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Scientists leading the Coronavirus Response warns against lifting restrictions too soon despite President Trumps push to restock the economy as cover 1000 infections rise in brazil state governments protest against president abbas narrows the creature reopened some businesses and accounts of extreme violence as a rise in attacks in nigeria forced thousands to flee to any share for a seat. Thank you very much for joining us afghanistans president is blaming the taliban for an increase in violence after 34 people including newborn babies were killed in 2 separate attacks the taliban has denied any responsibility or president ashraf ghani has ordered the military to resume offensive operations against the taliban and other armed groups. All but. They will inspire our repeated and from the International Community to taliban have not reduced violence and instead they have increased their attacks in order to provide security for Public Places and to tax and frets from the taliban and other terrorist groups ordering Afghan Security forces to switch from an active defense mode to an offensive one and to start their operations against the enemy all the taliban is accusing the government of creating obstacles to peace denying responsibility for the attacks on tuesday they say their strong neighbor had against attacks and will defend their people and strongholds alexia ryan has a details on tuesdays attacks. On the maternity hospitals are supposed to be a place of sanctuary for a new life but instead this was the same of what the f. B. I. And governments calling a war crime and an act against humanity. I brought my newborn grandchild for a vaccination and suddenly the explosion happened i dont remember anything after that i was in the middle of the hospital but then i found myself outside and hit by a bullet. Gunman storming a hospital compound in the capital kabul with the Aid Organization Doctors Without Borders runs a maternity clinic new mothers and babies are among the victims. The attackers were shooting at anyone in this hospital for no reason its a Government Hospital and a lot of people bring in their women and children for treatment. The attackers reportedly threw grenades provoking panic inside. And a gun battle with Security Forces. I think a lot of often when the firing started we went to the safe room there were 9 of us inside for 4 hours the attacker came at the back of the door and fired but he couldnt into the room colleagues run hurt there but there were casualties amongst the patients inside the ward. While the firefight was underway dozens of people will lead to safety the injured transferred to other hospitals. In the neighborhood in the west of the city is home to the shia has are a community a frequent target of attacks by both the taliban and i sold into groups. And at a hospital in the Eastern Province of no more chaotic scenes after a suspected suicide bomber targeted a crowd gathered nearby for a funeral here where there were a lot of bodies lying on the ground some of them were dead and some of them were injured. The victims bundled into ambulances texs and pickup trucks anything to get them to medical help quickly. Some of the injured were treated on stretchers on the floor the hospital overwhelmed. And the surviving mourners left planning more funerals. Brian al jazeera. Or u. S. Secretary of state my companion has released a statement condemning the attacks in afghanistan he says washington notes that the taliban have denied any responsibility and condemned both attacks as heinous a taliban and the Afghan Government should cooperate to bring the perpetrators to justice or bail further goes on to say the people Afghan People deserve a future free from terror and the ongoing Peace Process should continue to present a critical opportunity for afghans to come together to build a united front against the menace of terrorism. The Coronavirus Crisis now a top Infectious Disease expert has issued a stock warning the leading member of the u. S. Coronavirus task force has told Congress Rushing to ease restrictions could result in serious consequences including needless deaths dr anthony found she says money to congress contrast that with President Trumps repeated calls for a quick reopening of the economy she says ignoring guidelines could trigger an outbreak that states may be unable to control he was among experts testified before senators who are reviewing trams handling of the pandemic and discussing plans to lift lockdowns they feel if that occurs there is a real risk you will trigger an outbreak you may not be able to control which in fact dark simply will set you back only leading to some suffering and death could avoid it it could even set you back road to try to get that anomic recovery because you can always turn the clock back rather than Going Forward that is my b. G. Concern aljazeera as mike hanna has more from washington. Dr fauci theyre repeating something that he said over the past days and in fact weeks and that is that any president youre opening up of the society could result in spikes of the infection now it wasnt just dr fox hes saying that a number of other Health Experts dr archies colleagues also gave evidence to the committee to the same effect there was some very hostile questioning from a republican senator in particular accusing dr fall of believing that hes the one who could make the decision well dr felt she responded by saying that hes just simply follows the science and that this is a very real warning incidentally all doctors also confirmed that the estimate of the numbers of deaths could be far higher than what is publicly reported at present saying that there are a number of cases that are not being reported so this is another cause of concern for those urging the premise youre putting out of the society well President Trump made no reference to them it is news briefing in the course of the day he said repeated again that he has admiration for dr fauci but he did not respond directly to the warning about opening up too quickly very much the opposite president continues to urge businesses throughout the country to open up as quickly as possible though he is in for sizes within the federal guidelines that the white house had sent out. In brazil local and state governments are pressing ahead with mandatory lockdowns against the will of the president. Has repeatedly dismissed the coronavirus as a little flu and says job losses will be more damaging is issued a decree saying beauty salons barbers and james are essential businesses for health and hygiene and should reopen but hospitals are overwhelmed by coronavirus patients and public Health Experts have demanded stronger action while support for more snare appears to be falling dramatically as criticism of his handling of the pandemic rolls latin america and its a new see in human reports he has been lashing out at governors that have been insisting on lockdowns and other measures to enforce social distancing because he says that thats rubbish that paranoia to quote him this means that he has of course as you mentioned his popularity has continued to plummet it went from about 49 percent to the latest polls showing Something Like 38 percent and there are other polls that in fact show that hes lost even more approval another poll says that at least 44 percent of brazilians believe he is doing a medium to a terrible job in handling the pandemic and the more people die probably the more that his popularity will continue to go down more than 32000 people are confirmed to have died from cold in 1000 in the u. K. And care homes account for a quarter of those deaths the government has been criticized for early failings which have some of the most vulnerable at high risk and they are concerns care workers could bring the disease back into the Wider Community join a whole reports from london. The effect of covered 19 on care homes in britain has been devastating these are places where the elderly and frail should hope to live out their lives in comfort and safety where you have that and yet at least a quarter of all covered 900. 00 deaths have taken place in the sector which lies outside Britains National Health Service and while there are signs the worst of the crisis may have passed experts warn against complacency we need to see really clear evidence that p. P. Is getting to care homes we need to see comprehensive testing and that needs to be on a Rolling Programme and it needs to test both staff and also the residents of care homes we also need the n. H. S. To really upscale it support to care homes at the start of this pandemic they withdrew and now they need to be really there shoulder to shoulder with the care sector care home staff many poorly paid and without medical training feel particularly let down its been many decades that so she has been receiving their due respect and recognition for the amazing work that were at and i think this crisis can take he shares how much it is on the front line where it can have the impact with the n. H. S. And that social credit is that parity of the same with the n. H. S. As britain prepares to take the 1st tentative steps back to work the government is counting on a falling infection rate to ensure the lock down is lifted further gradually sector by sector breathing new life into the economy but there is a weak link and that is social care in the community at large the trends are encouraging infection and fatality numbers are falling steadily but care homes are struggling to shake off what critics describers early policy failings by the government. I dont know what the motivation was behind the decision but the decision was made it seems to me well that Community Spread was going to be allowed. To run. Fairly. And that care homes in the most vulnerable were not going to be protected. Is one such natural event another is the annual flu season in the autumn the great fear in the sector is of a dual assault yet to come against societys most Vulnerable People the government has promised testing for all residents and staff by early june and training in Infection Control the wider concern is that new outbreaks in britains care homes could push the infection rate up and plunge the country back into crisis jonah hill aljazeera london. To a head on aljazeera 1000 patients in the netherlands are given a difficult choice between being sent to the i. C. U. Or staying home to die. Infections wise in africa several countries are asking china for a debt waiver. Is feeling pretty nice across much of japan at the moment so a bit of chatter and as you can see that will continue to carry away the shadows as we head through wednesday northern sections of honshu across into but it will take you 29 degrees celsius and sunny very well as well the high of 30 degrees pensive clathrate the interior and if you were showers further to the south but the rain becoming very heavy again through thursday through the Central Regions and really work their way tools east because if you showers later in the day across into shanghai plenty of rain showers and thunderstorms across much of indonesia and we continue to. The east of the philippines certainly wednesday into thursday to produce some heavy amounts of rain sunny to eastern areas of the philippines and later in the week it does look at the moment as if it could actually push across into lose all keep it on it it could develop into a Tropical Storm the rains have. On these northern and Western Areas of sumatra heavy downfalls as well i was particularly strong thunderstorms in areas of india the northeast in the last year as and as a good image to show you in kolkata west bengal that very very dark skies of course you could see more of that as a go through wednesday but the rains very heavy widespread throughout much of bangladesh and staying very unsettled further to the south and then on thursday that little bit of a repeat performance. They wanted for q 3000000000 pounds with a weapon that was 6. Theres no and the more because theres always a small. Really really good business. In essence we in the United States have privatized the old Public Function more. On aljazeera. The in the the old. But come back our top stories on aljazeera this hour afghanistans president is blaming the taliban for an increase in violence after 34. 00 people including newborn babies were killed in 2 separate attacks the taliban has denied any responsibility but president shotgunning has ordered the military to resume offensive operations against the taliban and other armed groups a leading member of the u. S. Coronavirus task force has told Congress Rushing to ease restrictions could result in serious consequences including needless deaths dr anthony found cheese testimony contradicts president terms repeated calls for a quick reopening of the economy and in brazil and local and state governments are pressing ahead with mandatory knockdowns against the will of president wilson arrow is repeatedly dismissed a coronavirus a little flu. A spokesman for russias president is in hospital being cheated focal that 1952 year old Dmitri Peskov was last seen in public hell most 2 weeks ago at a meeting with president Vladimir Putin the president has announced an easing of the nationwide lockdown despite russia having the wall 2nd highest number of cases after the United States. In the netherlands as the Health Care System comes under increasing strain doctors are advising older coronavirus patients against treatment in intensive care units and thats prompted anger from by schools and other lands is one of the few countries with far reaching euthanasia laws boss and reports from amsterdam. After she tested positive for covert 19 even the hardest doctor told her she would not be admitted to the i. C. U. In the nursing home where the 88 year old was staying 31 patients died from the disease this husband and children were prepared for the worst. To for you for the for hold for i heard on television that people my age would not be admitted to the intensive care unit and with my bad lungs i would not of had a chance anyway if that sent me i would have asked for euthanasia in late march the federation for medical specialists issued a directive asking governs to be more selective in sending elderly covert 19 patients to i. C. U. Use the netherlands has a relatively low number of i. C. U. Bats and with the increase of course 1000 patients bets were quickly running out who does the most selfish stats for success the question is are they still capable of taking care of themselves how strong is this person we discuss this with the patients and of course we ask them what they want in short in the netherlands we decide if such an extreme treatment is beneficial for a patient but we couldnt make and her colleagues held Difficult Conversations with patients and their relatives please husband 91 year old hellmuth under half was also asked what he wanted to do in case he got infected now go to doctors on the line not a spoke to my doctor about Something Else when she suddenly asked me if i still wanted to go to the intensive care unit i had to decide right away i thought that was pretty harsh. He told his doctor he wasnt ready to die and would choose to go into i. C. U. Miami in the level and support its socalled humane death policy it is seen as a way to offer elderly covert 19 patients a more peaceful way to die for around the by family but some groups for the elderly have warrant for age discrimination especially after comments made by some public figures saying that the elderly should be sacrificed for a Younger Generation 81 year old niece has a growing following on social Media Campaign in against age discrimination 18 year olds. How on earth can they say these things about the elderly we exist we live and we arm important economic factor we spend a lot of money although still fit if she gets govt at 19 she would offer a younger person her i. C. U. That i want to die at home i have spoken to my doctor and he says that he will help me i have champagne in my fridge i want to do this in a sweet nice way that is the advantage of living in the netherlands while many elderly have died at home or in Nursing Homes from the how to survive the disease doctors now say the chances of survival for elderly patients might have been too pessimistic how moved hopes that soon hell be able to go on a boat ride with me like they have done together for 67 years stuff last an aljazeera amsterdam indias Prime Minister has announced an economic package worth 270000000000. 00 to help farmers Small Businesses and Migrant Workers deal with the crisis created by the corner virus pandemic restrictions are being eased despite the biggest single day infection increase the country has also resumed services on part of its vast Railway Network which is one of the Worlds Largest india correspondent Elizabeth Brannon reports from new delhi. They waited in long lines of the scorching sun for hours before their trains departed from new Delhi Railway station thousands of people who managed to get tickets on one of the 15 trains leaving the capital on tuesday. Student had the same problem as many others when the Indian Railways website crashed when tickets went on sale on monday evening which. I had to read a long time because of it. The tickets were supposed to be available. Those who were able to buy tickets were the lucky ones all 54000 tickets for 30 trains nationwide sold out. Saying was one of those who missed out he brought his 15 month old baby yeah she was born with a heart condition to new delhi for medical treatment in late march just days before the lockdown was announced all hospitals cancelled nonurgent treatment the family was a victim from their lodging on saturday after running out of money they tried to buy train tickets to their home in patna more than a 1000 kilometers away but missed out who. Have no intention of staying here we want to go home so that he can get. People north so itll be possible. At least his medications can continue there. The family 14 kilometers to the train station hoping to find a way home 30 Train Services will travel between here in the capital new delhi and 15 major cities around the country some daily some less frequent they will run at full capacity each carrying around 800. 00 passengers. Before boarding and must wear face masks at all times. Indian vary in ways that its up to passengers to maintain social distancing on board and the number of Train Services will be gradually increased. Some state leaders have said the resumption of services is too many and too soon but promised in that in the morning he said theyll help. Get the worlds 5th biggest economy moving again so be exports about it all the experts and Scientists Say that the krona virus is going to be part of our lives for a long time however we cant litter lives revolve around the coronavirus either we will wear masks follow physical distancing and we wont let our goals out of sight. For the millions stranded the trains counter vive soon enough Elizabeth Piron of aljazeera new delhi. Russia and china have boycotted the Un Security Council meeting on the use of chemical weapons in syria it was a close informal session but the ambassadors of the 2 countries say it should have been public diplomatic editor james phrase has more from new york. Members of the Un Security Council were attending a closed informal meeting conducted by Video Conference on a report by the o. P. C. W. The International Watchdog on chemical weapons that last month found for the 1st time that the Syrian Government had been responsible for using chemical weapons now that meeting was for all of the Security Council members and the Syrian Government were also invited but russia china and syria did not attend the meeting thats because the Russian Ambassador said it should have been held in public despite the open criticism of the release official the idea we were not the posts to the director general briefing the consul in the. Only request was that the interaction is ducted in the open simply the regrettably our western partners and their allies insistence on holding this meeting behind closed doors. In a formal informal setting with the id this by of their slogans the openness and transparency of the security guards such brooch is an acceptable after the virtual session some of the ambassadors that did attend it from the European Union and the u. K. Issued this joint statement we have full confidence in the objectivity impartially to and independence of the organizations technical secretary act and its investigation and i did if occasion the o. P. C. W. s Investigation Team will now continue their work but russia says that work is politically motivated. The United Nations is sounding the alarm after ongoing violence in northwest nigeria forced nearly 3 times as many people to flee to neighboring the share compared to last year u. N. H. C. R. Says 23000. 00 refugees fled to safety in the sherry in april the agency says those who fled speak of extreme violence against civilians by armed groups like. Including murders kidnappings for ransom and villages being looted more than 60000. 00 people have now sought sanctuary since the 1st influx began in april last year and within these areas said to an additional 19000. 00 citizens being displaced in their own country the border region on both sides continues to be extremely unstable im a dangerous has more from a butcher. In recent months communities in the western idea have seen a sharp increase in the number of Violent Attacks carried out by armed men Security Forces called the bandits now some of these victims find it easier to cross into the general public for shelter or for refuge because its easier for them to do that than to cross over to larger towns and cities in nigeria where they are more secure because of restrictions put in place by the Nigerian Government following the our break of coverage 19 now this conflict has a long history where back in 2013 when things started getting out of and in some forested for example local farmers formed their own vigilantes to protect their crops from animals belonging to the nomadic full anees who were accused of setting the animals onto their own farms destroying the crops now the vision i just eventually started taking the law into their own hands by raiding full on the settlements and then the full line is retaliated a tit for tat ensued for several years in 2018 the nigerian president sent in the armed forces to help deal or contain the situation when it became apparent that the police are not properly equipped to deal with the situation and eventually in 2018 some states in the region reached an agreement with the armed groups and that then peace ensued eventually an amnesty was granted to some of the repentant bandits in court as the security Security Forces a local forces called them and one of these attacks what this recent attacks signify is that that agreement which between government in the region and the bandits has finally broken down and people are afraid that there will be more violence in the coming weeks and months. Now the coronavirus pandemic is threatening to destroy african countries economies and wipe out 20000000 jobs china is both the leading trading partner and top lender on the continent following announcements by the world bank and the International Monetary fund that billions of dollars in debt payments will be waived for 6 months expectations are high that beijing will do the same Mohammed Atta reports from kenyas capital nairobi. Days of to the government the most on easing of some looked on restrictions traffic on the streets of nairobi is slowly picking up. But many shops in the Central Business district remain closed. Doors will reopen say business is still bad all of a sudden the streets went quiet after the announcement of the lockdown. And so that is completely offer to a business that for good measure it would be about 90 percent drop in sales. The economic crisis caused by the coronavirus all break is forcing hard choices not just here in nairobi but across africa many governments are struggling to find the money to fight the pandemic and show up their commies the world bank and the i. M. F. Of oscar lenders to suspend the payments for african countries struggling under the covered 1000. 00 outbreak petain these Officials Say they will deal with african debt on a case by case basis what happens next depends on china which is not only africas top trading partner but also its lender according to the World Bank Chinese government and funds have learned from african governments and state owned enterprises more than 150000000000 dollars between 2012018. Most of this money has gone into the development of Infrastructure Projects such as the rules Railway Lines ports journalist in a bind in want to be able to continue to lend to africa after kuwait 19. 00 to make money and influence but i do seem time to want to be able to. To be and how africa is linked in time more than 100. 00 International Nongovernmental organizations have been forced calls for consideration of all debt payments in 2020 but many banks are reluctant to risk their Credit Ratings and private bond holders are likely to do so but even if all debt payments was suspended this year they still trouble. Head for african countries most collect relatively little tax on driven use of decreased because of the looked almost so was this crisis is over a lot of repayments will have to be made to all just. Because there. Are. Now again im fully back to bill with the headlines on aljazeera afghanistans president is very ming the taliban for an increase in violence after 34. 00 people including newborn babies were killed in 2 separate attacks the taliban has denied any responsibility but president ashraf ghani has ordered the military to resume offensive operations against the taliban and other groups all but. Part of the will inspire our repeated poor and from the International Community to taliban have not reduced violence and instead they have increased their attacks in order to provide security for Public Places and to tax and frets from the taliban and other terrorist groups ordering Afghan Security forces to switch from an active defense mode to an offensive one and to start their operations against the enemies of the leading member of the Us Coronavirus Task force has told Congress Rushing to ease restrictions good result in serious consequences including needless deaths. Testimony contradicts President Trumps repeated calls for a quick reopening of the economy. They feel if that occurs there is a real risk you will trigger an outbreak you may not be able to control which in fact the dark simply will set you back only leading to some suffering and. It could even set you back wrote trying to get that konami creek of which you would always turn the clock back rather than Going Forward that is why did you concerned. And local and state governments in brazil are pressing ahead with mandatory lockdowns against the will of the president also narrow has repeatedly dismissed the corner virus as a little flu and his job losses will be more damaging more than 11000 brazilians have died from kovi 1000 and there more than 170000 cases. In other news russia and china have boycotted a u. N. Security Council Meeting on the use of chemical weapons in syria it was a closed informal session but the ambassadors of the 2 countries say it should have been made public last month an Inspection Team from the International Watchdog the o. P. C. W concluded for the 1st time at the assad regime had used chemical agents those are the headlines on aljazeera as always weve got plenty more news on our website at aljazeera dot com coming up next here its inside story. Is the coronavirus pandemic making it hard to treat all the diseases in africa u. N. Agencies warned decades of progress in treating aids malaria and other illnesses could be reversed how do you decide what gets priority this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program on boone its a coronavirus pandemic is putting enormous strain on Health Systems worldwide

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