon overshadowed by another tumultuous event in the middle east in august 1900 iraqi forces invaded kuwait changing the political face of the region. Out of fact failed to unequivocally condemn the iraqi occupation and announced he was seeking an arab solution to the issue a position supported by the palestinians of the occupied territories. Ban. We would see can and on a brazilian ocean to the crisis. And try to preclude any outside involvement. To solve it among arabs at that gate we had under fishel initiative to get iraq to withdraw from kuwait. That. The. Told me i dont want to talk to the iraqis its hopeless i interviewed arafat at the time and begged him if i told him sadam was going to lose and advised arafat not to support him if he was hesitant especially towards the end but he couldnt break away from Saddam Hussein. And a fax position was criticized within the p. L. O. Also known as abu iyad who was now recognized as i laugh at 2nd in command distrusted Saddam Hussein from the outset the last time i saw was just before. Saddam hussein. Started making his move on kuwait it was just after the oval abbas affair and i was in tunis and met our yard and he said you know this is saddams doing this job abbas affair and hes its hes courting off audience trying to get out a fight to move the headquarters to baghdad and he said he has something in mind i dont know what it is but im trying to figure it out because he wants the palestinians in he said on whats the palestinians in his corner when it happens and we have to figure out what hes up to because its going to be bad news for us you know whenever an arab regime tries to get its hands on us we know there is trouble and so he said. Its very important for us that the u. S. P. L. O. Dialogue not be ended because thats whats its why saddam did this he wants to force an end to it because he doesnt want us to be. Dealing with you. And will be as opposition try to fight alliance with saddam proved his death sentence. In 1901 a few days before the air campaign to liberate kuwait was launched the ad was gunned down into us. The perpetrator was artifacts old nemesis abu nidal who was once again iraqs gun for hire. Ironically we had had in the past turned down the opportunity to have i wouldnt doubt kill. Can only way one can. Mak anywhere to hold them without now the idea to tell me that he couldnt go there had to not wanted because he had broken bread with him at his home and he said he couldnt kill him for the sake of his children so what happened i wanted our assassinated him i swear more than once i told out of 5 and i will yet that id have been adult killed in baghdad. If his iraqi friends got upset then id fix things with them but out of fact and i would turn down my offer nasmyth that we had with us with what we have as a man got on with Syrian People like yet and i was he had had an influence on arafats this is ins and the policies he adopted or with. By taking them out of fatah was left with no effective people around him many with ultimately and this had a negative effect in the years to come. By the end of february Saddam Husseins army had been ejected from kuwait his regime almost shattered. But had a. Do a lot of be accustomed had after the gulf war all arabs will so much they lost everything a completion of queta by the iraqis was a stain on our honor. Theres absolutely no excuse for it. That you know let me at the local and then you know it like an object or rather. Openly and clearly condemned local patient of kuwait at the same time he didnt openly and clearly supported. He tried in his own way to simultaneous to play both sides and his position was interpreted as supporting the iraqis and his calculations were wrong and we paid a tremendous price for them. On a fact had told the International Community would link an iraqi withdrawal from kuwait to israeli concessions in the occupied territories. But the Palestinian Leader miscalculated back to. The dreams of statehood and recognition he had harbored not too long ago now named. The promise of peace in the middle east not. Now but a new dilemma after the death of the man at the center of the palestinian struggle now more than 40 years after to stablish mint how far as the p. L. O. Come to achieving its hopes and dreams concluding the turbulent story of the struggle for palestinian home p. L. O. History of a revolution on aljazeera. People have come to expect a lot from aljazeera over the years its their reporting the commitment to on the reporter places the commitment to the human story. But its also the idea of challenging those in power if a politician comes on this channel they will be challenged and thats what people expect of us they want the questions answered. And that is what weve always done thats what we will continue to do. The venezuela colombia buddha has become a Stomping Ground for trespasses. As desperate people transgress an illegal passage. To feed an emerging field trafficking markets. We follow that perilous journey unguarded through the line of fire. Risking it all. Venezuelan colombia. On aljazeera. It costs us morale day is a magnet for the rich and famous it hosts the most beautiful beaches in all of europe but ive come here to investigate a dock a side sodomy a place hosts to some of the worlds most elaborate war games for decades dust from explosions and tastes has brightened down on the towns and the grazing fields of the firing range exactly what was in the no one knows in nearly 2000 local doctors store a spike in the number of unusual cancers in their patients in a country 90 days defense contracts are a source of income but also quite possibly the cause of untold misery after all the inquiries and with military brass now on trial for the people of this on land paradise there is a glimmer of hope that the truth might finally see the light of day. Be the hero the world needs. Washing. And. Think. Dr the u. S. Government whistleblower issues a dire warning about the trumpet ministrations handling of the pandemic. Without better planning 2020 would be the darkest winter in modern history. Hello im adrian fit again this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a boost for china as its industrial sector grows by more than expected in april but the government says the economy still faces challenges

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