And fishermen against the chinese employer has sparked an international investigation. Coffee with friends a shopping trip or a visit to family all back on the agenda for millions more people as coronavirus restrictions are lifted in some of the hardest hit countries france has been locked down for 8 weeks but people there can now return to shops head dresses and take public transport after its lowest number of deaths in 7 weeks much of spade is opening outdoor cafes churches and mosques turkey at Shopping Centers and schools in the netherlands india is restarting part of its train system despite a jump in infections that the rail network which is relied upon by tens of millions of people every day has been shut down since late march but in China Shanghai is distain land has reopened cinemas museums and other recreational venues will follow over the next few weeks but has more for us now from paris she says the people there are slowly returning to the streets. There are also any people out and about they are now allowed to leave. Without a permit and you can see the people a sunny enjoying a little bit of free to many of the shops are open although a good percentage of them as well now the french government has decided to live some of its lock down restrictions because it says that the number of corona virus cases and infections has dropped significantly over the past few weeks and that is allowing france to perhaps try and open up and what the government wants to do of course is get people back to work is get the economy a going again and try and instill some sort of normality so we have shops opening some businesses being allowed to resume Public Transport Services are also being increased we spoke to people who are taking the metro this morning here in paris everyone now has to wear a mosque if theyre on public transport and most people said that they thought that was of course a great idea but they did say it was incredibly difficult to socially distance from other commuters because of course in these in rush hour times theyre also just so many people taking public transport for the governor has said that people should remain vigilant they should try only to take transport if really needed for work but they should try to stay home try to keep working from home if its all possible because of course the Current Crisis continues it is not over lets turn now from madrid where the true months of lockdowns finance canal meet their families and friends again. We just had the Mens Clothing shop that is preparing everything to reopen next week of madrid the epicenter of the whole course of our respect demick you say able to move on to phase one like many regions are 50 percent of regions are doing today in spain so what hes doing hes got sanitizer has got the gloves for the for the people coming into the shop has this infecting all the garments and so shops under 400 square meters are going to be able to reopen to the public in these over 50 percent regions that half have moved onto phase one as part of the gradual deescalation plan of isnt ing this lockdown measures in spain so we will see terraces of bars and restaurants just the terraces not the no go inside the bar or the restaurant that will be able to open to the public with the limited capacity of a 50 percent we will also see churches and mosques and whats more important people will be able for for after 57 tough days of street lucked out to meet the families or their friends up to attempt people group so things are moving some some regions in spain like madrid and catalonia did didnt move on to the next phase but they would be evaluating while one week time to see the meet the creature area that they have ministry has designed for these deescalation plan. The u. K. Government has released a document detailing how it plans to leave the country out of the pandemic lock down from minister Boris Johnson says that the recovery will be long and that its too early for drastic changes for this lets go live now to paul brennan who joins us from london we saw briefly the foreign secretary tony rob who part of a behind you the just a moment or 2 ago what paul will talk about whats going on in the in a moment but 1st tell us more about this document a what it contains. Yes youll know that the Prime Minister announced on last night actually they gave a 12 minute national t. V. Address basically outlining a broad brushstrokes the next step in the phasing phase relaxation a lock down rules here in the u. K. And a document thats been released in just an hour ago puts a lot more detail into that broad brushstroke its just not a 50 pages long 49. 00 pages plus a couple of pages of comics is im for examine the title of it is our plan to rebuild and ill run through some of the specifics in it for example page 27. 00 people being advised to wear face coverings whenever they go into enclosed public areas and especially on public transport based ready to workplaces should follow kovi 19 secure guidelines which they hope to issue later on this week and businesses are being urged by the government to adopt innovative and try to work out themselves innovative approaches to try to make sure that their workplaces can be made coded 19 secure page 38 an alert system it was telegraphed by the Prime Minister in his t. V. Address one to 5 gradation one being the lowest 5 being the highest and it opens up the possibility of tackling local geographical spikes of infection across the u. K. With with localized strategies and localized ways a tackling it on a 1st. One of the nugget that ill bring out is page 31. 00 looking at a new zealand model and the idea of household bubbles one of the things in the document is talking about well instead of just household keeping self contained perhaps as a possibility the 2 households might be able to pair up together as long as they keep that a kind of exclusive arrangement hopefully to tackle things like loneliness and isolation or pull parliamentarians are getting the chance. To ask many of the questions they have and the public about this document because there was quite a negative reaction to. The Prime Ministers speech last night was. Yeah i mean there will always be critics of course i mean the Prime Minister has got a very delicate balancing act at the moment he knows that there is an economic imperative to try to get the wheels of the economy going again and its a priority for him the fellow scheme which is propping up millions of workers at the moment is unlikely to be able to be affordable in the long term on the chancellor is actively trying to find ways of weaning people off that kind of scheme that said though the complexities of the next phase of this Coronavirus Response it doesnt lend itself to a simple slogan move away from the stay at home simple typical forest johnson 3 word slogan 23 syllable slow going to stay alert but what does not mean people asking to be fat you know as we move into the next phase its a much more complex mosaic of responses depending for example on specific industries on specific premises you know what kind of premises kind of Office Building do you do you work in what kind of workplace so it baby doesnt lend itself to a simple slogan that said the government is trying to bring the u. K. Into the next part of the recovery plan. Paul brennan friend is back in london many thanks indeed. That side in the in the breeze that he banged him on the head that at one point you say that. Only in london china has reported 17 new infections the most significant increase since april but more business is returning among the shanghai is disneyland which welcomed 5 crowds for the 1st time in 3 months katrina. In the u. S. Its known as the happiest place on. Now disneyland has broken crowds back to its gates in china for the 1st time in months the government here says the corona Virus Outbreak is now under control and the shanghai theme park is the 1st in the global chain to reopen since the beginning of the Health Crisis right now here in china and shanghai. Conditions are such that we feel with the right measures in place. That we are able to open successfully here this is the numbers are kept at 24000 roughly 30 percent of the pox capacity temperature screenings and social distancing measures are also in place that means no selfies with mickey and minnie mouse for now but fears of a 2nd wave of infections did nothing to deter crowds tickets sold out in minutes. I feel happy i finally have a place to take my child. Analysts say the points depend up consumer demand but dont expect the chinese economy to bounce back anytime soon i think the overall outlook is going to remain very uncertain. As long as we do not have a treatment or a vaccine for the current virus still authorities here are hailing the reopening as a milestone in chinas coronavirus recovery it comes as beijing is in a serious war of words with washington over its handling of the outer. Many believe the true countries have ended and new. The trouble white house says it has evidence carved 19 released from a chinese lab Chinas Foreign Ministry says u. S. Leaders are using what it calls dirty tricks to mislead about china and then on me from the do they really have such little standards and conscience that they can nothing at all but their own political interests even when human lives at stake but the tensions often the minds of joint bad day in shanghai. Fantasy. The pandemic and the political fallout left in its wake. Authorities in malaysia have begun arresting un donkey undocumented migrants in a targeted operation just outside the capital kuala lumpur a video released by local media showed crowd supply grunts lining up after the arrival of a large group of Police Officers and the government has already carried out similar operations and what it says is an effort to help contain the spread of the pandemic a group of fishermen who say they were exploited while working on chinese Fishing Vessels of return home to indonesia after the deaths of 4 fellow crew members into these in government is launching a joint investigation with beijing advocates are skeptical jessica washington reports from jakarta. After 13 months working on the high seas these indonesian fishermen are relieved to come home but some of their fellow crew members never got the chance at least for died while working for the jolly an ocean Fishing Company in recent months one died in hospital but others died on board the chinese vessels the fishermen say their bodies were thrown into the Pacific Ocean crewmembers told aljazeera what they enjoyed on the ship. Our salary was meant to be 300. 00 a month but in reality i received 120. 00 for the whole 13 months just finished our food was the same as fish bait for tuna it was reading me. The men say they worked around 18 hours each day catching fish including endangered species and cutting the fins off sharks. Just in reality sometimes we had to work a shift of 30 hours or more. Whatever fish required we are asked should be process it or not if they said yes we did it as the months went on the fishermen say one of the hardest parts of the job was watching their fellow crew members fall ill and die. I feel so free now free from how. The company did not respond to aljazeera as questions indonesian authorities are speaking with the men and say they will launch a joint investigation with beijing into what happened here. We condemn the Inhumane Treatment experienced by the indonesian crew who are working on chinese vessels the government is very committed to solving this issue by improving regulations. Millions of indonesians are employed in the fisheries industry and the exploitation is rampant most of them young men recruited by agencies in their home towns and many dont know what theyre signing up for advocates say its not the regulation thats the problem but the lack of action by the government to protect the rights of these young workers. So what we need is a Law Enforcement so we dont we dont need. A new regulations he says until that happens more young men will risk their lives on the high seas just to washington aljazeera jakarta were going to weather up take next here on aljazeera then saudi arabia is painful but necessary measure to counter recent economic shocks plus. Were like 3 times a day in the truck that were sterilized and every time we get in and out of the truck Truck Drivers and kind of that tell us why the pandemic has made life on the road even more dangerous. Carlos will be up again in the Korean Peninsula or in japan in northern china as well as to a cloud around newmark far more current or for example it does rain a bit and it could be one of 2 showers and honshu and certainly north korea this is. A line of rain but temperature was 26 and 28 in beijing if you follow this large is a seasonal rise just. The science of china including hong kong with your humid 30 or 28. 00 degrees that sort of order which is back where it should be after the heat a few days ago there is cloud building elsewhere in china and if you get the forecast through hand we have got rain arriving there light rain on thursday heavy rain by friday so the season rain is pulsing and its coming back again for the end of the week widespread shastra malaysia indonesia but the concentrations further north and it was so this is a potential developing system shopko depression that might head into the middle of the philippines theres one here coming into the season by a backdoor as well on the coast daily shasta exist in sumatra singapore kuala lumpur and up into Southeast Asia as well which is what you might expect for the near in pakistan expect more shows in the north sea and thriving is blue dots there but of course were still looking at rising heat have the monsoon. Talk to aljazeera we ask what will force were when you saw that document for the 1st story we listen to after the war saying you europeans go build United States of you know what we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on aljazeera every generation has a higher purpose. Ours is to say how. Well again this is al jazeera lets remind you of the main news this hour france is ending its 8 week lockdown with people now allowed to return to shops and work the easing of restrictions means that people cannot leave home without the promise of cafes and restaurants will remain closed the u. K. Government has released a report detailing how it plans to lead the country out of the pandemic the Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the recovery will be long look at that its too early for drastic changes. An accidental missile strike by irans navy on one of its own vessels has killed 19 sailors it happened in the jaw screeching in the gulf of oman where Iranian Naval exercises were taking place same bus ride the entire francaise the incident will damage irans image. For the government is slowly been confirming a lot of details that have been leaking out since very early this morning late last night last night early this morning we know that 24 hours ago approximately 24 hours ago there were naval exercises involving 2 naval vessels the jumma are on a naval frigate it is missile capable that is what iranians here call a destroyer as part of their naval fleets and the car aka smaller multipurpose vehicle that is a corvette class. Patrol vehicle it is sometimes armed with. With offensive capability to be used as a patrol vehicle but in this case it was working as a support vessel for these naval exercises that were happening in the gulf of oman just near the mouth of the opening towards the strait of hormuz the very important strategic waterway in this region and we know that there was it seems to have been a friendly fire incident a missile that they were testing as part of the exercises seems to have hit their car iraq and has resulted in the deaths of 1900. 15 people were also injured in that incident senior military leaders have condoled with the families of those that perished in this incident and foreign minister jobs aris has also been speaking he released a statement and described it as a painful accident that we still dont know exactly how this happened and what happened and Investigation Continues to be under way this will no doubt hurt irans very anti cured public image iran does everything especially in this region to project power and that is what they aim to do with things like military exercises such as this but this will certainly make it seem that iran is struggling in some ways to project that image of power at this time. Saudi arabia has announced major budget cuts and a steep increase in value added tax saying that shoring up states and answers which have been battered by low oil prices and the coronavirus pandemic alexy obrien reports this is where a new way of living began the Saudi Crown Prince is megaproject new york was touted as a 500000000000. 00 city state that would transform the kingdom but it and other projects linked to mohammed bin solomons vision 2030 plan could be at risk as part of efforts to rein in spending by about 26000000000. 00 the kingdoms finance minister says the new measures are painful but necessary economies saudi arabia has been under a lot of stress that thats why. The government would draw 23000000000. 00 from the reserves in march this is the largest withdrawal reserves ever in the history of the country the plans include tripling sales tax from 5 to 15 percent a tax introduced 2 years ago to reduce saudi arabias reliance on oil income but its not been enough to counter what the finance minister described as the 3 economic shocks from the coronavirus the decline in oil prices the shutdown of the local economy and extra spending on health care from the start of next month a living allowance for Government Employees will be suspended though all the savings are unlikely to address the kingdoms huge budget deficit i think the film economists are going to be a no one can understand without looking at. Leadership. Basically and mismanagement sources if we reacted to the. Foreign policy that followed in the last 10 years its going to be understood. That you know this kind of cuts. Will continue this is the spark that. The kingdom has waged an expensive war in yemen for more than 5 years its caused what the u. N. Says is the worlds worst humanitarian crisis and even as it tells its own people the stairs he measures are needed the government is trying to finance a 372000000. 00 takeover of the English Football Club Newcastle United like many countries the coronavirus has batted saudi arabias economy. This is the grand mosque in mecca during the muslim fasting month of ramadan there are usually 1500000. 00 visitors now just a few dozen and then are back at him many employees and a large from workers technicians and also translators theyre all idle because theres no work. The vision 2030 plan had called for slowly moving away from depending on oil and diversifying the economy by this year the kingdom was supposed to improve Living Standards and increase tourism instead 2020 will likely be remembered for its Economic Hardship brian al jazeera. Prime minister told us the body has for as being is facing being voted out of office after his Coalition Government collapsed is not officially a caretaker Prime Minister and some of those of the confidence takes place about has been under pressure to resign after being accused of being involved in the murder of his exwife songwriter miller reports from johannesburg. Just as recent history in lawsuit has been complicated this it continues to be the case in that the Coalition Government in the suit too has wanted tom to bonnie out of office for some time now he has said that he would retire 1st at the end of july and now he has it at the end of may and now in the latest political move to try to get the Prime Minister out they have said that they have dissolved the coalition that he leads and thats the old bus route to a Convention Party its led by that party theyve dissolved there the stews may have dissolved the coalition which means the Prime Minister essentially is no longer Prime Minister until a new one is appointed but the speaker of parliament has said that time to bond he will remain as a caretaker Prime Minister until later this month in order for parliament really to get their ducks in a row to rights to king to get his advice and the way forward on what happens next and also proposing a potential new coalition to run the suit too so for the time being time to buy me is just hanging on by a thread in terms of that of the office of Prime Minister until later this month when its likely that parliament they might endorse the name of work its image or as his replacement 100000 free flights sort of be given away by Qatar Airways to Health Care Workers around the world chief executive officer. Told us here that its being done to recognise the hard work in the fight against overtime team Health Care Workers can british to online to receive their free tickets cats are always also hoping to resume flights to 80 countries by the end of june. We have decided to launch an initiative that ed away is. To celebrate the International Nurses day and to this is going to give away 800000 return tickets to Frontline Health care professionals to say thank you for their heroic work looking up to people during the current of it and im like so as an airline we intend to continue delivering on this mission by acknowledging the incredible efforts of healthcare heroes and heroines that was with this ticket giveaway they think its will be distributed. On a what they want every single country in the world. Including our neighbors so that is that it will be no country that will be left out and the tickets through the end ok did according to the size and population of the country we had already lying to more than 30 the seditions now so it would be a thought in 80 that the nation gradually it could be 50 it could be fought the it could be 55. 00 we dont know but weve involved up to a maximum of 80 this initiative by the act of doing the job is an arm today of every Single Airline in the was so we are not unique you know we have to make sure that we white in this very difficult period and as a as a c. E. O. It is my job to make sure that i protect the interests and integrity of the airline and as we are going to deal with nearly 25 percent of fleet. We have that many extra stuff so dont even not go to those to that extent but we will. Make of laying off people and taking salary cuts we will try to minimize the pain of you know letting our dedicated commit to. Stuff leaving the company. Truck drivers in canada have been working overtime to keep supplies flowing across the country but with many people stuck at home those of the phrase industry a facing the own unique challenges as david muscle reports from calgary crucial efforts ongoing on those just. Outside his shop in calgary chris standing prepares to pick up a load of dry past his routine has changed more in the past few months than journey his 25 years in the Trucking Industry and with the corona virus still spreading across canada chris wants to keep his family and his clients safe we set up a Company Policy to make sure that that were wiping down 3 times a day in the truck and were sterilizing her hand every time we get in and out of the truck whether its going into a client or just picking up a load in the pandemics early days says hauling goods was a bit like driving into a freak storm a little scary and a little exciting at the same time he feels safer now as most businesses have introduced protocols to reduce face to face contact even so today chris has to enter a warehouse to sign paperwork and with workers coming in going social distancing is a challenge but the biggest risk he says is when filling up everything in the beginning that a lot of the major spread of where 3rd out on. That point i would talk dollar guy for make sure even when theyre using the keypad make sure they put their smaller gloves on so that they can still hit the numbers despite their vital role transporting essential goods truckers have faced harsh conditions since the start of the pandemic Truck Drivers have struggled to find open businesses to buy food use the washroom and wrath but their predicament has also led to random acts of kindness i brought out baal in tears to truck stops like this one calgary Sikh Community is one of many groups helping truckers across canada they give out around 100 meals a day theyre really appreciated like we have a form for number set up and they use the. Ahead of time so the n. B. A. Show up at the truck stop even on the highway even at the beer halls where theyre delivering Trucking Companies and associations are now worried by a huge increase in socalled empty miles this happens when theres no cargo to haul back home after making a delivery the cost of an operation is basically. Increasing while the Revenue Generating aspect of the truck is decreasing and you cant pass on the cost to the customers because there are clearly hurting tough times ahead for these Unsung Heroes who are trying to steer their country out of a pandemic david mercer aljazeera calgary canada. That is kids having with us. And the headlines on aljazeera france is ending its 8 week lockdown with people now allowed to return to work and to shops the easing of restrictions means that people cannot leave home without a permit but the cafes and restaurants for remain closed the reports from paris for many people here in france is that they can get out of their homes for the 1st time without needing a permit before they could only leave with a permit some shops and businesses are reopening public transport is starting to increase the amount of trains and buses there are but everyone taking public transport will have to wear mosque and social distancing is measures are being put in place because weve seen the pictures this morning here in paris some people catching metro trains quite busy quite crime does not very easy a tool of course distance on public transport spain has relaxed more of its coronavirus restrictions with churches mosques and outdoor bar to open but hotspots like the dread and barcelona remain shut down. The u. K. s government has released a report detailing how it plans to lead the country out of the pandemic Prime Minister Boris Johnson says that the recovery will be long now that its too early for any drastic changes authorities in malaysia have been arresting undocumented migrants in a targeted operation just outside the capital video released by local media showed crowds of migrants lining up after the arrival of a large group of Police Offices and accidental missile strike by irans navy on one of its own vessels has killed 19 sailors it happened in the jasc region in the gulf of oman where iranian f. Theyve alexis sizes were taking place a support vessel was his when it got too close to a targets there are regular exercises held in the region in the busy straits of hormuz saudi arabia has announced major budget cuts a 3 fold increase in value added tax moves aimed at shoring up state finances battered by low oil prices on the pandemic theres the headlines these continues of to talk to us is the era next. What impact will call did 19 on the drop in the oil price come on the race to the white house can donald trump survive these historic setbacks and does joe biden have what it takes to beat a. Special coverage ill just. Say. Its been nearly 2 months since qatar implemented a series of measures to contain the outbreak of covert 19. The government has since closed schools issued state home orders as imposed travel bans all travelers from many countries. But one of the number of deaths here remains low infection rates continue to rise. I am hashem in doha i would be speaking to a Public Health minister dr mohammed el about the governments efforts to tackle the covert 19000

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