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Lock down measures a reinstated after a new cluster of virus infections of. Hunger joining a pandemic entire households in south africa struggling to afford enough food. And on time hummus now have all the sporting creating a look at how Major League Baseball is aiming to start is the late season in july. And going beginning this news with unemployment figures out of the United States almost 3000000 people have filed for Unemployment Benefits in the past 7 days that is down from previous weeks but it brings the nationwide figure to more than 36000000 people since long over coronavirus began meanwhile World Leaders have made a plea for the eventual covert 19 vaccine to be. Distributed free of charge to all countries in an open letter more than 140. 00 current and former leaders Nobel Laureates and academics cold for the global sharing of data and technologies related to the virus the World Health Organization has warned the virus may never be wiped out the health body says without a vaccine it could take years for people to build up an immunity this where is may become just another in demi virus in our communities and this where its may never go hiv has not gone away weve come to terms with the virus and we have found the therapies and we found the prevention methods and people dont feel as scared. As they did before and were offering life to people with hiv long healthy lives to people with a jury ok lets get more on the u. S. Jobless figures live to the white house my colleague White House Correspondent kimberly hellcat so kimberly the new jump job numbers are out are they pretty much ballpark where we thought theyd be. Yeah well we knew that they would continue to climb and theyre going to continue to climb and this is the issue for a u. S. President that is trying to win reelection on a Strong Economy a jobs president all of the jobs created since donald trump came into office and the ones created by the Previous Administration as a result of the late 2000 recovery have been wiped out in a matter of just 7 or 8 weeks so this is a real challenge for this president one that he continues to say he can overcome he continually projects that the 3rd quarter out of sort of these sort of financial Record Keeping that occurs in the United States that it will be very strong but the reality is is that in the 2nd quarter the 3rd quarter still ahead things are not strong at all in fact the numbers are expected to keep climbing in terms of those americans filing unemployment claims it could go as high as 46000000 americans its projected that lost their jobs essentially wiped out in a matter of weeks paralyzing this u. S. Economy and as a result we have seen some at least republican governors starting to try and take punitive action looking for someone to blame not blaming the president they say but trying to blame china on wednesday 14 different states wrote a letter to President Trump urging him to hold china accountable and seeking damages for the economic carnage that they are now experiencing in their states. So whistleblower will testify today on capitol hill about the trump response to the poem to make mr trump coming out fighting already we see. Get the u. S. President tweeting in just the last few minutes or so of about rick right here is a whistle blower he was heading up a top Vaccine Agency here in the United States he says he was pushed out of his job for political reasons essentially he were to use to back a controversial drug that the u. S. President was very keen for treating coronavirus the whistle blower right saying that in fact this was an unproven drug he did not feel comfortable and he says he was pushed out of his job in the midst of seeking restoration of his employment hes also testifying on capitol hill in the next hour and the u. S. President already trying to set the stage with a tweet saying i dont know the socalled whistleblower rick bright never heard of him never met him a but to me hes a disgruntled employee not like to respected by people i spoke to and who with his attitude should no longer be working for our government now i should point out that his testimony is not expected to be good for the u. S. President and his cronies virus response in fact we understand going to tell lawmakers that the window of opportunity is closing for preparations for that 2nd wave that outbreak thats expected to be even more deadly than the 1st in the fall here in the United States he will be warning that the darkest winter in modern history could be upon the United States if not more is done and we should point out very quickly this is the 2nd testimony that could be happening on capitol hill that the president doesnt like you remember just a couple of days ago dr anthony very well respected Public Health official in the United States also said something the u. S. President didnt like essentially saying that it would be overly optimistic to think a vaccine could be ready by the fall when students need to go back to school and what we should point out there is the u. S. Election donald trump called that an unacceptable answer he said this is a very little impact on young people and you cant consider the. United states reopening if in fact schools are also not open kimberly thanks very much well talk to you later im sure ok lets get the latest on the significant lesson being published today sicknesses signatures from 140 of the great and the good plugged into this world of epidemiology virology journal is live for us in london so joe know what else do we know about this letter calling for a vaccine to be free across the board and pates and free as well. Yes well as you mentioned more than 140. 00 public figures a pretty illustrious list including 50 former World Leaders and some current World Leaders 2 its headed by cyril rahm opposer the president of south africa also the pakistan Prime Minister imran khan and others and yes as you say what it is saying is if and when a vaccine comes into being its got to be paid for its got to be owned by the whole world not by any individual country or company its got to be scaled up very quickly into the billions of doses so that it can be given to people around the world who need it at no cost and it reflects this initiative if you like fears in the developing world the socalled global south to use the language in the letter that a vaccine is likely to come from developed countries the global north and fears that it will be used preferentially there 1st among richer populations whilst the poorer countries that dont have the finances in the resources to be able to secure their share will be made to wait the letter says we cannot afford for monopolies crude competition and nearsighted nationalism to stand in the way of a Global Solution that ends this pandemic now they will be aware and everyone is aware that the race to develop a vaccine is hotly underway there are more than 100 currently clinical tests underway across the world many of those in europe in the United States at different stages currently and different sizes one of the biggest ones is here in the u. K. At Oxford University the best guess coming from scientists at oxford is that they may have may have a vaccine around about the autumn time september or something but thats a long long way just discovering a vaccine from being able to scale it up and make it available globally that could go well into next year or beyond and this is the developing world making clear that they dont want to be made to wait even longer than that turner thanks very much. Well as kimberly was saying a little earlier President Trump says he wants the u. S. Economy up and running again as soon as possible his message comes the day after as we heard also the top of the news anthony folks returning she warned that rushing to reopen could have serious consequences including needless deaths and suffering mike hanna reports from washington the president met with the governors of colorado and north dakota and urged them to look into reopening schools as soon as possible the country is getting hit back and its going to get back in soon as possible and i dont consider a country coming back and the schools are closed its a message at odds with that given by dr antony felt she told a Senate Committee tuesday that there were real dangers in reopening states too soon making particular reference to schools we dont know everything about this virus and weve really got to be very careful particularly when it comes to children president ial candidate joe biden was quick to comment i would trust the guy whos one of our nations top Public Health experts he tweeted not the one who pondered injecting disinfectant into the body and look directly at a Solar Eclipse there are federal guidelines for governors to consider among the recommendations that the rate of infection dropped for 2 weeks before mitigating measures are eased that a proper tracing procedure be established and that testing protocols be in place none of the states that have begun to reopen meet all these criteria. And in wisconsin another denial of the concerns of medical experts the Supreme Court has struck down the governors stay at home order siding with Republican Leaders who argue the administration had overstepped its Legal Authority its an argument that has received explicit support in tweets from the white house mike hanna aljazeera washington. Last more news still to come for you here on the news including well tell you why the number of 1000 cases in already war ravaged yemen may not be what they seen plus. Coronavirus changes the way millions of people work one Swedish Company helps remotely driven vehicles can make a Truck Driving a stake in time. Also ahead newcastle fans who want to oppose the takeover bid of the club more details with santa in about 35 say. 2 cities in the northeast of china theyre locked on measures reinstated because of a new cluster of infections 4 and a half 1000000 people a jillion city have been told to stay at home public transport has been stopped and recently reopened schools are being closed again neighboring should learn city was locked down on sunday tests are underway on 11000000 People Living in New Hampshire where the virus was 1st reported katrina you has more details on whats happening in jilin sure land and who and from the Chinese Capital forest beijing. To some people looking down 4 and a half 1000000 people because of 20 or so cases may seem like a bit of an overreaction but the reason that this is happening is that the authorities are suspicious that this cluster may have been growing undetected for some period of time and all of these cases are linked to a 45 year old woman insure lun city thats the smallest city and its a mystery so far as to how she caught core of a dying teen she has no trouble history no contact with imported cases there is some speculation that she may have caught it from clothing in her workplace for example but the authorities in this area very keen to contain this as soon as possible especially saying that next week in beijing its the most important political event of the year is going to be held the National Peoples congress or the last thing that they want to see is this getting out of hand we know that so far rouhani all the residents thats a live in 1000000 residents are expected to be tested if they havent already been tested in the last 2 weeks all residents would have received a text message at some point this week and being told by the local district authorities to head to the closest clinic to schedule their own test and authorities expect that districts in the get this testing done in a period of 10 days thats about 1000000 people pay day roughly being tested outside of what hons so far no sign of mass testing the reason that authorities and our spirit have been spared to do this mass testing is because there has been a cluster located this 6 new transmissions located there but elsewhere around the country as Domestic Travel restrictions eased this a clear nucleic acid test is increasingly being used as some sort of possible local governments are asking travelers to to show it as a condition for them to arrive in their area and certainly other cities including beijing and shanghai its very easy now to gores who is testing sent to do a test for about 30. 00 and get your results in 24 hours so this is increasingly becoming a crucial part of everyday life in china so far its voluntary but at some point it may be rolled out on a compulsory basis. Tens of thousands of people have been forced into emergency shelters after typhoon hit the eastern philippines power has been caught and homes destroyed by winds of up to 180 kilometers an hour its raised concerns about people now being unable to keep social distancing in overcrowded conditions the mayor of the biggest city in south africa says people in almost 1000000 households dont have enough to eat johannesburg has been in lockdown for more than 6 weeks along with the rest of the country many businesses do remain closed leaving families without work for me to milla a small. Candace played says shes making the most of the little food she has she lost her job at a job Printing Company when it was shut as the lockdown began weeks ago with no income she depends on Government Support to feed her 4 children will move from the log down it was at from the linear time she was really difficult because it was for the whole month we had to wait for the whole month to get like the Child Support money so we did was a struggle for me every day and though we received the money last week last few days to go by and we lose him by going in stuff like that the wife of food like full groceries for them and by the end of that always those that are going to the mayor of johannesburg says people in a 1000000 households dont have enough to eat the National Government in pretoria has increased the Child Support grant and its created a special grant of 20. 00 a month to help workers whove lost their jobs survive the lock down government leaders say theyre spending the equivalent of almost 3000000000. 00 on the unemployed and the poor but even before the lock down 45 percent of johannesburgs 5 and a half 1000000 people lived in poverty to make the crisis even worse many workers have lost their jobs since the lockdown began the government says its handing out food parcels to about 2000 homes every day but its simply not enough organizations like this one a cry for help or would go up by handing out 2 cooked meals every day. Neuron gain has run this food charity for 7 years but says she can barely keep up since the lockdown began. When ive started the feeding we started with about her in 50. And its turned over in a matter of a week after the lockdown to almost 4 to 500 a day saturdays i did 300 right now is standing on 1200. An assessor to know the organization relies on donations and shes not received any help from the government delia jones has run this barber shop for 16 years its been closed for weeks leaving for Staff Members with no work and dia without any income shes applied for a government grant but is not heard back instead her custom is help to buy food with an economy largely stalled and no clear indication of when the lockdown will end many are relying on handouts to survive. Aljazeera johannesburg. Coronaviruses reach every country in africa after the recorded its 1st case the Health Ministry says a student who recently arrived from saudi arabia has tested positive the city went into lockdown at the end of march to protect itself from the virus in neighboring south Africa Cassar has recorded its highest daily increase in cases since february a further 1733 people were confirmed to have the virus on thursday taking the total number of infections to more than 28000 containment measures are being stepped up from sunday with people being forced to wear a face mask in public or risk being fined un agencies are warning that libyans are being threatened by both fighting and the coronavirus the uns high risk break will escalate following the deaths of 3 people and dozens of infections its also warning that fighting is hampering the delivery of aid and having a catastrophic effect on civilians including migrants and refugees turning our attention to yemen where a lack of Testing Facilities is made it difficult to assess just how badly the virus is affecting one of the worlds poorest countries so far only 13 deaths and 72 infections being reported but Health Workers are warning that a major outbreak could have a catastrophic consequences following years of war hunger and other diseases Priyanka Gupta has more. A new military offensive in the middle of a Global Pandemic. The Southern Province of the army is the latest frontline in humans war. Government forces backed by saudi arabia are inching closer to was a provincial capital since a bar they are fighting to end what they call an armed rebellion by the Southern Transitional council the separatist movement which just backed by the United Arab Emirates and determined to break away from northern yemen the breakaway fighters will want allies in the fight against these in the north now enemies in the battle for control in the south last month the Southern Separatist fighters declared self rule in their stronghold the port city of aden and now want to extend control over nearby provinces. Victory is close only a few hours separate us from and we are well prepared a morale is high and men are ready. Not fall from the shell fire yemenis and aden are fighting against the civil enemy. In your corner virus the city is reporting the highest number of infections and deaths in yemen as more cases are detected elsewhere the lack of Testing Facilities means many infections are going undiagnosed and many deaths are good quarter. Directorate weve taken many steps to prevent the spread of coronavirus weve implemented an Educational Campaign weve implemented to Sterilization Campaign and street and stores 5 years of war between who the fight is on Government Forces backed by the saudi you a military coalition has forced millions of yemenis from their homes. And calmed the Running Water is a luxury. That we are afraid for our children we have elderly people and we are in a remote place and we are afraid the virus will spread like wildfire is spatially get the disease appeared entires and only the directorate of motor is between us and the virus meaning that is very close and we are in fear that the World Health Organization says the virus could flip through yemen really hard the hospitals are functioning i audition sees how border famine yemenis are caught between the pandemic and civil war with no end to their suffering so it plunk a couple ounces here. Lebanon has temporarily imposed a lot done this time for 4 days following an increase in infections there more than 100 new cases have been reported over the past few days the lockdown excludes the Health Agriculture food and Manufacturing Industries lebannon began lifting restrictions last month to help ease its worst economic crisis in decades more than 870 cases and 26 deaths have been confirmed. International Energy Agency says the Global Demand for oil may improve as nations begin lifting their lock downs but its still set for a record decrease this year the i. A. E. A. Says demand is expected to fall by 8600000 Barrels Per Day last month they predicted a drop of more than 9000000. 00 but it wants any resurgence of covert 19 cases will have major consequences economics editor of it ali joining us live from london a bit high they good to talk to you again so really if its a 2nd wave the price goes haywire i guess. Youre absolutely right there pete says so if there is a 2nd wave and with Everything Else that the i. A. E. A. Said today then you know we can see oil prices have a lot lower and so lets lets go through the nuts and bolts of the report now the picture as he says is now looking pretty bleak for the oil industry if this and he calls it saves is that massive demand destruction that we saw in april which they are eating a calling black april is pretty much behind us remember almost 4000000000 people went into some fallout with that and with many quarters closed limited flights and little traffic on the roads with only essential Services Running now analysts actually say that in april alone we saw the man down by about 35000000 barrels a day thats. Our usual consumption number or oil is roughly about 100000000 barrels a day and a with. And so now the i. A. E. A. Is expecting a record fall for the rest of europe by 8. On the supply side 2 things firstly theres been huge cuts coming through saudi arabia has voluntarily he sought me to cut oil by what 1000000 barrels a day and has have the support of kuwait or United Arab Emirates and from the United States weve seen the rigs number rigs which are operating in the shale area have come down which is all good news but you know we will see. The number of Storage Facilities being overwhelmed by the middle of the year thats according to the i. A. E. A. And thats when the state are the small cuts from the coming from opec plus countries or you know well see Lower Oil Prices have a thanks very much. Hasnt looked too different during the pandemic so what it was before the pandemic runs from schools and shops of all state open house read supreme trusted to adopt social distancing the lack of a lot done has attracted curiosity and condemnation more than 3 and a half 3400. 00 deaths is much higher than neighboring countries but the damage to the economy is projected to be lower than the average staying in sweden as many people continue to work from home one company is developing a new technology that could allow Truck Drivers to do the same thing. From sun taught in southern sweden. This may not be the most thrilling driving experience just yet but it could be the future of Long Distance trucking this is a testing site for i mean right already in commercial operation with one Haulage Company in sweden i mean right builds remote controlled trucks driven from a far from the comfort of an aerodynamic office chair. We just have to show the general population that the trucks are safer or safer and then the crooks that we have on the roads today they will never get tired they will never fall asleep and the reality of today is that theres a shortage of Truck Drivers if youre doing trucking its very very hard to find drivers its hope that some may find this less exhausting than life on the open highway now from the point of view of a truck driver taking this job instead of buckling up for a long day on the road there just arrived to the office drive the truck from here perhaps go to the gym at lunch time and even at the end of the day of the truck was hundreds of kilometers away they could be home in time for. The trucks off fueled by battery and operated via mobile data so it sends out in progress some measures the distance the government right now restricts them to 5 Kilometers Per Hour so the Trucking Company already using them only does so at their own premises their actual top speed is still secrets but is already much closer to National Traffic limits i write say the trucks can also keep the flow of goods moving during crises such as the coronavirus pandemic while the remotes drivers remain isolated. Its not an idea as yet fully embraced by swedens existing army of truckers here in the Southern City of mile my. I like my job you meet many people say hello sometimes 60 stops a day this thing can work in ports would mean ferry terminals but the way we drive i dont think so doing that let them make things easier when it works but its hard to replace a human being who doesnt force me into retirement anyway i dont want things to change too fast. Would a closures and reduced production have caused job losses in swedens Trucking Industry but the lack of a lockdown has helped keep it rolling remote driving may be a vital addition if not a replacement for a system that keeps people and the economy alive paul reese aljazeera some told sweden. Mean European Unions Justice Commissioner says smartphone apps that digitally trace coronavirus patients should be deactivated once the pandemic is over Contact Tracing applications and other surveillance measures have triggered concerns about privacy worldwide 28 countries are now using these apps that can track people and their contacts through bluetooth signaling once an infection is confirmed all those who came into contact with a patient are notified and theyre asked to self quarantine china has gone one step further with a series of. Based tracking systems that give people a color coded health pass essential for travel and work in india their Contact Tracing up has been downloaded 100000000 times and is mandatory for those who want to travel on trains the government is using both bluetooth and g. P. S. Location devices to build a centralized database. Michael wiil hes a lecturer in Digital Rights and regulation at University College london michael what reservation should we have if we have yet to download such an app as the apps were talking about here thanks its important to know roughly how you have to work on a differences differences between member across countries some of whom are connected to your real id some of them are connected to just a unique phone that youre holding in your hand some of them centralized a great deal of danger about the social network of you and people around you in the cloud some of them share that data some of them dont and also some of them might develop further in the future into technologies like quarantine control so the app you download today might look different from the out but it turns into tomorrow weve been working on systems that attempt to limit all of those things and limit term in particular burn Mission Creep that can change over time and mean that theres no need for a centralized data store because you dont need that to do the kind of Contact Tracing that is being asked for are Different Countries offering the chance to download different depending upon if one feels a little bit awkward about a versus a b. If one has done enough research. No thats not particularly an option of the moment and thats heightened fine in fact that what we think of as more privacy preserving our switch our decentralized where data doesnt leave your phone and all the matching of you and the people you are near happens secretly on peoples devices all of those that are not really very compatible with the heavy centralized some of which even use location data but also being pushed around the world so we see a majority of European Countries not doing for going to centralize systems google also Contact Tracing system in their phones learn to european project which had a decentralized approach that im involved in. Countries are not for more centralized versions may find it hard for these systems to work well across borders mansour also precludes what us staying the choice within a country is this a little bit like the id card argument i. E. If youve got nothing to hide whats the problem because the key thing here is not say to do with the i. D. Card as well because people people have always said you know certain european governments anti terror legislation is kept on the statute books its then used by the wrong people in the wrong way of the wrong time but the key thing here is track and test track and trace keeps people alive in the face of a very clever killer virus. Yes it will it does we need to test track and trace which is why its important to get the most of these apps as possible and that can only really be done if people know that these apps are for test track and trace and not for anything else so thats why decentralized pretty preserving approaches are important and id add to that and say its not simply about do you have anything to hide because centralized applications the way they function is you upload data when your in fact you dont feel symptoms about other people so you store in the environment so actually its a case of people loading about other people and that makes it quite different from an id cancer system where you are sharing information just about yourself which is the case in a decentralized out understood michael good to talk to you thank you so much for your insight we do appreciate your time thank you time for weather and were talking about a thai food yet the 1st one of the year and it hit the philippines is made landfall already picture behind me of the spinning satellite you can actually see the ari just here last word but it made landfall in eastern north to tacloban which is infamous for a very big hit this one as a category 2 as it made landfall is still just about category 2 even now which gives you the sort of dimensions the winds come down to 155 Kilometers Per Hour but the rainfall potential exists as this thing is still a spinning stall for at least next 2 days and you get a half a meter the next few hours give a storm surge on the east coast the same are all in the arms of because she is to the north and the way fact is still as generous in the open ocean 8 meters so coastal damage seems quite likely as a result this is and it came into Eastern Samar when youve seen these pictures before but to give you an idea of the strength thats like a category 2 hurricane you see in the wind speeds and of course damaging and potentially lethal with things flying through the air. This is the path over the next 2 days it goes across the whole of the philippines basically just about missing and its a fairly slow passage all this time its alive or its able to take energy in from the surrounding warm water all of friday its on its way out through the cold. It will be in loser big brother many thanks still to come here on the news for you a mystery condition related to corona virus is affecting children causing a very small percentage to die. Also ahead the ultimate fighting championship continues its comeback after being put on hold by the Global Pandemic more details in the sport with sila in about 20 minutes. A story of long family and freedom from my living here you know at school we heard the sounds of large explosions. And the hardships faced in captivity they came for me at midnight they told me to leave my son i said how can i raise him i saw so much pain in the eyes of the other female prisoners. And the our pricing. On aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks the mind fits within a valley surrounded by bush land and most of its operations have been about 500. 00 mates is the name of the surf that we detail covering the Malaysian Navy recently prevented a boat carrying around 200 range of refugees from landing from the around the world summit leaders are accusing their opponents of trying to topple them by tampering with financial stability. Welcome back youre watching the aljazeera news on my names piece of dalby these are your top stories in the u. S. Almost 3000000 people have filed for Unemployment Benefits in the past 7 days thats done from previous weeks but it does bring the nationwide figure to more than 36000000. 00 people since coronavirus long term measures began. Thousands of current and former World Leaders are making a plea for free and equitable access to a vaccine once its developed it sent an open letter urging countries to share data on virus related technologies. The World Health Organization has warned the virus may never go away and could become endemic like hiv but it also says an effective vaccine could eliminate it. Now as the push to open up grows stronger airlines are being forced to dramatically reduce think the way they do business to both protect passengers and to remain solvent and new zealand has announced its increasing the number of domestic flights and adding strict protective measures social distancing for example will be enforced in the air and on the ground that means one seat. Between individual travelers but families can remain together airlines will expand the use of automated check ins and biometric boarding allowing you to use your face as your passport carriers are having to quickly rebuild their businesses to accommodate ongoing restrictions and theres no guarantee the changes will bring customers or profits back for the foreseeable future lets bring in the aviation analyst brendan soapie in singapore brendan great to talk to you again here on the news of the any of them plans to go or will they work or not. This is the missile phase as they look at the mess the market in britain or have the opportunity for regular people to travel to mystically get in there meet them are there on the 1st alert tears that happened here or not only essential workers were able to travel so theyre really back you know 20 percent of capacity which is actually 37 flights because mom and sister chins on the other hand empty seats in between passengers some 30 percent of flights which is equivalent to 20 percent or in terms of actually. Its very early on in the beginning that were going to see here and in rest in engineering in maybe as they get into the holiday period in. The market that seems ok social distancing apart from families travelling on Group Tickets i guess but social distancing side to side along the road does that mean social distancing row to row so does that mean if youre in row 15 theres nobody in the seat behind you in row 16 but there might be somebody diagonally behind you or diagonally ahead of you. Its the middle seat thats locked if youre not in families now keep in mind that not every country has this restriction so you know the markets reopened in india in korea right now and you dont have these restrictions so so every country is different and when we start getting threats International Travel the next few months theres going to be harmonization the standards and groom and thats what i dont know about the associations are working right now to try to come up with harmonisation of standards which will become more ok. Assuming therefore social distancing does apply every place in the aircraft 2 points point number one if the aircraft is half full does that mean the airlines are going to have to double the fares because they want to see the money going into their Bank Accounts again thats a given point number one point number 2 youre still going to be breathing in reese recycled air thats gone over the engines its gone into the leave a thing up there and unless youre sitting in that cone of air condition there theres still risk just in being on an aircraft even before you ask for a meal that i understand a new zealand are not going to be serving you anyway. Well i mean this is the best flight so theyre all under one hour in new zealand city lucky to be only going to normal circumstances but lets lets the person on the 2nd point. You know the airplane is generally considered a safe environment and it has filters like a hospital but theres a lot about unknowns and this is why its important to know how to research and discussion of the standard sometimes no science that suggests that even you know you know how to get the seeds that you know reduces the risk you know where there is a risk or versus having the focus not going to force all sorts and you know other points where passengers pass each other and iris are going to the toilets or boarding in there or so theres a lot about unknowns so i mean that its not to be discussed in terms of air fares its really about supply and demand so in new zealand seem very high fares initially because theyre using or doesnt have much competition but mark about vietnam or korea are already in china theres a lot of competition between our minds and so we so even if you have rules and most of these other countries actually dont have the tools and you saw what happened because some airlines are competing against each other and right now they really need that cash they you know they havent been for months and they really need whatever we can get brendan is there a background noise here its the noise of all the airline c. E. O. s around the world phoning oil and saying look we have got to have a big global zoom conference because weve got to take a multiple standardize it because weve got to convince people look you can fly again its safe again youll be ok. I mean theres a theres a theres a lot of theres a lot of work going on its not only just just i mean theres lots of associations and ok it was better again working on the standards and its important that countries dont you know come up come up with their own thing without any kind of rational be rational behind reasons behind it so so i think that there is a lot of work behind the scenes going on now maybe at a resume conference would be good at yes well that i had a Sudden Weekly conference that you know what though there are lots of stakeholders but maybe there has to be a bigger player maybe a more public one of the because its important to get this right and its a little bit shaky right now because so much so much unknown out there but what i think you know there is a lot of effort going on and i think it will eventually get this right but in this interim days before you know before we have harmonization of standards its going to be tricky because every country is going to be different and everyones going to be wondering whats right is new zealand doing something right its not doing something wrong or its the other way around and its theres a lot of unknowns out there its really hard to figure out whos really doing it right brendan good to talk to us up a thank you very much thank you. Well staying in new Zealand New Zealand is all be able to do everything the thing every day things again such as going to restaurants and shopping malls as well as businesses reopening children are being allowed to go back to school as of monday social distancing rules remain and most gatherings are restricted to 10 people the governments announced record spending of around 30000000000. 00 over 4 years to revive the economy. As weve been reporting unemployment in the us has risen rapidly because of the pandemic Goldman Sachs is warning a quarter of the workforce could be jumped less of some point during this he and a she have returned see reports that includes the people fighting the virus. It hasnt gone unnoticed or that even as the u. S. Salutes frontline workers in this case with military flyovers at a conservatively estimated 60000. 00 an hour over at least 22 Cities Health care workers are being fired at a low many rates due to a lack of foam and thats despite 100000000000. 00 in funding post by congress specifically to help medical providers preliminary estimates for april showed a loss of 1400000 Health Care Jobs with 135000 hospital stuff such as revenue rich elective surgeries and routine visits were canceled his data report and on the situation as oh well. So what were seeing today is what was going on in and around the middle so i certainly think i would not be surprised to see more losses when we see next month 317 stoffel 5 at this hospital in san diego those who remain say some of those were frontline kovan stone i was with millions of others in the u. S. And then now without their employer based Health Insurance when they may need it moost everybody was right were still devastated were reeling from that. Everybody demoralized on the force that right now and of course their work being affected. Or nurses and now theyre worried that after a 14 day between 2 to 14 day incubation period what if they get infected now we dont have an. So its easy for a lot of. Executives to say oh oh you know these Health Care Workers and nurses are hero and then they can really just drop it like nothing but Palomar Health which runs the hospital said it had no choice not only is revenue down in areas not connected to the pandemic it isnt treating high numbers of patients either meanwhile Health Care Workers who remain acing that hours on wages cut while fearing job loss and thats particularly so it would have been a little noticed but a growing sector in u. S. Medicine hospitals and medical staffing controlled by private equity firms will street spent 100000000000 dollars on Health Care Assets in 2018 aloon private equities financial bubble is based on profits for investors that beat the rest of the market and thats made these assets particularly vulnerable now those Emergency Rooms are the ones that have been at the forefront of cutting salaries and cutting doctor salaries its the extreme form of a for profit system they are reacting quickly in order to get their money our repay their investors before the organizations collapse private equity blames medical Insurance Companies for forcing them to make cuts and its true Insurance Companies are already seeing an projecting healthy profits as a result of the pandemic but as the emergency continues while many flaws within the u. S. Health care system have been revealed increasingly theres debate as to whether its the system itself that is broken she ever attends the aljazeera. Health officials are warning children of being affected by conditions related to cope at 19 in new york 3 have died from it Christensen Amy spoke to the mother of one child who has recovered. Amber deen seen here with her son bobby thought she was one of the lucky ones the mother of 3 from her now in new york had a mild case of covert 19 in april and has since recovered but for bobby it was a different story started a what just seemed like a tummy bug so you know were treating it as such and then it had progressed to a low grade. A heavy amount of bombing and he couldnt keep anything down the 9 year old spent last week in the hospital one of more than 100 children in new york struck down by a mysterious condition thought to be related to the virus bobbie recovered but at least 3 children in the state have died and more than a dozen other states have reported cases similar to a rare condition known as callous saki disease or toxic shock syndrome it causes inflammation in the blood vessels from what we know or what we think we know at this time its something thats occurring probably a few weeks after the initial inspection so most likely a lot of these children were infected a few weeks ago and now there are immune system is kind of wrapping up and causing this inclination the body the leading u. S. Public health body the centers for Disease Control and prevention is warning doctors to be on the lookout for the syndrome experts are also looking at a possible genetic predisposition but the man leading the u. S. Medical response cautions there is still a lot they dont know i think weve got to be careful if we are not cavalier if thinking that children are completely in the in the deleterious effects with tens of thousands of People Killed and millions more out of work one saving grace of the coronavirus was supposed to be that children were spared the worse now as theres new evidence of this syndrome coming to light even that is being challenged kristen salumi aljazeera new york. Will say in the States Hollywood the Entertainment Industry is one of the sectors hardest hit by the Global Pandemic and thats giving some nations like saudi arabia a chance to invest rob reynolds is in los angeles. As the World Economy staggers under the shock of the coronavirus saudi arabia led by de facto ruler crown Prince Mohammed bin sol mon is going up ng these are very speculative investments but it does seem like they will spend money at any place thats asking the 320000000000. 00 Saudi Public Investment Fund has bought big stakes in companies devastated by covert 19 as the funds governor explained in an investors video conference. Would look and to me opportunities i mean if you look at different sectors like an alliance. And the saudi fund snapped up 8. 2 percent of Carnival Cruise lines some of whose passengers were sickened by corona virus in the early stages of the outbreak carnivals stock price was in the cellar the fund also invested 500000000. 00 in live nation Parent Company of ticketmaster and a leader in big live concerts featuring the likes of madonna they are little bit scattershot theyre mostly in entertainment as saudi led group is trying to buy Newcastle United Football Club in the English Premier League for about 370000000. 00 and the saudis are reportedly seeking a stake in warner music which bones and operates some of the worlds Biggest Record labels and Music Publishers look i think every company that needs money is lining up in cop and calling saudi arabia and that wasnt the case a few months ago indeed the saudi regime was for a time an International Business pariah following the murder of the journalist joe moll khashoggi inside the saudi consulate in istanbul a killing investigations by the un and the cia concluded. It was most likely orchestrated by the crown prince but things have changed were in a market now where if you want to survive you might have to go go into business with some partners you dont want the plays a risky if the search for a covert 19 vaccine and treatments drag on for years cruise lines and Entertainment Companies could go belly up leaving shareholders like the saudis holding the bag even as the shopping spree continues saudis are being asked to tighten their belts the government recently announced it would triple the value added tax to consumers pay after state revenues fell 22 percent in the 1st quarter due to collapsing oil prices rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles. Still to come this force including details of what was a scary night for this England International football. Business leaders is both to buy no prospal. Business leaders is both to buy no brass pot. The i. Take the sports stuff thank you very much peter i will start with formula one its been announced that carla sense or replacing Sebastian Vettel ferarri in next season 25 year old a spaniard that has signed a 2 Year Contract and will partner charles look luck to leave his current team mclaren and turn replaced by australian Daniel Ricardo who will leave in case youre confused science is the son of 2 time World Champion who has the same name there has been no formula one action this season because of coronavirus but its set to restart behind closed doors in austria in july while top level sport continues its comeback in north america a when steady ultimate fighting championship stage the 2nd of 3 shows in 8 days clover to share a beat antinous myth in the main event the show took place in jacksonvilles veteran memorial arena which is hosting all 3 events without fans in attendance saturdays u. F. C. 24. 00 nyunt pay per view and did a 7. 00 a week yes he hates his prompted by the Global Pandemic. Nascar makes his return on sunday ending a 9 week suspension at the race in a promotion makes its comeback in darlington the South Carolina no fans will be in the 10th. Major League Baseball owners are aiming to get the new season underway in july theyve approved a provisional plan that sees the regular season reduced from 162 to 82 games that with meanness very duction and travel with teams only playing opponents in their division in addition to regional interleague rivalries also the playoffs will be expanded from 10. 00 to 14. 00 teams the league wants all teams playing in their home venues without fans in attendance initially. To move the plan forward the play is a union must give their approval some obstacles however we spoke to us sports broadcaster michael calls an earlier who believes that Financial Issues could be the main sticking point. I think its relatively practical remember theyre playing professional baseball right now incur in south korea in front of empty stadium in empty stadium and in taiwan an empty stadium but they started letting fans in they had a 1000 fans at the 1st game spread around the stadium for safetys sake so theoretically its possible but there were more posing questions about how you actually keep the players and the and syllabary personnel who have to be in the stadium and be with the teams safe from the corona virus but even if the safety issues are sorted out the finances are still going to be the big stumbling block you remember back in march the owners and players agreed that decision to pro prorate salary once the season began that saved the owners a lot of money over a 1000000000. 00 probably in salary now what the owners are proposing is that for the prorated season which would be about half the season if they start on july 4th the players would be paid a pro rated amount but rather than their salaries it would come out of a split of the revenue between the owners and the players roughly 5050 and that is a nonstarter for the Players Association because if you go to a revenue sharing deal like that it implies it almost requires a salary cap and baseball has never the Baseball Players have never agreed to a salary cap that was the root cause of the strike in 1994 that caused the world series not not to be whole held and i think that is probably a stumbling block which will be hard to get over. Well gov has joined baseball and football on thursday asport since south korea back in action the womens kayleigh p. G. A. Championship started in the north east of seoul 150 plays it took part including world number 3 a park song on and defending champion he agent the tournament is being played without fans. Say of murdered saudi journalist. Newcastle united fans and an open letter to oppose a proposed assadi takeover of the English Premier League club the called. It came as news emerged that an Investment Group funded by the gulf country was on the verge of a bind the club the more than 300000000. 00 the takeover would reportedly gave the Investment Group link to saudi crown Prince Mohammed bin said im on an 80 percent stake in the side. Well she said i know that many of you are tempted by his offer to get out of the dire situation that has crippled your club for so many is but the crown prince is accused of ordering jamals murder they are making this move not to help you and not with the o. Best interests and mine but slowly to serve themselves you as a loyal fans do have a big say in this i am sure you all to unite to protect your beloved club. And thats last fall for me and you back to pizza santa thank you very much last more news is always there for you on our website the address to 0 dot com im back on the other side of the break 30 minutes of bang up to date aljazeera will we will see you very soon for the moment by. Portraying someone of the. Next sixtys seen through the eyes of those who know it best they seem. To show you the people. Aljazeera world goes on the road with palestinian taxi driver whos living and working at the heart of one of the most hockey contested locations in the. Jerusalem is a palestinian cabbies on how jazeera. Appollo after public. One dish is a time. When i want to visit the pooping school serving up good to vietnam disadvantaged and downtrodden. On aljazeera the way disease outbreaks have impacted dense urban areas like during the flu pandemic in the early 1900 has played a role in how our cities look and run urban planners reacted to that flu and other outbreaks changing how cities were zoned and led to updated infrastructure like ventilation and improved sanitation but after whats been learned from pandemics and their influences on our skylines and way of life we also need to keep pace and adapt its easy to assume that cities are Fertile Ground for spreading viruses and diseases millions living working and commuting in such tight conditions but one expert says its about much more than just density its about how all this was put together and how its run. Gripped by the worst economic crisis in decades 36000000 people have filed for Unemployment Benefits since the pandemic swept through the United States. Alone malcolm im peter dobby youre watching aljazeera live from doha also coming up World Leaders call for all coronavirus vaccines to be free and universally available. Back under lockdown in china restrictions are reinstate

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